V-26 (Firewing) Class XI Cruiser


design by Christopher Cornelius

Known Sphere of Operation:  Empire-wide Use
Data Reliability:  C for Type 1
Major Data Source:  Romulan Sector Intelligence

The Firewing was suppose to be the Romulans answer to the new Federation Excelsior class starship. Originally designed to be used as a heavy cruiser, but during testing of the first prototype, it was better suited as a cruiser instead.

The Firewings original mission profile called for the cruiser to escort larger warships, but was soon changed when three Firewings came up against six Klingon D-7 cruisers in the Triangle. The Klingons were in engaging in war games when they picked up a Romulan ship on there sensors. After confirmation that they had encountered a new Romulan vessel, it was decided to capture the ship and bring it back to Outpost 2. When the battle started, the Klingons did not realize that there were two other cloaked Firewings with the uncloaked ship and two Whitewinds in the area. By the time the Whitewinds came in to help the Firewings, they had destroyed two D-7s and crippled one. The remaining Klingons were running or staying in the fight. Those who stayed were either destroyed or captured.

The Type 1 saw some more action but when some of the short comings started to appear, the Type 2 entered service with an upgrade to the engines, weapons, and shields. This new type finally saw some action against the Federation when three Type 2s and three Bright Ones that were on a patrol in the Neutral Zone intercepted and attacked a freighter. The freighter called out to near by Federation vessels. Two Miranda and two Lokar Class vessels came to the aid of the ship. The captain of lead Federation starship was thinking that the Firewings were out numbered and over classed but soon found out the hard way. All three Bright Ones were destroyed but in the process, both Lokar class vessels were destroyed along with one of the Mirandas. The second Miranda managed to escape with heavy damaged. Of the three Firewings, one was destroyed, one was heavily damaged and had to be abandoned, and one was slightly damaged. The freighter was captured by the Romulans and was found smuggling Romulan Ale. After the incident, the Federation was very concerned about he new vessel and tried to get as much information on this new Romulan starship. Six months later the Federation finally managed to capture one and examined it. This provided a treasure trove of information on the new ship. Seven months later the Romulan High Command decided to make another improvement with the Type 3. The Type 3s only change was the upgrading of the impulse drive, weapons, and shielding. It is hoped the vessel will last into the new century.

Production of the V-26 ended in 2310 with only 12 Type 3s produced. While several of these vessels are in service with the Romulan Free States, most are in reserve fleets.

Construction Data:
     Model – Type-1 Type-2 Type-3
     Ship Class – XI XI XI
     Date Entering Service – 2288 2290 2306
     Number Constructed – 28 40 12
Hull Data:
     Superstructure Points – 38 40 40
     Damage Chart – C C C
           Length – 200 m 200 m 200 m
          Width – 220 m 220 m 220 m
          Height – 60 m 60 m 60 m
          Weight – 172,318 mt 175,803 mt 177,930 mt
          Total SCU – 360 SCU 360 SCU 370 SCU
          Cargo Capacity – 18,000 mt 18,000 mt 18,500 mt
     Landing Capacity – None None None
Equipment Date:
     Control Computer Type – R6M R6M R6M-1
          Standard 9-person – 2 2 2
          Emergency 20-person – 2 2 2
          Cargo – 3 3 3
     Cloaking Device Type – RCD RCD RCD
          Power Requirements – 22 22 22
Other Data:
     Crew – 400 400 410
     Passengers – 10 10 10
     Shuttlecraft – 6 6 6
Engines And Power Data:
     Total Power Units Available – 55 64 74
     Movement Point Ratio – 4/1 4/1 4/1
     Warp Engine Type – RWF-2 RWF-3 RWF-3
          Number – 2 2 2
          Power Units Available – 20 ea. 22 ea. 22 ea.
          Stress Chart – G/M G/N G/N
          Max Safe Cruising Speed – Warp 7 Warp 7 Warp 7
          Emergency Speed – Warp 8 Warp 9 Warp 9
     Impulse Engine Type – RIE-2 RIE-3 RIG-2
          Power Units Available – 15 20 30
Weapons And Firing Data:
     Beam Weapon Type – RB-5 RB-5 RB-11
          Number – 6 6 6
          Firing Arcs – 1 f, 2 f/p, 2 f/s, 1 a 2 f/p, 2 f/s, 1 p/a, 1 s/a 2 f/p, 2 f/s, 1 p/a, 1 s/a
          Firing Chart – V V V
          Maximum Power – 5 5 9
          Damage Modifiers:
               +3 (1-10) (1-10) (1-10)
               +2 (11-16) (11-16) (11-16)
               +1 (17-21) (17-21) (17-21)
     Beam Weapon Type – RMD-1 RMD-3 RMD-6
          Number – 2 2 2
           Firing Arcs – 2 f 2 f 2 f
          Firing Chart – H L Q
          Maximum Power – 12 16 24
          Damage Modifiers:
               +3 (1-3) (1-4) (1-5)
               +2 (4-7) (5-8) (6-9)
               +1 (8-10) (9-12) (10-14)
     Torpedo Weapon Type – RPL-3 RPL-3 RPL-3
          Number – 4 4 4
          Firing Arcs – 2 f, 2 a 2 f, 2 a 2 f, 2 a
           Firing Chart – T T T
          Power to Arm – 8 8 8
          Damage – RL-3 RL-3 RL-3
Shield Data:
     Deflector Shield Type – RSI RSO RSP
     Shield Point Ratio – 1/3 1/3 1/3
     Maximum Shield Power – 8 15 18
Combat Efficiency:
     D – 123.3 147.2 157.7
     WDF – 94.8 101.8 131.6