Talor Class XV Heavy Battlecruiser

design by Darkdrone, textures by Maggot

Known Sphere Of Operation:  Union-wide use
Data Reliability:  C for all models
Major Data Source:  Cardassian Sector Intelligence

Still one of the most powerful warship built by the Cardassian Union, the Talor was also one of the most difficult for the Union to keep in service. None the less, 7 Type-4s remain in active service, with 30 in reserve fleets. 4 Type-1s, 2 Type-2s, 1 Type-3 and 16 Type-4s have been destroyed. 3 Type-1s and 2 Type-4s have been captured. 1 Type-2 and 3 Type-4s are listed as missing. 3 Type-1s, 3 Type-2s, 4 Type-3s and 21 Type-4s have been scrapped.

Construction Data:
Model Number — Type-1 Type-2 Type-3 Type-4
Ship Class — XV XV XV XV
Date Entering Service — 2307 2337 2342 2361
Number Constructed — 99 Refit Refit Refit
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points — 96 96 96 96
Damage Chart — A A A A
Length — 438 m 438 m 438 m 438 m
Width — 190 m 190 m 190 m 190 m
Height — 119 m 119 m 119 m 119 m
Weight — 334,463 mt 329,456 mt 343,928 mt 349,140 mt
Cargo Units — 650 SCU 650 SCU 650 SCU 650 SCU
Cargo Capacity — 32,500 mt 32,500 mt 32,500 mt 32,500 mt
Landing Capacity — None None None None
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type — CO-10 (x2) CO-10 (x2) CO-10a (x2) CI-5 (x2)
Standard 3-person — 3 3 3 3
Combat 30-person — 1 1 1 1
Cargo — 8 8 8 8
Other Data:
Crew — 715 715 715 715
Troops — 40 40 40 40
Passengers — 25 25 25 25
Shuttlecraft — 28 28 28 28
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available — 138 138 142 146
Movement Point Ratio — 6/1 6/1 6/1 6/1
Warp Engine Type — CWH-1 CWH-1 CWH-1 CWH-1
Number — 2 2 2 2
Power Units Available — 35 ea. 35 ea. 35 ea. 35 ea.
Stress Charts — G/I G/I G/I G/I
Max Safe Cruising Speed — Warp 7 Warp 7 Warp 7 Warp 7
Emergency Speed — Warp 9 Warp 9 Warp 9 Warp 9
Impulse Engine Type — CIG-1 (x2) CIG-1 (x2) CIH-2 (x2) CIH-3 (x2)
Power Units Available — 34 ea. 34 ea. 36 ea. 38 ea.
Weapons And Firing Data:
Beam Weapon Type — CD-6b CD-13 CD-12 CD-18
Number — 20 20 20 20
Firing Arcs — 3 f/p, 2 f, 3 f/s, 3 f/p, 2 f, 3 f/s, 3 f/p, 2 f, 3 f/s, 3 f/p, 2 f, 3 f/s,
3 f/p/a, 3 f/s/a, 2 p/a/s, 3 f/p/a, 3 f/s/a, 2 p/a/s, 3 f/p/a, 3 f/s/a, 2 p/a/s, 3 f/p/a, 3 f/s/a, 2 p/a/s,
2 p/a, 2 s/a 2 p/a, 2 s/a 2 p/a, 2 s/a 2 p/a, 2 s/a
Firing Chart — U Y X X
Maximum Power — 9 8 15 19
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (1-6) (1-8) (-) (1-18)
+2 (7-15) (9-19) (-) (19-20)
+1 (18-20) (20-21) (1-10) (21-22)
Torpedo Weapon Type — CP-6 CP-8 CP-8 CP-12
Number — 6 6 6 6
Firing Arcs — 4 f, 2 a 4 f, 2 a 4 f, 2 a 4 f, 2 a
Firing Chart — R S S U
Power to Arm — 1 1 1 1
Damage — 26 28 28 25
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type — CSK CSO CSP CSX
Shield Point Ratio — 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/4
Maximum Shield Power — 17 36 29 47
Combat Efficiency:
D — 258.8 285.8 279.8 343.3
WDF — 242.4 281.0 343.0 443.8