Admiral Greer Class XII Fast Frigate

The Admiral Greer class of fast frigate was one of the last adopted proposal upgrades to the venerable but now aged Loknar class of combat frigate. Tabled by Sinar Fleet Design in 2285, the class was intended to be a final refit and to eventually replace other upgrade designs with a more flexible and heftier variant. Significantly larger than its predecessor, the Admiral Greer class would incorporate the Excelsior class of primary hull as well as the new trans-warp drive. But by 2290, trans-warp had been proven too unstable and unwieldy for standard use. Lessons learned from the program helped fuel the extensive refit of the fleet, and the Admiral Greer class was placed on hold.

Reinvigorated in 2293, the Admiral Greer class was approved for construction shortly after the Kitomer Conference. It was quickly apparent to many within Star Fleet that the Romulans would go to great length to destabilize and sabotage any attempt at peace with the Kligon Empire. Growing threats from other regions of space also spurred the construction of numerous classes of vessels, including the Admiral Greer.

The Mk I was finally commissioned in mid-2300, much to the relief of Star Fleet ground forces commanders. The Admiral Greer’s similarity to the famed Lokanr class gave it instant approval with Andorian commanders, who quickly began requesting assignment to the capable class. Unlike other frigate designs, the Admiral Greer was highly automated, incorporating the powerful M-7a multitronic computer system. Even with extensive redundant components, crew requirements were kept to a minimum. Recreation facilities aboard were significant, as were crew accommodations and training facilities. Only the Chandley class compared to the roomy interior of the Admiral Greer class. The Admiral Greer retained the weapon complement of it forbearer, with standard forward weapons systems augmented by three forward torpedoes. The Mk Is reinforced hull and significant FSS shielding systems also gave the class an advantage in combat.

The Admiral Greer would server with distinction along the Romulan and Gorn boarders and played a major part in the escalation of hostilities leading to the Tomed Incident. 15 of the completed 17 hulls would see combat during the conflict. Amazingly, despite casualties and damage, no Admiral Greer class was lost in combat.

In the early 2320s, Sinar Fleet proposed an upgrade to the Admiral Greer class that would allow the vessels to serve well into the 24th century. With only moderate updated to existing systems, the Mk II extended the combat capabilities of the class giving the venerable frigate enough firepower and survivability to engage rumored new Romulan designs. It would be the Cardassian boarder that would draw the Admiral Greer class once again into harm’s way. By 2335, nearly half of all Admiral Greer class vessels had been transferred to the Cardassian boarder, which continued to deteriorate as Cardassia annexed more and more systems.

The Admiral Greer was not the only design to be based on the Lokanr, and by 2340, the remaining contracts for the Admiral Greer’s were cancelled. Yet the Greer’s heavy automation meant a smaller crew and much more comfortable accommodations, nearly twice that of standard Federation vessels. This had made service aboard Admiral Greer class vessels very popular. To date, the Admiral Greer has fared surprisingly well in its engagement against enemy vessels. Of the original 40 ordered, only 25 were completed, including 17 Mk Is and 8 Mk IIs. Of those, 1 Mk I has been destroyed in combat and one scrapped, also after combat. 14 Mk Is have been converted to Mk II specs. One Mk II is currently in use as a training vessel. One Mk II was detached and is in the process of equipment evaluation for Sinar Fleet who plans to upgrade the now aging Admiral Greer class within the year. The Admiral Greer was produced at the Cait and Alpha Centauri shipyards.

Construction Data:
Model – Mk I Mk II
Ship Class – XII XII
Date Entering Service – 2300 2320
Number Constructed – 17 8
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points – 50 50
Damage Chart – C C
Length – 376 m 376 m
Width – 177 m 177 m
Height – 53 m 53 m
Weight – 195,580 mt 196,755 mt
Total SCU – 320 SCU 320 SCU
Cargo Capacity – 16,000 mt 16,000 mt
Landing Capacity – None None
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type – M-7a M-8
Standard 6-person – 3 3
Combat 20-person – 4 4
Emergency 22-person – 3 3
Cargo – 3 3
Other Data:
Crew – 343 345
Troops – 125 125
Passengers – 40 40
Shuttlecraft – 26 26
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available – 76 84
Movement Point Ratio – 4/1 4/1
Warp Engine Type – FWG-1 FWG-1
Number – 2 2
Power Units Available – 26 ea. 26 ea.
Stress Chart – D/F D/F
Max Safe Cruising Speed – Warp 8 Warp 8
Emergency Speed – Warp 10 Warp 10
Impulse Engine Type – FIG-1 FIG-2
Power Units Available – 24 32
Weapons And Firing Data:
Beam Weapon Type – FH-11 FH-18
Number – 10 10
Firing Arcs – 2 f/p, 2 f, 2 f/s, 4 a 2 f/p, 2 f, 2 f/s, 4 a
Firing Chart – Y Y
Maximum Power – 10 12
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (1-10) (1-10)
+2 (11-17) (11-17)
+1 (18-24) (18-24)
Torpedo Weapon Type – FP-4 FP-9
Number – 4 4
Firing Arcs – 3 f, 1 a 3 f, 1 a
Firing Chart – S R
Power to Arm – 1 1
Damage – 20 28
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type – FSS FSQ
Shield Point Ratio – 1/4 1/4
Maximum Shield Power – 20 30
Combat Efficiency:
D – 207.5 235.5
WDF – 157 193.8