Aberdeen Class X Cruiser

concept by Vintage Starship II

Known Sphere Of Operation:  AOFW and Triangle are
Data Reliability:  A
Major Data Source:  Triangle Sector Intelligence
The Aberdeen class was derived from the purchase of ten Baton Rouge class hulls slated for decommissioning following the Four-Years War. While New New Aberdeen was technically not a member of the United Federation of Planets, the planet maintained incredibly close ties with the Federation and was granted a number of special-status privileges. Coupled with the extensive support provided during the Four-Years War, many on the Federation council were more than happy to sign off on the sale of these war battered vessels. In true New New Aberdeen fashion, the ships were immediately upgraded and refurbished and became the AOFW Aberdeen class.

The Mk I was similar to the original Baton Rouge with some external changes, most notably the removal of the older bridge module, as well as replacement of the primary sensor array. Internal changes were also made to provide more comfortable living quarters for the crew as well as additional cargo facilities to allow the Aberdeen class to double as a light freighter while on patrol. The primary computer was swapped out for the improved M-4, a system that designers at New New Aberdeen had only recently begun manufacturing. The most impressive change, however, was the use of the FWD-2 drive system. This drive provided incredible maneuverability even at high warp making command of these ships popular in the AOFW navy.

In mid-2260, the Aberdeen herself was launched and became the backbone of the AOFW navy. Several of her sister ship were soon upgraded and joined her defending AOFW interests. The Aberdeen class became synonymous with pirate interdiction, and by 2270, most pirates knew to disengage when these ships arrived on scene.

However, by 2272, council member on Baker’s World were aware that new Klingon designs as well as more powerful Orion raiders were becoming a threat in the Triangle. By 2274, new equipment manufacturing permits were granted to the AOFW and upgrades to the Aberdeen class were begun. Launched in 2276, the Mk II saw upgrades to the weapon systems and shields, giving the Mk II a significant boost in combat capability when needed. These vessels continued to operate until 2303, engaging a number of varying entities throughout their careers.

A total of 14 Aberdeen class ships were fielded by the AOFW, including 10 hulls purchased from the Federation and 4 newly built ships. All 14 were eventually upgraded to Mk II configuration and have since been retired. 13 hulls are in storage at the New New Aberdeen Fleet Surplus Depot and 1 is a museum at Baker’s World.

Construction Data:
Model Number — Mk I Mk II
Ship Class — X X
Date Entering Service — 2260 2276
Number Constructed — 14 Refit
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points — 30 30
Damage Chart — C C
Length — 310.4 m 310.4 m
Width — 142.1 m 142.1 m
Height — 62 m 62 m
Weight — 155,020 mt 154,260 mt
Cargo Units — 396 SCU 396 SCU
Cargo Capacity — 19,800 mt 19,800 mt
Landing Capacity — None None
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type — M-4 M-4
Standard 6-person — 2 2
Emergency 22-person — 2 2
Cargo — 6 6
Other Data:
Crew — 263 263
Passengers — 46 46
Shuttlecraft — 6 6
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available — 42 42
Movement Point Ratio — 2/1 2/1
Warp Engine Type — FWD-2 FWD-2
Number — 2 2
Power Units Available — 18 ea. 18 ea.
Stress Charts — M/G M/G
Max Safe Cruising Speed — Warp 6 Warp 6
Emergency Speed — Warp 8 Warp 8
Impulse Engine Type — FIC-3 FIC-3
Power Units Available — 6 6
Weapons And Firing Data:
Beam Weapon Type — FH-5 FH-12
Number — 6 6
Firing Arcs — 2 f/p, 2 f, 2 f/s 2 f/p, 2 f, 2 f/s
Firing Chart — R R
Maximum Power — 4 6
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (-) (-)
+2 (1-8) (1-9)
+1 (9-16) (10-16)
Torpedo Weapon Type — FP-1 FP-6
Number — 3 3
Firing Arcs — 2 f, 1 a 2 f, 1 a
Firing Chart — L O
Power to Arm — 1 1
Damage — 10 12
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type — FSN FSO
Shield Point Ratio — 1/2 1/3
Maximum Shield Power — 16 16
Combat Efficiency:
D — 125.9 155.4
WDF — 33.0 45.6


The following list of Aberdeen class cruisers shows their hull numbers, name, model designation, date entering service and current disposition. The disposition as of 2400 is represented by the letter codes given here and is followed by the date of occurrence, if known.
B – Built
Mk II – Refit to Mk II
I – Inactive/Reserve fleet
Registry Vessel Model Status
CA-10 Aberdeen Mk I B-2260, Mk II-2276, I-2299
CA-11 Inverness Mk I B-2261, Mk II-2277, I-2299
CA-12 Glasgow Mk I B-2261, Mk II-2276, I-2301
CA-13 Dundee Mk I B-2262, Mk II-2278, I-2302
CA-14 Hamilton Mk I B-2263, Mk II-2276, I-2301
CA-15 Perth Mk I B-2263, Mk II-2277, I-2302
CA-16 Airdrie Mk I B-2263, Mk II-2279, I-2300
CA-17 Rutherglen Mk I B-2265, Mk II-2278, I-2301
CA-18 Elgin Mk I B-2264, Mk II-2277, I-2300
CA-19 Falkirk Mk I B-2265, Mk II-2279, I-2298
CA-20 Renfrew Mk I B-2265, Mk II-2278, I-2303
CA-21 Arboath Mk I B-2266, Mk II-2280, I-2299
CA-22 Kilwinning Mk I B-2266, Mk II-2279, I-2302
CA-23 Larkhall Mk I B-2267, Mk II-2281, I-2303