K-7 (Observer) Class IV Scout

Klingon-k-7 Scout

Class design by Gene Templeton

Known Sphere Of Operation: Empire-wide use
Data Reliability: A for all models
Major Data Source: A & B Models in Star Fleet Possession

The K-7 was removed from active service sometime after the Four-Years War. 10 Bs are still in reserve fleets. 22 As and 17 Bs have been destroyed. 3 As and 1 B have been captured by the Federation. 2 As and 1 B have been captured by the Orions. 1 A and 1 B have been captured by the Romulans. 24 As and 16 Bs are listed as missing. 7 As and 6 Bs have been scrapped. 70 As and 50 Bs have been traded. 10 As and 52 Bs have been sold. 3 As and 9 Bs are in service to ranking families within the Empire.

The class takes it name from the Klingon term lopwI’.

Construction Data:
     Model – a b
     Ship Class – IV IV
     Date Entering Service – 2234 2243
     Number Constructed – 142 163
Hull Data:
     Superstructure Points – 10 10
     Damage Chart – C C
           Length – 146.5 m 146.5 m
          Width – 77 m 77 m
          Height – 37.1 m 37.1 m
          Weight – 29,940 mt 32,255 mt
          Total SCU – 25 SCU SCU 25 SCU SCU
          Cargo Capacity – 1,2, mt mt 1,2, mt mt
     Landing Capacity – None None
Equipment Date:
     Control Computer Type – ZD-3 ZD-3
          Standard 6-person – 3 3
          Emergency 18-person – 3 3
          Cargo – 1 1
Other Data:
     Crew – 124 124
     Passengers – 15 15
     Shuttlecraft – 1 1
Engines And Power Data:
     Total Power Units Available – 21 27
     Movement Point Ratio – 2/1 2/1
     Warp Engine Type – KWB-1 KWB-2
          Number – 2 2
          Power Units Available – 9 ea. 12 ea.
          Stress Chart – O/Q P/Q
          Max Safe Cruising Speed – Warp 7 Warp 7
          Emergency Speed – Warp 8 Warp 8
     Impulse Engine Type – KIB-1 KIB-1
          Power Units Available – 3 3
Weapons And Firing Data:
     Beam Weapon Type – KD-1 KD-3
          Number – 4 4
          Firing Arcs – 2 f, 1 f/p, 1 f/s 2 f, 1 f/p, 1 f/s
          Firing Chart – B I
          Maximum Power – 4 5
          Damage Modifiers:
               +3 (-) (-)
               +2 (-) (-)
               +1 (-) (1-12)
Shield Data:
     Deflector Shield Type – KSA KSC
     Shield Point Ratio – 1/1 1/1
     Maximum Shield Power – 5 11
Combat Efficiency:
     D – 36.3 49.3
     WDF – 2.8 10.8


This is a rather poor rendering of Gene’s scout ship drawing – one of two you can find on his DeviantArt page. I added it to the lineup to help create some new Klingons for the Federaton (or Romulans) to fight before the TMP era. Although these could be stronger – their small size I think would be fitting to the era in question.