Vaugondy Class XI Fire Support Cruiser

«Last Updated – February 2, 2017»

Vaugondy Class XI Fire Support Cruiser

Class design by Guidomc

The Vaugondy was a class born from conflict and, much to the consternation of many in the Federation, bread for conflict. The design it’s self was originally presented as one of nearly one hundred designs for the replacement of the aging Enterprise class, but by the middle of the first Tzenkethi war, Star Fleet realized that a more combat-oriented heavy cruiser was needed.
The classification of the Vaugondy as a fire support cruiser was something unusual for Star Fleet, who had only ever planned such vessels directly for a known conflict. The decision to design a ship that could switch from the traditional heavy cruiser role to that of major combat platform presented several challenges for designer. The traditional locations of the on-board labs, secondary sensor emplacements and power supply system for the research aspect of the vessel were right in the location where protected and armored weapon system would need to go. Designers also wanted to provide a backup for ground support systems during landing missions where the Vaugondy would be the primary control vessel. These additional design requirements meant that the Vaugondy would not see action during the Tzenkethi war. However, with other conflicts brewing, Star Fleet Procurment along with Star Fleet Marien Operations felt that the Vaugondy would remain a feasible operating platform. The decision to built ten hulls was green-lighted in later 2296.
The Mk I used the light but powerful FWL main warp system. This gave the Mk I excellent speed and sustainable maneuverability. Planners envisioned the Vaugondy linking up with a frigate squadron or other troop operating force and moving into a system to conduct ground operations. Once ground operations had secured a “beachhead” on the surface, the Vaugondy would be able to quickly warp out of the system and link up with incoming support vessels such as freighters and combat tugs to provide escort as they approached the target. The Vaugondy would then be in place to support breakout maneuvers while supporting frigates and destroyers that might be defending the landing force. The Vaugondy’s impressive 11 phaser emplacements allowed strategists to plan for a wide range of orbital and in-system operations. The Mk I also had additional transporters and a command-and-control center that allowed the vessel to take over operational coordination should the main command ship be incapacitated.
Designers did not ignore the peace time operational requirements of the Vaugondy either. Designers included the QIK-96A Sensor Emplacement as the primary sensor system. Far more sensitive than other systems, the inclusion was met with skepticism. Many felts that the Vaugondy’s primary combat mission did not warrant such an expensive and sensitive sensor system. However, a study by Galaxy Exploration Command found that the improved sensor system would indeed allow the Vaugondy to operation as a successful heavy cruiser when not engaged in combat operations.
Despite high hopes, the Vaugondy class as a whole would see little combat during its early operational life. In 2300, contracts for the vessel were cut from 10 to 7. However, in 2306, as relation with the Romulans declined, Star Fleet operations created several task-forces that included the Vaugondy class in anticipation of hostilities. Planners knew that a number of planets along the Romulan Neutral Zone did not have sufficient ground forces to discourage Romulan aggression, yet Star Fleet did not have large numbers of ground forces available. Star Fleet realized that a rapid reaction force would be the best bet to slow Romulan ground forces. When the Romulan finally ended the conflict after the Tommed Incident, all seven Vaugondy’s had seen combat and proven their worth.
In 2320, Star Fleet Operations requested an update to the Vaugondy.

Construction Data:
Model – Mk I MK III
Ship Class – XI XI
Date Entering Service – 2298 2321
Number Constructed – 7 7 refit
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points – 50 50
Damage Chart – C C
Length – 282 m 282 m
Width – 141 m 141 m
Height – 64 m 64 m
Weight – 173,670 mt 174,955 mt
Total SCU – 340 SCU 340 SCU
Cargo Capacity – 17,000 mt 17,000 mt
Landing Capacity – None None
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type – M-7 M-7A
Standard 6-person – 8 8
Emergency 22-person – 4 4
Cargo – 3 3
Other Data:
Crew – 457 457
Passengers – 20 20
Shuttlecraft – 15 15
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available – 74 74
Movement Point Ratio – 5/1 5/1
Warp Engine Type – FWL-2 FWL-2
Number – 2 2
Power Units Available – 25 ea. 25 ea.
Stress Chart – E/F E/F
Max Safe Cruising Speed – Warp 8 Warp 8
Emergency Speed – Warp 9 Warp 9
Impulse Engine Type – FIG-1 FIG-1
Power Units Available – 24 24
Weapons And Firing Data:
Beam Weapon Type – FH-15 FH-19
Number – 11 11
Firing Arcs – 3 f/p, 2 f, 3 f/s, 1 p/a, 1 s/a, 1 a 3 f/p, 2 f, 3 f/s, 1 p/a, 1 s/a, 1 a
Firing Chart – T Y
Maximum Power – 12 14
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (1-5) (1-10)
+2 (6-12) (11-17)
+1 (13-18) (18-24)
Torpedo Weapon Type – FP-5 FP-5
Number – 2 2
Firing Arcs – 2 f 2 f
Firing Chart – R R
Power to Arm – 1 1
Damage – 16 16
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type – FSS FSQ
Shield Point Ratio – 1/4 1/4
Maximum Shield Power – 20 30
Combat Efficiency:
D – 183.5 199.5
WDF – 120.2 176.3

Regsitry  Vessel Shipyard Laid Down Launched Commissioned Status
NCC-12560 Vaugondy Abou-Ghazala Ltd., Salazaar V 21 Oct 2295 31 Aug 2297 27 Jun 2298 R2 – 2322, I – 2344
NCC-Vaugondy Reinel Lewis Colonoy Hullworks, Salazaar Division, Salazaar 27 Apr 2297 29 Oct 2298 14 Feb 2299 R2 – 2321, I – 2351
NCC-Vaugondy Seutter Arbing & Lidde Starship Construction, Westfall, Salazaar 14 Apr 2299 21 Nov 2300 10 Jun 2301 R2 – 2324, I – 2344
NCC-12563 de la Cosa Boeing-Matsushita Shipyards, Salazaar V 13 Apr 2301 09 Mar 2303 04 Sep 2303 R2 – 2327, I – 2359
NCC-12564 Lambert Rapier Dynamics Group, Galtrost, Salazaar 15 Nov 2300 16 Aug 2302 27 May 2303 R2 – 2325, I – 2348
NCC-12565 Ortelius Athinai-Volos Ltd., Salazaar Shipyards, Salazaar III 15 Jan 2303 06 Oct 2304 10 Jun 2305 R2 – 2330, I – 2350
NCC-12566 Tobler Avondale Group, Karnor Docks, Salazaar V 16 Jul 2304 25 Feb 2306 28 Sep 2306 R2 – 2330, D – 2347