Royal Sovereign Class XVII Battlecruiser

from FASA’s Star Trek© The Role Playing Game Supplement – Star Trek: The Next Generation Officer’s Manual, artwork by Calvinboygenius

The Mk I Royal Sovereign is equipped with the powerful FWO-2 warp engines that were successful on other larger deep space vessels, as well as the latest quad-tranducer shielding system. This class had been an unqualified success. Besides functioning as warships, several Royal Sovereigns have distinguished themselves as exploration craft, most notably the Valliant’s initial contact with the humanoid species on Have.

The Mk II Royal Sovereign is equipped with the more powerful FNWD-5a warp system, increasing overall speed. Overall tactical systems were nearly doubled, the the use of FNH-38 to preplace the older FH-20’s. The class continues to serve as both a military deterrent and a powerful exploratory platform.

Of the twelve Royal Sovereigns built, eight are still in service, two have been lost, and two destroyed. All Mk Is were refit to Mk IIs just in time to participate in the Dominion War. The Royal Sovereign class was produced at the Salazaar Shipyards at a rate of one per year.

Construction Data:
Model – Mk I Mk II
Ship Class – XVII XVII
Date Entering Service – 2338 2368
Number Constructed – 12 9 Refit
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points – 150 170
Damage Chart – C C
Length – 625 m 625 m
Width – 224 m 224 m
Height – 100 m 100 m
Weight – 431,942 mt 432,804 mt
Total SCU – 750 SCU 750 SCU
Cargo Capacity – 37,500 mt 37,500 mt
Landing Capacity – None None
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type – M-8a (x2) I-7 (x2)
Standard 6-person – 6 6
Combat 20-person – 5 5
Emergency 22-person – 5 5
Cargo – 6 6
Other Data:
Crew – 820 820
Troops – 200 200
Passengers – 50 50
Shuttlecraft – 16 16
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available – 140 154
Movement Point Ratio – 10/1 10/1
Warp Engine Type – FWO-2 FNWD-5a
Number – 2 2
Power Units Available – 48 ea. 54 ea.
Stress Chart – G/I C/D
Max Safe Cruising Speed – Warp 7 Warp 7
Emergency Speed – Warp 8 Warp 9
Impulse Engine Type – FIH-3 FIK-9
Power Units Available – 44 46
Weapons And Firing Data:
Beam Weapon Type – FH-20 FNH-38
Number – 10 10
Firing Arcs – 4 p/f/s, 2 f/p/a, 2 f/s/a, 1 p/a, 1 s/a 4 p/f/s, 2 f/p/a, 2 f/s/a, 1 p/a, 1 s/a
Firing Chart – Y Y
Maximum Power – 14 30
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (1-14) (1-10)
+2 (15-19) (11-17)
+1 (20-24) (18-24)
Torpedo Weapon Type – FP-11 FP-12
Number – 8 8
Firing Arcs – 4 f, 4 a 4 f, 4 a
Firing Chart – S S
Power to Arm – 1 1
Damage – 30 38
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type – FST FNSR
Shield Point Ratio – 1/4 1/5
Maximum Shield Power – 44 52
Combat Efficiency:
D – 358.5 428.1
WDF – 296.4 465.4


The following list of Royal Sovereign class battlecruisers shows their hull numbers, name, model designation, date entering service and current disposition. The disposition as of 2400 is represented by the letter codes given here and is followed by the date of occurrence, if known.
B – Built
D – Destroyed by hostile action or natural disaster
Sc – Scrapped
L – Lost, whereabouts unknown
R2 – Refit to Mk II
Registry Vessel Model Status
NCC-3000 Royal Soverign Mk I B – 2338, R2 – 2369
NCC-3001 Alaska Mk I B – 2339, R2 – 2368
NCC-3002 Royal Andor Mk I B – 2341, L – 2363
NCC-3003 Kola Mk I B – 2344, R2 – 2370
NCC-3004 Royal Proxima Mk I B – 2345, R2 – 2369
NCC-3005 Nagato Mk I B – 2347, R2 – 2368
NCC-3006 Discovery Mk I B – 2349, R2 – 2368
NCC-3007 Saratoga III Mk I B – 2351, R2 – 2371
NCC-3008 Royal Centauri Mk I B – 2353, L – 2358
NCC-3009 Royal Hibernia Mk I B – 2355, D – 2358
NCC-3010 Valiant Mk I B – 2357, Sc – 2366
NCC-3011 Jean Bart Mk I B – 2359, R2 – 2372