On Stardate 3203.2, the Klingons launched a major assault against Starbase 22 in an attempt to disrupt the command and control operations of the entire region. It had been determined by Klingon planners that by taking Starbase 22 off line, either having it badly damaged or destroyed, would allow for a number of other Klingon units flood through the region with minor resistance. The base was both a vital resource center for the Federation and a minor irritation in the pride of the Empire.
Lay out two Star Trek Combat Simulator map-sheets in the configuration shown. Place a planet counter in the center with the orbital station within 2 hexes of the planet. This represents the area of space where the conflict takes place. Use the Graduate Starship Tactics Course rules in this scenario.
The Defending force consists of:
1 Anton Mk II Class X Research Cruiser (USS Merrick)
1 Belfast Mk III Class VIII Cruiser (USS Alberda)
1 Bonhomme Richard Mk III Class XI Heavy Cruiser (USS Tori)
1 Class “H” Mk III Class Station (Starbase 22)
1 Hermes Mk IV Class VII Scout (USS Bridger)
5 Solar Mk I Class III Cutter (USS Garmen, USS Holzhueter, USS Kanwar, USS Northouse, USS Zener)
1 Tokyo Mk III Class VI Destroyer (USS Biscanne)
The Defending force deploys within 6 hexes of the station.
The Attacking force consists of:
2 D-10 C Class X Heavy Cruiser (IKS Primal Darkness, IKS Unbeaten Oppressor)
2 D-17 B Class VII Destroyer (IKS Repulsive Wing, IKS Wrath’s Master)
2 D-19 A Class VIII Light Cruiser (IKS Abusive Talon, IKS Imperative Decimator)
2 D-6 D Class VII Cruiser (IKS Boundless Avenger, IKS Carnivorous Devastator)
2 D-67 D Class V Destroyer (IKS Gorebringer, IKS Renowned Shadow)
4 D-7 C Class VII Battlecruiser (IKS Ragewielder, IKS Shadowfury, IKS Soul of the Swordwielder, IKS Vigilant Blade)
1 L-3 C Class VII Frigate (IKS Swordbreaker’s Brutality)
The attacking force enter from the right edge of the map.
Victory Conditions:
Victory is determined by the total number of Klingon vessels remaining at the end of the scenario. Each surviving Klingon ship is worth 10 points for the Klingon player. Each destroyed Klingon ship is worth 10 points to the defender.

The scenario ends on turn 12 due to a prearranged retreat by the Klingons. Any Klingon ship that does not have sufficient power to warp from the field of battle is considered destroyed.