Tavares Class II Commercial Freighter

Tavares Freighter

from FASA’s Star Trek© The Role Playing Game Supplement – The Triangle Campaign 

Designed as a light freighter, the Tavares Class has served Star Fleet for 23 years in that capacity. With a cargo capacity of 45,000 tons, these ships ply the space lanes carry­ing out the duties of the Materiel Command. These vessels are not only used by Star Fleet but are also to be found in the civil sector. The 1,226 vessels produced for Star Fleet account for only one-fourth of the total built. These small freighters can usually be seen at any starport throughout the Federation and the Triangle.

Of the 1,226 Mk I vessels built for Star Fleet, 985 remain in active service, while 72 have been scrapped, 122 lost for various reasons, 40 sold to the private sector. Of the 3,678 sold directly to civilian entities, 133 have been scrapped and 201 have been lost for various reasons. Over 200 have been sold or traded to concerns outside the Federation.

The Tavares takes its name from a late 20th-century personality responsible for the Terran movement to populate the nearby planets and thus begin their expansion into the galaxy.

Vessels of Note:
Billion Credit Princess
Bringer of Profit
Ecosse Express
Pride of Kumari
Cobra III

Construction Data:
Model – Mk I
Cost – 34.5 MCr.
Ship Class – II
Date Entering Service – 2257
Number Constructed – 4,904
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points – 3
Damage Chart – C
Length – 65.5 m
Width – 32 m
Height – 18 m
Weight – 13,910 mt
Total SCU – 900 SCU
Cargo Capacity – 45,000 mt
Landing Capacity – Yes
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type – L-14
Standard 6-person – 1
Cargo – 3
Other Data:
Crew – 4
Passengers – 4
Shuttlecraft – 1
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available – 22
Movement Point Ratio –
unloaded – 2/1
loaded – 4/1
Warp Engine Type – FWH-1
Number – 2
Power Units Available – 10 ea.
Stress Chart – Q/R
Max Safe Cruising Speed –
unloaded- Warp 6
loaded – Warp 4
Emergency Speed –
unloaded – Warp 8
loaded – Warp 5
Impulse Engine Type – FIB-1
Power Units Available – 2
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type – FSC
Shield Point Ratio – 1/1
Maximum Shield Power – 12
Combat Efficiency:
D –
unloaded – 36.8
loaded – 28.8
WDF – 0.0
Ship Description Sheet
Master Control Panel

Starship Recognition Sheet


The Tavares class is named for Erik Tavares, the nephew of the original illustrator – David Deitrick. David named the Tavares after his nephew so that Erik could prove to his friends that his uncle was in fact doing illustrations for the Star Trek © Role Playing Game.