I-25 (Relentless) Class VII Cruiser

design by Morgan Donovan

Known Sphere Of Operation:  Triangle, Romulan Border, Federation Border
Data Reliability:  C for all models
Major Data Source:  Triangle Sector Intelligence

Star Fleet’s information concerning the IKS’ I-25 is somewhat limited. While certain data has been derived from encounters and patrol reports, the bulk of established capability was procured from an analysis report of an I-25 captured by Klingon forces.

The I-25 is believed to have been built at several Orion shipyards using the general plans of the Klingon’s D-9 research/exploration cruiser. The I-25 is more heavily armed and better protected than it’s cousin, which was never a popular class within the Empire. The I-25 is lighter, owing to the use of the KWC power plant. With only a handful of direct encounters with Star Fleet, it is unknown if these ships use cannibalized KWC drive or direct Orion copies. It was not until well into the 2270’s that the fledgling IKS had sufficient capability to built new warp drives. The weapon systems are fully Orion due to this deficiency in IKS manufacturing.

The internal volume believed to have been dedicated to scientific research on the D-9 appears to have been replaced by barracks for up too three platoons of troops. The class is known to have three combat transporters as well making it ideal for quick ground operations.

The Variant 2 is belied to have been equipped with a KCC cloaking device. This made the Variant 2 a formidable raiding vessel throughout the Triangle. Unconfirm reports indicate that the Klingons were considering refitting their own D-9s or creating a new class of attack cruiser at one point.

A total of 21 I-25s were known to have been built. 3 Variant-1s and 3 Variant-2s were destroyed. 2 Variant 1s and 1 Variant 2 have been captured. 2 Variant=-1s and 1 Variant 2 were scrapped. 5 Variant 1s adn 4 Variant-2s were repatriated in the late 2370’s, all of which were eventually sold to ranking families in the Empire.

Construction Data:
Model Number — Variant-1 Variant-2
Ship Class — VII VII
Date Entering Service — 2271 2277
Number Constructed — 12 9
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points — 26 26
Damage Chart — B B
Length — 159.7 m 159.7 m
Width — 110.3 m 110.3 m
Height — 29.9 m 29.9 m
Weight — 98,020 mt 98,765 mt
Cargo Units — 131 SCU 131 SCU
Cargo Capacity — 6,550 mt 6,550 mt
Landing Capacity — None None
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type — ZD-5 ZD-5
Standard 6-person — 2 2
Combat 22-person — 3 3
Emergency 18-person — 1 1
Cargo — 2 2
Cloaking Device Type — KCC
Power Requirements — 32
Other Data:
Crew — 183 183
Troops — 66 66
Passengers — 0 0
Shuttlecraft — 4 4
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available — 46 54
Movement Point Ratio — 3/1 3/1
Warp Engine Type — KWC-2 KWC-2
Number — 2 2
Power Units Available — 18 ea. 18 ea.
Stress Charts — L/O L/O
Max Safe Cruising Speed — Warp 8 Warp 8
Emergency Speed — Warp 9 Warp 9
Impulse Engine Type — OID-3 KIE-3
Power Units Available — 10 18
Weapons And Firing Data:
Beam Weapon Type — OD-4 OD-4
Number — 6 6
Firing Arcs — 2 f, 2 p/a, 2 s/a 2 f, 2 p/a, 2 s/a
Firing Chart — T T
Maximum Power — 6 6
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (-) (-)
+2 (1-18) (1-18)
+1 (-) (-)
Torpedo Weapon Type — OP-4 OP-4
Number — 3 3
Firing Arcs — 2 f, 1 a 2 f, 1 a
Firing Chart — H H
Power to Arm — 1 1
Damage — 6 6
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type — KSJ KSK
Shield Point Ratio — 2/3 1/2
Maximum Shield Power — 13 13
Combat Efficiency:
D — 88.9 106.2
WDF — 36.3 36.3