Triton Class XIII Torpedo Cruiser

design by Brad R. Torgersen



Construction Data:
Model Number — Mk I Mk II Mk III
Date Entering Service — 2295 2309 2327
Number Constructed — 85 96 Refit
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points — 44 44 44
Damage Chart — C C C
Length — 336.9 m 336.9 m 336.9 m
Width — 141.2 m 141.2 m 141.2 m
Height — 84.6 m 84.6 m 84.6 m
Weight — 235,165 mt 237,545 mt 238,260 mt
Cargo Units — 600 SCU 600 SCU 600 SCU
Cargo Capacity — 30,000 mt 30,000 mt 30,000 mt
Landing Capacity — None None None
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type — M-7 M-7A M-8
Standard 6-person — 5 5 5
Combat 20-person — 4 4 4
Emergency 22-person — 4 4 4
Cargo — 5 5 5
Other Data:
Crew — 459 459 459
Troops — 120 120 120
Passengers — 40 40 40
Shuttlecraft — 12 12 12
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available — 95 99 99
Movement Point Ratio — 6/1 6/1 6/1
Warp Engine Type — FWG-1 FWG-1 FWG-1
Number — 3 3 3
Power Units Available — 21 ea. 21 ea. 21 ea.
Stress Charts — E/G E/G E/G
Max Safe Cruising Speed — Warp 8 Warp 8 Warp 8
Emergency Speed — Warp 9 Warp 9 Warp 9
Impulse Engine Type — FIG-2 FIH-2 FIH-2
Power Units Available — 32 36 36
Weapons And Firing Data:
Beam Weapon Type — FH-11 FH-11 FH-11
Number — 8 10 10
Firing Arcs — 2 f/p, 2 f, 2 f/s, 2 f/p, 2 f, 2 f/s, 2 f/p, 2 f, 2 f/s,
2 a 2 p/a, 2 s/a 2 p/a, 2 s/a
Firing Chart — Y Y Y
Maximum Power — 10 10 10
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (1-10) (1-10) (1-10)
+2 (11-17) (11-17) (11-17)
+1 (18-24) (18-24) (18-24)
Torpedo Weapon Type — FP-4 FP-9 FP-9
Number — 4 4 4
Firing Arcs — 4 f 4 f 4 f
Firing Chart — S R R
Power to Arm — 1 1 1
Damage — 20 28 28
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type — FSP FSP FSS
Shield Point Ratio — 1/4 1/4 1/4
Maximum Shield Power — 16 16 20
Combat Efficiency:
D — 174.9 178.9 184.9
WDF — 135.6 173.4 173.4


Yet another of Brad’s amazing designs, the Triton, like many of his creation, uses a mix of original material and different updated equipment than we use. Back in the day I remember helping to figure out the D- for this puppy and just loved the look. However, bringing it into our piece of the FASA universe, I really felt she needed a little upgrade – a bit more bang for the buck. I think the final numbers really fit in with our other designs and hopefully this baby will play well in any game you drop her into.