Lay out three Star Trek Combat Simulator map-sheets in the configuration shown. Place a planet counter in the center of the middle map. Place one moon counter along the top left map and on along the middle right map. This represents the area of space where the conflict takes place. Use the Graduate Starship Tactics Course rules in this scenario.
The Defending force consists of:
1 Baton Rouge Mk III Class X Cruiser (USS Arcturus)
3 Cochrane MK I Class VI Transports (USS Amini, USS Harold C. Thomas, USS Marigold)
1 Cygnus Mk I Class VII Command Cruiser (USS Phoenix)
1 Larson Mk I Class VII Destroyer (USS Bahu)
4 Portsmith Mk I Class IV Destroyers (USS Del Norte, USS Lord Wakefield, USS Rainsville, USS Snowflake)
2 Siva Mk I Class VII Destroyer (USS Loki, USS Mars)
1 Tikopai I Mk I Class XI Cruiser (USS Nekarat)
The Defending force’s freighters deploy in orbit of the planet. The defender may also choose two other vessels to be deployed with the freighters in orbit. The remining defending force deploys along the left edge of the map.
The Attacking force consists of:
5 K-3 B Class II Gunboats (IKS Eviscerating Enslaver, IKS Marveller’s Decimation, IKS Smasher’s Torment, IKS Undoubtable Exploiter, IKS Wayfarer)
10 T-3 A Class VI Assault Ship (IKS Annihilating Ranger, IKS Banishing Annihilator, IKS Decimating Warcry, IKS Defiant Darkness, IKS Enthralling Punisher, IKS Exonerating Scorcher, IKS Inferno’s Revenge, IKS Malevolent Enforcer, IKS Unconquerable Swordbearer, IKS Unmerciful Harbinger)
The attacking force enter from the right edge of the map.
Victory Conditions:
Victory is determined by the total number of victory points at the conclusion of The Four Years War campaign. View the Victory Point Table to determine the total points awarded.

The scenario ends on turn 12 due to the arrival of Federation reinforcements.