Lay out two Star Trek Combat Simulator map-sheets in the configuration shown. This represents the area of space where the conflict takes place. Use the Graduate Starship Tactics Course rules in this scenario.
The Defending force consists of:
1 Baton Rouge Mk I Class VII Cruiser (USS Saladin)
2 Baton Rouge Mk II Class VII Cruiser (USS Augusta, USS Churchill)
1 Constitution Mk I Class XI Heavy Cruiser (USS Defiant)
1 Dollond Mk I Class IX Transport (USS Kohlschutter)
1 Eagle Mk I Class VIII Star Liner (USS Patrone)
7 Liberty Mk I Class VII Freighters (USS Ezra Cornell, USS Frank D Phinney, USS George M Bibb, USS Rio Claro, USS Samneagh, USS Sneaton, USS William Kent)
1 Loknar Mk I Class VIII Fast Frigate (USS Moscow)
3 Ptolemy Mk I Class IX Transports (USS Hevelius, USS Philolaus, USS Thales)
The Defending force deploys along the left edge of the map.
The Attacking force consists of:
3 D-4 A Class VII Cruiser (IKS Cruel Retaliation, IKS Dark Wanderer, IKS Warcry)
5 K-3 A Class II Gunboat (IKS Kalath, IKS Merciless Bravery, IKS Skullcrusher’s Retaliation, IKS Spiteful Spirit, KS Unconquerable Killer)
The attacking force enter from the right edge of the map.
Victory Conditions:
Victory is determined by the total number of victory points at the conclusion of The Four Years War campaign. View the Victory Point Table to determine the total points awarded.

The defending force may only escape by moving off the right side of the map. Any vessel that move off the right size has escape and can not re-enter the battle.
The scenario ends on turn 12 due to the arrival of Klingon reinforcements. Any Federation vessels that have not moved off the right side of the map by the end of Turn 12 are considered destroyed.