Amicable Class VIII Armed Transport

design by Guidomc

The Amicable was one of only a hand full of specially designed transports that served as a light destroyer and support vessel. Originally designed by Grupharg Shipbuilding, the initial design was later sold to Cosmadyne in 2266. Cosmadyne engineers redesigned the main weapon outlay and presented Star Fleet Procurement with a fast, light yet well defended transport for use along the forward frontier. Procurement agreed and production began shortly there after.

The Amicable was designed to use special cargo pods to move repair parts and other goods in smaller quantities than larger full size transports. These smaller and lighter cargo pods could be docked directly to a standard gangway hatch on both bases and starships, allowing the Amicable to operate with mobile combat units and repair units when necessary. The Amicable quickly became the “go-to” vessel for transporting specialty equipment that might be damaged by transporters. Special exotic cargos were also common freight, and in 2273, Cosmadyne fielded the first Entertainment pod, specially designed to provide luxury accommodations and entertainment to fleet personnel in deep space. These special pods were transported to front line exploration areas to provide surprisingly divers R&R facilities without the need for large civilian staff.

As a combat platform, the Amicable was somewhat underpowered. The main FWC-1 warp system provided excellent speed, even while towing a fully loaded cargo pod. However, the vessels main weapon, comparable to most destroyers, could not be fully armed. The transport’s twin torpedoes gave the Amicable it’s combat edge.

Despite it’s military capability, the Amicable saw a limited number of engagements. During it’s 40 year service history, only 11 of the 121 Amicables built saw combat, mostly along the Triangle frontier. Of the 67 Mk I’s, 26 Mk II’s and 18 Mk III’s built, 2 Mk I’s were destroyed, and one Mk II was scrapped. All Mk I’s were converted to Mk II’s. 23 Mk II’s and all 18 Mk III’s are in reserve fleets. 70 Mk II’s were disarmed and sold to civilian concerns, while 7 were sold to other governments.

The Amicable was produced Morena, Salazaar and Sol III.

Construction Data:
Model – Mk I Mk II Mk III
Date Entering Service – 2267 2270 2277
Number Constructed – 67 36 18
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points – 24 24 24
Damage Chart – C C C
Length – 239 m 239 m 239 m
Width – 127 m 127 m 127 m
Height – 58 m 58 m 58 m
Weight – 102,600 mt 103,195 mt 104,448 mt
Total SCU – 180 SCU 180 SCU 180 SCU
Cargo Capacity – 9,000 mt 9,000 mt 9,000 mt
Landing Capacity – None None None
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type – M-2 M-3 M-3
Standard 6-person – 2 2 2
Emergency 22-person – 2 2 2
Cargo – 2 2 2
Other Data:
Crew – 191 191 191
Passengers – 80 80 80
Shuttlecraft – 6 6 6
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available – 17 22 26
Movement Point Ratio – 3/1 3/1 3/1
Warp Engine Type – FWC-1 FWC-1 FWC-1
Number – 1 1 1
Power Units Available – 14 14 14
Stress Chart – N/L N/L N/L
Max Safe Cruising Speed – Warp 8 Warp 8 Warp 8
Emergency Speed – Warp 10 Warp 10 Warp 10
Impulse Engine Type – FIC-2 FIE-2 FIF-1
Power Units Available – 3 8 12
Weapons And Firing Data:
Beam Weapon Type – FH-8 FH-12 FH-13
Number – 4 4 4
Firing Arcs – 2 f/p, 2 f/s 2 f/p, 2 f/s 2 f/p, 2 f/s
Firing Chart – T R T
Maximum Power – 5 6 8
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (-) (-) (1-5)
+2 (1-10) (1-9) (6-12)
+1 (11-18) (10-16) (13-18)
Torpedo Weapon Type – FP-2 FP-1 FP-6
Number – 2 2 2
Firing Arcs – 2 f 2 f 2 f
Firing Chart – H L O
Power to Arm – 1 1 1
Damage – 6 10 12
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type – FSH FSH FSI
Shield Point Ratio – 1/2 1/2 1/3
Maximum Shield Power – 12 12 13
Combat Efficiency:
D – 67.3 72.3 88.3
WDF – 21.2 28.4 39.4