R-1 Investigator Research Station

from FASA’s Star Trek© The Role Playing Game Supplement – Regula 1 Orbital Station Deckplans

The R-1 Investigator Type orbital research station enables scientists to pursue research in secrecy and far from support installations. Designed to provide maximum comfort and utility for both researcher staff and support personnel, the R-1 Investigator can operate for up to 18 months without resupply. Traditionally, the stations are named after the planet they orbit; e.g., Lyrae Nicbe 1 or Vulcan 1.

The Mk I is completely unarmed and almost exclusively assigned to civilian research groups for a wide range of long term projects. The Federation Science Council administers these stations and is in charge of overall day-to-day operations. Engineering and operation staff are all civilians, although many are former Star Fleet or other naval personnel.

The Mk II is a heavily armed research station used either in dangerous locations or as research platforms for highly sensitive military projects. These stations are also assigned a significant protection detail consisting of corvettes, escorts and even cruisers where warranted.

The Mk III was an update to the Mk I, proposed after the loss of Regula 1. Although only lightly armed, the Mk III can defend it’s self against boarding by most hostile forces if needed. The torpedo launcher also added the capability to launch long-range probes, reducing the potential need for support craft when studying large-area phenomenon.

The R-1 Investigator is also commercially available in it’s Mk I configuration.

Though based on the standard R-1 design, the Investigator has the following modifications.

Botany Studies (Level 1)
Besides offering a park area, this level contains numerous floral specimines for study under different climatic conditions. Environmental control facilities allow scientists to examine specimen reaction to almost any climate. Automated systems running below this level regulate floral growth.

Specialized Labs (Level 15)
Extensive research labs replace most of the repair facilities on this level. This is where scientists work on their primary research experiments.

Construction Data:
Model – Mk I Mk II Mk III
Ship Class – Station Station Station
Date Entering Service – 2268 2288 2301
Number Constructed – 22 18 20
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points – 40 50 40
Damage Chart – Station Station Station
Length – 200 m 200 m 200 m
Width – 200 m 200 m 200 m
Height – 210 m 210 m 210 m
Weight – 776,620 mt 801,265 mt 781,580 mt
Total SCU – 200 SCU 250 SCU 200 SCU
Cargo Capacity – 10,000 mt 12,500 mt 10,000 mt
Landing Capacity – None None None
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type – L-14 M-6a M-4
Standard 6-person – 1 1 1
Emergency 22-person – 3 3 3
Cargo – 2 2 2
Other Data:
Crew – 150 175 150
Troops – 0 20 0
Passengers – 20 20 20
Shuttlecraft – 8 6 8
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available – 114 114 114
Movement Point Ratio – 10/1 10/1 10/1
Warp Engine Type – FMAPG-1 FMAPG-1 FMAPG-1
Number – 1 1 1
Power Units Available – 98 98 98
Stress Chart – -/- -/- -/-
Max Safe Cruising Speed – N/A N/A N/A
Emergency Speed – N/A N/A N/A
Impulse Engine Type – FIPG-1a FIPG-1a FIPG-1a
Power Units Available – 16 16 16
Weapons And Firing Data:
Beam Weapon Type – FH-11
Number – 6
Firing Arcs – 2 per arc
Firing Chart – Y
Maximum Power – 10
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (1-10)
+2 (11-17)
+1 (18-24)
Torpedo Weapon Type – FP-5 FP-1
Number – 3 3
Firing Arcs – 1 per arc 1 per arc
Firing Chart – R L
Power to Arm – 1 1
Damage – 16 10
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type – FSSA FSSL FSSM
Shield Point Ratio – 1/2 1/3 1/1
Maximum Shield Power – 16 26 28
Combat Efficiency:
D – 112.2 157 113.2
WDF – 0 92.7 13.2