
Fasa DateCorrected DateEventSourceAdventure/ Book Title/Episode TitleConflict NameBattle
0/0101.0301/03/2001The Romulan scout ship L'Sattak returns for the second Romulan survey of Delta Khinah, and discovers the Klingon presence there. The scout ship is destroyed, but not before transmitting its log tapes to a colonization convoy trailing it by 20 solar days.FASAKlingon Game Opeartions ManualRomulan - Klingon WarBattle of Delta Khinah
0/0102.0102/01/2001The First Romulan-Klingon War startsFASARomulan Way: Game Operations ManualRomulan - Klingon War
0/0209.0109/01/2002Terra's United Nations Scientific Council releases a 15-year projection estimating off world and space-oriented industry to grow at an exponential rate.FASAThe Federation
0/0306.1506/15/2003The First Romulan-Klingon War ends. Klingon forces crush Romulan resistance at their two major outposts, forcing a Romulan withdrawal from the disputed area. Having taken heavy losses, the Star Empire pulls back slightly, giving up two outposts. The Klingons do not pursue, not being in a position to do so, though this is unknown to the Romulans. Emperor Kahless is killed in the final battle, and the Riskadh line ends, along with the First Klingon/Romulan War. From this time to the present, minor skirmishes occur between the Romulans and the Klingons.FASAKlingon Game Opeartions ManualRomulan - Klingon War
0/0308.0108/01/2003Terran representatives sign the United Space Initiative in New York. This landmark agreement will focus and accelerate man's exploration of the Sol system for the benefit of all mankind.FASAThe Federation
0/0310.0110/01/2003Utilizing solar-sails, Alpha Centaurans begin a concerted effort to populate other planets within their own stellar system.FASAThe Federation
0/0401.0101/01/2004Terra's Farside Moonbase begins operations, specializing in radio telescope observations.FASAThe Federation
0/0402.2202/22/2004Kagran epetai-D'kariv, temporary Imperial Regent, officially takes the throne after being confirmed by the Imperial Council. Within two years, he has ordered six new taxes to pay for a secret breeding experiment that fuses Klingon cells with certain Romulan traits.FASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
0/0903.0303/03/2009Captain Shaun Geoffrey Christopher leads a successful Earth-Saturn space mission, paving the way for the continuation of manned space explorationStar Trek - The Original SeriesTomorrow is Yesterday
0/0912.2112/21/2009The Romulans begin a period of slow, cautious expansion in the direction of the Klingon Empire. The expansion ends 40 years later, setting the boundaries for what is today known as the Triangle, where many of the recurring skirmishes between these two pFASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
0/1201.0301/03/2012Marsbase 1, Terra's first interplanetary outpost, begins a thorough search for extraterrestrial life.FASAThe Federation
0/1501.0101/01/2015Terra's first interstellar autonomous warp probes, the Stellar Series, are launched toward nearby stars. This probe series ends in 0/2200.FASAThe Federation
0/1501.0101/01/2015The Cardassian First Republic is formedStar Trek - Deep Space NineDestiny
0/2001.0101/01/2020The Vulcan scientist Sardax proves the feasibility of long range interstellar travel using the base camp approach to long-range exploration. A series of supply/support colonies are later founded within a ten-light-year radius of Vulcan, with succeeding generations of colonists in turn continuing the expansion.FASAThe Federation
0/2004.0104/01/2020The Alpha Centauri Concordium of Planets is founded, marking the first development of an interplanetary union founded on democratic principles.FASAThe Federation
0/2011.1711/17/2020The Nomad probe is launched from Terran orbit. It is lost in space and presumed destroyed.FASAThe Federation
0/2102.0102/01/2021The first Tellarite experiments using a form of interstellar ramjet are begun.FASAThe Federation
0/2207.0107/01/2022First contact occurs between the Andorian Empire and the remnants of the Vegan Tyranny, a mysterious race of beings whose origins and physical appearance have never been determined. Some scholars suggest that the Vegan Tyranny were cybernetic rather than organic. At this time, they had lost much of their original power and influence, though it is not known how. The war between this race and the Andorians rages off and on for many years. Due to the Andorians, the Vegan Tyranny fails to regain their empire, and they all but disappear after 0/90.FASAThe Federation
0/2508.1108/11/2025Jackson Roykirk, designer of the Stellar Series, dies.FASAThe Federation
0/2802.0102/01/2028Kagran's son Kadar succeeds to the throne as a compromise candidate to quiet conflict between factions in the Imperial Council. Kadar spends much of his reign trying to keep all sides content, resulting in little real exploration and expansion for the nexFASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
0/2808.1208/12/2028Astronomers on Alpha Centauri pick up intelligent signals from outside their system. These signals will later be identified as originating from Vulcan.FASAThe Federation
0/2903.0103/01/2029Mysterious, intelligent signals are received at Terra's Farside Moonbase 2C. Emanating at 327? toward the galactic center in Sagittarius, from a distance of 15,000 light years, they are the farthest extraterrestrial communications ever heard by Humans.FASAThe Federation
0/3001.0101/01/2030The inhabitants of the planet Cygnet XIV undergo a global political upheaval, resulting in the formal establishment of a dominant matriarchal system by the planet's females. Through succeeding generations, females are granted educational and other social privileges at the expense of the males. Although this system allows cybernetics and computer technology to grow, the social gap between the sexes also grows.FASAThe Federation
0/3008.0308/03/2030First contact is made between the Tellarites and Rigellian traders.FASAThe Federation
0/3109.0109/01/2031The Tellarites discover the fabulous wealth of the Orion Homeworlds.FASAThe Federation
0/3201.0101/01/2032Inhabitants of the planet Edo begin to cultivate local fruits, with the goal of producing high-quality vintages. From these initial efforts will arise a planet-wide industry devoted to the production of the most sought-after wines, brandies, and liqueurs in the galaxy.FASAThe Federation
0/3203.0103/01/2032The United Nations commissions the UAE to construct the Solar Fleet for security and rescue purposes throughout the inhabited Sol system. The fleet will consist of dozens of short range high speed warp capable vessle.FASAThe Federation
3/3210.1910/19/2032The Ares 4 manned mission is sent to Mars. The command module is lost in a graviton ellipse effect, and a rescue effort is mounted for the landing party on the Martian surface.Star Trek - VoyagerOne Small Step
0/3605.0105/01/2036Terran space-time researchers find holes in the general theory of relativity, making faster-than-light communications and travel beyond warp 8 theoretically possible, though not yet an actuality. The interstellar probe Drake detects geon holes in the space-time fabric for the first time. These deformations are used decades later for warp 15 communications.FASAThe Federation
0/3706.2306/23/2037NASA launches a deep-space exploration vessel, the Charybdis, with Colonel Steven Richey in command. This is the third mission of its kind to depart Earth. The first two were unsuccessful.Star Trek - The Next GenerationThe Royale
0/3805.0105/01/2038Harmon Axelrod, first President of the Federation Council, is born.FASAThe Federation
0/3901.0101/01/2039Terra's Pluto Base opens. It will serve as a navigational checkpoint for out-system missions.FASAThe Federation
0/3902.2502/25/2039Preparations for the first Deep Space manned interstellar expedition are completed. The UNSS Icarus is an 8,600 metric-ton craft powered by a high-acceleration, sub-light-speed Bussard ramjet. A crowd of several thousand people watch nearby as the spaceship is launched from Luna, while billions watch live, televised coverage. Carrying a complement of 40, the Icarus is headed for Alpha Centauri. Its mission is to search for an inhabitable planet.FASAThe Federation
0/4202.2502/25/2042Preparations made for the first Terran manned interstellar expedition are completed. The UNSS Icarus is an 8,600-ton craft powered by a high-acceleration, sub—light-speed Bussard ramjet. A crowd of several thousand people watch nearby as the spaceship is launched from Luna, while billions watch live, televised coverage. Carrying a complement of 40, the Icarus is headed for Alpha Centauri. Its mission is to search for an inhabitable planet.FASAThe Romulan War
0/4206.2306/23/2042The UNSS Icarus arrives at Alpha Centauri. First contact occurs between Terrans and Alpha Centaurans.FASAThe Federation
0/4211.0111/01/2042Growing dissatisfaction among the military finally forces the D'kariv line from the halls of power. General Milvi epetai-Javvic of the Imperial Marines takes the throne, the only non-Naval officer ever to hold that office. He begins exploration funding agFASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
0/4501.0101/01/2045The Andorian Empire is at its height, with 13 colonized worlds outside the Andorian home system.FASAThe Federation
0/4501.0101/01/2045The United Nations Organization celebrates 100 years of cooperation among the peoples of Terra. People through-out the Sol system take part.FASAThe Federation
0/4806.2306/23/2048The UNSS Icarus arrives at Alpha Centauri. Contact is established with a humanoid culture there, despite many scientific predictions doubting the possibility of intelligent, humanoid life elsewhere in the universe.FASAThe Romulan War
0/4812.0112/01/2048Zephram Cochrane, having moved to Alpha Centauran, formulates the initial warp drive calculations that will make Warp 5 travel possible and, eventually, practical.FASAThe Federation
0/5011.0111/01/2050The Fourteen Clans of Cait are united under one government for the first time in their history, setting the stage for Caitian civilization as it is known today.FASAThe Federation
0/5204.0104/01/2052After four years, Terra receives the transmission of the Warp 5 Drive Principle. It causes a sensation, and an intensive warp drive studies program is immediately set up.FASAThe Federation
0/5303.0103/01/2053Alpha Centauran biosociologist Zancmar Hodgkins publishes his Law of Parallel Planet Development, stating that similar planets develop similar life-forms with similar cultures. After careful study and approval by the Alpha Centauri Academy of Biosciences, it is transmitted to Terra, where it is received 52 months later.FASAThe Federation
0/5303.0103/01/2053Alpha Centauri biosociologist Zancmar Hodgkins publishes his Law of Parallel Planet Development, stating that similar planets develop similar life-forms with similar cultures. After careful study and approval by the Alpha Centauri Academy of Biosciences, it is transmitted to Terra, where it is received 52 months later.FASAThe Romulan War
0/5409.0109/01/2054The Icarus returns from its historic journey. The United Nations dispatches a mission to Alpha Centauri to open formal relations, discuss trade, and exchange knowledge of each other's history.FASAThe Federation
0/5503.0104/05/2063In the post-war era, groups of humans struggle to rebuild their society. In Montana, Zefram Cochrane works to convert an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) into the first faster-than-light, or warp, spaceship – the Phoenix. The Phoenix's test flight attracts the attention of other space travelers and "first contact" is soon made between humans and Vulcans. The contact with extraterrestrials marks a key moment in human history. From this point on, Earth begins a rapid recovery from the ravages of World War III. Assisted by the sometimes reluctant Vulcans, humanity begins the long process of rebuilding society, unifying the Earth's governments and reaching out into space.Star Trek - The Next GenerationFirst Contact
0/5507.0111/09/2063The first experimental sustained warp-driven ships are tested by Terran and Alpha Centauran research teams. The United Nations Space Ship Bonaventure, the first of the new ships, is commissioned. The first of the Cochrane Class, the Bona-venture, is well-armed with monochromatic high-intensity lasers, powered by the ship's fusion sub-light engine.FASAThe Federation
0/5605.0705/14/2065The first deep-space exploration vessel since 2037, the S.S. Valiant, departs Earth. Transmissions from the ship eventually die out.Star Trek - The Original SeriesWhere No Man Has Gone Before
0/5611.0404/06/2066The planet Terra Nova, only 20 light years away from Earth, is discovered.Star Trek: EnterpriseTerra Nova
0/5704.0401/01/2067The Great Awakening on Argelius II. The Awakening marked their cultures entrance into a hedonistic society.Star Trek - The Original SeriesWolf in the Fold
0/5704.2402/05/2067The Friendship One warp probe is launched from EarthStar Trek - VoyagerFriendship One
0/5705.1403/15/2067The Conestoga, a ship commanded by Captain Mitchell, is sent out by the Space Agency to colonize the new planet known as Terra Nova. This was the first time the humans had tried to colonize deep space. It would take nine years to complete the journey.Star Trek: EnterpriseTerra Nova
0/5706.0104/17/2067The Xenobiological Probability Study, underwritten by the University of Luna for the United Nations of Terra, is re-leased. This study concludes mathematically that the chances of discovering any intelligent non-humanoid life forms within the next century of exploration are extremely small.FASAThe Federation
0/5708.1509/01/2067The civilization on Levinius V is destroyed by the "flying parasites."Star Trek - The Original SeriesOperation -- Annihilate!
0/5807.0103/25/2069Kamtav epetai-Javvic succeeds his father as leader of the High Council, and carries on with the exploratory efforts. The Klingon military backs the new Chancellor, and so conquest begins anew.FASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
0/5807.1004/13/2069The last Klingon Emperor dies. The High Council has gained enough strength that no new emperor succeeds him. Instead, the Council rules the Klingon Empire, led by a chancellor.Star Trek - The Next GenerationRightful Heir
0/5901.0302/25/2070Terran space forces have several violent encounters with aliens later identified as the Vegan Tyranny.FASAThe Federation
0/5901.2203/31/2070The Bonaventure begins Terra's Warp Drive Era with a voyage to the Tau Ceti star system twelve light-years away.FASAThe Federation
0/5901.2904/13/2070The UN mission that left Terra in 0/54 arrives at Alpha Centauri, and diplomatic relations begin.FASAThe Federation
0/6001.0112/01/2071The warp drive ship UNSS Powell journeys to Alpha Centauri and is hailed as a remarkable achievement.FASAThe Federation
0/6101.0109/17/2073The Powell returns to Terra, bringing Zephram Cochrane. He is accorded all the pomp and pageantry any native Terran hero would receive.FASAThe Federation
0/6111.2605/01/2075Slug-O-Cola, a Ferengi beverage business, creates an advertising slogan that it keeps for the next 300 years.Star Trek - Deep Space NineProfit and Loss
0/6201.0107/06/2075The Fundamental Declaration of the Martian Colonies establishes independent government for all Terran colonies. It is used as a precedent-setting document for worlds wanting to declare governmental autonomy.FASAThe Federation
0/6208.1908/12/2076The Terra Nova colony, the first human colony outside of the solar system, is established.Star Trek: EnterpriseTerra Nova
0/6301.0104/14/2077Alpha Centauri and Terra begin cultural exchanges. Their ties of friendship and cooperation continue to strengthen.FASAThe Federation
0/6407.0112/18/2079The Franklin series warp-drive message-probe becomes operational. These small, unmanned probes have rudimentary astrogational equipment, and are capable of carrying a cargo of up to 0.1 ton in addition to several hundred recorded messages. These probes are later refitted with modern warp drives and used for the next three decades. A total of 380 are built.FASAThe Romulan War
0/6410.0105/31/2080The Verne Class cruiser enters service. It is noteworthy as the first warp-drive class equipped with launch tubes and thermonuclear hydrogen-fusion torpedoes. 120 are built.FASAThe Romulan War
0/6502.1402/02/2081Having proved interplanetary colonization is viable, the Earth government decides "nothing succeeds like success" and plans to send another expedition to Terra Nova. The existing colonists on Terra Nova do not wish additional inhabitants, and so a dispute breaks out between the Earth and the colony.Star Trek: EnterpriseTerra Nova
0/6507.1911/08/2081While on an exploratory mission, the UNSS Bonaventure discovers Axanar and its intelligent but non-spacefaring Humanoid race. The discovery of this race further substantiates Hodgkins' Law, now indisputably accepted as valid.FASAThe Federation
0/6507.2011/11/2081A rogue asteroid strikes Terra Nova. Captain Mitchell, the leader of the colony, attempts to send one last communication to Earth, accusing the Earth government of having attacked the Novans. The radioactive fallout resulting from the asteroidal impact eventually kills off all of the adult colonists, and the children are forced to fend for themselves, seeking refuge in underground caves. Only the ones five years old and younger develop an immunity to the radiation.Star Trek: EnterpriseTerra Nova
0/6511.1206/05/2082When a Frank/in series warp-drive probe encounters a Vulcan colony world, first contact occurs with the Vulcans. As they have already developed the warp drive, Vulcan techniques substantially improve on the original design.FASAThe Romulan War
0/6601.0909/17/2082Colonel Steven Richey, commander of the Earth space vehicle Charybdis, dies in captivity on the eighth planet of the Theta 116 system.Star Trek - The Next GenerationThe Royale
0/6602.0110/26/2082The Bonaventure is unaccountably lost on its third mission.FASAThe Federation
0/6807.0102/23/2087A delegation of Vulcan diplomats and scientists arrive on Terra to begin discussions of a formal alliance between Terra, Alpha Centauri, and Vulcan.FASAThe Romulan War
0/7006.0108/02/2090Ten fusion-driven Space Arks are launched during this period, manned by people dissatisfied with sociopolitical and ecological conditions within the Sol system. It is later learned that the passengers of only one of these ships survived.FASAThe Federation
0/7104.0101/25/2092An economic alliance is declared between Vulcan, Terra, and Alpha Centauri, and the first interstellar trade missions begin.FASAThe Federation
0/7110.0112/19/2092Terra's first MD-1000 Class multi-functional, space-rated construction dock becomes operational, sewing as a sub-light-maneuverable repair facility for starships. Eventually, 75 are built.FASAThe Romulan War
0/7202.0107/26/2093The Orion colonial governments make first contact with the Klingon Empire. They cleverly conceal the real value of their location in space and their mineral wealth, however, avoiding Klingon domination by convincing the Empire that the Orions have more toFASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
0/7205.0101/05/2094As a result of meetings with Vulcans and Alpha Centaurans, a detailed study is published on Terra. This study strongly recommends a formal interstellar alliance between the three worlds.FASAThe Romulan War
0/7312.0111/21/2096Chancellor Karvan orders the destruction of the Jaak, a semi-reptilian servitor race of telepaths, because he finds them too untrustworthy. A power struggle results, with Karvan caught in the middle. Finally, the Chancellor is slain in single combat by GeneraFASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
0/7404.1707/21/2097The first successful test of warp radio between Pluto and Terra makes interstellar communication practical for the first time.FASAThe Federation
0/7511.2906/23/2100First contact with the Andorians nearly ends in disaster when an Andorian starship fires on a Terran exploratory vessel. Terra prepares for war, but cooler heads on Vulcan convince Terran leaders to try and negotiate with the growing Andorian empire.FASAThe Romulan War
0/7608.0108/29/2101The first completely automated fusion-powered cargo transports enter service. These vessels are designed for interplanetary flight, and include refitted DM500 Class vessels, now renamed the Zeus Class.FASAThe Romulan War
0/7610.0112/19/2101The Klingons withdraw their figurehead governor from the Orion worlds, beginning a period of benign neglect. Conflict has heated up between the Romulans and Klingons along their common border (though no war is ever actually declared), leaving the Empire nFASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
0/7703.0109/02/2102The First Alpha Centauri Conference preserves interstellar peace when Vulcan diplomats convince Andor that it has nothing to gain and everything to lose by fighting Terra and her allies. Andor joins the alliance.FASAThe Romulan War
0/7801.0103/10/2104The United Nations Space Force's Messier Class cruiser becomes operational. This class is the first to be equipped with the newly developed particle beam cannon. Refitted for combat duty in the Romulan War, the Messier Class sees extensive action in that conflict. A total of 875 are built.FASAThe Federation
0/7801.0103/10/2104The United Nations Space Force's Messier Class cruiser becomes operational. This class is the first to be equipped with the newly developed particle beam cannon. Retitted for combat duty in the Romulan War, the Messier Class sees extensive action in that conflict. A total of 875 are built.FASAThe Romulan War
0/7907.2712/30/2106Terran ships make contact with the Orion Colonies in the Rigel system after learning about their existence from Tellarite traders.FASAThe Federation
0/8110.0112/11/2110The first major joint-scientific project between Terra, Alpha Centauri, and Vulcan shows tangible benefits when a series of research probes are launched from all three worlds.FASAThe Romulan War
0/8204.0110/26/2111A series of meetings take place on Vulcan, attended by delegates of the five major space faring governments. This first attempt to establish a single, unifying federation fails to receive popular support of the worlds involved because the primary goals and policies of such a coalition are not defined adequately. Diplomats agree to continue working toward such a federation, now realizing that their efforts must center on defining the role and responsibilities for the new government.FASAThe Romulan War
0/8206.0102/19/2112Tellar's Gbuqoff Class armed transport becomes operational. An excellent and rugged design, this class remains in service for more than nine decades. A total of 2700 are built.FASAThe Romulan War
0/8207.0104/12/2112Terra's Cosmos Class interstellar survey ship becomes operational. A total of 103 are built.FASAThe Romulan War
0/8311.0109/04/2114Tellar's Degbaxis Class frigate becomes operational, eventually sewing as a second-line combat ship throughout the Romulan War. Sixty are built.FASAThe Romulan War
0/8401.0112/24/2114Terra's Edison Class interstellar research ship becomes operational. Sixteen are built.FASAThe Romulan War
0/8407.0111/20/2115Terra's Cavalry Class destroyer becomes operational, eventually sewing as a second—line combat ship throughout the Romulan War. A total of 100 are built.FASAThe Romulan War
0/8504.0103/20/2117Terra's Ass/st Class warp—tender becomes operational. Two hundred are built.FASAThe Romulan War
0/8508.0110/23/2117An unknown disease with an exceptionally high mortality rate spreads through a 200-man research base on Pluto. There are no survivors. The disease is later linked to a contaminated souvenir originally obtained from an incautious Orion trader. This is the first unpleasant incident between Terrans and Orions, and helps to set the tone for future relations.FASAThe Romulan War
0/8601.0107/19/2118Alpha Centauri's Zoenamy Class corvette becomes operational. This class will serve as an armed picket patrol ship throughout the Romulan War. A total of 119 are built.FASAThe Romulan War
0/8609.0309/24/2119The Warp 5 Complex is established to create technology that will allow humans to safely explore deep space. Zefram Cochrane is present during the groundbreaking ceremony. Cochrane, now 87 years of age and a resident of the Alpha Centauri system, soon takes off for "parts unknown." He is believed to have died, but actually ends up on a planet in Gamma Canaris system.Star Trek: EnterpriseThese Are the Voyages…
0/8703.0108/14/2120VuIcan's Toj Lol Class explorer becomes operational, eventually sewing as a small research ship and diplomatic courier during the Romulan War. Ninety-one are built.FASAThe Romulan War
0/8706.0602/08/2121The Articles of the Colation of Planets are signed, but the Rigel/ Orion interests do not join the Federation, thus avoiding restrictive entanglements for the time being. The Orions also maintain the secret of the existence of the Klingon Em?pire. Notes: Originally listed as Articls of the Federation. Changed due to "Enterprise" timelineFASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
0/8706.0602/08/2121Work begun on Vulcan five years ago leads to another series of meetings among the major starfaring races. At the First Babel Conference, all five races sign the Articles of Federation, establishing the United Federation of Planets. The original signatory powers include Terra, Alpha Centauri, Vulcan, Andor, and Tellar. The goals of the UFP include ensuring interstellar security and improving economic trade, scientific research, and galactic exploration. In conjunction with these objectives, Star Fleet Command is to be created within the next three years, providing a unified military force for exploration and common defense. The Orion Colonies offer to join the UFP, provided that they are paid ten trillion credits "in compensation". Their request is rejected, and so they remain outside the Federation.FASAThe Federation
0/8706.0602/08/2121The Rigel/Orion Colonies offer to join the UFP, provided they are paid ten trillion credits 'in compensation'. Their request is rejected, and so they remain outside the Federation entirely.FASAThe Romulan War
0/8708.0105/19/2121ln the first example of Federation military cooperation, the Alpha Centauri Dja/tanna Class destroyer enters service with the Terran United Nations Space Force. Over the next three decades, a total of 316 are constructed for the UNSF and Star Fleet Command.FASAThe Romulan War
0/8804.0108/09/2122Plans are made for a Federation?wide news-gathering and reporting agency. As a result, the Solarian News Agency merges with other planetary services, creating the United Federation of Planets Infonet.FASAThe Romulan War
0/8806.0111/30/2122Star Fleet Command, with the permission of the Alpha Centauri Concordium of Planets, establishes the Centaur Test Range, a weaponry and propulsion test facility and research center.FASAThe Four-Years War
0/8806.0111/30/2122With the permission and assistance of the Alpha Centauri Consortium of Planets, Terran military officials begin to construct the Centauri Test Flange, a weaponry and propulsion test facility and research center.FASAThe Romulan War
0/8812.1911/27/2123A privately-funded ship, the Mariposa, departs Earth carrying two groups of colonists bound for the Ficus sector and the two planets selected as their new homelands.Star Trek - The Next GenerationUp The Long Ladder
0/8901.0112/20/2123Space buoys are deployed to improve navigation and security within Federation boundaries.FASAThe Federation
0/8909.1403/24/2125Terran and Alpha Centauri warships are operating on a joint training mission and war games maneuver when tragedy strikes. A misunderstanding of navigational instructions is compounded by a weapon fire-control systems failure. Two Terran destroyers are annihilated, killing 232 crewmen. This accident vividly points out the need for a single command structure, Star Fleet Command, and a central training facility for starship crews from all Federation members, the Star Fleet Academy.FASAThe Romulan War
0/8910.1005/08/2125Star Fleet Command is established to replace the space going forces of all member planets, with all ships re-designated as 'United Space Ships'. To discourage the possible misuse of military forces anywhere in space, General Order Number One is adopted as the most important regulation in Star Fleet.FASAThe Romulan War
0/9001.0110/06/2125The UFP Patents Bureau is established to provide scientists, engineers, and inventors of all member planets galactic protection for their work.FASAThe Federation
0/9006.0107/07/2126Continued advances are made in communications theory and technology. Research leads to a level of theoretically near-perfect efficiency. From this point on, messages sent via warp radio, now called subspace radio, travel at the unbelievable speed of Warp 15, or 3375 times the speed of light. Over the next two years, all starships have their communications equipment modified accordingly.FASAThe Romulan War
0/9105.0102/18/2128The United Earth Alliance Parliament issues the Star Fleet Medal of Honor. This stylized UFP symbol superimposed on a solid gold disk set against a 5-pointed silver star attached to a red-white-blue vertical striped ribbon, is the highest decoration awarded by Star Fleet Command and the UFP. It is given to individuals who show self-sacrifice, heroism, and courage despite extreme peril in the service of the UFP. Because recipients are considered to be the embodiment of the highest ideals of the UFP, their descendants may automatically enter Star Fleet AcademyFASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
0/9109.1910/16/2128Star Fleet Academy is founded on Alpha Centauri, and its first class of 300 students represents eight different Humanoid races.FASAThe Federation
0/9204.0109/24/2129Star Fleet Command‘s Vanguard Class transport enters service. This class will be the main workhorse of Star Fleet's Materiel Command during the Romulan War. Just under 1600 are eventually constructed for military and commercial use.FASAThe Romulan War
0/9211.0310/13/2130The USS Atlas; a Federation cargo ship operating near the frontier of Federation space, is attacked and destroyed, though this is not known until the recovery of a marker/recorder buoy containing a complete transcript of the events preceding the Atlas' destruction.FASAThe Romulan War
0/9211.1711/04/2130After failing to arrive as scheduled at the Sector 5D Agricultural Colony, the USS Atlas is listed as missing.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarDestruction of the Atlas
0/9302.2104/28/2131A Star Fleet scout ship recovers the marker/recorder buoy from the lost cargo vessel USS Atlas. Tapes from the buoy reveal that the transport was not lost in space, but was fired upon by enemy aliens of unknown origin. Star Fleet Command later learns that this was the first act of violence committed by the Romulans against the Federation.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan War
0/9305.2710/17/2131The USS Mol Askhnan a frigate of Tellarite design patrolling near the Federation border, fails to make a scheduled rendezvous. A massive search effort is made by available Star Fleet vessels, but the ship is never found and is recorded as "lost, whereabouts unknown". Although never proven, circumstantial evidence later points to foul play at the hands of the Romulans.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarDestruction of Mol Askhnan
0/9309.0104/06/2132The Terran designed Liberty Class picket cruiser, equipped only with sub-light drive, is removed from active service. From now on, it is used exclusively as a planetary system defense boat.FASAThe Romulan War
0/9310.0105/27/2132Star Fleet Command's Horizon Class cruiser becomes operational. This is the first class of warship to be jointly designed and constructed by engineers from several member systems of the new UFP. It is also the first class to be equipped with the new quasi-nuclear photon-neutron torpedoes. An excellent design, it will serve with Star Fleet's front-line units for almost five decades. More than 1,300 are built.FASAThe Federation
0/9310.1806/26/2132The SS Amarefto, operating within Federation-patrolled territory, is attacked by two starships of unknown configuration. The vessels are similar to those described by the commander of the USS Atlas. The freighter is severely damaged, but the attackers break off when a Federation four-ship destroyer squadron appears. The Star Fleet Command flagship attempts to establish communication for purposes of identification and explanation. The alien vessels fail to understand or ignore all efforts to communicate, and they successfully evade their pursuers.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarDefense of the Amarefto
0/9401.1211/26/2132The Paraagan mining colony is establishedStar Trek: EnterpriseShockwave
0/9402.1301/21/2133The UFP Delta Vll outpost is destroyed, apparently another victim of piracy. Star Fleet Intelligence later confirms that this was a Romulan attack.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarDevistation of the Delta VII Outpost
0/9405.0706/19/2133Bajoran religious leader Kai Taluno, while traveling in the Denorios Belt, experiences a serious malfunction of his spacecraft and is stranded for several days. Taluno reports having experienced a vision in which "the heavens opened up," nearly swallowing his ship. The Denorios Belt, located in the Bajor system, is the location where at least five of the Bajorans' Tears of the Prophets were found.ParamountStar Trek Chronology The History of the Future
0/9411.0105/01/2134A total of 32 unarmed warp—driven message-probes are launched toward areas of uncharted space from starships and planets near Delta VII. Each probe contains complete symbolic instructions and messages in every known language. The messages request the establishment of diplomatic relations and the resolution of any existing dispute via peaceful means. No probe is ever discovered, and all are assumed to be lost or destroyed by the pirates.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan War
0/9507.0807/11/2135Star Fleet Engineering Command's first major construction project culminates with the activation of Star Base 1. This is the first major artificial construction, repair, and service facility built for Star Fleet Command.FASAThe Romulan War
0/9509.0110/14/2135The Franklin series warp-message probe is removed from service.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan War
0/9510.2101/11/2136A number of very small, automated starship detection probes set up in Sector 7L (near the area of attacks) are destroyed. The Verne Class cruiser USS Marconi responsible for patrolling that sector, is unable to respond in time to pursue the attacking ship.FASAThe Romulan War
0/9511.0302/03/2136The Federation Council passes a special directive to Star Fleet Command. In addition to new, massive appropriations for fleet construction, the directive orders several cruiser formations redeployed to strengthen defenses in the area where the USS Atlas was lost. A special scout squadron under the jurisdiction of Star Fleet Intelligence Command is dispatched to obtain any possible information on the pirates, and, if possible, to make diplomatic contact. The squadron consists of twelve warp-driven patrol craft, each manned by a crew of 15 volunteers. None of the craft are ever seen or heard from again.FASAThe Federation
0/9511.3003/21/2136As a result of the losses of the USS Atlas and the Delta Vll outpost, the Federation Council passes a special directive to Star Fleet Command. ln addition to new. massive appropriations for fleet construction, the directive orders several cruiser formations redeployed to strengthen defenses in the area where the USS Atlas was lost. A special scout squadron under the jurisdiction of Star Fleet Intelligence Command is dispatched to obtain any possible information on the pirates, and, if possible, to make diplomatic contact. The squadron consists of twelve warp-driven patrol craft, each manned by a crew of 15 volunteers. None of the craft are ever seen or heard from again.FASAThe Romulan War
0/9512.0103/23/2136In view of recent conditions, the Veme Class cruiser is removed from active service. Though well-armed, this vessel is only capable of Warp 2.7, and so has proven inadequate for patrol and pursuit duties along the now disputed frontier.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan War
0/9604.0110/31/2136Star Fleet Commands Arrow and Gallant Class short-range starfighters become operational. These vessels are extremely maneuverable at sub-light speeds, but are only armed with light weaponry. They are designed to be used at the new star bases for local defense and interception duties. Assigned in squadrons of 21, 315 are built.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan War
0/9604.0110/31/2136Andor's Taholsin Class destroyer enters service with Star Fleet Command. Over the next 14 years, a total of 1030 are constructed for Star Fleet.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan War
0/9606.0102/20/2137Star Fleet Engineers working at the still-unfinished Centauri Test Flange begin an intensive program to develop more efficient laser weapons systems for Federation warships.FASAThe Romulan War
0/9612.0101/17/2138Massive engineering and construction efforts are begun on several dozen inhabitable planets, including several in the area where shipping recently has been attacked. Using available resources and technical information transmitted by subspace radio, complete starship-building facilities are built in only a few months. These industrial complexes permit the manufacture of the most recent warship designs for immediate service. Thus, a few of the newest ships can see service in a matter of weeks. Frontier squadrons no longer have to wait years for the arrival of starships from Terran, Andorian, or Alpha Centauri shipyards.FASAThe Romulan War
0/9612.0101/17/2138Star Base 2 is completed and assumes operational status.FASAThe Romulan War
0/9706.0912/24/2138In a skillful tactic executed near Epsilon XII, a UFP anti-piracy cruiser task force catches a pirate cruiser by surprise and englobes it, attempting to establish contact. The alien ship forces combat, and then explodes after a single salvo hits it. Although there are no survivors or remains from the pirate ship, the Federation suffers no casualties from the explosion.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarBattle of Epsilon XII
0/9707.3003/28/2139An attack on Federation probes, similar to the one in Stardate 0/9510, occurs in Sector 5K. This time, the pirate vessels remain in the area until the patrolling ships, two Degbaxis Class frigates, arrive. One frigate is crippled and the second is forced to retreat before the three attacking cruisers break off their attack. Unmolested, they achieve warp speed and depart, presumably to return to their base.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarBattle of Sector 5K
0/9708.0103/31/2139Star Base 3 is completed and assumes operational status. This base is used as the primary command headquarters for Star Fleet Operations during the Romulan War. Its (relatively) great distance from the front makes command, control, and communications protocols difficult to execute efficiently. For this reason, many Star Fleet squadron and group commanders are able to exert enormous personal authority, responsibility, and initiative while fighting this war.FASAThe Romulan War
0/9801.0101/01/2140Small-scale student exchange programs begin among several UFP members.FASAThe Federation
0/9803.0104/18/2140The Hopkins Class warp—powered hospital ship brings the highest possible quality of medical facilities and technology to needy member worlds. Immediately after the declaration of war, ships of this class are sent to support areas of the battle front, providing medical care for injured warship crewmen and innocent civilians.FASAThe Romulan War
0/9803.2606/03/2140The Great Plume of Agosoria erupts. The Plume is a protostar that gives out a neutron blast every 11 years.ParamountCold Front
0/9806.0110/06/2140The MD—1000 Class space dock is removed from service, having served its purpose well before becoming obsolete.FASAThe Romulan War
0/9807.2701/11/2141An unescorted group of six Zeus Class warp-driven automated transports is attacked while travelling in Sector 7C, again near the disputed frontier. All six are crippled, and most of the tritanium ore carried aboard them is missing when the ships finally are located.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarAttack on Convoy S7C
0/9808.0101/20/2141Star Base 4 is completed and assumes operational status.FASAThe Romulan War
0/9902.0112/26/2141Andor's Thofsin Class cruiser enters service with Star Fleet Command. Over the next 18 years, a total of 415 are constructed for use by Star Fleet.FASAThe Romulan War
0/9905.0106/08/2142Star Base 5 is completed and assumes operational status. The completion of this base marks the end of the first major phase of Star Base construction. After this time, the Federation cuts appropriations for similar bases, placing greater emphasis on new starship construction.FASAThe Romulan War
0/9905.0406/13/2142In the most tragic incident of piracy to date, the commercial passenger liner SS Diana is systematically attacked. Almost 600 passengers and crew are killed and the cargo is found missing, apparently stolen. Within weeks, the Diana Lives! Foundation is established so people do not forget the tragedy of that ship‘s loss.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarDestruction of the Diana
0/9906.0108/05/2142Andor's Tanafhooef Class frigate enters service with Star Fleet Command. Over the next 16 years, a total of 530 are constructed for use by Star Fleet.FASAThe Romulan War
0/9907.2911/25/2142An escorted convoy of Vanguard Class transports from the Raman system are attacked by two unidentified cruisers. Most of the Federation transports and escort vessels are destroyed or severely damaged, with no losses taken by the attackers. Running battles between Star Fleet and pirate forces become increasingly common over the next six years.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarBattle at the Raman Approach
1/0001.0109/02/2143Several ongoing UFP cultural exchange programs, including the Student Exchange Program and the Galactic Cultural Exchange, are postponed indefinitely. The reasons given include a decreasing interest in the projects, and the fear of pirates attacking shipping. The Medical Assistance Program is limited to sectors that may be affected by open hostilities.FASAThe Romulan War
1/0001.1309/24/2143The ship Vahklas, under the command of Captain Tavin, leaves Vulcan to begin a voyage of self discoveryStar Trek: EnterpriseFusion
1/0011.2103/28/2145Star Fleet’s 155th Combat Squadron, currently on recreational leave, is caught in a surprise attack at the unfinished Outer Sector Defense Outpost 4. A major sensor failure at the outpost permits a squadron of pirate cruisers to sneak up and catch the squadron unprepared for combat. Though the pirates left the incomplete base untouched, they destroyed eleven of the squadron‘s twelve starships. Enemy losses are believed to be very light.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarBattle of Outer Sector Defense Outpost 4
1/0101.0106/01/2145Century Day celebrations throughout colonized space are interrupted with news of the destruction at Outer Sector Defense Outpost 4. The USS Carronade, a Cavalry Class destroyer, survives to report about the sneak attack. The senior officers of the destroyer describe enemy vessels painted as giant, winged creatures that performed suicide runs with fusion-explosive missiles. Intercepted subspace radio transmissions from this battle are translated, finally giving the enemy a name-the Romulans. The UFP also obtains its first accurate bearing on Romulan-held space.FASAThe Federation
1/0101.0106/01/2145Several UFP cultural exchange programs, including the Student Exchange Program and the Galactic Cultural Ex-change, are postponed indefinitely. The reasons include a decreasing interest in the projects and the fear of pirates attacking shipping.FASAThe Federation
1/0101.0106/01/2145Century Day celebrations throughout colonized space are interrupted with news of the destruction at Outer Sector Defense Outpost 4. The USS Carronade, a Cavalry Class destroyer, survives to report about the sneak attack. The senior officers of the Carronade describe enemy vessels painted as giant, winged creatures performing suicide runs with fusion-explosive missiles. Intercepted subspace radio transmissions from this battle are translated, finally giving the enemy a name - the Romulans. The UFP also obtains its first accurate bearing on Romulan held space.FASAThe Romulan War
1/0101.2807/17/2145A Romulan U-4 Class cruiser engages the USS Runemark near Canis Minoris 12. The Zoenamy Class corvette is destroyed, but the U-4 is believed to be damaged after the long, running battle.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarRunemark Engagement
1/0103.0109/14/2145The ascendance of Keth epetai-Rivaki to the Imperial Throne begins a new era of Klingon expansionism and prosperity.FASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
1/0108.0106/16/2146A five—ship Star Fleet task force of cruisers and destroyers patrolling near Gamma Hydra surprises two Romulan U-15 Class cruisers. One Romulan ship stays to fight, while the other uses the diversion to escape. The remaining cruiser is destroyed, with only slight damage to Federation ships.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarBattle of Gamma Hydra
1/0110.0109/30/2146The Centauri Test Range is completed, its facilities made available to Star Fleet Command and to the ground defense forces of every Federation member.FASAThe Romulan War
1/0201.0103/22/2147The USS Horizon journeys to the edge of the galaxy.FASAThe Federation
1/0202.0105/16/2147Federation officials become increasingly concerned as the Romulans continue to conduct warlike actions. With the enemy no longer seen as mere 'space pirates', many in the Federation now believe the entire Romulan race may be devoted to the goal of organized, violent aggression.FASAThe Romulan War
1/0202.0105/16/2147Star Fleet Command's Mercury Class scout becomes operational, and serves as the Galaxy Exploration Command's primary small scout for almost three decades. Just under 400 are built.FASAThe Romulan War
1/0206.0112/15/2147Star Base 6 is completed and assumes operational status.FASAThe Romulan War
1/0209.1006/14/2148An escorted convoy of Gbuqoff Class transports in Sector 10E is attacked by three Romulan cruisers. The defending vessels are able to drive off the attackers with light losses in the first successful convoy defense. The success of tactics used in this engagement convinces Star Fleet strategists that ship-to-ship victories are possible against the Romulans.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarBattle of Sector 10E
1/0303.2906/07/2149Garos, an explorer from the Malurian system, leads a survey mission to study the A'kali. His team had no plans to remain on the planet, but after a few months he claims he foundStar Trek: EnterpriseCivilization
1/0304.1207/01/2149Sometime during this century, Rasmussen, of New Jersey, will steal a time travel capsule from a 26th Century researcher. He will use it to travel to the Enterprise in 2368 and attempt to steal items to profit from during his return to this century, but will be apprehended. The capsule will return to this era unmanned as programmed.Star Trek - The Next GenerationA Matter of Time
1/0307.2401/01/2150A Cardassian crewmember from an exploratory vessel become a victim of the Automated Repair Station.Star Trek: EnterpriseDead Stop
1/0310.2506/11/2150Australia, the last holdout, joins the United Earth government.Star Trek - The Next GenerationAttached
1/0311.0206/26/2150Outer Sector Defense Outpost 1, located in the Delta ll System, is destroyed by a squadron of seven Romulan cruisers. Commodore Tonsum Han, commanding the 159th Combat Squadron, has his entire force out on maneuvers during the time of attack. He is subsequently court-martialed and discharged for dereliction of duty.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarDestruction of Outer Sector Defense Outpost 1
1/0312.0608/23/2150Star Fleet Command institutes a Mobilization Alert to bring all bases and construction facilities to combat readiness. As part of the Mobilization Alert, a Zone of Transport Escort is established in the disputed areas. Star Fleet assigns military escorts to all priority transports.FASAThe Romulan War
1/0404.1604/16/2151Enterprise (NX-01)?is launched, and Captain?Archer?finds himself in the middle of a?Temporal Cold War?involving?Klingons?and Suliban.Star Trek: EnterpriseBroken Bow
1/0404.2805/06/2151Ensign?Sato?faces her fears on an alien ship whose crew was murdered, while Lieutenant?Reed?tries to upgrade the ship's defense system.Star Trek: EnterpriseFight or Flight
1/0405.0105/11/2151Star Fleet Command and several leading universities co-publish a report on the Romulan race. This study examines all available information on the Romulans, and describes their threat to all life within the Federation.FASAThe Romulan War
1/0405.0305/15/2151The IKS Somraw attack an Xarantine outpost. Among the goods the Somraw crew capture from the outpost is some Xarantine ale.Star Trek: EnterpriseSleeping Dogs
1/0405.0505/20/2151A storm traps an?away team?in a cave on an alien world, and pollen spores cause them to experience psychosis.Star Trek: EnterpriseStrange New World
1/0405.1406/03/2151Commander?Tucker?helps an alien crew fix their engines, has an "interpecies encounter" in a?holodeck, and returns to find himself pregnant.Star Trek: EnterpriseUnexpected
1/0405.2206/17/2151Enterprise?is sent to learn what happened to an early Human colony called?Terra Nova.Star Trek: EnterpriseTerra Nova
1/0405.2907/02/2151Captain?Archer, Commander?Tucker, and Sub-Commander?T'Pol?are taken hostage by?Andorians?in a?Vulcan?monastery called?P'Jem.Star Trek: EnterpriseThe Andorian Incident
1/0406.0507/16/2151Lieutenant?Reed?and Ensign?Mayweather?extract a rare chemical on a comet while Sub-Commander?T'Pol?considers marriage to?Koss.Star Trek: EnterpriseBreaking the Ice
1/0406.1507/31/2151Captain?Archer?and an away team go undercover to a?pre-industrial?civilization, in order to investigate an unexpected sensor reading.Star Trek: EnterpriseCivilization
1/0406.1908/08/2151The cargo ship?Fortunate?is damaged by?Nausicaan?pirates and?Enterprise?offers a helping hand, only to find the acting-captain has secret plans.Star Trek: EnterpriseFortunate Son
1/0406.2408/16/2151Captain?Archer?learns that?Crewman Daniels?is covertly helping to fight the?Temporal Cold War?against?Silik?and members of the Suliban Cabal.Star Trek: EnterpriseCold Front
1/0407.0209/01/2151Ensign?Sato?tries to find what Lieutenant?Reed's?favorite food is, while Captain?Archer?deals with a secretive and aggressive alien?first contact.Star Trek: EnterpriseSilent Enemy
1/0407.1009/15/2151Doctor?Phlox?and Captain?Archer?must decide the fate of two species suffering from an evolutionary?pandemic.Star Trek: EnterpriseDear Doctor
1/0407.2009/30/2151Sub-Commander?T'Pol?is recalled to?Vulcan. During her final away mission, she and Captain?Archer?are kidnapped, leading to another confrontation between?Vulcans?and?Andorians.Star Trek: EnterpriseShadows of P'Jem
1/0407.2710/14/2151Ensign?Sato, Lieutenant?Reed?and Sub-Commander?T'Pol?attempt to help an unresponsive?Klingon?ship escape the crushing pressures of a?gas giant.Star Trek: EnterpriseSleeping Dogs
1/0408.0110/23/2151Alter being in development for eight years, advanced laser weaponry is approved for retrofit on all Horizon Class cruisers. The weapons are also installed in all new Federation warships, including the Marshall Class destroyers.FASAThe Romulan War
1/0408.0410/29/2151After finding debris from?Enterprise, Lieutenant?Reed?and Commander?Tucker?are stranded in a shuttlepod far from help.Star Trek: EnterpriseShuttlepod One
1/0408.1311/13/2151Enterprise?encounters a crew of emotional?Vulcans; Sub-Commander?T'Pol?experiences an illicit?mind meld, with unsettling results.Star Trek: EnterpriseFusion
1/0408.1611/18/2151Two Romulan U-9 Class cruisers attack and destroy a group of small asteroid mining outposts near Sigma Cancri. Shortly thereafter, they confront the USS Excelsior and the USS Matador two Honkon Class cruisers. In a bitter dogfight, one Romulan ship is destroyed and the other disengages, while the Matador is severely damaged. This skirmish is considered to be a Federation victory. The Commander of the Excelsior is Captain Vlhlliam Gustavus Larson.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarBattle of Sigma Cancri
1/0408.2111/27/2151Enterprise?finds a sunless solitary planet with a small group of aliens who are hunting "wraiths", an indigenous telepathic and shape-shifting species.Star Trek: EnterpriseRogue Planet
1/0408.2812/12/2151A group of?Ferengi?hijack?Enterprise, but Commander?Tucker, Captain?Archer?and Sub-Commander?T'Pol?resist the pirates in order to win back their ship.Star Trek: EnterpriseAcquisition
1/0408.2912/14/2151A group of interstellar thieves stun the Enterprise crew and begin looting the ship.Star Trek - The Next GenerationAcquisition
1/0409.0512/26/2151Captain?Archer?and an?away team?find a mysterious crew apparently alive on a ship that crash-landed years ago.Star Trek: EnterpriseOasis
1/0409.1301/10/2152Captain?Archer?and Ensign?Mayweather?find themselves imprisoned in a Suliban?internment camp?run by the?Tandarans.Star Trek: EnterpriseDetained
1/0409.2101/25/2152A strange, symbiotic alien creature boards?Enterprise?and starts kidnapping members of the crew.Star Trek: EnterpriseVox Sola
1/0409.3002/09/2152Enterprise?finds itself under attack while transporting a controversial?Vulcan?ambassador.Star Trek: EnterpriseFallen Hero
1/0410.0802/24/2152Commander?Tucker?and Captain?Archer?are invited to a desert planet by a man named Zobral, only to discover that he has ulterior motives.Star Trek: EnterpriseDesert Crossing
1/0410.1603/10/2152Enterprise?finally arrives for shore leave on?Risa. While there, the crew experience more than they are later willing to admit.Star Trek: EnterpriseTwo Days and Two Nights
1/0410.2603/26/2152Enterprise?is recalled to?Earth?after the crew is blamed for the accidental destruction of a colony world. En route, it is hijacked by Suliban and Captain?Archer?is trapped in the future.Star Trek: EnterpriseShockwave, Part I
1/0411.0304/10/2152As a group of?Suliban?take over?Enterprise, Captain?Archer?tries to return to the 22nd century.Star Trek: EnterpriseShockwave, Part II
1/0411.1204/25/2152Sub-Commander?T'Pol?relates the tale of a?Vulcan?crew stranded on Earth in the 1950s.Star Trek: EnterpriseCarbon Creek
1/0411.2005/11/2152Enterprise?snags a cloaked mine and Lieutenant?Reed?and Captain?Archer?race to disable it during?first contact?with the?Romulan Star Empire.Star Trek: EnterpriseMinefield
1/0411.2905/26/2152Heavily damaged by the?Romulan?mine,?Enterprise?is repaired by an unmanned and automated?sentient?alien repair station.Star Trek: EnterpriseDead Stop
1/0411.2905/27/2152Klingon marauders begin bullying the inhabitants of a desolate deuterium mining colonyStar Trek: EnterpriseMarauders
1/0412.0105/30/2152Star Base 7 is completed and assumes operational status. This is the last Star Base completed until after the Romulan War.FASAThe Romulan War
1/0412.0806/11/2152The Captain's?beagle,?Porthos, becomes ill from an alien pathogen, and Captain?Archer?frets in?Sickbay?waiting for him to recover.Star Trek: EnterpriseA Night In Sickbay
1/0412.1806/26/2152Captain?Archer?barters for?deuterium?from a mining colony plagued by?Klingon?marauders, who are seeking deuterium as well.Star Trek: EnterpriseMarauders
1/0412.2707/11/2152Sub-Commander?T'Pol?is reactivated as a?Vulcan intelligence?agent, reawakening a dark secret from her past.Star Trek: EnterpriseThe Seventh
1/0501.0107/21/2152After several months of careful analysis and discussion, ranking Star Fleet officers at Star Base 3 report their decision. All subsectors within Sectors 5, 7, and 10 go to Code 1 War-Alert status to combat the Romulans' irregular hit-and-run tactics.FASAThe Federation
1/0501.0107/21/2152After several months of careful analysis and discussion, ranking Star Fleet officers at Star Base 3 report their decision. All subsectors within Sectors 5, 7, and 10 go to Code 1 War-Alert status to combat the Romulans' irregular hit-and-run tactics.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan War
1/0501.0407/27/2152After an?away mission, Lieutenant?Reed?discovers that his communicator was lost on a pre-warp planet; he and Captain?Archer?are then captured trying to retrieve it.Star Trek: EnterpriseThe Communicator
1/0501.1208/11/2152Enterprise?charts a course through a?trinary star system?to investigate a?black hole, and the crew find themselves suffering from a condition similar to?OCD.Star Trek: EnterpriseSingularity
1/0501.2108/27/2152After her first trip through the?transporter, Ensign?Sato?finds herself becoming?incorporeal, with the crew believing she has perished.Star Trek: EnterpriseVanishing Point
1/0501.3009/12/2152While answering a distress call, Commander?Tucker?is kidnapped along with a demanding alien princess.Star Trek: EnterprisePrecious Cargo
1/0502.0209/18/2152The?Enterprise?crew takes refuge inside one of the warp nacelles to avoid an inescapable radiation belt.Star Trek: EnterpriseThe Catwalk
1/0502.1110/02/2152Commander?Tucker?is fired upon by an Arkonian ship and is then stranded on a planet with his attacker.Star Trek: EnterpriseDawn
1/0502.2010/17/2152Sub-Commander?T'Pol?learns she has?Pa'nar Syndrome, contracted from her mind meld in "Fusion", and faces being ostracized by?Vulcan?society.Star Trek: EnterpriseStigma
1/0503.0211/01/2152Captain?Archer?negotiates a cease fire between the?Andorians?and the?Vulcans.Star Trek: EnterpriseCease Fire
1/0503.0911/16/2152Enterprise?finds a derelict ship, only to be attacked by both?Suliban?and?Tholian?ships.Star Trek: EnterpriseFuture Tense
1/0503.1712/01/2152Mistaken as smugglers, Captain?Archer?and Commander?Tucker?find themselves on a prisoner transport ship.Star Trek: EnterpriseCanamar
1/0503.2512/16/2152Incorporeal?aliens attempt to take over?Enterprise.Star Trek: EnterpriseThe Crossing
1/0504.0212/31/2152Captain?Archer?is arrested and imprisoned by the?Klingons?for allegedly conspiring against the?Empire.Star Trek: EnterpriseJudgment
1/0504.0901/15/2153After the death of his father, Ensign?Mayweather?visits his family on their cargo ship and begins to reconsider his place aboard?Enterprise.Star Trek: EnterpriseHorizon
1/0504.1701/30/2153Due to the demands of a militant faction,?Enterprise?is asked to retrieve?Denobulan?geologists from an alien cave.Star Trek: EnterpriseThe Breach
1/0504.2502/13/2153Enterprise?encounters the Vissians and Commander?Tucker?finds himself troubled by the fact the Vissians are a?three-sexed species.Star Trek: EnterpriseCogenitor
1/0505.0503/01/2153A group of?Borg?(from?Star Trek: First Contact) are revived after a century frozen in the?Arctic?ice.Star Trek: EnterpriseRegeneration
1/0505.1203/12/2153Upon the death of a close friend, Captain?Archer?tells Sub-Commander?T'Pol?about his early career as an experimental?warp engine?pilot.Star Trek: EnterpriseFirst Flight
1/0505.1603/21/2153A?Tellarite?captures Captain?Archer?in order to collect a reward from the?Klingons?who have been searching for him since the events of "Judgment".Star Trek: EnterpriseBounty
1/0506.0404/24/2153After an?alien attack?on Earth,?Enterprise?is refitted before being sent into the?Delphic Expanse. Sub-Commander?T'Pol?resigns her commission with the?Vulcan High Command, and Commander?Tucker?is troubled by the death of his sister.Star Trek: EnterpriseThe Expanse
1/0506.1405/11/2153Captain?Archer?and Lieutenant?Reed?visit a mining facility in order to track down a Xindi.Star Trek: EnterpriseThe Xindi
1/0506.2305/28/2153The crew of?Enterprise?encounters the rigours of the?Delphic Expanse?first-hand, and deal with pirates operating from a giant cloaked alien sphere.Star Trek: EnterpriseAnomaly
1/0507.0306/15/2153While pursuing the?Xindi, three crew-members are exposed to an alien virus and begin to mutate into?Loque'eque, a long-dead alien race.Star Trek: EnterpriseExtinction
1/0507.1207/02/2153While visiting an alien bazaar, a slave girl seeks refuge aboard?Enterprise?but betrays the crew instead.Star Trek: EnterpriseRajiin
1/0507.2207/19/2153Enterprise?encounters a?Vulcan?ship whose crew has become unstable due to?Trellium-D?exposure. Sub-Commander?T'Pol?soon begins to exhibit the same symptoms.Star Trek: EnterpriseImpulse
1/0507.2207/19/2153Two Romulan gunboats are surrounded and crippled in the Sexton system by units from Star Fleet's 123rd Combat Squadron. The Romulan ships self-destruct while several Federation ships maneuver close for boarding. Four UFP destroyers are lost with all hands. Star Fleet issues standing orders prohibiting its vessels from closing with even a badly damaged Romulan vessel.FASAThe Federation
1/0507.2207/19/2153Two Romulan gunboats are surrounded and crippled in the Sexton system by units from Star Fleet‘s 123rd Combat Squadron. The Romulan ships self-destruct while several Federation ships maneuver close for boarding. Four UFP destroyers are lost with all hands. Star Fleet issues standing orders prohibiting its vessels from closing with even a badly-damaged Romulan vessel.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarEngagement at Sexton
1/0508.0108/06/2153A?Beauty and the Beast-like tale involving Ensign?Sato?encountering a potentially helpful telepathic on a deserted world.Star Trek: EnterpriseExile
1/0508.0108/06/2153Star Fleet Command's Doppler Class scout becomes operational. Even smaller than its Mercury Class predecessor, it is used to make surveys in 'safe' areas of the Federation. Almost 490 are built before production ceases.FASAThe Romulan War
1/0508.1008/23/2153Captain?Archer?learns of kemocite, a key element in a new weapon being built to destroy Earth, and seeks to follow its supply to the superweapon.Star Trek: EnterpriseThe Shipment
1/0508.2009/10/2153A parasite causes Captain?Archer?to lose his long-term memory, and he (with the help of?T'Pol?and Doctor?Phlox) seeks a way to change the past.Star Trek: EnterpriseTwilight
1/0508.3109/27/2153Investigating a planet found to be inhabited by humans, the crew find a town resembling the American "Old West".Star Trek: EnterpriseNorth Star
1/0509.0109/28/2153The fusion driven Long Class 'star—barge' ore freighter is removed from service. Warp powered starships travelling within the 'original Federation' take its place.FASAThe Romulan War
1/0509.1010/14/2153Commander?Tucker?becomes comatose after an accident, and a rapid-growing?clone?is created for the purpose of harvesting brain tissue.Star Trek: EnterpriseSimilitude
1/0509.2111/01/2153During an engine performance test, Trip is critically injured and left comatose in sickbay. Phlox suggests that Trip's only hope for survival is the creation of a "mimetic symbiont" – in other words, a clone.Star Trek: EnterpriseSimilitude
1/0509.2111/01/2153With the help of Temporal Agent?Daniels, Captain?Archer?and Sub-Commander?T'Pol?go back to 2004 Detroit to stop a group of?Reptilians?releasing a biological weapon.TCWStar Trek: EnterpriseCarpenter Street
1/0509.3011/18/2153Religious zealots seek to execute Captain?Archer, for supposed acts of sphere desecration, after hijacking?Enterprise.Star Trek: EnterpriseChosen Realm
1/0510.0111/19/2153The Enterprise is hijacked by a group of religious extremists who worship the mysterious spheres in the Expanse.Star Trek: EnterpriseChosen Realm
1/0510.1212/06/2153Xindi?scientists test their new, planet-killing weapon in an asteroid field as Captain?Archer?is suddenly assisted by?Andorians?in the?Delphic Expanse.FedStar Trek: EnterpriseProving Ground
1/0510.1612/12/2153A?Xindi?scientist,?Degra, is tricked into giving Captain?Archer?information about the location of the new superweapon.Star Trek: EnterpriseStratagem
1/0510.2412/27/2153Enterprise?encounters a dying alien, one of the?Sphere Builders, for the first time.Star Trek: EnterpriseHarbinger
1/0510.2801/02/2154As?Enterprise?passes through a "trans-dimensional disturbance," the crew is put into hibernation, leaving Doctor?Phlox?in control of the ship.Star Trek: EnterpriseDoctor's Orders
1/0510.3101/08/2154Captain?Archer?becomes overly protective of an?Insectoid?hatchery, to the point of endangering their mission.Star Trek: EnterpriseHatchery
1/0511.0101/09/2154Star Fleet Command's Marshall Class destroyer becomes operational and is rushed into immediate full-scale production. Equipped with many of the most recent technological advances, this warship is the mainstay of the Federation's combat fleet during the latter part of the Romulan War. The Marshall remains in active service for 60 years, longer than any other major warship class before or since. A total of 2,900 ships are built.FASAThe Federation
1/0511.0101/09/2154Star Fleet Command's Marshall Class destroyer becomes operational and is rushed into immediate full-scale production. Equipped with many of the most recent technological advances, this warship is the mainstay of the Federation's combat fleet during the latter pan of the Romulan War. The Marshall remains in active service for 60 years, longer than any other major warship class before or since. A total of 2900 ships are built.FASAThe Romulan War
1/0511.0401/14/2154Finding the superweapon on?Azati Prime, Captain?Archer?embarks on a suicide mission to destroy it, and?Enterprise?suffers a devastating attack by the?Xindi.TCW?FedStar Trek: EnterpriseAzati Prime
1/0511.0401/15/2154The Enterprise crew must cope with devastating damage to the ship, with another alien ship needing assistance nearby.Star Trek: EnterpriseDamage
1/0511.0701/20/2154Enterprise, now heavily damaged, seeks a warp coil from an alien vessel but is forced to steal it.Star Trek: EnterpriseDamage
1/0511.1001/26/2154Captain?Archer?deals with the loss of 18 crew members and continues negotiations with two of the five?Xindi species.Star Trek: EnterpriseThe Forgotten
1/0511.1302/01/2154The?Enterprise?crew meet their own descendants from an alternate timeline in the past.Star Trek: EnterpriseE?
1/0511.1702/07/2154Captain?Archer?speaks at the?Xindi Council, sparking a?civil war?for control of the superweapon.Star Trek: EnterpriseThe Council
1/0511.2002/13/2154With help from some Xindi factions, the Enterprise crew attempts to stop the arming of the Xindi superweapon.Star Trek: EnterpriseCountdown
1/0511.2002/13/2154Captain?Archer?seeks the support of the?Aquatics?in order to tip the war in their favor.Star Trek: EnterpriseCountdown
1/0511.2102/14/2154The final showdown with the?Reptilians?and their?Guardian?allies occurs. Captain?Archer?is believed dead as?Enterprise?finds itself back in the World War II era.TCWStar Trek: EnterpriseZero Hour
1/0512.0303/09/2154After destroying the?Xindi?weapon,?Enterprise?finds itself in the 20th century during World War II with?Nazis?in control of the North Eastern USA.Star Trek: EnterpriseStorm Front, Part I
1/0512.0903/21/2154Discussions are held at the highest echelons of the Federation and Star Fleet Command. As a result, President of the Federation Council Cristofur Thorpe issues a sealed, standing order by subspace radio to all individuals possessing the rank of Admiral, Council Secretary, or Senior Ambassador. If formal contact is made with the official Romulan government, the Federation will demand that all hostilities cease immediately, or a state of war will be declared. Any military or governmental official receiving this order has the full authority of the UFP to authorize such a declaration.FASAThe Federation
1/0512.0903/21/2154Discussions are held at the highest echelons of the Federation and Star Fleet Command. As a result, President of the Federation Council Cristofur Thorpe issues a sealed, standing order by subspace radio to all individuals possessing the rank of Admiral, Council Secretary, or Senior Ambassador. lf formal contact is made with the Romulan government, the Federation will demand that all hostilities cease immediately, or a state of war will be declared. Any military or governmental official receiving this order has the full authority of the UFP to authorize such a declaration.FASAThe Romulan War
1/0512.1504/01/2154Archer?joins?Silik?to stop the alien?Nazis, restore the timeline and end the?Temporal Cold War.Star Trek: EnterpriseStorm Front, Part II
1/0512.2804/24/2154Enterprise?is welcomed home after saving Earth and the crew takes a much needed vacation.?Tucker?&?T'Pol?visit?Vulcan?where T'Pol must consider marriage to Koss.?Erika Hernandez?becomes captain of the?Columbia?and renews her acquaintance with Archer.?Phlox?encounters prejudice on Earth.Star Trek: EnterpriseHome
1/0601.0805/15/2154The USS Thara, a Tanafhooef Class frigate, engages a Romulan U-4 class cruiser near the Pretoric system. The opposing vessels literally fight to the death, as both ships are destroyed by the combat.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarBattle of Pretoric
1/0601.0905/17/2154Dr.?Arik Soong?restores his relationship with his genetically-enhanced "children,"?Augments.Star Trek: EnterpriseBorderland
1/0601.1205/22/2154A space station crew is held hostage as Dr. Arik Soong and his Augments work to obtain hundreds of Augment embryos in hopes of creating an Augment population.Star Trek: EnterpriseCold Station 12
1/0601.1505/27/2154Dr. Arik Soong finds himself overthrown as "father" of the Augments and Archer rushes to prevent the destruction of a Klingon colony. As a result of his dashed hopes of enhancing humans, Soong turns in a new direction of research.Star Trek: EnterpriseThe Augments
1/0601.2706/16/2154Earth's embassy on Vulcan is partially destroyed by a bomb, killing?Admiral Forrest. Archer & T'Pol travel to Vulcan in search of an alleged terrorist group blamed for the explosion, of which T'Pol's mother is a member.Star Trek: EnterpriseThe Forge
1/0602.0607/06/2154Archer & T'Pol find?T'Pau?and T'Pol's mother and learn that Archer is carrying?Surak's?katra.Star Trek: EnterpriseAwakening
1/0602.1707/27/2154Archer and T'Pol bring back the Kir'Shara (Surak's artifact) that will lead to vast changes in the Vulcan world. T'Pol's Pa'nar Syndrome is cured by T'Pau.Star Trek: EnterpriseKir'Shara
1/0603.0108/16/2154Dr. Emory Erickson, inventor of the?transporter, conducts a long-range experiment in order to recover his lost son.Star Trek: EnterpriseDaedalus
1/0603.1209/05/2154Organians?test the?Enterprise?crew by observing their reactions to a deadly silicon-based infection.Star Trek: EnterpriseObserver Effect
1/0603.2409/26/2154Andorians?threaten war on the?Tellarites?after apparently being attacked by a Tellarite vessel en route to trade talks.Star Trek: EnterpriseBabel One
1/0604.0310/16/2154Archer and?Shran?engage in mortal combat as Archer tries to unite the Andorians and Tellarites who are being set at each other's throats by a remote-controlled?Romulan?vessel.Star Trek: EnterpriseUnited
1/0604.1511/06/2154The drone Romulan ship that attacked the Andorians is under the control of an?Aenar, an offshoot race of the Andorians. Archer and Shran join forces to rescue the Aenar and stop the Romulan plot.Star Trek: EnterpriseThe Aenar
1/0604.2711/27/2154While Enterprise visits Earth for the launch of Columbia, Phlox is kidnapped and forced to help the Klingons deal with a grave threat toward their species.ParamountAffliction
1/0604.2711/27/2154Phlox is kidnapped by the?Klingons?who are seeking to cure a disease caused by an attempt to create Klingon/Augment hybrids; T'Pol's mental abilities grow after she conducts her first mind meld.Star Trek: EnterpriseAffliction
1/0605.0512/12/2154With the?Columbia's help, the?Enterprise?crew grapples with sabotage to their ship as they pursue the truth behind the kidnapping of Phlox. The disease is cured, but genetic mutations will make many Klingons appear human-like for generations to come.Star Trek: EnterpriseDivergence
1/0605.1512/27/2154As a gift for negotiating with the?Orion Syndicate, Archer receives three?Orion Slave Girls, but these "gifts" have their own agenda. Meanwhile, Trip and T'Pol come to terms with the psychic bond that has been created between them.Star Trek: EnterpriseBound
1/0605.2001/07/2155A xenophobic faction of humanity threatens to undermine talks to form a new coalition of planets.Star Trek: EnterpriseDemons
1/0605.2701/19/2155A human isolationist leader threatens to destroy Starfleet Command unless all aliens leave Earth immediately. His bargaining tool: a baby cloned from DNA belonging to Trip and T'Pol.Star Trek: EnterpriseTerra Prime
1/0606.1602/22/2155Star Fleet's 150th Combat Squadron, under the command of Admiral Rex Gunther, meets a solitary Romulan U-13 Class cruiser near Eta Leonis VI. Instead of attacking, Admiral Gunther follows Thorpe's instructions, opens known Romulan hailing frequencies, and warns the invading ship of his orders. Gunther gives the Romulan government six months to respond. Otherwise, it means war. Though the Romulan ship does not communicate, it is permitted to depart with the warning. This marks the sole meeting of Federation and Romulan warships without bloodshed on either side.FASAThe Federation
1/0606.1602/22/2155Star Fleet’s 150th Combat Squadron, under the command of Admiral Rex Gunther, meets a solitary Romulan U-13 Class cruiser near Eta Leonis Vl. Instead of attacking, Admiral Gunther follows Thorpe's instructions, opens known Romulan hailing frequencies, and warns the invading ship of his orders. Gunther gives the Romulan government six months in which to provide some kind of response. Otherwise, it means war. Though the Romulan ship does not communicate, it is permitted to depart with the warning. This marks the only occasion where Federation and Romulan warships meet without bloodshed on either side.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan War
1/0606.2503/10/2155Y-500 Class vessels (presumably inclusive of the DY-500) are decommissioned and are no longer in service.PublicationStar Trek Spaceflight Chronology
1/0608.1207/25/2155Battle of Tarod IXFASAEarth-Romulan WarBattle of Tarod IX
1/0610.1409/24/2155Intercepted subspace radio communications are translated and analyzed to help the UFP understand their foe. The Romulan War calls attention to the strategic importance of the Triangle.FASAThe Federation
1/0610.1409/24/2155Since Admiral Gunther issued his warning, at least one Federation warship has remained in the vicinity of Eta Leonis VI, awaiting a Romulan response. The USS Patton, a brand-new Marshall Class destroyer, is the ship on picket duty when three U-15 Class cruisers close. While decelerating, the Romulans open fire. The Patton's Captain Spadora makes one transmission before a Romulan cruiser fires a single guided missile. The torpedo hits the side of the Patton, totally disintegrating it. Spadora's message is received by other vessels in the area and relayed throughout the Federation. The Romulans' intentions are clear, and war is declared.FASAThe Federation
1/0610.1409/24/2155Since Admiral Gunther issued his warning, at least one warship has remained in the vicinity of Eta Leonis Vl, awaiting a Romulan response. The USS Patton, a brand-new Marshall Class destroyer, is the ship on picket duty when three U-15 Class cruisers close. While decelerating, the Romulan ships open fire with their drill-beams. The Pattons Captain Spadora makes one transmission before a Romulan cruiser fires a single 'star-bomb' guided missile. The torpedo hits the side of the Patton and totally disintegrates it. Spadora's message is received by other vessels in the area and relayed throughout the Federation. The Romulans' intentions are clear, and war is declared. In this unprecedented action, the UFP moves against an enemy whose planetary holdings and bases, political structure, aims and philosophies, and even appearance is completely unknown. intercepted subspace radio communications are translated and analyzed to help the UFP understand their foe.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarBattle of Eta Leonis VI
1/0610.2610/16/2155First Battle of DenevaFASAEarth-Romulan WarFirst Battle of Deneva
1/0611.0711/08/2155First Battle of BerengariaEntENT - The Romulan War novel: Beneath the Raptor's WingEarth-Romulan WarFirst Battle of Berengaria
1/0611.1211/17/2155Skirmish near Threllvia IVFASAEarth-Romulan WarSkirmish near Threllvia IV
1/0611.1211/18/2155Fall of Threllvia IVFASAEarth-Romulan WarFall of Threllvia IV
1/0611.1711/26/2155First Battle of Altair VIFASAEarth-Romulan WarFirst Battle of Altair VI
1/0701.1303/10/2156Battle of AndoriaFASAEarth-Romulan WarBattle of Andoria
1/0701.1403/11/2156Invasion of CaporyFASAEarth-Romulan WarInvasion of Capory
1/0701.1403/12/2156Mission to Aeihk'aeleir ShipyardFASAEarth-Romulan War Mission to Aeihk'aeleir Shipyard
1/0701.1503/14/2156Invasion of Draken IVFASAEarth-Romulan WarInvasion of Draken IV
1/0701.2504/02/2156Second Battle of BerengariaFASAEarth-Romulan WarSecond Battle of Berengaria
1/0702.0104/14/2156Scores of individual ship-versus-ship and ship-versusoutpost encounters occur throughout this period of the Romulan War. Each side wins several of these confrontations, but more often, the opposing forces successfully destroy one another.FASAThe Federation
1/0702.0104/14/2156Scores of individual ship-versus-ship and ship-versus-outpost encounters occur throughout this period of the Romulan War. Each side wins several of these confrontations, but more often, the opposing forces successfully destroy one another.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan War
1/0702.0104/15/2156Engagement R-1-003FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarEngagement R-1-003
1/0702.0304/18/2156Engagement R-1-004FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarEngagement R-1-004
1/0702.0504/22/2156Engagement R-1-005FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarEngagement R-1-005
1/0702.1005/01/2156Engagement R-1-006FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarEngagement R-1-006
1/0702.1005/02/2156Engagement R-1-007FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarEngagement R-1-007
1/0702.1105/04/2156Engagement R-1-008FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarEngagement R-1-008
1/0702.1305/08/2156Engagement R-1-009FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarEngagement R-1-009
1/0702.1405/10/2156Engagement R-1-010FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarEngagement R-1-010
1/0702.1905/18/2156Engagement R-1-011FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarEngagement R-1-011
1/0702.1905/18/2156Battle of AlgeronFASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarBattle of Algeron
1/0702.2205/22/2156Ambush in the Onias sectorFASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarAmbush in the Onias sector
1/0702.2205/23/2156Engagement R-1-012FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarEngagement R-1-012
1/0702.2305/24/2156Engagement R-1-013FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarEngagement R-1-013
1/0702.2505/27/2156Engagement R-1-014FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarEngagement R-1-014
1/0703.0106/04/2156Engagement R-1-015FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarEngagement R-1-015
1/0703.0406/10/2156Second Battle of DenevaFASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarSecond Battle of Deneva
1/0703.0606/15/2156Engagement R-1-016FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarEngagement R-1-016
1/0703.0706/17/2156Engagement R-1-017FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarEngagement R-1-017
1/0703.0906/19/2156Engagement R-1-018FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarEngagement R-1-018
1/0703.0906/20/2156Second Battle of Altair VIFASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarSecond Battle of Altair VI
1/0703.0906/20/2156Battle of Tau Ceti IVFASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarBattle of Tau Ceti IV
1/0703.1206/24/2156Engagement R-1-019FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarEngagement R-1-019
1/0703.1406/27/2156Engagement R-1-020FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarEngagement R-1-020
1/0703.1707/03/2156In the first real battle of the Romulan War, two squadrons of Romulan cruisers headed toward Rigel are met at Prantares by a Federation force of approximately equal size. The Battle of Prantares is a tactical draw. The Federation suffers much heavier losses, but force the Romulans to turn back.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarBattle of Prantares
1/0706.0111/12/2156Operating independently, several Federation squadrons cross into Romulan controlled territory. While advancing into uncharted space, Star Fleet's Forty-Fourth Cruiser Squadron detects an unprotected Romulan deep-space supply depot. The small station, located at Deep-Space Coordinate VP 18 Mark 30.2, is destroyed without Federation casualties.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan War
1/0707.2502/16/2157Battle of Gamma HydraFASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarBattle of Gamma Hydra
1/0711.0808/22/2157Battle of Galorndon CoreFASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarBattle of Galorndon Core
1/0711.2209/16/2157A Romulan wing penetrates Star Fleet's corvette picket screen and destroys the Sector 5B Mining Complex, a very important Federation ore processing facility.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarDestruction of 5B
1/0712.2311/10/2157Battle of PrantaresFASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarBattle of Prantares
1/0712.2511/13/2157Star Fleet's Twelfth Strike Wing, containing three full squadrons, encounters a disorganized Romulan convoy at Nu Chalcedonis, a Federation rendezvous point inside the Triangle. With only light casualties, the Federation force destroys the entire Romulan convoy.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarBattle of Nu Chalcedonis
1/0802.0101/22/2158Continuing their advance into Federation space, Romulan ships form 'wolf packs' to attack Federation trans-ports. Three escorted Federation convoys are attacked and destroyed in this manner. Officials believe Romulans are hijacking the cargoes before destroying the transports. As they press deeper into Federation space, the Romulans are becoming desperately short of supplies.FASAThe Federation
1/0802.0101/22/2158Continuing their advance into Federation space, individual Romulan ships form 'wolf-packs‘ to attack Federation transports. Three escorted Federation convoys are attacked and destroyed in this way. Officials believe Romulans are hijacking the cargoes before destroying the transports. As they press deeper into Federation space, the Romulans are becoming desperately in need of supplies.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan War
1/0805.0207/02/2158Headed for the Triangle, a Romulan armada of 60 ships attacks three Federation squadrons near Gamma Hydra. Though Federation forces are outnumbered, both sides take heavy casualties. Star Fleet's new tactics match Romulan ferocity, leaving both fleets badly depleted and exhausted. However, the Romulans force a Federation retreat, and they resume course for the Triangle. The 132nd Strike Squadron, under the command of Admiral William Larson, reinforces the battered UFP forces and repulses the Romulan armada. This battle seriously weakens Star Fleet, but it also prevents the formation of a major Romulan fleet in the Triangle. Excluding isolated, small-scale engagements, the Triangle remains Romulan-free for the remainder of the war.FASAThe Federation
1/0805.0207/02/2158Headed for the Triangle, a Romulan armada of 60 ships attacks three Federation squadrons near Gamma Hydra. Though Federation forces are outnumbered substantially, casualties are extremely heavy on both sides. Star Fleet's new tactics match Romulan ferocity, leaving both fleets badly depleted and exhausted. The Romulans force a Federation retreat, and they resume course for the Triangle. The 132nd Strike Squadron, under the command of Admiral William Larson, reinforces the battered UFP forces and repulses the Romulan armada. This battle seriously weakens Star Fleet, but it also prevents the formation of a major Romulan fleet in the Triangle. Excluding isolated, small-scale engagements, the Triangle remains Romulan-free for the rest of the war.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarBattel of Gamma Hydra
1/0807.2512/04/2158Four Romulan squadrons bombard Alpha Omega B with star-bomb missiles, rendering the planet uninhabitable. Two Romulan squadrons performing diversionary tactics are wiped out by local defense squadrons, but over 20,000 military and civilian personnel are killed in the main attack. This marks the Romulans' deepest penetration into Federation space.FASAThe Federation
1/0807.2512/04/2158Four Romulan squadrons bombard Alpha Omega B with 'star—bomb' missiles, rendering the planet uninhabitable. Two Romulan squadrons performing diversionary tactics are wiped out by local defense squadrons, but over 20,000 military and civilian personnel are killed in the main attack. This marks the Romulans' deepest penetration into Federation space.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarDestruction of Alpha Omega B
1/0808.0801/01/2159Third Battle of DenevaFASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarThird Battle of Deneva
1/0809.0102/13/2159Shortages of men, starships, and supplies reach critical levels for both Federation and Romulan forces, as both fleets force deep penetrations into their opposing governments' territory. Numerous raids and battle losses make it increasingly difficult for either side to form effective formations and continue the war.FASAThe Federation
1/0809.0102/13/2159Shortages of men, starships, and supplies reach critical levels for both Federation and Romulan forces, as both fleets force deep penetrations into the opposing governments' territory. Numerous raids and battle losses make it increasingly difficult for either side to form effective formations and continue the war.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan War
1/0811.0106/09/2159While on an exploration and survey mission in the Triangle, the USS Cavalier is ambushed by Romulan cruisers in a newly discovered planetary system. After destroying the ship, the Romulan vessels move off without bothering to examine the system. A twelve-man landing party, under the command of Lieutenant Lawrence David Baker, is stranded there.FASAThe Federation
1/0811.0106/09/2159While on an exploration and survey mission in the Triangle, the USS Cavalier is ambushed by Romulan cruisers in a newly-discovered planetary system. After completing their attack, the Romulan vessels depart without examining the system. A twelve-man landing party under the command of Lieutenant Lawrence David Baker is stranded there.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarDestruction of the Cavalier
1/0811.2507/21/2159A Federation fleet of five squadrons stumbles onto a major Romulan base at Manarram, dealing the enemy its first true defeat. Manned only by skeleton crews during resupply operations, over 30 Romulan cruisers and gunboats are destroyed in orbit before they can fire a shot. Six Star Fleet vessels are lost when the planetary base destroys itself after its defenses sustain serious damage. The loss of the base and warships are crippling, and the Romulan war effort never fully recovers. This is the deepest penetration of Federation forces into Romulan space.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarBattle of Manarram
1/0811.2907/30/2159One full sector of the battle zone is placed under a strict media blackout as Operation Golden Pheasant is carried out. The purpose of this exercise is to move a partially-constructed prototype battle cruiser code-named the USS Juggernaut. Built by the Star Fleet Engineering Command, the Juggernautis transported from its present location at a base near the Federation border to a more secure naval shipyard at Andor.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan War
1/0901.2010/29/2159In his now-famous "Sighted Man of Peace" address to the Federation Council, Senior Councilman Abraham Danr---- non recommends offering a peace treaty to the Romulans. During the next ten days, advocates of both viewpoints hold heated discussions on the proposition.FASAThe Federation
1/0901.2010/29/2159In his now-famous "Sighted Man of Peace" address to the Federation Council, Senior Councilman Abraham Dannon recommends offering a peace treaty to the Romulans. During the next ten days, advocates of both viewpoints hold heated discussions on the proposition.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan War
1/0902.0111/19/2159The Federation Council votes on Councilman Dannon's proposal for a peace offer. The measure is accepted by a one-vote margin, and is immediately transmitted via subspace radio to the Romulan Star Empire.FASAThe Federation
1/0902.0111/19/2159The Federation Council votes on Councilman Dannon's proposal for a peace offer. The measure is accepted by a one-vote margin, and immediately transmitted via subspace radio to the Romulan Star Empire.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan War
1/0903.3002/28/2160Star Fleet’s Marine Corps Command is established at this time. No personnel from this command sees active combat during the Romulan War.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan War
1/0904.2804/15/2160The Federation Council receives a response from the Romulan Star Empire. According to their Imperial Senate, the treaty must contain the provisions that no members of the warring races meet face-to-face, and that no ships cross a negotiated Neutral Zone. Additional information on the exact location, dimensions, and restrictions applying to the Neutral Zone are also emphatically requested. Council-man Dannon, placed in charge of the subspace negotiations, responds within one week.FASAThe Federation
1/0904.2804/15/2160The Federation Council receives a response from the Romulan Star Empire. According to their imperial Senate, the treaty must cxzntain the provisions that no members of the warring races meet face-to-face, and that no ships may cross the Neutral Zone. Additional information on the exact location, dimensions, and restrictions applying to the Neutral Zone are also emphatically requested. Councilman Dannon, placed in charge of the subspace negotiations, responds within one week.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan War
1/0905.0104/21/2160The Battle of Cheron is fought in Romulan space between two squadrons of Federation ships and remnants of four Romulan groups. The battle ends inconclusively when neither side has any combat-capable ships remaining. This battle marks the UFP's last opportunity to organize a fleet strong enough to reach the supposed location of the Romulan homeworld. It is considered a victory nevertheless, because the Romulans lost more ships than the Federation.FASAThe Federation
1/0905.0104/21/2160The Battle of Cheron is fought in Romulan space between two squadrons of Federation ships and remnants of four Romulan groups. The battle ends inconclusively when neither side has any combat-capable ships remaining. This battle marks the UFP's last opportunity to organize a fleet strong enough to reach the supposed location of the Romulan home world. Still, it is considered a victory, because the Romulans lose more ships than the Federation does.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan WarBattle of Cheron
1/0906.1706/18/2160Stranded for seven months on what is now known as Baker's World, the crewmen from the USS Cavalier are picked up by the USS Lorelei without having suffered any casualties. For his skill and leadership, Lieutenant Lawrence David Baker receives the Star Fleet Commendation of Valor and a promotion, as well as becoming an immediate media hero.FASAThe Federation
1/0906.1706/18/2160Stranded for seven months on what is now known as Bakers World, the crewmen of the USS Cavalierare picked up by the USS Lore/ei without having suffered any casualties. For his skill and leadership, Lieutenant Lawrence David Baker receives the Star Fleet Commendation of Valor and a promotion, as well as becoming an immediate media hero.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan War
1/0907.2808/01/2160The Romulans communicate with the Federation government and insist on additional territorial gains for the Romulan Star Empire. In exchange, they are willing to accept tighter restrictions on Neutral Zone outposts. Dannon reluctantly makes many of the necessary concessions, and Federation Council President Thorpe ratifies the completed Treaty of Peace. The treaty is transmitted to the Romulan Star Empire.FASAThe Federation
1/0907.2808/01/2160The Romulans respond a second time, and insist on additional territorial gains for the Romulan Star Empire. In exchange, they are willing to accept tighter restrictions on Neutral Zone outposts. Dannon reluctantly makes many of the concessions, and Federation Council President Thorpe ratifies the completed Treaty of Peace. The treaty is transmitted to the Romulan Star Empire once more.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan War
1/0909.0909/16/2160The Imperial Senate of the Romulan Star Empire broad-casts its ratification of the Treaty of Peace on all subspace frequencies. The message is picked up by Federation starships along the border, and the treaty terms go into immediate effect. After 17 years of piratical attacks and declared hostilities, the Romulan War is finally over.FASAThe Federation
1/0909.0909/16/2160The Imperial Senate of the Romulan Star Empire broadcasts its ratification of the Treaty of Peace on all subspace frequencies. The message is picked up by Federation starships along the border, and the terms of the treaty go into immediate effect. After 17 years of piratical attacks and declared hostilities, the Romulan War is finally over.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan War
1/0909.1009/17/2160Established by the Treaty of Peace, the Neutral Zone is now in effect. A period of withdrawal permitted by the treaty lasts until Stardate 1/1207. All invading Federation and Romulan forces begin retreating at maximum warp speed to their respective sides of the new boundary.FASAThe Federation
1/0909.1009/17/2160The Neutral Zone, established by the Treaty of Peace, is now in effect. A period of withdrawal permitted by the treaty lasts until Stardate 1/1207. All invading Federation and Romulan forces begin retreating at maximum warp speed to their respective sides of the new boundary.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan War
1/0910.0110/11/2160By this time, the Klingons have begun to perfect shipboard disruptor technology, which they are deploying throughout their fleet. With the Romulan War now over, the Orions realize that the UFP and the Klingon Empire must eventually encounter one another.FASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
1/0910.0110/11/2160Peace reigns, but the Orion Colonies know that the Klingon Empire will soon discover the existence of the Federation. The Colonies sign non-aggression and trade treaties with the Federation, but still remain outside the UFP.FASAThe Federation
1/0910.0110/11/2160At this time, realizing that they are technologically outclassed and outnumbered, the Romulans consolidate along the new UFP-Romulan Neutral Zone. They begin major construction of outposts to keep track of Federation forces and keep them in check. Just homeward of these outposts, the Romulans are also building ships intended for future expansion into Federation territory.FASAThe Romulan WarEarth-Romulan War
1/0912.0312/20/2160The planet Mantiev, which is in the Triangle, is settled. The other three planets in the future Mantiev Colonial Association are settled within the next year. All have been founded by various groups from the Federation. These are the only real efforts at colonizing the Triangle until 1/40. It is their success that spurs the major wave of settlement 30 years later.FASAThe Romulan War
1/1001.0101/19/2161With the Romulan War ended, budgetary constraints force Star Fleet Command to decommission a number of warships. The entire fleet of Messier Class cruisers is deactivated, even though the class served exceptionally well throughout the Romulan War. The Zone of Transport Escort is lifted, and galactic peace brings tremendous growth in industry, trade, and tourism.FASAThe Federation
1/1001.0101/19/2161Now that the Romulan War has ended, Star Fleet Command is forced by budgetary constraints to decommission a number of warships. The entire fleet of Messier Class cruisers is deactivated, after that class served exceptionally well throughout the Romulan War.FASAThe Romulan War
1/1001.0101/19/2161The Zone of Transport Escort is lifted, and galactic peace brings tremendous growth in industry, trade, and tourism.FASAThe Romulan War
1/1001.0501/24/2161The negotiations establishing the Romulan Neutral Zone destroy the political aspirations of Councilman Dannon. His opponents claim that he, as chief negotiator, gave away too much of the disputed area to the Romulans. Dannon is politically censured, and later, loses his position as Federation Councilman.FASAThe Federation
1/1001.0501/24/2161The negotiations establishing the Romulan Neutral Zone destroy the political aspirations of Councilman Dannon. His opponents claim that he, as chief negotiator,gave away too much of the disputed area to the Romulans. Dannon is politically censured, and finally loses his position as Federation Councilman.FASAThe Romulan War
1/1007.0108/05/2161Star Base 8 is completed and assumes operational status.FASAThe Romulan War
1/1009.0110/08/2161Star Fleet Command's Normandy Class starfighter becomes operational, replacing some of the older Arrow and Galliant Class starfighters. A total of 264 are built, and the ships are deployed in squadrons of twelve.FASAThe Romulan War
1/1207.0110/08/2163The period of withdrawal from the Neutral Zone permitted under the peace treaty is now over. From this time on, no warship may cross the Romulan Neutral Zone. All Federation cultural exchange programs resume, after having been suspended during the Romulan War. Federation officials release a public survey poll showing rising confidence in the UFP and its ability to perform its intended duties.FASAThe Federation
1/1207.0110/08/2163The period of withdrawal, permitted under the peace treaty, is now over. From this time on, no warship may cross the Romulan Neutral Zone. All Federation cultural exchange programs resume after having been suspended during the Romulan War. Federation officials release a public survey poll showing rising confidence in the UFP and its ability to perform its intended duties.FASAThe Romulan War
1/1301.0104/25/2164Official membership in the United Federation of Planets reaches 100.FASAThe Federation
1/1301.0104/25/2164Official membership of the United Federation of Planets reaches 100.FASAThe Romulan War
1/1303.2107/21/2164Abraham Dannon, author of the Romulan/Federation peace treaty and chief negotiator of its provisions, is assassinated by a spectator at a political rally where he was scheduled to speak. A controversial, much-despised figure in his own time, Dannon will later be revered for his contributions to galactic peace. The Terran civilian decoration for peace, the Dannon Prize, is named for him.FASAThe Federation
1/1303.2107/21/2164Abraham Dannon, author of the Romulan/Federation peace treaty and chief negotiator of its provisions, dies at the age of 59, assassinated by a spectator at a political rally where he was scheduled to speak. A controversial, much despised figure in his own time, Dannon is now revered for his contributions to galactic peace. The Terran civilian decoration for peace, the Dannon Prize, is named for him.FASAThe Romulan War
1/1305.0109/03/2164Construction work on Outer Sector Defense Outpost 1 is now complete, and the rebuilt base is reactivated.FASAThe Romulan War
1/1306.0110/08/2164Star Base 9 is completed and assumes operational status.FASAThe Romulan War
1/1405.0110/06/2165According to an official Star Fleet spokesman, Operation Golden Pheasant has been completed. Two completely different prototype battle cruisers, the USS Goliath and USS Juggernaut, have been designed and constructed. Both vessels now begin preliminary testing and shakedown cruises.FASAThe Romulan War
1/1509.1704/02/2167A Cardassian farmer stumbles on an ancient Hebitian tombLast Unicorn GamesAll Our Yesterdays: The Time Travel Sourcebook
1/1511.2506/15/2167The Starship Archon visits planet Beta III in star system C-111.Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Return of the Archons
1/1512.0106/21/2167Both prototype battle cruisers fail to meet performance specifications, and so they are decommissioned and placed in storage. A major embarrassment for Star Fleet's Engineering Command, fund allocations for research and development are virtually cut off for the next three decades. Star Fleet continues to accept commercial designs for new warships, but the Engineering Command only designs one new major warship class, the Castor Class cruiser, beforeFASAThe Romulan War
1/1603.2010/21/2167The USS Essex (registry number NCC-173) is caught in a magnetic storm and destroyed above the Class-M moon on Mab-Bu VI.ParamountST reference: Star Trek Encyclopedia
1/1604.0111/02/2167Star Base 10 is completed and assumes operational status.FASAThe Romulan War
1/1607.2803/11/2168The Starship Horizon visits Planet Sigma Iotia II, about 100 light years beyond Federation space.Star Trek - The Original SeriesA Piece of the Action
1/1703.0110/30/2168Star Fleet Intelligence Command completes Operation Scipio, with the design and construction of a special prototype reconnaissance vessel. The starship is tested and achieves warp 3.84, the highest velocity to date.FASAThe Romulan War
1/1704.2901/01/2169Ancient burial vaults of the First Hebitian civilization on Cardassia are unearthed. Grave robbers remove priceless artifacts, including many made of jevonite, described as unimaginably beautiful.Star Trek - The Next GenerationChain of Command, Part II
1/1705.2702/01/2169Starfleet withdraws the Daedalus class starship from service.ParamountStar Trek reference: Encyclopedia
1/1801.0109/22/2169Most Orion trade families close their operations with the UFP, in the face of Klingon trade vessels returning to the Rigel colonies. Through masterful timing of ship arrivals, the Orions keep the Klingons and UFP unaware of each other's presence for manyFASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
1/1803.0111/22/2169Ships of the UFP Galactic Cultural Exchange project complete their first visit to all Federation memberworlds.FASAThe Romulan War
1/1804.0312/27/2169Star Fleet's initial network of manned and automated outposts along the Neutral Zone becomes operational. The system is expanded and improved during the next 30 years, until most military theorists consider it impossible for a ship to cross the Zone undetected. It is assumed that the Romulans have created a similar network. This is supported by the fact that none of the 17 Federation space vessels known to have penetrated the Neutral Zone have returned.FASAThe Federation
1/1804.0312/27/2169Star FIeet's initial network of manned and automated outposts along the Neutral Zone becomes operational. The system is expanded and improved during the next 30 years, until most military theorists consider it impossible for a ship to cross the Zone undetected. lt is assumed that a similar network has been created by the Romulans, This is supported by the fact that, of the 17 Federation space vessels known to have penetrated the Neutral Zone, none have returned.FASAThe Romulan War
1/1807.0304/01/2170A group of Native Americans, seeking to preserve their culture, leave their North American home to search for a planet on which they can begin a colony. Their leader is Katowa. They eventually settle on Dorvan V.Star Trek - The Next GenerationJourney's End
1/1907.0104/21/2171A major, privately—operated research station opens on Deneva and begins scientific investigations into transtator physics.FASAThe Romulan War
1/2003.1702/01/2172Well-preserved remains of the galaxy's oldest civilization, estimated to be 7.5 billion years old, are found on Planet 522-IV.FASAThe Federation
1/2008.0106/24/2172The USS Yardley travels to Axanar and suffers several casualties among its contact party. As a result, the planet is interdicted under the Non-Interference Directive.FASAThe Federation
1/2008.0106/24/2172The USS Yardley travels to Axanar and suffers several casualties among its contact party. As a result, the planet is interdicted under the Non-Interference Directive.FASAThe Romulan War
1/2106.0105/22/2173The Star Fleet Museum on Memory Alpha is completed. This is the newest UFP repository for major scientific and historical artifacts. The facility quickly becomes a major scientific attraction for researchers from throughout the Federation. Over the next ten years, a number of famous warships are brought to the Museum and placed in tractored orbits around the planetoid.FASAThe Federation
1/2106.0105/22/2173The Star Fleet Museum on Memory Alpha is completed. This is the newest UFP repository for major scientific and historical artifacts. The facility quickly becomes a major scientific attraction for researchers from throughout the Federation. Over the next ten years, a number of famous warships, including the USS Horizon and USS Juggernaut, are brought to the Museum and placed in traciored orbits around the planetoid.FASAThe Romulan War
1/2401.0103/03/2176First evidence of extra-galactic life is discovered when an unknown probe is recovered from Sector 24.FASAThe Federation
1/2412.0103/05/2177Faced with threats that the UFP will revoke its non-aggression agreements because of the closure of Orion ports to even emergency traffic, the Orions reopen their ports to UFP shipping on a limited basis. They also sign new treaties with the UFP. These agFASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
1/2501.0104/07/2177The UFP's major space development complex, the huge Centauri Spaceworks, opens with contracts from many member worlds.FASAThe Federation
1/3001.0108/25/2182Captain James Smithson is dishonorably discharged from Star Fleet in the first violation of the Prime Directive.FASAThe Federation
1/3101.0109/18/2183Growing numbers of interstellar tourists quickly make Argelius a favorite vacation spot because of its nightlife.FASAThe Federation
1/3308.0106/23/2186The Federation merchant captain E. A. Jacoby and his crew encounter some Klingon traders led by retired Naval Officer Kassam on an Orion colony planet. The traders are aware that they have made contact with a previously unknown species, but the KlingonsFASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
1/3504.0104/04/2188The theory of molecular reintegration achieves a major breakthrough with the first successful transmission of organic life.FASAThe Federation
1/3612.0101/09/2190The Federation Council refuses a funding request from Star Fleet for the development of new starships. To Star Fleet's enormous surprise, all funds previously assigned to complete the construction of Star Base 12 are Indefinitely postponed". Because construction had actually begun, the installation retains its designation, but it remains uncompleted and inoperative until after the end of the Four Years War.FASAThe Federation
1/3802.0104/09/2191The interplanetary war of Beta Cersus within the Romulan Neutral Zone creates tension between the Federation and the Romulan Empire. Though neither side entered the conflict, this incident loosens the Federation's purse strings for advanced class ship construction.FASAThe Federation
1/4001.0104/26/2193The first major wave of Triangle settlements begins.FASAThe Federation
1/4011.0103/24/2194A new series of major antimatter refineries become avail-able and are built at various locations in Federation territory.FASAThe Federation
1/4104.0108/30/2194Intelligent flying Humanoids are discovered on Alpha Virginis II, a planet located in Sector 14C.FASAThe Federation
1/4608.0106/13/2200Richard Daystrom, renowned physicist and developer of duotronics, is born.FASAThe Federation
1/4705.0104/09/2201The invention of the medical tricorder allows physicians to diagnose Rigellian plague, saving many lives.FASAThe Federation
1/5001.0102/23/2204Andorian corporations open the Selka system for exploitation.FASAMines of Selka
1/5101.1804/09/2205Though any number of independent traders have encountered Klingons in Orion ports, the UFP has never taken official notice of this new culture, whereas Klingon military observers have been gathering data about the UFP and Star Fleet for years. On this datFASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
1/5105.0207/30/2205First contact with the Klingon Empire leads immediately to armed conflict when the USS Sentry confronts the Klingon cruiser Devisor near Gamma Demetrius. Information obtained from spies and Klingon prisoners convinces Federation authorities that the Klingons and the Romulans have met and seem to be old and bitter foes. The "Klingon Menace" begins to overshadow conflict with the Romulans. Declaring neutrality, the Orion Colonies trade with both groups. Klingon raids on Federation shipping often masquerade as Orion-based pirates and vice-versa.FASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
1/5201.0104/13/2206The Arcturus Test Range begins operations, serving as Star Fleet's newest propulsion and weaponry test facility.FASAThe Federation
1/5301.0105/07/2207In the final year of its five-year mission to explore new worlds, the USS Valiant is lost in the vicinity of the Vendikar system.FASAThe Federation
1/5708.0104/10/2212The Terra-Return League is formed on Benecia Colony. It begins the Back-To-Earth movement, whose goal is to dissolve the Federation and return all Humans to the Sol system.FASAThe Federation
1/6003.0401/15/2215The USS Flying Fortress, a prototype slow transport, is hijacked in space by a Klingon war vessel. A Federation anti-piracy force intercepts the hijackers as they are towing the vessel away, and forces the Klingons to release their tractor beam and flee.FASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
1/6110.2110/24/2216Star Fleet disguises a number of warships as merchant vessels in a ploy to draw out the Klingon Empire for another attack. One of these vessels, the USS Phantom, is fired upon without warning by two Klingon warships in Orion space. The Phantom jettisons iFASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
1/6304.0105/07/2218The surprising strength of the Back-to-Earth movement creates heated debate on both sides of the issue.FASAThe Federation
1/6402.0203/23/2219Star Base 22, constructed near the Klingon border, assumes operational status.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/6512.0103/10/2221The largest spacelift in history evacuates ten million inhabitants from Bayard's Planet. The planet is in the path of the expanding Phi Puma stellar explosion, and the shock wave will destroy it.FASAThe Federation
1/6608.0111/27/2221Theta VII becomes the 500th member of the UFP. The Federation is becoming so large that only major grievances can be dealt with properly, a source of concern among some members.FASAThe Federation
1/6806.0111/24/2223To celebrate 50 years in business, the Cultural Exchange Project throws a Federation-wide fair that is long remembered.FASAThe Federation
1/6905.0111/25/2224Star Base 23, also constructed near the Klingon border, assumes operational status.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/7001.0308/19/2225Camp 1 in the Selka system begins productionFASAMines of Selka
1/7008.0104/05/2226Star Fleet's Baton Rouge class cruiser becomes operational. It is capable of Warp 4.8, the fastest speed possible in any starship not equiped with dilithium. A total of 220 were built before the class ceased productionFASAThe Four-Years War
1/7009.0105/08/2226Th'allt, an Andorian colony world, appeals to the Federation Council for economic protection from Tellarite merchants. The Bureau of Interstellar Trade and Commerce fails to take timely and effective action to resolve the situation.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/7109.0105/30/2227Physicist Richard Daystrom shares a Nobel Prize with William Abramson for their revolutionary computer theory with duotronics, which processes information concerning every atom in the galaxy.FASAThe Federation
1/7201.0110/13/2227Dissatisfaction with the inner workings of the Federation hierarchy creates much criticism of the UFP's Present structure among many member-worlds.FASAThe Federation
1/7201.0110/13/2227While conducting 'fleet maneuvers' near Th'allt as part of Operation Archimedes, Andorian Admiral Hathari fires on Tellar-registered trading ships. This reveals the Scandal of Archimedes, which emphasizes the unwieldy bureaucracy of the Federation and adds to the popularity of the Terra-Return League.FASAThe Federation
1/7206.0103/28/2228Richard Daystrom's revolutionary theory on computer in-formation processing, combined with William E. Abramson's transtater physics, results in the design of the first practical, portable universal translator.FASAThe Federation
1/7407.0106/10/2230The materializer (later called the transporter) is invented.FASAThe Federation
1/7501.0112/24/2230Continued discord with UFP policy cripples the Federation's economic strength and threatens its ability to provide security to all members.FASAThe Federation
1/7603.0103/21/2232Extensive dilithium deposits are discovered at the Rigel XII Mining Complex. The Orion colonies mine and sell the crystals to both the UFP and Klingon Empire, for use as power rectifiers in starship warp drives. Dilithium revolutionizes interstellar travel and military weapon technology.FASAThe Federation
1/7701.0102/14/2233The Second Babel Conference meets to address a number of issues, including the volatile issues raised by the Terra-Return League. After lengthy speeches, the vote to dissolve the United Federation of Planets fails, leaving the Federation intact. Immediately after the Conference, the Terra-Return League disbands, and its political influence ceases.FASAThe Federation
1/7703.0104/18/2233Star Fleet's Hale class scout becomes operational, but is not equipped with the newer, more powerful, dilithium moderated warp drive. With the commissioning of this class, Star Fleet begins as extensive crontruction program oriented toward building ships designed to investigate unexplored space. And unusally small ship, the Hale is cheap to produce. A total of 130 were manufactured.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/7901.2205/08/2235After spending several months monitoring and observing an unknown race along a large void area of space know as the Rift, the Klingons send a convoy of warships, scouts and support craft into the rift with the intention of setting up bases and front-line facilities in case the new enemy prove dangerous. Over 100 warships and nearly twice that many support vessels depart for the region. The convoy is decimated by squadron of just 10 enemy vessels. While the Klingons are eventually successful in the battle, they nearly 6 vessels to each of the enemy vessels destroyed. STSTCSSTSTCSDemon War
1/8001.0105/09/2236X-3 "Aviary" Type 1 Defense Outpost enters service in the Romulan Empire. With a crew of 225 and 12 medium range disruptors, The X-3 becomes a significant deterent to early Klingon agression.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
1/8008.0112/27/2236Star Fleet's Bode class scout becomes operational, the last major warship to lack dilithium moderated warp drive. A total of 51 are built.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/8012.0105/05/2237The "Zeus" Mk I Roboto freighter enters service. Based on converted DY class vessels, 1,273 are eventually fielded. Slow yet reliable, the Zeus remains in active service for over 50 years.FASATrader Captains and Merchant Princes (2nd Edition)
1/8101.0106/07/2237The Lozanz Strike opens in the Selka systemFASAMines of Selka
1/8201.0106/30/2238S-3 (Free Flight) Class III Type 1 scout enters service.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
1/8203.0108/29/2238Klingon activities near the Federation border decrease drastically during this period, with few Klingon warships seen and the number of routine confrontations dropping by more than 70 percent. Star Fleet Intelligence later learns from Operation Dixie that the Klingons are fighting a war with an unknown race along their coreward border.FASAThe Four-Years WarDemon War
1/8203.0108/29/2238The so-called Demon War between the Klingons and the alien race known as the Kinshaya begins along the core-ward border of the Empire. The Empire diverts fleets and material from the Federation and Romulan borders to meet the threat from the Demon's Rift.FASAKlingon Game Opeartions ManualDemon WarDeamon's Rift Engagement
1/8209.0103/16/2239Construction of the USS Constitution begins at Star Fleet's San Francisco Naval Shipyard.FASAThe Federation
1/8310.0705/27/2240The heavily armed Convoy 89, enroute to Defense Outpost 3718, encounters 3 Kinskaya globe ships, later identified as destroyers. Despite outnumbering the Kinshya 5-to-1, nearly the entire convoy is wiped out. Of the 15 Klingon warship that begin the battle, only four escape. Half of the convoys 50 supply ships are destroyed as they cross the battlefield. Strangely, the Kinshya vessels simply continue on thier original course rather than persuing the vulnerable convoy ships. This unusual activity would be repeated again and again over the coming years.STSTCSDemon WarConvoy 89 Engagement
1/8310.2406/15/2240The Klingons amass a fleet of nearly 100 warship near T'Dakka after reports of a Kinshya task force is headed to the region. Although they are outnumbered, the Kinshya press the attack. The battle last less than 10 minutes - but devistates the Klingon fleet. All 10 Kinshya vessels are destoyed, but 91 of the 100 Klingon ships are damaged, many severly.STSTCSDemon WarBattle of T'Dakka
1/8312.3008/23/2240Less than three month after their first major fleet engagement, the Klingons again ammass a major fleet one light year fron the Kodal system. This time the battle lasts for over an hour, with both sides taking heavy losses. The Klingons eventually begin a strategic withdrawl. The Kinshya seem to ignore the tactic, recklessly plunging into the fray to persue specific enemy ships.The Klingons quickly realize the Kinshya mistake and create a gauntlet. The Kinshya simply continue to "run" the gauntlet, allowing the Klingons superior numbers to finally win the day.STSTCSDemon WarEngagement at the Kodal Approach
1/8402.0610/03/2240The largest space rescue in history occurs when the USS Deerslayer recovers the 600 passengers and crew of the SS Juliana from an unexplored sector.FASAThe Federation
1/8402.1810/16/2240Convoy 19, returning to the Empire's interior, detects two Kinshya vessels rapidly closing. The convoy, which is unloaded, stays ahead of the Kinshya for 51 hours before being forced to take action. Hoping to flank the Kinshya vessels, the Escort commander orders the freighters to slow and change course while the escorts conduct a Delta-V manuever and attempt to catch the Kinshya from astern. Surprisingly, the Kinshya ignore the freighters completely and instead persue the Escort Leader. Hoping to break the Kinshya formation, the escorts perform an Exploding Star manuever. The kinshya continue to persue the escort leader,ignoring the other escort vessels. Realizimg their mistake, the escort leader slows to just outside firing range and allows the Kinshya ships to continue their persuit. The remaining escorts and armed freighters close from behind in a blatantly obvious manuever. Even as they open fire on the stern of the globe ships, the Kinshya continue to persue the Escort Leader, who stays just outside of weapons range. The Kinshya never break off their persuit, even as they are eventually destroyed one by one. STSTCSDemon WarConvoy 19 Engagement
1/8402.2010/18/2240The expensive and ill-fated Tritium class cruiser enters service, never meeting any design specifications. Numerous high-level Star Fleet personnel are discharged as a result, and all six Tritium class ships are decommissioned within seven years.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/8404.2901/01/2241Convoy 20 EngagementSTSTCSDemon WarConvoy 20 Engagement
1/8405.2702/02/2241Battle of the Central RiftSTSTCSDemon WarBattle of the Central Rift
1/8406.2002/28/2241Operation DisruptorSTSTCSDemon WarOperation Disruptor
1/8407.0103/12/2241The D-4A "D'ama" class cruiser enters service in the Klingon fleet.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
1/8409.1205/30/2241Assault on "Demon Base 3"STSTCSDemon WarAssault on "Demon Base 3"
1/8410.0106/19/2241Star Fleet's Marklin class destroyer becomes operational. The ship's performace does not meet with high expectations, and so only 20 are built.FASAThe Federation
1/8410.2407/12/2241Operation Bathleth (Blade of Honor)STSTCSDemon WarOperation Bathleth (Blade of Honor)
1/8412.1309/01/2241Battle of the Western RiftSTSTCSDemon WarBattle of the Western Rift
1/8501.0109/22/2241The F-2 Type 1 Repair Station is comissioned by the Romulans.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
1/8501.2110/13/2241Assault on KodalSTSTCSDemon WarAssault on Kodal
1/8502.1111/06/2241Battle of System T34STSTCSDemon WarBattle of System T34
1/8503.0111/25/2241The Mk II Chameleon Scout/Trader becomes operational. Small, light and easy to operate, the Chameleon is outfitted with an under-slung cargo hold adding 40 SCU to the vessels capability. 833 are produced for both Star Fleet and civilian use.FASATrader Captains and Merchant Princes (2nd Edition)
1/8503.0912/05/2241Battle of System K19STSTCSDemon WarBattle of System K19
1/8505.0301/29/22422nd Battle of T'DakkaSTSTCSDemon War2nd Battle of T'Dakka
1/8506.0703/06/2242Defense of Outpost 17STSTCSDemon WarDefense of Outpost 17
1/8507.0104/01/2242Convoy 11 EngagementSTSTCSDemon WarConvoy 11 Engagement
1/8508.3006/11/22422nd Battle of the Central RiftSTSTCSDemon War2nd Battle of the Central Rift
1/8509.2407/07/2242Battle of System K21STSTCSDemon WarBattle of System K21
1/8510.0107/15/2242Star Fleet's Ptolemy class transport enters service, but limited appropriations permiths the construction of only 16FASAThe Four-Years War
1/8510.1407/28/2242Attack on K-T7/ivSTSTCSDemon WarAttack on K-T7/iv
1/8511.0708/27/2242Defense of OranSTSTCSDemon WarDefense of Oran
1/8511.2809/21/2242Northern Rift EngagementSTSTCSDemon WarNorthern Rift Engagement
1/8512.0109/24/2242Star Fleet's Hermes class scout becomes opeartional, but Star Fleet's increasing emphasis on larger survey vessels, combined with manufacturing delays, results in curtailed produciton. A total of 15 are built.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/8512.1510/10/2242The first of the Didra (NCC-G153) Cargo drones are comissioned.InternetFederation Reference Series
1/8601.0110/28/2242The CS-2 Type II "Graceful Flyer" class scout enters service in the Romulan fleet.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
1/8601.1711/15/2242Convoy 33 EngagaementSTSTCSDemon WarConvoy 33 Engagaement
1/8602.0112/01/2242After two decades of research and development funded by Star Fleet appropriations, Dr. Richard Daystrom completes the M-5 Multitronic Unit. It will be another decade before its final test aboard a starship, the "Enterprise",FASAThe Federation
1/8602.2712/28/2242Defense of K-Kdr 31STSTCSDemon WarDefense of K-Kdr 31
1/8604.2202/26/2243Battle of K-T113/iiSTSTCSDemon WarBattle of K-T113/ii
1/8605.2003/27/22432nd Battle of the Western RiftSTSTCSDemon War2nd Battle of the Western Rift
1/8606.0104/09/2243Star Fleet's Sawyer class scout becomes operational, with wide use in non-combat areas of the Federation. A total of 69 are constructed.FASAThe Federation
1/8606.1604/25/2243Destruction of "Deamon Base 1"STSTCSDemon WarDestruction of "Deamon Base 1"
1/8606.2505/04/2243The "Cassard" Mk I Missile destroyer enters service. Concieved as a long range patrol vessel, the ships main armament is based on 4 large accelerator cannons. The Mk I is proven time and again in battle, and the class remain popular with fleet planner for years.InternetBill Colley Designs
1/8607.2106/02/2243Attack on Demon Outpost 12STSTCSDemon WarAttack on Demon Outpost 12
1/8609.0107/18/2243The Mk I Argon Class III Medium Commercial Transport becomes operations. With a cargo capacity of 60,000 mt and a crew of just 18, the vessels becomes popular with both Star Fleet and civilian crews. Despite being unarmed, over 300 are built and by 2286, 135 were stin in general service with Star Fleet. An additional 150 Mk I's were still operational with civilian interests.FASATrader Captains and Merchant Princes (2nd Edition)
1/8609.1908/07/2243Destruction of "Deamon Base 2"STSTCSDemon WarDestruction of "Deamon Base 2"
1/8610.0108/20/2243Klingons encounter Romulan ships equipped with cloaking devices, which the Star Empire has recently perfected and is using for the first time on its border areas.FASAKlingon Game Opeartions ManualRomulan - Klingon ConflictExecutioner Engagement
1/8611.0109/24/2243The D-7A enters service. A larger version of the D-4 and D-6, the D-7 will become the most recgonized Klingon vessel in know space. Heavily armed and capable of military and non-military missions, the D-7 and it's many variants will remain in general production for over 150 years in various incarnations.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
1/8611.1310/07/22433rd Battle of the Western RiftSTSTCSDemon War3rd Battle of the Western Rift
1/8612.0911/05/2243Defense of K-13RSTSTCSDemon WarDefense of K-13R
1/8701.0111/29/2243S-3 (Free Flight) Class III Type 3 Enters serviceFASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
1/8701.1312/13/2243Defense of K-4RSTSTCSDemon WarDefense of K-4R
1/8701.1812/19/2243The "Pompeii" Mk I class destroyer becomes operational. Heavily armed, the Mk I is considered the equal of most cruiser of it's time. All 20 initially ordered will be completed.InternetSTSTCS
1/8702.2101/23/2244Defense of K-T31/iiiSTSTCSDemon WarDefense of K-T31/iii
1/8703.0101/31/2244Star Fleet's Siva class destroyer enters service, but enormous design flaws result in a sharply-reduced production schedule. Only 10 are constructedFASAThe Federation
1/8703.0101/31/2244The Demon War ends with a whimper instead of a bang. A state of prolonged but stalemated hostility exists between the two races, with no end in sight. It is almost three years before the Klingon military presence along the borders with the UFP and RomulanFASAKlingon Game Opeartions ManualDemon WarDefense of K-Kdr 9
1/8703.3003/03/2244Attack on Demon Outpost 7STSTCSDemon WarAttack on Demon Outpost 7
1/8704.0103/05/2244The "Anton" Mark I class cruiser is launched. Capable of warp 9 for short periods of time, the Anton helps lead the way during the "Great Awakening" within the Federation.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/8705.0404/11/2244Convoy 61 EngagementSTSTCSDemon WarConvoy 61 Engagement
1/8705.2705/06/22442nd Battle of T'DakkaSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict2nd Battle of T'Dakka
1/8705.3005/09/2244Defense of Outpost 17STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Outpost 17
1/8706.0105/11/2244In recent years, many of the problems that have plagued the UFP have been solved. The Federation enters its second century stronger than ever. The Great Awakening begins.FASAThe Federation
1/8707.0506/15/2244Convoy 11 EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictConvoy 11 Engagement
1/8707.0806/18/2244Engagement at AlarisSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarEngagement at Alaris
1/8707.1606/26/2244The last of the "Dirdra" (NCC-G160) series cargo drones are commissioned.InternetFederation Reference Series
1/8707.2607/07/22442nd Battle of the Central RiftSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict2nd Battle of the Central Rift
1/8708.0107/13/2244Battle of System K21STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of System K21
1/8708.2108/03/2244Battle of Donatu V - The Klingons send two battlegroups to engage Federation forces near the Donatu system. The battle culminates in the engagement around Donatu V where the Klingon's are finally forced to retreat.Star Trek - The Original SeriesTrouble with TribblesBattle of Donatu V
1/8709.0308/17/2244Attack on K-T7/ivSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAttack on K-T7/iv
1/8709.0508/19/2244The "Stellerford" class space liners are decommissioned.PublicationSpaceflight Chronology
1/8709.0808/23/2244Defense of OranSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Oran
1/8709.0908/24/2244Northern Rift EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictNorthern Rift Engagement
1/8709.1609/01/2244The Baton Rouge class cruiser are reequiped with dilithium moderated warp engines. This timely improvement allows the ship to continue to serve as a light cruiser throughout the Four Years War.PublicationSpaceflight Chronology
1/8710.0209/18/2244Convoy 33 EngagaementSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictConvoy 33 Engagaement
1/8710.2810/15/2244Defense of K-Kdr 31STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of K-Kdr 31
1/8711.1211/02/2244Battle of K-T113/iiSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-T113/ii
1/8711.1311/03/2244Engagement at LaflinSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarEngagement at Laflin
1/8711.2011/13/22442nd Battle of the Western RiftSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict2nd Battle of the Western Rift
1/8712.0311/26/2244Destruction of "Deamon Base 1"STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDestruction of "Deamon Base 1"
1/8712.0711/30/2244Coventry class starships NCC-1230 through NCC-1239 originally classified as heavy frigates are redesignated as frigates.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/8712.0912/03/2244Attack on Demon Outpost 12STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAttack on Demon Outpost 12
1/8712.2612/20/2244Destruction of "Deamon Base 2"STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDestruction of "Deamon Base 2"
1/8801.0112/26/2244The first "Constitution" Mk I Class XI Heavy Cruisers are launched, including the USS Enterprise, under the command of Captain Robert April. By 2245, 13 have been comissioned. The Consitution becomes the symbol of the United Federation of Planets and Star Fleet. By 2269, only one of the origianl 13 ships is still in service. The Constitution class is credited with more discoveries than any other Federation ship before or since.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/8801.0112/26/2244The Type 1 "Vadaso Stelri" ("Glider in the Stars") V-1 class cruiser enters service in the Romulan Star Empire. This warp 8 capacity cruiser employed in the exploratory service, carries a crew of 135 and is quickly found to be unsuitable due to cramped quarters and work areas. Some 70 ships of this Type 1 configuration will be constructed.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
1/8801.0112/26/2244The Mk I "Larson" Class Destroyer enters service. At the time of it's launch, it is considered the most powerful destroyer design in the fleet, but does not retain the title for long.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/8801.0312/28/2244Battle of Donatu VSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarBattle of Donatu V
1/8801.0701/01/22453rd Battle of the Western RiftSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict3rd Battle of the Western Rift
1/8801.0901/03/2245Engagement at KelmSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarEngagement at Kelm
1/8801.1601/10/2245Defense of K-13RSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of K-13R
1/8802.1902/16/2245Defense of K-4RSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of K-4R
1/8804.0104/07/2245The Mark I "Nelson" class scout enters service. With a dual engine support strutt system, the Nelson can maintain it's high warp capability for longer periods. Also, full power can be feed through a single EPS conduit, giving the class the ability to survive in combat. The design is more expensive than other scouts, but is still considered an unqualified success.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/8805.0105/09/2245The D-16A "Kl'sarza" ("Swiftwind") class destroyer enters service in the Klingon fleet. At the time of it's launch, the D-16 is considered the best destroyer in the Klingon inventory. It is soon found to be undergunned for many of it's initial missions.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
1/8806.0106/12/2245The "Liberty" Mark I class freighters enter service with warp 9 capacity (unloaded) and crews of 70. During the Four Years War they will be used extensively to carry supplies into forward areas. For such missions they will be armed to help in protecting the convoys from Klingon ambush, but their light weapons are of little use against the sophisticated Klingon weaponryFASAThe Four-Years War
1/8806.2207/04/2245Encounter at KhalasSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarEncounter at Khalas
1/8807.1707/31/2245The USS "Coventry" (NCC-1230) prototype frigate is laid down at Rapier Dynamics Group, Rio de Janeiro, Earth.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/8808.0108/16/2245The K-17A "Z'mortama" ("Death Stalker") class scout enters service in the Klingon fleet.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/8808.2609/12/2245Defense of K-T31/iiiSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of K-T31/iii
1/8808.3109/17/2245Engagement at Mera ZineSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarEngagement at Mera Zine
1/8809.2910/18/2245Attack on Demon Outpost 7STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAttack on Demon Outpost 7
1/8810.0110/20/2245Convoy 61 EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictConvoy 61 Engagement
1/8810.1110/31/2245The construction of 100 Type I "Roman" (SFDD-100) class dry dock facilities are authorized. With a standard facility complement of 150, 8 shuttlecraft bays, and 63 standard shuttles, this facility will be generally used in the production and repair of civilian and research vessels.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
1/8810.2911/19/2245Defense of K-Kdr 9STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of K-Kdr 9
1/8811.0211/24/2245Convoy 72 EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictConvoy 72 Engagement
1/8812.0112/25/2245Star Fleet's Kepler class transport becomes operational. A total of 15 are builtFASAThe Four-Years War
1/8812.0112/25/2245The Nilron Mk I Freighter becomes operational. With a top speed of warp 9 unloaded, the vessel become ponderous and slow when fully loaded, but is capable of carrying a massive 115,000 mt of cargo. With it's small crew of 7, the vessel is efficient for long and short hall use. Over 250 are built.FASATrader Captains and Merchant Princes (2nd Edition)
1/8901.0101/27/2246An Orion raider vrewman finds signs of dilithuim deposits in the Selka asteroid belt. Mining operations soon follow.FASAMines of Selka
1/8901.0101/27/2246The Human Luck Lode opens.FASAMines of Selka
1/8901.0101/27/2246T-2 (Death Talon) Class IV Type 1 destroyer enters service. Small, manueverable and easily built, the T-2 becomes the primary Destroyer design within the Romulan EmpireFASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
1/8901.0101/27/2246Star Fleets Apache class becomes operational. And 26 are built.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/8901.0301/29/2246The first 8 ships of the "Endeavor" class are originally authorized as heavy cruisers after the outbreak of hostitilies which will lead to the Four Years War.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/8901.0501/31/2246Battle of K-Kdr 11STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-Kdr 11
1/8901.0602/01/2246The "Bonhomme Richard" class heavy cruisers are authorized for construction.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/8902.0103/01/2246The Z-4B "Zha Mortas" ("Deathgame") defense outpost enters service in Klingon space. Mounting 12 disruptors and more powerful shields, the B model is also three times as crew-intensive as it's unpopular "A" model predecesor. 200 of these powerful variants are built are constructed on-site and 111 A models are upgraded this the "B" variant. It will serve for over 30 years before being refit to the "C" model.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
1/8902.0103/01/2246The Eagle class starliner enters service in the Federation., with a total of 255 constructed. During the Four Years War, a number of these ships were converted into assault ships and freightersFASAThe Four-Years War
1/8902.0803/09/2246The "Pompeii" Mark II class destroyer becomes operational. Aremd with 6 long range laser cannons and 2 Accelerator Cannons, the Mark II constinued the powerful reputation of the Pompeii class.InternetBHJ Design
1/8903.2504/26/2246Surelox Systems upgrades its original Model A phase-shift transformer by introducing new double phase-shift technology.FASAStarship Constrcution Manual
1/8904.0605/09/2246Engagement at K-9R/ivSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictEngagement at K-9R/iv
1/8905.1106/15/2246The USS "Bonhomme Richard" (NCC-1712), lead ship of a new heavy cruiser class, is laid down at UESPA, Star Fleet Division, San Francisco Yards, Earth.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/8906.0107/08/2246Star Fleet's Monoceros class scout becomes oiperational with 16 built.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/8906.0707/14/2246Defense of K'KaarrSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of K'Kaarr
1/8906.2308/01/2246Assault on Defense Station KangolSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault on Defense Station Kangol
1/8906.2508/03/2246Battle of K-T6STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-T6
1/8907.1008/19/2246Battle at GrankSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarBattle at Grank
1/8908.2010/02/2246Defense of Listening Station 203STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of Listening Station 203
1/8908.2810/10/2246Thirat SkirmishSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarThirat Skirmish
1/8908.2910/11/2246Attack at K'K 66STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAttack at K'K 66
1/8909.0110/15/2246The K-3A "Kalath" class gunboat enters service in the Klingon fleet.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
1/8909.0510/19/2246Assault on GlacierSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault on Glacier
1/8910.1712/03/2246Battle of MilicSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarBattle of Milic
1/8910.2312/09/2246Battle of S-A Rom 3-eSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of S-A Rom 3-e
1/8911.2001/08/2247The USS "Surya" (NCC-1850) prototype frigate is laid down at Vickers Shipbuilding Group Ltd., New London, England, Earth.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/8911.2401/13/2247Battle for Listening Station 1503STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle for Listening Station 1503
1/8912.0501/24/2247Battle of K-7RSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-7R
1/8912.1802/07/2247Assault of New TygogkSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault of New Tygogk
1/9001.0102/22/2247With dreams of expanding into Federation-held space, Emperor Karhammur orders the construction of a biogenetic laboratory on the planet Axanar, with an eye toward creating Klingon/Axanarian Fusions to eventually act as a second force against the UFP.FASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
1/9001.0102/22/2247The K-30A "K'nel" ("Luckless") class monitor enters service in the Klingon fleet to replace the obsolete K-12 monitor which was unable to operate alone due to the lack of sufficient maneuvering capability and weaponry.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9001.0102/22/2247H-4 Type 1 enters service.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9001.0102/22/2247J-3 Type 2 etners service.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9001.0102/22/2247V-4 (Wing of Vengance) Class VI Type 1 enters service.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9001.0102/22/2247After a two-year shakedown cruise, the first five-year mission of the Enterprise begins under Captain April.FASAThe Federation
1/9001.0102/22/2247The USS Wells inexplicably travels through time as it returns from a three-year mission in only 33 solar days.FASAThe Federation
1/9001.2103/16/2247Assault on Defense Station KoltothSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault on Defense Station Koltoth
1/9001.2303/18/2247Bloodwing EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBloodwing Engagement
1/9001.2703/22/2247Abdicator EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAbdicator Engagement
1/9001.2803/23/2247Dreger EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDreger Engagement
1/9001.3003/26/2247Battle of KodoskaSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Kodoska
1/9003.0404/30/2247The Mark I "Saladin" class destroyer is launched. The successful Saladin's basic design will influence all single engine destroyer for the next 100 years. With a crew of 200, a top speed of Warp 8.7 and 6 heavy lasers, the Mark I is considered an inexpensive alternative to multi engine destroyer designs.PublicationST reference: Star Fleet Technical Manual
1/9003.0705/03/2247Engagement at DianusSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarEngagement at Dianus
1/9003.1705/14/2247The USS "Coventry" (NCC-1230) prototype frigate is launched.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9004.1706/16/2247Battle of K-Kdr 3/i-ibSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-Kdr 3/i-ib
1/9004.2006/19/2247Invasion of K'TrukSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictInvasion of K'Truk
1/9006.0708/10/2247Battle of K-T19STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-T19
1/9007.1209/16/2247The Hermes Mk I long range scout is launched. The Hermes is easier to build than it's nearest cousin, the Nelson, and is equipped for longer range missions.PublicationST reference: Star Fleet Technical Manual
1/9007.3010/06/2247Engagement at DK4STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement at DK4
1/9009.0111/10/2247The T-3A "D'aka" ("Mover") class assault ship enters service in the Klingon Fleet, with warp 8 capacity and a complement of 62 crewmembers and 800 troops.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9009.0111/10/2247The W-2A "Koreba" Class II warpshuttle enters service in the Klingon fleet.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9010.0112/12/2247The Cochrane Mark I class colonial transports enter service. These warp 9 (unloaded) capacity ships are used by Star Fleet Colonial Operations Command to transport U.F.P. colonists to new unexplored worlds. Each vessel has the capacity to carry up to 2,400 passengers and their necessities, with standard crews of 36. These ships travel in large groups and are always escorted by the ships of Military Command.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9010.0112/12/2247The Mk I "Loknar" Andorian-designed frigates enter service with warp 9 capacity (mounting a new warp drive engine in Star Fleet's inventory for only 2 years), armed with 4 heavy lasers and a single accelerator cannon, and crews of 76. The "Loknar" will see more action than any other vessel in Star Fleet during the Four Years War. These frigates are all named after cities and provinces of the U.F.P. More than half of these vessels will be crewed by Andorians and the majority of these will be assigned to the 'Blue Fleet' (ships whose officer contingent and crew are entirely Andorian). The USS "Loknar" is the first ship commissioned into the 'Blue Fleet' and will serve as the flagship for many years. This class will total 100 vessels.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9010.0612/18/2247The 72 proposed ships to comprise the "Surya" class frigates is reduced to 28 vessels. Two months before construction begins, 11 additional ships will be authorized.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9010.1312/25/2247The final number of "Surya" class vessels authorized (39) is approved, as well as her hull numbers.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9010.2901/11/2248The USS "Surya" (NCC-1850) prototype frigate is launched.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9011.0701/21/2248The USS "Potemkin" (NCC-1711) has her Monotronic computer system replaced with a "Daystrom" Duotronic system.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9011.1401/28/2248The USS "Coventry" (NCC-1230) frigate is commissioned. These high-warp frigates, each with a complement of 315, will replace the "Surya" class. Fourteen will be built.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9011.1702/01/2248Battle of Delta Khinah IISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Delta Khinah II
1/9012.0402/19/2248Champion EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictChampion Engagement
1/9012.1903/06/2248Charger EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictCharger Engagement
1/9101.0103/20/2248Q-1 Type 1 enters serviceFASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9101.0103/20/2248V-2 (Hunter) Class VII Type 2 enters serviceFASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9101.1304/02/2248Battle of K-T17STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-T17
1/9102.0104/22/2248Star Fleets Dollond class transport enters service, becoming on of the mainstays of Star Fleet's Materials Operation command during the Four Years War. A total of 55 are built.FASAThe Federation
1/9102.0104/22/2248Star Fleets Doppler class transport enters service, becoming on of the mainstays of Star Fleet's Materials Operation command during the Four Years War. A total of 55 are built.FASAThe Federation
1/9103.2806/21/2248Battle for QurelletSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle for Qurellet
1/9104.1807/14/2248Confrontation at VabSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarConfrontation at Vab
1/9105.0107/27/2248Star Fleet's Heston class cruiser becomes operational, with 16 manufactured.FASAThe Federation
1/9105.0708/03/2248Battle for Convoy 663STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle for Convoy 663
1/9105.1108/07/2248Battle of K-T29STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-T29
1/9105.1508/11/2248Battle of K-Kdr4/viiSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-Kdr4/vii
1/9105.2108/18/2248Destruction of Kuurg Durl IVSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDestruction of Kuurg Durl IV
1/9106.0709/05/2248Engagement at QurelletSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement at Qurellet
1/9106.1609/15/2248Battle for Convoy 941STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle for Convoy 941
1/9106.2609/26/2248First Qurellet MeleeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictFirst Qurellet Melee
1/9107.0110/01/2248A study completed for the Federation Council's Office of Public Information reports that the new dilithium-powered starships will eventually permit a thorough exploration of all sectors within the Federation's sphere of influence. This finding supports Star Fleet's recent emphasis on its Galaxy Exploration Command.FASAThe Federation
1/9107.0110/01/2248First Battle of RenarvasamSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictFirst Battle of Renarvasam
1/9109.0312/09/2248Skirmish at OranSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSkirmish at Oran
1/9109.2501/01/2249The USS "Surya" (NCC-1850) frigate is commissioned. These heavily armed ships (4 21.5 QEV dilithium laser banks), each with a ship's complement of 320, were developed from the USS "Resolution" (NCC-1101), a "Detroyat" class heavy destroyer, used as a testbed for this new class ship. A total of 39 "Surya" frigates will be constructed.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9109.2801/04/2249The "Bonhomme Richard" (NCC-1712) heavy cruiser is commissioned with PB-32 warp engines. This first variation on the "Constitution" class has warp 8 capacity, two dilithium laser banks, duotronic computers, and a complement of 430. Sixteen ships of this class will be built (NCC-1712 - NCC-1727) and, beginning in the 2250s, ten "Constitution" ships will be converted over to this class. The "Bonhomme Richard" class heavy cruisers might be later reclassified, or employed as, command cruisers.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9110.2201/30/2249Star Fleet's Military Staff Committee approves the purchase of 35 "Kiaga" (NCC-820) and 155 "Agilis" (NCC-855) class perimeter action starships.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9111.1602/26/2249First Battle of K'TrivajSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictFirst Battle of K'Trivaj
1/9112.1804/01/2249The Mark I "Tyranus" class research cruiser is launched. With a crew of 275, a top speed of Warop 8.25 and a total of 8 seperate labs aboard, the Tyranus is the panultumate research vessel of it's time.InternetSTSTCS
1/9112.2404/08/2249Dark Star ProbeSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDark Star Probe
1/9112.2804/12/2249Tormentor EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictTormentor Engagement
1/9201.0104/16/2249P-2 (Ranajmar) Class II Type 1 enters serviceFASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9201.3105/18/2249Engagement at Miros XIISTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarEngagement at Miros XII
1/9202.1606/05/2249Encounter at SpikeSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarEncounter at Spike
1/9203.0106/18/2249The D-4E "D'ama" class cruiser enters service in the Klingon fleet.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9203.0106/18/2249Star Fleet's Cygnus Class courier/command operations ship becomes operational, with nine built. These vessels serve as battle fleet operations centers through-out the Four Years WarFASAThe Four-Years War
1/9203.0306/21/2249Engagement in Outer Freeman's PortSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement in Outer Freeman's Port
1/9203.1507/03/2249Battle of Tivol NrenSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Tivol Nren
1/9204.0107/22/2249The L-6B "T'h'lar" ("Defender") class frigate enters service in the Klingon fleet. Though not seeing extensive action during the Four Years War, it was a powerful and effective warship, often successfully attacking and defeating two or three Federation destroyers and frigates at a time.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9204.0107/22/2249The Mk II Argon Class III Medium Commercial Transport becomes operations. Despite the addition of armaments and a moderately powerful shield, the Mk II retians the large 60,000 mt cargo capacity and it's crew of 18. Over 600 are built with 147 remainin in service with Star Fleet as of 2286. 380 MK II's remained in civilian service during the same time. FASATrader Captains and Merchant Princes (2nd Edition)
1/9204.1208/03/2249Battle of Dren Avastam IISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Dren Avastam II
1/9205.0508/27/2249Battle of K-Kdr 2/ii-bSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-Kdr 2/ii-b
1/9205.1109/03/2249The Remfry ClashSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictThe Remfry Clash
1/9206.0109/25/2249Star Fleet's Canopus class research cruiser becomes operational, providing extensive scientific facilities in support of exploratory missions in the Federation's Sagittarian arm. They feature Vickers D17-2B warp 5 nacelles. A total of 22 are built.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/9206.1410/09/2249Defense of FloodSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of Flood
1/9206.2210/18/2249The "Hale" class scouts are decommissioned.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/9207.0811/04/2249Battle of Rumlesh IISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Rumlesh II
1/9207.2611/23/2249Quarellet InvasionSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictQuarellet Invasion
1/9208.1312/12/2249Unbreakable EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictUnbreakable Engagement
1/9209.0101/02/2250Star Fleet Intelligence later learns that the first Axanarian task force under command of Klingon Admiral Kkorhetza left the Klingon naval base of Ruwan.FASAThe Federation
1/9209.0101/02/2250Star Fleet Intelligence learns that the first Axanarian task force under command of Klingon Admiral Kkorhetza has left the Klingon naval base of Ruwan.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/9210.0802/10/2250Second Qurellet MeleeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictSecond Qurellet Melee
1/9210.1502/18/2250Researchers at HiBeam Energies, Ltd. develop the ship-mounted phaser. Hasty installation of the phasers onto Star Fleet vessels causes numerous accidents. Phasers are withdrawn from service for additional tests.FASAStarship Constrcution Manual
1/9211.0303/10/2250Engagement at Battle Station MurulskSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictEngagement at Battle Station Murulsk
1/9211.0603/13/2250Assault at Processing Station 12-aSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault at Processing Station 12-a
1/9211.0703/15/2250New cloaking devices, much perfected by this time, are installed on Romulan vessels operating on the U.F.P. border. Smaller vessels are equipped first and sent into Federation territory to learn what they can of Federation forces and their disposition. Instructed not to let the Federation discover they are Romulan vessels, they are given orders to self-destruct if caught. These privateers capture or destroy many Federation merchants and scouts. The Federation is unaware of the true nature of the disappearances for some time, and attributes them to Orions and other pirates.FASAThe Romulan War
1/9211.0803/16/2250Chaos EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictChaos Engagement
1/9211.0903/17/2250Attack on Agro Station 374STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAttack on Agro Station 374
1/9212.0104/09/2250The K-3B "Kalath" class gunboat enters service in the Klingon fleet.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9212.0104/09/2250Attack at KV-49STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAttack at KV-49
1/9212.0204/10/2250Battle of the Aarris ApproachSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of the Aarris Approach
1/9212.2105/01/2250The USS Bohr is diverted from picket duty, permitting a Klingon battle force to reach the Federation-manned Arcanis IV Research Outpost. Klingon marines massacre the entire crew of this base.FASAThe Federation
1/9212.2105/01/2250The USS "Bohr" reports observing a three-ship Klingon task force in unclaimed space between the U.F.P. and Klingon spheres of influence, and is diverted from picket duty. The small task force is a decoy to lure the "Bohr" from its patrol area and to allow a 20-ship force to attack the Federation-manned Arcanis IV Research Outpost. Klingon marines massacre the entire 112 crew of this base which begins a chain of events that will lead to war. Having detected two massive Klingon battle fleets in the following two months, the Federation begins to prepare for war, but hostilities do not begin immediately. Meanwhile, all this is a blind to distract the U.F.P. from Axanar, the true target of Klingon interest.FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years War
1/9212.2305/03/2250Assault on Agro Station 360STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault on Agro Station 360
1/9301.0105/12/2250Debris from the exploded USS "Ajax" is found in the form of a comet by the USS "Brahe," commanded by Captain Peter Sullivan. This is the first such incident to occur. Star Fleet Intelligence later learns that the first Axanarian task force entered Federation space at this time.FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years War
1/9301.2906/12/2250Encounter at H'RezSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarEncounter at H'Rez
1/9302.0106/15/2250The Klingon D-7A class battlecruisers are being produced at the rate of five per month.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9302.0806/22/2250Immobalizer EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictImmobalizer Engagement
1/9302.1607/01/2250Battle at the K-V 46 ApproachesSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at the K-V 46 Approaches
1/9302.1807/03/2250Engagement at OutreachSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarEngagement at Outreach
1/9302.2407/09/2250The USS Irwin detects a Klingon Battle Group in the unclaimed space between the two powers. Star Fleet transfers all available warships from neighboring sectors to organize a defense.FASAThe FederationThe Four Years War
1/9302.2407/09/2250The USS "Irwin" detects a Klingon Battle Group in the unclaimed space between the two powers. Star Fleet transfers all available warships from neighboring sector to organize a defense.FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years War
1/9303.1407/29/2250The USS "Excelsior" (NCC-1718) "Bonhomme Richard" class heavy cruiser is launched.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9303.1407/29/2250Engagement at AplithinSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarEngagement at Aplithin
1/9304.0508/21/2250Battle of K-T8STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-T8
1/9304.0708/23/2250Battle at ChachickaSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Chachicka
1/9304.1509/01/2250The USS "Hornet" (NCC-1714) "Bonhomme Richard" class heavy cruiser is commissioned.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9304.2109/07/2250The USS "Endeavor" (NCC-1716) "Bonhomme Richard" class heavy cruiser is commissioned.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9305.0109/18/2250The USS "Merrimac" (NCC-1715) "Bonhomme Richard" class heavy cruiser is commissioned.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9305.0509/23/2250The USS "Eagle" (NCC-1719) "Bonhomme Richard" class heavy cruiser is launched.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9305.3110/20/2250The USS "Lafayette" (NCC-1720) "Bonhomme Richard" class heavy cruiser is launched.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9306.0510/26/2250Second Battle of RenarvasamSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictSecond Battle of Renarvasam
1/9307.0912/01/2250Battle of K-8R/iiSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-8R/ii
1/9307.1412/06/2250Battle of K-T31/iiiSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-T31/iii
1/9308.0212/27/2250The USS "Defiant" (NCC-1717) "Bonhomme Richard" class heavy cruiser is commissioned.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9308.0212/27/2250First Battle of ThisisitSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictFirst Battle of Thisisit
1/9308.2501/21/2251Grimblade EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictGrimblade Engagement
1/9308.2801/24/2251Attack at Freeman's PortSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAttack at Freeman's Port
1/9309.0101/28/2251Star Fleet Intelligence later learns that the first Axanarian task force arrived at Axanar at this time, with a second, reinforcing task force also on its way there.FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years War
1/9309.0301/30/2251Battle at Hadalib VSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Hadalib V
1/9309.2002/17/2251Third Battle of RenarvasamSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictThird Battle of Renarvasam
1/9309.2102/18/2251The USS "Excelsior" (NCC-1718) heavy cruiser of the "Bonhomme Richard" class is commissioned.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9310.0903/10/2251Engagement at ChanivievSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement at Chaniviev
1/9310.1703/18/2251Encounter at WallSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarEncounter at Wall
1/9310.1903/21/2251TacFleet is established as a separate, specialized service within Star Fleet.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 2
1/9310.2803/30/2251Restrainer EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictRestrainer Engagement
1/9311.0204/05/2251The USS "El Dorado" (NCC-1722) "Bonhomme Richard" class heavy cruiser is launched.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9311.0604/09/2251Battle at ToriaSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarBattle at Toria
1/9311.0704/10/2251Invader EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictInvader Engagement
1/9311.0904/12/2251The USS "Ardent" (NCC-1886) "Surya" class frigate is launched.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9311.2004/24/2251Battle of Lendis Wavamm IXSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Lendis Wavamm IX
1/9312.0505/10/2251The USS "Eagle" (NCC-1719) "Bonhomme Richard" class heavy cruiser is commissioned.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9312.0505/10/2251The USS "Palomar" (CC-760) and USS "Long Beach" (CC-761) decommissioned "Caracal" class command cruisers are scrapped.PublicationUSS Caracal Class Command Cruiser Blueprints
1/9312.1405/20/2251Battle near Jonny's RetreatSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarBattle near Jonny's Retreat
1/9312.2205/28/2251The USS "Lafayette" (NCC-1720) "Bonhomme Richard" class heavy cruiser is commissioned.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9312.2305/29/2251Inexorable EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictInexorable Engagement
1/9312.2405/30/2251Carnagebringer EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictCarnagebringer Engagement
1/9312.2706/02/2251Strike at Niic IVSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictStrike at Niic IV
1/9401.0106/08/2251The Romulan S-4 (Swift Wing) Class IV Type 1 is launchedFASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9401.0106/08/2251V-4 (Wing of Vengance) Class VI Type 2 cruiser is launched.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9401.0606/13/2251Assailt at BrozSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssailt at Broz
1/9401.0806/15/2251Engagement at PantorSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarEngagement at Pantor
1/9401.1006/17/2251Battle of FloodSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Flood
1/9401.1206/20/2251Defense of FartrinSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of Fartrin
1/9401.1606/24/2251Battle at Sheridan's PlanetSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarBattle at Sheridan's Planet
1/9401.1906/27/2251Battle at Altharra IVSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Altharra IV
1/9401.2407/02/2251Encounter at D'rakarSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarEncounter at D'rakar
1/9401.2707/06/2251Battle at Lendis Wavamm IISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Lendis Wavamm II
1/9401.3107/10/2251Second Encounter at Miros XIISTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarSecond Encounter at Miros XII
1/9402.0607/16/2251Defense of Veneradt IIISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of Veneradt III
1/9402.0707/18/2251The USS "Saratoga" (NCC-1724) "Bonhomme Richard" class heavy cruiser is launched.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9402.1007/21/2251Strike at LazarraSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictStrike at Lazarra
1/9402.1307/24/2251Battle at Fountain WorldSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Fountain World
1/9402.2608/07/2251Engagement at SpikeSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarEngagement at Spike
1/9402.2808/09/2251The USS "Niovi" (NCC-1887) "Surya" class frigate is launchedPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9402.2808/09/2251Battle near ColilSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle near Colil
1/9403.0108/10/2251A series of corporate battles results in the start of 'The Great Shield Wars' between the manufacturers of defensive systemsFASAStarship Constrcution Manual
1/9403.0108/10/2251The USS Gulliver, a Sawyer Class scout, is sent to Axanar to evaluate the planet's sociological development.FASAThe FederationThe Four Years War
1/9403.0108/10/2251The USS "Gulliver", a "Sawyer" class scout, is sent to Axanar to evaluate the planet's sociological developmentFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years War
1/9403.0208/11/22512nd Battle of Tdrand'qurSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon Conflict2nd Battle of Tdrand'qur
1/9403.1508/25/2251The USS "Ardent" (NCC-1886) "Surya" class frigate is commissionedPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9404.0109/12/2251The log later recovered from the USS "Gulliver's" ship recorder buoy indicates that a Klingon task force met and destroyed the "Gulliver" as it entered the Axanarian systemFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years War
1/9404.3010/13/2251Quarellet UprisingSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictQuarellet Uprising
1/9405.0110/14/2251Battle of K-T5STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-T5
1/9405.0410/18/2251The USS "Kreiger" (NCC-1726) "Bonhomme Richard" class heavy cruiser is launched.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9405.1610/31/2251The USS "El Dorado" (NCC-1722) "Bonhomme Richard" class heavy cruiser is commissioned.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9405.1610/31/2251September The USS "Tayi" (CC-762) "Caracal" class light cruiser is scrapped.PublicationUSS Caracal Class Command Cruiser Blueprints
1/9405.2911/13/2251The USS "Xenophon", a "Marklin" class destroyer, encounters and disables a Klingon D-4E cruiser eight parsecs from Axanar. The commander of the "Xenophon" is Captain Kelvar Garth of IzarFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years War
1/9406.0511/21/2251On routine patrol, the USS "Bonhomme Richard" locates and retrieves the USS "Gulliver's" recorder buoy, which reveals the vessel's fate. In light of the recent Arcanis massacre, the Federation Council demands that the Klingon forces at Axanar withdraw to their border under Star Fleet escort. The Klingon Admiral at Axanar is permitted four months to receive instructions from his Empire. The USS "Xenophon" is already on its way to AxanarFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years War
1/9406.1412/01/2251The USS "Argus" (NCC-1888) "Surya" class frigate is launched.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9406.1412/01/2251Second Battle of ThisisitSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictSecond Battle of Thisisit
1/9406.2712/15/2251Dark Star Probe IISTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDark Star Probe II
1/9406.3012/18/2251Battle of R'Limam VIIISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of R'Limam VIII
1/9407.0612/24/2251Battle of K-K-Kdr8STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-K-Kdr8
1/9407.0912/27/2251Garth reaches Axanar several hours before the "Bonhomme Richard", and so is given command of a scout squadron assigned to monitor the Klingon task forceFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years War
1/9407.1501/03/2252Battle at FarkinSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Farkin
1/9407.2901/18/2252Battle of Stork's RestSTSTCSTriangle Expansion WarsBattle of Stork's Rest
1/9408.0101/21/2252Star Fleet's Portsmith cass destroyer becomes operational at a crucial time. Trough not a powerful ship, it is constructed in large numbers, serving a multitude of escort and light combat assignments throughout the Four Years War. A total of 660 are built.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/9408.0701/28/2252The USS "Niovi" (NCC-1887) "Surya" class frigate is commissioned.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9408.2802/19/2252The USS "Dominium" (CC-763) "Caracal" class light cruiser is scrapped.PublicationUSS Caracal Class Command Cruiser Blueprints
1/9408.2902/20/2252One of the scouts near Axanar picks up a second, incoming Klingon task force. Despite being outnumbered, Garth quickly implements a tactical plan that results in his victory at the Battle of Axanar, preventing the Klingons from establishing a supply line to forces already massed there. Unaware of the results of the First Battle of Axanar, and secure in the belief that the Axanar research facility is safe, the Klingon Empire declares war on the U.F.P. exactly one month laterFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarFirst Battle of Axanar
1/9409.0102/23/2252The "Loknar" class frigate USS "Morgan City" (NCC-2704) is captured by Admiral Kamato's forces. It will later be renamed the IKSV "Straave'eMara" ("Slave Of Justice") and be used in Kamato's abortive coup attempt on the Klingon throne. After failing, Kamato will retreat into the Triangle taking the "Loknar" class frigate with him. From their location in the Triangle, the Klingon rebels will attack unprotected convoys and merchant vessels by using the "Straave'eMara" to lure them in. This ruse will last several years until the general recall of all "Loknar" class vessels make it difficult for the Klingon vessel to operate. The IKV Admiralty eventually decides to have the vessel painted in the standard steel-gray color of their Navy and keeps the ship in active service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition ManualThe Four Years WarMorgan City Incident
1/9409.0102/23/2252Star Fleet's Siva class is withdrawn from service.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/9409.2503/20/2252The USS "Saratoga" (NCC-1724) "Bonhomme Richard" class heavy cruiser is commissioned.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9409.2703/22/2252The Kobayashi Maru (NCC-S3700) class neutronic fuel carrier is authorized for construction. These carriers will be essential for the supply of fuel to less advanced civilizations that have not yet developed matter/antimatter power systems. The "Kobayashi Maru" carries 20 fuel modules, a standard complement of 81, and has warp 8 capacity (after upgrade). These ships utilize unique self-contained SC35/1-45F nacelles on a rectangular hull. As originally launched, ships of this class will have only warp 6 capacity and laser banks for ordnance. They will later be upgraded to Mk-II-S phasers (4 emplacements) along with warp drive on stardate 7809.13. 74 ships will be built although they reportedly originally utilized a more complex registry system (the class ship possessing the registry NC3-HT03-23682). This class may have been named after the Kobayashi Maru test given at the Star Fleet Academy, which was in turn named after the S.S. "Kobayashi Maru" (MCC-34/070) merchant.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 3
1/9409.2903/24/2252In response to the Federation Council, Admiral Kkorhetza refuses to withdraw his ships from Federation territory, issuing a formal declaration of alliance with the natives on Axanar. This results in a state of war be- tween the U.F.P. and the Klingon Empire, and the Four Years War begins. At the Second Battle of Axanar, Captain Garth (his small command now reinforced by Star Fleet) defeats Kkorhetza's forces and is awarded the Federation Medal of Valor. Though tactical experts expect the Romulans to enter the war on one side or the other, they do notFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarSecond Battle of Axanar
1/9410.0103/27/2252Over the next six months, the Klingons win the decisive Battles of Andromeda, Genmarx, Lea, Lyclydun, and Janni IV. Though somewhat weak in tactical skill, they make up for it in numbers, often outnumbering U.F.P. defending forces three or four to oneFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years War
1/9410.0604/01/2252Battle of Andromeda FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Andromeda
1/9411.0805/06/2252The USS "Kreiger" (NCC-1726) "Bonhomme Richard" class heavy cruiser is commissioned.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9411.1305/12/2252Engagement at GeislingSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement at Geisling
1/9411.1705/16/2252Battle of Genmarx FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Genmarx
1/9412.0105/31/2252Researchers at HiBeam Energies, Ltd. develop the ship-mounted phaser. Hasty installation of the phasers onto Star Fleet vessels causes numerous accidents. Phasers are withdrawn from service for additional tests.FASAThe Federation
1/9412.0206/01/2252Battle of LeaFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Lea
1/9412.0506/04/2252The USS "Argus" (NCC-1888) "Surya" class frigate is commissionedPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9412.0506/04/2252The USS "R'Sah-Dan" (CC-764) "Caracal" class light cruiser is scrapped.PublicationUSS Caracal Class Command Cruiser Blueprints
1/9412.0806/07/2252Battle of Villiam IIISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Villiam III
1/9412.2506/26/2252Revulsive EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictRevulsive Engagement
1/9412.3107/02/2252The USS "Pralaya" (NCC-1855), a "Surya" class frigate, is destroyed near Beta Aurigae by Klingon-allied warships.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1The Four Years War
1/9501.0107/03/2252The Andor Planetary Government originates the Andorian Battle Star award for commanders of Star Fleet vessels, any class or category, who have demonstrated superior tactical abilities in a combat situation, either personal or command-oriented. It is a 4-pointed titanium star with a center sapphire, hung from a blue and white ribbon.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
1/9501.0107/03/2252The D-4A "D'ama" class cruiser is withdrawn from service in the Klingon Fleet.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9501.0107/03/2252The Klingon G-8 "Plen Zha" ("Trader's Game") class cargo freighters enter service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9501.0107/03/2252P-3 (Caladan) Class II Type 1FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9501.0107/03/2252Captain Robert April retires from Star Fleet after quietly speaking out against certain Federation policies. He continues to serve as an ambassador-at-large.FASAThe Federation
1/9501.0107/03/2252Star Fleet's Hale class scout is removed from service after performing unsatisfactorily in combat. Bode class acouts are reequipped with more powerful warp engines to continue service as a stop-gap measure.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/9501.0707/10/2252Overkill EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictOverkill Engagement
1/9501.1307/16/2252Engagement at Fan CamSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement at Fan Cam
1/9501.1707/20/2252Xamdab II Convoy Raid FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarXamdab II Convoy Raid
1/9502.1008/15/2252First contact with the Romulan "Graceful Flyer" class scout/courier ship occurs within the Neutral Zone area as reported by an automated, zoneintrusion detection satellite.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition ManualThe Four Years War
1/9502.2809/03/2252The USS "Essex" (NCC-1727) heavy cruiser of the "Bonhomme Richard" class is commissioned.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9503.1409/19/2252Tempe EngagementFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarTempe Engagement
1/9504.0110/09/2252Over the next three months, the Klingons continue their inexorable penetration of U.F.P. territory dealing the U.F.P. heavy losses particularly in the Battle of GR-1 and the Assault of Nozseca VIII.FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years War
1/9504.1010/18/2252Battle of LyclydunFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Lyclydun
1/9504.1610/25/2252Invasion of Janni IVFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarInvasion of Janni IV
1/9504.2811/07/2252Laxala IncidentFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarLaxala Incident
1/9505.0811/17/2252Battle of GR-1FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of GR-1
1/9505.1511/25/2252Assault of Nozseca VIIIFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarAssault of Nozseca VIII
1/9506.2001/02/2253Encounter of Vola VFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarEncounter of Vola V
1/9507.0501/19/2253The attack on Convoy Y-16Z near the Revonet system marks the first significant Klingon defeat. In this battle, the Klingons do not have superior numbers and it shows what the U.F.P.'s superior tactical ability can accomplish when the odds are more even FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarAttack of Convoy Y-16Z
1/9507.2202/06/2253About this time, with Star Fleet facing the task of protecting supply convoys against enemy small attack craft, the "Santee" (NCC-1925) class escort carrier is developed from 4 partially constructed neutronic fuel carrier hulls built for commercial concerns and purchased by the fleet (a practice common during the early stages of the war). They are completed using specifications and components similar to those designed for the "Bonhomme Richard" class. To provide additional room in the secondary hull for embarked craft, the warp nacelles and systems are mounted together in an expanded impulse deck--a configuration which will lead to designs on many later carriers such as the "Youngblood," "Jenshahn," and "Chosin" classes. These ships (NCC-1925-NCC-1928) are placed in immediate service to escort replenishment groups to the starbases and outposts nearest the war zones. They will be later utilized for raids against smaller targets, special operations, and diversionary tactics during major offensives. The USS "Santee" will be struck by a Klingon fighter making a suicide attack--and survive, along with her sistership the USS "Suwannee"PublicationFederation Shuttlecarrier Comparison ChartThe Four Years War
1/9508.2703/16/2253The "Enterprise" surveys Rigel VII & VIII. Many of the crew are wounded on the former world, including Lt. Spock. The ship heads for Vega IX for replacement of personnel and resupply. "Enterprise" fatalities: 3 dead (including Captain Pike's yeoman).Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Cage
1/9508.2703/16/2253The Talos IV expedition: The Talosians are contacted by the "Enterprise" and Captain Pike is taken captive for a short period of time, after picking up a distress call from the S.S. "Columbia".Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Cage
1/9509.0703/28/2253As a result of the numerous ship disappearances, Star Fleet Command orders the Zone of Transport Escort for a large region of Federation space. This order restricts movement of private and commercial starships, requires nav- al escort for vessels travelling in the restricted area, and places armed marines aboard all escorted ships. These new regulations remain in effect until after the war. The Zone order significantly reduces the frequency of piracy attempts and unexplained starship disappearancesFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years War
1/9509.0703/28/2253Star Fleet comissions the Achernar I and Tikopai I class cruisers. 68 Achernar and 44 Tikopai will be built, each seeing extensive combat during the war. Both classes are built at incredible speed, but have many crucial systems hardwired to allow them to be built so quickly. This make upgrades difficult at best. A handfull of each design will be refit. However, many will be scrapped or destroyed in weapons tests as a result of cost-cutting measures.FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years War
1/9510.0504/27/2253Engagement at VolgasFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarEngagement at Volgas
1/9511.0105/26/2253The Landover tragedy take place prior to the Battle of Joia V.FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years War
1/9511.1706/12/2253The Nostveg I Engagement is fought, and the Klingons suffer a strategic defeat.FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarNostveg I Engagement
1/9511.2706/23/2253Battle of Joia VFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Joia V
1/9512.0106/27/2253Star Fleet's Sawyer Class Scout is withdrawn from service.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/9512.0707/04/2253Battle of TiniFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Tini
1/9601.0107/31/2253J-4 Type 1 is launched.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9601.0107/31/2253V-5 (Skyfire) Class VII Type 1 cruiser is launched.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9601.0107/31/2253The Battle of Sinbad IV marks the first major confrontation between ground troops of the opposing forces.FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Sinbad IV
1/9601.1408/14/2253The D-8 type A "Serpent" class light cruiser is launched. One of a number of hull designs based on the D-1 and D-7, the older D-8 becomes a quickly built and fielded cruiser design able to augment current front line combat units. Like the D-5, which the D-8 visaully matches, the "Serpant" class is very easy to build, maintain, repair and modify. It is considered undergunned and overpriced when compared to other vessels, and only 63 of the original 250 are actually fielded.InternetSTSTCS
1/9601.2308/23/2253The Battle of Delgon-R marks the first use of Klingon gravitic mines and the first defensive action by Klingon forces. The Klingons lose 30,000 highly skilled ground troops, including a crack Klingon Imperial guards battalion, in the Sinbad IV battle FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Delgon-R
1/9601.3109/01/2253The USS "Potemkin" (NCC-1711) heavy cruiser is reclassified as a training vesselPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9602.0109/02/2253The Imperial Navy has penetrated as deep as 15 parsecs into certain sectors of U.F.P. space, but is seriously overtaxedFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years War
1/9602.0109/02/2253The "Bode" class scouts is withdrawn from service.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/9602.0109/02/2253The "Larson" class destroyers USS "Eylau" (NCC-4317), USS Jutland and "Loknar" class frigate USS Proxima are destroyed in a battle with a single Klingon L-6 frigate on the fringe of the Falgor system.FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Falgor
1/9602.0409/05/2253Battle of Sector 23-HFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Sector 23-H
1/9602.1809/20/2253Captain Christopher Pike quarantines Talos IV under General Order Number Seven. General Order 7 states that "any transgression...shall be punishable by death," the only order ever to do so. By stardate 1305.0, 17 additional Star Fleet General Orders will be in effect, totaling 24.Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Cage
1/9603.0110/02/2253The Karagite Order of Heroism decoration is originated by the U.F.P. Executive Council. It is a stylized humanoid female with outstretched arms grasping an upraised sword attached to scarlet and white horizontal stripes, awarded to individuals who have shown conspicuous heroism in defense of U.F.P. worlds and their populations in times of conflict. The decoration is named in honor of the successful Star Fleet Marine defense of the planet Karag against Klingon invaders during the Four Years War.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
1/9603.0110/02/2253Star Fleet withdraws "Constitution" class cruisers from front-line combat duty against Klingon forces. The class will continue to serve on other fronts in its pre-war capacitiesFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years War
1/9603.2210/24/2253Battle of Lasur FunopFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Lasur Funop
1/9604.0111/04/2253Star Fleet Command originates the Star Fleet Medal of Valor. It is awarded in peace or wartime for actions beyond the call of duty.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
1/9604.0111/04/2253The "Larson" class destroyers "Hammurabi" (NCC-4337) and "Troy" (NCC-4338) are destroyed while escorting a convoy of merchant ships bound for a frontier area. During the battle, 17 freighters are destroyed and an additional 4 are taken as prizes by the Klingons. Of the 5 surviving ships, all report that the "Hammurabi" destroyed two Klingon D-7 cruisers and crippled two others before being destroyed herself. The "Troy" apparently was disabled in the initial exchange of fire and left for dead. When a Klingon cruiser ventured too close to the derelict, however, it opened fire and destroyed the enemy vessel in a single volley.FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years War
1/9604.1811/22/2253Attack on Beta IIIFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarAttack on Beta III
1/9605.0512/10/2253Battle of JevolFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Jevol
1/9605.0912/15/2253Battle of KlafFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Klaf
1/9605.1512/21/2253The Prentares Council of Elders issues the Prentares Ribbon decoration. This stylized Prantarian lamb surrounded by a green wreath, with the inscription "High Protector" below, is awarded to military personnel or civilians who have saved the life of a U.F.P. civilian through peaceful means.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
1/9605.1912/25/2253Battle of OgoloFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Ogolo
1/9606.0101/08/2254The D-10A "Riskadh" class cruiser enters service in the Klingon fleet. Utilizing the same command pod as the D-7, the D-10 employs the most effective shields the empire has to offer, and is rushed into the Four Years war. The ship's complement is 505 officers and 320 troops. The ship has warp 8 capacity but its only shortcoming is her fairly weak impulse system.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9606.0101/08/2254The D-20A "Death Rite" class cruiser enters service in the Klingon fleet and is immediately rushed into the Four Years War. The class suffers from a lack of maneuvering power and a relatively weak superstructure.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9606.0101/08/2254Backed by massive loans from Leeper-Fell, Surelox Systems negotiates with Wyandotte Defense Shields to wage a secret campaign of price-fixing to reduce Charlottes Shields leadership in the field. This almost proves to be Surelox's undoing when the Federation Tribunal Court settles the matter by awarding Charlottes Shields a large finanicial judgementFASAStarship Constrcution Manual
1/9606.2602/04/2254The Nexus temporal energy ribbon again passes through U.F.P. space.Star Trek - The Next GenerationStar Trek Generations
1/9608.0103/15/2254The Klingons successfully use their new D-10As and D-20As against the U.F.P. at the Debacle at Giso.FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarDebacle at Giso
1/9608.0103/15/2254The Defense of Rudgur III marks the first use of chlortheragen, a Klingon-manufactured nerve gas. Captain Christopher Pike quarantines Talos IV under General Order Number Seven. General Order 7 states that "any transgression... shall be punishable by death," the only order ever to do so.FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarDefense of Rudgur III
1/9609.0904/26/2254Battle of VidetuSTSTCSThe Four Years WarBattle of Videtu
1/9609.1304/30/2254Battle of ToriaFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Toria
1/9610.0105/19/2254The Confederation of Tellar proposes the Grankite Order of Honor decoration. Issued by special order of the Commandant of Star Fleet Academy, to cadets who, during their tour of study at Star Fleet Academy, demonstrate selfless heroism in support of the U.F.P. and Star Fleet Command. The decoration is named in honor of Grankess'Lorr, a Tellarite cadet who is the first recipient. It takes the form of a small red, blue, and gold triangle surrounded by Tellarite white laurel leaves.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
1/9610.0105/19/2254The "Aakenn" Mark II class freighter enters service with warp 9 (unloaded) capacity with crews of 54. During the Four Years War this class is used to move men and materiel to the front and supplies to the rear to keep the U.F.P.'s wartime production schedule at high levels.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9610.0605/25/2254Battle of KesseFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Kesse
1/9611.0106/21/2254Battle of Ruel Gor IIIFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Ruel Gor III
1/9611.0306/24/2254Thought Admiral Krador zantai Rrilac distinguishes himself in battle against the Romulans, were he is considered one of the best commanders in the Romulan war. He forms a relationship of mutual respect with General Moroch sutai Lackoi.FASATermination: 1456
1/9612.0107/24/2254The USS "Blake" (NCC-4389) Mark I "Larson" class destroyer enters service in Star Fleet.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9612.0107/24/2254The K-17D "Z'mortama" class scout enters service in the Klingon fleet.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9612.0107/24/2254Battle of WebirtyFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Webirty
1/9612.1908/12/2254The USS "Excalibur" (NCC-1705) "Constitution" class heavy cruiser is drydocked at Star Fleet Division, Brasilia Yards, United Americas, Earth for conversion to "Bonhomme Richard" class specsPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9612.1908/12/2254Vickers submits their winning design and production schedule for the "Coronado" class through-deck cruisersPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9612.1908/12/2254The scout class recommissioning of the old "Detroyat" class heavy destroyers is approved.PublicationUSS Detroyat Class Heavy Destroyer Blueprints.
1/9701.0108/26/2254H-5 Type 1 enters service with the Romulan NavyFASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9701.0108/26/2254The Mark II "Fenlon" class monitors enter service. These 72-man spherical vessels are the only monitor class ships in Star Fleet, used primarily to patrol border systems and protect them from marauders and pirates. The "Fenlon" class is seldom found alone, its primary function is to support cutters operating in the immediate area. A drastic departure from normal Star Fleet designs, the spherical hull features centrally mounted engines capable of moving the vessel at warp 0.9 for periods up to 6 months. Their basic armament consists of 10 phaser emplacements.FASAThe Federation
1/9701.0108/26/2254Star Fleet's Chariot class cargo transport becomes operational.FASAThe Federation
1/9701.0308/28/2254Initial Klingon occupation forces assault the planet or Muldor IV, meeting little effective resistance.FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarAssault of Muldor IV
1/9702.0109/28/2254The "Anton" Mark II class cruisers enter service. Armed with new phaser weapons, it is an improvement over the older Mk I, but not as powerful as other Federation cruisers.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9702.0109/28/2254The Mark II "Nelson" class scouts enter service with crews of 180 and phaser weaponry, as well as binary transducer shield generators and improved impulse engines.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9702.0109/28/2254The K-23A "Talat kh'exesta" ("Little Killer") class escort is introduced into the Klingon fleet. Built as a wedge of angular, flat surfaces this class spearheads their propaganda war against the U.F.P.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9702.0109/28/2254The first phaser weapons are installed on front-line combat vessels.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/9702.0910/07/2254The "Faranarton" (NCC-S3000) class heavy tug is authorized. This "cheap to maintain" heavy towing vessel is used for a variety of operations both in-system and in deep space. With a crew of 96 and emergency facilities for over 300 souls, the Faranarton are often used as secondary rescue vessel.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 3
1/9702.1010/08/2254Attack on Zal VhrosFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarAttack on Zal Vhros
1/9703.1311/10/2254Battle of Sult IIFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Sult II
1/9703.1811/15/2254Klingon construction crews begin work on a military compound on the occopuied world of Muldor IV. It is strengthened after all native resistance has been suppressed.FASATermination: 1456
1/9704.0111/30/2254The Prantares Council of Eldars originates the Prantares Ribon, awarded to military or civilian personnel who have saved Federation lives through peaceful means.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
1/9704.0111/30/2254The D-9B "Z'gal" ("Seeker") class cruiser enters service in the Klingon Fleet, to act as a research vessel in the Four Years War.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9704.0612/06/2254Elek EngagementFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarElek Engagement
1/9704.2812/29/2254Forces of the Klingon Empire make their deepest penetration into Federation space at the Battle of Thranstor, but the Klingon fleet, led by Admiral Kamato, is eventually routed by a reinforced Federation fleet armed with the new phaser weapons. Following the defeat, the line of Admiral Kamato attempts a coup to seize the throne, blaming the defeat of Thranstor on a lack of Imperial support. Though the coup fails, Kamato escapes with his remaining loyalists into the Triangle area FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Thranstor
1/9705.0301/04/2255The USS "Excalibur" (NCC-1705) heavy cruiser is relaunched after conversion to "Bonhomme Richard" specsPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9705.1501/17/2255Battle of Sire YopotFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Sire Yopot
1/9705.3002/02/2255Engagement for Argelian ApproachesFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarEngagement for Argelian Approaches
1/9706.0802/11/2255The USS "Essex" (NCC-1727) is fitted with a "Saber" fire control system, Tri-Tel unit, and "Lynx" weapon system. Her "Wolf" Model 2 indirect photon torpedo system is replaced with a Mark 12 indirect system, closely coordinated with the aforementioned defensive systems.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9706.1102/15/2255The USS "Excalibur" (NCC-1705) is recommissioned as a "Bonhomme Richard" class heavy cruiserPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9706.1702/21/2255A review board is established to determine whether it would be more cost efficient to uprate the "Ptolemy" (NCC-3801) class transport/tugs or to construct transports of the recently submitted "Keppler" (NCC-3816) configuration. After careful analysis, both options are pursued. Not only are the construction of 15 "Keppler" class transports authorized, but the modernization of the "Ptolemy" class is approved. The "Ptolemy" transport/tugs are refitted with PB-32 warp drive units, giving them the extended field capability necessary to carry two containers at a time. The additional power available from the more efficient warp drive units also allows phaser banks to be installed.PublicationST reference: Star Fleet Technical Manual
1/9706.2302/27/2255All (surviving) "Detroyat" class ships are recommissioned and active as heavy scout vessels, with the exception being the USS "Resolution" (NCC-1101) testbed vessel. Their untested elements are replaced with sophisticated sensor and tracking equipment.PublicationUSS Detroyat Class Heavy Destroyer Blueprints.
1/9706.2402/28/2255Ship-mounted phaser banks are installed on all major Star Fleet starships. Starship lasers become obsolete. The "Surya" class frigates are among the ships refitted--their 21.5 QEV dilithium laser emplacements are replaced with phaser armaments.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9707.0103/08/2255Far from the ongoing Klingon/Federation conflict, Federation explorers encounter the Sheliak. A shortlived skermish ensues, resulting in the loss of several Sheliak and Federation vessels. Both sides quickly realize the futlity of the conflict and begin peace talks, ending in the signing of the extremely complex Treaty of Armens.Star Trek - The Next GenerationThe Ensigns of CommandFederation - Sheliak Conflict
1/9707.0303/10/2255Battle of Sector 12-JFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Sector 12-J
1/9707.0603/13/2255Battle of Rex DacutFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Rex Dacut
1/9707.1803/26/2255Battle of TireheFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Tirehe
1/9707.2003/28/2255The USS "Essex" (NCC-1727) is fitted with a "Saber" fire control system, Tri-Tel unit, and "Lynx" weapon system. Her "Wolf" Model 2 indirect photon torpedo system is replaced with a Mark 12 indirect system, closely coordinated with the aforementioned defensive systemsPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9707.2003/28/2255The USS "Farragut" (NCC-1702) "Constitution" class heavy cruiser is drydocked at Star Fleet Division, Brasilia Yards, United Americas, Earth for conversion to "Bonhomme Richard" class specsPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9707.2404/02/2255The USS "Farragut" (NCC-1702) heavy cruiser, converted over to the "Bonhomme Richard" class configuration, is relaunchedPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9707.2704/05/2255Defense of TopaxFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarDefense of Topax
1/9709.1005/23/2255The renegade Klingon Admiral Kamato and his followers establish the Imperial Klingon States in the Triangle. Declaring itself to be the "rightful" Klingon government in exile, the IKS becomes a major source of intelligence against the Klingon Empire for the rest of the war. Initially, the IKS contains only two planets: K'Linsann (formally Patterson's Place) and KinarraFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years War
1/9709.2106/04/2255Engagement of Sector 12-5FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarEngagement of Sector 12-5
1/9710.0106/15/2255Chariot class dilithium cargo ships greatly increase transportation efficiency by cutting costs and travel time while increasing payloads, with crews of only 24.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/9710.0806/22/2255Assault of T'vamFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarAssault of T'vam
1/9710.3007/16/2255The Mark II "Tyranus" class research cruiser is launched. The Mark II has 6 phaser banks and two photon torpedo tubes, as well as improved shielding.InternetSTSTCS
1/9711.0407/21/2255Battle of Sector 23-DFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Sector 23-D
1/9711.1207/30/2255Battle of Pen'sFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Pen's
1/9711.2608/14/2255Battle of OcoFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Oco
1/9711.3008/18/2255Battle of BiwywbFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Biwywb
1/9712.0608/24/2255Believing that the Klingons must stop the war now in order to strengthen themselves to fight again another day, Admiral Komex surrenders himself to U.F.P. authorities and informs them of the location of the two major Klingon supply bases in the disputed areaFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years War
1/9712.0808/27/2255The USS "Farragut" (NCC-1702) heavy cruiser is recommissionedPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9712.1609/04/2255Battle of TasorFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Tasor
1/9801.0109/21/2255The Mark II "Loknar" class frigates enter service, mounting newer warp drive systems providing 60% more power than the older units and increasing the ships' overall performance. The most significant advance in technology is the incorporation of 8 phaser emplacements, delivering more firepower at longer ranges, weighing less, and requiring less structural reinforcing than the laser banks. The newly developed photon torpedo, delivering the same explosive power at 75% less power requirement, considerably lighter and requiring less structural reinforcement than the accelerator cannon, is also incorporated in the form of 4 tubes. The "Loknar" class becomes more powerful than anything in the Klingon fleet with the exception of the D-10. The Mark II also mounts an upgraded binary shield generator, the FSK, giving 33% more protection at the same output level as the earlier system.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition ManualThe Four Years War
1/9801.0109/21/2255I-4 Type 1 enters service with the Romulan navy.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9801.0109/21/2255J-3 Type 9 enters service witht the Romulan navy.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9801.0109/21/2255The CS-2 Type VI "Graceful Flyer" Courier enters serviceFASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9801.0109/21/2255The Type 2 V-1 "Vadaso Stelri" ("Glider in the Stars") class cruiser enters service in the Romulan Star Empire. Some 40 vessels of this class will be built, mounting better bank-mounted weaponry and a more powerful impulse drive than her Type 1 predecessor.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9801.0109/21/2255Researchers at the Vulcan Science Academy develop a hypospray antidote to chlortheragen, the Klingon nerve gas.FASAThe FederationThe Four Years War
1/9801.1210/03/2255Battle of RuwanFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Ruwan
1/9801.1910/11/2255Profound EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictProfound Engagement
1/9802.0110/24/2255Star Fleet captures a command pod of a "Riskadh" D-10A class cruiser jettisoned during the Battle of Kesse 16 months earlier.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition ManualThe Four Years War
1/9802.0510/29/2255Battle of KaragFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Karag
1/9802.2811/22/2255Initially using captured Klingon ships, Star Fleet attacks the Klingon fleet at Grank in the largest fleet action of the war.FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Grank
1/9803.2012/14/2255In the Battle of Kolm-an, the U.F.P. deals a crushing blow to Klingon supply and repair capability, forcing the Empire to sue for peace FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Kolm-an
1/9804.0112/27/2255The Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters service with crews of 195, warp 9 capacity, and phaser and photon torpedo weaponry.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9804.0112/27/2255The K-30E "K'nel" ("Luckless") class monitor enters service in the Klingon fleet. The first five production models are destroyed in a mysterious explosion during loading operations.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9804.1501/11/2256Starseeker EngagmentSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictStarseeker Engagment
1/9805.0101/28/2256The first Mark I "Solar" class cutters enter service with warp 9 capacity and a crew of 23.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9805.0101/28/2256Daystrom Data Concepts is formed in San Francisco, Terra by Dr. Randall L. Daystrom, the inventor of the first multitronic engram-logic-enhanced computer. It will be the sole manufacturer of the Multitronic computer series used by Star Fleet Command as well as numerous civilian and educational concerns. After the death of Randall Daystrom, Dr. Richard Daystrom will take control of company operations until his mental collapse requires his son Richard Daystrom II to take over the position of CEO. This company will supervise the restoration of Memory Alpha's main computer complex following the Lights of Zetar incident. Dr. Cynthia Daystrom will be credited with salvaging all but a minute portion of the research center's total accumulated access filesFASAStarship Constrcution Manual
1/9805.0301/30/2256The USS "Borodino" (NCC-4307), "Torgau" (NCC-4316), "Gallipoli" (NCC-4327), and "Jauhur" Mark I "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark II configuration. The USS "Balaklava" (NCC-4419) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters service--the first new-built Mark II.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9805.0702/03/2256The "Loknar" class frigate USS "Alondra" (NCC-2745) is destroyed in the Four Years War.FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years WarBattle of Alaris
1/9805.1202/09/2256The Axanar Peace Mission convenes.FASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years War
1/9806.1303/14/2256The USS "Berlin" (NCC-2731) Mark I "Loknar" class frigate is refitted to the Mark II configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9806.1303/14/2256The USS "Trafalgar" (NCC-4304), "Thelenth" (NCC-4305), "Cortez" (NCC-4383), "Bradley" (NCC-4388), and "Palo Alto" (NCC-4408) Mark I "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark II configuration. The USS "Dreyfus" (NCC-4420) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9806.1303/14/2256The Four Years War ends, with the Treaty of Axanar signed by representatives of the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire on Delta Orcus (Axanar). The Axanar Peace Mission negotiates the establishment of limited diplomatic channels between the two sides and obtains concessions from each to create new U.F.P.-Klingon border. James Kirk participates in this mission and is awarded the Palm Leaf. At the conference, Kirk meets the Klingon Krodan and his son KainFASAThe Four-Years WarThe Four Years War
1/9806.1303/14/2256The phaser and photon torpedo have finally been manufactured in sufficient quantities to replace the laser and accelerator cannon as the Federation's primary shipboard weapon systems.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/9806.2003/21/2256A second colonial expansion begins into the Triangle, resulting in a trade boom unequalled in known history.FASAThe Triangle
1/9807.0104/02/2256The "Derf" class tender enters service. Before its introduction, marker buoys and navigational beacons had to be retrieved and returned to a repair facility to be serviced. The "Derf" class eliminates this need by carrying repair facilities onboard. These ships carry complements of 72 and have warp 9 capacity.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9807.0104/02/2256The USS "Leyte" (NCC-4319), "Corregidor" (NCC-4331), "Napoleon" (NCC-4344), and "Murat" (NCC-4398) Mark I "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark II configuration.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9807.0104/02/2256The USS "Loknar" (NCC-2700) Mark I "Loknar" class frigate is refitted to the Mark II configuration.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9807.0104/02/2256Klingon citizens required to relocate in compliance with the Treaty of Axanar are transported to planets on their side of the newly defined Federation/Klingon border.FASAThe Federation
1/9807.2104/24/2256The USS "Garbo" (NCC-4323), "Liu Pang" (NCC-4356), "Pendragon" (NCC-4361), "Hideyoshi" (NCC-4381), and "Bolivar" (NCC-4411) Mark I "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark II configuration. The USS "Rorkes Drift" (NCC-4422) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9807.2104/24/2256The USS "Rhea" (NCC-2753) Mark II "Loknar" class frigate enter serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9808.0105/05/2256The USS "Jutland" (NCC-4328), "Thermoplae" (NCC-4351), "Rommell" (NCC-4410), and "San Martin" (NCC-4412) Mark I "Larson" class destroyers are re- fitted to the Mark II configuration. The USS "Mahdi" (NCC-4421) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9808.0105/05/2256Star Fleet's Baton Rouge class is withdrawn from service, having performed admirably throughout the Four Years War.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/9808.0105/05/2256"Baton Rouge" class cruisers are decommissionedFASAThe Four-Years War
1/9808.1305/18/2256The USS "Potemkin" (NCC-1711) has her two 4680 TEV rarium laser banks on her primary hull underside replaced with four banks of 447 series retractable phaser unitsPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9808.1805/24/2256Construction begins on the USS "Coronado" (NCC-1975) through-deck cruiser. The new class vessel is laid down at Vickers Shipbuilding Group Ltd., Cumbria, EarthPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9809.0106/08/2256A total of 5 "Kiaga" (NCC-820) class and 11 "Agilis" (NCC-855) class perimeter action ships have been lost in action in the Four Years War. They will be replaced in later years.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/9809.0106/08/2256The D-7C "K't'Kara" ("Bringer Of Destiny") class cruiser enters service in the Klingon fleet. This D-7 variant has more efficient warp engines than on her predecessor but they are incapable of powering all the weapons even though the ship is more maneuverable.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9809.2607/05/2256The USS "Potemkin" (NCC-1711) has her two 4680 TEV rarium laser banks on her primary hull underside replaced with four banks of 447 series retractable phaser units.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9810.0107/10/2256The USS "Trantis" (NCC-2703) Mark I "Loknar" class frigate is refitted to the Mark II configuration.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9810.1807/28/2256The USS "Regent" (NCC-1883) "Surya" class frigate is commissionedPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9811.0108/12/2256The USS "Semmes" (NCC-4423) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9811.0108/12/2256USS "Helios" (NCC-2754) Mark II "Loknar" class frigate enter service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9812.0109/13/2256The USS "Shiloh" (NCC-4326) Mark I "Larson" class destroyer is refitted to the Mark II configuration. The USS "Chief Joseph" (NCC-4424) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9812.0109/13/2256USS "Epcot" (NCC-2711) and "Carinae V" (NCC-2746) Mark I "Loknar" class frigates are refitted to the Mark II configuration.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9901.0110/17/2256The USS "Ahkeil" (NCC-2701) and "Mordensia" (NCC-2737) Mark I "Loknar" class frigates are refitted to the Mark II configuration.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9901.0110/17/2256The USS "Poitiers" (NCC-4313), "Castinian" (NCC-4325), "Xerxes" (NCC-4340), "Babur" (NCC-4380), "Lafayette" (NCC-4397), and "Tecumseh" (NCC-4402) Mark I "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark II config- uration.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9901.0110/17/2256X-3 "Aviary" Type 3 Defense Outpost enters service in the Romulan Star Empire. The new station boasts an uprated power grid, longer range weapons and better shielding. 88 new bases are built.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9901.0110/17/2256No longer requiring the services of many older starships, Star Fleet decommissions or destroys large quantities of cruisers, destroyers, and scouts. All Constitution, Loknar, Larson, and Nelson Class starships, refitted with phasers and photon torpedoes, continue to serve as the Federation's first line of defense.FASAThe Federation
1/9902.1512/04/2256Star Fleet's ship classification list is reformatted to better define ship types and missions and to facilitate comparisons with Klingon ship types.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9902.1512/04/2256The USS "Spiro" (NCC-1884) "Surya" class frigate is commissioned.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9902.1512/04/2256The Type 4 Phaser Rifle is developed by Star Fleet. This 3-chambered weapon offers increased range and energy output compared to earlier hand/pistol versions.PublicationStarFleet Dynamics
1/9903.0112/20/2256The USS "Blenheim" (NCC-4315), "Chou" (NCC-4339) and "Xenophon" (NCC-4342) Mark I "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark II configuration. The U.S.S "Hindenburg" (NCC-4426) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9903.0112/20/2256The USS "Gaikos" (NCC-2740) "Loknar" class frigate is lost, her whereabouts unknown.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9903.0112/20/2256General Order Number One is specifically suspended for Axanar, and the planet is established as a UFP protectorate for sociological study. Based on the anticipated success of the Axanar Culture Mission, the Federation gives the government of Axanar the right to petition for full membership in Stardate 2/4903.FASAThe Federation
1/9903.1301/02/2257The USS "Clemenceau" (NCC-1977) "Coronado" class through-deck cruiser is laid down at Vickers Shipbuilding Group Ltd., Cumbria, EarthPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9903.1801/07/2257Multiplanet Metals, Inc. is founded in Gdurav, Tellar. It will become the largest Tellarite mining concern in existence, the result of several corporate mergers.FASAThe Federation
1/9904.0101/22/2257The USS "Aldebaran" (NCC-2712) and "Ekos" (NCC-2728) Mark I "Loknar" class frigates are refitted to the Mark II configuration.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9904.1602/07/2257The decommissioned USS "Palomar" (CC-760), USS "Long Beach" (CC-761), USS "Tayi" (CC-762), USS "Dominium" (CC-763), and USS "R'Sah-Dan" (CC-764) "Caracal" class vessels are briefly taken out of reserve.PublicationUSS Caracal Class Command Cruiser Blueprints
1/9905.0102/23/2257A full-scale research project under the Office of Star Fleet Research and Exploration confirms the underlying accuracy of the transwarp theory, later leading to the transwarp drive. The Zone of Transport Escort is lifted. Stardate 210001.11FASAThe Federation
1/9905.0102/23/2257The Great Shield Wars' ends. The Federation Fourth Quadrant Court of Commerce rules that Wyandotte Defense Shields and Surelox Systems have acted in collusion to make Charlottes Shields the victim of price-fixing. The resulting judgement brings about economic parity to these three industrial concerns.FASAStarship Constrcution Manual
1/9905.1203/07/2257Star Fleet's decommissioning and scrapping of older ships ends. All main starships are fitted with phasers and photon torpedoes.FASAThe Four-Years War
1/9906.0103/28/2257the "Farside" (NCC-2705) "Loknar" class frigate is refit to the Mk II. The USS "Capor Bana" (NCC-2755) Mark II "Loknar" class frigate enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9906.0103/28/2257The USS "Alexander" (NCC-4367) Mark I "Larson" class destroyer is refit- ted to the Mark II configuration.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9906.1204/09/2257The last Klingons are transported to their side of the Federation/Klingon border.FASAThe Federation
1/9906.1504/13/2257The USS "Bennington" (NCC-1978) "Coronado" class through-deck cruiser is laid down at Vickers Shipbuilding Group Ltd., Cumbria, EarthPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
1/9907.0104/30/2257The USS "Guadalcanal" (NCC-4332) Mark I "Larson" class destroyer is re- fitted to the Mark II configuration. The USS "Foch" (NCC-4427) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9908.0106/02/2257The USS "Charlemagne" (NCC-4364) and "Perry" (NCC-4403) Mark I "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark II configuration. The USS "Pershing" (NCC-4428) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9908.2706/30/2257Malestrom EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictMalestrom Engagement
1/9909.0107/05/2257The USS "Tannenberg" (NCC-4303) and "Marathon" (NCC-4310) Mark I "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark II configuration. The USS "Waterloo" (NCC-4306) and "Orleans" (NCC-4360) "Larson" class destroyers are destroyed. The USS "Nicholas" (NCC-4429) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9909.0107/05/2257The Nilron Mk II Freighter becomes operational. Utalizing advances in autonomous computer control, the Mk II is a fully robotic version of the freighter. It is immediately used for longer hauls than the manned version. Over 750 robotic versions are built.FASATrader Captains and Merchant Princes (2nd Edition)
1/9910.0108/06/2257The USS "Genghis Khan" (NCC-4375), "Blake" (NCC-4389), "Von Blucher" (NCC-4400), and "Hastings" (NCC-4404) Mark I "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark II configuration.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9911.0109/09/2257The USS "Sun Tzu" (NCC-4347) and "Constantine" (NCC-4357) Mark I "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark II configuration.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9911.1309/21/2257The USS Federation (NCC-2100) dreadnought is commissioned. A total of twelve of these high-warp ships, the first utilizing three warp drive propulsion units and a complement of 500, will be constructed. With PB-47 warp drive, they have warp 10 capacity.PublicationStarFleet Dynamics
1/9912.0110/11/2257The USS "Agincourt" (NCC-4314), "Ramses" (NCC-4335), "Justinian" (NCC-4362), and "Adolphus" (NCC-4385) Mark I "Larson" class destroyers are re- fitted to the Mark II configuration. The USS "Semmes" (NCC-4423) "Larson" class destroyer is destroyed. The USS "Kermal" (NCC-4430) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
1/9912.0510/15/2257Dejector EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDejector Engagement
1/9912.0910/19/2257The USS "Devonshire" (NCC-1979) "Coronado" class through-deck cruiser is laid down at Vickers Shipbuilding Group Ltd., Cumbria, EarthPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0001.0111/13/2257The Alpha Centauri Academy of Science and Technology originates the Cochrane Award. Silver filigree with precious stones denoting the atomic structure of a dilithium nucleus, the award is presented to scientists who, in the spirit of Zefram Cochrane, have contributed to the U.F.P. through outstanding performance in physical sciences or advanced engineering applications.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
2/0001.2412/08/2257The USS "Republic" (NCC-1371) heavy cruiser is decommissionedPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0002.0812/24/2257The "Pompeii" Mark III class destroyer becomes operational. An attempt to upgrade the Pompeii class to incorporate Phasers and Photon Torpedoes, the Mark III is a dismal failure. Only the prototype is completed.InternetBHJ Design
2/0002.1212/28/2257The USS "Coronado" (NCC-1975) through-deck cruiser is launchedPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0002.2101/07/2258Battle for Convoy 1123-QSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle for Convoy 1123-Q
2/0002.2301/09/2258Battle of Tryes AvastamSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Tryes Avastam
2/0002.2601/12/2258Battle at Repair Station 4-eSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at Repair Station 4-e
2/0003.0601/21/2258Battle for Outpost K'DrulSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle for Outpost K'Drul
2/0003.0901/24/2258Battle at K-N 63STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at K-N 63
2/0003.1101/26/2258Battle at Repair Station 4-jSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at Repair Station 4-j
2/0003.2402/09/2258Defense of Listening Station 1299STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of Listening Station 1299
2/0004.3003/20/2258The USS "Kongo" (NCC-1710) "Constitution" class heavy cruiser is drydocked at Star Fleet Division, Brasilia Yards, United Americas, Earth for conversion to "Bonhomme Richard" specsPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0005.0103/22/2258The USS "Defiant" (NCC-1717) recovers a 4-man Klingon shuttlecraft in deep space. All four occupants are dead, however the new imperial uniform is revealed to Star Fleet for the first timePublication Star Fleet Uniform Recognition Manual
2/0005.2004/11/2258Assault at Processing Station 77STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault at Processing Station 77
2/0005.2104/12/2258Battle for Outpost K'ralnkSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle for Outpost K'ralnk
2/0005.2704/18/2258Battle at Deep Rift Sector 9STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at Deep Rift Sector 9
2/0005.3104/23/2258Attack on Convoy X-399BSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarAttack on Convoy X-399B
2/0006.0304/26/2258Engagement at K-O 33/ivSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictEngagement at K-O 33/iv
2/0006.0404/27/2258The Mark II "Saladin" class destroyer becomes operational. A vast improvement over the aging Mark I, the Mark II uses phaser and photon torpedo technology, as well as an improved power plant.PublicationST reference: Star Fleet Technical Manual
2/0006.0704/30/2258Defense of Agro Station 360STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of Agro Station 360
2/0006.1905/13/2258Battle for Convoy 2009-HSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle for Convoy 2009-H
2/0007.0105/26/2258The Marc Passenger lines is launched. With room for up to 510 passengers and a top speed of warp 6, the Mk I is luxurious and spacious. 14 are completed before the Mk II is launched.GDWChallenge Magazine - Issue #40
2/0007.0806/02/2258Battle at K-N 60STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at K-N 60
2/0007.0906/04/2258Battle at 3.1 W-17.4 SSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 3.1 W-17.4 S
2/0007.1406/09/2258The USS "Clemenceau" (NCC-1977) "Coronado" class through-deck cruiser is launchedPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0007.1806/13/2258Battle of R'o' IISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of R'o' II
2/0007.2206/18/2258Battle at DK12STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at DK12
2/0008.1807/17/2258Attack at K-O 29STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAttack at K-O 29
2/0008.2307/22/2258Recapture of Outpost M'kiskleSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictRecapture of Outpost M'kiskle
2/0008.3007/29/2258The USS "Kongo" (NCC-1710) heavy cruiser is relaunched as a "Bonhomme Richard" class starshipPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0009.0308/03/2258Battle at K-T'Da 25 STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at K-T'Da 25
2/0009.1508/15/2258Battle at Oran Sector Central VoidSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at Oran Sector Central Void
2/0009.2708/28/2258The USS "Kongo" (NCC-1710) is recommissioned as a "Bonhomme Richard" class heavy cruiserPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0009.2908/31/2258The USS "Bennington" (NCC-1978) "Coronado" class through-deck cruiser is launchedPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0009.2908/31/2258Defense of Agro Station 44STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Agro Station 44
2/0010.0409/05/2258Battle at DK17STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at DK17
2/0010.1709/19/2258Battle at Deep Rift Sector 13STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at Deep Rift Sector 13
2/0010.2209/24/2258The USS "Coronado" (NCC-1975) through-deck cruiser is commissioned. This class will total six vessels by 2260. Designed with a unique 'double-ended' secondary hull, these warp 8 capacity ships, with a ship's complement of over 305, are the predecessors of the much larger "Ariel" class shuttlecarriers introduced decades later.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0011.1010/15/2258The USS "Coronado" (NCC-1975) through-deck cruiser is commissioned. This class will total six vessels by 2260. Designed with a unique 'double-ended' secondary hull, these warp 8 capacity ships, with a ship's complement of over 305, are the predecessors of the much larger "Ariel" class shuttlecarriers introduced decades laterPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0011.1010/15/2258The Vulcan-manned USS "Intrepid" (NCC-1708) is recommissioned at the Sitria Docks, Daran V. Uprated to the specs of the "Bonhomme Richard" class heavy cruisers like most other "Constitution" class ships, the "Exeter" and "Enterprise" will follow within the next two years.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0011.1110/16/2258Battle for Convoy 2999-QSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle for Convoy 2999-Q
2/0011.1410/19/2258Defense of GanarraSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of Ganarra
2/0012.0111/06/2258The USS "Essex" (NCC-1727) has her two 17.7 QEV dilithium laser banks on her lower primary hull replaced with Lockheed 447/54 retractable single surface mount phaser banks.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0012.0511/10/2258The USS "Unificatum" (NCC-2102) "Federation" class dreadnought is commissionedPublicationStarFleet Dynamics
2/0012.1211/18/2258The Mark III "Tyranus" class research cruiser is launched. The Mark III vastly imrpoves the now aging Tyranus design with trinary transducer sheild technology. Also improved is the new FWE-2 warp drive, with increases overall power.InternetSTSTCS
2/0012.1811/24/2258Battle at K-T'Da 15/iiSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at K-T'Da 15/ii
2/0012.2712/04/2258Defense of Outpost Kahless 22STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Outpost Kahless 22
2/0101.0112/09/2258The Alpha Centauri Academy of Science and Technology originates the Cochrane Award. Silver filigree with precious stones denoting the atomic structure of a dilithium nucleus, the award is presented to scientists who, in the spirit of Zefram Cochrane, have contributed to the U.F.P. through outstanding performance in physical sciences or advanced engineering applications.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
2/0101.0112/09/2258The USS "Joan Of Arc" (NCC-4378) Mark I "Larson" class destroyer is refitted to the Mark II configuration. The USS "Ali Bey" (NCC-4393) "Larson" class destroyer is destroyed. The USS "Troyius" (NCC-2724) Mark I "Loknar" class frigate is refitted to the Mark II configuration.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0101.0112/09/2258the USS "Liegnitz" (NCC-4376) and "Dewey" (NCC-4414) Mark I "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark II configuration.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0101.0112/09/2258The K-23B class escort enters service in the Klingon fleet.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0101.0112/09/2258J-8 Type 1 enters serviceFASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0101.0112/09/2258P-2 (Ranajmar) Class II Type 4 enters serviceFASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0101.0112/09/2258Q-4 Type 3 enters serviceFASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0101.0112/09/2258S-3 (Free Flight) Class IV Type 8 enters serviceFASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0101.0112/09/2258T-2 (Death Talon) Class IV Type 3 enters serviceFASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0101.0112/09/2258V-2 (Hunter) Class VII Type 5 enters serviceFASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0101.0112/09/2258V-5 (Skyfire) Class VIII Type 2 enters serviceFASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0101.0112/09/2258V-8 (Bird of Prey) Class VI Type 1 enters serviceFASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0101.1112/20/2258The Federation Council votes unanimously to impose harsh sanctions against Orion companies, ports, and shipping interests that participate in the Green Slave trade. UFP members boycott Orion ports, a controversial move that bankrupts a number of UFP companies dependent on Orion trade. Despite this, the boycott remains in effect, proving that the UFP can live without Orion trade.FASAThe Federation
2/0101.2601/05/2259Second Battle at Oran Sector Central VoidSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSecond Battle at Oran Sector Central Void
2/0101.2801/07/2259Battle of G-Sur 2-iSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of G-Sur 2-i
2/0102.0101/11/2259The USS "Breitenfeld" (NCC-4387) and "Jackson" (NCCC-4405) Mark I "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark II configuration. The USS "Antos IV" (NCC-2735) Mark I "Loknar" class frigate is refitted to the Mark II configuration.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0102.0101/11/2259The USS "Larson" (NCC-4300) and "Cannae" (NCC-4353) Mark I "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark II configuration. The USS "Tsushima" (NCC-4434) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer and the USS "Rio De Janiero" (NCC-2757) Mark II "Loknar" class frigate enter service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0102.0101/12/2259Battle for Outpost B'chevelSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle for Outpost B'chevel
2/0102.1101/22/2259Battle at Deep Rift Sector 2STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at Deep Rift Sector 2
2/0102.2102/02/2259Battle for Convoy 2937-bSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle for Convoy 2937-b
2/0102.2302/04/2259The USS "Clemenceau" (NCC-1977) "Coronado" class through-deck cruiser is commissionedPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0102.2502/06/2259Attack on Demon Repair Station 10STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAttack on Demon Repair Station 10
2/0102.2702/08/2259Battle at K-N 48/viifSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at K-N 48/viif
2/0103.0102/10/2259The USS "Alesia" (NCC-4354), "Hardraade" (NCC-4369) and "Frederick" (NCC-4371) Mark I "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark II configuration. The USS "Oyama" (NCC-4431) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer and the USS "Houston" (NCC-2756) Mark II "Loknar" class frigate enter service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0103.0102/10/2259The USS "Grant" (NCC-4416) Mark I "Larson" class destroyer is refitted to the Mark II configuration.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0103.0102/10/2259The K-17A scout class is phased out, replaced by the K-17D scouts in the Klingon fleet.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0103.0102/10/2259Federation Star Base 27, constructed near the Klingon border, assumes operational status.FASAThe Federation
2/0103.0202/12/2259Opposition EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictOpposition Engagement
2/0103.0402/14/2259Battle for Convoy 2274-chSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle for Convoy 2274-ch
2/0103.0702/17/2259The "Cassard" Mk II Missile Destroyer enters service. Replacing the aging system with modern phaser and photon torpedo weaponry, the Mk II continues to be used in long range patrols. The Mk II does not address the lack of beam weapons now plaguiging the Cassard class.InternetBill Colley Designs
2/0103.1102/21/2259Engagement at Phillo'tokSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement at Phillo'tok
2/0103.1302/23/2259Captain Christopher Pike of the USS Enterprise delivers a report on the Orion slave trade after an investigative mission into Orion space. Upon publication, the report shocks and outrages many. The Federation Council officially endorses the boycott of the Orion worlds, in effect telling the Orion government to ban the slave trade or face being cut off diplomatically and economically from the UFP.FASAThe Federation
2/0103.1402/24/2259Battle at Agro Station 28STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at Agro Station 28
2/0103.1602/27/2259Immense EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictImmense Engagement
2/0103.1803/01/2259Accusative EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAccusative Engagement
2/0103.1903/02/2259Constable EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConstable Engagement
2/0103.2003/03/2259Terrorizer EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictTerrorizer Engagement
2/0103.2103/04/2259Battle for Convoy 1111-dSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle for Convoy 1111-d
2/0103.2303/06/22592nd Battle at K-T'Da 25 STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict2nd Battle at K-T'Da 25
2/0104.0103/16/2259The USS "Argelia" (NCC-2747) "Loknar" class frigate is destroyedFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0104.0103/16/2259The USS "Leipzig" (NCC-4320) and "Nakhimov" (NCC-4418) Mark I "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark II configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0104.0403/19/2259The USS "Bennington" (NCC-1978) "Coronado" class through-deck cruiser is commissionedPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0104.0503/20/2259The USS "Exeter" (NCC-1706) "Constitution" class heavy cruiser is drydocked at Star Fleet Division, Brasilia Yards, United Americas, Earth for conversion over to "Bonhomme Richard" specsPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0104.0503/20/2259Battle of G-Sur 1-jSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of G-Sur 1-j
2/0104.1704/02/2259Battle of ShandarSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Shandar
2/0104.2704/13/2259Battle for Convoy 2274-bSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle for Convoy 2274-b
2/0104.2904/15/2259Battle for T'Dakka V Sector Rift WestSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle for T'Dakka V Sector Rift West
2/0105.0104/17/2259The USS "Marlborough" (NCC-4392) Mark I "Larson" class destroyer is refitted to the Mark II configuration. The USS "Pilsudski" (NCC-4432) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0105.0104/17/2259The K-32A "V'al'kon" ("Strong Victor") class monitor enters service in the Klingon fleet. The K-32 is introduced to solve two problems: to increase the Klingon presence around their servitor territories and to replace the highly unpopular K-30 class.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0105.0104/17/2259The First Amendment to the Articles of Federation is passed, banning the trade in Green Slaves outside the strict confines of the Orion neutrality area. After this date, no Orion vessel operating outside the Orion colonies in the Rigel System is allowed to carry slaves. The Federation sanctions force the Orion colonies to abolish the slave trade, at least officially. Underground traffic in Green Slaves continues, though strongly interdicted in free space by Star Fleet actions.FASAThe Federation
2/0105.0104/17/2259A retrofit of the Signaal-designed Corvus TTX deflector program is considered for the "Coventry" class frigates but is decided against after the Bureau of Spacecraft inspects indicates that the B-Sentry units are performing adequatelyPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0105.0104/17/2259The USS "Devonshire" (NCC-1979) "Coronado" class through-deck cruiser is launchedPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0105.0104/17/2259Battle of G-Sur 1-aSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of G-Sur 1-a
2/0105.0404/20/2259Incorrupted EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictIncorrupted Engagement
2/0105.0504/21/2259Engagement at Lendis WavammSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement at Lendis Wavamm
2/0105.0604/22/2259Battle of Nodava IIISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Nodava III
2/0105.1304/30/2259The "Pompeii" Mark IV class destroyer becomes operational. Finally perfected, the Mark IV is better armed and faster than the Mark II which is quickly replaces. All 35 ordered in the initial production request will be completed.InternetBHJ Design
2/0105.1605/03/2259Battle at Deep Rift Sector 3STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at Deep Rift Sector 3
2/0106.0105/20/2259The USS "Cochise" (NCC-4345) Mark I "Larson" class destroyer is refitted to the Mark II configuration.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0106.0105/20/2259The USS "Coral Sea" (NCC-4302), "Garbo" (NCC-4323), and "Corregidor" (NCC-4331) Mark II "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark VI configuration. The USS "Kohlar" (NCC-4456) Mark VI "Larson" class destroyer enters service, the first new-build Mark VI "Larson"FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0106.1105/31/2259Battle of S-A Rom 1-gSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of S-A Rom 1-g
2/0106.2506/15/2259Battle of CanchickaSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Canchicka
2/0106.2906/19/2259A retrofit of the Signaal-designed Corvus TTX deflector program is considered for the "Coventry" class frigates but is decided against after the Bureau of Spacecraft inspects indicates that the B-Sentry units are performing adequately.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0107.0106/21/2259The USS "Cromwell" (NCC-4377) and "Nhat-Le" (NCC-4391) Mark I "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark II configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0107.1407/05/2259Mesmerize EngagementSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntMesmerize Engagement
2/0107.2307/15/2259Attack on RenarvassamSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAttack on Renarvassam
2/0108.0107/25/2259USS "Marne" (NCC-4435) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters service in Star Fleet.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0108.0107/25/2259The USS "Okinawa" (NCC-4334) Mark I "Larson" class destroyer and the USS "Chicago" is refitted to the Mark II configuration.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0108.0107/25/2259USS "Chicago" (NCC-2738) Mark I "Loknar" class frigate is refitted to the Mark II configuration.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0108.0107/25/2259The D-18A "Lara'atan" ("Gull") class destroyer enters service in the Klingon fleet. It will become the most widely-used destroyer in the Klingon Imperial Navy.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0108.0307/27/2259Battle at K-T'Da 12STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at K-T'Da 12
2/0108.0407/28/2259Battle for Convoy 1612-aSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle for Convoy 1612-a
2/0108.1308/06/2259Battle of BryenthumSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Bryenthum
2/0108.1608/10/2259Defense of K'Tazza VIISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of K'Tazza VII
2/0108.1708/11/2259Battle of G-Sur 2-eSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of G-Sur 2-e
2/0108.3108/26/2259Hermes Mk IIPublicationST reference: Star Fleet Technical Manual
2/0108.3108/26/2259Battle of KatrawiSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Katrawi
2/0109.0108/27/2259The USS "Marc Antony" (NCC-4355), "Saladin" (NCC-4368), and "Lee" (NCC-4415) Mark I "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark II config- uration. The last of the Mark I "Larson" class destroyers entering ser- vice, they are uprated with phasers and photon torpedoeFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0109.0108/27/2259The USS "Rajendra" (NCC-4373) and "Khartoum" (NCC-4401) Mark I "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark II configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0109.0108/27/2259Completion of the new Klingon naval base at Mastocal (Sigma Kinna IX) marks the beginning of a return to a pre-war level of battle readiness. By mid-2265, the Klingon Navy will be larger and more powerful than ever before, and so Kassa - Chancelor of the Klingon High Council will pronounce the Empire again ready for war. The Klingons choose a supply base for a new invasion of the U.F.P. It is the agricultural world of Organia, inhabited by a race of Humanoid pacifistsFASAKlingon Game Opeartions ManualFederation - Klingon Cold War
2/0109.0208/28/2259Battle at K-G 11STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at K-G 11
2/0109.0809/03/2259Resentor EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictResentor Engagement
2/0109.2209/18/2259Battle at 3 W-18 SSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 3 W-18 S
2/0110.0109/28/2259The USS "Normandy" (NCC-4309), "Tenochtitian" (NCC-4384), "Washington" (NCC-4394), and "San Jacinto" (NCC-4407) Mark I "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark II configuration. The USS "Port Arthur" (NCC-4433) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0110.0109/28/2259The production of the Klingon K-30 class monitor is halted in favor of a newer designFASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0110.0109/28/2259Imminent EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictImminent Engagement
2/0110.0410/01/2259Battle of K-Ka 10STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-Ka 10
2/0110.2310/22/2259A publically traded venture by Star Fleet Intellignece, Viking Industries, Inc. is formed on Deneb. It will eventually cover agents operating throughout Gorn Sector Intelligence's sphere of influence.FASAStar Fleet Intellegence Book
2/0110.2410/23/2259Assault of SeltasiertSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault of Seltasiert
2/0111.0110/31/2259The USS "Richtofen" (NCC-4436) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer and the USS "Lavinius" (NCC-2758) Mark II "Loknar" class frigate enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0111.0110/31/2259The USS "Scipio" (NCC-4352) and "Wellington" (NCC-4395) Mark I "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark II configuration.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0111.0211/01/2259Impressiveness EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictImpressiveness Engagement
2/0111.1011/10/22592nd Battle for Kachulla VISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon Conflict2nd Battle for Kachulla VI
2/0111.1611/16/22591st Battle of Bulsk IIISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon Conflict1st Battle of Bulsk III
2/0111.2611/27/2259Battle of SwundarkSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Swundark
2/0112.0112/02/2259The USS "Julius Ceasar" (NCC-4343), "Tiberius" (NCC-4363), and "Moltke" (NCC-4417) Mark I "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark II configuration. The USS "New America" (NCC-2706) Mark I "Loknar" class frigate is refitted to the Mark II configuration. The USS "Kosk" (NCC-2708) and "Antares" (NCC-2714) "Loknar" class frigates are scrapped.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0112.2712/30/2259The USS "Exeter" (NCC-1706) heavy cruiser is relaunchedPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0112.2712/30/2259Hungerer EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictHungerer Engagement
2/0201.0101/05/2260The Klingon K-30A class monitors are phased out, refitted to K-30E class monitors.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0201.0101/05/2260The F-2 Type 7 Repair Station is comissioned by the Romulans.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0201.0101/05/2260Leeding Engines, Ltd. is founded in Sydney on Terra by Dr. Harold S. Leedstrom following his dismissal from Shuvinaaljis Warp Technologies. This firm will be the first manufacturer of warp drive systems capable of sustained Warp 8 speeds and emergency speeds of Warp 10. In association with Daystrom Data Concepts and Chandley Works, Leeding will create the tandem PB-type engine designs and the linear engines for "Enterprise" class heavy cruisersFASAStarship Constrcution Manual
2/0201.0101/05/2260Morris Magtronics introduces the FP-4 photon torpedo weapon systemFASAStarship Constrcution Manual
2/0201.0401/08/2260The USS "Devonshire" (NCC-1979) "Coronado" class through-deck cruiser is commissionedPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0201.0601/10/2260Importance EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictImportance Engagement
2/0201.2101/26/2260The USS "Exeter" (NCC-1701) heavy cruiser is recommissioned as a "Bonhomme Richard" class starshipPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0201.2702/02/2260The "Surya" class frigate "Noshiro" (NCC-1885) is assigned to TacFleet and plans to have a RIN-6 phaser system installed are dropped. Improved countermeasures equipment is installed insteadPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0201.2702/02/2260The USS "Compact" (NCC-2103) "Federation" class dreadnought is commissionedPublicationStarFleet Dynamics
2/0202.0102/07/2260Battle at Kaskall Sector Rift WestSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at Kaskall Sector Rift West
2/0202.0302/09/2260Attack on Demon Repair Station 13STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAttack on Demon Repair Station 13
2/0202.0402/10/2260Defense of EternitySTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of Eternity
2/0202.1502/22/2260Agro Station 372 InvasionSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAgro Station 372 Invasion
2/0202.2202/29/2260Mesmerizer EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictMesmerizer Engagement
2/0202.2303/01/2260The Constitution Mk II Class XI Heavy Cruisers are launched. A significant upgrade, the Mk II includes the new Phaser and Photon Torpedo as it's main weapons.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0203.0903/16/2260Star Fleet Intelligence forms Conestoga Terraforming, A.G. in Kansas City on Terra. It will eventually cover agents operating throughout Triangle Sector Intelligence's sphere of influence.FASAStar Fleet Intellegence Book
2/0203.2704/05/2260Battle at K-N 70/iiiSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at K-N 70/iii
2/0204.1804/28/2260Battle at Deep Rift Sector 5STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at Deep Rift Sector 5
2/0204.2605/07/2260Battle of CordensiaSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Cordensia
2/0204.2705/08/2260Defense of KargarthSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of Kargarth
2/0204.2805/09/2260Assault at D'KornamSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault at D'Kornam
2/0205.0105/12/2260The USS "MacArthur" (NCC-4437) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0205.0505/17/2260The Epsilon class (E-1) communication station is authorized for construction. Nearly 100 of these space station facilities will be built in the decades to come, with the first 9 flanking the disputed Klingon border by the late 2260s to serve as listening posts. Each station will house a complement of 539, a dozen shuttlecraft, and 42 antennas (making up 11 communications arrays).Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2
2/0205.0505/17/2260The USS "Essex" (NCC-1727) heavy cruiser, during the period of Romulan expansion in the early 2260s, becomes part of the infamous Grijalfe Squadron, and is deployed extensively as a task group leader on various strategic assignments outside Federation spacePublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0205.0705/19/2260Caleb IV, a Federation outpost near the Federation-Klingon border, is attacked by two Klingon divisions led by Kang and Kor. Aboard the D5 class cruiser IKS Klothos, Kor outmaneuvered the defending Federation forces by attacking with an initial feint, and then returning with his full force, catching the Federation in the midst of their repair work. The mission is considered a huge success in the Klingon Empire, catapaulting both Kor and Kang to legendary status.Star Trek - Deep Space NineOnce More Unto the BreachFederation - Klingon Cold War
2/0206.0306/17/2260Formidable EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictFormidable Engagement
2/0206.1106/25/2260Defense of K-O 29STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of K-O 29
2/0206.1607/01/2260Klingon Thought Admiral Krador return to Quronos, where he is believed to have great potential in Imperial Politics. 1285th Marine Regiment is garrisoned as the newly completed compound on Muldor IV.FASATermination: 1456
2/0207.0107/17/2260The Triangle's strategic location, continued population growth, and available resources become apparent to Star Fleet Command. To better meet its needs, Star Fleet Intelligence Command adds another Operating Forces Sector, Triangle Sector Intelligence.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/0207.0107/17/2260Battle at S-A Rom 2-jSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at S-A Rom 2-j
2/0207.0307/19/2260Battle of System C55STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of System C55
2/0207.2708/13/2260Attack at Training Outpost 100STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAttack at Training Outpost 100
2/0207.3108/18/2260Battle of the ImposingSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of the Imposing
2/0208.0108/19/2260The USS "Bolivar" (NCC-4411) leads a small detachment consisting of the "Normandy" (NCC-4309), "Alesia" (NCC-4354), "Babur" (NCC-4380), and "Tecumseh" (NCC-4402), all "Larson" class destroyers, into an uncontrolled area near the Romulan Neutral Zone. The task force maintains radio silence and will fail to report back at its scheduled time. Eventually after extensive communications attempts fail, a rescue group is dispatched to the last reported position of the task force. All that is ever found is the engine nacelle of the USS "Alesia" adrift in an unknown asteroid cluster. It is suspected that Romulans had ambushed the group but nothing is ever provenFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0208.0108/19/2260The Mission Mk IV Commercial Transport is launched. Fitted with an upgraded computer, and additional 25 SCU are added to the previous designs. A total of 682 Mk IV's are built.FASATrader Captains and Merchant Princes (2nd Edition)
2/0208.1609/04/2260Battle of S-A Rom 4-hSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of S-A Rom 4-h
2/0209.0109/21/2260The Klingon K-14A is phased out as K-14C scouts enter serviceFASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0209.0209/22/2260Battle of ch'Dan IVSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of ch'Dan IV
2/0209.0409/24/2260Swiftdeath EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictSwiftdeath Engagement
2/0209.2010/12/2260Attack on Convoy X-402RSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarAttack on Convoy X-402R
2/0210.0911/01/2260Attack on Agro Station 373STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAttack on Agro Station 373
2/0210.1211/04/2260Assault at Processing Station 288STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault at Processing Station 288
2/0210.1511/07/2260The USS "Star System" (NCC-2107) "Federation" class dreadnought is com- missionedPublicationStarFleet Dynamics
2/0211.0211/27/2260Engagement at Sovek IIISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement at Sovek III
2/0211.1112/06/2260Reprove EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictReprove Engagement
2/0211.1212/07/2260Battle at K-T'Da 20/iii-aSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at K-T'Da 20/iii-a
2/0211.2412/20/2260Battle at Deep Rift Sector 8STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at Deep Rift Sector 8
2/0212.0112/28/2260The USS "Nimitz" (NCC-4439) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0212.0112/28/22602nd Battle of the Kaskall Sector Rift WestSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict2nd Battle of the Kaskall Sector Rift West
2/0212.0601/02/2261Battle at Oran Sector Upper VoidSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at Oran Sector Upper Void
2/0212.1701/14/2261Engagement at D'Sutp' tjosSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement at D'Sutp' tjos
2/0212.2601/24/2261Engagement at Altharra IVSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement at Altharra IV
2/0301.0101/30/2261The USS "Dallas" (NCC-2759) Mark II "Loknar class frigate enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0301.0101/30/2261Attack on BrozSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAttack on Broz
2/0301.0702/05/2261Battle at K-V 47/vSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at K-V 47/v
2/0301.0902/07/2261Battle of MorodisSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Morodis
2/0301.2102/20/2261The uprating of the heavy cruisers "Jupiter" (NCC-1734), "Quindar" (NCC-1736), "Androcus" (NCC-1738) and "Mondoloy" (NCC-1740) are originally authorizedPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0301.2302/23/2261Third Battle at Oran Sector Central VoidSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictThird Battle at Oran Sector Central Void
2/0301.2602/26/2261Attack on Demon Repair Station 15STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAttack on Demon Repair Station 15
2/0301.2903/01/2261Engagement at Flintner V STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement at Flintner V
2/0301.3003/02/2261Mangler EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictMangler Engagement
2/0302.0403/07/2261Battle of the LifetakerSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of the Lifetaker
2/0302.0503/08/2261Defense of K-V 46/iiSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of K-V 46/ii
2/0302.0703/11/2261Battle of Pren'jekSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Pren'jek
2/0302.1003/14/2261Battle for T'Dakka V Sector Rift NorthSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle for T'Dakka V Sector Rift North
2/0302.1903/24/2261Engagement at Kachulla VISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement at Kachulla VI
2/0303.0104/04/2261Battle at 2.3 E-17.6 SSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 2.3 E-17.6 S
2/0303.0704/11/2261Over the next year, eight "Coventry" Mk III class frigates are modernized to improve their ASD (anti-ship defense) capabilities. A Kolt "selectivetarget" deflector spire and extended range sensors are installed. The USS "Constant" (NCC-1236) is additionally fitted with KRL series energy absorption plates in her primary hull.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0303.2705/02/2261Hull numbers NCC-1732-NCC-1744 are assigned to the "Achernar" classPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0304.1305/20/2261Battle at K-G 19/vSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at K-G 19/v
2/0304.1605/24/2261Battle at OverlinnSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Overlinn
2/0305.0106/09/2261The USS "Capor Bana" (NCC-2755) "Loknar" class frigate is destroyedFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0305.0406/12/2261Impetuous EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictImpetuous Engagement
2/0305.1306/21/2261The USS "Achernar" II (NCC-1732) class heavy cruiser is laid down at Star Fleet Division, San Francisco Yards, EarthPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0305.2307/02/2261Attack at K'K60STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAttack at K'K60
2/0306.0107/12/2261The USS "Zhukov" (NCC-4440) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0306.0407/15/2261Second Battle at Kaskall Sector Rift WestSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSecond Battle at Kaskall Sector Rift West
2/0306.0607/17/2261Attack on Demon Repair Station 19STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAttack on Demon Repair Station 19
2/0306.1407/26/2261Battle of K-Kdr 5/ivSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-Kdr 5/iv
2/0306.1607/28/2261Battle of NelkSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Nelk
2/0306.2808/10/2261Battle at 2.9 E-18.1 SSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 2.9 E-18.1 S
2/0307.0108/13/2261The K-15A "I'rexa" ("Unseen Creeper") class scouts enter service in the Klingon fleet, soon to become the most likely Klingon scout vessel to be encountered anywhere in known space.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0307.0608/18/2261Ignominious EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictIgnominious Engagement
2/0308.1309/28/2261Battle of K-Ka 16/vSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-Ka 16/v
2/0308.1810/04/2261Immensurate EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictImmensurate Engagement
2/0308.2110/07/2261Battle at Deep Rift Sector 10STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at Deep Rift Sector 10
2/0308.2810/14/2261Attack at C71/ivSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAttack at C71/iv
2/0309.2211/10/2261Battle for KGS-14STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle for KGS-14
2/0309.2311/11/2261Battle at 6.2 W-17.9 SSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 6.2 W-17.9 S
2/0309.2511/13/2261Qualf OperationSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarQualf Operation
2/0309.2611/14/22612nd Battle of S-A Rom 4-kSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon Conflict2nd Battle of S-A Rom 4-k
2/0310.0111/20/2261The T-5A "Mas to gal" ("Throne Seeker") class assault ships enter service in the Klingon Empire with warp 8 capacity and complements of 74 crewmen and 1,400 troops.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0310.0111/20/2261The Star's End settlement is the largest colonial convoy to date utilizing 42 "Cochrane" class colonial transports carrying over 100,000 colonists.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/0310.1212/01/2261Second Battle at Deep Rift Sector 8STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSecond Battle at Deep Rift Sector 8
2/0310.2412/14/2261Second Battle at Deep Rift Sector 5STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSecond Battle at Deep Rift Sector 5
2/0311.0112/23/2261The Cochrane Mk II Enters service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0311.0112/23/2261The USS "Eisenhower" (NCC-4441) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters service, along with the Mark II "Cochrane" class colonial transportsFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0311.1401/06/2262Battle of K-Ka 4STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-Ka 4
2/0311.1701/09/2262Defense of K'TrukSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of K'Truk
2/0311.2001/12/2262Attack on Demon Repair Station 12STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAttack on Demon Repair Station 12
2/0312.0101/24/2262The Mark IV "Aaakenn" class freighter enters service. The Mark IV is slower than the Mk II, but can envlop a larger capacity in it's warp field, increasing overall cargo capacity by 25%.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0312.0201/25/2262Intercessor EngagementSTSTCSTriangle Expansion WarsIntercessor Engagement
2/0312.2702/21/2262Third Battle at Deep Rift Sector 8STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictThird Battle at Deep Rift Sector 8
2/0401.0102/26/2262The USS "Irilia" (NCC-2760) Mark II "Loknar" class frigate enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0401.0102/26/2262Federation and Klingon forces clash along a wide expanse of space claimed by both sides.FASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
2/0401.0102/26/2262P-3 (Caladan) Class II Type 3FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0401.0102/26/2262R-4 (Mularr) Class VI Type 1FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0401.1103/09/2262Defense of New TygogkSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of New Tygogk
2/0402.0504/05/2262The USS "Directorate" (NCC-2110) "Federation" class dreadnought is commissionedPublicationStarFleet Dynamics
2/0402.1304/13/2262Fourth Battle at Deep Rift Sector 8STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictFourth Battle at Deep Rift Sector 8
2/0402.2304/24/2262Assault of K-V 58STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault of K-V 58
2/0402.2604/27/2262Battle at K-N 65/ivSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at K-N 65/iv
2/0402.2804/30/2262USS "Endeavor" (NCC-1716) is one of several ships to serve as the president's honor guard during the inaugural ceremonies at Altair VI.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0403.0105/01/2262The Mark III "Derf" class tender enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0403.0905/09/2262Assault of K-V 56/iiSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault of K-V 56/ii
2/0403.1905/20/2262Thirat OperationSTSTCSTriangle Expansion WarsThirat Operation
2/0403.2905/31/2262Defense of Agro Station 376STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of Agro Station 376
2/0404.2306/26/2262Attack on Demon Repair Station 7STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAttack on Demon Repair Station 7
2/0404.2406/27/2262The D-8 type B "Serpent" class light cruiser is launched. Fielding heavier weapons and a new torpedo launcher, the B model is an improvement over the A model, but is still incapable of many mission roles. The B model is produced in extrememly limited numbers, canceled after only 4 years. By 2271, all D-8s are removed from active service, with nearly 85% of ships built have been lost or destroyed over the years.InternetSTSTCS
2/0405.0107/05/2262The Mark I "Keith" class scouts enter service with crews of 96FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0405.0107/05/2262The D-11B "Dath D'lan" ("One Wing") class destroyer enters service in the Klingon fleet. The most unusual design in the Klingon Imperial Navy, it is easily recognized on visual scan because of its single wing. It fares poorly in battle due to its asymetrical design, which works to restrict the field of fire from the weapon mounting hardpoints. Nevertheless it has a maximum warp of 8 and a crew of 218 with 220 passengers. This class will inevitably be utilized for light assault duties, having the capacity to carry a company of marines, and used to secure lightly-held systems. They also are reported accompanying D-9 research cruisers in their efforts to open new territories.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0405.1507/20/2262Battle of DK11STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of DK11
2/0405.1607/21/2262Battle of S-A Rom 3-hSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of S-A Rom 3-h
2/0405.2307/29/2262Attack on Demon Repair Station 21STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAttack on Demon Repair Station 21
2/0406.0108/07/2262The USS "Karrik Al Van" (NCC-2761) Mark II "Loknar" class frigate enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0406.0108/07/2262The Klingon G-3A class cargo freighter enters service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0406.1208/19/2262Attack on Convoy X-193BSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarAttack on Convoy X-193B
2/0406.1708/24/2262Battle of DK10STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of DK10
2/0407.0709/15/2262Battle of K-Ka 7STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-Ka 7
2/0407.1609/25/22622nd Battle at Deep Rift Sector 13STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict2nd Battle at Deep Rift Sector 13
2/0407.1809/27/2262Damnable EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDamnable Engagement
2/0407.2009/29/2262Second Battle of K'TrivajSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictSecond Battle of K'Trivaj
2/0407.2410/03/2262Star Fleet Intelligence forms Widestar Cargo Transporters, S.A. on Tellar. It will eventually cover agents through Star Fleet Intelliengence's Orion Sector.FASAStar Fleet Intellegence Book
2/0407.3110/11/2262Battle at SebleskySTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Seblesky
2/0408.1410/26/2262Tormenter EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictTormenter Engagement
2/0408.3111/13/2262Venerator EngagementSTSTCSTriangle Expansion WarsVenerator Engagement
2/0409.0111/14/2262The USS "Wavell" (NCC-4442) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0409.0611/19/2262Battle at Oran Sector Western VoidSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at Oran Sector Western Void
2/0409.1812/02/2262Vice Admiral Vaughan Rittenhouse orders the construction of the USS "Star Empire" (NCC-2116) prototype dreadnoughtInternetFrom the Files of Star Fleet Command
2/0409.1912/03/2262Assault on Defense Station KygolSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault on Defense Station Kygol
2/0409.2512/10/2262The USS "Achernar" II (NCC-1732) class heavy cruiser is launchedPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0410.2401/10/2263Engagement at Gerly Sector Rift NorthSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictEngagement at Gerly Sector Rift North
2/0411.2102/09/2263Second Battle of K-Ka 16/vSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSecond Battle of K-Ka 16/v
2/0411.2902/17/2263Zchol OperationSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarZchol Operation
2/0412.0102/19/2263The Klingon S-5 "Eakin K'nall" ("Healer") class repair tender enters service with a crew of 36 and warp 8 maximum speed.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0412.1603/07/2263Attack at K'K 63/111STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAttack at K'K 63/111
2/0412.2003/12/2263Defense of Research Station 331STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of Research Station 331
2/0501.0103/25/2263The USS "Doenitz" (NCC-4444) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0501.0103/25/2263The K-23A class Klingon escorts are phased out, replaced by the K-23B variant.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0501.0103/25/2263The CS-2 Type X "Graceful Flyer" Courier enters serviceFASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0501.0103/25/2263Dr. Harold S. Leedstrom diesFASAThe Federation
2/0501.0303/27/2263Star Fleet Intelligence purchases Interstellar Import/Export, PLC. as a cover organization in Flazis on Alpha Centauri VII. With both ligitimate and cover operations, it will eventually support agents operating in sector 001.FASAStar Fleet Intellegence Book
2/0501.1404/08/2263Battle of G-Sur Rom 1-hSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of G-Sur Rom 1-h
2/0501.1904/13/2263Impeditive EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarImpeditive Engagement
2/0501.2104/15/2263Attack at C52STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAttack at C52
2/0501.2704/21/2263Assault of Training Outpost 161STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault of Training Outpost 161
2/0502.0605/02/2263Attack at G-Sur Rom 1-jSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAttack at G-Sur Rom 1-j
2/0502.1505/12/2263Engagement at K-O 41/biiSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictEngagement at K-O 41/bii
2/0502.1905/16/2263Swordsman IncidentSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictSwordsman Incident
2/0502.2605/24/2263James Tiberious Kirk takes command of the USS Enterprise (NCC 1701) after Christopher Pike is promoted to Fleet Captain over "Constitution" class vessel operations. Over the next two years he will teach at the Star Fleet Academy as an instructor aboard a training starshipParamountStar Trek Chronology The History of the Future
2/0502.2705/25/2263The USS "Organization" (NCC-2111) "Federation" class dreadnought is commissionedPublicationStarFleet Dynamics
2/0502.2805/26/2263Recapture of K-G 19/vSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictRecapture of K-G 19/v
2/0503.0706/02/2263Plans to modernize the five remaining, non-modernized "Coventry" class frigates are cancelledPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0503.1206/08/2263Constraining EngagementSTSTCSTriangle Expansion WarsConstraining Engagement
2/0503.2406/21/2263Assault on Demon Planet 13STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAssault on Demon Planet 13
2/0503.2806/25/2263Nolth OperationSTSTCSTriangle Expansion WarsNolth Operation
2/0504.0607/04/2263Immortal IncidentSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictImmortal Incident
2/0504.1407/13/2263Klingons attack the mining facilities on Cloros'ka V. The Klingons are attacked by responding Romulan forces and a lengthy space battle ensues. Both sides see heavy losses, with the Klingons loosing three destroyers and the D-10 Mercieless Doom captured. The Romulans loose two cruisers and several gunboats. The mining facility and transfer station are heavily damaged, pushing back production by months.STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAttack at Cloros'ka V
2/0504.1807/17/2263The USS "Achernar" II (NCC-1732) heavy cruiser is commissioned, the first major starship with the PB-47 circumferential warp drive, and the last major starhip class with circumferential (as opposed to linear) engines. This second variation on the "Constitution" class will establish records for hyperspace acceleration unsurpassed until the development of linear warp drive in the mid-2260s. Her expanded systems include 6 phasers, 2 photon torpedo banks, and an externally-mounted deflector shield grid.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0504.2307/23/2263Leeding Engines, Ltd. is founded in Sydney on Terra by Dr. Harold S. Leedstrom following his dismissal from Shuvinaaljis Warp Technologies. This firm will be the first manufacturer of warp drive systems capable of sustained Warp 8 speeds and emergency speeds of Warp 10. In association with Daystrom Data Concepts and Chandley Works, Leeding will create the tandem PB-type engine designs and the linear engines for "Enterprise" class heavy cruisers.PublicationST reference: The Worlds of the Federation
2/0505.0107/31/2263The USS "Jackson" (NCC-4405) "Larson" class destroyer and the USS "Sydney" (NCC-2741) "Loknar" class frigate are destroyedFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0505.1508/15/2263Destructive EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarDestructive Engagement
2/0505.3109/02/2263The USS "Star Union" (NCC-2112) "Federation" class dreadnought is commissionedPublicationStarFleet Dynamics
2/0506.0209/04/2263Defense of Listening Station 331STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of Listening Station 331
2/0506.1109/13/2263The USS "Achernar" (NCC-1732) heavy cruiser is commissioned, the first major starship with the PB-47 circumferential warp drive, and the last major starhip class with circumferential (as opposed to linear) engines. This second variation on the "Constitution" class will establish records for hyperspace acceleration unsurpassed until the development of linear warp drive in the mid-2260s. Her expanded systems include 6 phasers, 2 photon torpedo banks, and an externally-mounted deflector shield grid. Thirteen ships of this class will be built (NCC-1732-NCC-1744) and 22 "Constitution/Bonhomme Richard" ships will be converted over to this class.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0506.1509/18/2263Third Battle at Deep Rift Sector 5STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictThird Battle at Deep Rift Sector 5
2/0506.1909/22/2263Battle of Marram IXSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Marram IX
2/0506.2009/23/2263The USS "Eagle" (NCC-1719) heavy cruiser is drydocked at Cosmadyne Corporation, Houston, Earth for upgrading to "Achernar" configurationPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0506.2810/01/2263Assault at Kuurg DuriSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault at Kuurg Duri
2/0507.0510/09/2263Battle of DK21STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of DK21
2/0507.0710/11/2263The USS "Lexington" (NCC-1703) heavy cruiser is drydocked at Star Fleet Division, San Francisco Yards, Earth for conversion to the "Achernar" configurationPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0507.0810/12/2263Imperious EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictImperious Engagement
2/0507.1010/14/2263Attack at K-O 21STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAttack at K-O 21
2/0508.0411/10/2263Assault on Demon Planet 20STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAssault on Demon Planet 20
2/0508.2211/29/2263Swiftness EngagementSTSTCSTriangle Expansion WarsSwiftness Engagement
2/0508.2412/02/2263The CS-6-A "Vees'Ru" class enters service. It serves as a medium range scout and courier. With a top speed of warp 6 and crew of 8, the small scout is popular along the expansion frontiers.STSTCS
2/0508.3012/08/2263The last Constitution Mk I heavy cruiser, the USS Bismark, is converted.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0509.0112/10/2263The Mark II "Remora" class escort enters service with warp 8 capacity and a complement of 162.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0509.0712/17/2263The USS "Eagle" (NCC-1719) heavy cruiser is relaunched as an "Achernar" class starshipPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0509.0712/17/2263Battle at Deep Rift Sector 14STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at Deep Rift Sector 14
2/0509.1412/24/2263Battle at OxsoyatSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Oxsoyat
2/0509.1512/25/2263Defense of Processing Station 693STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of Processing Station 693
2/0509.1912/30/2263Engagement at G-Sur Rom 2-aSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement at G-Sur Rom 2-a
2/0509.2012/31/2263Attack on Demon Repair Station 23STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAttack on Demon Repair Station 23
2/0509.3001/10/2264Impertinent EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarImpertinent Engagement
2/0510.0101/11/2264The Kobax VI crisis occurs when a usurper assassinates the president of Kobax VI, a Federation world near the Klingon Empire, and declares the planet independent of the UFP. After the assassin is uncovered as a Klingon agent, two regiments of Star Fleet Marines restore order on the planet and deter a Klingon invasion.FASAStar Trek IV SourcebookFederation - Klingon Cold War
2/0510.0601/17/2264Battle at Sovek IIISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Sovek III
2/0510.0701/18/2264The USS "Lexington" (NCC-1703) heavy cruiser is relaunched after conversionPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0510.0901/20/2264Lexington EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarLexington Engagement
2/0510.1401/25/2264Operation RevengeSTSTCSTriangle Expansion WarsOperation Revenge
2/0510.1501/26/2264All four ships comprising the "Santee" (NCC-1925) class escort carriers undergo major reifts over the next two years, receiving many of the components and systems being installed on the new "Achernar" class heavy cruisers. The class at this time probably features 6 phaser emplacements, 2 photon torpedo banks, warp 8 capacity, and a ship's complement of 370.PublicationFederation Shuttlecarrier Comparison Chart - Mark A. Wilson and Federation Frontiers
2/0510.1501/26/2264The USS "Eagle" (NCC-1719) "Achernar" class heavy cruiser is recommissionedPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0510.1701/28/2264The USS "Lexington" (NCC-1703) heavy cruiser is recommissioned as an "Achernar" class starshipPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0510.1701/28/2264The Sovek III OperationSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictThe Sovek III Operation
2/0510.2002/01/22642nd Battle for Convoy 2274-chSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict2nd Battle for Convoy 2274-ch
2/0510.2502/06/2264Fourth Battle at Deep Rift Sector 5STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictFourth Battle at Deep Rift Sector 5
2/0511.0802/21/2264Engagement at IgruskSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement at Igrusk
2/0511.1102/24/2264Battle for Convoy 2280-aSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle for Convoy 2280-a
2/0511.1402/28/2264Assault on Demon Planet 11STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAssault on Demon Planet 11
2/0511.1803/03/2264Menacing EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictMenacing Engagement
2/0511.2703/12/2264The USS "Sol" (NCC-1733) "Achernar" class heavy cruiser is laid down at Star Fleet Division, San Francisco Yards, EarthPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0512.0103/17/2264The USS "Tedder" (NCC-4445) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0512.0703/23/2264The USS "Tori" (NCC-1725) heavy cruiser is drydocked at Rodriquez Ingenieria, Lima, Earth for conversion to the "Achernar" configurationPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0512.1604/02/2264Moralizer EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictMoralizer Engagement
2/0512.2404/10/2264The LN-64 pulsed linear (4th Generation) warp drive is produced. These new (SW45/1-5K) engines, utilizing linear warp drive intermix shafts connecting impulse and warp systems for efficient energy distribution will enable starships to attain warp 12 speeds and in later years warp 20PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0512.2504/11/2264Battle of G-Sur Rom 2-iSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of G-Sur Rom 2-i
2/0601.0104/19/2264Laurison 294 is purchased by Maximus O'Connor, an eccentric billionaire, as a wedding gift to his wife, Laura Deneuve Gamartine, naming it Laura's World.FASAThe Triangle
2/0601.2305/13/2264The USS "Hornet" (NCC-1714) under the command of Captain Stephen Leedson, sees action during the Rittenhouse Scandal.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0602.0805/30/2264Battle at Oran Sector Southern VoidSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at Oran Sector Southern Void
2/0602.1606/07/2264Battle near KallendevaSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle near Kallendeva
2/0602.2306/15/22642nd Battle of Marram IXSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon Conflict2nd Battle of Marram IX
2/0603.0106/21/2264The USS "Mahdi" (NCC-4421) "Larson" class destroyer is lost, her where- abouts unknown. The USS "Thefel" (NCC-2762) Mark II "Loknar" class frigate enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0603.0906/30/2264The USS "Tori" (NCC-1725) heavy cruiser is relaunched after conversion to "Achernar" specsPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0603.2307/15/2264The USS "Tori" (NCC-1725) is recommissioned as an "Achernar" class heavy cruiserPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0603.2507/17/2264Battle at Deep Rift Sector 17STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at Deep Rift Sector 17
2/0603.3007/22/2264Starbase 12 becomes operational.FASAThe Federation
2/0604.0207/26/2264The USS "Kongo" (NCC-1710) heavy cruiser is drydocked at Star Fleet Division, San Francisco Yards, Earth for conversion over to the "Achernar" classPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0604.0607/30/2264The Mark IV "Tyranus" class research cruiser is launched. Improved phasers and an enlarged impulse drive extend the service life of the class for a further 10 years. By 2274, all have been retired.InternetSTSTCS
2/0605.0108/26/2264The USS "Collinswill" (NCC-4449) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0605.0308/28/2264Assault on Demon Planet 50STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAssault on Demon Planet 50
2/0605.1609/11/2264Engagement at S-A Rom 3-bSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement at S-A Rom 3-b
2/0605.3009/26/2264The USS "Excelsior" (NCC-1718) under the command of Captain LaLiberte, is dispatched to the Altair system to investigate the Nagha's attack.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0607.0110/30/2264The Klingon S-4A "K'nall" ("Mender") class repair tender enters service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0607.0611/04/2264Battle at 4.3 W-18.5 SSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 4.3 W-18.5 S
2/0607.1111/10/2264The USS "Kongo" (NCC-1710) heavy cruiser is relaunched following her refit to "Achernar" specsPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0607.2211/22/2264Defense of K-T'Da 17/viSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of K-T'Da 17/vi
2/0607.2611/26/2264The USS "Kongo" (NCC-1710) heavy cruiser is recommissioned after being converted to "Achernar" class specsPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0607.2811/28/2264Attack at C51STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAttack at C51
2/0608.1812/21/2264Assault on Demon Planet 46STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAssault on Demon Planet 46
2/0608.2112/24/2264Battle at KGS-13/iiiSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at KGS-13/iii
2/0609.0101/04/2265The Mark III "Liberty" class freighters enter service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0609.1301/17/2265The "Ournal" class (S-1) Type D spacedock is authorized. This immense station class housing 101,145 personnel will be employed for research, as a shipyard, and as a Federation administration hub. By the 24th Century, this design will be the model for the standard deep space Starbase facility. The spacedock positioned in Earth orbit will be known as Starbase 1 at least by the 2280s, possibly replacing the Star Fleet Headquarters facility located in the astrographic center of U.F.P. space. Five different configurations will mold each base's function: drydock, diplomatic, monitor/sensor, supply, and cultural development. Starbase 79 will be catagorized as a general purpose starbase, incorporating all 6 standard sections. Spacedocks of this class can house 817 shuttlecraft, shelter 38 heavy cruisers, and be armed with up to 80 standard phaser emplacements, 20 megaphasers, and 8 photon torpedo bays.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2
2/0609.1501/20/2265Third Battle of K-Ka 16/vSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictThird Battle of K-Ka 16/v
2/0609.2501/30/2265Engagement at K-V 54STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement at K-V 54
2/0610.0102/06/2265Phasers One and Two, designed by Sestra Weapons, are issued by Star FleetFASAThe Federation
2/0610.0902/14/2265Hunt for the RumorSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Rumor
2/0610.1502/21/2265Hunt for the Lucky RunSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Lucky Run
2/0611.0103/11/2265The Mark III "Alamo" class defense oupost is placed on location. These outposts are capable of withstanding a tremendous amount of punishment while delivering powerful offensive blows and are normally positioned in orbits around vital planets. They house a complement of 410 crewmembers, 280 passengers, and 30 shuttlecraft. They are built on location but can be moved by several specially-designed "Samson" class tugs.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0611.0103/11/2265The USS "Kursk" (NCC-4447) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0611.0203/12/2265Battle at the Great Rift MinefieldSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at the Great Rift Minefield
2/0611.0803/18/2265Battle for Repair Center 9STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle for Repair Center 9
2/0611.0903/20/2265After extensive evaluation the high-power Shasta phaser system at the aft, secondary hull emplacement on the "Coronado" class through-deck cruisers prove ineffectual and are replaced with standard RIN-series twin banks.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0611.1603/27/2265The Duotronic II series computer is developed by Dr. Richard Daystrom, incorporating many features of the failed M-5 multitronic unitInternetFrom the Files of Star Fleet Command
2/0611.1603/27/2265The USS "Wasp" (NCC-1721) heavy cruiser is drydocked at Cosmadyne Corporation, Houston, Earth for upgrade to the "Achernar" configurationPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0611.1903/30/2265Successor EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictSuccessor Engagement
2/0611.2604/07/2265The Gorn MD-8-A becomes operational. Armed with 8 medium blasters and three torpedoes, the MD-8 becomes the main-stay of the Gorn navy for several years. FASAStar Trek: Starship Tactical Cambat Simulator Rule Book
2/0612.0104/12/2265The USS "Axanar" (NCC-4448) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0612.0604/17/2265Battle of K-Ka 3STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-Ka 3
2/0701.0105/15/2265Armed conflict erupts between the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets. Both sides suffer heavy casualties and prepare for full-scale war.FASAStar Trek IV SourcebookFederation - Klingon Cold War
2/0701.0605/21/2265Construction on the Epsilon series listening outposts along the disputed border of the Klingon Empire continues. Epsilon outposts one, two, and three are completed and fully operational. These outpost stations will number nine by 2268Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2
2/0701.1005/25/2265Battle of DK2STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of DK2
2/0701.1405/29/2265Engagement at K-O 12/iiSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictEngagement at K-O 12/ii
2/0701.2506/10/2265Second Battle at K-N 65/ivSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSecond Battle at K-N 65/iv
2/0702.0106/18/2265The "Derf" class tender USS "Acropolis" responds to signals from a malfunctioning marker buoy. As its shuttle nears the beacon, a Klingon warship appears and opens fire before defensive action can be taken. The engines of the "Acropolis" are crippled and the tender is boarded and towed into Klingon territory. Intelligence later discovers that the beacon had been planted by Klingon operatives to entrap the repair tender. It is theorized that the Klingons gained technical information concerning robotics and repair techniques that they lacked, but it is not known just what gain this action brought them in the overall situation. Some analysts believe that study of the robotic repair systems will make it possible for Klingons to alter the functioning of navigation beacons robotically, creating potential havoc in border spacelanes.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0702.0106/18/2265Battle at K-G 13/ivSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at K-G 13/iv
2/0702.1707/05/2265The USS "Wasp" (NCC-1721) heavy cruiser is relaunched as an "Achernar" class starshipPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0702.2507/13/2265Battle of K-Kdr 15STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-Kdr 15
2/0703.0107/19/2265The Klingon L-6G class frigate enters service in the Klingon fleet.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0703.1207/30/2265The USS "Wasp" (NCC-1721) "Achernar" class heavy cruiser is re- commissionedPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0703.1608/04/2265Engagement at DK18STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement at DK18
2/0703.1708/05/2265The "Tikopai" class is originally intended to be put into production as the "Enterprise" class. Star Fleet however eventually decides on a more sophisticated design for the earlier ships and the "Tikopai" class will emerge some 7 years laterPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0703.1708/05/2265The USS "Sol" (NCC-1733) "Achernar" class heavy cruiser is launchedPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0703.2708/16/2265Battle of ValtorSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Valtor
2/0704.0108/21/2265After Captain Pike is promoted from Enterprise Captain Fleet Captain over Constitution Class vessel operations, his hand-picked successor, Captain James T. Kirk, becomes the youngest man ever to command a Constitution Class vessel.FASAThe Federation
2/0704.0208/22/2265Given the task of exploring the galactic core, the USS Enterprise is drawn into a parallel universe. The crew are tried by the inhabitants of Megas-tu and are later helped to cross back into our universe by Lucien.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0704.1609/06/2265The first six ships to eventually comprise the "Enterprise" class are authorized for modernizationPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0704.2609/17/2265Incident at PrecipiceSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarIncident at Precipice
2/0705.0109/22/2265As a result of the danger posed by the new Klingon base at Mastocal, Federation Star Base 12 is completed and assumes operational status.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/0705.0109/22/2265After the Enterprise attempts to cross the Great Barrier at the edge of the galaxy, crew members Gary Mitchell and Elizabeth Dehner develop "godlike" psychic powers which threaten the safety of the crew.Star Trek - The Original SeriesWhere No Man Has Gone Before
2/0705.0109/22/2265Fifth Battle at Deep Rift Sector 5STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictFifth Battle at Deep Rift Sector 5
2/0705.0510/03/2265The USS "Hornet" (NCC-1714) heavy cruiser is relaunched as an "Achernar" class starshipPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0705.0810/11/2265The Enterprise rescues a con man named Harry Mudd who is trafficking in mail-order brides.Star Trek - The Original SeriesMudd's Women
2/0705.0910/14/2265Battle at Takanarra IISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Takanarra II
2/0705.1210/21/2265The Tandem 14 (SW-7) warp driven shuttlecraft is developed. This shuttle consists of a warp drive sled housing both impulse and warp engines, with a maximum speed of warp 4.InternetFrom the Files of Star Fleet Command
2/0705.1210/21/2265The USS "Hornet" (NCC-1714) heavy cruiser is recommissioned following her upgradingPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0705.1310/24/2265Battle for K-O 15STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle for K-O 15
2/0705.1711/03/2265The Mark III "Saladin" class destroyer is launched. With a top speed of Warp 10, the Mark III is used as an interceptor among it's other mission duties.InternetSTSTCS
2/0705.1711/03/2265Battle of Ballard's MintSTSTCSTriangle Expansion WarsBattle of Ballard's Mint
2/0705.2211/16/2265Defense of K-G 19/vSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of K-G 19/v
2/0705.2511/23/2265Battle at Tan nineSTSTCSOperation RevengeBattle at Tan nine
2/0705.2711/28/2265Second Engagement at K-O 12/iiSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSecond Engagement at K-O 12/ii
2/0705.2812/02/2265Battle of K-Kdr 13STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-Kdr 13
2/0705.2912/03/2265The RS-4-a Recon Scout enters service in the Gorn Navy. The scout sports one of the best sensor systems the Gorn's can field. With a top speed of Warp 7 and a small crew of 36, the RS-4 becomes a favorite among commanders along the Romulan and Federation boarders.STSTCSUnknown
2/0705.2912/03/2265Battle of K-Kdr 7/iiSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-Kdr 7/ii
2/0705.3012/05/2265Third Battle at K-N 65/ivSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictThird Battle at K-N 65/iv
2/0705.3012/07/2265Battle of EpileySTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Epiley
2/0705.3112/09/2265The K'ythloth OperationSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictThe K'ythloth Operation
2/0706.0412/19/2265The USS "Sol" (NCC-1733) "Achernar" class heavy cruiser is commissioned. All remaining ships of this class will be built outside of the Sol sectorPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0706.0512/21/2265Battle for Convoy 2293-ghSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle for Convoy 2293-gh
2/0706.0712/26/22652nd Battle at Bulsk IIISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon Conflict2nd Battle at Bulsk III
2/0706.1401/13/2266Engagement at Doo IIISTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntEngagement at Doo III
2/0706.1601/18/2266The USS Merrimack, on patrol along the edge of Federation space, detects a medium sized Klingon convoy headed by the IKV Devastator on course for a small Federation survey outpost. The Merrrimack rendezvous with the USS Perseus and challenges the Klingon squadron before the enter can arrive at the outpost. Despite being outnumbered, the Merrimack devistates the Klingon taskforce.STSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarMerrimack Incident
2/0706.2802/18/2266The upgraded "Kepler" (K-1) class deep space trading station is authorized. These stations will be constructed by Star Fleet division's orbital assembly station at Starbase 16 for peaceful access in neutral space. Designed for extensive cargo handling and to provide recreational facilities for passing ships, each trading post consists of a central hub and three radially-attached arms. Unlike the early K-1 series design, these newer stations are larger, featuring linear intermix matter/antimatter reactors in place of nuclear fusion units. In addition, they possess 27 docking ports on the central hub. By the end of the 23rd Century, a total of 96 such stations will be constructed, each housing from 798 to 1,130 personnel and (at least in later years as not initially intended to be military installations) 12 optional phaser emplacements. Before the 2270s, 17 will be in service, located in remote and little-developed regions of the U.F.P., originally intended for the support of colonization efforts on the Federation frontier.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/0706.2902/21/2266Incident at WallSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarIncident at Wall
2/0706.3002/24/2266Battle of ZannaduuSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Zannaduu
2/0707.0403/06/2266Extricator EngagementSTSTCSOperation RevengeExtricator Engagement
2/0707.0903/17/2266Construction starts on the USS "Decatur" (NCC-2500) strike cruiser, the first Class One starship with LN-64 linear warp drive. The ship is laid down at Cosmadyne Corporation, Boston Shipyards, Earth.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0707.1103/24/2266Engagement at RockhavenSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement at Rockhaven
2/0707.1504/03/2266Coventry EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarCoventry Engagement
2/0707.2204/20/2266The Vulcan Academy of Science allays fears of Vulcan/Romulan collusion when it publicizes its theory concerning the Romulans' Vulcan heritage. This theory postulates a race known as the Preservers, who seeded the galaxy with Humans and Humanoids.FASAThe Federation
2/0707.2705/02/2266Planet M113 (Gamma Zeta) will be redesignated Crater's World in honor of the late Professor Crater. A permanent archeological base will be established to continue Crater's workFASAThe Federation
2/0707.2805/05/2266Battle at DeerlamSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Deerlam
2/0707.2805/06/2266Exploring a distant region of space, the Enterprise is threatened by Balok, commander of a starship from the First Federation.Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Corbomite Maneuver
2/0707.2905/08/2266The "Gagarin" (NCC-630) class research vessel is authorized for construction. The ship will have warp 8 capacity, a crew of 111, and 2 phaser emplacements. At least 93 ships of this group will be built with two additional proposed ships. This small Class II science/research platform will lead a long service life alongside her numerous offshoots and upgrades, notably the "Garneau" class survey vessel (crew of 78 and 6 phasers) and "Komarov" class superscout--all possessing the same lead ship number NCC-630--and the "Glenn" class survey vessel (crew of 220 but having a maximum warp of 6 and only 4 shuttlecraft).Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2
2/0707.2905/08/2266The "Pershing" (NCC-G1400) class cargo drone is authorized for construction. Based upon the ancient "Sherman" class and related robot ships, the "Pershing" is built to transport low priority cargo between inner U.F.P. worlds. With warp 7 capacity, each vessel is unarmed and unmanned. 100 vessels are proposed for this series and at least the first 98 will be built. Compared to the "Sherman" series, these ships are immense, possess linear warp drive, and non-modular cargo holds.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2
2/0707.2905/08/2266The "Niffen" (NCC-S1600) class buoy tender is authorized. This simple, cost effective class will be responsible for the service and installation of millions of buoys employed by the U.F.P. and features a single nacelle (delivering warp 8.2 capacity) anchored to a primary hull with two separate dual impulse engines for precision sublight maneuvering. With a standard ship's complement of only 215 and an ordnance of 10 phasers, 98 "Niffen" tenders are proposed and at least 96 of which will be constructed.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 3
2/0708.0505/27/2266A mysterious creature stalks the Enterprise, murdering crew members.Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Man Trap
2/0708.0605/30/2266The Enterprise takes seventeen-year-old Charles Evans aboard for transport after he spent fourteen years alone on a deserted planet, but he's unable to reintegrate with his fellow Humans.Star Trek - The Original SeriesCharlie X
2/0708.0605/31/2266The "Angueira" (NCC-6100) class hospital ship is authorized. The Mk I is comissioned in 2269. One of the first new ship classes based upon the "Gagarin" class, this ship has warp 8 capacity, a complement of 122, and minimal armament (2 phasers). A total of 97 vessels will makeup this class of mobile medical facilities designed to provide medical support and emergency care throughout the U.F.P.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2
2/0708.0706/02/2266Revenge at CurrieSTSTCSOperation RevengeRevenge at Currie
2/0708.1206/14/2266Hunt for the MagnificenceSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Magnificence
2/0708.1606/26/2266The USS "Essex" (NCC-1727) heavy cruiser is sabotaged by Orion operatives resulting in significant damage which prevent her from being upgraded. She is later assigned as a training vessel.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0708.2107/09/2266K'lhrgynx ConflictSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntK'lhrgynx Conflict
2/0708.2807/25/2266Strike at TurningpointSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictStrike at Turningpoint
2/0709.0108/06/2266The Hermes Mk III is launched.InternetSTSTCS
2/0709.0108/06/2266Battle at Martin's StarSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Martin's Star
2/0709.0608/19/2266Conflict at RemfrySTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConflict at Remfry
2/0709.0808/22/2266In disgrace because of trumped-up charges grought by the leader of the Klingon High Council and backed up by some of Krador's most trusted subordinates, Thought Admiral Krador leaves the Imperial court to become the Military Governor of Muldor IV.FASATermination: 1456
2/0709.0908/25/2266Battle at EplieySTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Epliey
2/0709.1509/10/2266The "Moncrief" (NCC-3800) class transport/tug is authorized. The Mk I will be comissioned in 2269. 100 ships are proposed: all are to be rebuilt from "Ptolemy," "Kepler," and "Doppler" class transport/tugs. Each vessel to have warp 9 capacity, a complement of 339, 2 photon torpedo banks, 12 phaser emplacements, a heavy duty tractor beam, and with the capacity to carry up to 4 containers (although having 1 tow pad) by manipulating its warp field to cover the additional containers.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/0709.1509/11/2266Assault of Yel'camacSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault of Yel'camac
2/0709.2510/06/2266The "Ostoris" (NCC-F2600) class freighter is authorized for construction. This class will be commercially operated by many races and used primarily for the shipment of exotic foodstuffs and medical supplies. The "Ostoris" has better than warp 7 capacity (via SC35/1-45F nacelles), carries a standard complement of 57, and 4 phaser emplacements for armament. The class will consist of 98 vessels.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 3
2/0710.0110/20/2266The USS "Inchon" (NCC-4450) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0710.0110/20/2266The Klingon K-32B class monitor enters service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0710.0611/03/2266A transporter malfunction splits Captain Kirk into two people – one good and one evil, and neither capable of functioning well separately. Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Enemy Within
2/0710.0611/03/2266The MD-8-B is launched. With a larger impulse drive and increased torpedo capability, the "B" becomes the prefered model.FASAStar Trek: Starship Tactical Cambat Simulator Rule Book
2/0710.0611/03/2266Assault of Bu'uli Tev IIISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault of Bu'uli Tev III
2/0710.1812/05/2266The Gorn MA-15-A is launched. With a crew of 350 and top speed of Warp 6, the vessel is extremely dangerous at close range, yet lacks manueverability. Star Fleet CommandStarfleet Command Video Game
2/0710.1912/09/2266The Enterprise crew is intoxicated by an inhibition-stripping contagion which causes mayhem throughout the ship.Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Naked Time
2/0710.2112/15/2266The Enterprise battles a Romulan ship suspected of destroying outposts near the neutral zone. Star Trek - The Original SeriesBalance of Terror
2/0711.0101/01/2267The Klingon K-5b "V's'talo" ("Watcher") class gunboat enters service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0711.0101/01/2267The Vulcan Academy of Science allays fears of Vulcan/ Romulan collusion when it publicizes its theory concerning the Romulans' Vulcan heritage. This theory postulates a race known as the Preservers, who seeded the galaxy with Humans and Humanoids.FASAThe Federation
2/0711.0201/02/2267The Squire of GothosStar Trek - The Original SeriesThe Squire of Gothos
2/0711.1401/20/2267The Enterprise, searching for a missing Federation historian, discovers that the historian has apparently contaminated the cultural development of the planet where he was assigned as a cultural observer to have it follow the societal path of Nazi Germany in the 1930s and '40s. Star Trek - The Original SeriesPatterns of Force
2/0711.1901/28/2267The Enterprise finds archaeologist Dr. Roger Korby, who has been missing for five years, living underground on a deserted planet with a group of sophisticated androidsStar Trek - The Original SeriesWhat Are Little Girls Made Of?
2/0711.1901/28/2267The Enterprise discovers an Earth-like planet that was devastated by a horrific degenerative disease and is now populated entirely by impossibly old children. Star Trek - The Original SeriesMiri
2/0711.1901/28/2267A routine visit to the Tantalus Penal Colony proves dangerous for Kirk and an Enterprise psychiatrist. Star Trek - The Original SeriesDagger of the Mind
2/0711.2202/01/2267An actor traveling aboard the Enterprise may be a former governor who ordered a mass murder twenty years ago. Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Conscience of the King
2/0711.2202/01/2267Spock faces difficult command decisions when his shuttle crashes on a hostile world populated by barbarous giants.Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Galileo Seven
2/0711.2602/07/2267Kirk is accused of criminal negligence causing the death of one of his subordinates, Lt. Commander Benjamin Finney, and is put on trial for his murder. Star Trek - The Original SeriesCourt-Martial
2/0711.2802/10/2267Spock fakes a message from the Enterprise's former commander, Christopher Pike, steals the vessel, and sets it on a locked course for the forbidden planet Talos IV. Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Menagerie
2/0711.2802/10/2267The Enterprise crew finds witches, black cats, and haunted castles on a distant planet. Star Trek - The Original SeriesCatspaw
2/0711.2802/10/2267The Enterprise crew take shore leave on a planet where their imaginations become reality. Star Trek - The Original SeriesShore Leave
2/0711.2902/11/2267Kirk battles an alien captain who destroyed a Federation outpost. Star Trek - The Original SeriesArena
2/0711.3002/13/2267Investigating the cause of a massive, galaxy-wide disruption in space, the Enterprise finds a mad scientist who claims that he is being pursued by a hideous being. Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Alternative Factor
2/0711.3002/14/2267The Enterprise is hurled back in time to the year 1969, where the US Air Force sights it as a UFO. The crew must find a way to erase evidence of their visit before trying to get back to their future home. Star Trek - The Original SeriesTomorrow is Yesterday
2/0711.3002/15/2267The City on the Edge of ForeverStar Trek - The Original SeriesThe City on the Edge of Forever
2/0712.0102/16/2267The USS "Ptarth" (NCC-2763) Mark II "Loknar" class frigate enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0712.0102/16/2267The Enterprise discovers an ancient spaceship carrying genetically enhanced supermen from late 20th century Earth and their enigmatic warlord leader: Khan Noonien Singh. Star Trek - The Original SeriesSpace Seed
2/0712.1002/25/2267The Enterprise discovers a planet where the population act like zombies and obey the will of their unseen ruler, Landru. Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Return of the Archons
2/0712.1202/27/2267After nearly a month of dileberation, the Klingon High Council green-lights the plans to use Organia as a major supply base in the upcoming war. Easily passified, the Organian system is also easily defended and patrolled. Kor is given the task of subjegating Organian and serving as it's military govenor.Star Trek - The Original SeriesSTSTCSOrganian Conflict
2/0712.1503/02/2267The Klingon Diplomatic Corps instructs it's negotiators to demand the withdrawl of Federation forces from Arcanis. If no peaceful solution is found by Stardate 3190.6, the ambassador and his staff must depart Terra immdeitately. More than happy to leave the accursid Human homeworld, the Ambassador sets a final meeting for the morning of 3190.6.Star Trek - The Original SeriesSTSTCSOrganian Conflict
2/0801.0103/18/2267Star Fleet orders the refit of Mark II "Nelson" class scouts to Mark III by installing the new warp engines, phasers, and shield generators. The change in the main engines will increase the overall power output by 30% and the maneuverability by 50% at the expense of the cruising and emergency speeds.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0801.0103/18/2267The USS "Nakhimov" (NCC-4418) "Larson" class destroyer is destroyedFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0801.0103/18/2267I-4 Type 3FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0801.0103/18/2267M-4 (Wing of Justice) Class IX Type 1FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0801.0103/18/2267Q-4 Type 9FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0801.0103/18/2267R-4 (Mularr) Class VI Type 5FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0801.0103/18/2267T-2 (Death Talon) Class IV Type 7FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0801.0103/18/2267The Type 4 V-8 "Bird of Prey" class cruiser enters service in the Romulan fleet.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0801.0103/18/2267V-9 (Night Flyer) Class VI Type 1 enters service in the Romulan fleet.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0801.0103/18/2267Representatives from the Federation and the Klingon Empire fail to reach a peaceful resolution of their differences. Warships from the Klingon Empire invade space claimed by the Federation.FASAStar Trek IV SourcebookOrganian Conflict
2/0801.0203/19/2267On a diplomatic mission, the crew visit a planet that is waging a destructive war fought solely by computer simulation, but the casualties, including the crew of the USS Enterprise, are supposed to be real. Star Trek - The Original SeriesA Taste of Armageddon
2/0801.0403/21/2267The Enterprise arrives at Janus VI, where an unknown monster is destroying machinery and killing the miners, threatening the entire mining operation.Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Devil in the Dark
2/0801.0603/23/2267The USS Enterprise is dispatched to Organia.FASAStar Trek IV SourcebookOrganian Conflict
2/0801.0603/23/2267Kirk and Spock try to protect the planet Organia from the Klingons, but the natives don't want the Federation's help. Star Trek - The Original SeriesErrand of MercyOrganian Conflict
2/0801.0603/23/2267A Klingon battle group under the command of Captain Kor seizes the planet Organia and transports occupation forces to the planets surface. Captain Kirk and his First Officer are captured after attacking Klingon military installations on Organia.FASAKlingon Game Opeartions ManualOrganian Conflict
2/0801.0603/23/2267A Klingon squadron attacks a Federation patrol just inside the Argus system. Both sides take serious damage, although the Klingons flee the system rather than loose ships early in the conflict. Unlike the Four-Year's war, the Empire has plans for a protracted conflict.STSTCSSTSTCSOrganian Conflict Hollenbeck Engagement
2/0801.0603/23/2267The USS Enterprise, en route to Organia, is attacked by the Klingon battlecruiser Vengful Slayer, part of the initial invasion fleet under the command of Kor. The inexperienced captain of the Slayer presses the attack quickly, allowing the Enterprise to easily destroy the smaller Klingon vessel.STSTCSSTSTCSOrganian ConflictEnterprise Engagement
2/0801.0603/23/2267The USS Faragut engages a Klingon frigate while en route to the Ariannus system. Both vessels suffer extensive damage and are forced to return to their respective bases for repair.STSTCSSTSTCSOrganian ConflictFaragut Engagement
2/0801.0603/23/2267A Klingon invasion squadron enters the Ariannus system, but is met by Federation forces. The battle is short and devistating with the Klingons loosing a significant number of ground troops before ever getting near Ariannus VI. STSTCSSTSTCSOrganian ConflictAriannus Engagement
2/0801.0603/23/2267A Klingon hunter-killer squadron enters the Dianus system with orders to destroy the Federation monitors located there. The battle turns out to be far less one-sided than anticipated as the Federation has already reinforced the system. The Klingons press the attack causeing serious damage to all of the Federation forecs before withdrawing.STSTCSSTSTCSOrganian ConflictEngagement at Dianus
2/0801.0603/23/2267A large Klingon battlegroup enter the Tamar system, hoping to destroy the listening post there. Instead, they are met by Federation heave cruisers. Although outnumbered nearly 5 to 1, the Federation vessels are far from outgunned and the battle is quickly won by the Federation. STSTCSSTSTCSOrganian ConflictBattle of Tamar IX
2/0801.0603/23/2267The Klingons capture a supply depot in the outer Precipice system. The USS Oberon responds, driving off the Klingons. With Federaton reinforcements less than an hour away, the Oberon beams down its marine contingent who spend the next two days trying to dislodge the Klingon troops.STSTCSSTSTCSOrganian ConflictAssault on Precipice
2/0801.0603/23/2267A Klingon squadron of D-20 who are looking for targets of opportunity engage a pair of Federation destroyers. Because the Klingons have been given orders to disengage when severaly damaged, neither side can claim victory.STSTCSSTSTCSOrganian ConflictBattle of Beta III
2/0801.0603/23/2267Battle of TvamSTSTCSOrganian ConflictBattle of Tvam
2/0801.0603/23/2267Proxima EngagementSTSTCSOrganian ConflictProxima Engagement
2/0801.0603/23/2267Endeavour EngagementSTSTCSOrganian ConflictEndeavour Engagement
2/0801.0603/23/2267Klingon forces attack Federation forces in the Archon system. Although the two forces are technically similarily armed, the Klingon cruisers concentrate their firepower and decimate the Federation forces. STSTCSSTSTCSOrganian ConflictEngagement at Archon
2/0801.0603/23/2267Assault at FunctionSTSTCSOrganian ConflictAssault at Function
2/0801.0603/23/2267As part of the initial strike into Federation territory, a Klingon hunter-killer squadron attacks the USS Saratoga. The battle is protracted and costly for both sides.STSTCSSTSTCSOrganian ConflictSaratoga Engagement
2/0801.0603/23/2267The USS Star League and her escorts are attacked by a large Klingon fleet while enroute to Star Base 22 for scheduled upgrade. Fortnuately, the Star Leage is still fully armed and she beging picking off the Klingon one-by-one. The Klingon taskforce commander realizes he will loose too many ships if he does not withdraw. STSTCSSTSTCSOrganian ConflictStar League Engagement
2/0801.0603/23/2267The USS Chicago engages a Klingon heavy crusier.STSTCSSTSTCSOrganian ConflictChicago Engagement
2/0801.0603/23/2267Now operating under war-time protocalls, a Federation squadron engages a large Klingon fleet headed for Andromeda. The battle is lengthy and see the loss of ships on both sides. However, the Klingons are forces to turn back after realizing that they no longer have sufficient ground troops to take and hold any significant assets in the Andromeda system. The squadron commander retreats to wait for troop ships that are on the way.STSTCSSTSTCSOrganian ConflictBattle of the Andromeda Approaches
2/0801.0603/23/2267A Federation destroyer squadron engages a Klingon attack wing near Gabok III. The Federation destroyed concentrate their firepower and drive off the Klingons.STSTCSSTSTCSOrganian ConflictBattle of Gabok
2/0801.0603/23/2267The Federation Frigate Assurance engages the Klingon Battlecruiser Resurgent in a fierce but short lived battle. Both vessels suffer heavy damage.STSTCSSTSTCSOrganian ConflictResurgent Engagement
2/0801.0603/24/2267The Klingon D-7c Brutal Axe defects to the IKS. Upon arrival the vessel is upgraded with a new weapons layout and become a formost raiding and defense vessel for the fledgling empire. The vessel is rechristned Vengful Fist.STSTCSSTSTCS
2/0801.0603/24/2267Enchanted HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntEnchanted Hunt
2/0801.0603/24/2267The Federation frigate Mantilles engages the Klingon Frigate "XYZ" and her escort. The battle proved indecisive.STSTCSSTSTCSOrganian ConflictMantilles Engagement
2/0801.0603/24/2267Klingon battlecruisers attack a tellarite cruiser and it's escort near Daros IV. The Apache class "USS Calusa" responds and all three ships eventually drive the Klingons off.STSTCSSTSTCSOrganian ConflictBattle of Daros IV
2/0801.0603/24/2267Federation scouts detect a large contingent of Klingon destroyed near Klethor. Playing a cat-and-mouse game throughout the Klethor system, the Federation scouts are finally reinforced by a heavy destroyer and engage the Klingons in orbit of Klethor II. STSTCSSTSTCSOrganian ConflictBattle of Klethor II
2/0801.0603/24/2267Federation, Vulcan and Tellarite forces stationed near Hexentre rush to engage a large Klingon fleet outside the system. The battle proves costly for both sides but has no clear winner. STSTCSSTSTCSOrganian ConflictBattle for the Hexentre Approach
2/0801.0603/24/2267A Klingon attack wing engages a Federation heavy patrol near Eta 131. For the next hour, both sides rush reinforcements to the engagement. Nearly a dozen individual ship-to-ship combats are recorded. It is a victory for the Klingons who loose fewer ships than the Federation.STSTCSSTSTCSOrganian ConflictBattle of Eta 131
2/0801.0603/24/2267Klingon attack squadrons attempt to draw off Federation defense forces at Ayirn to allow for a ground invasion. STSTCSSTSTCSOrganian ConflictAssault on Ayirn
2/0801.0603/24/2267Two full Klingon battlefleets attack Star Base 22 and it's gathering forces. As with nearly ever battle in the short-lived conflict, neither side sees a clear victory.STSTCSSTSTCSOrganian ConflictEngagement at Star Base 22
2/0801.0603/24/2267The USS Coventry and it's escorts are attacked by Klingon forces. The battle is costly for the Klingons, but delays the Converty Battlegroup from rendezvousing with the Enterprise Battlegroup near OrganiaSTSTCSSTSTCSOrganian ConflictCoventry Engagement
2/0801.0603/24/2267As a Star Fleet task force approaches Organia, the Organians intervene to end the conflict. The Organians impose the Organian Peace Treaty on both Federation and Klingon Forces, thus averting a second war with the Klingons. The Organian Treaty Zone is established by negotation over the next three months. This new Zone makes important changes in the Klingon/Federation boarder and results in additional territory for both governments. Although both sides honor this treaty, the fate of various ‘orphaned’ planets in the Neutral Zone remains unresolved.FASAKlingon Game Opeartions ManualOrganian Conflict
2/0801.0603/25/2267Kirk, Uhura, and Chekov are kidnapped by aliens and forced to fight other aliens so that a mentally superior race can gamble on the winner.Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Gamesters of Triskelion
2/0801.0603/25/2267Republic EngagementSTSTCSOrganian ConflictRepublic Engagement
2/0801.0603/27/2267On an isolated asteroid, Kirk finds Zefram Cochrane, inventor of the warp drive, who has been missing for 150 years. Star Trek - The Original SeriesMetamorphosis
2/0801.0704/03/2267The MD-10-A becomes operational in the Gorn sphere of influence. A quad-nacelle design, the MD-10 has a top speed of warp 6, 8 blasters, 2 torpedo launchers and a crew of 340. 10 A variants are fielded.STSTCSDesign by Terry D. Shannon
2/0801.0804/10/2267The Deneva colony is attacked by neural parasites that cause mass insanity while the crew of Enterprise search for a way to stop them.Star Trek - The Original SeriesOperation—Annihalate!
2/0801.0904/16/2267Kassa commits suicide, unable to bear the shame of being defeated in such an ignominious manner by a pacifist culture. His heirs begin a period of reorganization, and Imperial policy begins to make a subtle shift from conquest by force to conquest by subterfuge.FASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
2/0801.1004/28/2267Suffering through his first infliction of pon farr, the Vulcan biological mating urge, Spock must return to Vulcan to marry his betrothed or he will die. However, when the Enterprise arrives at Vulcan, complications at the ceremony may endanger Captain Kirk as well.Star Trek - The Original SeriesAmok Time
2/0801.1105/08/2267The Enterprise crew finds happiness at a colony where alien spores provide total contentment.Star Trek - The Original SeriesThis Side of Paradise
2/0801.1205/18/2267The Enterprise is captured by an alien claiming to be Apollo, the Greek god of the sun. Star Trek - The Original SeriesWho Mourns for Adonais?
2/0801.1305/20/2267The Enterprise discovers a colony full of rapidly-aging scientists. Whatever caused the rapid aging afflicts the ship?s landing party as well. Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Scott are shocked to discover they are aging decades each day and will soon die unless a cure can be found. The unaffected Chekov may be their only hope for survival. Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Deadly Years
2/0801.1305/24/2267The Enterprise becomes involved in a local power struggle on planet Capella IV, where the Klingons want mining rights.Star Trek - The Original SeriesFriday's Child
2/0801.1406/03/2267The Enterprise finds an ancient interstellar probe from Earth, missing for 265 years, which has somehow mutated into a powerful and intelligent machine bent on sterilizing entire populations that do not meet its standards of perfection.Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Changeling
2/0801.1606/18/2267Scotty is suspected of killing several women while on shore leave on Argelius II. However, a more sinister force may provide a connection between this murder and many previous around the galaxy, including a rampage on ancient Earth. Star Trek - The Original SeriesWolf in the Fold
2/0801.1606/19/2267A survey of Argus X brings the Enterprise crew in confrontation with a vampiric cloud that killed a crew Kirk was on years ago, captained by the father of an ensign currently assigned to the ship. Star Trek - The Original SeriesObsession
2/0801.1706/20/2267A transporter malfunction sends Kirk, McCoy, Scotty, and Uhura into a parallel universe where the Federation is replaced by an evil Empire, Kirk is a despot, and Spock is a cunning pirate. Star Trek - The Original SeriesMirror, Mirror
2/0801.1907/09/2267The Enterprise crew discovers an Eden-like paradise on Gamma Trianguli VI, controlled by a machine that is revered by the local humanoid primitives as a god. Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Apple
2/0801.1907/13/2267Grand Power OperationSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictGrand Power Operation
2/0801.2207/31/2267Skirmish at 2.7 W-19.66 SSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSkirmish at 2.7 W-19.66 S
2/0801.2208/02/2267Melee at 1.76 W-18.43 SSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictMelee at 1.76 W-18.43 S
2/0801.2208/05/2267As the Enterprise comes under attack on the way to a diplomatic conference on Babel, one of the alien dignitaries is murdered, and Spock's estranged father Sarek is the prime suspect--but he is also deathly ill, and only Spock can save him. Star Trek - The Original SeriesJourney to Babel
2/0801.2408/18/2267After escaping from a Romulan sneak attack into an energy cloud, the USS Enterprise's main computer malfunctions and threatens the lives of the crew.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0801.2508/24/2267The USS Enterprise makes first contact with the Gorn Alliance. The vessel encounters an MA-12 Class cruiser commanded by Gorn Captain S’slee after that vessel destroyed the Federation outpost on Cestus III.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/0801.2508/24/2267Skirmish at 1.9 E-20.6 SSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSkirmish at 1.9 E-20.6 S
2/0801.2508/29/2267Hunt for the ProfiteerSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Profiteer
2/0801.2609/05/2267Assault at Demon Outpost 103STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAssault at Demon Outpost 103
2/0801.2709/15/2267Battle of AkersSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Akers
2/0801.2709/16/2267Kirk, Spock, and McCoy are captured on a planet that resembles a Roman Empire with 20th-century technology. They are set to die at the hands of gladiators for the sake of public spectacleStar Trek - The Original SeriesBread and Circuses
2/0802.0110/20/2267The last of the Mark I "Cochrane" class colonial transports enter serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0802.0110/20/2267The USS "Aldebaran" (NCC-2712) "Loknar" class frigate is destroyedFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0802.0110/20/2267The USS "Shiloh" (NCC-4326) "Larson" class destroyer is sold to a private sectorFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0802.0110/20/2267The brief Federation/Klingon war, the imposed Organian peace, and first contact with the Gorn delay the Federation Council's final acton on the Romulan boarder attack and the theorized Romulan/Vulcan link. Though Star Fleet doubles the number of patrols along the Romulan Neutral Zone and establishes new, larger, more heavily armed boarder stations, no direct action is taken against the Romulans at this time.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/0802.0110/20/2267Federation archaeologists discover a Slaver stasis box on the planet Kzin. Commander Spock, Lieutenants Sulu and Uhura set off in the long-range shuttlecraft Copernicus to transport the stasis box to Starbase 25.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0802.0110/20/2267Spock, Sulu and Uhura return to the USS Enterprise aboard the long range shuttlecraft Copernicus.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0802.0110/20/2267The Copernicus is captured by the Kzinti . A stasis box being couriered by Starfleet is opened, revealing an advanced weapon which eventually self-destructs, killing the Kzinti.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0802.0110/20/2267The Enterprise discovers a superweapon capable of destroying entire planets, and a commodore whose crew was killed by the machine jeopardizes the crew on a crazed mission of revenge.Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Doomsday Machine
2/0802.0110/20/2267Skirmish at 4.41 W-18.93 SSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSkirmish at 4.41 W-18.93 S
2/0802.0710/23/2267Clash in Deep Rift Sector 3STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictClash in Deep Rift Sector 3
2/0802.0910/24/2267On a planet with a primitive civilization, the Enterprise discovers that the Klingons are providing a Stone Age society with increasingly-advanced weaponry. Star Trek - The Original SeriesA Private Little War
2/0802.0910/24/2267The Enterprise travels back in time to 1968, where the crew encounters the mysterious Gary Seven who claims to be sent by advanced beings trying to help Earth. Star Trek - The Original SeriesAssignment: Earth
2/0802.1110/25/2267Defense of LantosSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of Lantos
2/0802.1310/26/2267Lithium crystals, yielding only 1/1000th the power output of dilithium crystals, are phased-out in the U.F.P. at approximately this time. At least by the 24th Century, lithium crystals can be produced using standard ships' transporters. Dilithium in place of lithium probably will account for the safe sustainment of warp 8 speeds (and above) by starships.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/0802.1310/26/2267The Constitution Class cruiser USS Constellation (NCC-1017), under the command of Commodore Matthew Brand Decker is severely damaged by a Doomsday Machine. The entire crew, except Decker, is killed in a related mishap. In a tactic later known as the Kirk Defense, the USS Enterprise crew destroys the Doomsday Machine by setting the Constellation’s engines for self-destruct and exploding the starship inside the machine. Before operation is complete, Decker also becomes a casualty.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/0802.2811/02/2267Brawl at the Deep Rift AsteroidSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBrawl at the Deep Rift Asteroid
2/0803.0211/03/2267The USS "Decatur" (NCC-2500) cruiser is launched, the first starship with linear warp drive. A maximum warp speed of 10 is attained. Further refining will enable a two warp factor increase.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0803.2111/12/2267Thought Admiral Krador first learnes of the unusual biochemical compounds produced by some Muldorian plants. He tightens security on the scientific research into the planet's resources and transmits falsified reports to his superiors.FASATermination: 1456
2/0803.2111/12/2267A Star Fleet-sponsored science team rediscovers a Vulcan colony world in the Triangle Zone that had been captured by Romulan forces. When the planet's ores played out, the Romulans abandoned the mining settlement, destroying all records and equipment and stranding the Vulcan inhabitants. By the time the scientists arrive, most of the Vulcans are dead. Sarek, a highly respected scientist statesman from Vulcan, is given custody of a five-year-old Vulcan/Romulan hybrid named Saavik.FASAThe Federation
2/0804.0111/17/2267The Mark I "MoKal" class transports enter service with warp 8 capacity (unloaded) and crews of 28. They are designed to push their cargo pods from behind, and are employed commercially by many corporations and transfer companies.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0804.0311/18/2267Battle at GanosSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at Ganos
2/0804.1011/21/2267The Organian Treaty Zone is established, making important changes in the Klingon/Federation border and giving additional territory to both governments.FASAThe Federation
2/0804.1211/22/2267Demon Hunter OperationSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDemon Hunter Operation
2/0804.2411/28/2267Skirmish at 1.2 W-19.9 SSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSkirmish at 1.2 W-19.9 S
2/0805.0112/01/2267The USS "Deyan" (NCC-4451) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0805.0312/02/2267After Spock senses the destruction of the Vulcan-manned starship Intrepid, the Enterprise encounters an enormous single-celled organism that feeds on energy which threatens the galaxy as it prepares to reproduce. Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Immunity Syndrome
2/0805.2812/14/2267Construction of "Podesti" (NCC-2400) class cruisers is authorized. Out of a proposed 89 ships (NCC-2400-NCC-2488) at least 38 of these warp 9 ships will be constructed, each with a complement of 406, 2 photon torpedo tubes, and 18 standard phasersJackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/0805.3112/15/2267The Mark V "Nelson" class scouts enter service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0805.3112/15/2267The Klingon D-4E cruisers are phased-out in the Klingon Empire, replaced by the D-7 class with its superior firepower and more powerful engines.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0805.3112/15/2267As the result of tectonic instability, Ceti Alpha VI, a planet-sized moon in co-orbit with Ceti Alpha V, explodes. The effect alters Ceti Alpha V's orbit slightly and transforms it from a luxurious garden world into an inhospitable desert.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/0806.1512/22/2267Battle at Qurellet IIISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Qurellet III
2/0806.2912/29/2267The Enterprise transports Elaan, Dohlman of Elas, to an arranged marriage on Troyius. Star Trek - The Original SeriesElaan of Troyius
2/0807.0801/02/2268First Battle of Void Render RaidSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictFirst Battle of Void Render Raid
2/0807.1201/04/2268Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, Dr. McCoy, Scotty, and Chekov are forced to re-enact the gunfight at the O.K. Corral in Tombstone as the team that lost the gunfight. Star Trek - The Original SeriesSpectre of the Gun
2/0807.2901/12/2268Second Battle of the VoidSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSecond Battle of the Void
2/0808.0701/16/2268The "Fisher" (NCC-900) light transport/tug class is authorized for construction. 100 of these Class 2 ships are proposed and at least 92 will be constructed. Each vessel will have a ship's complement of 50, warp 8 capacity, 6 phasers, and 1 tow pad with the capacity of carrying 2 containers maximum. In the future, the USS "Shaunessey" (NCC-985) will be lost in the line of duty, allowing Star Fleet (Third Fleet) to name a residence hull in her honor.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2
2/0808.2601/25/2268Star Fleet Intelligence forms Excalibur Holocubes, Inc. in New Valdis on Familiarity. It will eventually cover agents through SFI Sector 002.FASAStar Fleet Intellegence Book
2/0808.2601/25/2268The Constitution Class cruiser USS Republic (NCC 1373), under command of Captain Richard V. Masterson, is officially listed as missing. Based on information obtained at the time, Star Fleet officials believe that the vessel may have been missing as much as seven months prior.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/0809.1402/03/2268Third Battle of the VoidSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictThird Battle of the Void
2/0810.0702/14/2268Engagement in Deep Rift Sector 10STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictEngagement in Deep Rift Sector 10
2/0810.1202/16/2268Protection of Convoy 3001-ghSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictProtection of Convoy 3001-gh
2/0810.1602/18/2268Defense of Repair Point VR-3STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Repair Point VR-3
2/0810.3102/25/2268Klingon D-11C "One Wing" class destroyers enter service. It fairs little better than it's predecesor despite promises from several designers. The addition of a forward disruptor does little to improve the vessels overall performance.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0810.3102/25/2268S-2 Alamo Defense Outopst Mk IIIFASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0810.3102/25/2268In recognition of outstanding service as both First Officer and Chief Science Officer of the USS Enterprise, Lieutenant Commander Spock is promoted to full Commander.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/0811.0202/26/2268Harry Mudd, now ruler of a planet of androids, captures the Enterprise and attempts to imprison Kirk for revenge. Star Trek - The Original SeriesI, Mudd
2/0811.1003/01/2268A dispute over control of a planet brings Enterprise to a space station, where they must deal with Klingons, edgy Federation officials, and a previously-unknown species of small, unbearably cute, voraciously hungry and rapidly-multiplying furry creatures. Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Trouble with Tribbles
2/0811.1003/01/2268Darvin, a disgraced Klingon spy, travels back in time. The DS9 crew must prevent him from altering the timeline.Star Trek - Deep Space NineTrials and Tribble-ations
2/0812.1903/19/2268The Mk I "Knox" (NCC-1940) class frigate is initially authorized with 85 ships proposed. This number will be reduced to 50 and then to 26 ships partly because of the planned "Fury" (NCC-30055) class, a smaller frigate-type ship.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/0812.2303/21/2268Conflict at Flitner VSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConflict at Flitner V
2/0901.0303/26/2268The Organians decide to discover whether or not Humans and Klingons can live and work together. They select Sheridan's World as the site of an experimental colony composed of both Humans and Klingons. Should the project succeed, the Organians will consideFASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
2/0901.0303/26/2268N-8 (Mandukam) Class II Type 1FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0901.0303/26/2268S-3 (Free Flight) Class IV Type 11FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0901.0303/26/2268The Type 1 V-6 "S'ten Vastam" ("Gallant Wing") class cruiser enters service in the Romulan Empire. Considered the ultimate replacement to fill the need for both a military vessel and a research cruiser, they are the most powerful ships in the empire.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0901.1504/01/2268Returning to a planet last visited by an Earth ship 100 years ago, the Enterprise finds a planet that has based its culture on the gangsters of Earth's 1920s. Star Trek - The Original SeriesA Piece of the Action
2/0901.1804/02/2268Hunt for the Dolun's Mount STSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Dolun's Mount
2/0901.2804/07/2268Defense of K'Tinnam IISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of K'Tinnam II
2/0901.3004/08/2268R-1 Investigator Research Platform Mk IFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0901.3004/08/2268Samson Mk I enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0901.3004/08/2268The Nelson class USS Menke, operating along the rimward frontier, is listed as missing after failing to make a scheduled report. The Nelson Class scout USS Stuart conducts a two-month-long search without success.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0901.3004/08/2268The USS "Doermann" (NCC-4452) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters service. The USS "Lavinius" (NCC-2758) "Loknar" class frigate is lost, her whereabouts unknown.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0901.3004/08/2268In the Klingon Empire, the Klingon K-14C class scout enters service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0901.3004/08/2268The Babel Conference on the Coridan Question is settled by the inspired oratory of Sarek of Vulcan. Coridan is made a UFP protectorate.FASAThe Federation
2/0902.0604/11/2268The SA-3 "Salamander" light destroyer enters service in the Gorn Navy after a number of setbacks. With a top speed of Warp 7, the craft is one of the biggest failures in the Gorn lineup. While the basics of the craft are solid, shoddy equipment and design flaws plague the final production mode. Only 4 are ever officially comissioned.STSTCSUnknown
2/0902.1004/13/2268Fourth Battle of the VoidSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictFourth Battle of the Void
2/0902.1404/15/2268The first Romulan/Klingon non-aggression and technological treaties are signed at Villiam III, near the Triangle. Fearing the growing military might of the UFP, the Romulans and Klingons decide to concentrate on this common enemy.FASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
2/0902.2304/19/2268The Romulans, currently ahead in territory, give up many disputed planets as well as plans for an older model cloaking device and the plasma weapon. In return, the Klingons provide the Romulans with a number of older D-7 ships equipped with Klingon weaponFASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
2/0902.2704/21/2268Battle at Passarra's DreamSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Passarra's Dream
2/0903.0104/22/2268The USS "Chryse" (NCC-4453) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0903.0104/22/2268Harry Mudd is once again apprehended by the USS Enterprise, after trying to sell love crystals. Mudd abducts Nurse Chapel and briefly escapes to a rocky planet in a stolen Enterprise Heavy shuttlecraft, but he is recaptured and sentenced to an indefinite period in rehabilitation therapy for violations of the Federation pharmaceutical code, including fraud, illegal drug manufacturing, swindling, and transport of a dangerous life-form (a Rigellian hypnoid).Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0903.0804/25/2268Extragalactic aliens hijack the Enterprise and turn the crew into inert solids, leaving the four senior officers on their own to exploit their captors' weaknesses.Star Trek - The Original SeriesBy Any Other Name
2/0903.2005/01/2268Bickett ReproachSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBickett Reproach
2/0903.2705/04/2268A more heavily armed cariant of the "Vees'Ru" scout becomes the CS-6-B. The additional weapon systems requires a second gunner and technician, making the vessel cramped for the large Gorn. None the less, a large number of vessels are built.STSTCS
2/0904.0205/07/2268Enroute to New Deimos, 6 "Cochrane" colonial transports and their escorts disappear. Some speculate that the Gorn were responsible but no evidence surfaces. The colonial expedition consisted of 13,200 colonists and 1,250 Star Fleet officers and men.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0904.1905/15/2268The Enterprise discovers the derelict starship Exeter drifting in space, its entire crew killed by an unknown plague and her captain missing. Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Omega Glory
2/0904.3005/20/2268Flammarion Class VIII Research Vessel Mk I enters service.FASAJaynze Ships of the Fleet
2/0905.1005/25/2268The Enterprise tests a computer that, if successful, could replace Kirk as the captain. Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Ultimate Computer
2/0905.1905/29/2268The "Essex" (NCC-1727) has her status changed to a training ship. While in drydock for repairs, the "Essex" is fitted with a Hycor-designed deflector system. Numerous other improvements are incorporated including the upgrading of power supply and support systems and the installation of improved fabrication units and internal security features. Her PB-32 warp engines are also uprated with internal modifications, improving acceleration times and increased endurance at specific warp speedsPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/0905.2305/31/2268Harcourt Fenton Mudd steals a spaceship and flees the androids planet. He travels to Ilyra VI where he sells Starfleet Academy to the inhabitants, making just enough credits to travel to Sirius IX. There he discovers a so-called love potion that he sold to over 1000 inhabitants. When they suffer violent allergic reactions from the drug, Mudd flees to the planet Motherlode and he begins selling the potion to the miners there.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0905.2305/31/2268Patrolling near the edge of the Romulan Neutral Zone, the USS Enterprise comes to the rescue of Carter Winston, who turns out to be a shape-changing Vendorian spy sent by the Romulans. After commandeering the Enterprise and taking the ship into Romulan space, the Vendorian agent is captured and the ship makes a narrow escape from Romulan vessels.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0906.0106/04/2268The USS "Bursilev" (NCC-4454) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer and the USS "Alpha Colony" (NCC-2764) Mark II "Loknar" class frigate enter ser- viceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0906.0106/04/2268About 200 colonists from the Federation and the Klingon Empire arrive at Sheridan's World under the direction of the Organians.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/0906.0106/04/2268Lieutenant Commander William Decker, a Helmsman/Weapons Officer, receives a short-term assignment on Delta Four.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/0906.0306/05/2268Melee at RudarSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictMelee at Rudar
2/0906.1306/10/2268Three survivors from a race that died half a million years ago "borrow" the bodies of Enterprise crew members so they can build android bodies for themselves. Star Trek - The Original SeriesReturn to Tomorrow
2/0906.1806/12/2268Lieutenant Arex and Lieutenant M'Ress are assigned to the Starship Enterprise. Arex takes over as ship's Navigator when Ensign Pavel Chekov leaves the ship at Starbase 2.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0907.0306/19/2268The Marsfoods Corporation is founded in Vandalia on Mars by Elias Wintergreen as the U.F.P.'s most outrageous fast foods supplierFASAThe Federation
2/0907.0306/19/2268In orbit of Questar M17, the USS Enterprise battles an ancient malevolent magnetic organism.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0907.2606/30/2268Surveying the Delta Triangle region of space, the USS Enterprise and the Klingon battlecruiser Klothos, commanded by Captain Kor, are transported into a parallel universe. The crews of the Starfleet and Klingon vessels cooperate and manage to return to our own continuum.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0907.2606/30/2268The survey vessel USS Ariel, under command of Lieutenant Commander Tom Markel visits Lactra VII. The ship's six crewmembers are captured by the Lactrans.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0907.2807/01/2268Dr. Leonard McCoy of the USS Enterprise is tried for medical malpractice in the Dramen system for the slaughter of the inhabitants of Dramia II, nineteen years ago. He is released after finding a cure for the Auroral Plague which also threatened the crew of the Enterprise.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0908.1207/08/2268Battle at Lendis Wavamm IIISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Lendis Wavamm III
2/0908.1807/11/2268Kirk loses his memory and joins the descendants of a tribe of Native Americans.Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Paradise Syndrome
2/0908.3107/17/2268The USS "Poitiers" (NCC-4313) "Larson" class destroyer is placed on inactive status. The USS "Titian Plain" (NCC-4455) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer enters service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0909.1507/24/2268A huge living cloud that comsumes planets destroys the planet Alondra. Spock communicates with it and prevents it from destroying Mantilles, a planet with a population of 82 million.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0909.1707/25/2268Several archaeologists from around the Federation travel to the planet of the time vortex to study the past. The Starship Enterprise travels to the planet to take part. Kirk, Spock and a Starfleet Lieutenant spend some time in Orion's distant past studying Orion prehistory. Aleek-Om and other historians study Vulcan history of twenty to thirty Vulcan years past.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0909.1707/25/2268Spock emerges from the Guardian of Forever to discover that history has recorded that he died at age 7 undergoing the Kahs-wan ordeal. Spock travels back to 2237 to save his own life. Spock is successful in restoring the proper timeline, however this time his pet sehlat dies during the ordeal.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0909.2607/29/2268Quintrotriticale, a five-lobed hybrid of wheat and barley, is developed.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0909.2607/29/2268Sherman's Planet again experiences famine.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0909.2607/29/2268Cyrano Jones steals the only glommer in existense from the Klingons and they pursue his scout ship into Federation space.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0909.2607/29/2268While escorting two robot grain ships to Sherman's Planet, the USS Enterprise rescues trader Cyrano Jones from the pursuing Klingon battlecruiser, Devisor. The Enterprise once again becomes infested with tribbles, as does the Devisor.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0910.0208/01/2268General Moroch sutai Lackoi is reassigned to Muldor IV because of his popularity with his troops, the result of his unorthodox treatment of enlisted Mariens. He take over as Assistant Military Governor and assumes command of Krador's garrison. Krador and Moroch discover that they have basic agreement on the needs of the Empire, and discuss plans for their return to power.FASATermination: 1456
2/0911.0108/15/2268R-1 Invictus Orbital Defense Outpost Mk IFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0911.0108/15/2268The Klingon L-6I class frigate enters service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0911.0108/15/2268Deep-cover Star Fleet agents within the Klingon Empire report that the Klingons and the Romulans have settled their boarder disputes and have likely sealed cease-fire agreements with military techonology exchanges. In the resulting shake-up in Star Fleet Intelligence, the entire staff of the Romulan Activities Unit is replaced. Federation Council members favoring a stronger stand against the Romulans feel that they have a mandate due to the strength of public oppinion. As a result, they draft top-secret resolutions commissioning Operation Purloin.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/0911.0108/15/2268The Vulcan Science Academy sends a report on psionic contact with a new race of beings, the Tholians, to the Bureau of Scientific Investigation, where it is forgotten.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/0911.1208/20/2268The USS Enterprise frees the women of Taurus II from their own glandular secretion trap.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0911.2208/25/2268The disappearance of the crew of the science vessel Ariel, in orbit of Lactra VII, leads the officers of the USS Enterprise into a planet-sized zoo of specimens from all across the galaxy.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0911.2208/25/2268The water world Argo is studied by the USS Enterprise. After their Aquashuttle is destroyed, Captain Kirk and Commander Spock are transformed into water-breathers by the planet's inhabitants. The process is reversed, and the Enterprise crew is successful in diverting a large earthquake.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0911.2408/26/2268The "Shanks" (NCC-1400) light cruiser class starships are authorized for construction. The Mk I is launched in early 2271. 98 are proposed while 42 (at least) are constructed. These warp 9 capacity cost effective ships are little more than primary (saucer) hulls with warp engines, each having a complement of 347, and an ordnance consisting of 2 torpedo tubes and 12 phaser emplacements. A century later, the USS "Simms" (NCC-1479) will be active surveying the wreckage at Wolf 359.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/0911.2408/26/2268With the exception of NCC-1877 (the USS "Resolution" heavy destroyer of the "Detroyat" class) the "Avenger" class is originally authorized as frigates. Their classification will change and their construction will be delayed.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/0912.0108/29/2268The Mark VI "Larson" class destroyer enters service with a more powerful impulse drive system, improved phaser weapons and more efficient shield generators.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0912.0108/29/2268V-11 (Stormbird) Class VII Type 1 enters serviceFASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0912.0108/29/2268The USS "Borodino" (NCC-4307), "Leyte" (NCC-4319), "Guadalcanal" (NCC-4332), "Napoleon" (NCC-4344), "Cannae" (NCC-4353), "Charlemagne" (NCC-4364) and "Hardraade" (NCC-4369) Mark II "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark VI configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0912.0308/30/2268Assault at Lambda Tarandi VSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAssault at Lambda Tarandi V
2/0912.2009/07/2268The USS Enterprise discovers that the fifth clone of Stavos Keniclius is ruling the planet Phylos.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0912.2209/08/2268Smith & Smythe releases a new micro-impulse warp engine designFASAStarship Constrcution Manual
2/0912.3109/12/2268The USS "Tannenberg" (NCC-4303) and "Torgau" (NCC-4316) Mark II "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark VI configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/0912.3109/12/2268Maximus O'Connor dies and ownership of Laura's World (Laurison 294) falls into the hands of his brother and only surviving heir, Paul O'Connor. He turns the planet into a vast parkland "for lovers only"FASAThe Federation
2/0912.3109/12/2268In order to learn more about the Federation, Commander Ari bn Bem from the recently-contacted planet Pandro, comes aboard the USS Enterprise. He spends the next six missions in his quarters. He will finally take an interest in the crew's mission to Delta Theta III.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/0912.3109/12/2268Responding to a strange distress signal, the USS Enterprise is bombarded with spiroid epsilon radiation. The crew begin to grow smaller as their molecules contract. They ultimately reach the height of one sixteenth of an inch but are restored to full size by the transporter systems. The lost colony Terra 10 is found to be responsible, and the entire city is spacelifted to Verdanis.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/1001.0209/13/2268The Klingon D-16A class destroyers are decommissioned.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1001.0209/13/2268H-4 Type 2 is comissioned into the Romulan NavyFASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1001.0209/13/2268N-8 (Mandukam) Class II Type 2 becomes operationalFASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1001.0209/13/2268S-9 (Wind Carrier) Class V Type 1 becomes operational.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1001.0209/13/2268T-5 (Fire Swarm) Class V Type 1 destroyer becomes operational.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1001.0209/13/2268Star Fleet Intelligence Command later learns that the Nelson Class scout USS Valdez, captured by the Klingons during the Four Years War, was destroyed during this time. The Klingons had been using the Valdez along the coreward border at the time of its destruction.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1001.0209/13/2268Star Fleet Intellignece Command later confirms that, at this time, the Romulan Imperial Navy begins using three-ship squadrons of Klingon-built Stormbird Class cruisers along their side of the Neutral Zone.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1001.0609/15/2268The USS Enterprise returns to Omicron Delta IV, the 'shore leave planet' for rest and relaxation. The planet's computer is running wild and is negotiated with before shore leave commences.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/1001.2709/25/2268A group of children on the Federation outpost Triacus, under the influence of an evil spirit, commandeer the Enterprise.Star Trek - The Original SeriesAnd the Children Shall Lead
2/1001.3109/27/2268The world of Penchan II becomes the fourth member of the Imperial Klingon States within the Triangle. Penchan is vital to the future existence of the IKS because of its vast crystal deposits (including dilithium). With these and other metals, the IKS can begin rebuilding its worn-out fleet.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1001.3109/27/2268The Anton Mk I is retired from service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1001.3109/27/2268The Klingon K-17D "Z'mortama" ("Death Stalker") class scouts are decommissioned.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1001.3109/27/2268Operation Purloin begins when Captain James Kirk takes the USS Enterprise into Romulan space. The Enterprise is captured by three Romulan V-11 Stormbird Class cruisers equipped with cloaking devices. Commander Spock gains the confidence of the Rornulan commander and distracts her long enough for Kirk, disguised as a Romulan to steal a prototype of the cloaking device from the Romulan flagship. The Enteiprise escapes when Chief Engineer Scott hooks the purloined device into the deflector shield circuits and activates it.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1001.3109/27/2268Acting apparently restless and irrational, Captain Kirk inexplicably orders the Enterprise into Romulan space where the ship is quickly captured by the enemy and Kirk held captive aboard their flagship. Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Enterprise Incident
2/1002.0109/28/2268Battle of LanrocheSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Lanroche
2/1002.0410/03/2268On a doomed planet Kirk, Spock and McCoy become the subjects of an alien experiment whose mysterious intention involves a beautiful, empathic woman. Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Empath
2/1002.1210/16/2268A mad scientist tries to take control of Enterprise by switching bodies with Captain Kirk.Star Trek - The Original SeriesTurnabout Intruder
2/1002.1710/26/2268The Mark of GideonStar Trek - The Original SeriesThe Mark of Gideon
2/1002.1710/26/2268The Enterprise is raided by an alien force that steals Spock's brain, leading Kirk and McCoy in a desperate race to retrieve it.Star Trek - The Original SeriesSpock's Brain
2/1002.1910/29/2268The Enterprise finds an asteroid that contains a generational ship on a collision course with an inhabited planet.Star Trek - The Original SeriesFor the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
2/1002.2211/04/2268Numerous ships are called to rendezvous with a Vedalan asteroid for a unique mission. A holy war will erupt across the galaxy unless the stolen Soul of Skorr is returned to its people. Kirk and Spock and a group of specially selected beings retrieve it from a Mad Planet.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/1002.2211/04/2268The Soul of Skorr is stolen by Tchar, the hereditary prince of Skorr, in an attempt to touch off an intergalactic war.Star Trek: TASStar Trek: The Animated Series
2/1002.2411/06/2268An extremely powerful non-corporeal being brings the Enterprise and a Klingon ship in direct conflict with one another.Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Day of the Dove
2/1002.2511/09/2268The USS "Federation" will verify the existence of the Klingon D-7 class warship "Klathas" ("Pestilence," KL 68953) which is, or will be, commanded by Captain Kumara.InternetFederation Reference Series
2/1002.2611/10/2268A beautiful woman escorts an alien ambassador so hideously ugly that the sight of him can drive a human insane. Star Trek - The Original SeriesIs There No Truth in Beauty?
2/1003.0111/15/2268The USS "Khartoum" (NCC-4401) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer is re- fitted to the Mark VI configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1003.0111/15/2268When rich deposits of dilithium and other minerals are discovered in the Klingon Neutral Zone, Klingon warcraft begin to patrol it heavily, keeping just on their side of the ZoneFASAThe Federation
2/1003.0111/15/2268While trying to rescue the Starfleet ship USS Defiant, Captain Kirk disappears when the dead ship is pulled into interspace. The Enterprise is then attacked by a mysterious local race, the Tholians.Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Tholian Web
2/1003.2611/26/2268The Enterprise is hijacked by hyperaccelerated, sterile aliens who want the crew for breeding stock.Star Trek - The Original SeriesWink of an Eye
2/1004.0111/29/2268The USS "Okinawa" (NCC-4334) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer is re- fitted to the Mark VI configuration. The USS "Wavell" (NCC-4442) "Larson" class destroyer is destroyed. The USS "Tana Re" (NCC-4457) Mark VI "Larson" class destroyer and the USS "Altair VI" (NCC-2765) Mark II "Loknar" class frigate enter serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1004.0111/29/2268Despite intense study by the best minds in Star Fleet, the Romulan cloaking device remains a mystery. Nevertheless, political pressure forces Star Fleet to make a public display of the stolen device. The device is installed on a Federation ship and dignitaries from all over the UFP observe the experiment from a nearby vessel. To the horror of the test's organizers and the Federation Council (who pressed for the test) the ship fitted with the cloaking device and the vessel containing the UFP dignitaries both vanish. Seconds later, there is a huge explosion. Neither ship is ever seen again, and scientists quit working on cloaking device technology.FASAThe Federation
2/1004.0612/01/2268A mad scientist tries to take control of Enterprise by switching bodies with Captain Kirk.Star Trek - The Original SeriesWhom Gods Destroy
2/1004.0812/02/2268Enterprise crew members are stranded on a ghost planet and terrorized by the image of a beautiful woman.Star Trek - The Original SeriesThat Which Survives
2/1004.1312/04/2268Star Fleet Intelligence forms Ajax Interstel Tours, LTD. as a cover organization in New York on Terra. It will eventually cover agents throughout Romulan Sector Intelligence's sphere of influence..FASAStar Fleet Intellegence Book
2/1004.1712/06/2268At planetoid Memory Alpha, an Enterprise crew member's body is taken over by mysterious energy lifeforms.Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Lights of Zetar
2/1004.2012/07/2268The first native uprising occurs on Muldor IV. Krador transmits exaggerated reports of it severity. The 1650th Marine Regiment is assigned to augment the garrison. Krador invites his cousin Anarv sutai Rrilac, a pharmacologist, to Muldor IV. When Anarv arrives, Krador presents him with the data on the unusual biochemical compounds. Fascinated, Anarv begins research into their potential as suggestibility drugs, supervising the construction of the Drug Experiments Complex, which is placed under high security. Anarv is believed to be lost in space.FASATermination: 1456
2/1004.2412/09/2268The crew of the Enterprise find themselves caught in the middle of an intractable conflict with a bizarre fugitive alien and his equally belligerent pursuer.Star Trek - The Original SeriesLet That Be Your Last Battlefield
2/1004.2912/11/2268The "Hippocrates" (NCC-4600) class medical frigate is authorized. Basically a large-scale "Angueira" class hospital ship based upon the frigate design rather than the "Gagarin" design, this class will reportedly consist of 74 ships. The "Hippocrates" will carry a standard complement of 655, possess warp 9.2 capacity, and 12 standard phaser emplacements for armament. Ships' complement may be reduced and warp increased in the class' later years, and possibly her registry altered.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2
2/1004.2912/11/2268The USS "Huntington" (NCC-S1000) class deuterium tanker is authorized for construction. This starship is armed with 4 phaser emplacements, carries a standard complement of 52, and has warp 7.5 capacity. The "Huntington" class ships will normally be accompanied by fighters for protection from pirates. All 98 vessels will reportedly be constructed with unique convex hulls (each of the two surfaces comprising 4 deuterium tanks).Jackill'sJackill's Volume 3
2/1005.0112/12/2268The Tellarite Planetary Government issues the first Federation Peace MedalFASAStar Trek: The Next Generation Officer's Manual
2/1005.3112/25/2268The USS "Gettysburg" (NCC-4324) and "Sun Tzu" (NCC-4347) Mark II "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark VI configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1005.3112/25/2268The Klingon L-6B class frigates are phased out of production.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1006.2701/06/2269Construction of the "Maya" (SFDD-400) D-46/Type IV dry dock facility is authorized for construction. At least 34 of the 92 proposed dry docks will be built, replacing the aging Type I facilities. These "Maya" series docks are extensive modular facilities allowing their frames to be expanded to include even space stations, with 4 shuttlecraft bays, 110 standard shuttlecraft, and a standard facility complement of 300. The first of the Type IV docks will be assigned to the refitting of the USS "Enterprise" and her future sister ships constituting the "Enterprise" class.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/1006.2701/06/2269The "Orka" (NCC-100) class gunboat is authorized. This class vessel is a modified "Gagarin" class research ship built for high maneuverability to fill a defensive role. The "Orka" utilizes 3 nacelles (yielding warp 8.8 maximum speed), carries a complement of 75, and an ordnance of 2 megaphasers (4 fore/aft firing cannons) and 2 standard phasers. Small and easy to construct, the class will total 85. The "Orka" class gunboat "Vallejo" (NCC-174) will be lost in the line of duty and honored by Star Fleet Academy (Second Fleet) by having a residence hull named after her.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2
2/1006.3001/07/2269The USS "Balaklava" (NCC-4419) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer is re- fitted to the Mark VI configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1007.0401/09/2269Battle at GitelianSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at Gitelian
2/1007.1301/13/2269The Enterprise finds a planet inhabited by aliens who were once followers of the Greek philosopher Plato.Star Trek - The Original SeriesPlato's Stepchildren
2/1008.0101/21/2269The USS "Chou" (NCC-4339) and "Grant" (NCC-4416) Mark II "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark VI configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1008.2301/31/2269The "Hensley" (NCC-4300) class heavy transport/tug is authorized for construction. The Mk I is comissioned in 2271. Unlike the "Ptolemy" class, the "Hensley" will be able to carry up to six transport containers by manipulating its warp field to cover the additional containers, but with a reduction of top speed--yet possessing double the towing capacity while maintaining the same power consumption. 96 ships are proposed for this class and reportedly 70 ships will be constructed. Each transport/tug will have a complement of 354 (including 100 passengers), warp 9 capacity, 12 phaser emplacements, 2 tow pads, and a heavy duty tractor beam designed for additional range and tonnage.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/1008.3002/03/2269The USS "Ramses" (NCC-4335) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer is refit- ted to the Mark VI configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1008.3002/03/2269The "Cassard" Mk III missile destroyer enters service. Underpowered, undergunned and aging, the Mk III is never the less used as a light destroyer. The class will soon be sold off after 2273 to various intereste within the Tirangle.InternetBill Colley Designs
2/1009.0202/04/2269Kirk's efforts to obtain a vital mineral are complicated by terrorists striking at the beautiful cloud city Stratos and its virulent apartheid policies.Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Cloud Minders
2/1009.2202/13/2269The Enterprise picks up a group of renegades who have rejected modern technological life to search for the mythical planet Eden.Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Way to Eden
2/1009.2402/14/2269Star Smasher OperationSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictStar Smasher Operation
2/1010.0102/17/2269The USS "Leipzig" (NCC-4320) and "Constantine" (NCC-4357) "Larson" class destroyes are placed on inactive status. The USS "Liu Pang" (NCC-4356), "Genghis Khan" (NCC-4375), "Moltke" (NCC-4417), and "Kermal" (NCC-4430) Mark II "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark VI configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1010.0102/17/2269The Mark III "Solar" class cutter enters service with warp 9 capacity and a crew of 25FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1010.0102/17/2269The Mark IV "Fenlon" class monitors enter service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1010.1002/21/2269While the Enterprise searches for the rare cure to a deadly disease, the landing party is confronted by a reclusive man who is willing to kill to preserve his privacy.Star Trek - The Original SeriesRequiem for Methuselah
2/1010.3103/02/2269The USS "Agincourt" (NCC-4314), "Justinian" (NCC-4362), and "Cortez" (NCC-4383) Mark II "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark VI configuration. The USS "Paris" (NCC-2722) "Loknar" class frigate is placed on inactive statusFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1011.0203/03/2269The Mark I "Thufir" class destroyers enter service with warp 9 capacity and crews of 180.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1011.3003/15/2269The USS "Tedder" (NCC-4445) and "Chryse" (NCC-4453) Mark II "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark VI configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1011.3003/15/2269The D-7G "K't'alla" ("Truthbringer") class cruisers enter service in the Klingon fleet. The direct result of the first Romulan-Klingon technology exchange, these ships are armed with Romulan plasma weapons. Most Klingon commanders of these vessels are uncomfortable with the combat tactics they dictate: the plasma weapon design requires the ship to be close to the enemy in order to fire.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1011.3003/15/2269The first modification of the Klingon D-10A "Riskadh" class cruiser results in the D-10B though it is never produced in numbers despite being ordered into productionFASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1011.3003/15/2269The Klingon G-5 "Qexa" ("Tugboat") class cargo transport enters service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1101.0103/29/2269The USS "Von Blucher" (NCC-4400) and "Pershing" (NCC-4428) Mark II "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark VI configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1101.0103/29/2269Star Fleet Intelligence Command orders the Constitution Class cruiser USS Hood (NCC-1703), under the command of Captain Hugo Revere, to investigate the area of spatial interphase near Tholian space. The ship's assignment is to determine the potential of the interphase phenomenon as an offensive military weapon for Star Fleet.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1101.0103/29/2269All Klingon K-15A scouts are refitted to K-15Ds.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1101.0103/29/2269The Type 5 V-6 "S'ten Vastam" ("Gallant Wing") class cruiser enters service in the Romulan fleet. Combat efficiency is improved with its more powerful disruptors, more efficient shields, and stronger superstructure. All Type 1s are recalled for refitting to the Type 5 configuration.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1101.1004/02/2269Kirk and Spock are forced to fight alongside such historical figures as Abraham Lincoln of Earth and Surak of Vulcan by rocklike aliens who want to understand the concepts of "good" and "evil."Star Trek - The Original SeriesThe Savage Curtain
2/1101.1204/03/2269Defense of K'linsannSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of K'linsann
2/1101.3004/11/2269The USS "Trafalgar" (NCC-4304), "Cochise" (NCC-4345), and "San Jacinto" (NCC-4407) Mark II "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark VI configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1102.0204/12/2269The K-6A "Lar'hal" ("Administrator") class gunboat enters service in the Klingon Empire.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1102.0204/12/2269The Klingon W-2C class warpshuttle enters service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1102.0404/13/2269Attack on Convoy Z-199-GSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarAttack on Convoy Z-199G
2/1102.2704/23/2269The modernization from "Achernar" specs is approved for several heavy cruiser class starships for refit to form the "Constitution (II)" class.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/1102.2904/24/2269The USS "Blenheim" (NCC-4315), "Saladin" (NCC-4368), and "Cromwell" (NCC-4377) Mark II "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark VI configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1103.0204/25/2269The Klingon K-4A "Kl'xenova" ("Enforcer") class gunboat/covette enters service. It is one of the most maneuverable vessels in known space, designed to perform two different missions: in-system patrol duties or outpost/border patrol duties when acting as a gunboat, and rapid attack in mass assaults when acting as a corvette.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1103.0504/26/2269Kirk, Spock and McCoy are trapped in a planet's distant pasts, where Spock finds love with an exiled woman.Star Trek - The Original SeriesAll Our Yesterdays
2/1103.1605/01/2269The MD-8-C becomes operational. The main torpedo weapon system is swapped for a longer range, although less powerful variant. The change allows the cruiser to better compensate for it's slower manuevering rate.FASAStar Trek: Starship Tactical Cambat Simulator Rule Book
2/1104.0105/08/2269The USS "Marathon" (NCC-4310) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer is re- fitted to the Mark VI configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1104.0105/08/2269The Mark I "Epsilon" class cutter enters service with warp 8 capacity and a complement of 25.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1104.2205/17/2269The USS Enterprise is ordered to assist and recover vital data from the USS Hood, which has become trapped in the interphase. The crew of the Enterprise is able to retrieve the needed information, but the Hood eventually disappears due to the interphase disturbance created by the presence of the Enterprise. Intelligence reports later verify that the interphase phenomenon is useless as a weapon.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1104.2405/18/2269Smith & Smythe releases a new micro-impulse warp engine design.FASAStarship Constrcution Manual
2/1105.0105/21/2269The Constitution Class cruiser USS Essex (NCC 1719), under the command of Captain Salar, discovers a Klingon D-7A Class cruiser in the 34 Kraol system within the Triangle. A Klingon landing party is attempting to alter the cultural development of an intelligent race on the system's third planet. The Klingon's goal is to tap the world's extensive duralliurn resources.FASAAn Imbalance of Power
2/1105.0105/21/2269The USS "Scipio" (NCC-4352), "Washington" (NCC-4394), and "Doenitz" (NCC-4444) Mark II "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark VI configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1105.0105/21/2269The D-7M "K't'inga" ("Bringer of Destruction") class warship enters service in the Klingon fleet.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1105.0605/23/2269Battle at GalenSTSTCSTalarian ConflictBattle at Galen
2/1105.3106/03/2269The USS "Hannibal" (NCC-4350), "Chief Joseph" (NCC-4424) and "Bursilev" (NCC-4454) Mark II "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark VI configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1106.0206/04/2269The Klingon K-3A gunboats are phased out, uprated to K-3Bs.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1106.1106/08/2269The "Rosenzweig" (NCC-5600) class attack cruiser is authorized. This high-powered fast-response weapons platform vessel will possess warp 9 capacity, 10 standard phaser emplacements, 4 fore/aft firing megaphasers, 4 torpedo tubes, and a complement of 385. At least 28 ships of this class will be constructed. This class is the predecessor of the "Thruxton" class tactical cruiser prototype of the 2290s.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2
2/1106.1306/09/2269The construction of "Star League" (NCC-2101) uprated dreadnoughts is authorized. The Mk I is re-comissioned in 2271. These are refits of "Federation" (NCC-2100) class dreadnoughts with additional new-build ships proposed totalling 50 ships for this class . Whether all of these additional costly ships were constructed is not known. Each ship of the "Star League" class has a maximum speed of only warp 9.2, 2 photon torpedo banks, 24 phaser emplacements, and a complement of 466. The USS "Unification" (NCC-2140) will still be in service in the 24th Century, as a training vessel assigned to Star Fleet Academy (Home Fleet).Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/1106.1306/09/2269The "Oriskany" (NCC-1976) class through deck cruiser is authorized. Class 1b upgrades of the "Coronado" (NCC-1975) class through deck cruisers, this class will reportedly total 35 ships including new-build vessels. Each ship will have warp 9 capacity, a complement of 358, and 14 standard phaser emplacements. They will be employed as frontline fighter/shuttle delivery systems and to investigate worlds for formal first contact follow-up missions.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2
2/1106.2906/16/2269The USS "Cre'cy" (NCC-4312) and "Castinian" (NCC-4325) Mark II "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark VI configuration. The USS "Conley" (NCC-4458) Mark VI "Larson" class destroyer enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1108.2807/12/2269Over the next four and a half years, the Klingons will create 5 new warp drive engines, 2 impulse drive systems, 5 new disruptor types, 4 photon torpedo types, 5 shield systems (of which 2 will use a trinary power transformer), and 2 powerful computer systems. Many of these new systems will be incorporated into the D-10F cruiser.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1109.0107/14/2269By Star Fleet orders, Federation Generics Research Station Number 17 (GRS 17), located on Aleph III near the Organian Neutral Zone, is closed. The USS Enterprise is ordered to retrieve all personnel and data.FASAAgain Troublesome Tribbles
2/1109.0107/14/2269The USS "Nimitz" (NCC-4439) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer is refitted to the Mark VI configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1109.1307/19/2269The second Romulan/Klingon treaty is signed. The Romulans gain bases coreward of the Triangle. The Klingons gain a much-desired, mineral-rich planet in the Triangle itself. Both sides feel they have come out aheadFASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
2/1109.2907/26/2269An abandoned Romulan planetary base is discovered on Eridam, a mining world near the Triangle, with its Romulan inhabitants wiped out by an epidemic disease known to affect Vulcans. No military information is gained, but personal diaries, children's books, works of fiction, and other non-military writings are discovered. This body of work, known as the Eridam Papers, adds much to the U.F.P.'s meager store of knowledge about the Romulans. The Vulcan connection is supported by anatomical drawings, by Romulan legends, and by children's history books. Romulan history and motivations become better understood, giving some basis for understanding what has been a 'faceless' enemy. Based on the Eridam Papers, some political thinkers speculate that negotiation may be possible with the Star Empire, though others see no hope for negotiation and press for even stronger measures to curb what conservatives have come to call the Romulan Threat. The net result is both a stronger military presence along the Neutral Zone and near the Triangle, and a push to gather as much intelligence data as possible about the Romulans in hopes of making field commanders more aware of Romulan capabilities and tactics.FASARomulan Way: Game Operations Manual
2/1110.0107/27/2269The USS "Dreyfus" (NCC-4420) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer is refit- ted to the Mark VI configuration [FASA].FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1110.0107/27/2269The "Cle Dan" class repair tender enters service. Designed to travel in the forward units of Star Fleet and give battlegroups a rapid repair capability, the "Cle Dan" tenders have warp 9 capacity and complements of 24. They are able to repair minor damage but, if parts are available, can even repair and replace warp engines. The repair tender uses two very large retractable arms to manipulate large parts into position, carries 4 work shuttles, and will usually be stationed in a "Pearl" class facility.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1110.0107/27/2269The D-18B "Gull" class destroyer enters service in the Klingon fleet.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1110.0107/27/2269The Klingon W-4A "Kas Maal" ("Speedstar") class warpshuttle enters service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1110.0807/30/2269The refitting of the 56 "Saladin," "Siva," and "Cochise" class destroyers to "Jenghiz" (NCC-501) class is authorized, with 36 additional new-build destroyers proposed. The first Mk I is not comissioned until 2272. The "Jenghiz" class features a ship's complement of 338, 12 phasers, 2 photon torpedo banks, and a maximum velocity of warp 9.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/1110.1007/31/2269The Tellarite Planetary Government issues the first Federation Peace Medal.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
2/1110.3108/09/2269The USS "Larson" (NCC-4300) and "Bradley" (NCC-4388) Mark II "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark VI configuration. The USS "Corregidor" (NCC-4331) "Larson" class destroyer is sold to a private sec- tor. The USS "Foch" (NCC-4427) "Larson" class destroyer is destroyedFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1110.3108/09/2269The USS Enterprise makes first contact the I’lglii at Federation Deep Space Research Facility 39, where the I’lglii’s presence disrupts research into transport design. This intelligent, man sized ameboid life form is capable of sub-light travel without technological aid.FASAThe Vanished
2/1111.3008/22/2269The USS "Perry" (NCC-4403) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer is refitted to the Mark VI configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1112.0408/24/2269El Dorado EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarEl Dorado Engagement
2/1201.0109/05/2269The Denebian Swan of Merit Award is originated by the Planetary Government of Deneb IV. It will be awarded to individuals who have displayed valor in the service of the planet Deneb or its citizens in the course of U.F.P. dutiesFASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
2/1201.0109/05/2269The USS "Lutzen" (NCC-4346) and "Tiberius" (NCC-4363) Mark II "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark VI configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1201.0109/05/2269The USS "Thelenth" (NCC-4305), "Xerxes" (NCC-4340), "Pendragon" (NCC-4361), "Lafayette" (NCC-4397), "Lee" (NCC-4415), and "Rorkes Drift" (NCC-4422) Mark II "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark VI configuration. The USS "Agincourt" (NCC-4314) "Larson" class destroyer is sold to a private sector. The USS "Timoshenko" (NCC-4459) Mark VI "Larson" class destroyer enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1201.0109/05/2269The D-11D class destroyers enter service in the Klingon fleet. With upgrades to the main weapons and the addition of a forward and aft torpedo, the D-11 improves it ability to operate as a destroyer, but is soon considered underpowered and remains an unpopular class.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1201.0109/05/2269The D-2A "V'kar Zadan" ("Stingtongue") class destroyer enters service in the Klingon fleet. One of the first Klingon destroyers designed with photon torpedo technology, the D-2 has warp 8 capacity, and a complement of 220.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1201.0109/05/2269J-3 Type 14FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1201.0109/05/2269V-11 (Stormbird) Class IX Type 2FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1201.0109/05/2269V-7 (Whitewind) Class IX Type 1FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1201.1209/10/2269Although not known to the U.F.P. at large, Star Fleet begins to take covert actions against the Kzinti. This "hemming-in" will lead to the Kzinti Incursion in three years, and will later have great affect on Star Fleet's shipbuilding schedule.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet, Volume 1
2/1201.3009/18/2269The "Anubus" (NCC-5000) class scout is authorized. Similar to the "Siva" class destroyer, this class will consist of 98 ships (NCC-5000-NCC-5097), each with warp 9 capacity, complements of 344, and ordnance of 12 phaser emplacements and 2 torpedo banks.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2
2/1202.0209/19/2269R-1 Artisan Production Station Mk IFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1202.0209/19/2269The Constitution Mk III Class XI Heavy Cruiser enters service. More powerful than the Mk II, the new vessel mounts a powerful new shield system, as well as new torpedoes.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1202.0209/19/2269The Mark II "Lenthal" class destroyer enters service with warp 9 capacity and a complement of 160.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1202.0209/19/2269Federation Ambassador Carlos Rivera, a senior diplomat, is called in to help persuade the Lorealyn system to join the Federation. Lying within the Organian Neutral Zone, this system possesses important crystal deposits that could be valuable for transwarp propulsion. The Mission Class courier USS Magnan (NCC 13843) transports the ambassador, but is intercepted by a Klingon D-7A cruiser. Ambassador Rivera and his party are taken aboard the cruiser, where they are imprisoned temporarily. (Complete details of this mission are described in In The Presence of My Enemies, included with the ST:RPG first edition rule set.)FASAIn The Presence of My Enemies
2/1202.0209/19/2269The Kinza D'elma naval base is complete. The base is built in territory acquired under the Organian Treaty.FASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
2/1202.0209/19/2269The D-20C "Death Rite" class cruiser enters service in the Klingon Empire. This ship's improvement on the D-20A is more maneuverability and more power, as well as a more efficient shielding system and stronger superstructure.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1202.0209/19/2269The K-24 "Kom Ka'des" ("Winner") class escort enters service in the Klingon fleet.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1202.0209/19/2269Star Fleet Intelligence later learnes that the Kinza D'elma naval base has been completed. This Klingon base is built in territory acquired under the Organian Treaty.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1202.0209/19/2269Captain James Kirk of the USS Enterprise is called to Janus VI, where he must serve as a judge regarding the murder of a horta, a silcon-based life form living beneath the planet's surface. In the process, an important discovery is made about the race of hortas that once populated the planet.FASAWitness for the Defense
2/1202.1509/25/2269While on routine patrol near Tholian space, the Larson Class destroyer USS- Cre`cy (NCC 4312) encounters the badly damaged hull of the USS Hood ~ apparently no longer trapped in spatial interphase. The Cre’cy successfully tows the battered hulk to the nearest Federation outpost where officials decide to scrap the Hood's remains, rather than refit the vessel.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1202.2409/29/2269Star Fleet changes the primary mission profile of the "Belknap" (NCC-2501) class cruiser to one of a more defensive posture: strike cruisers. The "Belknap" class ships unofficially become replacements for the large number of perimeter action ships built during the Four Years War and gradually becoming outdated.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/1203.0110/01/2269The USS Enterprise is assigned to supervise the evacuation of humanoids on the planet Aleriad, which is about to be destroyed due to system instability. Although the Prime Directive is suspended, Alerian religious beliefs and Orion agents complicate the evacutaion process.FASADenial of Destiny
2/1203.0110/01/2269The Mark I "Ranger" class scout enters service with warp 9 capacity and a crew of 73.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1203.0110/01/2269USS "Eisenhower" (NCC-4441) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer is refitted to the Mark VI configuration. The USS "Berlin" (NCC-2731) "Loknar" class frigate is destroyedFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1203.0110/01/2269The Klingon D-7R "K't'rika" ("Bringer Of Agony") class cruiser enters service in the Klingon fleet. It is another attempt by the Klingons to make use of the Romulan plasma weapons, this time incorporated into the improved hull with the photon torpedo bays removed.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1203.0310/02/2269Though Admiral Krador's petition to remain on Muldor IV is granted by some of his supporters at the Imperial High Command, unbeknownst to the current leader of the High Council and Krador's enemies.FASATermination: 1456
2/1203.1210/06/2269Recurrent EngagementSTSTCSTalarian ConflictRecurrent Engagement
2/1203.3110/14/2269The USS "Murat" (NCC-4398) Mark II "Larson" class destroyer is refitted to the Mark VI configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1204.0210/15/2269Commodore James Kirk spends much of is shore leave using his influence and prestige to assure Star Fleet's continued vigilant, but non-militant activities in the face of increased Klingon aggression outside the Organian Neutral Zone. He is appointed to Star Fleet's Operating Force Board to assure that his proposals are carried out, and is promoted to Admiral. The Enterprise prepares to undergo a complete refit.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1204.0210/15/2269The "Anderson" (NCC-8400) class heavy scout is authorized. Ultra-fast and cost effective, this class will be used for patrols, surveillance, and U.F.P. defense. It is another attempt at tandem nacelle deployment below the dorsal pylon, giving the "Anderson" class a long, slender warp field for increased speed (warp 9.3 maximum). Its primary mission will be extended reconnaissance patrol into critical areas ahead of U.F.P. vessels, using her extensive surveillance equipment. During normal operations the "Anderson" class vessels will perform both surveillance and picket duty around capital ships. This class will carry a standard ship's complement of 370, consist of 75 vessels reportedly and carry the relatively light armament of 12 phaser emplacements and 2 torpedo tubes.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2
2/1204.1110/19/2269The MD-10-B is launced in the Gorn Hegonomy. The B model increases the torpedo capability and shielding effectiveness of the Gorn cruiser.STSTCSDesign by Terry D. Shannon
2/1204.1810/22/2269The Enterprise returns from its five-year mission. It is the only ship remaining from the first group of early Constitution Class vessels. All others have been lost in service.FASAThe Federation
2/1204.2010/23/2269In honor of the triumphal return of the Enterprise, Star Fleet adopts the Enterprise emblem, abolishing the practice of individualized emblems for each ship.FASAThe Federation
2/1204.2310/24/2269Commander Montgomery Scott, transferred to the Design Division of the Star Fleet Corps of Engineers, evolves the ideal fighting cruiser starship--from an Engineer's point of view. The USS "Starstalker" (NCC-2117) class patrol cruiser, with a ship's complement of 515, warp 11 capacity, and armed with 12 phasers and an incredible 8 torpedo tubes, has few equals in terms of ordnance. The class will total 16.PublicationStarfleet Prototype
2/1204.2710/26/2269The remaining 4 heavy cruisers to be uprated to "Constitution (II)" specs from "Achernar" configuration are approved.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/1204.2910/27/2269The Klingons increase aggression outside the Organian Neutral Zone, to which Star Fleet responds with vigilance.FASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
2/1204.2910/27/2269Admiral James Kirk is appointed to the Star Fleet's Operating Forces Board, and uses his influence and prestige to assure Star Fleet's continued vigilant, but non-militant activities in the face of increased Klingon aggression outside the Neutral Zone.FASAThe Federation
2/1204.2910/27/2269The USS "Montgomery" (NCC-4438) "Larson" class destroyer is destroyedFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1205.3111/10/2269The Mark VI "Solar" class cutters enter service with crews of 28 and warp 9 capacityFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1205.3111/10/2269The USS "Palo Alto" (NCC-4408), "San Martin" (NCC-4412) and "Hindenburg" Mark II "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark VI configur- ation.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1205.3111/10/2269The D-2B "Stingtongue" class destroyer enters service in the Klingon fleet, with all torpedo bays mounted in the bow.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1206.1611/17/2269Conflict at Deep Rift Sector 13STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictConflict at Deep Rift Sector 13
2/1206.3011/23/2269The USS "Blake" (NCC-4389) and "Marlborough" (NCC-4392) Mark II "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark VI configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1208.0112/07/2269The USS "Cannae" (NCC-4353) "Larson" class destroyer is sold to a pri- vate sector. The USS "Joan Of Arc" (NCC-4378), "Adolphus" (NCC-4385), and "Wellington" (NCC-4395) Mark II "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark VI configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1208.0112/07/2269The Mark I "Bader" class scout enters service with a crew of 160 and warp 9 capacity. Although classified and armed as a scout because of its military role, it is in all respects a research vessel and the only modern scout not mounting photon torpedo tubes.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1208.0112/07/2269The Klingons launch their first truly mobile repair facility, the S-8A "H'ban Pav" ("Murph") class. It will later inspire the "Pearl" class mobile repair facility.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1208.1312/12/2269Defense of Convoy 337-DSTSTCSTalarian ConflictDefense of Convoy 337-D
2/1209.0212/21/2269Coridan, a Federation Protectorate, experiences increasing numbers of dilithium crystal hijackings, resulting in numerous fatalities and severe financial repercussions.FASAMargin Of Profit
2/1209.0712/23/2269Relic HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntRelic Hunt
2/1209.2701/01/2270Members of the Tri-Mark commercial vessel Two-Brothers begin an investigation into the theft of Dilithium from Coridan.FASAMargin Of Profit
2/1209.3001/02/2270The USS "Aguilar" (NCC-4460) Mark VI "Larson" class destroyer enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1210.0201/03/2270The "Anton" Mark IV class cruisers enter service with crews of 306 and warp 8 capacity. Although 12 are built, they are considered obsolete before they are even assigned to exploration missions.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1210.0201/03/2270the JI-2 "Vovossa" class monitor enters service within Gorn space. Like most Gorn vessels, the JI-2 is designed as more of an unmanueverable heavily-armed gun platform. The classes moderate firepower is more than enough to deter most marauders.FASAStardate Magazine - Volume 3, Issue 2
2/1211.0101/16/2270The USS "Xenophon" (NCC-4342) and "Inchon" (NCC-4450) Mark II "Larson" class destroyers are refitted to the Mark VI configurationFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1211.0101/16/2270The T-5B "Mas to gal" ("Throne Seeker") class assault ship enters service in the Klingon Empire.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1211.0101/16/2270Attack on Convoy Z-200-BSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarAttack on Convoy Z-200B
2/1211.2101/25/2270The USS "Potemkin" (NCC-1711) and the USS "Essex" (NCC-1727) have their "Daystrom" Duotronic computer systems upgraded to "Daystrom" Duotronic II. "Tektar" and "Conus" fire control and sensor systems are also installed on the "Potemkin"--replacing the "Stalt" defensive system.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/1211.3001/29/2270S-2 Alamo Defense Outopst Mk IVFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1211.3001/29/2270The "Pearl" class mobile repair facility enters service to replace the "Newport News" class facility which was not capable of rapid deployment or housing larger ships. Unlike the earlier facility, the "Pearl" facility is designed to travel under its own power at warp 6 and has enough internal bay capacity to hold no fewer than two "Constitution" class heavy cruisers. An asset in forward military operations, the facilities carry complements of 220 crew and 140 passengers, with warp 8 capacity. This ability to keep ships operational was decisive during the Four Years War with the "Newport News" class facilities. The "Pearl" class also features the ability to actually manufacture almost all components needed to keep warships in repair and is normally accompanied by several freighters and 18 shuttlecraft.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1211.3001/29/2270The Mark IV "Alamo" class defense outpost enters service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1211.3001/29/2270Commander Spock refuses a promotion to Captain and retires from active duty, entering Star Fleet Reserve. He pursues the Kolinahr discipline on Vulcan and undertakes the education of Saavik.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1212.2102/07/2270The "Pearl" class mobile repair facility enters service to replace the "Newport News" class facility which was not capable of rapid deployment or housing larger ships. Unlike the earlier facility, the "Pearl"FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1212.2802/10/2270Encounter at Gamma TrianguliSTSTCSTalarian ConflictEncounter at Gamma Trianguli
2/1301.0102/12/2270I-7 Type 1FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1301.3102/25/2270Lafquin StrikeSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntLafquin Strike
2/1302.0202/26/2270The USS Enterprise begins its scheduled overhaul at the Sol III shipyard. This leads to one of the most interesting starship conversion/modifications in recent history. When the work is completed in Stardate 2/1704, the vessel becomes the most powerful in known space.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1302.0702/28/2270Carriacou EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarCarriacou Engagement
2/1302.1403/03/2270The USS "Constitution" (NCC-1700) confronts a new Klingon prototype "K't'inga" ("Great Powerful Conqueror," KL 99634) class heavy battlecruiser near Gamma Canaris. Having sustained considerable hull and bulkhead damage from the engagement, the "Constitution" is drydocked at Starbase 27. This delay in resuming its mission will prevent her from serving as the new heavy cruiser class lead vessel: the initially-proposed "Constitution (II)" class.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/1303.2203/19/2270The "Coventry" class frigate USS "Ashanti" (NCC-1237) is used as a test ship for the Mark 20 "Emperor" series multi-directional phaser cannon. The single unit mounted above the ship's impulse engines will be tested until 2274.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/1304.2804/04/2270Star Fleet's standardized docking port system, designed by the Chiokis Starship Construction Corporation, is introduced.PublicationMr. Scotts Guide to the Enterprise
2/1305.0704/08/2270Defense of Convoy 300-BSTSTCSTalarian ConflictDefense of Convoy 300-B
2/1305.1904/13/2270Night Walker HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntNight Walker Hunt
2/1306.0104/19/2270The Klingon K-6C class gunboats enter service. This "Administrator" class ship has more maneuverability, better than double the firepower, 50% more efficient shields, and its superstructure is capable of taking twice as much damage than her predecessor K-6A class vessel.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1306.0104/19/2270The L-13A "K'el ri'anda" ("Dangerous Fat Man") class battleships enter service in the Klingon fleet. This, the first attempt by Klingon ship designers to construct a battleship, is no better in combat than some of the existing cruisers and frigates. The battleship carries a complement of 1,048 crewmembers and 392 troops with warp 6 capacity.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1307.0105/02/2270The D-10D class cruiser enters service in the Klingon fleet with the simultaneous commissioning of 23 ships, the largest number of new ships to be commissioned at one time in known spaceFASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1307.2205/11/2270The SS-3-a becomes operation within Gorn space. Despite its small size, the SS-3 is well armed with four blasters and two torpedos. With a top speed of Warp 6 and a crew of 105, the destroyer is encountered most often along the Federation boarder. 100 are build.FASASTSTCS
2/1308.0205/16/2270The Mark IV "Loknar" class frigates enter service with a complement of 84 and warp 8 capacity via upgraded warp drive increasing the power output and overall performance by 40%.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1308.0205/16/2270The K-4B class gunboat enters service in the Klingon fleet.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1309.0105/29/2270The "Aaken" class freighter USS "Mundy" is found adrift near Starbase 21. The vessel's onboard life support systems are operating but there are no crewmembers aboard. The bridge area shows signs of a struggle, but nearly all computer files are lost with no recorded data to reveal what happened. The last entry in the Captain's Log, from about four months earlier, makes no mention of any emergency or possible danger. When the cargo hold is breached, it is found to contain millions of live tribbles, living on the food produced by a synthesizer that had somehow been left on. The "Tribble Ship," as it came to be called, is taken into Starbase 21 where it is learned that it had been stolen two years earlierFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1309.0105/29/2270The first mass testing of the Muldorian suggestibility drug are successful. Admiral Krador has his supporters reassign the 44th Cruiser Squadron to Muldor IV. Selected officers and all known security personnel are given the suggestibility drug on a regular basis. Krador's loyal staff begin systematic falisification of all reports sent to the Imperial High Command, and all sevret security dispatches as well.FASATermination: 1456
2/1309.0305/30/2270Attack on Convoy Z-200-HSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarAttack on Convoy Z-200H
2/1310.1706/18/2270Destruction of SamirimbSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDestruction of Samirimb
2/1312.2007/16/2270The "Dakota" (NCC-5100) class heavy shuttle carrier is authorized. One of the first non-dreadnought classes to utilize 3 warp drive nacelles, the "Dakota" possesses warp 8.8 capacity and is designed to be a support ship for a variety of shuttlecraft in non-hostile and rear support areas. She carries a standard complement of 425, an impressive 28 shuttlecraft bays, and is lightly armed with 12 standard phasers. Some 56 vessels will comprise this class and design features will later be incorporated into the "Archangel" (NCC-2294) class shuttlecarrier developed in the early 2290s.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2
2/1401.0207/22/2270The Mark II "Bader" class scouts enter service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1401.0207/22/2270H-5 Type 3FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1401.0207/22/2270M-8 (Night Wing) Class VIII Type 1FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1401.0207/22/2270P-12 (Comilius) Class II Type 1FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1401.0207/22/2270S-9 (Wind Carrier) Class V Type 4FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1401.2307/31/2270The Muldorian suggestibility drug, now available in sufficient quantities to add to the food of the garrison and many of it's officers. For a second and third time, the native Muldorians rebel. Krador exaggerates the severity of these minor skirmishes, requesting assignment of planetary assault troops to put the natives Down. Wind Ripper Armored Battalions LOki and Nugaten are assigned to Muldor IV, transpored there by the 81st Transport Group. When they arrive, all are brought under Krador's control.FASATermination: 1456
2/1402.2808/16/2270Larson Class VII Destroyer/Escort Mk VIIFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1402.2808/16/2270On her maiden voyage, the "Larson" class destroyer USS "Sheridan" (NCC-4463) experiences a critical overload in her warp drive system. All backup systems fail to correct the problem. It is decided to jettison the engine pod due to an uncontrolled matter-antimatter mix but the systems used to eject the engine also fail resulting in the total destruction of the ship. Only three crew members in a shuttlecraft survive.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1402.2808/16/2270The Mark VII "Larson" class destroyer enters service with a newer style engine nacelle and a more powerful impulse drive system increasing the overall power output by 25% This will extend the service life of the "Larson" class by several years.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1402.2808/16/2270A Klingon L-13A battleship escorted by six D-11Ds attacks a group of Romulan ships near the Triangle. The Romulan force consisting of a Type 1 V-6 ("Gallant Wing") class cruiser and three Type 7 T-2 ("Death Talon") class destroyers. The Klingon commander, confident with his new ship, presses an attack, only to find the Romulan cruiser his equal. After several exchanges of fire, the Klingon force suffers the loss of three D-11s, and the L-13 sustains serious damage. The Romulan cruiser receives moderate damage and one destroyer is eliminated. The Klingons, fearing the loss of the battleship, begin to withdraw from the battle. The Romulan commander decides to counterattack the retreating Klingons. The huge battleship disables another of the Romulan destroyers. At this point both sides disengage; the Klingon ships withdraw to Klingon space while the Romulan commander returns to the area of the battle and salvages what he can of the ships, taking in tow a disabled D-11. This skirmish proves to the Klingon Imperial Command that the L-13 needs improvements. The B model of this battleship will not be successful during its tests and will therefore not be put into production.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1402.2808/16/2270All Klingon K-23B class escorts are uprated to K-23D specs.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1402.2808/16/2270The Klingon K-23D class escorts enter service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1402.2808/16/2270The Z-4C "Deathgame" defense outpost enters service in the Klingon Empire. 201 new platforms are built. The station sees an increase in the power and number of primary distruptor banks as well as the addition of powerful short range disruptors. Several torpedo launchers are also installed, making the "C" mocel the most dangerous Klingon base to date. With an improved power grid, the base becomes a truely formidable asset for the Empire.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1403.0708/19/2270First Battle of the Beloti SectorSTSTCSTalarian ConflictFirst Battle of the Beloti Sector
2/1403.1008/20/2270The construction of the Catchon (NCC-3400) class interceptors is authorized. The Mk I is comissioned in late 2273. At least 25 of the 41 proposed ships will eventually be built. Each ship has 3 torpedo tubes, 12 phasers, a complement of 352, and a maximum speed of warp 9.5.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/1404.0108/30/2270The Mark I "Brenton" class cruisers enter service with crews of 378 and warp 8 capacity.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1404.0108/30/2270The Klingon K-5C class gunboats enter service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1404.0108/30/2270Commander Montgomery Scott is reassigned to help refit the USS EnterpriseFASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1404.1309/04/2270Noshiro EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarNoshiro Engagement
2/1405.0109/12/2270The T-12 "Na ra'den" ("Carrier of Doom") class assault ship enters service in the Klingon Empire. This is the largest assault ship in the Klingon navy with the capability of putting its entire contingent of 2,400 troops, 56 light support vehicles, and 28 heavy tanks on the ground in less than 15 minutes. They have warp 8 capacity and in addition to troops carry a complement of 82 crewmembers.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1405.0109/12/2270Romulan ships begin to be equipped with true photon torpedoes.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1405.1009/16/2270An R-1 Type Orbital Research Outpost is towed to Regula, a Class D planet. The station is designated as the Regula 1 Research Station.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1405.1009/16/2270Star Fleet accepts a main gangway design from the Chiokis Starship Construction Corporation.PublicationMr. Scotts Guide to the Enterprise
2/1405.1909/20/2270Second Battle of the Beloti SectorSTSTCSTalarian ConflictSecond Battle of the Beloti Sector
2/1405.2409/22/2270Star Fleet Intelligence purchases Southern Skies Starlines, Inc. as a cover organization on Thranstor. With both ligitimate and cover operations, it will eventually cover agents operating throughout Klingon Sector Intelligence's sphere of influence.FASAStar Fleet Intellegence Book
2/1405.3109/25/2270The Klingon K-14G class scout enters service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1405.3109/25/2270Battle near KammzdastSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntBattle near Kammzdast
2/1407.0210/09/2270The Klingon G-6 "Besz ra'te'" ("Catapult") class cargo transport enters service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1407.0210/09/2270Star Fleet Intelligence Command begins picking up rumors concerning unidentified starships and Klingons on Daros IV, an Orion-dominated neutral world.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1407.2010/17/2270Star Fleet Intelligence forms the Interstellar Technologies Institute in Washbury on Ballard's Mint. It will eventually cover agents operating throughout Triangle Sector Intelligence's sphere of influence.FASAStar Fleet Intellegence Book
2/1408.1210/27/2270Initial plans regarding Operation Dixie, a deep-probe intelligence and reconnaissance mission into Imperial Klingon space, are filed with Admiral Nogura, Chief of Star Fleet Operations. Nogura approves the tentative proposal and set the start date at 2/1901.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1409.0211/05/2270R-1 Administration Station Mk IFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1409.0211/05/2270Despite tensions, the Klingons acquire 14 Romulan plasma weapons. These weapons will be installed on the D-10F cruiser instead of the photon torpedo system.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1409.0211/05/2270Attack on Convoy Z-200-YSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarAttack on Convoy Z-200Y
2/1409.2011/13/2270Defense of Convoy 246-eSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 246-e
2/1410.0111/18/2270The last Anton Mk II is converted to the Mk IV variantFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1410.0111/18/2270The D-10F class cruiser enters service in the Klingon fleet.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1410.2211/27/2270Star Fleet Intelligence Command discovers that Commander Michael Thorn, assigned to investigate on Daros IV, is missing.FASAThe Orion Ruse
2/1410.2611/29/2270The "Trojan" (NCC-4200) class troop transport is authorized for construction. Designed to deliver large numbers of troops and their equipment to areas of conflict in both assault and peace keeping roles, the "Trojan" is equipped with extensive ECM equipment and heavy shields. Its complement is 1,200 and has a maximum speed of warp 8.8. Ordnance is 18 phaser emplacements and 2 photon torpedo tubes. 68 ships will be built.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2
2/1411.1612/08/2270Quindar EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarQuindar Engagement
2/1411.3012/14/2270The "Epsilon" Mk II class cutters enter service with warp 6 capacity and complements of 26.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1411.3012/14/2270The Mission Class courier Eridani Star is dispatched to Daros IV to complete Commander Thom's unfinished intelligence assignment.FASAThe Orion Ruse
2/1412.2312/24/2270Defense of Convoy 293-mSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 293-m
2/1501.0312/29/2270The Mk I "Solar" class cutters end their service life.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1501.0312/29/2270T-5 (Fire Swarm) Class VI Type 4FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1501.0312/29/2270V-9 (Night Flyer) Class VI Type 6FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1502.0201/11/2271The "Larson" class destroyer "Richtofen" (NCC-4436) is recalled for an engine refit and scheduled maintenance to shipboard systems. As the ship's refit and maintenance checks near completion, spirited ensigns and sympathetic workers paint its hull bright red in honor of its namesake. Star Fleet Command decides to leave the ship this color despite the breach of regulations, though all ensigns are mildly disciplined. The ship will be assigned to the Klingon sector.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1502.0201/11/2271The L-13C "K'e' ri'anda" battleships enter service in the Klingon fleet. These modified L-13A models are superior in every way with warp capabilities increased by 50%, allowing them to travel one warp factor faster.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1502.0601/13/2271The USS "Decatur" (NCC-2500) prototype cruiser is commissioned. It will be further uprated and become a member of the "Belknap" (NCC-2501) strike cruiser class.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/1502.2901/23/2271The "Griffon" Mk I Class VIII escort enters service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1502.2901/23/2271The Mark III "Thufir" class destroyers enter service in Star Fleet. The Mark I "Griffon" class escorts enter service in Star Fleet with warp 9 capacity and crews of 146.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1503.2102/01/2271the USS "Achernar" will verify the existence of the Klingon "K't'inga" D-7 class warship "Make'" ("Death," KL 67348)PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/1503.2102/01/2271Arendt EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarArendt Engagement
2/1503.2302/02/2271Star Fleet Intelligence purchases Couturier Nouveau Parisien on New Paris. It will eventually cover agents operating throughout SFI Sector 004.FASAStar Fleet Intellegence Book
2/1504.0102/06/2271The Klingon W-4B class warpshuttle enters service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1504.2402/16/2271Nar-Tak Shir EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarNar-Tak Shir Engagement
2/1505.0102/19/2271The Klingon K-15F class scout enters service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1505.0102/19/2271Knowledge of Operation Dixie inspires Romulan Sector Intelligence, to plan their own deep-probe mission of Romulan capabilities and deployment centers. This mission is named Project Grey Ghost. It is hoped that successful completion of this mission will re-establish confidence in the branch, especially after the shake up of 2/0911.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1506.0403/06/2271The Klingon Sector of SFIC accelerates preparations for Operation Dixie, believing the mission will demonstrate its superiority to it’s rival, Romulan Sector Intelligence.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1506.0403/06/2271Syrenya ConflictSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntSyrenya Conflict
2/1506.1103/09/2271After the introduction of larger ships (such as the "Ariel" class), the "Coronado" class is reclassified during construction to through-deck cruisersPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/1507.0203/18/2271The Mark I "Reliant" class (research) cruiser enters service in Star Fleet with the commissioning of the USS "Formidable" (NCC-26226) and the USS "Defender" (NCC-26227), with 8 phaser banks and 2 torpedo banks each.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1507.0203/18/2271The L-9A "Sivista" ("Saber") class frigate is introduced in the Klingon Empire as the finest warship ever produced. This frigate has warp 8 capacity, a trinary transformer deflector shield delivering maximum shield strength at one-third the power cost, and a complement of 420 crew and 300 passengers.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1507.2203/27/2271Attack at Mu AndromedaeSTSTCSTalarian ConflictAttack at Mu Andromedae
2/1508.1404/06/2271Engagement at Kappa PerseiSTSTCSTalarian ConflictEngagement at Kappa Persei
2/1509.0104/14/2271The "Durrett" class cruiser enters service with warp 8 capacity and a complement of 320.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1509.0604/16/2271Sestra Weapons develops a new ship-mounted phaser bank configuration, utilizing Transtator II technology.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet, Volume 1
2/1509.1304/19/2271TacFleet and the Bureau of Spacecraft officials conduct simulation studies on the "Akyazi" project test articles submitted by the competing firms. The Carina design is the front-runner, benefiting from a low profile and stealth features.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet, Volume 2
2/1509.2704/25/2271Defense of Convoy 120-HSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 120-H
2/1510.0104/27/2271The Klingon G-3B class cargo freighter enters service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1510.0104/27/2271The Klingon L-9A class frigate is withdrawn from service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1510.0604/29/2271Defense of Convoy 771-ASTSTCSTalarian ConflictDefense of Convoy 771-A
2/1510.1005/01/2271Admiral James Kirk hand-picks Captain Willard Decker, son of the late Commodore Matt Decker, to take command of the USS Enterprise after it is overhauled. Decker spends the next 18 months becoming familiar with the vessel's design and new modifications.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1510.1905/05/2271The "K'Torr" class destroyer is launched in the Klingon Empire. With a crew of 120 and a top speed of Warp 8.5, the K'Torr is a radical departure from standard Klingon design. Built with crew survivability in mind, the K'Torr design results in a huge reduction in actual combat casualties, which are reduced by a staggering 73%. Although actual ship losses are still high, many crews are able to escape from damaged hulls before they are destroyed. This give the destroyer a popular standing amond lower ranking fleet officer, many of whom request re-assignment to K'Torr class vessels after escaping from a destroyed Type A.InternetBill Colley Designs
2/1511.2005/19/2271Construction of the "Hellion" (NCC-4900) class heavy destroyer is authorized. The Mk I is comissioned in 2273. This class is to be comprised of 36 ships as initially proposed, to fill the gap between destroyers and dreadnoughts. Each ship will have warp 9.2 capacity, 18 phaser emplacements, 2 torpedo tubes, and a complement of 450.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/1511.2005/19/2271Construction of the 3-nacelled "Commanche" (NCC-3600) class assault frigate is authorized. Armed with 4 torpedo tubes, 12 phaser emplacements, and 2 megaphasers (4 cannons), 52 frigates are initially proposed although only 30 will be reportedly built. Each ship has only warp 9.1 capacity and a standard ship's complement of 450.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/1511.3005/23/2271The Mk I "Fenlon" class monitors are retired from active service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1511.3005/23/2271The D-18A class destroyers end their service lives in the Klingon fleet, being replaced by/converted to the D-18B class. This destroyer class features angular command pods lacking weaponry but more efficient warp drive systems yielding warp 9 capacity, making the D-18B one of the fastest ships in known space.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1512.2206/02/2271Star Fleet Intelligence begins funding the Intra-Galactic Freedom League in the city of Tilton on Chaidik. The originization's quasi-political agenda allows agents to get close to government officials throughh the Kilngon Sector Intellegence's field of influence.FASAStar Fleet Intellegence Book
2/1601.0106/06/2271The Mission Commercial Transport John Paul Jones is reported missiong witout a trace. It is later discovered that the vast gems collection of the John Pauls Jones' owner is also missing. Legends persist for years that the Jones was carrying the valuable gem cache when it was lost.FASATrader Captains and Merchant Princes (2nd Edition)
2/1601.0306/07/2271The Mark III "Remora" class escort enters service in Star Fleet with warp 9 capacity.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1601.0306/07/2271The D-10G "Riskadh" class cruiser enters service in the Klingon fleet.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1601.0306/07/2271The Type 1 T-10 "Bright One" class destroyer enters service in the Romulan Empire. Designed to replace the older T-2 ("Death Talon") models, each ship carries a crew of 122.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1601.0306/07/2271The Type 7 V-6 "S'ten Vastam" ("Gallant Wing") enters service in the Romulan fleet. Mounting improved engines and structurally improved, this class will be the mainstay of the navy into the 24th Century.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1601.0306/07/2271V-27 (Comet of Destruction) Class XII Type 1FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1601.0306/07/2271X-3 "Aviary" Type 6 Defense Outpost enters service in the Romulan Star Empire. Despite several less successful variants being fielded, the Type 6 significantly increase overall power and weapons systems, including the devestating RPL-3. Upgrades to all older X-3 begin in earnest.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1601.0306/07/2271Star Fleet and commercial starship losses gradually increase in the region of space near Star Base 27. No clear cause is identified.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1601.0306/07/2271The defeat of Jonas Elley in the presidential election of the Triangle's Mantiev Colonial Association causes the Chaniviev Alliance States to pull out of the MCA.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1601.3006/19/2271Stratford Starbuilders, Ltd. expands its offerings beyond shuttlecraft production by launching the Charles class commercial transport. Although large, the Charles is light and manueverable. Fitted with a defensive laser mount, the Charles is able to discourage most pirates that is runs across. More expensive than it's counterparts, the Charles is more accomodating to it's crews and remains popular with most private operators and corporation who purchase the vessel.GDWChallenge Magazine - Issue #40
2/1602.0206/20/2271The Mark VII "Nelson" class scouts enter service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1602.2006/28/2271Defense of Bastusull IIISTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Bastusull III
2/1602.2707/01/2271Conflict at SyrenyaSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntConflict at Syrenya
2/1603.0107/02/2271The Klingon D-20A "Death Rite" cruiser ends its service life, overshadowed by the D-20C cruisers.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1603.0107/02/2271The Mark III "Keith" class scouts enter service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1603.2407/12/2271Engagement at Galen IISTSTCSTalarian ConflictEngagement at Galen II
2/1604.0207/16/2271The K-27A "Mortum Hesta" ("Grim Reaper") class escort enters service in the Klingon Empire.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1604.1607/22/2271On Muldor IV, Awort vestai Mnemon becomes chief mining engineer. He is given the suggestibility drug immediately. Mining production increases 5-fold.FASATermination: 1456
2/1604.1607/22/2271Stockholm EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarStockholm Engagement
2/1604.2307/25/2271Hunt for the OpulenceSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Opulence
2/1604.2707/27/2271The "Abbe" (NCC-5300) class PT destroyer is authorized for construction. The Mk I is comissioned in 2273. 31 ships are proposed and at least the first 20 will be built. This ship is designed to deliver a large barrage of photon torpedoes (or launch a large number of probes and sensors) via a unique photon hull housing 8 tubes. The "Abbe" has warp 9 capacity, 12 phaser emplacements, and a complement of 401.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/1604.2707/27/2271The "Gregory" (NCC-7700) class exploration cruiser is authorized. The first Mk I is comissioned on 2273. This class, equipped with enhanced sensor arrays for extensive solar system exploration and two dual impulse units for added in-system maneuverability, will be used to investigate worlds for formal first contacts. Each ship has warp 8.2 capacity, a standard ships complement of 443, and a mere 12 phaser emplacements. The "Gregory" class will consist of 83 ships total.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2
2/1604.2707/27/2271The "Kentwood" (NCC-B1000) class bulk cargo carrier is authorized for construction. The super-tanker of the Federation, the BCC is intended to transport starbase sections, starship parts, and whole research stations. Thirty of these 1,272-meter long vessels are proposed and at least 22 will be constructed . Each ship carries a standard complement of only 57, is armed with 2 phaser emplacements, and has warp 4.7 capacity.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 3
2/1604.2707/27/2271The "Rising Star" (NCC-S1200) class starliner is authorized for construction. This class is designed to provide uncrowded, luxurious accommodations for up to 2,000 passengers. "Rising Star" class starliners will have warp 7.2 capacity, a standard ship's complement of 400, and 8 phaser emplacements. The ships comprising this class will total 68. These will be among the first starships to employ high density warp nacelles of the SW 104/2-10SL type, predecessors of the SY 71 series advanced warp nacelles.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 3
2/1605.0207/29/2271Civil war erupts among the members of the Triangle's Mantiev Colonial Association.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1605.0207/29/2271The K'Torr model C is launched. The Model C incorporates the KDC-3 disruptor cannon into the primary hull, replacing the less powerful KP-5 torpedo. 50 mothballed model A's are converted to the C variant, with another 50 new built platforms launched. The B & C models reamin in common use for nearly 20 more years.InternetBill Colley Designs
2/1605.0207/29/2271Councillor Procuia's subcommittee issues its controversial report of findings and, with engineering testimony and data from the publication 'Merrel's Fleet Review' adding weight to the "bigger is better" argument, the "Akyazi" program is not only reduced but put on temporary hold altogether.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet, Volume 2
2/1605.2208/07/2271The Military Staff Committee orders an additional 15 strike cruisers of the "Decatur" design (NCC-2501-14 & 2519), bringing the total number to 20. As a result, the proposed "Akyazi" class perimeter action ship program is put on hold.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/1605.2908/10/2271The USS "Constitution" (NCC-1700) confronts a new Klingon prototype "K't'inga" ("Great Powerful Conqueror," KL 99634) class heavy battlecruiser near Gamma Canaris. Having sustained considerable hull and bulkhead damage from the engagement, the "Constitution" is drydocked at Starbase 27. This delay in resuming its mission will prevent her from serving as the new heavy cruiser class lead vessel: the initially-proposed "Constitution (II)" classInternetFederation Reference Series
2/1606.0308/12/2271The Mark II "Baker" class destroyer enters service in Star Fleet along with the USS "Stafford" and USS "Peterson." These vessels will be used to replace the aging "Larson" class destroyers in more hostile areas while the latter will be employed along trailing and rimward frontiers. The "Baker" class has a complement of 265 and warp 9 capacity, being the first vessel in Star Fleet with the newer warp drive nacelles.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1606.0308/12/2271The K-23E class escorts enter service in the Klingon fleet.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1606.3008/24/2271The D-14A "D'esta Kar" ("Stinger") class destroyer enters service in the Klingon fleet, with warp 7 capacity and a complement of 285 (and 30 passengers).FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1607.2509/04/2271Conflict at TooirSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictConflict at Tooir
2/1608.0109/07/2271The Mark I "Pulsar" class warpshuttles enter service with warp 9 capacity and complements of 2 crew and 16 passengers.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1608.1009/11/2271Excalibur EnagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarExcalibur Enagement
2/1608.1309/12/2271Star Fleet Intelligence forms Arcadia Transtators Et CIE as a cover organization on Ectair. It will eventually cover agents operating throughout Romulan Sector Intelligence's sphere of influence.FASAStar Fleet Intellegence Book
2/1609.0909/24/2271Attack on Talarian Convoy 1STSTCSTalarian ConflictAttack on Talarian Convoy 1
2/1609.2109/29/2271Commander Ian Vellacora make an unprecendented request for reinstatement into Star Fleet after four years of retirement. The Commander is not only allowed to return to service, but is promoted to the rank of Captain and assigned to a diplomatic mission involving the Gorns, due to his past experience.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1609.3010/03/2271The "Kiev" class frigate enters service with warp 9 capacity and a crew of 300.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1610.2510/14/2271Final orders for Operation Dixie are transmitted from San Francisco. All preparations in the field are now complete, and these orders constitute a go-ahead.FASAThe Dixie Gambit
2/1610.2510/14/2271First Battle of PentharaSTSTCSTalarian ConflictFirst Battle of Penthara
2/1611.0110/17/2271The Mark II "MoKal" class transports enter service with the capacity of transporting over 550,000 mt--an increase of 110% over the capacity of the Mark I.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1611.1410/23/2271Captain Kor engages a Romulan fleet a Klach D'Kel Brakt. A decisive battle The battle was a memorable victory for the Klingons, who were able to establish several outpost and monitoring stations in the sector while the Romulans attempted to rebuild thier military units near the nebula.Star Trek - Deep Space NineBlood Oath
2/1611.1410/23/2271Battle of Klach D'Kel BraktSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Klach D'Kel Brakt
2/1611.3010/30/2271The Mark I "Chandley" class frigate enters service, developed to carry marines to board hostile vessels and complexes. The USS "Chandley" not only meets the requirements of being a deep space fighting vessel but also can beam its 250 marines in less than four minutes, housed in winglike assemblies complete with training areas and combat transporters. This is the only ship in Star Fleet named after the company which designed and built the class vessel. The first combat experience of any "Chandley" class vessel will be a total success: the USS "Hanson" (NCC-2309) rescue of a "Liberty" class freighter being boarded by two Gorn cruisers.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1611.3010/30/2271The Mark I "Greyhound" class warpshuttle/courier vessels enter service, possessing warp 10 capacity and carrying complements of 2 crew and 12 passengers.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1611.3010/30/2271Commander Ian Vellacora is reinstated into Star Fleet after four years of retirement. Vellacora is not only allowed to return, but is promoted to Captain and assigned to a Gorn diplomatic mission.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1611.3010/30/2271The Mk II Marc Passenger Liner is launched. Due to interior layout design changes, the Mk I's are unable to be refit to the Mk II. The Mk II incorporated an updated computer, larger impulse drive and larger cargo hold. A total of 11 are builtGDWChallenge Magazine - Issue #40
2/1612.0511/01/2271The USS "Ariel" (NCC-2200), lead ship of an all-new shuttlecarrier class, is laid down at Star Fleet Division, Puget Sound Yards, Earth.InternetHeavy Cruiser Evolution Chart
2/1612.2611/10/2271Attack on Convoy Z-201-XSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarAttack on Convoy Z-201X
2/1701.0111/13/2271The Klingon D-20D "Death Rite" cruisers enter service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1701.0111/13/2271The L-9B "Saber" class frigate enters service in the Klingon fleet.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1701.0111/13/2271The Romulan V-30 (Winged Defender) Class XII Type 1 "Vas'Deletham" class heavy cruisers are deployed along the U.F.P. border as the new workhorse in the Romulan fleet. This class is the great Romulan hope for the eventual replacement of the Klingon-designed "Vas'Kalabam" ("Stormbird" or D-7) class battlecruisers they are using.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1701.0111/13/2271S-11 (Bird of Prey) Class V Type 1FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1701.0111/13/2271The Type 3 V-7 "Whitewind" class cruiser enters service in the Romulan fleet.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1701.0111/13/2271V-11 (Stormbird) Class X Type 5FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1701.0111/13/2271V-20 (Star Seeker) Class VII Type 1FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1701.0111/13/2271Federation Ambassador Helen Jarvis, kidnapped by Orion terrorists, is freed by agents of the Star Fleet Intelligence Command.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1701.2011/21/2271Defense of Convoy 59-aSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 59-a
2/1702.0211/27/2271The Mark II "Pulsar" class warpshuttles enter serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1702.0711/29/2271Adrmiral Krador's second petition to remain on Muldor IV is granted in the same way as his first. The suggestibility drug is first synthesized. The food processors in the garrison compound and aboard all orbiting ships are manually reprogrammed to include it in the food and drink on a routine basis. All but a few key officers, Krador's trusted staff and inner circle, fall under the drug's influence. Kaiben assumes command of the Chenaar, becoming Krador's Flag Captain, superceding more senior officers.FASATermination: 1456
2/1702.0911/30/2271Defense of Convoy 771-BSTSTCSTalarian ConflictDefense of Convoy 771-B
2/1702.1412/02/2271The three Operation Dixie ships, the Dixie Queen, Dixie Lady, and the Dixie Princess, depart on their planned five-year mission nearly two years ahead of the originally scheduled start date.FASAThe Dixie Gambit
2/1702.1412/02/2271A Romulan scout wanders into Gorn space as is detected by a Gorn patrol craft. With typical Gorn lack of subtlety, the patrolling vessel reports the intrusion and attacks the Roulan craft immediately. Though the Romulan scout was not equipped with cloaking equipment because no encounters had been expected, it does return rife and, with some difficulty destroy the Gorn vessel. The Romulan Commander, perhaps fearing to attract attention by transmitting, does not report the encounter immediately, but maintains the usual strict radio silence when in unknownor hostile territory. Unfortunately for teh Star Empire's intelligence network, the damaged Romulan is persued and overtaken by a Gorn task force before it could leave Gorn space. the Commander destroys his vessel to avoid capture. Neither race learn much from this encounter. The Gorn recover no wreckage and are not even certain the ship is not of Federation origin, despite it's strange appearance. The Romulans are not alarmed as scout missions are inherently dangerous and many scout do not return.FASAThe Romulan WayFirst Gorn-Romulan Confict
2/1702.2512/07/2271Launched from Federation Sensor Outpost Epsilon Nine a remote-controlled sensor drone detects a strange electrical cloud near the Klingon base of Mera Zine. Three Klingon "K't'inga" class warships: "Arakkab" ("Indignant,"), "Eelst" ("Hunter," KL-D79126 ), and "Amar" ("Revenge,") are dispatched to investigate. All three are destroyed.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek: The Motion Picture
2/1702.2612/09/2271Nelk SkirmishSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictNelk Skirmish
2/1702.2812/12/2271The Epsilon Nine station is vaporized by the electrical cloud, which heads towards Terra. Until it is destroyed the station continues transmitting a live video signal to Star Fleet Command via subspace radio.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek: The Motion Picture
2/1703.0212/19/2271The USS "Avenger" (NCC-1860) heavy frigate is recommissioned. These new heavily-armed vessels equipped with 4 megaphaser cannons, 4 photon torpedo banks, and 12 standard phasers, will form the basis of the "Knox" frigates to be constructed in the future. With a complement of 360 and a warp capacity of 11, a total of 22 ships of this class will be built. Smaller and slower than the "Belknap" strike cruiser, the "Avenger" possesses increased maneuverability and fire-power, added to the enormous hangar facilities, allowing it to carry a squadron of "Killer Bee" attack craft. They are ideally used for patrolling the various small neutral zones in the U.F.P. Treaty Zone and the Orion system.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/1703.0312/20/2271Destruction of the FugitiveSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDestruction of the Fugitive
2/1703.0512/26/2271Skirmish at 1.6 W-20.5 SSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSkirmish at 1.6 W-20.5 S
2/1703.0612/28/2271Kodoska ClashSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictKodoska Clash
2/1703.0801/03/2272K'K 66 ConflictSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictK'K 66 Conflict
2/1703.1101/10/2272Morodis MeleeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictMorodis Melee
2/1703.1101/11/2272The construction of "Hatfield" (NCC-2000) class command cruisers is authorized. These ships, like the dreadnoughts, employ 3 nacelles yielding warp 9 capacity. 31 ships are proposed with at least the first 20 actually built. They will be armed with 2 torpedo tubes, 2 megaphasers (4 cannon), and 18 standard phaser emplacements. The Mk I is officially comissioned in late 2274.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/1703.1301/14/2272Conflict at CorritarsSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictConflict at Corritars
2/1703.1901/29/2272Fight at Defense Station K'VelSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictFight at Defense Station K'Vel
2/1703.2002/03/2272Scuffle at DK18STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictScuffle at DK18
2/1703.2202/08/2272The Swiften (NCC-1300) class fast destroyers are authorized for construction. With a maximum speed of warp 9.3, a complement of 344, an ordnance comprised of 12 phaser emplacements, 4 megaphasers (2 fore/aft cannons), and 2 torpedo tubes the "Swiften" has a maximum speed of warp 9.3, and 44 ships are proposed. At least the first 28 will be built.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/1703.2502/15/2272Scuffle at S-A Rom 3-kSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictScuffle at S-A Rom 3-k
2/1703.2702/19/2272While on Vulcan, Commander Spock detects-powerful thought emanations coming from the electrical cloud. He travels to Terra.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek: The Motion Picture
2/1703.2702/20/2272Clemenceau EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarClemenceau Engagement
2/1703.2802/23/2272Third Battle of the Beloti SectorSTSTCSTalarian ConflictThird Battle of the Beloti Sector
2/1703.2902/25/2272Clash at YusilisSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictClash at Yusilis
2/1703.3002/27/2272Brawl at K-O 15STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBrawl at K-O 15
2/1703.3103/01/2272Assault at Listening Station 1299STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault at Listening Station 1299
2/1704.0103/03/2272Admiral Kirk is informed of the cloud's movement. After meeting with Star Fleet Admiral Heihachiro Nogura, Kirk immediately takes over command of the Enterprise, demoting Decker to First OfficerStar Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek: The Motion Picture
2/1704.0203/05/2272The crew of the USS Enterprise watches a live, but delayed, report showing the destruction of Epsilon Nine.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek: The Motion Picture
2/1704.0203/05/2272Spock arrives from Vulcan, rejoining the Enterprise as Chief Science Officer.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek: The Motion Picture
2/1704.0203/07/2272Battle at Mu Andromedae VISTSTCSTalarian ConflictBattle at Mu Andromedae VI
2/1704.0403/10/2272The "Firestone" (NCC-8600) class battle cruiser is authorized for construction. Yet another dreadnought variant, the "Firestone" is designed to deliver large amounts of support firepower during hostile situations. This class carries a standard complement of 450, has warp 9 capacity, and an impressive ordnance of 14 standard phaser emplacements, 2 megaphaser mounts, and 8 torpedo tubes. The "Firestone" class will consist of at least 30 ships out of an initially proposed 35.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2
2/1704.0403/10/2272The Enterprise is dispatched to intercept the cloud. The crew discovers that the cloud is a huge vessel, the heart of which contains V'ger, the Voyager I probe presumably lost in a black hole. After the incident, Decker and Lieutenant Ilia of Delta IV are listed as missing in action.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek: The Motion Picture
2/1704.0403/12/2272The USS "Jester" (NCC-200) class light corvette is authorized. Another "Gagarin" class variant, this starship is built to serve as an armed light escort and patrol vessel. She carries a complement of only 79, has warp 8.5 capacity, and is armed with an "Avenger" class weapons pod (4 torpedo tubes: 2 fore, 2 aft) along with 2 standard phaser emplacements. Cheap to construct, at least 82 vessels will be constructed, out of an initially proposed 89.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/1704.0603/16/2272Nodava III MeleeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictNodava III Melee
2/1704.1504/09/2272Clash at Listening Station 1212STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictClash at Listening Station 1212
2/1704.1804/16/2272Skirmish at Pren'jekSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictSkirmish at Pren'jek
2/1704.2304/28/2272Anchorage EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarAnchorage Engagement
2/1704.2404/30/2272After completing his diplomatic assignment, Captain Ian Vellacora is reassigned to Star Base 12 to await the arrival the the Lokanr class USS Arkadelphia (NCC-2792) from final load out at Salazaar.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1704.2805/12/2272Attack at ForcasSTSTCSNaussican Pirate WarAttack at Forcas
2/1704.3005/17/2272The USS Enterprise embarks on it's second 5 years mission under James Kirk. Admiral Kirk is the highest ranking field officer to captain a vessel. This second mission to "boldly go" is nearly as eventful as Admiral Kirk's first stint as master of the Enterprise.ParamountStar Trek Chronology The History of the Future
2/1705.0105/18/2272A Romulan squadron skirts the Neutral Zone and arrives at Extair, a neutral world within the Federation. The light cruiser USS Ardent, also in the area, challenges the Romulans' presence. The senior Extairian planetary official personally intervenes and mediates discussions.FASAA Doomsday Like Any Other
2/1705.0205/20/2272The Vulcan Planetary Government issues the Shuvalis Diamond of Recognition decoration. This three-dimensional diamond surrounded by a hollow ruby double crescent award is given to individuals who have advanced peaceful relations with newly discovered life forms.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
2/1705.0305/23/2272Tdrand'qur MeleeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictTdrand'qur Melee
2/1705.0405/26/2272Rigel OperationSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntRigel Operation
2/1705.0505/28/2272A contract for 8 more "Decatur" class cruisers is awarded to Star Fleet Division's Cameron Facility on Deneb V.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/1705.0505/29/2272Second Battle of PentharaSTSTCSTalarian ConflictSecond Battle of Penthara
2/1705.0806/06/2272Attack on Convoy Z-202-ISTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarAttack on Convoy Z-202I
2/1705.1006/11/2272Hunt for the Merchant PrinceSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Merchant Prince
2/1705.1306/17/2272Following launch, the USS Arkadelphia (NCC-2792) is comissioned. It is immidiately transferred to Star Base 12 with a skeleton engineering and bridge crew aboard for shake down trials and deployment.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1705.1907/04/2272Clash at Defense Station KolothSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictClash at Defense Station Koloth
2/1705.2207/10/2272Star Fleet Intelligence dispatches Project Grey Ghost to gather information on the capacities, commitments, and deployment of forces of the Romulan Star Empire.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1705.2207/11/2272DK12 ClashSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDK12 Clash
2/1705.2607/22/2272Construction begins on the second ship in the "Decatur" class, USS "Belknap" (NCC-2501), at Cosmadyne's Boston shipyards. Numerous improvements are to be incorporated into the design and the ships will eventually be redesignated "Belknap" class.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/1705.2707/25/2272Attack on Talarian Convoy 2STSTCSTalarian ConflictAttack on Talarian Convoy 2
2/1706.0108/05/2272The Reliant Class research cruiser USS Triumph (NCC 26228), operating in a rimward frontier area, is listed as missing in action after failing to transmit a scheduled report.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1706.0108/06/2272Battle at BelotiSTSTCSTalarian ConflictBattle at Beloti
2/1706.0208/09/2272Grand Prince HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntGrand Prince Hunt
2/1706.0508/15/2272The Mk I "Alberto Sabella" class of Deep Space Tug is launched. Used in conjunction with the Finder Corvette, the Alberto Sabella is used to salvage hulks, damaged vessels and cargo abandoned in deep space.FASAJaynze Ships of the Fleet
2/1706.0908/26/2272Seblesky ResistanceSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictSeblesky Resistance
2/1706.1909/21/2272First Battle of Operation ExterminateSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictFirst Battle of Operation Exterminate
2/1706.2009/22/2272Orders are sent out reassiging key personnel to Star Base 12 for appointment aboard the USS Arkadelphia.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1706.2209/29/2272The "Cheetah" (NCC-3900) class fast cruisers are authorized for construction. This class was designed to meet Star Fleet's need for fast, general purpose cruisers, employing 4 warp engine nacelles which phaseshift through mixed sets to reduce the stress to any one engine enabling sustained speeds for longer periods of time than most other vessels (having a warp 10 maximum speed). At least 10 of these proposed 42 ships will be constructed. They each have a ship's complement of 346 and are armed with 12 phaser emplacements and 2 photon torpedo banks. This class is a forerunner of the "Constellation" class star cruiser.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/1706.2410/03/2272Battle at VabSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntBattle at Vab
2/1706.2610/08/2272Igrusk DisputeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictIgrusk Dispute
2/1707.0110/20/2272The construction of 43 "Tikopai" class ships is authorized.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/1707.0110/22/2272Constitution EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarConstitution Engagement
2/1707.0511/01/2272The number of "Tikopai" class heavy cruisers authorized for construction is reduced from 43 to 33 ships for fiscal reasons.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/1707.0711/04/2272Goldfinch EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarGoldfinch Engagement
2/1707.1111/15/2272Second Battle of Operation ExterminateSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSecond Battle of Operation Exterminate
2/1707.1611/28/2272Victory at the Kinshaya ApproachSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictVictory at the Kinshaya Approach
2/1707.1611/29/2272Brawl at DK6STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBrawl at DK6
2/1707.1912/05/2272K'Truk MeleeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictK'Truk Melee
2/1707.2712/25/2272The Catchon class USS Brinman (NCC 3426) responds to a distress call from the independent freighter Lightheart, near Orion territiory. After damaging the Lightning class Blocade Runner, the Brinman rescued the crew who had been allowed to abandon ship. Although the Lightning was damaged, the retreval of the freighters crew allowed the Blocade Runner to escape. 11 Orion operatives are captured.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/1707.2912/30/2272The Klingon Empire transfers clandestine funds to various private banking accounts in both the Orion and Asparaxian home systems.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1707.3001/03/2273The Mk I "Andor" class cruiser is launched. Over the next six months, a total of six Mk I's are launched for trial runs. Although effective, the Mk I proves moderately underpowered. A general internal rework and enlargement of the main Impulse Drive is ordered, resulting in the launch of the Mk II. All six Mk I's are eventually sold to the Andorian government.STSTCSSTSTCS
2/1707.3101/06/2273The "Hornet" (NCC-9700) class fighter-carrier is instrumental in the liberation of the home worlds of the Tellar system (61 Cygni) during the Kzinti Incursion. This class of ship was built to quell the rising tide of outlaw activity in the Orion star system and the Deneb/Rigel commerce zones. Built to be manned by a 50% Rigellian crew, these ships have a higher deck height and increased oxygen atmospheres. The "Hornet" is also unique for possessing no secondary hull but instead a sensor/ deflector platform attached to a fractional primary hull disc--the predecessor of the late 2280s' "Akula" class perimeter action ship. "Hornet" class fighter-carriers deploy 10 "Hornet" class (warp 3 capacity) fast attack craft to track Orion smuggler ships into asteroid field bases (the predecessor of "Killer Bee" assault craft) and with their own warp 8 capacity speeds and complements of 172, they are formidable starships. Ten vessels comprise this class (NCC-9700-NCC-9709) and each is armed with 10 phaser emplacements and 2 photon torpedo tubes.PublicationSpecifications of the Hornet Class Starship - L.Miller
2/1708.0101/07/2273The Mark V "Lenthal" class destroyers enter service in Star Fleet. These ships have warp 9 capacity and crews of 165.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1708.0101/07/2273Project Grey Chost begins.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1708.0101/07/2273Star Fleet Intelligence dispatches Project Grey Ghost to gather information on the capacities, commitments, and deployment of forces of the Romulan Star Empire.FASAThe Federation
2/1708.0101/09/2273Battle for the Pride of OrionSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarBattle for the Pride of Orion
2/1708.0901/27/2273Star Fleet successfully lobbies for funding of the PAPE (Perimeter Action Platform Experimental) long-term development program on the basis of needing an eventual follow-on to the large numbers of aging and outdated "Kiaga" (NCC-826) and "Agilis" (NCC-855) class perimeter action ships.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet, Volume 2
2/1708.1202/05/2273Prelesk DisputeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictPrelesk Dispute
2/1708.1402/09/2273The Asparax Confederation is formed. It is a loosley knit coalition of four planets in the space between the Federation and the Klingon Empire.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1708.1402/09/2273The massive MB-35-A is launched in the Gorn Hegonomy. Roomy, comfortable and capable, the 500 crew vessel is none the less slow and ungainly. Star Fleet CommandStarfleet Command Video Game
2/1708.1502/12/2273Klingon Sector Commander, Admiral Kanara, officially recgonizes the soverign status of the Asparax Confederation.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1708.1602/15/2273Defense of Convoy 11-tlhSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 11-tlh
2/1708.2102/27/2273The new governments making up the Asparax Confederation forbid the passage of commerce vessels through their space. Trade with the Federation is officially prohibited, although various Orion interest are known to work around this restriction with the FedFASADecisions at Midnight
2/1708.2403/08/2273To counteract Klingon and Romulan activity with in the Triangle, Federation forces are bolstered again. Unable by charter law to home port at independent and non-Federation planets, Star Fleet Vessels none the less take up position near several key planets, with the blessing of many freighter captains and planetary government officials. The unofficial bolstering of planetary systems continues through 2280.InternetSTSTCS
2/1708.2503/09/2273The USS Arkadelphia assumes station near the Asparax boarder to rensezvous with various transport ships delivering additional crew members. The ship also begins surveillance of the Asparax region.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1708.2503/11/2273The Abbe PT Destroyer USS Milliam (NCC 5303) engages four Veltor Family light Orion pirate vessels near Wolf 312. The Orions countered with a recently purchased D-7. Despite a vicious opening volley, the Milliam is able to disable two Lightning class vessels and destroy a third. After chasing the D-7, the Milliam is forced to return to the initial sight of battle to rescue crew members from one of the damaged Lightning. Star Fleet Intelligence has been unable to confirm that the D-7 is still owned by the Veltor Family.STSTCSSTSTCS
2/1708.2703/14/2273The Asparaxians become aware of the Federation Frigate USS Arkadelhia when the patrolcraft ANV Braggart detects the Arkadelhpia just outside Asparaxian territorial limits.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1708.2803/17/2273I-1 "Mattarra" Class battlecruiser becomes operational with the IKS. One of very few full-blown production vessels built by the rogue state, the I-1 is actually an Orion design. Cheap, easy to build and surprisingly successful, the I-1 becomes a favorite with IKS officers.STSTCSSTSTCS
2/1708.2803/18/2273Hunt for the MysteriousSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Mysterious
2/1708.3003/22/2273Although the Arkadelphia is clearly in Federation terrotory, an Asparaxian patrol craft challenges the vessel to withdrawl from the area. The Arkadelhia complies, returning to the same patrol area after the Asparaxian craft has moved off.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1708.3103/24/2273The USS Arkadelphia deliberately penetrates Asparaxian space. Asparax dispatches two patrolcraft wit the intensions of (somewhat foolishly) attacking the intruder if she does not withdraw immediately. Captain Ian Vellacora complies, and the Arkadelphia makes an orderly withdrawl once more.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1709.0103/27/2273Loknar Class VIII-X Fast Frigate Mk VFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1709.0103/27/2273The Mark II "Babcock" class frigate enters service in Star Fleet with warp 8 capacity and a crew of 360.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1709.0103/29/2273Badsworth EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarBadsworth Engagement
2/1709.0203/30/2273Hunt for the Hand of SyrenyaSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Hand of Syrenya
2/1709.0304/01/2273The USS Arkadelphia rendezvous wit the USS Olympia and transfers the remaining crew, bringing the Arkadelphia's crew up to full strength.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1709.0304/03/2273The CS-6-C is first fielded. Equipped with four short-range blasters, the "C" model is used in more of a gunboat or cutter role, often operating in small groups. While vulnerable in solo missions, squadrons of the light courier become a serious impediment to Romulan expansion along the Gorn/Romulan boarder during later stages of the conflict.STSTCSSTSTCS
2/1709.0404/04/2273The USS Arkadelphia begins shakedown operations and continues monitoring activities near the Asparaxian boarder. Warp engine trials are held.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1709.0504/06/2273Shuttle launch and recovery systems are tested aboard the USS Arkadelphia. Combat trials are also held.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1709.0504/06/2273Klingon Sector Commander, Admiral Kanara, steps up patrols near the Asparaxian boarder on the Klingon side of the Neutral Zone. To help locate and observe the Federation Frigate Arkadelphia, additional sensor probes are deployed from Klingon ships operating in the region. Admiral Kanara oders hid local destroyer Captains to make ready for fleet operation against the Arkadelphia.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1709.0604/09/2273The Arkadelphia continues her shake down cruise with intruder alert drills and security responsiveness tests. Bridge flight recorders clearly indicate that Captain Vellacora is behaving in an unusual manner, expounding on the history of Lord Garth of Izar during the Four Years War.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1709.0604/09/2273Admiral Kanara issues orders to deploy a dense minefiled that will eventually drift along the main Federation commerce lanes in the vicinity.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1709.0604/09/2273The USS Arkadelphia makes contact with an Asparaxian patrol craft, which orders the vessel to withdraw from the area. Instead of complying as he had in the previous instances, Captain Vellacora orders as attack posture, forcing the smaller gunboat to withdrawl.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1709.0604/09/2273The Asparax Confederation later issues a sub-space communication fdirect to the Captain of the Arkadelphia, informing him that they are aware of his presence in the region. The Confederation will consider continued penetration of Asparaxian space a deliberate act of war by the Federation.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1709.0704/11/2273Flight recorders again catch Captain Vellecora presenting an impromptu lecture on the Orgianians and the need for continued vigilance in Star Fleet. Shortly there after, the Captain initiates unscheduled snap inspections through the ship. Later in the day, sensors pick up traces of an unknown craft shadowing the Arkadelphia. The ships medial department contucts tests involving simulated emergency casualties.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1709.0804/14/2273Snap inspections continue aboard the Arkadelphia. The Frigate encounters the Klingon destroyer IKV Dark Hand engaged in cargo resupply from an Orion privateer operating out of Tortuga. When Captain Vellecora of the Arkadelhia give chase, the Klingon ship loures the Federation craft into an uncharted gravitic mine field, from which the Arkadelphia narrowly escapes.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1709.0804/14/2273An official log entry from Lieutenant Commander Brr'Ynn, First Officer of the USS Arkadelphia logs her discovery of Dr. Michael Paine and several other senior bridge officers in discussion of possible action again her captain. Although never reported to Vellocora, the log entry is secured.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1709.0804/14/2273Captain Vellacora continues to exhibit odd behavior, making strange requests, acting in a generally illogical manner and making eratic and rambling log entries. Several command personnel note in their logs that they believe Captain Vellacora is loosing his ability to effectively command. Later that evening, the Captain begins a series of emergency battle drills at two-hour intervals, starting in the middle of 3rd shift.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1709.0904/16/2273Captain Vellacora announces his plan to blockade the Asparax system. A sub-space message to that effect is dispatched, and Klingon sensor drones monitoring the Arkadelhia pick up the transmission. Other Star Fleet assets in the area pick up the first indication of trouble with the Arkadelphia.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1709.0904/16/2273Captain Vellacora orders an extremely hazardous second series of shuttlecraft tests using the ship's main phasers to simulate actual combat conditions.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1709.0904/16/2273Dr. Paine of the Arkadelphia officially logs a meeting of the department heads with the intention of removing Captain Vellacora from command. Unable to get a full medical work-up on the captain, Dr. Paine points out that it would officially be a mutiny.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1709.0904/16/2273The Asparaxians respond to Vellacora's blockade message by requesting military assistance from the Klingons. Admiral Kanara orders destroyer squadron Beta-457 to intercept and destroy the Arkadelphia as a "disruptor of galactic peace." This message is intercepted by the Arkadelphia. Captain Vellacora responds by ordering random battle-station drills at irregular intervals.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1709.1004/19/2273Destroyer squadron Beta-475 is first detected by the Arkadelphia. A short but violent battle ensues. The Klingon eventually withdraw rather than risk loosing their squadron, but the delay allow other Klingon forces to begin closing with the Federation vessel.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1709.1104/21/2273Startled by Captain Vellacora's blockade announcement, the Commandant of Star Base 12 reclls the Arkadelphia from the region, ordering the ship to return immidiately to Star Base 12 for a full report and invensigation.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1709.1204/24/2273Ignorning direct orders and serious damage to his ship, Captain Vellacora continues to blockade the Asparax Confederation. Relaizing they must act, several bridge officers and crew attempt to take Captain Vellacora into custody. The bridge crew is eventually successful, despite a spirited defense from seveal "loyal" crewmemebers.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1709.1204/26/2273Dav'lr RaidSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDav'lr Raid
2/1709.1404/29/2273Star Fleet Command issues a communique to the Asparaxians disavowing any knowledge of, or responsibility for, Captain Vellacora's announcement.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1709.1505/02/2273The Arkadelphia is intercepted by the USS East Anglia. The Arkadelphia is escorted to Star Base 12 and a board of inquiry is conviened.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1709.2105/17/2273Defense of Convoy 771-JSTSTCSTalarian ConflictDefense of Convoy 771-J
2/1709.3006/09/2273Seaton EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarSeaton Engagement
2/1710.0106/11/2273The Mark II "Ranger" class scout enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1710.0106/11/2273Star Fleet begins receiving disquieting intelligence reports concerning the Organians.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1710.0106/13/2273The MD-10-C is launched. With increased firepower and an enlarged impulse drive, the C model becomes one of the most feared combat vessels during the lengthy Gorn/Romulan conflict. All A and B models are immediately scheduled for refit.STSTCSDesign by Terry D. Shannon
2/1710.0606/24/2273Ghost HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntGhost Hunt
2/1710.0606/26/2273Defense of Convoy 12-chSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 12-ch
2/1710.0907/02/2273Battle of Gamma TrianguliSTSTCSTalarian ConflictBattle of Gamma Trianguli
2/1710.1407/15/2273Pren'Jek StrikeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictPren'Jek Strike
2/1710.1707/22/2273Attack on Talarian Convoy 4STSTCSTalarian ConflictAttack on Talarian Convoy 4
2/1710.2007/30/2273Hunt for the BuccaneerSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Buccaneer
2/1710.2308/06/2273Attack on Convoy Z-203-LSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarAttack on Convoy Z-203L
2/1711.0309/03/2273Klingon operatives transfer clandestine funds to various private banking accounts in both the Orion and Asparaxian home systems.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1711.0709/15/2273The "Maxwell" (NCC-6900) class strike cruiser is authorized. Designed to deliver special forces and fighter craft to heavily defended targets, the "Maxwell's" speed (warp 9.2 maximum) and low profile will allow it to infiltrate contested zones, deliver its assault detachment, and then move into a support position. A class total of 42 is proposed and at least 36 will be built. Each vessel carries a complement of 539 and is armed with 3 torpedo banks (1 triple forward-firing bay), 12 standard phaser emplacements, and 2 dual megaphasers (4 cannons total: 2 fore, 2 aft).Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2
2/1711.0809/17/2273Destruction of Pirate Base Deep StarSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDestruction of Pirate Base Deep Star
2/1711.1309/29/2273The Asparaxians become aware that the Lokanr class USS Arkadelphia has assumber station just beyond proclaimed Asparax space. The patrolcraft Braggart begins tracking the Arkadelphia's movements.FASADecisions at Midnight
2/1711.1410/03/2273The upgrating of 22 "Surya" class frigates is approved. Hull numbers NCC-1860 through NCC-1881 inclusive are designated for refitting. All ships of the proposed "Avenger" class are reclassified as heavy frigates.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/1711.1410/03/2273Convoy Raid 1011STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConvoy Raid 1011
2/1711.1810/13/2273The "Kodiak" (NCC-6000) class battleship is authorized for construction. A warship designed as a capital assault ship and command flagship, the "Kodiak" class has warp 9 maximum speed, a complement of 700, and a full array of firepower consisting of 20 phasers, 6 megaphaser cannons, and 10 torpedo banks. 18 ships (NCC-6000-NCC-6017) out of a proposed 20 will enter service.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2
2/1711.2110/19/2273Defense of Convoy 45-aSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 45-a
2/1711.2110/20/2273Assault at Kappa PerseiSTSTCSTalarian ConflictAssault at Kappa Persei
2/1711.2510/31/2273Night Rambler HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntNight Rambler Hunt
2/1711.2711/03/2273The Cammell IV revelations concerning Star Fleet's covert operations against the Kzin prior to the Kzinti Incursion result in massive cutbacks in Fleet programs. The Council temporarily freezes all Class 1 starship construction; the "Akyazi" program is put on indefinite hold (where it will remain for nearly ten years).PublicationShips of the Star Fleet, Volume 1
2/1712.0111/14/2273The "Makin" class assault ships enter service. 68 of these warp 9 capacity starships will be constructed, each with a crew of 38. It has the capability to beam down its compliment of 1800 marines, 9 heavy tanks, and 32 light support vehicles in 25 minutes, slightly less rapidly than the "Continent" class.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1712.0111/14/2273The Mark I "Genser" class escort enters service with a complement of 82 and warp 6 capacity. This is the newest ship in Materiel Command's fleet of escorts and the smallest, inexpensive to build, maintain, and operate than earlier escorts because of its size and design simplicity.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1712.0111/14/2273The Reliant Class research cruiser USS Regulator (NCC 26254) is listed as missing in action after being dispatched in 2/1707 to searrch for the USS Triumph.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1712.0411/22/2273Orion's Delight HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntOrion's Delight Hunt
2/1712.1212/13/2273Conflict at GalenSTSTCSTalarian ConflictConflict at Galen
2/1712.1812/27/2273Vladivostok EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarVladivostok Engagement
2/1712.2201/08/2274The "Soyuz" (NCC-5300) class attack frigate is authorized for construction. 20 ships of this class are proposed, designed to increase the accuracy of the megaphasers while the craft is engaged in combat through the use of 2 megaturrets. In addition to phaser cannon, the "Soyuz" is armed with 12 standard phaser emplacements and 2 megaphasers on the lower navigational dome. 21 ships of this class are. Each ship will have a complement of 429 and a maximum speed of warp 9. [JRM]Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/1712.3001/26/2274Bryenthum StrikeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBryenthum Strike
2/1801.0102/01/2274R-1 Informant Deep Space Observation Station Mk IFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1801.0102/01/2274The "Continent" class assault ship enters service. 60 of these warp 7, 62-man ships will be constructed. A typical "Continent" class assault ship can beam down its contingent of 3200 marines, 16 heavy tanks, and 50 light support vehicles in 30 minutes.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1801.0102/01/2274The "Kethkin" class transport/tug enters service. These vessels trail their cargo pods in two rows behind them, have crews of 34, warp 10 capacity (unloaded), and have an overall cargo capacity of more than 325,000 mt--though sluggish and unmaneuverable when loaded to this capacity. To aid them in maneuvering during cargo pick-ups or drop-off, the "Kethkins" carry 6 specially-designed craft called 'mules' to push the pods into position for loading or move them away during unloading operations.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1801.0102/01/2274The Klingon S-4B class repair tender enters service.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1801.0102/01/2274V-27 (Comet of Destruction) Class XII Type 2FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1801.0202/05/2274The MA-15-B enters service with the Gorn Navy. More efficient shields and additional weapons make the "B" model more dangerous than it's predecesor.Star Fleet CommandStarfleet Command Video Game
2/1801.0302/07/2274Battle at Mu Andromedae IIISTSTCSTalarian ConflictBattle at Mu Andromedae III
2/1801.0502/12/2274As a result of increasing Romulan incursions into U.F.P. territory, Star Fleet's Chief of Staff in ship procurement vocalizes the idea that a fast light attack cruiser is needed to "discourage" the Romulans by intimidating their border outposts. This will lead to the development of the "Niven" class light attack cruiser.InternetPrometheus Graphics
2/1801.0802/19/2274Decimation at TooirSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDecimation at Tooir
2/1801.0902/21/2274Admiral Kirk prepares a memo outlining and authorizing Operation Armageddon, a massive Star Fleet Training Command computer simulation to be used as a training exercise in lieu of field Manuevers.FASALost And Presumed Dead STAR TREK III Sourcebook Update
2/1801.1303/03/2274Gibraltar, an unwanted world situated between the UFP and the Romulan Star Empire, becomes one of the most important in the Triangle when the UFP and the Romulans choose it as the site for negotiating a settlement.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1801.1503/09/2274Attack on Convoy Z-204-FSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarAttack on Convoy Z-204F
2/1801.1603/11/2274Attack on Talarian Convoy 7STSTCSTalarian ConflictAttack on Talarian Convoy 7
2/1801.1703/13/2274Briggand HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntBriggand Hunt
2/1801.1803/16/2274The third Romulan/Klingon treaty is signed. The Romulans gain access to new weaponry and advanced mining equipment. The Klingons gain seven S-11 "Bird of Prey" scouts, which they put into widespread use as raiders, and on which they base several larger ship designs of their own including the D-32 class cruiser. Despite the treaty, tension and open agression continues between the Romulans and Klingons.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1801.1803/17/2274The USS "Endeavor" (NCC-1716) heavy cruiser is recommissioned. Essentially uprated heavy cruisers based on the "Achernar" design with self-contained non-networked LN-52 linear warp drive nacelles and uprated sensor/navigational deflector dishes, twelve of this class are converted ships while four (NCC-1728-1731) are newly-built replacements for the destroyed heavy cruisers "Constellation," "Defiant," "Intrepid" and "Valiant". Each ship has warp 10 capacity and carries a complement of 430.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/1801.1803/17/2274Battle of the Alawanir NebulaSTSTCSNaussican Pirate WarBattle of the Alawanir Nebula
2/1801.2203/28/2274Battle of Gamma TauriSTSTCSNaussican Pirate WarBattle of Gamma Tauri
2/1801.2404/02/2274Battle in the Lembatta ClusterSTSTCSNaussican Pirate WarBattle in the Lembatta Cluster
2/1801.2804/11/2274Clash at Fooled AgainSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictClash at Fooled Again
2/1801.3004/15/2274B'Lev StrikeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictB'Lev Strike
2/1802.0104/20/2274Reliant Mk IIFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1802.0304/26/2274Garson EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarGarson Engagement
2/1802.0304/27/2274Defense of Convoy 20-jSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 20-j
2/1802.0605/05/2274Battle of Beta TrianguliSTSTCSTalarian ConflictBattle of Beta Trianguli
2/1802.0805/08/2274Although Operation Armageddon receives a go-ahead, programming efforts are hampered by a lack of hard data on Klingon and Romulan activities.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1802.1005/15/2274Battle for the Orion's StarSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntBattle for the Orion's Star
2/1802.1105/17/2274Skirmish at 1.77 W-19.3 SSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSkirmish at 1.77 W-19.3 S
2/1802.1806/04/2274Defense of Convoy 297-uSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 297-u
2/1802.2406/18/2274Yorktown EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarYorktown Engagement
2/1803.0107/01/2274The Chandley Class frigate USS Hanson (NCC 2309), operating near the Gorn border, encounters two Gorn cruisers boarding a Liberty Class freighter. The Hanson engages the Gorn, and then Star Fleet Marines board Gorn vessels for the first time in history.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition ManualGorn Conflict
2/1803.0107/01/2274The Constitution Class cruiser USS Kongo (NCC 1710), under the command of Captain J.C. Fredriksen, and the Loknar Class Frigates USS Halk (NCC-2742) and USS Rome (NCC-2726) respond to a distress signal from a Federation outpost in the Orion sector. The outpost is under attack by a group of six Klingon D-18B Class destroyers commanded by Captain Kresz sutai-Kargon. When the conflict is over, the Federation outpost and all three Star Fleet vessels are destroyed. The Klingons lose only two destroyersFASAFederation Ship Recgonition ManualFederation - Klingon Cold War
2/1803.0107/01/2274The Klingon D-18C destroyer class enters service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1803.0107/01/2274The Klingon K-5B class gunboat is phased out as K-5C class ships enter service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1803.1307/31/2274Third Battle of PentharaSTSTCSTalarian ConflictThird Battle of Penthara
2/1803.2008/20/2274Convoy Raid 1012STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConvoy Raid 1012
2/1803.2408/28/2274Defense of Convoy 146-ISTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 146-I
2/1803.2408/30/2274The "Hollingsworth" (NCC-4600) penetration cruiser is authorized. This class is designed for deep surgical strikes into heavily defended positions. A class of 12 are proposed with at least 5 vessels being constructed The "Hollingsworth" cruisers carry crews of 341 at warp 10 emergency speeds, each ship armed with 2 torpedo tubes, 2 megaphasers (4 cannons), and 10 standard phasers (5 banks).Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2
2/1803.2509/01/2274Dark Star HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDark Star Hunt
2/1804.0109/18/2274The "Wilkerson" class destroyers enter service with crews of 200 and warp 9 capacity. Shortly before arriving at their duty stations they are tested for combat readiness in a fleet-level training operation designated to test the fleet's ability to respond to and repulse an invasion by limited Romulan forces called Solar Wind IV.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1804.0109/18/2274The Klingon D-11B class destroyers end their service lives.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1804.0409/27/2274The "Maguellanes" (NCC-7400) class escort cruiser is authorized. This ship features a unique photon torpedo turret (2 tubes), 20 standard phaser emplacements, and carries a complement of 411 with warp 8.7 capacity. At least 35 vessels of this class will enter service, though a total of 40 are proposed.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2
2/1804.0710/03/2274The first major weapon upgrade in five years, the MD-8-D is launched. Heavier and longer range blasters give the cruiser added punch.FASAStar Trek: Starship Tactical Cambat Simulator Rule Book
2/1804.0710/04/2274The USS "Belknap" (NCC-2501) strike cruiser is commissioned. Capable of warp 12, these cruisers which will total 28, combines many of the features of the heavy cruisers and dreadnoughts into a more warp dynamic design. They will be assigned patrol duties along the U.F.P./Klingon Neutral Zone, their maneuverability giving them the best battle advantage over the Klingon "K't'inga" class cruisers.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/1804.1310/18/2274Attack on Convoy Z-204-VSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarAttack on Convoy Z-204V
2/1804.1610/27/2274The long-heralded "Pharris" (NCC-3537) strategic frigate class is launched. Featuring three landing platforms, a complement of 300, warp 8.3 capacity, two torpedo tubes (of a new launch design mounted in the old hull position just below the bridge), and 12 standard phaser emplacements, it is yet another offshoot of the "Avenger" heavy frigate class but incorporating close-mounted warp nacelles.PublicationStarfleet Prototype
2/1804.1610/27/2274Battle at the Talarian ApproachesSTSTCSTalarian ConflictBattle at the Talarian Approaches
2/1804.2411/15/2274The IKV Waraxe stumbles on the last elements of a large Orion convoy. Fearing that the Klingon frigate is after the convoy, several escort elements begin to attack the Waraxe. Five of the six defending Lightning Blockade Runners are destroyed and one is nearly crippled.FASAThe White Flame Starship Combat Scenerio Pack
2/1805.0112/03/2274The K-22a "Bird of Prey" Class scout enters service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1805.0112/03/2274All search efforts made to locate the USS Triumph and USS Regulator are recalledFASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1805.0112/03/2274Devere IncidentSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarDevere Incident
2/1805.0312/10/2274Hunt for the Syrenya AdventurerSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Syrenya Adventurer
2/1805.1301/03/2275The Gorn launch the devistating BI-14-A dreadnought. With a crew of 1,250 and a top speed of warp 6, The BI-14 is hearlded as a masive triumph for the Hegemony. The massive ships armor alone is often enough to prove decisive in combat.Star Fleet CommandStarfleet Command Video Game
2/1805.1301/04/2275Orion pirateers begin to loose greater numbers of vessels due to the increase of combat capability of vessels from the Romulan, Klingon and Federation military forces. Although new plans for heavier vessels are drawn up by several major pirate families, little dry-dock space can be found to construct the new designs.InternetSTSTCS
2/1805.1501/09/2275Battle of Talaria PrimeSTSTCSTalarian ConflictBattle of Talaria Prime
2/1805.1601/11/2275Defense of Convoy 150-rSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 150-r
2/1805.2001/20/2275The Romulans deliver several S-11 Class scouts to the Klingons as part of a technological exchange treaty. This vessel, re-equipped with Klingon shipboard systems, becomes the K-22A Bird of Prey Class scout.FASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
2/1805.2001/21/2275Tivol Nren StrikeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictTivol Nren Strike
2/1805.2201/26/2275Hunt for the CrescendoSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Crescendo
2/1805.2802/11/2275Second Battle in the Lembatta ClusterSTSTCSNaussican Pirate WarSecond Battle in the Lembatta Cluster
2/1806.0102/20/2275The "Andor" Mark II class cruiser enters service in Star Fleet. This class will be the first operational missile cruisers in the Fleet, their overall design originating from Andorian design teams contracted to create a cruiser with photon torpedoes as its main weapons. The "Andor" class will form the core of all squadrons in the famed "Blue Fleet" becoming an integral part of front line forces for Star Fleet.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1806.0102/21/2275The USS "Essex" (NCC-1727) undergoes a standard overhaul during which her PB-32 engines are again uprated with internal modifications, once again improving acceleration times and increased endurance at specific warp speeds.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/1806.0202/23/2275Hunt for the Smugler's FancySTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Smugler's Fancy
2/1806.0503/02/2275Battle of Nu TauriSTSTCSNaussican Pirate WarBattle of Nu Tauri
2/1806.0703/09/2275Skirmish at 2.03 W-18.93 SSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSkirmish at 2.03 W-18.93 S
2/1806.1704/03/2275Dratha Pirate RaidSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDratha Pirate Raid
2/1806.1804/04/2275Clash at AarrisSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictClash at Aarris
2/1806.2204/14/2275Pirate Strike at ThiratSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntPirate Strike at Thirat
2/1806.2304/18/2275The "Lobo" (NCC-6400) class through deck carrier is authorized. A heavy frontline fighter/shuttle delivery platform, the "Lobo" class will consist of 22 ships with warp 9 capacity, 425 crew, and 16 phaser emplacements.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2
2/1806.2404/21/2275Defense of Convoy 735-chSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 735-ch
2/1807.0305/13/2275Cornwall EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarCornwall Engagement
2/1807.0705/24/2275Federation colony ship SS Artemis is launched on a mission to colonize Septimus Minor. The ship suffers a failure of its guidance system and ends up landing on Tau Cygna V, territory owned by the Sheliak Corporate. Starfleet launches an extensive search but no trace of Artemis is found. One third of the ship's Human colonists die on Tau Cygna V because of exposure to hyperonic radiation before the remaining survivors learn to adapt to it.Star Trek - The Next GenerationThe Ensigns of Command
2/1807.1506/13/2275Defense of Convoy 9811-aSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Convoy 9811-a
2/1807.2206/30/2275Convoy Raid 1013STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConvoy Raid 1013
2/1807.2507/09/2275Defense of Convoy 9813-chSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Convoy 9813-ch
2/1808.0107/25/2275The K-23F "Little Killer" class escort enters service in the Klingon fleet.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1808.0107/25/2275Klingons occupy Marram IX, a world within the Triangle, though Klingon Sector Intelligence does not realize this until Stardate 7702.8.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1808.0107/25/2275Operation Dixie begins to show significant results as limited information on Klingon starship and shipbuilding is relayed back to the Federation. All data from Operation Dixie is immediately added to the Operation Armageddon simulation.FASAThe Dixie Gambit
2/1808.0107/25/2275The USS Dixie Lady at Jit receives a message from the USS Dixie Queen suggesting a rendezvous. This message was transmitted as a result of Operative Mouhkta's manipulation of the Dixie Queen's wardroom officers. Marram IX is occupied by the Klingons.FASAThe Dixie Gambit
2/1808.0107/27/2275The USS "Lynx" (NCC-4600) experimental timeship is constructed. The "Lynx" is a modified "Monoceros" (NCC-601) class scout, built for the single purpose of exploring the viability of retrograde time travel for research purposes. Her complement is 254, warp capacity of only warp 6.1 not built with warp dynamics a priority, and ordnance consisting of 8 phaser emplacements and two torpedo tubes (with only 12 torpedoes total).PublicationGeneral Plans and Specifications of the U.S.S. Lynx Timeship Prototype - Lawrence Miller
2/1808.0307/30/2275Hunt for the Slave of OrionSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Slave of Orion
2/1808.1008/17/2275Saavik, ward of Sarek of Vulcan, enters Star Fleet Academy. Sarek's family prestige heads off a storm of controversy over the admission of a "Romulan" to the academy. Though only half-Romulan and raised as a Vulcan, many perceive Saavik to be enemy alien. Nevertheless, Saavik is a valuable resource to Star Fleet, for whom she interprets intelligence data about the Romulans. Because of her help, many myths about the Romulans are put to rest, and the Federation develops a better understanding of Romulan psychology.FASAThe Federation
2/1808.1008/18/2275As the Orions pirate cartells continue to search for ways to reduce ship losses, several families sign non-agression/ mutual work agreements. Although very shakie for many years, the pacts begin to show results quickly. The pacts also allow for expansion of trade and ligitimate shipping through the alpha quadrant.InternetSTSTCS
2/1808.1809/08/2275Sharpton EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarSharpton Engagement
2/1808.2009/13/2275The "Sydney" (NCC-S2000) class transport ship is authorized for construction. A light-duty interstellar capable personnel/cargo transport vessel, the "Sydney" class will be able to carry up to 200 passengers (not counting the standard ship's complement of 82). This class will total 79 vessels each with warp 8.2 capacity and 8 phaser emplacements.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 3
2/1808.2009/13/2275The USS "Lafayette" (NCC-1720) confirms verification of the Klingon "K't'inga" class D-7 warship "Ch'lihime" ("Javelin," ChR 718) in Romulan service.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/1808.3110/10/2275Bu'Uls Tev StrikeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBu'Uls Tev Strike
2/1808.3110/11/227566 Type III "Aztec" (SFDD-300) facilities are proposed and authorized for construction. At least the first 58 of these folding, mobile dry dock facilities will be constructed, each with a maximum speed of warp 7.25 and a standard complement of 200.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/1809.0110/12/2275Commander Kletarc Sutai Klinlor recieves his first command, the IKV Slasher.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/1809.0110/12/2275Star Fleet Intelligence later learns that there was political unrest on the Klingon world of Delleren V. It is unclear whether the local Klingon civilian Governor has been replaced by a military Commander.FASAThe Natural Order
2/1809.0710/27/2275Destruction of Syndicate Base 2STSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDestruction of Syndicate Base 2
2/1809.0911/02/2275Defense of Convoy 182-eSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 182-e
2/1809.1211/09/2275Outwitter EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictOutwitter Engagement
2/1809.1711/22/2275Defense of Convoy 9813-qSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Convoy 9813-q
2/1809.2112/04/2275Destruction of the Balde of NolthSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDestruction of the Balde of Nolth
2/1809.2312/08/2275Defense of Convoy 33-DSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 33-D
2/1810.0112/27/2275The Mk III "Brenton" Class cruiser enters serviceFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1810.0501/07/2276Whitehill EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarWhitehill Engagement
2/1810.1502/02/2276Clash at Lendis Wavamm IIISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictClash at Lendis Wavamm III
2/1810.1702/08/2276Star HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntStar Hunt
2/1810.2102/16/2276Representatives from the Federation and the Romulan Empire sign the Treaty of Ectair. Romulans now have free access to any non-Federation planet along the frontier, pro-vided that they do not cross the Neutral Zone or approach within five light-years of any UFP world.FASAA Doomsday Like Any Other
2/1810.2502/28/2276Orion Syndicate vessels, in conjunction with IKS forces, apprehend nearly 20 "freebooter" vessels operating within the Triangle. The operation gains the IKS valuable ships and the Orions valuable cargo's. As per agreement, the Orion crew's are turned over to various familys who form the growing pirate syndicate.InternetSTSTCS
2/1810.2903/08/2276After months of cautious negotiations, representatives of the UFP and the Gorn Alliance sign the Frontier Accord, limiting military activity in the disputed area. Peace talks continue on Clanhaven.FASADemands of Honor
2/1810.2903/09/2276The gigantic BI-16 dreadnought is launched in the Gorn Hegemony. One of the largest starships ever fielded, the BI-16 is actually very scpacious for it's crew of 740. The vessel becomes popular with long-range crews and planners.Star Fleet CommandStarfleet Command Video Game
2/1811.0103/15/2276The Mark IV "Derf" class tender enters service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1811.0103/15/2276Admiral zantai Kaneida's search-and-destroy mission within the Triangle begins at this time, though Star Fleet does not learn of it till later. A group of Klingon warships, including a large number of K-4 Class gunboats, use combined-ship tactics to destroy or capture any Romulan vessels encountered.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1811.0804/03/2276Supplementing her basic training role, the "Essex" (NCC-1727) is assigned to training shuttle and fighter pilots in landing aboard starships.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/1811.1104/11/2276Bridlington EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarBridlington Engagement
2/1811.2305/12/2276The USS "Ariel" (NCC-2200) shuttlecarrier is launched.InternetHeavy Cruiser Evolution Chart
2/1811.2505/16/2276T'Vant VI StrikeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictT'Vant VI Strike
2/1811.2605/19/2276The uprated USS "Constitution" (NCC-1700) heavy cruiser is recommissioned as the "Constitution (II)" class starship. This first variation on the "Enterprise" class utilizes LN-60 warp engines and is capable of only warp 11, has a complement of only 435, and is armed with twelve phasers and two torpedo banks. Seven ships will form this scaled-down "Enterprise" class, all rebuilt from older heavy cruisers.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/1812.0105/31/2276The W-2F class warpshuttle enters service in the Klingon Empire.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1812.0706/15/2276Defense of Convoy 192-tSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 192-t
2/1812.0906/20/2276Assault at RudarSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAssault at Rudar
2/1812.0906/21/2276Raid on Convoy 833-MSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictRaid on Convoy 833-M
2/1812.1407/03/2276Assault of Iota CassiopiaeSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictAssault of Iota Cassiopiae
2/1812.1807/14/2276Defense of Convoy 9901-QSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Convoy 9901-Q
2/1812.2007/18/2276Battle of GrazerSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictBattle of Grazer
2/1812.2007/19/2276The Mark II "Pharris" strategic frigate is launched. With improved weapons and shielding, the Mark II is considered the equal to any cruiser in the Klingon or Romulan inventory.PublicationStarfleet Prototype
2/1812.2207/24/2276Battle for Fredrick-MSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictBattle for Fredrick-M
2/1812.2407/28/2276Engagement at MegaraSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictEngagement at Megara
2/1812.2508/01/2276Three Orion Syndicate vessel meet up with an independent pirate vessel near the Klignon/Federation neutral zone. All four vessels begin several fact finding mission to worlds along both boarders and within the Neutral Zone.InternetSTSTCS
2/1812.2708/05/2276Battle of Cappa PersiSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictBattle of Cappa Persi
2/1812.2808/07/2276Second Assault at Demon Outpost 103STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSecond Assault at Demon Outpost 103
2/1812.3108/15/2276Tornado HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntTornado Hunt
2/1812.3108/16/2276Defense of Convoy 164-ngSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 164-ng
2/1901.0108/18/2276Conversion of all Klingon K-6A gunboats to K-6C are completed.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1901.0108/18/2276The Type 2 V-30 "Winged Defender" class cruiser enters service in the Romulan fleet.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1901.0108/18/2276V-20 (Star Seeker) Class VII Type 2FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1901.0108/18/2276Select Star Fleet vessels participate in Operation Solar Wind IV, a fleet-level training operation. This maneuver is designed to test Star Fleet's ability to respond and repulse an invasion by Romulan forces.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1901.0609/01/2276Battle of Delphi ArdoSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictBattle of Delphi Ardo
2/1901.1109/13/2276The Type II "Pharaoh" (SFDD-200) D-40 dry dock facility is authorized for construction. With the ability to adjust its shape to closely match the shape of the subject vessel is is being used for, the structure has less integral strength than other dry docks making it unsuitable for some jobs. 94 are proposed with at least 83 to be built and put into service.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/1901.1910/02/2276Convoy Raid 1014STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConvoy Raid 1014
2/1901.2010/07/2276Insinuator EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictInsinuator Engagement
2/1901.2910/28/2276Attack on Convoy Z-206-WSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarAttack on Convoy Z-206W
2/1901.3111/02/2276The captain of the IKS D-7c Vengful Fist attacks a group of Orion's near Action. Despite masterful tactics, the Vengful Fist is raked amidship and from behind by the more manueveralbe Orion vessels. The Vengul Fist is eventually forced to retreatSTSTCSSTSTCS
2/1902.0111/05/2276The Mark III "Chandley" class frigates enter service in Star Fleet with modified computer systems, cargo bays, impulse drive systems, shields, and photon torpedo launchers.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1902.0111/05/2276The Mark IV "Baker" class destroyer enters service with a complement of 273 and warp 9 capacity.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1902.0111/05/2276The USS "Knutson," an experimental "Baker" class destroyer, completes its testing of an impulse drive system that would increase the total power output of the vessel by 25% Production quickly starts on the Mark III "Baker" class destroyer but will be quickly replaced by the Mk IV "Baker" class destroyer with upgraded photon torpedo tubes resulting in all Mark IIIs to be refitted to this design.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1902.0111/05/2276The actual results of Operation Solar Wind IV are compared to the projected results according to Operation Armageddon. The comparison proves that the training simulation will be effective, providing accurate data is used.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/1902.1212/03/2276Defense of Convoy 9901-vSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Convoy 9901-v
2/1902.2401/04/2277Hunt for the Queen of the StarsSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Queen of the Stars
2/1902.2601/09/2277Battle of N6124STSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictBattle of N6124
2/1903.0301/24/2277The independent hauler Shinehorst, under the command of Captain William C. Hendel becomes the first vessel to have 100 attempts to be accosted by pirates. 98 of those attempts are by Jedar the Vicious of the pirate vessel Starwind. Hendel is the winner of the attempt when he is able to get the Shinehorst within rage of the frigate USS Badcock. Hendel contacts Jedar, complimenting him on the surprise attack. Jedar accepts the compliment, responding that he'll see Hendel soon. The Shinehorst off loads her first set of cargo at Star Base 12 and procedest to a near by outpost. Jedar makes good on his promise when he is able to catch the Shinehorst before she can make it to the outpost. Jedar takes his customary 10% of the valuables and gives Hendel a rare bottle of Romulan ale. Both vessels will again make the record books 10 years later when the ongoing rivalry reaches 200 attempts, 71 of which are successful for the Starwind.InternetSTSTCS
2/1903.1302/18/2277The "Ariadne" (NCC-206) class clippers are ordered. 127 vessels will be built.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 2
2/1903.1702/27/2277Lethality EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarLethality Engagement
2/1903.1803/03/2277The uprated USS "Federation" (NCC-2100) dreadnought is relaunched following drastic refitting. With state-of-the-art warp drive (three LN-64 nacelles), 20 phasers, 4 photon torpedo banks, a cloaking device, and a complement of 500, these "Federation (II)" class dreadnoughts serve as flagships for many subquadrant fleets and system defense forces. A total of nine will be reconstructed, each one capable of warp 15--the fastest ships in Star Fleet to datePublicationStarFleet Dynamics
2/1903.2003/08/22772nd Battle at VabSTSTCSOrion Pirate Hunt2nd Battle at Vab
2/1903.2203/12/2277Kuurg StrikeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictKuurg Strike
2/1903.2403/17/2277Star Fleet Intelligence forms Alphosan Productions Co. as a cover organization in Ximthaar on Alphosa. It will eventually cover agents through SFI Sector 003.FASAStar Fleet Intellegence Book
2/1903.2503/21/2277Defense of Convoy 164-QSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 164-Q
2/1903.2703/25/2277Gorn naval units begin fielding the BI-17 dreadnought. Designed to pummle enemy ships and bases at medium to close range, the BI-17 becomes popular with commanders along the exploration frontiers where first contact missions often happen at close range. Star Fleet CommandStarfleet Command Video Game
2/1903.3004/02/2277Unalterable EngagementSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictUnalterable Engagement
2/1904.0104/06/2277The Klingon D-7S "K't'mara" ("Bringer Of Justice") class cruiser enters service in the Klingon fleet.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1904.0104/08/2277North Shields EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarNorth Shields Engagement
2/1904.0404/15/2277Defense of Convoy 178-QSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 178-Q
2/1904.0904/27/2277Calling in what few favors he has left, the Captain of the the IKS Vengful Fist is granted permission to repair his vessel and rearm with a new weapons configuration. The decision is made to not replace the damaged aft disruptore but instead to install a forward KP-3 torpedo. Because the D-7c was never originally intended to mount a torpedo, the total number of torpedo casings is limited. STSTCSSTSTCS
2/1904.1004/29/2277Whisper HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntWhisper Hunt
2/1904.1505/13/2277Battle at 19.2 S-2 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 19.2 S-2 E
2/1904.2306/01/2277Convoy Raid 1015STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConvoy Raid 1015
2/1904.2606/10/2277The USS "Ariel" (NCC-2200) shuttlecarrier is commissioned. This immense delta-winged starship with warp 14 capacity via LN-65A engines and a complement of 842 is the largest Star Fleet vessel to date. Only four such vessels will be constructed (NCC-2200-NCC-2203), but its extremely warp-dynamic design is considered for the construction of future deepspace ships.InternetHeavy Cruiser Evolution Chart
2/1904.2906/18/2277Defense of Listening Station 786STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Listening Station 786
2/1905.0106/22/2277The Mark I "Northampton" class frigate enters service with a crew of 325 and warp 10 capacity. These frigates will be stationed by Star Fleet in all sensitive areas to prevent aggression. These ships have numerous recreation facilities and spacious quarters for the crewmembers and marines, mounting the most powerful of Star Fleet's engines (the LN-64 warp engine). Although the hull design incorporates the single-engine lock found on several Andorian designs, the "Northampton" is of Martian design.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1905.0206/26/2277Hornet EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarHornet Engagement
2/1905.0306/27/2277Defense of Convoy 113-ghSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 113-gh
2/1905.0907/13/2277Convoy Raid 1016STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConvoy Raid 1016
2/1905.1107/18/2277Defense of Convoy 162-oSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 162-o
2/1905.1407/25/2277Battle at 20 S-3.5 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 20 S-3.5 E
2/1905.1808/04/2277The Gorn launch the CD-25-A in an attempt to counter the superior manueverability of Romulan small craft. Although more manueverable than most Gorn vessels, the CD-25 lacks the massive punch associated with other Gorn vessels. The vessel sees limited production but is successful in it's scout roll.Star Fleet CommandStarfleet Command Video Game
2/1905.2408/19/2277Engagement at Upsilon Urae MajorisSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarEngagement at Upsilon Urae Majoris
2/1905.2608/26/2277Hoping to deter mounting pressure from the Klingon Empire, three modified I-1's become the I-1b. Far more resource intensive than the "a" model, the "b" model is used almost exclusively in engagements with Imperial warships. STSTCSSTSTCS
2/1905.2608/26/2277Battle at NamezkSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntBattle at Namezk
2/1906.0109/09/2277A small band of renegade Gorn based on Maltharin II attack Federation shipping and outposts in hopes of sabotaging UFP/Gorn relations. The Larson Class destroyer USS Hastings (NCC-4404), commanded by Commander Charles E. Stuart and carrying official Gorn representatives is dispatched to make contact and attempt a peaceful resolution with the renegades.FASADemands of HonorGorn Pirate War
2/1906.0109/09/2277The K-22B "Bird of Prey" class scout enters service in the Klingon fleet.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1906.0409/16/2277The USS Hastings recieves an urgent message from Admiral Mendez to procede to Clanhaven, the site of negotiations between the Gorn and Federation.FASADemands of HonorGorn Pirate War
2/1906.0609/23/2277Defender EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarDefender Engagement
2/1906.0709/24/2277The Larson class USS Hastings (NCC-4404), commanded by Commander Charles E. Stuart and carrying official Gorn representatives is dispatched to make contact and attempt a peaceful resolution with the renegades.FASADemands of HonorGorn Pirate War
2/1906.0709/25/2277East Midlands EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarEast Midlands Engagement
2/1906.1010/01/2277Assault at YusilisSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAssault at Yusilis
2/1906.1210/07/2277Although initially successful, the growing pirate syndicate alliance continues to show greater strain. In keeping with tradition, no single individual or family is named as head of the alliance. Ligitimate operations continue to grow at an alarming rate, but still have not surpassed illigal blocade running, smuggling and pirate activity.InternetSTSTCSGorn Pirate War
2/1906.1310/09/2277With tension aboard the USS Hastings continuing to rise, an assasination attempt is made on the traveling Gorn dignitary, S'slee. A phaser on overload nearly kills several senior staff members and the Gorn delegation.FASADemands of HonorGorn Pirate War
2/1906.1310/09/2277The Gorn Alliance courier shuttle Sess'lessar sends a distress call indicating it is under attack.FASADemands of HonorGorn Pirate War
2/1906.1310/10/2277Unopposed EngagementSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictUnopposed Engagement
2/1906.1410/12/2277While investigating the attack on the Gorn courier Sess'lessar, the USS Hastings is attacked by a renegade Gorn cruiser. The Gorn finally move off after taking damage.FASADemands of HonorGorn Pirate War
2/1906.1510/14/2277After repairing the damaged courier Sess'lessar, the USS Hasting procedes to Maltharian system. Although careful and expecting trouble, the landing party from the Hasting and the Gorn deligation from Clanhaven are captured by renegade Gorn forces.FASADemands of HonorGorn Pirate War
2/1906.1510/14/2277Forced into desperate action to save their landing party, the crew of the USS Hastings overloads their main phaser banks to punch a hole through the shields on Maltharian II. At the same time, the captured landing party is able to escape and begins to make their way from the holding area.FASADemands of HonorGorn Pirate War
2/1906.1510/14/2277After loosing precious time in their rescue attempt, the USS Hasting, having recovered it's missing crew and the Gorn Delegation, are attacked by two Gorn cruisers, the Hssig'ssee and Sl'sasigri. The Hasting is forced to retreat and sends for help.FASADemands of HonorGorn Pirate War
2/1906.1610/17/2277Defense of Convoy 62-DSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 62-D
2/1906.1710/19/2277After running from the Gorn Renegade cruiser Hssig'ssee and Sl'sasigri, the Federation destroyer Hastings rendezvous with Gorn and Federation reinforcements from Clanhaven. The Hssig'ssee and Sl'sasigri are forced to retreat after taking heavy damage.FASADemands of HonorGorn Pirate War
2/1906.2110/30/2277Battle at 18.9 S-4.7 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 18.9 S-4.7 E
2/1906.2611/12/2277The Inflexible class USS Intollerance engages defecting Klingon forces that had crossed into Federation space. Although significantly damaged, the Intollerance damaged all of the Klingon vessels, forcing them to withdrawl.InternetSTSTCS
2/1906.2711/14/2277Ice Runner HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntIce Runner Hunt
2/1906.2711/15/2277Hunt for the RoverSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Rover
2/1907.0111/25/2277Docimo EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarDocimo Engagement
2/1907.0712/09/2277Defense of Convoy 130-mSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 130-m
2/1907.0812/13/2277Altair EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarAltair Engagement
2/1907.1601/01/2278Defense of Convoy 9902-DSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Convoy 9902-D
2/1907.1801/07/2278Battle at 18.7 S-4.8 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 18.7 S-4.8 E
2/1907.2201/17/2278Defense of Convoy 207-uSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 207-u
2/1907.2501/26/2278Raid on Convoy 833-OSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictRaid on Convoy 833-O
2/1908.0102/12/22782nd Battle of Fredrick-MSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon Conflict2nd Battle of Fredrick-M
2/1908.0602/25/2278Defense of Convoy 85-oSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 85-o
2/1908.1003/07/2278The MD-10-D is fielded in the Gorn Hegonomy. The D model enlarges the impulse drive and adds four additional blasters to the main armament. STSTCSDesign by Terry D. Shannon
2/1908.1003/07/2278Shadow HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntShadow Hunt
2/1908.1003/07/2278Assault on Breen Rally Point OneSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictAssault on Breen Rally Point One
2/1908.1303/15/2278Defense of Convoy 208-QSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 208-Q
2/1908.1403/17/2278First Engagement of KinarraSTSTCSIKS ConflictFirst Engagement of Kinarra
2/1908.1403/17/2278Mantieve Operation - Engagement 1STSTCSMantieve Civil WarMantieve Operation - Engagement 1
2/1908.1503/18/2278Battle at Repair Point 6STSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictBattle at Repair Point 6
2/1908.1503/18/2278Battle of KazarSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictBattle of Kazar
2/1908.1803/26/2278The Dixie Queen is destroyed within Klingon space.FASAThe Dixie Gambit
2/1908.1903/30/2278Battle at Tau Ursae MajorisSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarBattle at Tau Ursae Majoris
2/1908.2704/20/2278Battle at the Megara ApproachSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictBattle at the Megara Approach
2/1908.2804/21/2278Battle at Megara IIISTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictBattle at Megara III
2/1908.2804/21/2278Battle at Megara VISTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictBattle at Megara VI
2/1908.2804/22/2278Defense of Convoy 9902-HSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Convoy 9902-H
2/1908.2904/23/2278The MA-15-C is launched. Further additionas and upgrades to the impulse drive and main weapons push the boundaries of Gorn light cruiser design.Star Fleet CommandStarfleet Command Video Game
2/1909.0105/01/2278During an attack on a Romulan scout ship, Marine Captain Meneti Kommora and a boarding party from the IKV Slasher are captured by the enemy after reinforcements force the Slasher to withdrawl.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/1909.0505/12/2278The Orion Pirate Syndicate continues to expand it's fleet diversity, using several unique management reward systems to try and consolidate overall activity. The plan is less than successful, but provides sufficient funds to purchase several heavier class vessels throguh covert means.InternetSTSTCS
2/1909.0805/20/2278Engagement at BellatrixSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarEngagement at Bellatrix
2/1909.1406/04/2278The Gorn BH-13 becomes operational. With a crew of 1090 and top speed of warp 6, the BH-13 is immediately deployed to the Romulan/Gorn boarder where is outguns any vessel is come across. Star Fleet CommandStarfleet Command Video Game
2/1909.1706/10/2278Attack on Convoy Z-208-RSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarAttack on Convoy Z-208R
2/1909.1806/14/2278The MB-15-A becomes operational. Like most Gorn designs, it is large, slow but very dangerous, especially in close quarters. Star Fleet CommandStarfleet Command Video Game
2/1909.1906/17/22783rd Battle at VabSTSTCSOrion Pirate Hunt3rd Battle at Vab
2/1909.2006/18/2278Hunt for the Stellar WenchSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Stellar Wench
2/1909.2106/22/2278Convoy Raid 1017STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConvoy Raid 1017
2/1909.2406/28/2278Fan Cam StrikeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictFan Cam Strike
2/1909.2406/29/2278Chief of Star Fleet Command Hierachiro Nogura orders the construction of the "Menahga" (NCC-3100) class battlecruiserPublicationStarFleet Dynamics
2/1909.2807/09/2278The USS "Niven" (NCC-4825) light attack cruiser prototype is commissioned. With warp 12 capacity and a total complement of 315, 37 vessels total will comprise this class (NCC-4825-NCC-4869). Each ship is armed with 12 standard phaser emplacements, 2 photon torpedo banks, and deploys 10 "Berserker" class Duobees with add-on "Spitball" weapon/warp engine pods. In their later years nearing 2290, the "Niven" class will be relegated to a peacekeeping role in space exploration. Their complement of armed shuttles will be phased out and replaced with science/exploration variants, much like the "Avenger" class heavy frigates' "Killer Bee" craft.InternetPrometheus Graphics
2/1909.2807/10/2278Assault on Breen Rally Point TwoSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictAssault on Breen Rally Point Two
2/1909.2907/11/2278Renegade HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntRenegade Hunt
2/1909.3007/14/22782nd Battle of Iota CassiopiaeSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon Conflict2nd Battle of Iota Cassiopiae
2/1910.0107/16/2278The USS "Monson" (NCC-2392) "Chandley" class frigate is overtaken by four Klingon K-23 class destroyers in the Triangle. They board a captured Klingon ship which self-destructs killing two marine platoons aboard and the entire Klingon ship's crew. Because of this incident, Star Fleet policy states that before marines board any enemy vessel a complete scan must be made of the vessel to determine if the destruct systems are in operation.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1910.0107/16/2278The K-27C class escort enters service in the Klingon fleet.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1910.0307/22/2278Mantieve Operation - Engagement 2STSTCSMantieve Civil WarMantieve Operation - Engagement 2
2/1910.0407/25/2278The "Einstein" (NCC-8495) class timeslip cruiser is authorized, apparently after the successful test runs of the "Lynx" (NCC-4700) prototype timeship. This space/time exploration vessel is based around a frigate design hull, and possesses warp 9.1 capacity, 12 standard phaser emplacements, and a ships complement of 605. Held secret by Star Fleet, the NCCs of the 5 ships comprising this class are included as part of the "Anderson" class heavy scout NCCs.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/1910.0407/25/2278Battle at 20.9 S-3.7 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 20.9 S-3.7 E
2/1910.0708/02/2278Southampton EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarSouthampton Engagement
2/1910.1508/21/2278Hunt for the BanditSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Bandit
2/1910.1508/22/2278The "Pleiades" (NCC-430) class survey cruiser is authorized for construction, designed to explore and study stellar anomalies with her extensive laboratories. Some 31 ships will be built out of an initially proposed 63, each possessing warp 9 speed, 275 crew, and an ordnance of 2 torpedo tubes and 12 phaser emplacements.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2
2/1910.1508/22/2278Battle at 20.2 S-2.8 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 20.2 S-2.8 E
2/1910.1909/01/2278Defense of Convoy 163-DSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 163-D
2/1910.2009/03/2278Second Engaement of KinarraSTSTCSIKS ConflictSecond Engaement of Kinarra
2/1910.2609/18/2278Raid on Convoy 836-BSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictRaid on Convoy 836-B
2/1911.0510/14/2278Battle at Mu AndromedaeSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictBattle at Mu Andromedae
2/1911.0510/15/22782nd Battle of Mu AndromedaeSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon Conflict2nd Battle of Mu Andromedae
2/1911.0610/16/2278Convoy Raid 1018STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConvoy Raid 1018
2/1911.0610/17/22783rd Battle of Mu AndromedaeSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon Conflict3rd Battle of Mu Andromedae
2/1911.0710/18/2278Defense of Convoy 293-tlhSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 293-tlh
2/1911.0710/18/2278Final Battle of Mu AndromedaeSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictFinal Battle of Mu Andromedae
2/1911.0710/19/2278The D-28 (Death Bird) model A cruiser is launched. Incorporating design philosophies of the Bird of Prey class, the D-28a's unusual internal arrangements allow for the instillation of the oversized KIF-2 impulse drive. The A model become more powerful than most other similar sized cruisers, and soon earns a reputation as a deadly cruiser.InternetChristopher Cornelius Designs
2/1911.0710/19/2278The "Todega" (NCC-S300) class tug is authorized. With four warp nacelles and massive impulse drives for a ship of it's size, the Todega is used primarily to move large scale space facilities and starship components.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 3
2/1911.0810/21/2278Battle at 20 S-2.3 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 20 S-2.3 E
2/1911.0910/23/2278The "Griffin" (NCC-F4100) class supply tender is authorized for construction. Used primarily for the shipment of starship maintenance related cargo and parts, the "Griffin" class will be used in the private and commercial sectors. The 82 ships comprising this class will carry 112 as a standard ship's complement, possess warp 7 capacity (SC35/1-45F self-contained nacelles), and 6 phaser emplacements.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1911.1911/19/2278The "Ascension" (NCC-2520) dreadnought is commissioned. Essentially a mini-"Federation (II)" class dreadnought, ten ships of this class will be constructed. With high warp capability, a crew of 485, and--like the "Federation"--three LN-64 propulsion units. A built-up version of the "Belknap" class. Long-range coupled with truly high speed capabilities make the "Ascension" and her sisters ideal for investigating trouble spots throughout the U.F.P. Treaty Zone--as they happen, and especially for emergency rescue operations. For these reasons, they are stationed in a disperse pattern throughout the U.F.P., with at least one based at every major starbase.PublicationStarfleet Prototype
2/1911.2011/21/2278Attack on Breen Convoy 1STSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictAttack on Breen Convoy 1
2/1911.2512/03/2278The BI-14 is updated to the "B" model with the addition of a larger power system and additional weapon systems. While still slow and ponderous, the vessel is deadly when encountered. Star Fleet CommandStarfleet Command Video Game
2/1911.2712/09/2278Engagement at IadaraSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarEngagement at Iadara
2/1911.2912/13/2278Defense of Convoy 231-ngSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 231-ng
2/1911.2912/14/2278The "Archangel" (NCC-2294) class shuttlecarrier is launched. Intended to eventually replace the "Ariel" (NCC-2200) class shuttlecarriers, the "Archangel" features 6 landing bays, a ship's complement of 500, 14 phaser emplacements, warp 9.5 capacity, and two impulse drives.PublicationStarfleet Prototype
2/1912.0112/18/2278The Mark V "Chandley" class frigates enter service in Star Fleet.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1912.0112/18/2278The USS "Genser," along with five other escorts accompanying a convoy of neutronic fuel carriers to the rimward frontier, scans an unidentified object travelling on a parallel course. The "Genser" breaks away from the convoy to investigate and disappears. After several minutes the "Genser" reappears, maintaining its last course and speed but doesn't respond to radio calls. Sensor scans reveal that the entire crew had disappeared. The convoy is halted and searches are made but nothing is found to solve the mystery. The mysterious object had also disappeared. The USS "Genser" is later assigned to active duty in the rimward frontier areas.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/1912.0112/19/2278Mantieve Operation - Engagement 3STSTCSMantieve Civil WarMantieve Operation - Engagement 3
2/1912.0212/21/2278Battle at 19 S-4.3 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 19 S-4.3 E
2/1912.0901/09/2279The SS-3-b destroyer enters service with the Gorn navy. The B model includes increases in firepower, shielding and overall power. 90 more vessels are built.STSTCSSTSTCS
2/1912.1001/10/2279Chantress EngagementSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictChantress Engagement
2/1912.1001/11/2279Skirmish at 1.6 E-18.22 SSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSkirmish at 1.6 E-18.22 S
2/1912.1301/19/2279The USS "Tikopai" (NCC-1800) heavy cruiser is, at long last, commissioned. After constant redesigns due to the influx of new drive technologies in the early 2260s this class was greatly delayed. Utilizing LN-65A engines, a complement of 440, and a slightly modified primary hull, these are essentially another variation on the "Enterprise" heavy cruiser. A total of 33 "Tikopai" heavy cruisers will be built (NCC-1800-NCC-1832): all new ships.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/1912.1801/31/2279Defense of Camp KrolkSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictDefense of Camp Krolk
2/1912.2002/06/2279Bradley IncidentSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarBradley Incident
2/1912.2102/07/2279Mantieve Operation - Engagement 4STSTCSMantieve Civil WarMantieve Operation - Engagement 4
2/1912.2202/11/2279Williamsburg EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarWilliamsburg Engagement
2/1912.2502/17/2279Thrid Engagement of KinarraSTSTCSIKS ConflictThrid Engagement of Kinarra
2/2001.0103/07/2279The Mark I "Keith" class scout ends it's service life.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2001.0103/07/2279The decline of the influence of Klingon/Human Fusions is complete, with most territories along the UFP borders now in the hands of more militant Imperial Race family lines. Border incidents along the UFP/Klingon Neutral Zone (lying between the Triangle anFASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
2/2001.0103/07/2279The X-3 "Aviary" Type 7 Defense Outpost enters service in the Romulan Star Empire. The Type 7 increases the over shield power and adds multiple photon torpedo launchers, giving the bases the ability to defense againt much heavier vessels.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2001.0103/07/2279Agents of Star Fleet Intelligence Command discover and destroy a small, mobile Klingon base, inside Federation space near Star Base 21. Althoguh not publically acknowledged, the incident does surprise a number of command personnel within Star Fleet and the Federation Council. An increase of military and combat oriented multi-purpose ships is begun to counter and increasing threat from Klingon forces.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2001.0103/07/2279Project Genesis receives preliminary support from Star Fleet Command. Funds are provided for the project's first stage, and the entire Regula I Research Station is turned over to the project. Doctors Carol and David Marcus, co-designers of Genesis, become Project and Assistant Project Directors, respectively. Although this major research assignment is under control of Star Fleet's Office of Re-search and Exploration, substantial funds are also obtained from Star Fleet Intelligence Command.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2001.0103/07/2279The long-range robotic Shasta class freighter is launched. Using older and well established equipment, the Shasta is used for very long hauls. Due to its massive 200,000+ mt hauling capacity, the Shasta is ponderous when fully loaded. None the less, it is an immediate success with over 100 built.GDWChallenge Magazine - Issue #40
2/2001.0103/07/2279Defense of Convoy 9910-aSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Convoy 9910-a
2/2001.0103/07/2279Engagement at K'NmormiaSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarEngagement at K'Nmormia
2/2001.1003/30/2279Battle at Outpost KrydrokSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictBattle at Outpost Krydrok
2/2001.1104/03/2279Star Dancer HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntStar Dancer Hunt
2/2001.1604/16/2279Combatant EngagementSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictCombatant Engagement
2/2001.2004/26/2279Defense of Convoy 9911-eSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Convoy 9911-e
2/2001.2004/26/2279Convoy Raid 1019STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConvoy Raid 1019
2/2001.2705/13/2279Attack on Convoy Z-209-JSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarAttack on Convoy Z-209J
2/2001.3005/20/2279Hunt for the Night RoverSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Night Rover
2/2002.0105/25/2279R-1 Harmony Recreational Facility Mk IFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2002.0105/25/2279The Mark III "Northampton" class frigate enters service in Star Fleet.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2002.0105/25/2279The Mark V "Babcock" class frigate enters service in Star Fleet.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2002.0305/30/2279Grandeous HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntGrandeous Hunt
2/2002.0506/04/2279Convoy Raid 1020STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConvoy Raid 1020
2/2002.1006/18/2279The I.K.V. "K'teremny" ("Great Slayer of Enemies," KL 44104) Klingon destroyer is commissioned. Considered by most to be the third most popular Klingon design within the inventory, the K'Teremny is rushed into production and immidiately becomes a capable combat platform, often rivaling the capabilities of earlier destroyers and cruisers. With a crew of 238 and 8 medium phasers, the K'Teremny is placed into mass production, with nearly 4 being finished per month.InternetBill Colley Designs
2/2002.1106/20/2279Raid on Convoy 838-CSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictRaid on Convoy 838-C
2/2002.1506/30/2279The USS "Menahga" (NCC-3100) battlecruiser is constructed. Found to be flawed, the go ahead for the class' production will be given with the provision that solutions to the inherent faults could be incorporated into future craft and retrofitted into existing vessels. The "S'Harien" (NCC3107) class battlecruiser will represent the improved "Menahga" configuration.PublicationStarFleet Dynamics
2/2002.1507/01/2279Defense of Convoy 267-wSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 267-w
2/2002.1507/01/2279White Diamond HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntWhite Diamond Hunt
2/2002.1907/11/2279Several senior family representatives begin meeting with Romulan operatives within the Triangle to negotiate the purchase of Romulan designed equipment and ships. The plans for Romulan engines, impulse drives and shields are procured at the meeting, for an exorbitant price. Several complete hulls are also agreed upon, with delivery in several weeks. The sale allows the Orion Syndicate to finally begin construction on larger vessels for their frontline forces, and gives the Romulans usable funds within the Triangle and for their own purchase of Klingon vessels.InternetSTSTCS
2/2002.2007/13/2279Ranarvasam StrikeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictRanarvasam Strike
2/2002.2607/28/2279The USS "Daran" (NCC-3201) fast frigate is commissioned. By 2278, this class, based upon the "Avenger" heavy frigate design, will total twelve starships (NCC-3201-NCC-3212), each having warp 11 capacity, a complement of 345, and 12 phaser emplacements.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/2003.0108/04/2279Kolm-An Class VIII Assault Ship Mk IFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2003.0108/04/2279The Klingon L-9E class frigate enters service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2003.0108/04/2279The S-8B class mobile repair facility enters service in the Klingon Empire.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2003.0108/04/2279The Klingons invade and capture Mrzicann, a small world outside the Organian Treaty Zone. This campaign represents the largest number of T-12 assault ship use. To prevent a repeat of this occurance, Star Fleet steps up its monitoring of these assault vessels, keeping track of their location and movements.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2003.0208/09/2279Battle at 20.4 S-1.6 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 20.4 S-1.6 E
2/2003.0308/11/2279Black Star HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntBlack Star Hunt
2/2003.1509/09/2279Cliffrunner EngagementSTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictCliffrunner Engagement
2/2003.1509/10/2279The Knox class USS Saigon engages Romulan forces near Freeman's Port. Believing it to be Klingon forces, the Saigon damaged a Bird of Prey class S-12 scout which it nearly boards, but is lured into a trap and attacked by by a Romulan V-9. The V-9 severly damaged the Saigon, and the Romulans destroy their own vessel rather than have it captured. Two days later, the crew of the Saigon if forced to abandon ship.InternetSTSTCS
2/2003.1809/17/2279Star Fleet Intelligence's plan to assist Human colonists on Marram IX, now under Klingon domination, is approved. The plan is code-named Project Minuteman.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2003.1909/20/2279Mantieve Operation - Engagement 5STSTCSMantieve Civil WarMantieve Operation - Engagement 5
2/2003.2109/26/2279Hunt for the AdventureSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Adventure
2/2003.2410/04/2279New Belfast IncidentSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarNew Belfast Incident
2/2003.2510/06/2279K'Kaarr IncidentSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictK'Kaarr Incident
2/2003.2610/08/2279Defense of Convoy 209-eSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 209-e
2/2003.2810/13/2279Attack on Breen Convoy 2STSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictAttack on Breen Convoy 2
2/2004.0110/22/2279The Mark I "Bader" class scout ends it's service life.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2004.0110/22/2279The D-32b "Z'gavva" ("Stronger Bird") class cruiser is commissioned in the Klingon fleet. Based directly upon the Romulan S-11 design, these ships carry over 142 personnel and have warp 8 capacity.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2004.0110/22/2279The D-32c "Z'gavva" ("Stronger Bird") class cruiser is commissioned in the Klingon fleet. Based directly upon the Romulan S-11 design, these ships carry over 142 personnel and have warp 8 capacity.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2004.0210/25/2279Hunt for the FugitiveSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Fugitive
2/2004.0511/02/2279The "Essex" (NCC-1727) has her 3CM chemical combustion system uprated with Dennison/Westinghouse "superfiring" CQM supplemental units, providing response and performance similar to "Trentis" and other current reaction control systems.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/2004.0611/05/2279The "Santee" (NCC-1925) class escort carriers are again refitted, notably with the Spacecraft Control System (SCS) sensor and communications suite, allowing ships to monitor the flight paths of all embarked craft and establish computer links with them. It is the forerunner of the Flight Tasking And Control (FTAC) integrated suite used on newer carriers.PublicationFederation Shuttlecarrier Comparison Chart - Mark A. Wilson and Federation Frontiers
2/2004.0611/06/2279Battle at Cygnet VIIISTSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictBattle at Cygnet VIII
2/2004.0711/07/2279Engagement at StatterfieldSTSTCSIKS ConflictEngagement at Statterfield
2/2004.1311/22/2279The Organians announce that Sheridan's World, site of the joint Human-Klingon settlement, will be opened to authorized visitors in one standard year.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2004.1411/25/2279Attack on Breen Convoy 3STSTCS1st Breen - Klingon ConflictAttack on Breen Convoy 3
2/2004.1611/30/2279Tryes Avastam StrikeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictTryes Avastam Strike
2/2004.2012/10/2279Montague EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarMontague Engagement
2/2004.2112/12/2279The CD-25-B is brought into the Gorn inventory. With longer-ranged weapons and a more powerful main drive, the "B" model quickly replaces the "A" model as the front line scout for the Hegemony. The model sees surprising success against the Romulans when was finally comes.Star Fleet CommandStarfleet Command Video Game
2/2004.2412/21/2279Defense of Convoy 280-nSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 280-n
2/2004.2512/23/2279The Hatfield class USS Archive (NCC-2016) is destroyed.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/2004.2812/30/2279Battle at 20.8 S-1.9 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 20.8 S-1.9 E
2/2004.2801/01/2280Engagement near MeadowSTSTCSIKS ConflictEngagement near Meadow
2/2005.0101/07/2280The Chandley Class frigate USS Blackheart (NCC-2327), patrolling the rimward frontier, is reported missing. A communications buoy is later recovered, describing the presence of a small object paralleling the Blackheart’s course. There is no verified correlation between vessel's disappearance and that of the USS Genser several months earlier.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2005.0101/07/2280Commodore Sonarn requests a Star Fleet crew to respond to Bonus Run, an Orion colony tradeworld. According to their instructions, they are to assist in locating and recruiting a kmanatram, an outcast from Romulan society.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2005.0201/10/2280Blackhorne EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarBlackhorne Engagement
2/2005.0501/18/2280Tikopai IncidentSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarTikopai Incident
2/2005.0801/25/2280The "Cyane" class heavy frigates are proposed as an added construction group to the existing "Avenger" class heavy frigates. The Military Staff Committee will drop these plans later in the year, citing the relatively peaceful years since 2273 as the primary reason. Subsequently, 8 "Avenger" class ships will be refitted for exploratory duty.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/2005.1402/09/2280Defense of Convoy 9920-ngSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Convoy 9920-ng
2/2005.1702/16/2280Battle at 19.7 S-1 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 19.7 S-1 E
2/2005.2403/05/2280Mantieve Operation - Engagement 6STSTCSMantieve Civil WarMantieve Operation - Engagement 6
2/2005.2403/05/2280Destruction of Pirate Base VabSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDestruction of Pirate Base Vab
2/2005.2803/15/2280The TH-2 "G'glei" class transport becomes operational within Gorn space. Incredibly powerful, the vessel is capable of moving massive amounts of freight when necessary, but is more often used in it's secondary roll of combat transport where is can move several large batallions of Gorn troops when necessary. The TH-2 is also designed to tow a repair module, making it a major support vessel for forward deployed Gorn fleets. Only 35 are built, yet all remain in service for over 40 years.STSTCS
2/2005.2803/15/2280Skirmish at 2.86 S -23.11 SSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSkirmish at 2.86 S -23.11 S
2/2006.0203/28/2280Krador's staff discover how to reprogram food processor using subspace radio. Reginements in the Muldorian mind control drug make it even more potene. Experiments on non-Klingons extend its effectiveness to Muldorians, Orions and several other minor races.FASATermination: 1456
2/2006.0203/28/2280Convoy Raid 1021STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConvoy Raid 1021
2/2006.1304/26/2280Engagement at the Betreka NebulaSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarEngagement at the Betreka Nebula
2/2006.1805/09/2280The Gorn launch the devistating BI-19 class of heavy dreadnought. The BI-19 is a fortress in space, with over a dozen blasters and numerous offensive capabilities. Significant amounts of armor further enhance the vessels dangrous reputation. Star Fleet CommandStarfleet Command Video Game
2/2006.2605/29/2280Defense of Convoy 160-QSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 160-Q
2/2007.0106/10/2280The Mark I "Charger" destroyer is launched. With 180 crew and a top speed of warp 12, the Charger is the first modified Remora hull design.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2007.0206/13/2280Battle at 20.9 S-1.4 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 20.9 S-1.4 E
2/2007.0206/13/2280Adventuous HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntAdventuous Hunt
2/2007.0306/17/2280Friedlander IncidentSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarFriedlander Incident
2/2007.0907/01/2280Defense of Convoy 9920-rSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Convoy 9920-r
2/2007.1207/09/2280Defense of Convoy 64-vSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDefense of Convoy 64-v
2/2007.1307/11/2280Hunt for the Pirate QueenSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Pirate Queen
2/2007.1307/12/2280Hellstriker EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictHellstriker Engagement
2/2007.2208/03/2280Romulan and IKS forces begin open trade, hearlding a new political shift within the Triangle. Although several planetary governments break ties with the IKS, most continue to trade openly with both the Romulans and IKS in the hopes of preventing raids by either side.InternetSTSTCS
2/2007.2308/07/2280The CS-6-E becomes operational in the Gorn Hegemony. Although armed with a pair of medium blasters, the "E" is considered undergunned for its role in modern starship combat. None the less, a significant number of "A" models are modified to this configuration, which see significant combat against the Romulans.STSTCSSTSTCS
2/2007.2608/13/2280Manchester EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarManchester Engagement
2/2007.2908/21/2280Star Fleet Division is contracted to build the remaining 6 vessels comprising the "Decatur" class.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet, Volume 1
2/2007.3008/23/2280Convoy Raid 1022STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConvoy Raid 1022
2/2008.0108/28/2280The Reliant Class research cruiser USS Invicta (NCC-26246) and the Constitution Class cruiser USS Hornet (NCC-1778) locate hull and engine components from the USS Menke 280 parsecs away from the Mehke’s last-known position eleven years ago. Scientists are still baffled.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2008.0108/28/2280The Klingon D-14B class destroyer enters service. The addition of a cloaking device and enlarged torpedo bay make the "B" model popular with commanders along the Romulan frontier. 66 new hulls are constructed.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2008.0108/28/2280Temerand Duplicat funds an internal company design program quietly dubbed IPP-1 (Internal Perimeter Program 1). The company's Martian facility begins conducting independent research and development in an effort to produce several PA designs that would be acceptable to Star Fleet should the perimeter action program be reactivated.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet, Volume 2
2/2008.0809/15/2280The D-10d Giver of Swiftness defects to the IKS and is rechristined the Stolen Vengeance. Due to the lack of replacement parts, the Vengeance, like most IKS vessels, becomes an amalgma of systems and parts.STSTCSSTSTCS
2/2008.0809/16/2280First Battle at the Lembata ClusterSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarFirst Battle at the Lembata Cluster
2/2008.1009/20/2280The T-25 Type 1 (Deathwing) Destroyer is launched. Although larger than standard Romulan destroyers, this 166 crew, warp 8 capable vessel is extremely easy to produce and is quickly fielded in large numbers. With heavy long range weapons and a light torpedo, the T-25 is the equal to lighter destroyers, and is produced nearly as quickly. Over 250 will be produced.InternetChristopher Cornelius Designs
2/2008.1810/11/2280Hunt for the DesireSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Desire
2/2008.2610/31/2280The "Jenghiz" Mark II class destroyer becomes operational. With an enlarged impulse drive and stronger shields, the 230 crew destrtoyer is employed along all hostile boardersJackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/2008.2711/02/2280Stung by the financial loss of their purchased Romulan ships, the Orion Syndicate begins loosing ground, as several families pull their support for covert activity, which is now under extensive scrutiny from the Federation and independent operatives within the Triangle. Federation patrols near Orion space increase dramatically, forcing many pirates to remain in deep space for months, rather than give away base locations.InternetSTSTCS
2/2008.2811/06/2280Battle at 21 S-1.2 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 21 S-1.2 E
2/2009.0111/15/2280Commander Kletarc Sutai Klinlor is promoted to Cpatain of the battleecruiser IKV Dissension.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2009.0111/15/2280The Mark IV "Greyhound" class warpshuttle/courier vessels enter service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2009.0111/15/2280The D-10H "Riskahd" class Klingon cruisers enter service, mounting the command pods from L-9 frigates instead of the old style D-7 modules.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2009.0111/15/2280The Klingon L-13D battleships enter service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2009.0111/15/2280Admiral Kaneida's Triangle mission is completed , and Star Fleet Intelligence believes it to be a great success for the Klingon Empire.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2009.0411/23/2280Attack on Convoy Z-210-ZSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarAttack on Convoy Z-210Z
2/2009.1612/23/2280Auburn EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarAuburn Engagement
2/2009.2301/11/2281Mantieve Operation - Engagement 7STSTCSMantieve Civil WarMantieve Operation - Engagement 7
2/2009.2801/23/2281Vindicator EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarVindicator Engagement
2/2010.0101/30/2281The Wilkerson Class destroyers USS Carmichael and USS Henley collide during a docking operation, destroying both vessels and the docking facility and killing 730 personnel. An investigation reveals that a faulty tractor beam guidance control was the cause.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2010.0602/12/2281Battle at 20.1 S-3.5 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 20.1 S-3.5 E
2/2010.1002/22/2281Klingon Admiral K'tek presents a bold strategy to the Klingon High Council outlining an elaborate plan to strike across the Neutral Zone and capture specific Federation strongholds. Although the plan is complex, it is not beyond the scope of units within the area. With no interfearence from the Organians in recent boarder disputes, the Taal Tan Offensive is given approval and forces begin assembling.InternetTaal Tan
2/2010.1002/22/2281Klingon Admiral K'tek presents a bold strategy to the Klingon High Council outlining an elaborate plan to strike across the Neutral Zone and capture specific Federation strongholds. Although the plan is complex, it is not beyond the scope of units within the area. With no interfearence from the Organians in recent boarder disputes, the Taal Tan Offensive is given approval and forces begin assembling. STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2010.1202/27/2281Unafraid EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictUnafraid Engagement
2/2010.1403/06/2281Battle at KessikSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarBattle at Kessik
2/2010.1803/15/2281Endeavor class ships are equipped with Duotronic III systems.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet, Volume 1
2/2011.0104/19/2281The Mark I "Finder" rescue corvette becomes operational.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2011.0204/23/2281The Mantieve IncidentSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarThe Mantieve Incident
2/2011.0504/30/2281Underworld HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntUnderworld Hunt
2/2011.0605/03/2281Ernstrom EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarErnstrom Engagement
2/2011.1305/20/2281Hunt for the MajestySTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Majesty
2/2011.1605/28/2281Second Battle at the Lembata ClusterSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarSecond Battle at the Lembata Cluster
2/2012.0607/18/2281Bunker Hill EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarBunker Hill Engagement
2/2012.1107/31/2281Engagement at TammeronSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarEngagement at Tammeron
2/2012.2008/22/2281Battle at 20.8 S-3.1 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 20.8 S-3.1 E
2/2012.2509/05/2281The MB-6-A is launched in the Gorn Hegemony. It's primary mission seem to be more defensive in nature than other Gorn designs. The vessel stands out with it higher warp speed. 50 are eventually built.Far & Away MagazineDale L. Kemper
2/2012.2609/06/2281Outrunner HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntOutrunner Hunt
2/2101.0109/21/2281The Mark V "Brenton" class cruisers enter service with complements of 395 and warp 8 capacity.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2101.0109/21/2281The first L-42a "Z'gavasta" ("Great Bird") class frigate enters service in the Klingon fleet. It is the largest vessel type produced as a direct result of the latest Klingon/Romulan technology exchange. Taking its design from the Romulan S-11 class scout, this frigate looks very much like a giant K-22 class scout or D-32 class cruiser, sporting the same type of adjustable wings.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2101.0109/21/2281The Type 2 T-10 "Bright One" class destroyer enters service in the Romulan fleet, mounting a larger impulse engine and a photon torpedo tube.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2101.0109/21/2281The Z-1 "Morlasasi Stelam" ("Nova") class battleship enters service in the Romulan Star Empire. This is the Romulan Navy's first battleship to be commissioned, mounting 10 of the most powerful disruptors available and 6 photon torpedo bays capable of laying down a barrage in all directions. The Z-1 carries a complement of 550 and has warp 8 capacity.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2101.0109/22/2281K'tek arrives at Veska and takes command of the Taal Tan forces. Over 50 ships will been assembled, including an L-24 battlship. In an unusual manuever, the Taal Tan forces do not practice their assults aboard their vessels, but in stead use mass simulators to conduct training.InternetTaal Tan
2/2101.0109/22/2281K'tek arrives at Veska and takes command of the Taal Tan forces. Over 50 ships will been assembled, including an L-24 battlship. In an unusual manuever, the Taal Tan forces do not practice their assults aboard their vessels, but in stead use mass simulators to conduct training.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2101.1010/14/2281K'tek begins giving his officers specific instructions, including them in on a vast array of planning strategy sessions. The importance of the Taal Tan system is soon apparent to most. K'tek enlists several Klingon captains and creates elaborate back-up plans. Captains Kor and Koloth are both assigned to take Taal Tan should K'tek fail.InternetTaal Tan
2/2101.1010/14/2281K'tek begins giving his officers specific instructions, including them in on a vast array of planning strategy sessions. The importance of the Taal Tan region is soon apparent to most. K'tek enlists several Klingon captains and creates elaborate back-up plans. Captains Kor and Koloth are both assigned to take Taal Tan should K'tek fail.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2101.1410/25/2281The 103rd Assault Flotila suffers a unprecidented defeat after the Romulan V-6 heavy cruiser Gallant Hand crosses the Klingon/Romulan boarder on a retalitory strike. The 103rd, consisting of two squadrons of the new K'Teremny class destroyer and a cruisers squadron in on undesignated manueveral near the CL-128 system. The lack of manueverability devistates the first destroyer squadron. When the second destroyer squadron responds to call for help, it too is outmanuevered and devistated by the Romulan cruiser. Only the arrival of the crusier squadron chases off the Gallant Hand. Nearly 1,700 Klingons are killed in the battle. Re-evaluation of the K'Teremny is swift and scathing.InternetSTSTCS
2/2101.1711/03/2281Defense of Convoy 9923-bSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Convoy 9923-b
2/2101.2511/22/2281Blount EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarBlount Engagement
2/2102.0112/09/2281The Klingon L-9F class frigate enters service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2102.0112/09/2281K'tek contacts commanders all along the Federation boarder. A massive offensive is coordinated. Despite harsh warnings from the High Council, K'tek continues to outline specific targets and timetables. The unusual precision of the offensive does create tension among front line commanders, but most welcome the chance to engage Federation forces. Fearing that they may be place into percarious positions, many ship commanders begin to reassess their tactical plans and political alliances among the Taal Tan force soon form.InternetTaal Tan
2/2102.0112/09/2281K'tek contacts commanders all along the Federation boarder. A massive offensive is coordinated. Despite harsh warnings from the High Council, K'tek continues to outline specific targets and timetables. The unusual precision of the offensive does create tension among front line commanders, but most welcome the chance to engage Federation forces. Fearing that they may be place into percarious positions, many ship commanders begin to reassess their tactical plans. Political alliances among the Taal Tan force soon form.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2102.0412/18/2281Convoy Raid 1023STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConvoy Raid 1023
2/2102.0512/20/2281In a second severe blow, the Orion Pirate construction base near Zchol in identified. Klingon forces cross the boarder and attack the outpost. With only a few hours warning, little of the construction operation is saved, althoguh most of the techs are ferried to saftey. The attack give Federation forces the opportunity to marshal along the Orion boarder. The Orion Syndicate looses hundreds of billions of credits in equipment and bribery money, and is nearly bankrupted. Few in the Syndicate wish to continue funding the alliance, and begin cutting their losses.InternetSTSTCS
2/2102.1701/19/2282Elements of the 172nd Assault Flotila are assembled at Kannaga in preparation for the Taal Tan offensive. All three wings begin extended patrolls of the Neutral Zone, and are also assigned as support units for the newly formed Asparax Confederation. Despite ovatures from the Federation, Asparax remain loyal to the Empire, allowing ships and personnel into the small grouping of systems.InternetTaal Tan
2/2102.1701/19/2282Elements of the 172nd Assault Flotila are assembled at Kannaga in preparation for the Taal Tan offensive. All three wings begin extended patrolls of the Neutral Zone, and are also assigned as support units for the newly formed Asparax Confederation. Despite ovatures from the Federation, Asparax remain loyal to the Empire, allowing ships and personnel into the small grouping of systems. STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2102.2001/27/2282Attack on Convoy Z-212-BSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarAttack on Convoy Z-212B
2/2103.0102/19/2282A general peace ends the recent round of unofficial clashes between the Klingons and Romulans. In the prisoner exchange that follows, Captain Meneti is returned as the sole survivor of the Slasher's captured party.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2103.0302/24/2282The 180th Assault Flotila is transferred from Phillo Tok' V to Kannaga. Although great steps are taken to hide the move from Star Fleet, long range sensors do notice the shift in power, raising suspicions in Military and Intelligence circles. Tension among the commanders assembling begins to show, with many becoming distrustful of K'tek's extremely unusual actions in planning the assault.InternetTaal Tan
2/2103.0302/24/2282The 180th Assault Flotila is transferred from Phillo Tok' V to Kannaga. Although great steps are taken to hide the move from Star Fleet, long range sensors do notice the shift in power, raising suspicions in Military and Intelligence circles. Tension among the commanders assembling begins to show, with many becoming distrustful of K'tek's extremely unusual actions in planning the assault.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2103.0402/26/2282The 171st Assault Flotila gathers at Mostocal over the next two months. Star Fleet is completely unaware that the entire fleet has gathered until after the Taal Tan offensive begins. The 171st is the only unit not to begin a patrol along the Neutral Zone in preparation for the assault.InternetTaal Tan
2/2103.0402/26/2282The 171st Assault Flotila gathers at Mostocal over the next two months. Star Fleet is completely unaware that the entire fleet has gathered until after the Taal Tan offensive begins. The 171st is the only unit not to begin a patrol along the Neutral Zone in preparation for the assault.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2103.0503/01/2282Scout elements from the 180th Assault Flotila cross the Neutral Zone and begin an extensive mapping mission of the Federation defense satalite network. Using the IKS tammoH (Silencer) as bait, the 39th Scout Squadron is able to accurately map the network. The tammoH and DughwI are both severly damaged during the mission, but are able to return with the necessary data.InternetTaal Tan
2/2103.0503/01/2282Scout elements from the 180th Assault Flotila cross the Neutral Zone and begin an extensive mapping mission of the Federation defense satalite network. Using the IKS tammoH (Silencer) as bait, the 39th Scout Squadron is able to accurately map the network. The tammoH and DughwI are both severly damaged during the mission, but are able to return with the necessary data.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2103.0603/03/2282The 174th Assault Flotila is moved to Kahalas near the Asparax Confederation. The unit is detected by Federation forces. Military units from Precipice extend their patrols towards Defense Outpost 229. Klingon Admiral Kejev of the 171st is given secret orders to discredit K'tek if the assault shows any signs of faltering. Only the command staff of the 171st is aware of these orders.InternetTaal Tan
2/2103.0603/03/2282The 174th Assault Flotila is moved to Kahalas near the Asparax Confederation. The unit is detected by Federation forces. Military units from Precipice extend their patrols towards Defense Outpost 229. Admiral Kejev of the 171st is given secret orders to discredit K'tek if the assault shows any signs of faltering. Only the command staff of the 171st is aware of these orders.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2103.0803/08/2282The BioReseatch Corporation begins efforts to recover deposits of corboryte, a valuable metal used for starship hull manufacture, from the Polin system within the TriangleFASAThe Triangle Campaign
2/2103.0803/08/2282The 179th Assault Flotila split up and head for several uninhabbited systems near the Neutral Zone. Star Fleet transfers five squadrons to patrol along the Neutral Zone.InternetTaal Tan
2/2103.0803/08/2282The 179th Assault Flotila split up and head for several uninhabbited systems near the Neutral Zone. Star Fleet transfers five squadrons to patrol along the Neutral Zone. STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2103.0903/11/2282The 173rd Assault Flotila forms up and heads directly for Takers with in the Neutral Zone. Star Fleet scrambles and sends two battle groups towards Star Base 12 and extends the patrol routes of several other groups. Many research and support mission on the Federation side of the boarder are concluded early, with Fleet Command believing that a minor assault across Takers is possible within the next six months.InternetTaal Tan
2/2103.0903/11/2282The 173rd Assault Flotila forms up and heads directly for Takers with in the Neutral Zone. Star Fleet scrambles and sends two battle groups towards Star Base 12 and extends the patrol routes of several other groups. Many research and support mission on the Federation side of the boarder are concluded early, with Fleet Command believing that a minor assault across Takers is possible within the next six months.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2103.1003/13/2282Battle at 19.8 S-2.5 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 19.8 S-2.5 E
2/2103.1003/13/2282Temerpance HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntTemerpance Hunt
2/2103.1303/21/2282Hunt for the Rigel OutlawSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Rigel Outlaw
2/2103.1403/24/2282Two D-18 destroyers cloak and head for the Neutral Zone. Each has extremely specific targets and timetables to allow for the operation to begin. It is the most crucial part of the entire planned assault. Leaders in the High Councel believe that neither ship will arrive at their location and the entire plan will prove ineffective.InternetTaal Tan
2/2103.1403/24/2282Two D-18 destroyers cloak and head for the Neutral Zone. Each has extremely specific targets and timetables to allow for the operation to begin. It is the most crucial part of the entire planned assault. Leaders in the High Councel believe that neither ship will arrive at their location and the entire plan will prove ineffective.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2103.1503/26/2282Both D-18 are detected crossing the boarder, but can not be effectively tracked due to their cloaking ability. Forces within the region are brought to a heightened state of alert.InternetTaal Tan
2/2103.1503/26/2282Both D-18 are detected crossing the boarder, but can not be effectively tracked due to their cloaking ability. Forces within the region are brought to a heightened state of alert.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2103.1503/28/2282Engagement at MathenSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarEngagement at Mathen
2/2103.1603/29/2282The USS Stark, (NCC-3208) on patrol near the Gorn boarder, is attacked by forces of the Gorn Hegonomy. 33 crew member are killed and the Stark is forced to return to Outpost 271 for repairs. The Gorn commander claims that the Stark had crossed the boarder and refused to answer hails. Although a formal protest is filed and tensions rise, no further overt conflict occurs.FASADemands of Honor
2/2103.2204/13/2282Convoy Raid 1024STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConvoy Raid 1024
2/2103.2504/22/2282Tikopai EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarTikopai Engagement
2/2103.2604/23/2282Romulan operatives seeze billions of credits from the Orion Syndicate on nearly a dozen worlds across the Alpha Quadrant. Surprisingly, the Syndicate is not disrupted by the loss, but is instead unified. Several families join ranks, becoming "super-families" and consolidating their power base. Other Orion concerns continue to expand smuggling and shipping operations.InternetSTSTCS
2/2103.3105/07/2282Battle at 20.6 S-4.8 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 20.6 S-4.8 E
2/2104.0105/08/2282The Organians permit mission teams from the Federation and Klingon Empire to visit Sheridan's World. One week later, the colonists will vote on whether to join the Federation, join the Klingon Empire, or become a fully-independent world.FASAA Conflict of Interest
2/2104.0105/08/2282Using Star Fleet Intelligence reports as proof, Admiral Josef Cookston, Chief of Star Fleet's Military Operations Command, warns the Federation Military Appropriations Committee that the Klingon Empire may have plans to begin a war with the Federation in the next five to ten years.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2104.0605/21/2282Lewiston EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarLewiston Engagement
2/2104.1206/05/2282Convoy Raid 1025STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConvoy Raid 1025
2/2104.2006/26/2282Agena EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarAgena Engagement
2/2104.2507/10/2282Duke of York EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarDuke of York Engagement
2/2104.2907/20/2282Destruction of Pirate Base Grand AllianceSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntDestruction of Pirate Base Grand Alliance
2/2105.0107/24/2282Recovered from his ordeal, Meneti returns to duty as a garrison officer. Captain Kletarc is reassigned to the Klingon Home Fleet.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2105.0107/24/2282Ser'rath EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarSer'rath Engagement
2/2105.0508/03/2282First Battle of Operation Tratorous StrikeSTSTCSIKS ConflictFirst Battle of Operation Tratorous Strike
2/2105.0908/15/2282Convoy Raid 1026STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConvoy Raid 1026
2/2105.1208/22/2282Second Battle of Operation Tratorous StrikeSTSTCSIKS ConflictSecond Battle of Operation Tratorous Strike
2/2105.1508/28/2282Over the next 3 years, the "Arcturus" (NCC-1807), "Darion" (NCC-1810), and "Vena" (NCC-1817) "Tikopai" class heavy cruisers operating under the guise of various scientific expeditions, are each able to obtain vast amounts of information about Klingon activities.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/2105.2209/17/2282Battle at 20.9 S-2.3 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 20.9 S-2.3 E
2/2105.3110/10/2282Defense of Convoy 9935-ySTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Convoy 9935-y
2/2105.3110/10/2282Hunt for the ProwesSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Prowes
2/2106.0110/11/2282The Klingon L-42B class frigate enters service. More powerful than the L-42A, with reinforced superstructure, it is less maneuverable.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2106.0110/11/2282The Klingon L-9G class frigate enters service.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2106.0110/11/2282Doctor Carol Marcus receives appropriations from Star Fleet Command to begin the second stage of Project Genesis.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2106.0610/23/2282The Baker Class destroyer USS Cooper (NCC 4791), commanded by Commodore William P. Masefield, receives a call for assistance from Rho Markessis VI. Several crew-members land on the planet, only to become involved in a civil war. The crew suffers casualties as they attempt to escape while preserving General Order Number One.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2106.1011/03/2282As the two D-18 approach their targets, the 173rd Assault Flotila closes with the boarder. The fleet quickly decelrates and begins to turn back to Veska. Similar to tactics used during the 4-Years War, Federation forces remain on hightened alert, but do not initiate a first strike, despite requests from field commanders.InternetTaal Tan
2/2106.1011/03/2282As the two D-18 approach their targets, the 173rd Assault Flotila closes with the boarder. The fleet quickly decelrates and begins to turn back to Veska. Similar to tactics used during the 4-Years War, Federation forces remain on hightened alert, but do not initiate a first strike, despite requests from field commanders.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2106.1211/09/2282Buckingham EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarBuckingham Engagement
2/2106.1311/11/2282Star Fleet decides to proceed with the "Endurance" class conversions.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/2106.1711/20/2282The MD-8-E is launched. Weapon range is significantly increased as is shielding capability. Coupled with a larger impulse drive, the "E" is immediately sent into battle with the Romulans.FASAStar Trek: Starship Tactical Cambat Simulator Rule Book
2/2106.1711/21/2282Hunt for the DeliriumSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Delirium
2/2106.1811/23/2282Project Minuteman begins.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2106.1811/23/2282The Dixie Princess is destroyed within Klingon space.FASAThe Dixie Gambit
2/2106.2312/06/2282Convoy Raid 1027STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConvoy Raid 1027
2/2106.2712/16/2282Thanks to the reduction of resource alloaction, operatives from the Pryn and Kadlok families see a massive jump in profits from pirate activity. Able to coordinate their activities and survalance of official military patrols, the two families also see a 300% increase in profits from smuggling operations. The profits quickly draw several families back into association with the Syndicate.InternetSTSTCS
2/2106.2912/22/2282Hunt for the OutcastSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Outcast
2/2106.3012/24/2282The USS Cooper is ordered to respond to Arcanis IV, a research station near the Organian Neutral Zone.FASAReturn to Axanar
2/2106.3012/24/2282Thach EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSFederation - Klingon Cold WarThach Engagement
2/2107.0112/26/2282A new Orion company called Crescent and Trefoil Developments is rumored to be manufacturing non-Federation designed electronic components.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2107.0112/26/2282Star Fleet Intellignece later calculates that Klingon Captain Kruge took his K-22B Bird of Prey Class Scout into Federation space at this time. Presumably, Kruge learned about Project Genesis before entering Federation Space. There may be a connection between Gruge’s mission and the disappearance of a deep-space freighter, also taking place at this time.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2107.0112/26/2282The Star Fleet Corps of Engineers (a department within the Star Fleet Engineering Command) begins constructing a complex subsurface facility on Regula for Stage Two of the Genesis Project.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2107.0112/28/2282Frontiersman HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntFrontiersman Hunt
2/2107.0801/13/2283Operation Tactical Encounters XXVI, a major Star Fleet War College fleet wargame, begins under the overall command of Fleet Captain Sufik, aboard the USS Republic (NCC 1753). Its objective is to field-test new tactical combat formations.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2107.0901/17/2283Assault on Romulan Starbase 2STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault on Romulan Starbase 2
2/2107.1001/20/2283The pacificist movement within the Federation continues to gain popularity in open forums, but behind the sceens, Council Members, Fleet Planners and other people "in the know" begin to quietly push for reinstatement of previously cut military oriented expendatures. They have only limited success.InternetTaal Tan
2/2107.1001/20/2283The pacificist movement within the Federation continues to gain popularity in open forums, but behind the sceens, Council Members, Fleet Planners and other people "in the know" begin to quietly push for reinstatement of previously cut military oriented expendatures. They have only limited success.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2107.1301/26/2283The Karekh Class Explorer USS Sparon responds to a burglary attempt at the Star Fleet Museum on Memory Alpha. In command is Commander Lincoln U. Galle.FASAOld Soldiers Never Die
2/2107.1602/02/2283Admiral Randolph Morrow informs all Star Fleet vessels that “According to information obtained by the highest levels of Star Fleet Command, the race of energy beings referred to as the Organians have ceased their enforcement of the Organian Peace Treaty.” Apparently, the Organians will no longer intervene in any actions between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. This means that war is once again possible.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2107.1702/05/2283The USS Sparon arrives at Memory Alpha, and its crew begin their investigation.FASAOld Soldiers Never Die
2/2107.1802/09/2283Battle at 20.6 S-3.9 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 20.6 S-3.9 E
2/2107.2102/15/2283The USS Cooper arrives at Arcanis IV, only to learn they must proceed to the planet Axanar.FASAReturn to Axanar
2/2107.2102/15/2283Completing the first part of its assignment, the USS Sparon proceeds to Daran V to continue the investigation.FASAOld Soldiers Never Die
2/2107.2302/20/2283Althoguh not associated with the waning Orion Syndicate, the Crecent & Trefoil Development corporation imidiately finds a massive buyer for their new product in the Syndicate. Using a tactic from the 4-years war, Crecent & Trefoil inform the Syndicate's members than any attempts to bribe, coerce, threaten or capture technology or data from the orginization will result in the immidiate destruction of the construction centers and research material. Although somewhat over-dramatic, the gesture works, and C&T pays no extortion or protection money, looses no employees and finds that it have a large underground protection network.InternetSTSTCS
2/2107.2502/25/2283After 10 months with no contact from the two D-18's Federation forces begin to stand down from their heightened state of alert. The Taal Tan force continues back towards Veska on impulse. Frustration within the Klingon ranks at the lengthy timetable further strains command ability.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2107.2603/01/2283Teleth Pirate RaidSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntTeleth Pirate Raid
2/2108.0603/28/2283Strike at Demon Outpost 4STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictStrike at Demon Outpost 4
2/2108.0703/30/2283The D-18 destroyer K'tak Ves decloaks and attack a Federation Monitoring satalite. She quickly moves on to another and destroys 5 satalites before the USS Andors Flame forces the K'tak Ves to withdrawl. Defense Outpost 184 is forced to re-calibrate it's sensors to cover the new gap in the detection net. Star Base 27 immidiately dispatches the USS Bridge (Derf class) to replace the bouys. Although an obvious act of aggression, the loss of the satalites is considered a minor incident. Forces in the area are not told of the attack.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveAndor's Flame Engagement
2/2108.0703/30/2283The D-18 destroyer K'tukas decloaks and attack Defense Oupost 89. Althouhg the K'tukas is destroyed, Outpost 89's sensors and communications are temporarily knocked off line. The K'Tukas signals the Taal Tan force before her destruction. The Taal Tan force is able to cross the boarder and scatter before the Outpost re-engages it's sensors. Catching only the trailing vessels of the force, the Outpost commander reports the danger to Star Fleet Command. Ships in the local vacinity are placed on a standing yellow alert, but no other action is taken. STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveAttack on Outpost 89
2/2108.0703/30/2283Convoy N317 is attacked near Defense Outpost 91. Six Federation freighters are destroyed and 144 lives lost. Three Klingon vessels are destroyed by responding Federation forces, but the remainder of the battle fleet scatters.STSTCS
2/2108.0904/04/2283Invasion of RanarvasamSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictInvasion of Ranarvasam
2/2108.1404/19/2283Battle at 20.9 S-2 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 20.9 S-2 E
2/2108.1604/22/2283Tellarite Captain Jarv Gouthar is promoted to Commodore and reassigned to serve as Assistant Base Commander at Star Base 14.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2108.2105/05/2283In a dangerous move, Orion pirate captains are give instructions to attack more military targets deep within the Federation, Klingon and Romulan empires. This more aggressive stance is initially successful for the remaining families, and brings pressure on non-alligned families.InternetSTSTCS
2/2108.2505/17/2283Attack at Hadalib VSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAttack at Hadalib V
2/2108.3106/01/2283Assault on Convoy Y-32RSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveAssault on Convoy Y-32R
2/2109.0106/02/2283The first survey party arrives on Valtor III inside the Triangle zone. Limited contact with the native Jileaca reveals the avians to be ttoally incapable of defending themselves again a concerted colinization effort. Captain Kletarc sutai Klinlor is assigned as liason officer ot the Klingon Diplomatic Corps.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2109.0106/02/2283The Inflexible class USS Intractable (NCC-1982) is destroyed by Romulan forces near the Triangle. The Intractable is able to transmit data about the covert sale of Romulan combat craft to Orion pirates operating near Precipice before she is lost. Precipice police forces are able to capture the Orions and prevent the escape of the sold ships. Although reprisals from the Romulans are feared, none are forthcomming.InternetSTSTCS
2/2109.0206/04/2283Assault on Convoy Y-17BSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveAssault on Convoy Y-17B
2/2109.0306/07/2283Assault on Convoy Y-5ZSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveAssault on Convoy Y-5Z
2/2109.0406/10/2283The Kargon Incident: A U.F.P. outpost located in the Orion sector of space is attacked by a group of six Klingon D-18Bs, commanded by Captain Kresz sutai-Kargon. The USS "Kongo" (NCC-1710) accompanied by two "Loknar" class frigates, the USS "Halk" (NCC-2742) and USS "Rome" (NCC-2726) respond to the outpost's distress call. The ships arrive too late to save the outpost, but not too late to engage the Klingons. Detecting only three ships on sensors, one with severe damage and the others with minor damage, Captain J.C. Fredriksen of the "Kongo" orders the frigates to close with the Klingons and demand their surrender. In the meantime, the "Kongo" approaches the D-18 lying dead in space. As the "Kongo" nears the vessel, sensors pick up three ships coming out of warp to the rear and the systems aboard the dead ship coming to life. The damaged D-18 destructs with such tremendous force that the "Kongo's" starboard nacelle is ripped from the hull and the port engine is damaged beyond repair. The incoming D-18s fire into the burning wreck of the "Kongo" and complete the deed their comrades had begun.FASAStar Trek IV SourcebookKargon Incident
2/2109.0406/11/2283Battle at AyirnSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveBattle at Ayirn
2/2109.0706/19/2283Battle at Levitt's World OutpostSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveBattle at Levitt's World Outpost
2/2109.0906/23/2283Assault on Convoy Y-211MSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveAssault on Convoy Y-211M
2/2109.1106/27/2283Melee at Klethor IISTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveMelee at Klethor II
2/2109.1207/01/2283Gabok ConflictSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveGabok Conflict
2/2109.1307/02/2283Convoy N317 is attacked near Defense Outpost 91. Six Federation freighters are destroyed and 144 lives lost. Three Klingon gunboats are destroyed by responding Federation forces, but the remaineder of the battle fleet scatters.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveAttack on Convoy N317
2/2109.1307/02/2283Convoy N9931 is attacked and wiped out near Gabok. The attack destroys several ore freighters and kills 71 crew members. The Klingons suffer no losses, but do have several vessels damaged. Despite minor loses, Klingon Commanders are extatic with their success. Despite their misgivings, High Council Leaders begin to assess K'tak's strategy as a serious military and political strategium.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveAttack on Convoy N9931
2/2109.1307/02/2283Convoy N317 is attacked near Defense Outpost 91. Six Federation freighters are destroyed and 144 lives lost. Three Klingon gunboats are destroyed by responding Federation forces, but the remaineder of the battle fleet scatters.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2109.1307/02/2283Convoy N9931 is attacked and wiped out near Ayirn. The attack destroys several ore freighters and kills 71 crew members. The Klingons suffer no losses, but do have several vessels damaged. Surprised by only minor loses, Klingon Commanders are extatic with their success. Despite their misgivings, High Council Leaders begin to assess K'tak's strategy as a serious military and political strategium.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2109.1307/03/2283Venture HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntVenture Hunt
2/2109.1407/05/2283Realizing the signifigance of the attack on Outpost 89, Star Fleet begins pulling vessels from patrol duty to supplement forces near the Klingon Neutral Zone. With no interfearence from the Organians, the Federation finally enacts a full scale war footing. Federation officials denounce the attacks publically, but privately admit that little can be achieved diplomatically. Federation ship construction and repair in the region is slightly hamppered by the losses of the freighters from N9931STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2109.1407/05/2283Assault on Convoy Y-98XSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveAssault on Convoy Y-98X
2/2109.1407/07/2283The 378th Cruiser squadron, comprised of the USS Lexington, USS Excalibur and USS ElDorado, engage a Klingon battle fleet of 9 vessels. Although the Excalibur and ElDorado are damaged, the Klingons are forced back across the boarder. The squadron heads for T'Vam to conduct repairs. It is the fisrt real setback for the Taal Tan offensive. Despite protests, ship commanders readjust their schedules and attack patterns to cover for the lost ships.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveLadies Night Out
2/2109.1407/07/2283The Alliance Battlegroup engages two squadrons from the 171st. The battle is pitched and extremely deadly, with both sides suffering serious losses. Elements within the Klingon forces are pleased with the combat success, honoring their fallen comrades. But K'tak and other command personnel seriously wonder about success of the overall operation with such serious losses. Readjustment of combat plans and strategy fuel internal conflict, and K'tak is forces to "relieve" several commanders.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2109.1507/09/2283Clash at Mandrak VISTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveClash at Mandrak VI
2/2109.1607/10/2283The 41st Destroyer squadron engages two Klingon wings attacking the defense of Taal Tan. Although seriously damaged, the Federation forces do force the withdrawl of the attacking Klingon ships. The third major setback for the offensice, K'tak confides in Kor that he now feals the objective is out of reach.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2109.1607/11/2283Distraction forces engage Federation units along the Neutral Zone. While the Klingons loose several older vessels, the Federation is forced to spread it resources along the entire boarder, preventing a major concentration. Several Federation ships are also lost.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2109.1607/12/2283The 281st Cruiser squadron engaged a Klingon squadron heading for Taal Tan. It becomes apparent that the Taal Tan system and it's mining are the main target of the attacks. Forces begin to be diverted to the Taal Tan system. Star Fleet Intelligence begins to consolidate unrelated data into a much clearer picture of the events leading up to the initiallization of hostilities.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2109.1607/12/2283Hunt for the AuraSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Aura
2/2109.1607/12/2283Second Battle of GabokSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveSecond Battle of Gabok
2/2109.1607/12/2283Pantor SkirmishSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensivePantor Skirmish
2/2109.1807/15/2283The Federation Council meets behind closed doors to discuss a decleration of war. The Pacifist Block is vocal and argumementitive about suing for peace, but are easily over-ruled. Most Pacifist council members will soon loose their council seats. The Council decides to declare the military action an "Offensive" by rogue Klingon elements. The Klingons believe they have achieved their abjective of annominity, but Star Fleet Intelligence shifts resources to observe dry docks, ground force stations and other instillations that could send re-inforcements to the initial Taal Tan invasion force.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2109.1907/18/2283A Klingon heavy squadron engages a patrolling Federation frigate squadron. The Klingons loose three of their five vessels, but are able to destroy one of the Federation escorts and damage the two frigate severaly enough to take them out of the fight. STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2109.2007/20/2283A Klingon hunter-killer squadron attacks a Federation destroyer squadron. A responding Federation heavy cruiser decimates the Klingon forces, destroying two vessels and severly damaging a third.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2109.2007/20/2283Battle of the Selka ApproachesSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveBattle of the Selka Approaches
2/2109.2007/21/2283Protection of Mrang ISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictProtection of Mrang I
2/2109.2007/21/2283Attack at NamezkSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveAttack at Namezk
2/2109.2107/23/2283Engagement at TasorSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveEngagement at Tasor
2/2109.2307/29/2283Defense of Klingon Outpost 2STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of Klingon Outpost 2
2/2109.2508/03/2283Assault on TakersSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveAssault on Takers
2/2109.2508/04/2283Supply Raiding scounts from the Taal Tan forces are tracked to system J71. Federation forces close on the system, but the Taal Tan force scatters before engagin any of the Federation vessels. The incident does disrupt the Taal Tan attacks.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2109.2608/05/2283Assault on Convoy Y-500GSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveAssault on Convoy Y-500G
2/2109.2608/05/2283Defense of WorkdaySTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveDefense of Workday
2/2109.2708/07/2283Assault on Convoy Y-331BSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveAssault on Convoy Y-331B
2/2109.2708/08/2283Battle at Ukrania NovyaSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveBattle at Ukrania Novya
2/2109.2908/12/2283The Federation Council instruct Star Fleet Intelligence that should additional Klingon forces be sent towards Federation interests, they are to delare a state of War and inform Fleet Commanders to initiate unrestricted open combat against Klingon Interests. Although the Klingons increase their military presence along the boarder, no additional forces are released for the offensive, and an official decleration of War is never issued.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2109.3008/15/2283Despite increased military presence, convoy N725 is also attacked and destroyed. It is costly for the Klingons, though, who loose three cruisers and a scout vessel. Federation losses now total 15 ships and 617 lives.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2110.0108/17/2283A settlement on Paxton IV's moon is destroyed, threatening interplanetary war between Paxton III and Paxton IV within the Triangle.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2110.0208/20/2283Falsified stock certificates from major Tellarite corporations appear on several worlds near the UFP/Romulan border. Star Fleet believes that these certificates are Orion forgeries, intended to destabilize the firms involved.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2110.0208/20/2283The Klingon cruiser Q'tok, while cloaked, is able to successfully enter the Taal Tan system and attacks the orbital mining station. The station and it's corresponding ground post are badly damaged, setting back production by months. The Q'tok is badly damaged by the USS Lexington. It is later destroyed by gunboats at the edge of the system.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2110.0408/25/2283Battle at New ParadiseSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at New Paradise
2/2110.0709/03/2283Defense of Convoy 415-ZSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveDefense of Convoy 415Z
2/2110.0809/04/2283Taal Tan supply raiding scouts successfully capture a Telarite freighter making a run for Outpost 1181. Although a large amount of the raw mateiral is captured, the ferighter captain successfully self destructs, destroying a Klingon K-15 scount, and severly damaging a K-17. The captain of the K-17, impressed with the freighter captains bravery, allows the escape pods from the freighter to depart the area. The scount is not seen or engaged during the rest of the offensive.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2110.0809/06/2283Destroyer Squadron 331 stumbles on one of the Klingon re-supply efforts. Althouhg the warships are able to complete their resupply activities, one L-9 frigate is damaged beyond repair. Unable to repair the vessel, the Klingons scuttle it while driving the 331st off. The re-supply freighters inadvertantly head directly towards re-inforcing Federation forces and are captured or destroyed.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2110.0909/07/2283Though Admiral Krador's third perition to remain on Muldor IV is granted.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2110.1009/09/2283Koloth ask for and receives permission to again assault Taal Tan. Koloth assembles 13 ships for the attack and is able to destroy two Federation frigates and a destroyer, but looses two cruisers and must withdraw with nearly every other Klingon vessel damaged.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2110.1009/11/2283Attack on Convoy Y-500HSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveAttack on Convoy Y-500H
2/2110.1109/12/2283In a surprise attack on the Gabok system, Captain Kelres is able to defeat the in-system defense ships, but is unable to attack the orbital storage facility. Federation destroyers and frigates respond to the Gabok system, forcing Kelres to withdrawl.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2110.1209/16/2283Battle of Open DoorSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveBattle of Open Door
2/2110.1309/17/2283Despite disrupting Federation shipping and construction, Admiral K'tam realizes his forces will not be able to capture Gabok, T'vam or Taal Tan, which have now been heavily re-inforced by Federation forces. Adrmiral K'tam unleashes his forces and orders them to engage "targets of opportunity" while returning to Klingon space.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2110.1609/24/2283The Chandley class USS Niwen enters the Romulan Neutral Zone in response to a distress call. Believing it to be a Federation instillation, the Niwen discovers a Romulan listening post. After capturing the crew, the Niwen is unable to stop a self destruct from destroying the base. The Niwen is attacked and severly damaged just before crossing back into Federation space.FASAWhere Has All The Glory Gone?
2/2110.1609/25/2283Defense of Coros IIISTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveDefense of Coros III
2/2110.1709/29/2283Third Battle of Operation Tratorous StrikeSTSTCSIKS ConflictThird Battle of Operation Tratorous Strike
2/2110.1910/04/2283The 378th Cruiser squadron again engages a Klingon battle fleet near T'vam. The Klingons are soundly routed, although the Federation forces are again severly damaged. 9 Klingon vessels are damaged or destroyed.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2110.2110/07/2283Several minor engagements are fought with the retreating Taal Tan attack force. In a surprising victory for the Klingons, the Duterium freighter Southwind is captured in tact.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2110.2110/07/2283Brawl at SurokosSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveBrawl at Surokos
2/2110.2310/14/2283Defense of Outpost 1STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveDefense of Outpost 1
2/2110.2410/15/2283Reaching the Neutral Zone, the remaining element of the 171st announce that K'tam is a traitor and attack his command vessel in a documented attempt to draw blame for the operation away from the Empire as a whole. Well aware that he would be the scape goat, K'tam is not aboard his command vessel. Operating the vessel remotely, the cruiser is destroyed by the 171st. K'tam and his crew quitely cross the boarder back into Klingon space.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2110.2510/17/2283Taal Tan vessels continue to harrass Federation interests. Realizing that it may be years before the next truly massive attack into Federation space, Klingon captains attempt to engage larger and larger targets.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2110.2510/19/2283Aurora HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntAurora Hunt
2/2110.2610/20/2283Skirmish at PrecipiceSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveSkirmish at Precipice
2/2110.2710/22/2283K'tam secretly returns to the home world, even as more of his forces return to Klingon space. He is brought before a secret session of the High Council and applauded for his efforts. Although eventially declared a failure, K'tam's extremely detailed and complex efforts help to draw attention away from an estimated 20 other covert missions within the Federation, including the still unresolved theft of Project Genesis materials. These efforts help balance out the extensive loss of men and marterial from the offensive it self.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2110.2710/24/2283Assault on Convoy Y-408RSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveAssault on Convoy Y-408R
2/2110.2810/27/2283The USS "Matapan" (NCC-1960) frigate is lost with an entire TacFleet force during the MTK Security Action beyond Federation treaty territory. No survivors are found.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet, Volume 1MTK Security Action
2/2110.3010/30/2283The Military Staff Committee authorizes 105 "Akyazi" class perimeter actions ships (reduced from the 178 vessels of 2269 proposals).PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 2
2/2110.3011/01/2283The C variant of the SS-3 Gorn destroyer enters service. The C model sees another significant increase in main firepower and an update to the primary shielding. Crew quarters become cramped at the compliment is increased to 130. All surviving "A" models are converted to the "C" variant, while none of the B models are converted. STSTCSSTSTCS
2/2111.0111/04/2283The U.S.S. "Tori" (NCC-1725), "Lafayette" (NCC-1720), and "Wasp" (NCC-1721) defeat the Klingon hunter-killers "K'chss" and "K'utuul" at Linze. This substantial increase in Klingon activity leads to the construction of additional frigate-type starships by Star Fleet: the pacifist bloc falling out of favor with the Offensive having shaken the Federation CouncilSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2111.0111/05/2283Rahli V EngagementSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveRahli V Engagement
2/2111.0411/12/2283Battle at LinzeSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveBattle at Linze
2/2111.0811/22/2283Despite support from the High Council, K'tam is brought before the military planning board and spends four days explaining the extensive details, plots and sub-plot associated with the Taal Tan offensive. In the end, he is exonorated of responsibility, but his cunning earns him no friends amond the Naval community. Kor speaks on K'tam's behalf, and he is transfered immidiately to the Triangle.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2111.0911/26/2283Battle at the Capellan ApproachesSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveBattle at the Capellan Approaches
2/2111.1011/27/2283With forces drawn from the Triangle to defend Fedeartion interests along the Neutral Zone, K'tam orders his line brother Krovol to invade the Brala system, originally blocaded by the Fedeartion. With only a token defense force available, Brala is quickly occoupied. The 100 colonists flee rather than try and defend the outpost. With no further claim, the Empire gain the use of the planet.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2111.1011/28/2283Attack at RuwanSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveAttack at Ruwan
2/2111.1111/30/2283Attack at MastocalSTSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan OffensiveAttack at Mastocal
2/2111.1312/05/2283It quickly becomes apparent that K'tam is again planning for a large scale offensive within the triangle. Fearing that this would draw both the Federation and Romulans into a major conflict, which the Empire could not win, K'tam is placed in charge of training efforts for the imperial navy.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2111.1412/07/2283Star Fleet Command begins making preparations for a Federation Galactic Conference.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2111.1412/07/2283Based on the older MB-35, the MB-25-A is launched. Streamlining internal and external systems, the new ship is mistaken for a new MB-35 model for several month. Only close scan reveals that the ship is equipped with different weapons and sensor systems. The MB-25 becomes very popular with commanders along the Romulan boarder.Star Fleet CommandStarfleet Command Video Game
2/2111.1512/10/2283The last Klingon vessel to have crossed into Federation space during the Taal Tan offensive return to Klingon territory, having survived seven separate engagements.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2111.1812/17/2283Realizing he has overstepped his political support, K'tam accepts the posting of Training Commadant, revamping strategy, tactics and training methods through out the empire. He will later die in the attack on Kitomer years later.STSTCSThe Taal Tan EngagementTaal Tan Offensive
2/2111.2312/30/2283The Mark I "Richthofen" class patrol cruiser is launched. With a crew of 156 and a top speed of Warp 10, the Richthofen is simpler to construct than most destroyer classes. By 2330, 11 are still in service, unchanged in 50 years.InternetEike Simon Design
2/2111.2401/03/2284Fourth Battle of Operation Tratorous StrikeSTSTCSIKS ConflictFourth Battle of Operation Tratorous Strike
2/2111.2401/03/2284Conflict at MerimeeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConflict at Merimee
2/2111.2701/11/2284Battle at 20.9 S-2.92 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 20.9 S-2.92 E
2/2112.0802/06/2284The USS Illustrious and USS Amiens discover the Romulan outpost Rihanni Tu while on a research survey.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet, Volume 1Romulan - Federation Cold War
2/2112.0802/06/2284A Romulan scout ship enters a system recently claimed by the Gorn for asteroid mining. The Romulans encounter a Gorn battleship at close range. The Gorn cripple the Romulans in the first few vollies, killing the Romulan Commander and much of the scouts crew. Left with no escape, the ramining crew attempt to destroy the scout with a back-up self destruct system that is only moderatly successful. The crew and ships computers are destroyed, but much of the vessel is salvaged by the Gorn.FASAThe Romulan WayFirst Gorn-Romulan Conflict
2/2112.1102/16/2284Fifth Battle of Operation Tratorous StrikeSTSTCSIKS ConflictFifth Battle of Operation Tratorous Strike
2/2112.1302/19/2284Operation Tactical Encounters XXVI is concluded. Preliminary reports from Captain Sufik indicate that the exercise was generally a success.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2112.1803/04/2284Hunt for the MonopolySTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Monopoly
2/2112.1903/06/2284Engagement at TurningpointSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement at Turningpoint
2/2112.2403/18/2284An Orion Wanderer Class ship spacejacks the USS Juggernaut (a Federation battle cruiser in orbit arround Memory Alpha) using an experimental ‘shearing plane’ capable of cutting through a tractor beam.FASAOld Soldiers Never Die
2/2112.2603/23/2284The USS "Renner" (NCC-3250) corvette is commissioned. Twenty-one of these successful warp 11, 180 complement, vessels will be built. Each is armed with 12 phaser emplacements, 2 torpedo tubes, and 2 banks of mines.PublicationGeneral Plans - U.S.S. Ianar Class Fast Frigate - J.C. Rodriguez and Rafael Gonzalez
2/2112.2603/23/2284Most Klingon territories along the U.F.P. borders now in the hands of more militant Imperial Race family lines. Border incidents along the U.F.P./ Klingon Neutral Zone (lying between the Triangle and the Orion colonial systems) become more frequent and more deadly. Star Fleet begins refurbishing older ships and taking a more militaristic stance.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet, Volume 1
2/2112.2703/26/2284A contingent of Star Fleet Marines arrives at Memory Alpha to provide additional security.FASAOld Soldiers Never Die
2/2201.0104/07/2284Ranger Mk IIIFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2201.0104/07/2284V-24 (Great Bird) Class X Type 1FASAJaynze Ships of the Fleet
2/2201.0104/07/2284In the Romulan Empire, the Type 5 V-6 "S'ten Vastam" ("Gallant Wing") cruiser ends its service life. All ships of this type have been converted over to the Type 7 V-6 configuration.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2201.0304/14/2284Battle at 20.9 S-2.87 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 20.9 S-2.87 E
2/2201.0404/15/2284Thought Admiral Krador's forces raid Calamar II in the Beta Antares secort of the UFP to obtain Human drug test subjects. This comes to the attention of Admiral Konuu zantai Mogodush, Command of the Fourth Frontier Security Area, who begins and inventigation into Krador's governorship.FASATermination: 1456
2/2201.0704/23/2284Admiral Konuu discovers that Krador's routine reports rehash the same material time and again. He probes deeper and sends and undercover field operative to Muldor IV.FASATermination: 1456
2/2201.0804/25/2284The construction of 17 ships of the "Cyane" class (NCC-1890-1906) is approved. This class will be reduced to a total of 10 ships. This class almost results in the cancellation of the "Endurance" class conversions.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/2201.1105/03/2284The crew of the USS Sparon, currently at Daran V, learns of the Juggernaut spacejacking. Their investigation uncovers who has stolen the vessel.FASAOld Soldiers Never Die
2/2201.1105/03/2284Konuu discovers that the Wind Ripper Armored Battalions have never been reassigned, as is standard Imperial policy, but are instead still attached to Krador's command.FASATermination: 1456
2/2201.1205/06/2284Hunt for the IntrigueSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Intrigue
2/2201.1405/11/2284Prosperity HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntProsperity Hunt
2/2201.1905/23/2284Commander Gabriel Matthews of the Bader Class scout USS Hawley is killed on Daran V while conducting some kind of unauthorized, covert investigation.FASAOld Soldiers Never Die
2/2201.2205/31/2284Klingon forces under control of Thought Admiral Krador raid the Federation world of Calamar II. The Klingons inflict unusually light damage and actually take prisoners, an uncustomary action.FASATermination: 1456
2/2201.2606/10/2284Konuu's field operative arrives on Muldor IV.FASATermination: 1456
2/2201.2606/10/2284News of the Dixie Princess’ destruction reaches the Dixie Lady. The ship sends a message to Star Base 12, but only a portion of it gets past Klingon jamming. This is the last transmission by an Operation Dixie starship.FASAThe Dixie Gambit
2/2201.2606/10/2284All major design features in the "Akyazi" are finalized and approved by the Requirements Board. Temerand develops modifications to the basic "Akyazi" design allowing the incorporation of the "lulus" Protective Envelope system and the ASL emergency impulse package.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet, Volume 2
2/2201.3006/20/2284The "Tribble Ship" mystery regarding the USS "Mundy" is solved when two of its crewmembers are found in an asteroid cluster, somehow having been missed when the search parties checked the area for survivors. They reveal that they had been boarded by a band of renegade Klingons who, when they discovered that the cargo was tribbles, became so infuriated that they killed the captain and officers and left the crewmen on the asteroid.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2201.3006/20/2284Klingon Admiral zantai Kaneida's mission into the Triangle ends. It is so successful that only one cruiser, two destroyers, and seven K-4 gunboats were lost. It inspires similar groups to form and operate within the Triangle and along U.F.P. borders.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2202.0106/25/2284R-1 Mercy Medical Facility Mk IFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2202.0106/25/2284The Mark V "Bader" class scouts enter service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2202.0106/25/2284Konuu discovers the true extent of Krador's forces, tracking down the "unathorixed" transfer of troops and ships to Muldor IV. Many of the officers are of Krador's line or served under him in the Romulan conflict.FASATermination: 1456
2/2202.0206/28/2284Star Fleet Intelligence later learns that a Klingon Imperial Termination Order is filed against Admiral Krador. The degree of the assignment's success cannot immediately be verified. Konuu initiates the procedings for the termintation order of Krador.FASATermination: 1456
2/2202.0306/30/2284Hunt for the Rigel's MountSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Rigel's Mount
2/2202.0407/03/2284The Chancellor of the Klingon High Council himself authorizes Termination Order 1456.FASATermination: 1456
2/2202.0507/06/2284Konuu sends a field operative team aboard the Klingon shuttle Vacsin to execute Krador. The team is lead by Knouu's Deputy Commander, Kailes sutai Rejac.FASATermination: 1456
2/2202.0607/08/2284The shuttle Vacsin, receiving Termination Order 1456, immediately head for Muldor IVFASATermination: 1456
2/2202.0707/11/2284Fortune HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntFortune Hunt
2/2202.0807/13/2284The Type B K'Torr class destroyer is launched. A dramatic improvement over the now aged A model, the B model incorporates a massive power system upgrade, including the KWC-3 and KIE-3, both now standard on the Class VII Klingon vessels. The KD-16 are also installed, increasing range and overall combat capability. Although the KP-5 is considered undergunned for a vessel of this size, it inclusion allows easy weapons modification for older models. Although only 50 new Type B's are built, nearl 150 type A's are convereted.InternetBill Colley Designs
2/2202.0907/16/2284Commodore Antonia Niccomachi, former Commander of Star Base 23, is transferred to Star Fleet Intelligence Command. Commodore Georgi X Ilanenko, former Assistant Commander of Star Base 22, replaces her.FASAReturn to Axanar
2/2202.1407/28/2284The Baker Class destroyer USS Cooper arrives at Axanar. Its crew has orders to investigate the possible existence of a secret Klingon base from the Four Years War period. (Complete details of this mission are described in the ST:RPG adventure Return To Axanar.)FASAReturn to Axanar
2/2202.1708/05/2284Two additional Federation squadrons are assigned to the Calamar Sector in response to activities by unknown Klingon forces. In an unconditional act, the Klingon ambassador informs the Federation of the activities of Krador. The move prevents an even greater escelation in force near the boarder, but also gives Star FLeet Intelligence a near "open door" polocy to flood the local region with opeartives.FASATermination: 1456
2/2202.1708/05/2284Battle at 19.3 S-1.97 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 19.3 S-1.97 E
2/2202.1908/10/2284The USS Lexington and her escorts encounter the pirate ship that has stolen the Juggernaut in the Omicron Aurigae system. The Lexington cripples an Orion Wanderer, which self-destructs. The Juggernaut is caught in the explosion and destroyed.FASAOld Soldiers Never Die
2/2202.2708/31/2284The USS Reliant, under the command of Captain Clark Terrell, is assigned to Project Genesis. The crews mission is to locate a suitably lifeless planet for the projects first full-scale test.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2203.0109/05/2284Star Fleet Intelligence later learns that the Klingon Subaiesh line and related allies have begun their ascent to power within the Klingon Diplomatic Corps.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2203.0109/05/2284Star Fleet Command institutes the Rapid Integration Program beginning with the Igresh and Ulthairian races.FASAStar Trek: The Next Generation Officer's Manual
2/2203.0409/14/2284Temerand and Jeffries Transdimensional Dynamics announce they have developed a new "bottle containment" apparatus for the dilithium gas piping and antimatter conduit system. This development is the result of tests that revealed the formation of fissures in the propulsion shaft coupling units. These fissures were caused by an overtaxing of the coupling units during high-velocity (above warp 20) warp maneuvering of Prototype No. 2, resulting in partial or complete loss of the impulse amplification crystal. This necessitates the addition of a second, back-up amplification crystal to the "Akyazi" design. The containment apparatus will be perfected in time for inclusion in the "Arbiter" sub-class.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet, Volume 2
2/2203.0909/25/2284Chaniviev IncidentSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictChaniviev Incident
2/2203.1410/08/2284The Subaiesh family and their allies come to power in the Klingon diplomatic corps and begin to influence Imparial policy.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2203.1510/12/2284Prototype No. 7 is shifted to TacFleet for evaluation of acceleration rates, warp braking, warp and sublight maneuverability and "dead-weapon" war games scenarios. Several classified intelligence systems are installed for testing purposes. The No. 7 ship will be "hunted" by as many as 9 TacFleet adversaries in some exercises.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet, Volume 2
2/2203.1910/20/2284Beacuse of Admiral Dean Vanderhoff's illness, Commodore Gouthar replaces him as Commander of Star Base 14.FASAReturn to Axanar
2/2203.2010/25/2284Using systems from canabalized Klingon ships, the I-1c is launched in the IKS. Even more powerful than it's older cousins, the I-1c is hoped to be a major factor for the strengthening IKS. STSTCSSTSTCS
2/2203.2411/02/2284Nimble HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntNimble Hunt
2/2203.3011/17/2284The various design improvements and alterations to the "Arbiter" sub-class prototypes are individually evaluated. All successful adaptations are incorporated into Prototype No. 6 in order to achieve a fully operational testbed.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet, Volume 2
2/2204.0111/23/2284Reliant Mk III Class XI Research Cruiser is launched.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2204.0111/23/2284The L-24a "Komo val" ("Ever-Victorious") class battleship enters service in the Klingon navy. The largest warship in the Klingon fleet, this mammoth ship is commissioned into service prior to the testing of the U.F.P.'s "Excelsior" class and for a short period of time the balance of power along the borders turns in favor of the Klingons. The L-24 uses the most powerful warp and impulse engines in the Klingon inventory yielding a highly efficient maneuver ratio and allowing a sustained speed of warp 6 for long periods of time (warp 8 is maximum). The ship's 480 troops and their 8 light support vehicles are capable of being transported to the ground in less than 7 minutes. In addition the ship carries a crew of 1,070.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2204.0111/23/2284Work continues very slowly on the Operation Armageddon simulation. The failure of Operation Dixie, the transfer of high-level Star Fleet officers, the Galactic Conference, and the increasing presence of Klingon military activity all lead to a general cut-back in training projects in favor of real military spending.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2204.0412/02/2284Battle at 20.2 S-2.3 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 20.2 S-2.3 E
2/2204.0412/02/2284Battle for Forward Outpost D-1STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle for Forward Outpost D-1
2/2204.1112/18/2284The Korreg program is begun with a review of likely host planets for monitoring station in the Triangle. Planet Valtor III is selected from inclusion in the Korreg program.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2204.1112/18/2284Under the command of Captain Karnon, the IKV Malevolent destroyes an Orion raider near Ceti Cridi II.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2204.1112/18/2284The Romulan V-8 warships Nightlancer and Predator are transferred to patrol along the Triangle.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2204.3002/06/2285The planetary government of Workday purchase several new vessels from Star Fleet, the Klingon Empire, Orion factons and several Romulan freighters. Unbeknownst to each of the major governments, the purchases are made simultaneously. Costs of the purchases nearly bankrupt the government, but the new felt security draws several major industrial companies to the system. Workday becomes a major port of call for both Klingons, Orion and Federation vessels.InternetSTSTCS
2/2205.0102/07/2285The IKV K’ti’suka, a Klingon K-22b Bird of Pray Class scout, destroys the Axanar Culture Mission, a team of Federation sociologists and other scientists.FASAReturn to Axanar
2/2205.0102/07/2285A Klingon negotiation team is sent to the Federation with order to discuss conditions for improving interstellar relations between the respective governments.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2205.0102/07/2285After ten month of labor, the Star Fleet Corps of Engineers complete their work on Regula.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2205.0102/07/2285Project Grey Ghost returns and is heralded a complete success. Star Fleet gains important information on the nature, organization, and threat capabilities of the Romulan Star Navy.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2205.0202/09/2285Numerous Star Fleet vessels are reassigned to duty as dignitary couriers for the Galactic Conference.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2205.0202/09/2285The Jeffries antimatter containment system is completed and approved.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet II
2/2205.0502/17/2285With the "Endurance" class conversions approved, Star Fleet cancels the additional number of "Cyane" class heavy frigates (NCC-1900-NCC-1906). The "Endurance" class vessels are officially classified as frigates to emphasize their reduced offensive potential and more exploratory mission profile in comparison to the remaining "Avenger" class heavy frigates.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/2205.0902/27/2285A negotiation team is sent to the United Federation of Planets to discuss conditions for improving interstellar relations between the respective governments. The Reshtarc family line counter by influencing the reassignment of squadron commanders throughout the fleet. The Valtor II outpost is completed. Captain Kletarc manuevers to have himself placed in charge of the Valtor II garrison. Major Meneti has himself assigned as Deputy Base Commander.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2205.1103/04/2285The "Constellation" (NCC-1974) Mk I class star cruiser is authorized. The 4 nacelle long range exploration research vessel with a "laminate" hull, 6 multipurpose research bays, warp 9.2 capacity, and a standard complement of 532 will probably be delayed in production for a decade. Original armament is to consist of 12 standard phaser emplacements, 4 heavy phaser emplacements, and 4 torpedo tubes (mounted at the engine pylon junction points). Warp capacity, complement and ordnance will change by the 2290s, even the prototype's NCC.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2
2/2205.1303/09/2285A series of failures in both the antimatter conduit system and integrated coupling units during high-warp battle maneuvers leads to the loss of Prototype No. 8. The 9-member command crew escapes safely after jettisoning the entire bridge/lifeboat assembly; all 5 crewmembers in the engineering pod are killed.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet, Volume 2
2/2205.1603/19/2285Near a sector of Meerkan space, the USS "Sangamon" (NCC-1927) escort carrier ("Santee" class) is damaged beyond repair while returning from a convoy assignment. Her attackers are believed to be Meerkan pirate vessels though their origins will never be positively confirmed. Subsequently, the ship will be decommissioned and scrapped, her name reassigned to an "Akyazi" class perimeter action ship (NCC-1112).PublicationFederation Shuttlecarrier Comparison Chart - Mark A. Wilson and Federation Frontiers
2/2205.2404/06/2285The commander of the USS Zirconian Star, a transport, reports the theft of a warpshuttle and a large quantity of unrefined kironide from Platonius.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2205.2504/09/2285Prototype No. 11 performs flawlessly under the direction of Lt. Commander Sori Descanta and the command crew that will be assigned to the "Kitkun" (NCC-1091). The prototype is put through a series of complicated maneuvers, readiness inspections, and war games exercises during a 4-day Admiralty Inspection event at Starbase 20. Eight vessels participate, with the prototype garnering a second-place scoring finish overall, surpassed only by the "Engage" (NCC-1125).PublicationShips of the Star Fleet, Volume 2
2/2205.2504/09/2285Raider HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntRaider Hunt
2/2205.2704/16/2285The USS "Ianar" (NCC-3214) fast frigate is commissioned. This class will total 36 vessels (NCC-3214-NCC-3249), designed to be extremely agile, very fast, and very tough for rapid response and 'surgical strike' missions. Each ship features warp 14 maximum speed, a complement of 318, 12 phaser emplacements, 2 photon torpedo banks, 1 bank of mines, and numerous tactical combat craft.UnknownGeneral Plans - U.S.S. Ianar Class Fast Frigate - J.C. Rodriguez and Rafael Gonzalez
2/2206.0104/27/2285The "Scorpio" class corvette enters service. 192 of these 4-man, warp 9 capacity ships will be constructed. They will supplement Star Fleet's monitors, most of which restricted to in-system or near-base patrols, extending the defensive range of bases or systems requiring protectionFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2206.0104/27/2285The Dixie scandal begins to rock Star Fleet. Admiral Cartwright replaces Admiral Nogura, and Admiral Kirk (a protege of Nogura's) is transferred to Star Fleet Education and Training Command. Many other officers retire, or are discharged or transferred.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2206.0104/27/2285The Office of Star Fleet Research and Exploration join forces with the Star Fleet Engineering Command to plan a series of starships utilizing the transwarp drive, including the Excelsior Class battleship and the Galaxy Class explorer. Architects and research crews begin work on three vessels: the USS Andromeda, the USS M-31, and the USS Magellanic Clouds, informally called the Magellan. However, the ships will not be operational for some time.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2206.0104/27/2285Now complete, Project Grey Ghost is considered an unqualified success. Star Fleet gains important new information on the Romulan Star Empire.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2206.0104/27/2285Estimates indicate that the population of the Triangle has quintupled in the previous 22 years.FASAThe Federation
2/2206.0104/27/2285Saavik graduates Star Fleet Academy at the top of her class. Promoted to Lieutenant, j.g., she is assigned to take her cadet cruise aboard the Enterprise.FASAThe Federation
2/2206.0204/29/2285The Mark I "Pegasus" class light cruiser is authorized. An updated version of the mothballed "Vagabond" class, the Pegasus carries a standard complement or 300 and a warp 10 capacity. All 50 ordered are completed.InternetPT Riley Designs
2/2206.0205/01/2285In a highly unusual move, Orion pirates from the Triangle significantly step up their attacks on Romulan holdings with the region. Several brash captains actually strike at planets well behind the established boarders. Although costly for the Orions, the move does force the ROmulans to detail vessels from escort operation within the Triangle to protection mission of several worlds within the Empire.InternetSTSTCS
2/2206.0605/10/2285the majority of Valtor III's Jileacans are exported off-planet for slave labor. What few remain are reduced to slave status in small settlements near the Valtor III outpost. Captain Kletarc makes a secret deal with Meneti to ensure the latter's loyalty.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2206.0605/10/2285Captain Karnon of the Malevolent cripples two pirate raiders inside Klingon space.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2206.0705/12/2285Star Fleet Intellignece, in cooperation with Rigellian Intelligence and the Orion government, found Minimax Opticon Corporation on Rigel VIII. With some of the highest security requirements within SFI, the organization supports deep cover agents within the Orion Sector Intelligence's sphere of influence.FASAStar Fleet Intellegence Book
2/2206.0705/13/2285Rujnar Pirate EngagementSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntRujnar Pirate Engagement
2/2206.0705/14/2285The USS "Joshua" (NCC-2700) class command cruiser enters service under the command of Captain Parker Grant. Utilizing a single warp drive unit derived from the "Excelsior" class, the ship has a maximum velocity of warp 9.98. Armed with 14 phasers and 3 torpedo tubes, the "Joshua" class will total 13 ships (NCC-2700-NCC-2712), resembling bloated destroyer/scout vessels. Having a complement of 490, "Joshua" class starships are designed to serve as the 'nerve centers' of U.F.P. fleet activities, able to coordinate the movements and actions of up to 70 vessels simultaneously.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 3
2/2206.1005/20/2285The Dixie scandal begins to rock Star Fleet. Admiral Cartwright replaces Admiral Nogura, and Admiral Kirk (a protege of Nogura's) is transferred to Star Fleet Education and Training Command. Many other officers retire, or are discharged or transferred.FASAThe Dixie Gambit
2/2206.1105/22/2285Also based on the "Joshua" class command cruiser, the "Michael Adam" (NCC-5002-B) class scout is authorized for construction to replace the older "Anubus" scouts and class members carry the same 'B'-suffixed registries of the original vessels. All 98 proposed vessels will reportedly be constructed, each with warp 9.2 capacity, 12 standard phasers, 2 torpedo banks, and standard complements of 525. Very similar to the "Loki" class destroyers, the "Michael Adam" class scouts will be employed for patrols, surveillance, and U.F.P. defense.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 3
2/2206.1105/22/2285The "Loki" (NCC-502-B) class destroyer is authorized for construction. Based upon the "Joshua" class command cruiser, the "Loki" class destroyers are ordered as replacements for the earlier destroyer classes ("Saladin," "Pompey," "Siva," "Cochise," and particularly the "Jenghiz") and carry the same names and registries (with the 'B' suffix addition). 93 vessels are proposed and 74 will be constructed each possessing warp 9.2 capacity, 12 standard phaser emplacements, 3 (fore/aft firing) megaphaser cannon, and complements of 550. During military operations, the "Loki" will be used for point assault and hit-and run defense, an effective fighting ship with its megaphasers and a highdensity dual warp nacelle.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 3
2/2206.1105/24/2285Temerand installs LN-94 warp units on Prototype No. 11 at the Symmons T. Bodio dockyard complex. Warp engine activation tests will be conducted over the next three weeks, with the ship scheduled to leave the dockyard facility under its own power on 09 June.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet, Volume 2
2/2206.1205/25/2285An Investigation Board examining records on Operation Dixie concludes that it probably failed because of a Klingon double agent.FASAThe Dixie Gambit
2/2206.1405/30/2285The crew of the USS Reliant investigates Ceti Alpha V, believing it to be Ceti Alpha VI.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2206.1606/04/2285Khan Noonian Singh, a dictator of Terra's Eugenics Wars who was exiled to Ceti Alpha V, captures the cruiser USS Reliant.FASAThe Federation
2/2206.1606/04/2285Project Grey Ghost returns and is heralded a complete success. Star Fleet gains important information on the nature, organization, and threat cababilities of the Romulan Star Navy.FASAThe Federation
2/2206.1606/04/2285Commander Pavel Chekov and Captain Clark Terrell unexpectedly encounter Khan Noonian Singh on Ceti Alpha V. Khan imprisons them, and then uses Ceti eels to control their minds. Using the officers as bait, Khan and the rest of the Ceti Alpha survivors capture the research cruiser USS Reliant, and abandon most of the starship's complement on Ceti Alpha V.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek II - The Wrath of Kahn
2/2206.1606/04/2285Rykla Dagh Incidnet: The USS Hood captures the Klingon destroyer L'Ktja near the Rykla Dagh system. The Hood is damaged, but remains on patrol after delivering the captured vessel and her crew.PublicationShip of the Star Fleet
2/2206.1606/04/2285Star Trek II - The Wrath of KahnStar Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek II - The Wrath of Kahn
2/2206.1606/09/2285Chekov notifies Doctor Marcus that the USS Reliant is on its way to Regula I to confiscate all Project Genesis material and data.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek II - The Wrath of Kahn
2/2206.1706/15/2285Admiral James Kirk joins Captain Spock aboard the USS Enterprise for a three week Star Fleet Academy cadet training cruise and inspection. Kirk receives a message from Doctor Marcus regarding the confiscation of project Genesis. With Spock's cooperation, he resumes command of the Enterprise, and sets course for Regula.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek II - The Wrath of Kahn
2/2206.1806/16/2285Ambassador Sarek of Vulcan leaves Terra to attend the Galactic Conference.FASALost And Presumed Dead STAR TREK III Sourcebook Update
2/2206.1906/21/2285The USS Reliant arrives at Spacelab Regula I. Kahn tortures and kills all Project Genesis personnel except Doctors Carol and David Marcus, who have transported to the Genesis cave on Regula.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek II - The Wrath of Kahn
2/2206.2006/27/2285On its way back to Spacedock, the Enterprise rendezvous with the USS Firenze, a medical ship, to drop off Doctor Carol Marcus and most of the Academy cadets for further treatment and/or debriefing. Doctor David Marcus and Lieutenant Saavik are transferred to the Gagarin Class research vessel USS Grissom (NOC-639), which is on its way to survey the Genesis Planet. Star Fleet Command dispatches a transport to pick up survivors of the USS Reliant, stranded on Ceti Alpha V.FASALost And Presumed Dead STAR TREK III Sourcebook Update
2/2206.2006/27/2285Admiral Vanderhoff accepts a medical retirement, and Commodore Gouthar formally replaces him as Commander of Star Base 14, a duty he has already assumed.FASAReturn to Axanar
2/2206.2006/27/2285The Reliant, under Khan Noonian Singh's piratical command, ambushes the USS Enterprise, manned by Star Fleet Academy cadets on a training cruise. After a battle in the Mutara Nebula, Khan is dead, and the Enterprise severely damaged. Commander Spock dies saving the Enterprise from the detonation of the Genesis Device, which trans-forms inorganic matter into primitive life forms. His inert body is launched toward the world where the Genesis Effect is accelerating the growth of living thingsFASAThe Federation
2/2206.2006/27/2285Lieutenant jg Saavik is given a Star Fleet Commendation and a field promotion to full Lieutenant.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek II - The Wrath of Kahn
2/2206.2006/27/2285The Enterprise pursues the Reliant to the Mutara Nebula, and the battle continues, killing Khan and severe damaging the Enterprise. Faced with the impending detonation of the Genesis Device, Spock enters a deadly radiation contaminated area and restores power to the warp drive just in time to allow the Enterprise to outrun the Genesis Wave. In so doing, Spock absorbs a fatal dose of radiation. His inert body is launched in a photon torpedo toward the world where the Genesis Device is taking effect.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek II - The Wrath of Kahn
2/2206.2006/27/2285The USS Reliant ambushes the USS Enterprise near Regula I and both vessels suffer damage in the ensuing battle. The Reliant disengages, and the EnterpriseStar Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek II - The Wrath of Kahn
2/2206.2107/03/2285In disfavor due to the loss of the Reliant, the Regula I Research Station, the Genesis Device, and Spock, Kirk meets with Sarek, Spock's father. The demoralized Enterpris crew is reassigned to various posts on Terra and at the Spacedock, pending further investigation. Sarek immediately leaves for Vulcan after arranging transportation for Commander Uhura to Vulcan.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek III - The Search for Spock
2/2206.2107/03/2285The Enterprise returns to Spacedock at Terra, an Fleet Admiral Morrow meets with some of the Enterprise crew. He explains that, by order of the Federation Counsil the Genesis Project is not to be discussed and no starship except the Grissom is allowed to travel in the Mutara Sector.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek III - The Search for Spock
2/2206.2107/03/2285Star Trek III - The Search for SpockStar Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek III - The Search for Spock
2/2206.2207/09/2285On the Genesis Planet, Dr. David Marcus and Lieutenant Saavik find a Vulcan baby who is growing up at a highly accelerated rate. This proves to be the regenerated body of Spock, minus his intellect and essence.FASAThe Federation
2/2206.2207/09/2285The USS Grissom, under command of Captain J.T. Esteban, arrives at the Genesis Planet. Doctor David Marcus and Lieutenant Saavik beam down and find a Vulcan baby, who is growing up at a highly accelerated rate. This proves to be the regenerated body of Spock. But minus his intellect and essence.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek III - The Search for Spock
2/2206.2307/15/2285Captain Lawrence Stiles of the USS Excelsior declares that his vessel is ready for trials.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2206.2307/15/2285While Admiral Kirk and Commander Sulu free Doctor McCoy from a security holding area. Commander Scott sabotages the USS Excelsior’s transwarp drive computer. With the help of Uhura, Kirk, McCoy, Scott, Sulu and Checkov steal the Enterprise from Spacedock and travel to the Genesis Planet to seek Spock’s body. Uhura immediately leaves for Vulcan.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2206.2307/15/2285The heavy cruiser "Hornet" (NCC-1714) and the strike cruiser "Mikuma" (NCC-2516) depart on an extended-duration exploratory mission predicted to last three years.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/2206.2307/20/2285Klingon Captain Kruge, commanding a cloaking device equipped K-22B Bird of Prey Class scout, destroy the Gagarin Class USS Grissom and all aboard her. Doctor Marcus, Lieutenant Saavik, and a partially regenerated Spock, all on the surface of the Genesis Planet, survive.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek III - The Search for Spock
2/2206.2407/21/2285Klingon Captain Kruge, commanding a cloaking device-equipped K-22B Bird of Prey Class scout, destroys the Gagarin Class USS Grissom and all aboard. Doctor David Marcus, Lieutenant Saavik, and a partially regenerated Spock, all on the surface of the GenesiFASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2206.2407/26/2285The Requirements Analysis Board (under the direction of Fleet Admiral Harry Morrow) issues its controversial recommendation for the decommissioning of "Enterprise" class starships as more vessels of the cheaper, but less versatile, "Tikopai" class become available.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 2
2/2206.2507/27/2285A landing party of several Klingons beams down to the Genesis Planet. Upon reaching the planet, the Enterprise discovers that the Grissom has been destroyed. The Enterprise exchanges fire with the Klingon scout, but cannot finish it off.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2206.2507/27/2285Before his death, Imperial Security Officer Karamark vestai-Treth secretly transmits a copy of the Genesis data obtained by Kruge to his superiors on Klinzhai.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2206.2507/27/2285In response, a Klingon kills Doctor David Marc on the Genesis Planet. Admiral Kirk tricks Captain Krug into sending a boarding party onto the Enterprise, then self-destructing the ship. Kirk kills Kruge on the planet.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2206.2507/27/2285Kirk, Sulu, Saavik, McCoy, Chekov, and Scott escape aboard the Klingon scout with the regenerated Spock. Maltz, the Bird of Prey's First Officer, is also taken custody. The Genesis Effect proves its instability, an the Genesis Planet disintegrates.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2206.2507/27/2285Star Fleet Command and the Enterprise both fail to establish contact with the USS Grissom.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2206.2507/27/2285As Klingon exploration units continue to move into unclaimed space, they also continue to encounter the Cardassians, who them selves are looking to expand their territory. A Klingon scout it chased off by two Cardassian warship, but return several hours later with a local battlecruiser squadron. The ensuing battle is vicious and indecisive, but leads to undeclaired open conflict between the two empires.InternetSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian War
2/2206.2708/08/2285The Bird of Prey lands on Vulcan. Spock's intellect is restored by the Vulcan ritual of fal tor pan, transfering Spock's essence, which he placed in McCoy just before exposing himself to the radiation, back into his own body.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2206.2808/14/2285Admiral Randolph Morrow files an affidavit containing his personal evaluation of Admiral Kirk's recent actions.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2206.3008/28/2285Hunt for the Zchol's GlorySTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Zchol's Glory
2/2207.0108/31/2285Star Fleet Intelligence Command sends the Northampton Class frigate USS Bremerton into the Triangle on "business of an undisclosed nature".FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2207.0108/31/2285Ticonderoga Class X Light Cruiser Mk I enters service.FASAJaynze Ships of the Fleet
2/2207.0108/31/2285Operation Grand Deterrence, a second large-scale fleet maneuver, begins under the command of Commodore G. X. Ilanenko. A second operation coming so closely after Operation Tactical Encounters XXVU, is unheard of, even in the area of Federation space nearest the Klingon Empire.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2207.0409/18/2285Major Meneti begins to enact a plan of revenge on his former commander. Selective introduction of a local hallucinogen, Triburnias, begins. Several memebers of the Valtor III garrison mysteriously fall ill. Base commander Kletarc begins to show vissable signs of stress.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2207.0409/18/2285The IKV Malevolent attacks an unmanned convoy inside the Organian Nutral Zone.FASAA Matter of PrioritiesFederation - Klingon Cold War
2/2207.0509/24/2285The Federation Security Council holds the first in a series of closed meetings to investigate security leaks surrounding Project Genesis. Several theories are discussed but the Council's findings conclude that the UFP may never know for sure how the Klingons leared about this project.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2207.0509/25/2285Grundar Pirate EngagementSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntGrundar Pirate Engagement
2/2207.0610/05/2285Captain Kevin Atkinson aids in the development of Megaphaser Cannon at Star Fleet Tactical's Strategic Design Group. In the 2290s he will serve as the Chief Engineer of the starship "Kestral" (NCC-3000) superscout.PublicationStarfleet Prototype
2/2207.0710/09/22852nd Venture HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate Hunt2nd Venture Hunt
2/2207.0710/11/2285The Klingon destroyer "Qrish" is pursued between borderspace and Donatu, by U.F.P. starships upon discovering her disappearence from her homeport in the Shahkur star system. The USS "Hood" (NCC-1707) heavy cruiser is destroyed in the ensuing battle and the new destroyer USS "Ajax" (NCC-547) withdraws badly mauled. The "Qrish" escapes unscathed.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet, Volume 1Federation - Klingon Cold War
2/2207.1010/28/2285Battle at 21.3 S-1.89 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 21.3 S-1.89 E
2/2207.1110/30/2285Captain Kursak replace Karnon as Commander of the IKV Malevolent.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2207.1111/02/2285Hunt for the Prince of the NightSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Prince of the Night
2/2207.1511/23/2285Destruction of Forward Outpost D-1STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDestruction of Forward Outpost D-1
2/2207.1812/10/2285The IKV Malevolent is refit at Combat Repair Facility 14T7X.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2207.1812/14/2285A standard periodic examination reveals microscopic stress fractures and mild fatigue at certain points along the propulsion package support pylon assembly of Prototype No. 11. The cause is determined to be the different warp geometries. The other ships in the prototype fleet will be examined and a program implemented to redesign the structural reinforcement features of the propulsion support pylon assembly.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet, Volume 2
2/2207.2012/26/2285Capture of the Orion's FortuneSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntCapture of the Orion's Fortune
2/2207.2012/27/22852nd Rujnar Pirate EngagementSTSTCSOrion Pirate Hunt2nd Rujnar Pirate Engagement
2/2207.2101/01/2286The D-21 (D'Ktagh) type A is launched. Although initially a successful design, the "A" model quickly proves less than effective as an independent combat platform. Heavly armed, the D-21 do not initially mount an aft firing torpedo. This oversight proves costly, with three model A's destroyed by the end of 2286.InternetChristopher Cornelius Designs
2/2207.2201/06/2286The Gorn launch the MD-10-E. The main blasters are updated and additional torpedo tubes are added. Hull armor is also added. Only 5 are ever built, but a number of older versions are updated to the "E" model.STSTCSDesign by Terry D. Shannon
2/2207.2401/18/2286The USS "Endurance" (NCC-1862) frigate is commissioned. All eight frigates of this class (NCC-1862-NCC-1880) are refits of the "Avenger" class heavy frigates and will all be commissioned by early 2286. They are all scaled-down "Avengers," each now possessing only 14 phasers total and no photon torpedo banks.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/2207.2702/02/2286Cardassian forces enter the Lyshan system and demand that the Klingon forces there depart. Having just finished construction of a second military outpost and three large farming settlements, the Klingon refuse and immediate challenge the Cardassian forces. The ensuing battle is short and indecisive, but is all the excuse the Klingons need to launch a full scale war against the Cardassians.STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarEncounter at Lyshan
2/2207.2802/09/2286Klingon forces attack the listening stations in the Mericor system. Nearby Cardassian units attack the Klingon vessels. Both side suffer heavy losses, but the Cardassians are unable to save the listening station.STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarEngagement at Mericor
2/2207.2902/19/2286A large scale Cardassian and Klingon force clash over Tracken II. The Klingons suffer heavy losses but are able to establish a beach head on Tracken II. Over the next few month, the entire Traken system is occupies and fortified.STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarEngagement at Tracken II
2/2208.0103/04/2286Major Meneti opens negotiation with the Commander of the RSV Nightlancer.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2208.0103/04/2286Indomitable Class XII Battleship Mk IFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2208.0103/04/2286The Griffon Mk II Class VIII escort enters service.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2208.0103/07/2286Orion Syndicate forces attack the shipyards at Mattarra, believing that a rival pirate lord and the IKS have become partners. A third I-1c under construction at the time is destroyed.STSTCSSTSTCS
2/2208.0203/10/2286Klingon forces attack Juhraya, unaware of the extensive defenses found throughout the Juhraya system. By the time the Klingon fleet reaches Juhraya VI, there are few ships with enough firepower to pose a significant threat to the mines and colonies. However, the Klingon do attack the local Cardassian defense forces in a bloody and costly attack. STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarBattle at Juhraya VI
2/2208.0303/16/2286Star Fleet Security Command publishes a report examining how Admiral Kirk was able to spacejack a starship from Spacedock. The report also suggests numerous procedural changes to improve security and prevent a repeat occurrence.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2208.0303/19/2286Cardassian forces invade Omekla after their naval forces win a hard-faught battle with the local Klingon defense forces.STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarInvasion of Omekla
2/2208.0403/23/2286Furious over the brazen attack by Orion Syndicate elements, Kepel and the leadership of the IKS launch a series of deadly retribution raids against Orion Syndicate assets. STSTCSSTSTCS
2/2208.0403/25/2286Klingon scouts detect a small contingent of Cardassisn vessels at Torman. Unaware of the mineral riches of Torman, the Klingon scouts contact local cruiser patrols and suggest an attack. The 292nd Attack Squadron engages the lead Cadassian units, destroyer all four of the Cardassian combat vessels. Flush with victory, the Klingon commander soon finds he is under attack fround four more Cardassian vessels. Only the Klingon flaship survives.STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarBattle at Torman
2/2208.0704/10/2286Moon Runner HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntMoon Runner Hunt
2/2208.0804/14/2286The IKV Malevolent begins patrols along Klingon space boardering the Triangle. The commander of the Nightlancer agrees to aid Meneti in capturing the Valtor outpost in exchange for a larger bounty and safe conduct into the Triangle.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2208.0804/18/2286Star Fleet directs that additional crew safeguards be added to the "Akula" design, including the addition of a shuttle/escape craft in the Avondale-built ships. Also, the 3-person lifeboats in the primary hull of the "Akulas" will have improved "sleeper" qualities.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet, Volume 2
2/2208.0804/19/2286Rogue HuntSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntRogue Hunt
2/2208.0904/24/2286A Klingon squadron meets with an Orion trader in the Vitar system, hoping to learn of the major Cardassian shipping operations in the Algira sector. However, the Obsidian order has learned of the meeting and dispatches a squadron or warships to destroy the Klingons and the Orion trader. The Klingons and Cardassians destroye each other, with the Orion trader being the only vessel still under it's own power. STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarBattle at Vitar
2/2208.1004/27/2286Two separate Klingon battlefleets move into the Algira sector. Cardassian scouts detect the large fleet manuever and a counter-strike fleet is gathered. The First Battle of the Algira Sector give the Cardassians the upper hand when they are able to damage most of the Klingon fleet. STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarFirst Battle of the Algira Sector
2/2208.1005/01/2286Bolstered by arriving reinforcements and having conducted field repairs, the Klingon fleet again sets out across the Algira sector. The Cardassians gather their forces and the Second Battle of the Algira Sector is faught. This time the Klingons are more victorious, forcing the Cardassians to disengage. The Klingons again slow to conduct field reapairs and await resupply.STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarSecond Battle of the Algira Sector
2/2208.1505/26/2286Several officer on Valtor III disappear. No sign of them is ever found.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2208.1505/26/2286A Klingon squadron engages a forward scouting wing of Cardassian cruiser at Rudellia. Both side suffer heavy damage and abandon the Rudellia system.STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarBattle at Rudellia
2/2208.1505/31/2286Realizing that the Klingons will reinforce Algira if they are not stopped, the Cardassians enlist Orion, Niberite and Nausicaan mercinaries to shore up their fleet in the Third Battle of the Algira Sector. Infurriated that the Cardassians wont face them directly, the Klingons go on a rampage, ignoring the mercinary ships and concentrating on the Cardassian vessels. The Orions and Nausiccans flee after only a few shots while the Niberite commanders, realizing the Klingon will destroy the Cardassians (and their pay), end run the Klingon fleet and threaten the Klingon transports and freighters headed for Algira. Careful not to destroy any of the Klingon support vessels and attracting the full wrath of the Klingons, the Niberite are able to draw sufficient Klingon vessels from the fray to allow the Cardassians to escape. STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarThird Battle of the Algira Sector
2/2208.1606/01/2286Commander Thorn of Star Fleet Inteligence completes an investigation of possible pirate activity on Daros IV. His transmission is cut short, and Star Fleet dispatches a covert unit to investigate.FASAOrion Ruse
2/2208.1606/02/2286Klingon forces enter the Betreka Nebula to hide from Cardassian patrols and conduct repairs. However, the Cardassians are hiding in the nebula and attack the Klingon forces. With sensors ineffective, the Cardassians use mass detection to locate the Klingon force. They close to near point blank range and ravage the Klingon fleet in mere minutes. The First Battle at the Betreka Nebulais a significant victory for the Klingons.STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarBattle in the Tong Beak Nebula
2/2208.2006/26/2286Defense of Convoy 9983-aSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Convoy 9983-a
2/2208.2207/06/2286Kletrac is captured in the Jileaca camp after being betrayed by Meneti. The RSV Nightlancer and Predator are ordered into the Triangle to take possession of the Valtor outpost as arranged.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2208.2207/11/2286Orion Syndicate leaders calculate the amount of resources it would take to eliminate the IKS as a danger to pirate operations in the Triangle. The decision is made to placate the IKS instead.STSTCSSTSTCS
2/2208.2507/24/2286Faced with immediate arrest, intelligence agent Kintax sends a coded message to Fleet Command warning them of the situation on Vlator. The message is garbled in transmission and only fragments are decipherable.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2208.2507/27/2286Cardassian forces invade Algira, a Klingon outpost and developing world. Although not officially part of the Empire, there are seveal small cities and a large military contingent on the planet. Klingon naval forces respond, but are unable to stop Cardassian troops from landing. Only the well-defended military outposts are able to hold out withouth space-born support.STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarInvasion of Algira
2/2208.2607/30/2286A priority directive from Fleet Command instructs the IKV Malevolent ot investigate the situation on Valtor III. Menti has Kintax removed to the slave camp and kept under drugged confinement in case she is needed later.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2208.2708/05/2286Romulan warships arrive in the Valtor system. After exchanging information, the Romulan commander decides to land a team of advisors on the planet to assist Meneti. Most of these Meneti send to the slave camp to begin organizing the natives. Several Romulans are detailed to serve as bodyguards and personal aides to Meneti. With the imminent arrival of the Malevolent, the two commanders coordinate plan of a slave uprising.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2208.2708/07/2286Despite recent setbacks, the Klngons send a large force to Dopa in an attempt to put pressure on the Cardiassians. The attack is far more successful than the Klingons at first realize. The Cardassians loose a number of orbital procudtion facilities and several ground instillations before reenforcements drive the Klingon attack force from the system. The Cardassians are no longer able to field overwhelming firepower and must fight the Klignons on a one-to-one basis from this point forward.STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarBattle of Dopa
2/2208.2808/11/2286Kletrac returns to the Valtor III base. No explination of his absence is given. His manner is erratic, and he appears extrememly ill. He orders the marines to prepare for an attack on the slave settlement.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2208.2908/17/2286Having completed preparations for the cpature of the Valtor III installation in consultation Meneti, the Romulans warships take up positions in the Valtor asteroid belt, cloaked, to await the moment of attack. The IKV Malevolent arrives at Valtor III and begins investigating the unusual events.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2208.2908/17/2286The Balikatan Wargames are conducted.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2208.2908/21/2286Klingon forces engage the Cardassians at Argaya, drawing the defending ships to the edge of the system. Invasion forces attempt to land near the larger towns, but are unable to occupy much of the area due to ground based resistance. None the less, the Klingons do manage to field 5,000 troops and set up a command post, albeit several hundred miles from the nearest Cardassian settlement. The Klingons remain on Argaya for the next 10 years.STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarInvasion of Argaya
2/2208.3008/23/2286As arranged, the Romulan squyadron commander de-cloaks and moves to engage the Malevolent. The attack coincides with the attack againt the outpost by the local Jilecans, assisted by the Romulan advisors and equipment. By prearrangement, Meneti rigs the outposts defenses to fail at the moment the attack begins.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2209.0109/04/2286Star Fleet Intelligence receive rumors that an important Klingon intelligence installation has been destroyed as a result of political infighting. This installation, supposedly on Valtor III, would have been a key base between the Klingons and Romulan Star Empires.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2209.0109/04/2286Unable to ensure the security of the Valtor III base and it's monitoring equipment, the Malevolent evacuates the remaining Klingon personnel from the planet and destroys the base and it's equipment. Realizing that the base can not be captured with the presence of the Malevolent in system, Commander Sarnis of the Nightlancer evacuates the Romulan advisors while under fire and retreats, hoping that his scans of the Valtor III base and it's equipment will be sufficient to counter further Klingon capabilities.FASAA Matter of Priorities
2/2209.0610/04/2286The uprated USS "Enterprise" (NCC-1701-A) heavy cruiser is commissioned. The "Enterprise (II)" class will consist of an initial total of 14 vessels: six of the original "Enterprise" class converted and seven newly constructed ships (NCC-1843-NCC-1849), including the rebuilt "Enterprise." Each ship, while externally identical to the "Enterprise" class, contains new Duotronic IV computer systems, advanced LN-64B warp engines capable of warp 13, a ship's complement of 510, a sensor suite, and all-new shipwide touch sensor (BLAC-3) control interfaces. Later ships in the "Enterprise (II)" class, beginning with the USS "America" (NCC-1847) will feature larger, reinforced engine support pylons, larger impulse decks, and fore and aft-firing torpedo tubes. The USS "Cicala" (NCC-2540) "Belknap" class strike cruiser, in the Toya-Sera region, takes part in the SciTest 12 exercise.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/2209.1211/10/2286A Klingon heavy squadron attacks a larger force of Cardassian warships in the Unefra system. The battle is inconclusive.STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarBattle at Unefra
2/2209.1211/12/2286Klingon hunter-killer forces chase an Orion mercinary ship to Sarpedion, unaware that it is occupied by a large contingent of Cardassian ships. The Cardassians decimate the Klingon ships but are unable to persue the fleeing Klingon vessels after the initial barrage.STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarBattle at Sarpedion
2/2209.1511/26/2286An unidentified alien, faster-than-light spacecraft is detected in deep space. Over the next two weeks, the ship rapidly continues on it course towards Terra.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek IV
2/2209.1511/26/2286Orion privateers attack an independent hauler near Namezk. The Orions capture hundreds of tons of raw material and ship building ore.InternetSTSTCS
2/2209.1511/26/2286Star Trek IV - The Voyage HomeStar Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek IV - The Voyage Home
2/2209.1611/27/2286A computer failure on Star Base 10 destroys many Star Fleet Intelligence Command personnel files related to Operation Dixie.FASAThe Dixie Gambit
2/2209.1711/28/2286In one of the oddest engagements of the Klingon/Cardassian conflict - a Klingon heavy cruiser enters the Lyshan system and take up orbit around the inner gas giant Lyshan I. Several days later, a Cardassian warship ALSO take up position around Lyshan I. Both ships send probes to Lyshan II believing the enemy has a listening post or agricultural station on the planet. The Cardassians are the first to break orbit and nearly collide with the Klingon cruiser as it also heads to Lyshan II to retrieve it's probe. Both vessels loose warp power and begin a running battle through the system at impulse power. Reinforcement for both sides arive an hour after the battle begins an a major fleet engagement esentially ensues. However, both initial combatants continue their running battle, neither side able to bring a cu-de-grass even as their comrads break from the larger battle. Both initial combatants continue trading blows for two more hourse before the Klingon vessel finally restores warp power. STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarLyshan II Engagement
2/2209.2412/05/2286The USS "Cyane" (NCC-1890) heavy frigate is commissioned. Based directly upon the "Avenger" class, all ten ships (NCC-1890-1899) possess the same firepower of their predecessor heavy frigate class but with newer system types. Almost identical to the "Avenger," these ships have the capacity to embark full squadrons of "Killer Bee" tactical assault craft. The USS "Kitkun" (NCC-1091) "Akula" class perimeter action ship is laid down at Terran Rockwell (Spacecraft Division), Pedersen Spaceport, Earth.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/2209.2512/06/2286Kiltarc zantai-Neygebh, Klingon Ambassador to the UFP, arrives on Terra. He meets with a select committee of Federation Council members, ranking Star Fleet officials, and Federation Supreme Court Justices. This visiting dignitary describes Admiral James T. Kirk, in his role in the Genesis Project, as a pirate and interstellar criminal who has recklessly endangered peace in known space. Kiltarc also insists that Kirk be turned over to the Klingon Diplomatic Corps to stand trial in the Klingon Empire for his crimes. The Federation Council President responds that if Kirk is going to stand trial anywhere, he will do so within the Federation and under Federation jurisprudence. At the moment, however, Kirk is immune to prosecution while receiving political asylum from Ambassador Sarek.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek IV
2/2209.2512/06/2286Hopng that the system hasn't be reinforced, the Klingons send a large combat fore to Sarpedion in the hopes of occupying the system. The Cardassians have indeed fielded a significant force and the Second Battle at Sarpedion begins.STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarSecond Battle at Sarpedion
2/2209.2612/07/2286USS Saratoga patrolling near the Klingon Neutral Zone encounters a mysterious probe which is determined to be on course for Earth and informs Starfleet Command.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2209.2612/07/2286Admiral Kirk and his party leave in the Klingon Bird of Prey for Terra, where all (except Spock) face court-martials for the theft and destruction of the USS Enterprise. By this time, both Captain Spock and Doctor McCoy have re-covered fully from the fal torpan process.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek IV
2/2209.2912/09/2286The alien spacecraft reaches Terra, neutralizing any starship that impedes its progress. Though still unidentified, the vessel makes its intentions partially known upon arrival. It is attempting to establish meaningful communication with an intelligent species of life that is now extinct on Terra-belonging to the order Cetacea, suborder Mysticee, specific-ally, the humpback whale.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek IV
2/2209.2912/09/2286Upon failing to establish communication, the space-craft begins heating up the planet's atmosphere, altering Terra's ecological balance. If action is not taken soon the effect will be irreversible and/,6tastrophic, rendering the entire planet lifeless.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek IV
2/2209.3012/10/2286 to stay away from the planet. Admiral Kirk’s party aboard the Bird of Prey recieves the message and formulates a plan of action.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek IV
2/2210.0112/11/2286Excelsior class USS Excelsior (NX-2000) is commissioned for trial runs by Starfleet at the San Francisco Fleet Yards, Earth. She is outfitted with Starfleet's new experimental transwarp drive engine and is assigned to the command of Captain StylesFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2210.0112/11/2286The Mark II "Genser" class escorts enter service with linear warp engines yielding warp 8 maximum warp speed, and uprated phasers.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2210.0112/11/2286By using the Sol’s Gravitational field in a breakaway-sling shot manuever, Admiral Kirk’s Bird of Prey goes back into time to approximately Stardate –1/8608Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek IV
2/2210.0312/13/2286Klingon battlecruiser conduct a lightning strike on Kelvas VI. With no intention of occupying any of the planets and no support vessels to protect, the Klingon attack is vicious and decisive, badly damaging a large number of Cardassian vessels. STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarKelvas VI Strike
2/2210.1412/24/2286After extensive interrogation and cross-examination, the courts-martial of everyone involved in the Enterprise theft are now complete. It is the Court's decision that Scott, Sulu, Uhura, McCoy, and Chekov were only following the orders of Admiral Kirk, anFASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
2/2210.1412/24/2286After extensive interrogation and cross-examination, the court-martials of everyone involved in the Enterprise theft are now complete. It is the Court’s decision that Scott, Sulu, Uhura McCoy and Chekov were only following the orders of Admiral Kirk. For this reason, they will not be imprissoned, demoted, or penalized in any way.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek IV
2/2210.1412/24/2286The Court rules that Admiral James T. Kirk, acting from a sense of loyalty and duty, was still personally responsible for the spacejacking and subsequent destruction of the USS Enterprise. However, his actions also led to the capture of a Klingon warship, the successful recovery of Captain Spock, and the resolution of the Cetacean Incident. For this reason, the Court sentences Kirk to formal chastisement and a two-grade demotion to Captain. Clearly, Captain Kirk will no longer have a place on the Admiraly Staff, and so he must return to a field assignment as a starship commander.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek IV
2/2210.1612/26/2286Star Fleet Command's Naval Construction Contract Number 1786, under construction at Sol III, reaches completion. Although this Enteiprise Class Mk III cruiser was to be christened the USS Atlantis, it will instead be designated NCC 1701A and christened the (new) USS Enterprise in honor of Captain Kirk.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2210.1712/27/2286Klingon Ambassador Kiltarc abruptly leaves Terra and returns to the Klingon Empire.FASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
2/2210.2401/02/2287The Cardassians gather a large fleet with the intention of attacking Klingon assets in the Belito sector. Klingon scouts detect the gathering Cardassian fleet and a counter strike fleet engages the Cardassians in the First Battle of the Belito Sector.STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarFirst Battle of the Belito Sector
2/2210.3001/08/2287Star Fleet Command's USS Excelsior, the first Mk I battleship of the class, is commissioned. However, an assortment of malfunctions and minor systems defects continue to keep the vessel from being deployed in an active role.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2211.0601/15/2287A Klingon squadron conducts a followup investigation of possible Cardassian activity in the Orias system. Two Cardassian warships respond and engage the Klingon squadron in the Battle at Orias.STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarBattle at Orias
2/2211.1101/20/2287The Final FrontierStar Trek - The Original SeriesThe Final Frontier
2/2211.1501/23/22871st Battle of Operation NightbladeSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict1st Battle of Operation Nightblade
2/2211.1601/24/22872nd Battle of Operation NightbladeSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict2nd Battle of Operation Nightblade
2/2212.0102/08/2287Flammarion Class IX Research Vessel Mk III enters service.FASAJaynze Ships of the Fleet
2/2212.0102/08/2287Hunt for the Dark DreamSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntHunt for the Dark Dream
2/2212.0302/10/2287After spending nearly a month conducting field repairs and preparing to again strike the various planets in the Belito sector, the Cardassians mauont a major thrust into the area. Second Battle of the Belito Sector see the Cardassians push the Klingons from open space and force them to retreat into several unoccupied systems in the region. The Cardassians do not persue the fleeing Klignon ships in the hopes of having sufficient strength to take Belito prime.STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarSecond Battle of the Belito Sector
2/2212.0802/14/2287Seven ships of the "Levant" (NCC-1843) class are authorized for construction.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet - Volume 1
2/2212.1102/17/2287Trial for the crew of the Starwind begins. William Hendel, captain of the Shinehorst, speaks on behalf of the crew and captain of the Starwind. Thanks to his testament, the crew is given relatively light sentences of 20 years each, while Jedar the Vicious remain happily in a minimum security prison until his death in 2309.InternetSTSTCS
2/2212.1502/21/2287The IKV KX'suka, still being pursued by the USS Cooper, halts near the edge of Federation space, where a large Klingon force awaits. Several Federation vessels following the USS Cooper surprise the Klingon squadron in a full-scale multi-ship battle.FASAReturn to AxanarFederation - Klingon Cold War
2/2212.1502/21/2287Realizing that the repair base at Belito Prime is most likely the target of the Cardassians, the Klingon are forced to engage in the Third Battle of the Belito Sector with a number of their vessels at less than peak efficiency. None the less, the Klingons cause significant damage to a number of Cardassian vesselsSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarThird Battle of the Belito Sector
2/2212.1902/25/22873rd Battle of Operation NightbladeSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict3rd Battle of Operation Nightblade
2/2212.3003/07/2287Despite having nearly two weeks to prepare for a space-born assault, the Klingon garrisons on Belito Prime do not last long, with most of the Warriors forced to flee the main staging areas as the Cardassians bombard the planet. Unable to destroy the main power facilities from space, the Cardassians land over 10,000 troops on three continents and attack the Klingon instillations. Ground fighting is hand to hand and vicious with the Klingons causing heavy casualties. In space, arriving Klingon warships eventually drive off the Cardassian troop vessels. The Invasion of Beloti Prime becomes a stale-mate as neither side can land troops or reinforce the planet. The ground conflict will continue for the next 6 years.STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarInvasion of Beloti Prime
2/2212.3003/07/2287Through intelligence gathering and long range observations, the Romulans become keenly aware of their new reivals in the Outback region - the Gorn. The Romulans also become aware of the internal strife with the Gorn Hegemony and decide to take advantage of the situation, launching a limited military campain into the region. STSTCSTalon and Claw
2/2301.0103/09/2287The "Reliant" class cruiser USS "Accommadator" (NCC-26256) returns from a 3-year mission into the spinward frontier. Most crew members are given leave while the ship undergoes scheduled maintenance. During the maintenance checks, the "Accommadator" is found to need parts not readily available and is therefore removed from its moorings inside the drydock and placed in an exterior mooring. A month later the "Liberty" class freighter USS "John B. Goodings" loses its directional maneuvering control system and rams the "Accommadator" causing excessive external damage and internal fires. The burning hull is towed away from the repair facility and allowed to burn itself out. Found unservicable by a damage control team, the vessel is scrapped.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2301.0203/10/2287The Imperial Klingon States' IKSV StaaveMara is sighted in the Triangle. This Loknar Class frigate was built during the Four Years War, used in an attempted Klingon political coup, and then entered service within the Triangle.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2301.0203/10/2287The Nelson Class scout USS Fremont is sighted in the Triangle. Klingons captured this vessel during the Four Years War, and have been using it in the Imperial Klingon Navy ever since. It is believed that the entire ship has been re-fitted with Klingon equipment.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2301.0203/10/2287Building begins on the USS "Youngblood" (NCC-2263) class heavy carrier, incorporating newly advanced computer, weapons, sensor and propulsion technologies similar to those being installed in the "Enterprise" (NCC1701-A) heavy cruiser lead vessel. This class will total 12 ships, each with warp 11 capacity, 18 phasers, 2 torpedo tubes, a complement of 520, and an embarked craft capacity of over 35 shuttles.InternetFederation Shuttlecarrier Comaprison Chart
2/2301.1103/19/2287Capture of the Fortune of the StarsSTSTCSOrion Pirate HuntCapture of the Fortune of the Stars
2/2301.1503/23/2287Star Fleet Intelligence reports the presence of a Romulan kmanatram, (outcast) as the president of Luxury Apparel, a Triangle export/import enterprise specializing in rare and costly items.FASAThe Outcasts
2/2302.0104/08/2287While at port in a repair facility, the Reliant Class research cruiser USS Accommodator (NCC-26256) is rammed by the Liberty Class freighter John B. Goodings. The collision causes excessive external damage and uncontrollable internal fires aboard the cruiser. Allowed to burn itself out in a safe location, the Accommodator is boarded evaluated, and then scrapped.FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2302.0104/08/2287Klingon border commanders begin to receive more ships to beef up their fleet strength.FASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
2/2302.0104/08/2287Klingon and Cardassian forces battle viciously for the agricultural processing stations all across Vendan. Unfilling to risk loosing the resources found of the planet - neither side lands troops. The Battle for Vendan is eventually won by the Cardassians who simple have more ships in the area at the time.STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarBattle for Vendan
2/2302.1304/20/2287The "Rothwell" (NCC-1401-B) class light cruiser is authorized. A lightly armed, general purpose exploration vessel, the "Rothwell" ships are replacements for the earlier "Shanks" class light cruisers and retain their names and NCCs . 98 ships are proposed and at least the first 43 will be built. The "Rothwell" carries a standard ship's complement of 858, has a warp capacity of 9.2, and an ordnance of 24 phasers and 2 torpedo tubes.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 3
2/2302.1304/20/2287The "Nichter" (NCC-2102-B) class dreadnought is authorized. Of this class, all 50 proposed ships are replacements for the "Star League" class dreadnoughts, and bear the same names and NCCs . At least 38 will be constructed, each having warp 9.5 capacity, 32 phaser emplacements, and 4 torpedo banks. These ships are capable of mass destruction and will be used to display a show of force in troubled areas. They feature extremely powerful shields, sensors, and ECM systems; each manned by a standard complement of 1,039 based upon the "Excelsior" type ships. During military operations, the "Nichter" class dreadnought will be used as a point assault ship and for main-line defense.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 3
2/2303.0105/06/2287Indomitable Class XII Battleship Mk IIFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2303.0105/06/2287R-1 Terminus Penal Instalation Mk IFASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2303.0105/06/2287Star Fleet Command's USS Columbia, the first Excelsior Mk II Class battleship, is completed and begins trials. It is to be commissioned sometime in early 2287FASAFederation Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2303.0505/10/2287The "Levant" class exploratory cruisers are reclassified as heavy cruisers.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet - Volume 1
2/2303.1305/17/2287Star Fleet Intelligence forms Acme Starship Maintenance, LTD. as a cover organization in San Francisco on Terra. It will eventually cover agents operating in sector 001.FASAStar Fleet Intellegence Book
2/2303.1605/20/2287The "Solaris" (NCC-2401-B) class cruiser is authorized. A moderately armed, general purpose, defense capable exploration and research vessel, this graceful, birdlike cruiser is equipped with powerful shields, long-range sensors and maneuverability. The "Solaris" possesses better than warp 9 capacity, 28 phaser emplacements, 4 photon torpedo banks, and a standard ship's complement of 703. Out of an initially proposed 89 ships, at least 48 will be constructed. The "Solaris" class utilizes the original ships' names and is unique for its extremely warp dynamic secondary hull design.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 3
2/2303.1805/22/2287Captain Nicholas Tremaine, Star Fleet Intelligence Command, spots a shuttle on the Triangle world of Freeman’s Port. Tremaine believes it belongs to the Dixie Lady. The USS Galahad (NCU-5884), under the command of Lieutenant Commander Gustav A. Jorgenssen, is called in to investigate further.FASAThe Dixie Gambit
2/2303.2605/30/2287A small Klingon squadron engages several Cardassian warships in the Velos system. STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarEngagement at Velos
2/2303.3106/04/2287More heavy cruisers and the first two L-24 Class XIII battleships produced arrived at the Klingon/UFP border area. Believing that the Federation now has ships armed with "Genesis torpedoes" and is preparing to attack, the Klingons are girding for action.FASAKlingon Game Opeartions Manual
2/2303.3106/04/2287The Enterprise Class cruiser USS Excalibur (NCC-1788), under the command of Captain Preye, discovers the USS Republic near the edge of Federation space. The Republic has been missing at least since Stardate 2/0808.FASALost And Presumed Dead STAR TREK III Sourcebook Update
2/2304.0206/05/2287Defense of Convoy 9983-tlhSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Convoy 9983-tlh
2/2304.1006/13/2287Klingon forces attempt to occupy Penthar III. The Cardassian forces fight valiantly, but have little hope of holding out. Penthar III eventually falls to the Klingons.STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarDefense of Pentath III
2/2304.1106/14/2287The Klingon outpost at Bre'el is nearly destroyed. Reinforcements arrive just before the final defensive shield is lost and engage the Cardassian forces in one of the longest space battles of the war.STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarDefense of Bre'el
2/2304.1506/18/2287The Orion colony on the moon of Rockhaven within the Triangle is destroyed. Evidence points to factious members of the Orion freebooters.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2304.2106/24/2287Klingon vessels surveying Camus VI are attacked by Cardassian forces. STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarConflict at Camus VI
2/2304.2506/27/2287With the "Jenshahn" (NCC-2215) heavy carrier and "Chosin" (NCC-2610) attack carrier classes in great demand throughout the fleet, the procurement of 12 additional ships is approved. To avoid the funding battles between both classes, a third class is proposed: the "Youngblood" (NCC2263) heavy carrier.InternetFederation Shuttlecarrier Comaprison Chart
2/2304.2806/30/2287A Combined Cardassian and Naussican force attack Klingon forces in orbit of Topin. STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarConflict at Topin
2/2305.0107/03/2287The USS Albert (NIA 1210), a Tavares Class Type Q commercial freighter under the command of Commander Ellie M. Harrelson, is assigned to patrol Orion space and monitor Orion ship movements.FASAMines of Selka
2/2305.0307/05/2287Battle of SoukaraSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarBattle of Soukara
2/2305.1907/20/2287In an unmistakable attempt to gain information on PA performance characteristics, the Klingon battle skiffs "K'trk" and "K'lss" venture more than 7 parsecs into U.F.P. territory. The "Akitsu" (NCC-1012) is forced to challenge the ships near Korta Fe. The Klingons respond with disruptor fire and the initiation of a predetermined attack maneuver. The "Akitsu" jumps to warp and in less than 2 minutes eliminates the offensive capability of "K'trk" and forces the retreat of the badly damaged "K'lss." This is the first "Akyazi" class encounter with Klingon forcesPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 2Federation - Klingon Cold War
2/2305.2307/24/2287The "Leavenworth" (NCC-1901-B) class frigate is authorized for construction. Primarily used to transport troops and fighter craft into battle, this class is armed with 3 megaphasers, 20 standard phasers, and 2 torpedo banks. All 85 proposed ships are replacements for earlier frigates of the "Knox" class and carry complements of 645 with warp 9.2 capacity. 71 vessels will be built. The USS "Langley" (NCC-1915-B) frigate of this class will be active during the Wolf 359 battle in 2367.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 3
2/2305.2707/28/2287Battle of RenaviSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarBattle of Renavi
2/2305.2807/29/2287Engagement at Delphia ArduSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarEngagement at Delphia Ardu
2/2306.0108/02/2287The Chandley Class frigate USS Fife (NCC 2572), the command of Captain Jason Q. Culver, encounter Doomsday Machine in the vicinity of Ectair, a neutral near the UFP/Romulan border.FASAA Doomsday Like Any Other
2/2306.0108/02/2287The L-24b "Komo val" ("Ever-Victorious") class battleship enters service in the Klingon navy. This model, with improved firepower and better armor, is believed to be in direct response to the underestimating of the Excelsior project. Despite fears that the Excelsior is nearing launch, the project hits the first of many delays.FASAKlingon Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2306.0108/02/2287The Northampton Class USS Bremerton returns to Star Base 10, completing its one-year mission. Details classified at this time.FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2306.0108/02/2287R'thlana ' a Romulan intelligence operative, has set up in the Triangle to transfer misinformation to Star Fleet Intelligence. She poses as an k1manatram dealing in heavy arms. (Suggested details of this mission are described in Merchant Of Death included in The Triangle Zone Campaign.)FASAThe Triangle Campaign
2/2306.0108/02/2287Star Fleet Intelligence discovers that BioResearch Corporation has had unusually high profits over the last several years. It seems likely that the firm employs unethical and probably illegal tactics within the Triangle. Star Fleet dispatches a team to investigateFASAThe Triangle Campaign
2/2306.0108/02/2287Star Fleet Intelligence has observed an Orion Privateer named R’Zaad, who has hopes of uniting all Orions into a confederation headed by him. He then hopes to established an empire in the Orion sphere within the Federation and Klingon empire.FASAThe Triangle Campaign
2/2306.0608/07/2287Battle at Gamma TauriSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarBattle at Gamma Tauri
2/2306.1408/14/2287Star Fleet Intelligence forms O'Morion Brothers, Freetraders on Marcus. It will eventually cover agents through SFI Sector 002.FASAStar Fleet Intellegence Book
2/2306.1708/17/2287Battle of the Forcas OpproachSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarBattle of the Forcas Opproach
2/2306.2608/26/2287The USS "Joshua Paul" (NCC-1830-B) class heavy frigate is authorized for construction. This class features warp 9.2 capacity, 20 standard phasers, 4 (fore/aft firing) megaphaser cannon, and complements of 1,053. They are replacements for the older "Avenger" class heavy frigates and numbered accordingly (NCC-1830-B-NCC-1890-B). At least 46 will be constructed.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 3
2/2307.1409/12/2287Battle for ZibalSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarBattle for Zibal
2/2307.1609/14/2287Klingon operatives within the Federation attempt to discover details of the new federation Battleship project, but are only able to gain vague data. With recent military losses increasing and greater needs for high energy minerals and other elements going unmeet, Military planners and High Council Leaders begin to push for more capable vessels. This departure from the years of "outnumbering" an opponent creates some of the most capable and powerful warship ever built by the Klingons. Requiring much longer to complete onboard components and ship construction, many classes have thier total production numbers reduced. Dozens of MRF's are set up in orbit of Quronos to help upgrade existing ships. The "Mass Fleet Expansion Project" continues until 2293.InternetSTSTCS
2/2307.1609/14/2287Attack on Demon Repair Station 3STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAttack on Demon Repair Station 3
2/2308.1710/15/2287Defense of Repair Point VR-5STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Repair Point VR-5
2/2308.1810/16/2287The High Rider, a chartered pleasure vessel, is lost near Star Base 27.FASAMines of Selka
2/2308.2110/18/2287Engagement at K'MormiaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarEngagement at K'Mormia
2/2309.0110/29/2287The USS Albert is reassigned to investigate starship disappearance taking place near the Selka System.FASAMines of Selka
2/2309.2911/25/2287Defense of Convoy 1212-tlhSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarDefense of Convoy 1212-tlh
2/2310.2012/15/2287Defense of Convoy 1216-aSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarDefense of Convoy 1216-a
2/2311.0312/28/2287Soukara SkirmishSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarSoukara Skirmish
2/2311.1601/10/2288Second Soukara SkirmishSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarSecond Soukara Skirmish
2/2312.0201/25/2288Star Fleet Command’s USS Proxima, the second Excelsior Mk I Class battleship, is completed and begins trials. It is to be commissioned sometime in earlyFASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2312.0301/26/2288Battle for Observation Post 339-jSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle for Observation Post 339-j
2/2401.0102/23/2288The Z-1 "Nova" Type 2 class battleship enters service in the Romulan fleet with a crew of 580.FASARomulan Ship Recgonition Manual
2/2401.0102/23/2288Star Fleet Intelligence later learns of a localized conflict taking place between the Klingon and Romulan Empires on the Triangle world of Tarab VI. Unconfirmed rumors indicate that a surface installation may have been destroyed, but it is not clear to which race the base may have belonged. (Details of this mission are described ST:RPG adventure Graduation Exercise.)FASAStar Trek IV Sourcebook
2/2401.1603/08/2288The "Curnow" (NCC-7000-B) class tactical cruiser is authorized for construction. This class features 3 nacelles yielding warp 9.4 capacity, 32 phaser emplacements, 4 torpedo banks, and standard complements of 1,000. Out of 75 proposed ships some 69 will be built.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 3
2/2401.2003/12/2288The D-10I "Riskahd" become the first upgrade to the Klingon cruiser in over 20 years. Upgrades include a more powerful computer, larger impulse drive and moderate increse in shield power. Only a handful of older models are upgraded to the H variant. Production severly drops after the Praxis disaster and only 137 hulls are comissioned.STSTCS
2/2402.0203/24/2288The Daran class USS Ser'rath is destroyed after engaging a Klingon D-12 attack cruiser. Only 47 of her 345 crew members escape. The Klingon vessel is severly damaged.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/2402.1904/10/2288The "Clemenceau" (NCC-1977-B) class through-deck cruiser is authorized for construction. Built to patrol treaty boundaries and shipping lines, this class will carry 6 complete fighter wings and additional assault craft. Although lightly armed, the "Clemenceau's" support craft will be able to handle planetary assault, system defense, and ship-to-ship combat. Ordnance consists of 32 phaser emplacements and 4 torpedo tubes. Each ship will have a standard ship's complement of 1,052 and warp 9.2 capacity. Built as replacements for the "Oriskany" class through-deck cruisers, 35 ships will be constructed.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 3
2/2403.2605/13/2288The "Anaxagoras" (NCC-3803-B) class transport/tug is authorized for construction. Capable of transporting 4 containers at one time and up to 8 containers through the use of container warp sustainers, the "Anaxagoras" class is intended to replace the older transport/tug classes. The names and registries of a proposed 100 ships. The "Anaxagoras" ships are armed with 20 phaser emplacements and 2 forward torpedo tubes, each ship carrying a standard complement of 859, and possessing warp 9.1 capacity.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 3
2/2404.0505/23/2288The tragic Makus Fleet Maneuver results in the death of 12 crew members of the "Eiger" (NCC-1031) and 63 of the "Arashi" (NCC-1051) while allied with the "Amagi" (NCC-1016), "Bucke" (NCC-1020), and "Apia" (NCC-1053) against the heavy cruiser "Monitor" (NCC-1713). The "Arashi" is lost, the "Eiger" excessively damagedPublicationShips of the Star Fleet - Volume 1
2/2404.2306/09/2288First Battle of Operation Dark Star IIISTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictFirst Battle of Operation Dark Star III
2/2405.0106/17/2288The D-21 (D'Ktagh) type B is launched. An improvement over the "A" model, the "B" mounts an aft firing torpedo weapon and cloaking device; systems that are quickly becoming the norm among Klingon Vessels. With a crew of 365 and a top speed of Warp 9.4, the D-21b remains a moderately popular vessel within the empire.InternetChristopher Cornelius Designs
2/2405.0906/24/2288USS Saratoga is scrapped after engaging 4 Klingon warships. 373 crew members are lost in the battle.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet - Volume 1Federation - Klingon Cold War
2/2405.1607/01/2288The V-26 Type 1 (Firewing) Class cruiser is launched. With a small crew of 270 and reinforced armored hull, the V-26 becomes an extremely dangerous design. Mounting new heavy disruptors and twin plama torpedo launchers, the V-26 is extremely dangerous at both medium and close rangers. 28 are built and fielded.InternetChristopher Cornelius Designs
2/2405.1807/03/2288Research begins on the BackUP phaser system to enhance photon torpedo firepower without increasing the size of the warhead.PublicationStarfleet Prototype
2/2405.2107/06/2288Second Battle of Operation Dark Star IIISTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSecond Battle of Operation Dark Star III
2/2405.3107/15/2288The USS "Amchitka" (NCC-1310) class light cruiser prototype is launched. Certain basic design limitations, limiting its flexibility will prevent more than 8 of these vessels from being constructedPublicationStarfleet Prototype
2/2406.0207/17/2288Battle of Lyshan VISTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarBattle of Lyshan VI
2/2406.1407/29/2288Engagement at Kelvas VISTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarEngagement at Kelvas VI
2/2407.2109/02/2288The last Cassard class missile destroyer is removed from service.InternetBill Colley Designs
2/2407.2309/04/2288Defense of Vendan Outpost 3STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarDefense of Vendan Outpost 3
2/2408.0709/18/2288The Duotronic IV series computer is developed. When later installed aboard the "Enterprise" (NCC-1701-A) it will cause sporatic shipboard breakdowns, due to the main computer peripheral interface.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet - Volume 1
2/2410.3012/08/2288Rescue at Listening Post 919STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictRescue at Listening Post 919
2/2411.0412/13/2288Route at RenaviSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarRoute at Renavi
2/2412.3102/05/2289Battle of the Camus ApproachSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarBattle of the Camus Approach
2/2501.1702/21/2289The "Cyane" (NCC-1890) and "Reprisal" (NCC-1896) heavy frigates challenge and later engage three Klingon "Domis'avyi" ("Guardians of the Border") ships over a territorial violation during Operation Distant Hammer. All three vessels are quickly defeated. The "K'chjne" and an unidentified ship self-destruct. The "Mje'ask" is escorted to the Federation border and tracked into Klingon territoryPublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/2502.1003/16/2289Second Engagement at K'MormiaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarSecond Engagement at K'Mormia
2/2503.0504/07/2289The "Soyuz" class frigates are withdrawn from service.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/2504.0105/03/2289Defense of AlgiraSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarDefense of Algira
2/2504.0105/03/2289Construction of a third Federation research station in the 51 Pegasi system is completed. In an attempt to create friction, the Tzenkethi claim the station is a military spy outpost and demand its immediate destruction as well as access to the other two stations in the system. The Federation refuses and several patrol ships are sent to the area. STSTCS1st Tzenkethi War
2/2504.0205/04/2289Curzon Dax attempts to negotiate peace between the Federation and Klingons. Although ultimately unsuccessful, the effort opens new avenues of negotiation.Star Trek - Deep Space NineBlood Oath
2/2504.2805/29/2289First Battle of Operation RevengeSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictFirst Battle of Operation Revenge
2/2505.1706/16/2289The SciTest 12 exercise in the Toya-Sera area concludes and the USS "Cicala" (NCC-2540) proceeds to the southern subquadrant sectors, and takes part in joint military maneuvers with Karub'ti forces. Ships operating with the "Cicala" during this time include her sister ship the "Sur Cha" (NCC-2541), the heavy frigates "Odin" (NCC-1875) and "Polonius" (NCC-1878), the dreadnoughts "Compactat" (NCC-2103) and "Temperance" (NCC2528), and the perimeter action ships "Siirt" (NCC-841), "Patria" (NCC859), and "Esher" (NCC-902). [SotF]PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/2505.2206/21/22892nd Battle of Operation RevengeSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict2nd Battle of Operation Revenge
2/2506.1307/12/2289The USS "Sovereign" (NCC-2505) "Belknap" class strike cruiser participates in the Star Fleet exercise Prime Determination.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/2506.2807/26/2289The Mk I Bearclaw class IV cutter enters service. Well armed for it's size, the cutter is used to counter pirate activities along the Triangle and Orion boarders. With a crew of 30 and a full squad of Merchant Marine officers, over 240 are produced.InternetPT Riley & Jim Stevenson Design
2/2507.0207/30/2289The Undiscovered CountryStar Trek - The Original SeriesThe Undiscovered Country
2/2507.0508/02/2289The Venture Corridor exercise begins in the Kay Akai region. The USS "Belknap" (NCC-2501) participates. During this exercise the new TS-675 "Storn" long-range assault craft is introduced in training activities.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/2507.1308/10/2289The USS "Abreus" (NCC-1017) perimeter action ship responds to a distress call from what is believed to be a TacFleet intelligence ship. Upon arriving at the confirmed coordinates in the 3 south area, however, the "Abreus" is ambushed by no fewer than 7 hostile vessels. Debris analysis later reveals the weaponry to be of Romulan origin, but Star Fleet intelligence experts believe units of a Klingon "Hung nawlogh" (perhaps utilizing Romulan vessels) were responsible. The USS "Jarrett" (NCC-2509) strike cruiser returns to her home port at Star Station Tiran.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 2Romulan - Federation Cold War
2/2508.1409/09/2289The K'Teremny type B destroyer is launched. A much improved version of the destroyer, the Type B proves more successful in combat than the A model. Armed with heavier distruptors, the B model also touts a 21% stronger shield system. These improvements return the K'Teremny to it's popular status.InternetBill Colley Designs
2/2508.2709/22/2289Building begins on the long-delayed "Dollond" (NCC-3900) class transport/ tugs. These ships follow the design lineage of the "Coventry" class frigates, sporting a unique vertical warp pylon arrangement. The "Dollond" is armed with 12 phaser emplacements and 2 torpedo banks. This class will be instrumental in testing engineering modifications that will be used in later ship classes such as the "Enterprise," "Miranda," and "LaGrange." The "Dollond" class will reportedly total 41 vessels.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/2508.2909/24/2289Although earlier peace talks prove unsuccessful, elements within the Klingon Empire continue to push for renued reduction of military action against Federation interests and an increase in operations within the Triangle and against the Romulans. Further ship advances require the increase of energy production systems and raw material. Increases in mining throguhout the Empire is ordered.InternetSTSTCS
2/2509.0810/03/2289The USS "Sur Cha" (NCC-2541) strike cruiser (Belknap Class) enters classified status for TacFleet.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/2510.1011/03/22893rd Battle of Operation RevengeSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict3rd Battle of Operation Revenge
2/2601.2102/10/2290The USS "Delphin" (NCC-2537) strike cruiser takes part in the allied powers combined forces exercise (APCOM) operating with Deltan, Mahat, And Kuruv'ti units.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/2602.1803/08/2290Engagement at OriasSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarEngagement at Orias
2/2603.0603/24/2290Second Engagement at OriasSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarSecond Engagement at Orias
2/2603.0603/24/2290A Tzenkethi vessels attacks a Tellarite mining expedition in the 51 Pegasi system. Federation and Tellarite ships drive off the Tzenkethi vessels, but with significant damage to both sides. Federation diplomats attempt to convince the Tzenkethi that peace is possible and a better alternative to war.STSTCS
2/2604.1705/03/2290The USS "S'Harien" (NCC-3107) class battlecruiser prototype is launched. Features include 12 phasers, 4 torpedo tubes, a ship's complement of 440, an emergency warp of 13.4, and a unique jettisonable secondary hull. This ship represents an improved and upgraded "Menahga" (NCC-3100) class battlecruiser, and plans are made to recall most of the "Menahga" starships back for refit following the commissioning of this improved battlecruiser class.PublicationStarfleet Prototype
2/2604.1805/04/2290The "Scimitar" (NCC-2901) fast destroyer class is the first attempt to achieve tandem nacelles at the bottom of a dorsal pylon in a starship. Chosen as a testbed vessel for both the BackUP phaser/photon torpedo augmentation system and the controversial Perseus Shield System, the "Scimitar" has a complement of 320, a maximum emergency warp of 12.4, 4 torpedo tubes, and 14 standard phasers (not counting the BackUP unit).PublicationStarfleet Prototype
2/2607.1207/24/22904th Battle of Operation RevengeSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict4th Battle of Operation Revenge
2/2607.2908/09/2290K't'inga class IKS T'Ong, commanded by Captain K'Temok, is launched into Federation space on a covert mission. No records are made of T'Ong's mission or objectives and her crew is suspended in cryogenic freeze. She is not heard from again until 2365.Star Trek - The Next GenerationThe Emissary
2/2607.2908/09/2290The Federation signs trade agreements with the Mahat, who have faught several wars with the Tzenkethi. The Tzenkethi accuse the Federation of calluding with the Mahat with the intent of turning them and their allies ahainst the Tzenkethi. Although many in the Federation see it as saber rattling, the Tzenkethi believe they now have the political justification to attack the Federation openly. Plans for open conflict are accelerated.STSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi War
2/2608.0508/16/2290Captain Sulu takes command of the USS "Excelsior" (NCC-2000) and embarks on a three-year charting mission in the Reydovan sector. The "Excelsior" is not refitted to the "Ingram" class specs as originally proposed.ParamountStar Trek Chronology The History of the Future
2/2609.0209/12/22905th Battle of Operation RevengeSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict5th Battle of Operation Revenge
2/2609.1209/22/2290The Kodiak class USS New Jersey and her support craft discover a Klingon R&D facility in the J-219 system. The battlegroup is imidiately attacked by a large Klingon support force. Although costly for the Klingons, the engagement does buy time for the base personnel to destroy their research material.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 2Federation - Klingon Cold WarDestruction of Research Base J-219
2/2609.2410/03/2290A Tzenkethi fleet is detected heading for the 51 Pegasi system. A small Federation force intercepts the Tzenkethi vessels. With no preamble, the Tzenkethi fleet attacks. With several vessels providing cover, the Star Fleet vessels successfully evacuate all three research outposts in the system. However, a communication relay outpost is destroyed with all hands. After evacuating the ststem, the Federation Council offically declares war.STSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi War1st Battle of 51 Pegasi
2/2610.0110/10/2290The Mk II "Alberto Sabella" class of Tug is launched. The Mk II is fitted with heavier defenses and is intended for use in hostile areas where the Mk I was lesse effective. The Mk II required only a minor escort while operating in hostile areas and quickly proves its effectiveness while recovering damaged Star Fleet vessels.STSTCSSTSTCS
2/2611.0111/08/22902nd Battle of 51 PegasiSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi War2nd Battle of 51 Pegasi
2/2611.1211/19/2290Although the Klingon Empire constinue to expand it's fleet with new ship designs, planners feal that the lengthy construction times of the new ship designs are creating a military gap along the Federation and Romulan boarders. The budget for ship construction and conversion is increased for 78% to nearly 90%. Mining of raw materials and research are also expanded.InternetSTSTCS
2/2611.2712/03/2290The Gorn Hegonomy launches the MD-8-F. Although powerful, the "F" does not provide a significant advantage in the Gorn-Romulan conflict. The vessels greater power, weapons and shielding are offset by it's slower manueverability. FASAStar Trek: Starship Tactical Cambat Simulator Rule Book
2/2612.1212/18/2290Alkaid RaidSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarAlkaid Raid
2/2701.1201/16/2291The Type 2 T-25 (Deathwing) class destroyer is put into production. With an enlarged drive system and heavy plasma torpedo, the Type 2 is considered more capable than the Type 1. Although a large number of Type 1's are scheduled for conversion, only 85 new built Type 2's are fielded.InternetChristopher Cornelius Designs
2/2701.1501/19/2291Battle of the Ticho ApproachesSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarBattle of the Ticho Approaches
2/2701.2601/30/2291A band of depridators led by an Albino raids Klingon colonies. Three Klingon warships are dispatched to stop him. Most are captured but the Albino escapes promising to take revenge on the first born of each of the three captains. A few years later he will keep his word by infecting three innocent children with a genetic virus that will kill them, one of them being the godson of Curzon Dax. Klingon warriors Kor, Koloth, and Kang swear a sacred blood oath with Curzon Dax to seek vengeance on the Albino.ParamountStar Trek Encyclopedia
2/2702.2502/27/2291Battle of Eta DraconisSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarBattle of Eta Draconis
2/2703.2903/31/2291Defense of Exo VISTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarDefense of Exo VI
2/2704.0904/11/2291The Mk III "Andor" class cruiser is launched. Significantly increasing the weapon load, the Mk III proves extremely popular with frontline commanders. However, increase construction times slow the overall fielding of the improved vessels.STSTCSSTSTCS
2/2704.2604/27/2291Battle of GaladorSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarBattle of Galador
2/2704.3005/01/2291The Gorn MD-10-F becomes opeartional. Several torpedo "turrets" give the vessel greater flexibility during battle with cloaked Romulan ships. No new models are built, however - 15 olders models are updated to this variant. The "F" model serves for another 18 years before being retired.STSTCSDesign by Terry D. Shannon
2/2705.2205/22/2291Battle of the Helaspont NebulaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarBattle of the Helaspont Nebula
2/2706.1806/17/2291Battle of HurlinSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarBattle of Hurlin
2/2707.2507/22/2291Second Battle in the Tong Beak NebulaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarSecond Battle in the Tong Beak Nebula
2/2708.1008/06/2291Assault at HurlinSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarAssault at Hurlin
2/2709.0809/03/2291A new starship class, the Tactical Cruiser, is launched. The USS "Thruxton" (NCC-2761) TacCruiser class features a ship's complement of 455, 4 phaser cannon, 12 standard phasers, 4 torpedo tubes, and a maximum speed of warp 15.3.PublicationStarfleet Prototype
2/2709.1809/13/2291Iota Braconis ActionSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarIota Braconis Action
2/2709.2209/16/2291Battle of SaltonSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarBattle of Saltok
2/2711.0110/25/2291Engagement at KlaestronSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarEngagement at Klaestron
2/2711.2611/18/2291Derived from the "Dupleix" (NCC-2346) dual nacelle design, the "Phantom" (NCC-2951) superscout prototype is launched, featuring the experimental "Opera" passive sensor pod array to serve as a mobile covert sensor platform. A complement of 300, 12 phasers, and an emergency max. speed of warp 13.6, makes this a unique class to be built.PublicationStarfleet Prototype
2/2711.2611/18/2291The "Davenport" (NCC-2635) corvette class prototype is launched. The first experiment with lateral-oriented nacelles gives this class warp 13.6 maximum speed. Having virtually no secondary hull and a complement of only 275, this class is armed with only two fore/aft megaphaser cannon.PublicationStarfleet Prototype
2/2711.3011/21/2291The "Dupleix" (NCC-2346) class perimeter action ship is tested, utilizing an experimental twin nacelle deployment to harness the absolute maximum speed (warp factor 14) and acceleration advantage for an Escort-design, while seriously sacrificing maneuverability. Her specs include 14 standard phaser emplacements, two fore/aft firing megaphaser cannon, and a complement of 311.PublicationStarfleet Prototype
2/2712.0811/29/2291Kobliad EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarKobliad Engagement
2/2712.1012/01/2291The prototype USS "Schmidt" (NCC-800) tug completes trial runs. This Class 2 spacecraft design having a complement of only 62, a cruising speed of warp 5, and a tractor beam nacelle with no ordnance, and is scheduled to replace the "Ptolemy" (NCC-3801) class transport/tugs. The "Schmidt's" design is very similar to that of the "Todega" class tug, though lacking the bulkier underslung tractor beam emitter and featuring an upper impulse drive nacelle.PublicationStarfleet Prototype
2/2801.2601/15/22921st Battle of Lambda BootisSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi War1st Battle of Lambda Bootis
2/2801.3001/19/22926th Battle of Operation RevengeSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict6th Battle of Operation Revenge
2/2802.0501/25/2292Incorporating design elements of the "Avenger" (NCC-1860) class heavy frigates, the "Adamant" (NCC-3029) dreadnought class prototype is launched. Along with the traditional 3 nacelles, her elongated hull features 4 fore/aft firing megaphasers, 12 standard phaser emplacements, 4 photon torpedo tubes (in a weapons pod), but a complement of only 430 and an emergency maximum speed of warp factor 12.6.PublicationStarfleet Prototype
2/2803.0902/24/22922nd Battle of Lambda BootisSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi War2nd Battle of Lambda Bootis
2/2804.1103/27/2292Battle of the Hugora Nebula StationSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarBattle of the Hugora Nebula Station
2/2804.1704/02/2292Engagement at MizarSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarEngagement at Mizar
2/2804.2204/06/2292The USS "Decisive" (NCC-3231) class fast frigate is commissioned. Having a smaller profile and faster than previous classes, 19 ships of this class are planned.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/2806.0505/18/2292Attack at Omega PisciumSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarAttack at Omega Piscium
2/2806.2306/05/2292The Cheetah Class USS Graydon (NCC-3981) class fast cruiser is destroyed near Gorn space. With the subsequent loss of the USS Whales (NCC 3920) near the same location four months later, Star Fleet steps up patrols in the area, fearing a Romulan/Gorn peace treaty. It is later discovered the loss of Federation vessels is due to Gorn militants, supplied by the Orion Syndicate.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1Gorn Pirate War
2/2807.1906/30/2292Battle of Tzenkethi NuSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarBattle of Tzenkethi Nu
2/2809.0308/13/2292Engagement at Tzenkethi EpsilonSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarEngagement at Tzenkethi Epsilon
2/2809.3009/07/2292Action 8-33161STSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarAction 8-33161
2/2810.2710/03/2292Engagement at TichoSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarEngagement at Ticho
2/2812.0411/09/2292Tzenkethi Omega StrikeSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarTzenkethi Omega Strike
2/2812.1711/21/2292All 16 ships comprising the "Ianetos" (NCC-710) superscout class are built, commissioned, and in active service.PublicationStarfleet Prototype
2/2901.0112/05/2292Dr. Caroline Ravenwood is awarded the Cochrane Award for her breakthroughs in psychotherapeutic engineering, which will eventually make possible the invention of the Holodeck.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
2/2901.0312/07/22921st Battle the Tzenkethi BetaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi War1st Battle the Tzenkethi Beta
2/2901.2012/24/2292Building begins on the "Kresta" (NCC-1966) class heavy frigates. Originally proposed as being the last frigate-type ships to be constructed based on the "Avenger" design, the "Miranda" class will follow, well into the next century.PublicationStarfleet Prototype
2/2902.0201/05/2293All nine vessels of the "Kresta" (NCC-1966) class heavy frigates are completed and commissioned.PublicationStarfleet Prototype
2/2902.1301/16/2293Action 8 - 33242STSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarAction 8 - 33242
2/2903.1902/17/2293Action 8 - 33244STSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarAction 8 - 33244
2/2904.1903/19/22932nd Battle of Tzenkethi BetaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi War2nd Battle of Tzenkethi Beta
2/2905.0704/05/22937th Battle of Operation RevengeSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict7th Battle of Operation Revenge
2/2905.1604/14/22931st Battle of RegulonSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi War1st Battle of Regulon
2/2905.1804/16/2293In an event that will change the polotical, cultural and economic landscape of the entire Alpha and Beta quadrants, the Klingon homeworld moon of Praxis explodes. Believed to be cause by over mining and poor safety practices, the explosion creates a massive normal and sub-space shockwave. The explosion devestates the entire Quronos system. Hundreds of starships in orbit around the home world are destroyed or damaged along with nearly every construction drydock in ordit. The shockwave severly damages dozens of other outposts throughout the system. The homeworld experiences massive ecological devestation, including the near total loss of the planets Ozone layer.ParamountStar Trek Chronology The History of the Future
2/2905.2904/26/2293Members of the Klingon High Council convine in secret meetings and learn that even with the full support of every world within the Empire, the Klingons can not keep up a military presence against the Federation and Romulan. The Romulans become the primary concern, as dozens of ships press attacks along a 30 parsec boarder. Klingon planners must transfer neraly every reserve vessel throguhout the empire to the Romulan boarder. Early gains by the Romulans cost the Klingon several planets key to the rebuilding of the Empire. It soon becomes apparent that the Empire will be conquored within the next 10 years.InternetSTSTCS
2/2907.0305/30/2293Route at ArgayaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarRoute at Argaya
2/2907.0806/03/2293Engagement at TemeckliaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarEngagement at Temecklia
2/2907.2806/23/2293The Klingon Empire builds a single B'rel class prototype Bird of Prey, Dakronh, that is capable of firing photon torpedoes while cloaked.Star Trek - The Original SeriesStar Trek VI
2/2908.1507/10/2293Action 8-33259STSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarAction 8-33259
2/2909.1408/07/2293Klingon officials begin to sell off several vessel classes to help fund both research and the purchase of new equipment. Forces continue to be diverted to the Romulan boarder.InternetSTSTCS
2/2909.1408/07/22932nd Battle of RegulonSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi War2nd Battle of Regulon
2/2909.1908/12/2293Nearly 100 front line combat vessels are canabalized to help set up new research facilities throguhout the Empire. Few believe this will provide necessary materials in a timely fassion. Starship production facilities through-out the Empire begin construction of Transport vessels. Military starship production grinds to a halt.InternetSTSTCS
2/2909.2908/22/2293With radiation levels near critical on Quronos, the Klingons must rush terraforming equipment from outpost worlds to the striken home world. Despite their best attempts, Empire scientists are unable to counteract the massive destruction within the system. The Empire had concentrated nearly every one of their R&D facilities in-system to provide defense against outside attack. This "eggs in one basket" polocy costs the Klingons dearly, as all of the R&D facilitys are shut down due to damage. The Empire is forced to begin negotiations with other planets for the procurement of desperately needed energy reserves and mineral resources necessary for the repair of the atmosphere.InternetSTSTCS
2/2910.0308/26/2293Two major factions quickly form within the empire. One faction advocates a massive strike against the Federation and Romulans simultaneously. Even the most optomistic military leader concede that such action would guarantee the destruction of the Empire, but many feal it is better to die fighting than to be conquored be either the Federation or the Romulans. The second faction, headed by Chancelor Gorkon, advocates a peace initiative with the Federation, believed to be the least agressive of the two Governments. Althgouh no more popular that total annaliation, a peace dialogue is non the less initiated with the Federation.InternetSTSTCS
2/2910.0508/28/2293Fearing that the Empire will loose it's identity as a "Federation Protectorate", military elements within the Empire secretly contact known militants within the Federation. Unbeknownst to either party, continued dialoge between both militant factions is advocated by Romulan operatives in both camps. The Romulans deftly create a air of tension between both parties, who now believe it would be better for the Empire to die fighting. Although many in the Federation's militant faction are fearful of the losses from a war with the Klingons, most agree that the Romulans will be forced to expend a considerable amount of resources to conqure and consolidate power within the remnants of the Empire. Most believe that by the time the Romulans have finished establishing themselves, the Federation will be in a much better position to fight a prolonged war with the Romulans.InternetSTSTCS
2/2910.0908/31/2293Chancelor Gorkon wins a lengthy debate concerning the initialization of a peace initiative. Although peace will not be formally achieved for more than 50 years, the initiatives outlined by Gorkon eventually bring stability to the Empire and the entire region.InternetSTSTCS
2/2910.1109/02/2293Realizing that their plans must be accelerated, Romulan operatives begin expanding their financial support of several more militant officers of the Klingon Defense Forces. The extra money give the officers enough clout to bribe and purchase other high ranking officials.InternetSTSTCS
2/2910.1809/09/2293Building begins on the USS "Excel" (NCC-2545) class strike cruiser.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet - Volume 1
2/2910.2709/18/22931st Battle of Tzenkethi SigmaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi War1st Battle of Tzenkethi Sigma
2/2911.1210/03/2293The failed attempt to destabalize the Khitomer conference plunges the Romulan and Klingon Empires into neraly open war. Many on the high council realize that the Federation will not risk loosing the Klingon Empire to the Romulans by conducting military action, prefering to let the two empires maintain a tense conflict. Bolstered by this belief, the empire pulls hundreds of ships from the now open Federation-Klingon boarder, maintiaining a token strike force and anti-pirate units. Military operations along the Romulan-Klingon border jump ten fold.InternetSTSTCS
2/2911.3010/20/2293Despite severe cutbacks in military spending, the Type C K'Teremny is launched amidst a difficult polotical background. The Type C incorporates a larger impulse drive and significantly more powerful torpedo. Initially built in large numbers, the Type C production schedule is quickly curtailed as the widening ecological disaster on Q'ronos becomes more apparent. Even with the peace initiatives with the Federation and continued combat with the Romulans, Production of the Type C is halted in 2296. Although production resumed in 2298, numbers were greatly reduced.InternetBill Colley Designs
2/2912.1511/04/2293Battle of Theta DraconisSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarBattle of Theta Draconis
2/3001.1512/03/2293The Klingon Empire is finally able to sell sufficient numbers of older ships and material to various Alpha Quadrant races to afford the vast terraforming equipment needed to mainting and repair the home world ecosphere.InternetSTSTCS
2/3002.0212/20/2293Defense of TrillSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarDefense of Trill
2/3002.1401/01/2294Despite the heady rewards of conflict with the Romulans, many Klingon commanders and house line leaders become frustrated that needed resources, easily within strike range in the Federation, are not seized to speed up recovery on the home world. By years end, hundreds of ships and crews have defected to the growing IKS. In an extremely shrude move by IKS leaders, newly arried crews and troops are sent again the Romulans and their allies in the Triangle. The Klingon Empire takes no action again the IKS, fearing that they will switch sides and begin opeations with the Romulans.InternetSTSTCS
2/3003.1802/01/2294Action 8 -33269STSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarAction 8 -33269
2/3004.2203/06/22943rd Battle of RegulonSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi War3rd Battle of Regulon
2/3006.0404/16/2294Attack on Tzenkethi LambdaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarAttack on Tzenkethi Lambda
2/3006.1404/26/2294The "Midway" Mark I class light cruiser is launched. The Midway, with it's crew of 226 and top speed of Warp 15, is employed in a wide range of mission roles. 50 are built.InternetBill Colley Designs
2/3007.0205/13/22942nd Engagement at TemeckliaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi War2nd Engagement at Temecklia
2/3007.3106/10/2294Action 8-33310STSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarAction 8-33310
2/3008.1306/22/2294Star Fleet begins pulling back it's patrols near the IKS and Klingon alligned Triangle worlds. The move temporarily helps stabilize the region and keeps the Romulans from making major gains in the Triangle. But the IKS will eventually turn it's attention back to the Federation.InternetSTSTCS
2/3009.1807/27/2294Battle of Theta CygniSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarBattle of Theta Cygni
2/3010.2909/04/2294Action 8-33317STSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarAction 8-33317
2/3011.3010/05/2294Defense of Convoy 9987-aSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Convoy 9987-a
2/3012.1110/15/2294Skirmish at PyrithiaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarSkirmish at Pyrithia
2/3101.2711/29/2294Tzenkethi Eta StrikeSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarTzenkethi Eta Strike
2/3102.2412/26/2294Skirmish at Tzenkethi DeltaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi WarSkirmish at Tzenkethi Delta
2/3104.1302/11/22952nd Battle of Tzenkethi SigmaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi War2nd Battle of Tzenkethi Sigma
2/3104.1502/13/2295Battle of CamusSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarBattle of Camus
2/3104.1502/13/2295Still trading ships for resources with the Romulans, many High Council members become increasingly frustrated at the unfavorable terms of these trades. While the on-going conflict continues to be overlooked by both sides, it is clear that the Romulans are gaining more than they are loosing. Despite gains and the releif of pressure from the Federation, the Empire must find ways of gaining the upper hand with these trade deals. Council member Duras proposes a special envoy to re-negotiate the deals for more favorable terms. In reality, Duras hopes to cement an alliance with his house and the Romulans.STSTCSSTSTCS
2/3105.2203/20/22953rd Battle of Tzenkethi SigmaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Tzenkethi War3rd Battle of Tzenkethi Sigma
2/3109.2807/22/2295Construction begins on the long-awaited "Arusha" class superscouts. An impressive 32 vessels of this class of sleek, sophisticated designed scouts with a 23% greater range than current ships are proposed.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet - Volume 1
2/3110.2908/20/2295Battle at 20.9 S-3.1 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 20.9 S-3.1 E
2/3112.2210/11/2295Defense of ArgayaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarDefense of Argaya
2/3201.1110/30/2295Construction is completed on the "Riga" (NCC-3340) class corvettes, totalling 17.PublicationStarfleet Prototype
2/3202.0111/19/2295The "Amerind" (NCC-626) class scouts now number 13, each having increased range and superior scientific capability. Like the "Cygnus" (NCC-617) class scouts and "Cochise" (NCC-530) class destroyers, the "Amerind" scouts feature ACE (Advanced, Circumferential warp Engine) propulsion, made possible by Transwarp research funding increases.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/3204.1401/27/2296Second Engagement at Delphia ArduSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarSecond Engagement at Delphia Ardu
2/3205.2103/02/2296The Apollo Mk I class cruiser is launched. Intended as a prototype test vessel, the Apollo class is used as a long range patrol cruiser along the Romulan boarder. Only 10 are produced.InternetPT Riley Designs
2/3206.2904/09/2296Three ships of the "Lng'we Chi" (NCC-23005) exploratory cruiser class are launched.PublicationStarfleet Prototype
2/3210.0607/13/2296Ambush at YusilisSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAmbush at Yusilis
2/3212.2509/27/2296Third Engagement at Delphia ArduSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarThird Engagement at Delphia Ardu
2/3304.0401/01/2297Great Hunt in the Hugora NebulaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarGreat Hunt in the Hugora Nebula
2/3306.1803/14/2297Defense of Listening Post 63-NissaSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDefense of Listening Post 63-Nissa
2/3306.2603/21/2297Ambush at Gamma TauriSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarAmbush at Gamma Tauri
2/3308.1105/04/2297Second Battle of the Forcas OpproachSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarSecond Battle of the Forcas Opproach
2/3308.2005/13/2297Strike at JuhrayaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarStrike at Juhraya
2/3309.2306/14/2297The "Zypher" Class light cruiser is comissioned. A more compact design than other Star Fleet vessels, the Zypher mounts 10 primary and 4 secondary phasers as well as four torpedo launchers. STSTCSDesign by Guidomc
2/3310.2307/13/2297Attack at Vitar STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarAttack at Vitar
2/3402.0510/22/2297Capture of Demon Outpost 1STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictCapture of Demon Outpost 1
2/3402.1711/02/2297Skirmish at 19.7 S-2.11 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSkirmish at 19.7 S-2.11 E
2/3405.0201/12/2298First Assault of DopaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarFirst Assault of Dopa
2/3405.2101/30/2298Production begins on the "Constellation" Mk II (NCC-1017) class star cruisers. A definite departure from established starship designs, this class features a "laminated" primary hull, a rotated impulse drive, 4 laterally-oriented warp drive nacelles, 12 standard phaser emplacements, and several photon torpedo tubes and megaphaser cannon. Designed for long-term self-sufficiency, the "Constellation" Mk II class carries a complement of 640 and will be employed on extended duration exploration probes far outside the present boundaries of the U.F.P. Treaty Zone. Throughout its development and construction, anti-starcruiser forces will repeatedly charge that the placement of the warp engine nacelles would cause matter/ antimatter/ impulse engine interference and result in damage or destruction of the ship.InternetSTSTCS
2/3408.0104/09/2298Construction begins on the "Reigate" heavy cruiser class to replace the aging "Achernar" starships on active duty.PublicationShips of the Star Fleet Volume 1
2/3412.0308/06/2298Second Assault of DopaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarSecond Assault of Dopa
2/3412.1908/21/2298Skirmish at 18.9 S-1.4 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSkirmish at 18.9 S-1.4 E
2/3503.2211/19/2298Skirmish at 18.9 S-4.3 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSkirmish at 18.9 S-4.3 E
2/3503.2711/24/2298The V-26 Type 2 (Firewing) Class cruiser is launched. With an improved drive system and heavier weapons, the V-26 is considered the equal to most Frigate and standard Cruiser designs in both the Klingon and Federation inventories. The V-26 remain a popular design, with 40 new built hulls completed.InternetChristopher Cornelius Designs
2/3505.0601/01/2299Skirmish at JuhrayaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarSkirmish at Juhraya
2/3505.1301/08/2299First Defense of OmeklaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarFirst Defense of Omekla
2/3505.2401/18/2299A Klingon expedition makes first contact with Ventax II.Star Trek - The Next GenerationDevil's Due
2/3507.1103/05/2299Destruction of Mericor IVSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarDestruction of Mericor IV
2/3606.1601/25/2300Second Defense of OmeklaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarSecond Defense of Omekla
2/3608.1203/20/2300The Venture class USS Pravis is destroyed after an unusual attack by terrorist forces. Although no crew was lost, the Pravis and a large amount of Preserver atrifacts are a total loss.PublicationStarfleet Prototype
2/3608.2303/31/2300The V-16 Type 1 (Savant) Class cruiser is launched. With a crew of 176 and a top speed of Warp 9.8, the V-16 becomes one of the most successful single engine designs in the Romulan inventory. Built on the older V-4 chasie, the V-16 is immidiately sent to the Klingon boarder. With it's single engine, the V-16 is extremely hard to detect while cloaked, and becomes a favorite support cruiser during combat missions. 50 are built in less then 5 years.InternetLachlan Sturrock Design
2/3611.0506/10/2300Assault on TrackenSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarAssault on Tracken
2/3702.2709/27/2300Skirmish at K-Ka 16/vSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSkirmish at K-Ka 16/v
2/3705.2612/20/2300Defense of Convoy 1218-aSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarDefense of Convoy 1218-a
2/3708.2503/17/2301Skirmish at K-Ka 10STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSkirmish at K-Ka 10
2/3712.0906/27/2301Second Engagement at K-O 41/biiSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSecond Engagement at K-O 41/bii
2/3801.2008/06/2301Defense of ZibalSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarDefense of Zibal
2/3803.3110/12/2301Second Battle at RudelliaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarSecond Battle at Rudellia
2/3805.0811/17/2301Strategic Battle of OriasSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarStrategic Battle of Orias
2/3809.0103/08/2302Battle for CorritarsSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle for Corritars
2/3901.0607/08/2302The "Jenghiz" Mark III class destroyer becomes operational. Stronger weapons, increased computer power and a newly designed power system highlight the latest version of the popular but aging destroyer.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/3905.1311/07/2302Final Battle of the Tong Beak NebulaSTSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarFinal Battle of the Tong Beak Nebula
2/3912.2406/11/2303Destruction of Cardassian Base 5STSTCSSTSTCS1st Klingon - Cardassian WarDestruction of Cardassian Base 5
2/4002.2008/05/2303Revenge at GanosSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictRevenge at Ganos
2/4005.2911/07/2303Battle at 20.9 S-2.16 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at 20.9 S-2.16 E
2/4010.1303/17/23041st Battle of Operation "Targ's Claw"STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict1st Battle of Operation "Targ's Claw"
2/4010.1803/22/23042nd Battle of Operation "Targ's Claw"STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict2nd Battle of Operation "Targ's Claw"
2/4010.3104/03/23043rd Battle of Operation "Targ's Claw"STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict3rd Battle of Operation "Targ's Claw"
2/4012.0905/11/23044th Battle of Operation "Targ's Claw"STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict4th Battle of Operation "Targ's Claw"
2/4101.1606/16/2304The USS "Galileo Galilei" (NCC-8888) starcruiser is laid down at Sandia Shipbuilding and Conversion, Albuquerque Division, Earth.InternetGalileo Star Cruiser
2/4101.3106/30/23045th Battle of Operation "Targ's Claw"STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict5th Battle of Operation "Targ's Claw"
2/4102.1207/12/2304Assault at Pers'LyaSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAssault at Pers'Lya
2/4103.0508/01/23046th Battle of Operation "Targ's Claw"STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict6th Battle of Operation "Targ's Claw"
2/4107.0211/23/2304Slaughter at CradSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSlaughter at Crad
2/4107.1912/09/2304Battle of SdoSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of Sdo
2/4108.1301/02/2305The V-16 Type 2 (Savant) Class cruiser is launched. The Type 2 extends the range and increases the firepower of the Type 1 model. The RWG-2 drive is improved slightly, with new reinforcement and power transfer systems installed. Despite it's greater weight, the Type 2 increases it's overall speed and becomes the prefered model. Most Type 1's are converted within 5 years.InternetLachlan Sturrock Design
2/4112.0404/20/2305Battle of Dua YovvSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of Dua Yovv
2/4204.1708/26/2305Deamon Battle 5STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDeamon Battle 5
2/4304.2008/14/2306Battle at Sian TevvSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at Sian Tevv
2/4307.0710/27/2306The K'Teremny Type E destroyer is launched. The Type E, an improvement over the failed D model, incorporates the powerful KSQ shield system and improved KP-10 torpedo. Also mounted are the new KD-16 distruptors. Although not as powerful as the older KD-8s, the KD-16 extend the striking range of the K'Teremny. The E model will reamin in production through 2330.InternetBill Colley Designs
2/4309.1401/01/2307Relations begin to further deteriorate between the Romulans and the Federation. Romulan forces begin raiding Federation and neutral interests in the Triangle with fervor. Romulan operatives also begin paying Orion and Nausican pirates for resource raids within the Federation. While many pirate vessels are intercepted before crossing into Romulan space, many more are able to outrun Federation patrols. The total amount gains is but a trickle compared to what is requested.InternetSTSTCSTomed Conflict
2/4312.0203/18/2307Suspected Romulan ships attack a Federation convoy, capturing two freighters and boarding two others before being forced to withdraw by the convoys escorts. The crew of the Libery freighter Ankona mount a defense again the boarders and are killed for it. The two freighters are located hours later after being abandoned and stripped of cargo.InternetSTSTCSTomed Conflict
2/4406.0109/07/2307Battle of Koobis TanSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of Koobis Tan
2/4406.0809/14/2307The Romulans begin selling older vessels to non-Federation races and negotiate dozens of new trade agreements. By years end, dozens of independent freighters cross the Romulan Neutral Zone on a regular basis. Star Fleet is forced to pull resources from other areas to montior the increase in traffic.InternetSTSTCSTomed Conflict
2/4407.0710/12/2307The Romulans launch a wide spread and unspecific military campaign into the Outback and Triangle areas. The initial tactic works, drawing Federation and allied resources away for the Norkan region. InternetSTSTCSTomed Conflict
2/4409.1112/14/2307Romulan commanders begin planning a detailed strike into the Tommed sector. It is believed that the Federation will not have sufficient forces or the resolve to defend the area. As time goes on, the plan become more audacious and detailed, relying more and more on the Federations inability to respond.InternetSTSTCSTomed Conflict
2/4409.2412/26/2307Battel of Mu AraeSTSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictBattel of Mu Arae
2/4410.0301/04/2308Battle of Carraya VISTSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictBattle of Carraya VI
2/4410.1001/11/2308Engagement at Lambda HydraeSTSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictEngagement at Lambda Hydrae
2/4410.1501/15/2308The Romulan fleet contiues its long range raids and wins a hand full of victories. Plans advance for an attack on Norkan itself, as well as a large scale strike against mining and production resources in the sector.InternetSTSTCSTomed Conflict
2/4411.0602/05/2308The "Midway" Mark II class light cruiser is launched. With longer range weapons and increased firepower, the Midway Mark II becomes the standard for the class.InternetBill Colley Designs
2/4501.0604/04/2308Attack at Gamma DoradusSTSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictAttack at Gamma Doradus
2/4503.2806/20/2308Battle of the Miridian ApproachSTSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictBattle of the Miridian Approach
2/4503.3006/22/2308Battle of CalderSTSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictBattle of Calder
2/4505.1408/04/2308Battle of YusilisSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of Yusilis
2/4510.1701/01/2309Battle of SyrmaSTSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictBattle of Syrma
2/4510.2401/07/2309Defense of Tango OutpostSTSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictDefense of Tango Outpost
2/4511.0801/22/2309Defense of TaugusSTSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictDefense of Taugus
2/4511.1902/01/2309Battle of JaporiSTSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictBattle of Japori
2/4511.2002/02/2309Battle for Obis IntammSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle for Obis Intamm
2/4512.0902/20/2309Battle of Iota HorolgilSTSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictBattle of Iota Horolgil
2/4601.0203/15/2309Attack at PorrimaSTSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictAttack at Porrima
2/4601.0503/18/2309Battle of Star Base 10STSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictBattle of Star Base 10
2/4602.1004/22/2309Rator StrikeSTSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictRator Strike
2/4605.1207/18/2309Battle of Azura NebulaSTSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictBattle of Azura Nebula
2/4609.1711/17/2309Battle at Mada SoammuSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at Mada Soammu
2/4702.1104/07/2310Federation forces advance on the Unroth System, engagin multiple Romulan forces there. The repair base and procudtion facitlity are heavily damaged before Federation forces retreat.STSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictBattle of Unroth
2/4703.0805/02/2310A long range Romulan strike force is detected near the Suliban Helix. Federation, and Suliban forces ingage in a lengthy battle eventually driving the Romulans off.STSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictBattle of the Suliban Helix
2/4704.2506/17/2310Federation forces make their depest penetration into Romulan space to date, attacking a fleet at Vendor. Both side suffer heavy casualties.STSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictEngagement at Vendor
2/4705.1107/02/2310Battle of VossalSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of Vossal
2/4707.2009/07/2310The Romulans launch a second heavy strike againt Gamma Doradus.STSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictSecond Attack at Gamma Doradus
2/4709.0210/19/2310Battle of K-Ka 10STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-Ka 10
2/4709.0210/19/2310Even as the Romulans continue their military operations against the Federation, High Council members finnaly STSTCS
2/4709.0310/20/2310Romulan forces attack a large Federation fleet at Barradas. The Romulans underestimate the Federation strength and are forced to retreat with heavy casualties.STSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictBattle of Borradas
2/4709.1110/28/2310Sensor detect an unknown cloaked Romulan vessel heading for Cheron. A federation heavy cruiser is sent to investigate. The Romulan vessel is eventually driven off after firing on the planet's surface.STSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictChallenge at Cheron
2/4709.1811/04/2310The D-10J "Riskahd" is launched in the Klingon Empire. The J variants see a significant increase in firepower and includes a more powerful shield. Several research lab, unpopular additions from the beginning, are removed to allow for the larger weapon systems. Production times are slow, though, and more upgrades are launched than new vessels. THe J model becomes the last D-10 model to be built, with 43 new hulls being completed before produciton ends.STSTCS
2/4801.1802/28/2311The loss of 4 front line raiding vessels is the final staw for the Orion Syndicate. Nearly every family pulls their military and covert support for the pirate activities. Surprisingly, nearly every family increases their share of shipping and smuggling operations, shying away from more overt combat. Only two families continue to operate military pirate activies openly - the Pryn and Kadlok family.InternetSTSTCS
2/4801.2803/10/2311Federation forces mistakenly believe a large Romulan force is heading for Jouret, when in fact it's targe is the observation post at Iota Eridani. System defense forces are quickly overwhelmed and the base is captured. STSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictAttack at Iota Eridani
2/4802.0303/16/2311A large Federation force arrives at Iota Eridani, engaging the entrenched Romulan forces. For the next three days, ground forces fight a vicious battle, while cloaked Romulan vessels harass Federation forces. The Romulan eventually withdrawl.STSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictRetaking of Iota Eridani
2/4802.2404/05/2311Federation strike forces attack the resupply base at Zeta Pictoris. It is the second largest fleet battle of the conflict. Both sides lose significant numbers of ships and personnel. STSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictBattle of Zeta Pictoris
2/4803.0304/11/2311Romulan forces strike Tho Puppis in the hopes of showing weakness to the Klingons. STSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictBattle of Tho Puppis
2/4804.1005/18/2311Romulan forces strike the mining facilities at Adelphous.STSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictAttack ad Adelphous
2/4804.1405/22/2311Federation forces attack a large fleet gathering at Alpha Onias. STSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictEngagement at Alpha Onias
2/4804.2606/02/2311Defense of Listening Station 1503STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of Listening Station 1503
2/4805.0506/11/2311In another attempt to show the weakness of the Federation to the Klingons, hoping to cause dirision, Epsilon Outpost 11 is attacked. STSTCSSTSTCSTomed Conflict
2/4805.0906/15/2311In the last attack in the central region of the Romulan Empire, a large scale assault on Kaleb is launched. The running battle lasts for several days as cloaked Romulan ships consinually arrive and are thrown into the fray. STSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictAssault of Kaleb
2/4805.1506/20/2311After five days of on-again, off-again battles, the Romulans finally withdrawl from the Kaleb system. STSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictDefense of Ehi Eridani
2/4805.2306/28/23112nd Assault at Listening Station 1299STSTCSRomulan - Klingon Conflict2nd Assault at Listening Station 1299
2/4806.1707/22/2311Conflict at Pren'jekSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConflict at Pren'jek
2/4807.0208/05/2311Conflict at OxsoyatSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConflict at Oxsoyat
2/4808.0509/07/2311After several months of quiet, the Romulans launch what appears to be a large scale fleet to attack Carraya. Star Fleet diverts a number of patrols to engage the fleet.STSTCSSTSTCSTomed ConflictBattle of Carraya VI
2/4808.0809/10/2311Encounter at StreskSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEncounter at Stresk
2/4809.0110/03/2311Star Fleet finally gathers a massive force in the Tomed system with plans to strike deep into Romulan territory and force the Romulans to pull their forces back. Along with large numbers of combat craft, a significant number of support vessels have also gatherd. Star Fleet anticipates that sufficient forces will be in place along the boarder to defend the many star systems within 30 days. STSTCSSTSTCSTomed Conflict
2/4809.1410/15/2311Attack at GlacierSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAttack at Glacier
2/4809.1610/17/2311The Tomed Incident: After months of open warfare along the Romulan boarder, the Empire launches a lengthy and detailed assault. A "Pearl Harbour" like attack, the Tomed Incident will be the last Federation contact with the Romulan Star Empire prior to 2364 (exactly 53 years, 7 months and 18 days later). Thousands of lives are lost in this incident.ParamountStar Trek Chronology The History of the FutureTomed ConflictThe Tomed Incident
2/4809.2810/28/2311DK2 StrikeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDK2 Strike
2/4810.0511/04/2311Scouting Action 371STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictScouting Action 371
2/4810.1311/12/2311Battle of LantosSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Lantos
2/4812.0401/01/2312Battle of KantosSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Kantos
2/4812.2501/21/2312The Cardassian Empire makes first contact with Bajor. The Cardassians indicate their willingness to help the Bajoran people.Star Trek - Deep Space NineDramatis Personae
2/4812.2501/21/2312Battle at Listening Station 203STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Listening Station 203
2/4902.1603/11/2312Battle for Ag Station 360STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle for Ag Station 360
2/4903.0503/28/2312ch'Haklaw StrikeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon Conflictch'Haklaw Strike
2/4904.1705/08/2312Strike at S-A Rom 3-kSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictStrike at S-A Rom 3-k
2/4904.2405/15/2312The Romulans begin fielding the Type 3 V-26 (Firewing) cruiser. With an enlarged impulse drive and heavier primary disruptors, the V-26 continues to match many designs fielded by other major races. The V-26 see surprising success against the Gorn. Although a successful design, only 12 new hulls are compltede. Nearly all Type 2's have a current priority over new built hulls.InternetChristopher Cornelius Designs
2/4906.0206/21/2312Igrusk StrikeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictIgrusk Strike
2/4907.2108/07/2312Battle of EternitySTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Eternity
2/4908.0908/25/2312Skirmish at S-A Rom 2-jSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictSkirmish at S-A Rom 2-j
2/4909.1309/27/2312Battle at BandageSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Bandage
2/4910.1810/31/23122nd Battle of KantosSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon Conflict2nd Battle of Kantos
2/4911.0511/17/2312Deamon Battle 6STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDeamon Battle 6
2/4911.0711/19/2312Tussel at ShandarSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictTussel at Shandar
2/4911.2012/02/23122nd Battle of Valtor IIISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon Conflict2nd Battle of Valtor III
2/4912.1712/27/2312Defense of Station KoltothSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of Station Koltoth
2/5001.0101/11/2313The Anastas Medal of Achievement is originated by Star Fleet Command. Named for the first female starship captain, it is awarded to female officers of executive command rank or higher who have demonstrated superior skill and expertise while facing extreme hazard. It is a platinum disk showing the principal representatives of the U.F.P. with hands joined above a gold inscription of "Achieve Together," and hangs from an aquamarine ribbon.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
2/5001.2402/02/2313Confrontation at Tivol NrenSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConfrontation at Tivol Nren
2/5002.0502/13/2313Engagement at LantosSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement at Lantos
2/5002.2503/04/2313Battle of Outer BrozSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Outer Broz
2/5003.1803/24/2313War at Delta Khinah IISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictWar at Delta Khinah II
2/5004.0904/15/2313Trdand'qur ConflictSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictTrdand'qur Conflict
2/5004.2705/02/2313A Federation starship charts the Indri system.Star Trek - The Next GenerationThe Chase
2/5005.1305/17/2313Assault of Nodava IIISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault of Nodava III
2/5006.0606/09/2313Battle of New TygogkSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of New Tygogk
2/5006.2706/29/2313Battle at PreleskSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Prelesk
2/5007.0807/10/2313Deamon Battle 7STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDeamon Battle 7
2/5007.1107/13/23131st Asssault at Selta AvastamSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon Conflict1st Asssault at Selta Avastam
2/5008.2408/24/2313Battle of K'KaarrSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of K'Kaarr
2/5009.2909/27/2313Battle for K'TrukSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle for K'Truk
2/5010.3010/27/2313Victory at Hulo ChattzaSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictVictory at Hulo Chattza
2/5011.2011/16/2313Battle of GanarraSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Ganarra
2/5012.2512/19/2313Broz StrikeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBroz Strike
2/5101.0901/03/2314Battle at KV-39STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at KV-39
2/5101.2301/16/2314Battle of GlacierSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Glacier
2/5102.2902/21/2314Destruction of Repair Station 4-eSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDestruction of Repair Station 4-e
2/5103.1403/06/2314Navassa V ConflictSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictNavassa V Conflict
2/5104.2404/14/2314Battle at T'Vant VISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at T'Vant VI
2/5106.0505/24/2314Mauling of DK21STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictMauling of DK21
2/5107.2407/10/2314Battle of Fan CamSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Fan Cam
2/5108.3008/15/2314Defense of Processing Station 77STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of Processing Station 77
2/5110.1609/29/2314Battle of VeneradtSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Veneradt
2/5111.0510/18/2314Battle for DK22STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle for DK22
2/5112.0311/14/2314Battle of DK25STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of DK25
2/5112.0711/17/2314Attack at PwoeshSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAttack at Pwoesh
2/5201.1412/24/2314Revenge at BulskSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictRevenge at Bulsk
2/5202.0801/17/2315Battle of Mrang IIISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Mrang III
2/5203.3003/06/2315Conflict at DK24STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConflict at DK24
2/5209.3008/29/2315Assault at DalinSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAssault at Dalin
2/5311.0209/13/2316After attempting to upgrade the V-16 with a plasma torpedo system, the Type 4 is launched. Improvements to the deflector systems allow the V-16 to engage heavier opponents then the Type 2 model. The Type 4 is quickly standardized, with all remaining type 2's being converted within 2 years. The V-16 remains in service as a support cruisers, with wisperings of a new model to be launched soon.InternetLachlan Sturrock Design
2/5311.2110/01/2316Vikurl Noloff EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictVikurl Noloff Engagement
2/5312.2711/04/2316Battle of the Lendis Wavamm AsteroidsSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of the Lendis Wavamm Asteroids
2/5407.0105/01/2317Tsaquesh ConflictSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictTsaquesh Conflict
2/5407.1005/10/2317Battle of DK23STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of DK23
2/5501.1411/06/2317The Type 3 T-25 is fielded. With an enlarged impulse drive and heavier weapons, the Type 3 replaces the Type 1 as the standard model. Although only 45 are new built, over 200 Type 1's are converted. Nearly 70 Type 2's are also converted. The Type 3 remains in limited production.InternetChristopher Cornelius Designs
2/5501.2711/18/2317Skirmish at Tu'DanSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictSkirmish at Tu'Dan
2/5503.2301/11/23182nd Battle of VossalSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict2nd Battle of Vossal
2/5512.0609/15/2318Battle for TraestSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle for Traest
2/5609.0606/04/2319The "Jenghiz" Mark IV class destroyer becomes operational. Despite the older design, the vessel remains in production as a successful combat vessel.Jackill'sJackill's Volume 1
2/5611.1708/12/2319Desrtouction of Kralet VakoSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictDesrtouction of Kralet Vako
2/5703.1812/06/2319Battle of Bu'uli Tev IIISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Bu'uli Tev III
2/5708.0804/21/2320Assault at RanarvasamSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault at Ranarvasam
2/5712.1508/22/2320Conflict at K-O 33STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictConflict at K-O 33
2/5808.1404/11/2321Battle of CellwaSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of Cellwa
2/5901.2909/19/2321Following the assassination of his father on Mordan IV by a rival tribe, Karnas seizes the passengers of a Federation starliner and demands that Starfleet provide him with weapons so that he can seek revenge on the assassins. After the deaths of two other mediators, the hostage situation is resolved by Captain Mark Jameson of USS Gettysburg. Unknown to Starfleet, Jameson was only able to secure the release of the hostages by giving Karnas the weapons he requested, also giving the same weapons to Karnas' rivals in the hope that a balance of power would prevent any drawn out hostilities.ParamountStar Trek Chronology The History of the Future
2/5905.0112/17/2321Clash at Sien DuhjSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictClash at Sien Duhj
2/5910.1705/27/23222nd Battle for Outpost K'DrulSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict2nd Battle for Outpost K'Drul
2/5912.0807/16/2322The Bajoran wormhole undergoes a brief subspace inversion.Star Trek - Deep Space NineThe Visitor
2/6001.1108/18/2322The USS Hancock is destroyed near Tzenkethi space. The Tzenkethi claim the vessel had crossed into their space, however - wreckage and log tapes show the vessel is well within unclaimed territory when it is attacked. STSTCSSTSTCSFederation-Trenkethi Cold WarHancock Engagement
2/6001.2609/01/2322Skirmish at Abraxis IXSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictSkirmish at Abraxis IX
2/6002.1109/16/2322Battle at Fooled AgainSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Fooled Again
2/6003.0210/05/2322Attack at Fan CamSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAttack at Fan Cam
2/6008.2503/22/2323Shortly after the resolution of the hostage situation on Mordan IV a civil war breaks out.Star Trek - The Next GenerationToo Short a Season
2/6008.2903/26/2323The Mark III "Ranger" light cruiser class starship is launched. The Mark III increases firepower by over 60% and remains a potent platform for research in dangerous areas of space.PublicationStarfleet Prototype
2/6010.1205/07/2323Battle of Dhene VSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of Dhene V
2/6108.1402/24/2324Attack at DK26STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAttack at DK26
2/6111.2706/03/2324Battle of K-O 29STSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of K-O 29
2/6205.1411/11/2324Strike at Verianne III StationSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictStrike at Verianne III Station
2/6209.0803/03/23253rd Battle of VossalSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict3rd Battle of Vossal
2/6209.1003/05/2325While a hand full of "Andor" vessels are still inproduction, the design, now some 50 years old is almost shelved. However, Andorian designers find a way to further improve the general spaceframe design. The Mk IV is eventually comissioned in 2325 and 26 new hulls are constructed. The new design utalizes a unique modification to the main computer system that allows for the increase in targeting and control systems for the ships main torpedo system. A more powerful and efficient shield system is also installed. STSTCSSTSTCS
2/6212.1306/03/2325Battle of Nihal VSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Nihal V
2/6307.2101/01/2326The Cardassians begin a conflict with the Lissepians, conducting raids and territorial grabs of planets with resources needed by the Cardassian military and civilian populations. While the conflict last less than three years, it does drive the Lissepians to trade more agressively with the Ferengi and Klingon in the area.STSTCSSTSTCS
2/6309.1002/18/2326First Kha'Quan StrikeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictFirst Kha'Quan Strike
2/6312.0505/12/2326Attack at BormeaSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAttack at Bormea
2/6403.1008/11/2326Battle for Pol SeiSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle for Pol Sei
2/6405.0310/01/2326Banthua V StrikeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBanthua V Strike
2/6405.0310/01/2326Assault on Starbase 621STSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarAssault on Starbase 621
2/6405.2810/25/2326Battle of NeethiaSTSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarBattle of Neethia
2/6406.2611/22/2326Attack at AlkaidSTSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarAttack at Alkaid
2/6407.1912/14/2326Defense of PreeSTSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarDefense of Pree
2/6408.1501/09/2327Attack on NehruSTSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarAttack on Nehru
2/6409.0902/02/2327Attack on AR-558STSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarAttack on AR-558
2/6409.3002/22/2327Battle of CaldinSTSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarBattle of Caldin
2/6410.2303/16/2327Action 10-11904STSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarAction 10-11904
2/6411.1904/11/2327Action 10-11908STSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarAction 10-11908
2/6412.1905/09/2327Action 10-11910STSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarAction 10-11910
2/6501.1806/07/2327Battle of Theta CygniSTSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarBattle of Theta Cygni
2/6501.2906/18/2327Second Kha'Quan StrikeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictSecond Kha'Quan Strike
2/6502.1507/04/2327Battle of Tycho VIISTSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarBattle of Tycho VII
2/6503.1608/01/2327Action10-11913STSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarAction10-11913
2/6503.3008/14/2327Battle at K-T'Da 10/iiiSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at K-T'Da 10/iii
2/6504.0608/21/2327Engagement of the Kobliad ApproachSTSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarEngagement of the Kobliad Approach
2/6505.0309/16/2327Action 10-11929STSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarAction 10-11929
2/6505.2910/11/2327Battle of FahleenaSTSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarBattle of Fahleena
2/6506.2711/07/2327Action 10-11937STSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarAction 10-11937
2/6507.2312/02/2327Combat at EdasichSTSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarCombat at Edasich
2/6507.2612/05/2327Defense of KantosSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of Kantos
2/6508.1712/26/2327Action 10-11944STSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarAction 10-11944
2/6509.0801/16/23282nd Battle of NeethiaSTSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi War2nd Battle of Neethia
2/6510.0302/09/2328Engagement at Theta DraconisSTSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarEngagement at Theta Draconis
2/6510.0602/12/2328Momurr AssaultSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictMomurr Assault
2/6510.2703/03/2328Engagement of Tzenkethi EpsilonSTSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarEngagement of Tzenkethi Epsilon
2/6511.2003/26/2328Action 10-11949STSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarAction 10-11949
2/6511.2904/04/2328Strike at Zoida IIISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictStrike at Zoida III
2/6512.1504/19/2328Action 10-11953STSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarAction 10-11953
2/6601.0705/11/2328Engagement at Tzenkethi EtaSTSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarEngagement at Tzenkethi Eta
2/6601.2805/31/2328Action 10-11960STSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarAction 10-11960
2/6602.2006/22/2328Action 10-11964STSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarAction 10-11964
2/6603.2207/21/2328Action 10-11966STSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarAction 10-11966
2/6604.1408/12/2328Action 10-11969STSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarAction 10-11969
2/6605.0509/01/2328Engagement at Tzenkethi SigmaSTSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarEngagement at Tzenkethi Sigma
2/6608.0111/24/2328Engagement at Tzenkethi BetaSTSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarEngagement at Tzenkethi Beta
2/6609.1001/01/2329The Cardassian-Lissepian conflict finally ends with the concession of some planetary gains back to the Lissepian trade houses. The Cardassians once again begin trading with various Lissepian faction and are soon back to pre-war trade levels.STSTCSSTSTCS
2/6609.1801/09/2329Destruction of Li'FarlSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDestruction of Li'Farl
2/6609.2101/12/2329Battle at K-G 16/viSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle at K-G 16/vi
2/6611.1003/01/2329Assault on TzenkethSTSTCSSTSTCS2nd Tzenkethi WarAssault on Tzenketh
2/6701.2805/15/2329Conflict at LetikkSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictConflict at Letikk
2/6902.2505/12/2331Skirmish at 21 S-1.2 ESTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictSkirmish at 21 S-1.2 E
2/6907.2209/30/23312nd Battle of CorritarsSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya Conflict2nd Battle of Corritars
2/6911.1401/18/2332The Cardassian Empire claims Bajor as its own territory, later placing the planet under direct military control.Star Trek - Deep Space NineCardassians
2/7001.0503/07/2332The "Ambassador" Class Mark I hull is laid down at Utopia Planitia Shipyards.Star Trek - The Next GenerationYesterday's Enterprise
2/7008.1510/06/2332Battle at Arrekk IIISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Arrekk III
2/7101.0402/19/23332nd Assault at Selta AvastamSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon Conflict2nd Assault at Selta Avastam
2/7103.2705/09/2333Battle of Gata AbanSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of Gata Aban
2/7107.1308/21/2333Battle of WimmawSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle of Wimmaw
2/7211.2812/15/2334Assault of TraestSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictAssault of Traest
2/7303.1303/26/2335Encounter at SutuSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEncounter at Sutu
2/7308.1708/23/2335A Federation outpost is established on Boradis III, the first settlement made by Starfleet in the Boradis sector.Star Trek - The Next GenerationThe Emissary
2/7406.2206/14/2336Battle Fleet D'ktag EngagementSTSTCSSTSTCSKinshaya ConflictBattle Fleet D'ktag Engagement
2/7410.2410/10/2336Despite a stellar career, Star Fleet Operations once again considers mothballing the aged "Andor" cruiser. Only modern refitting techniques allow the existing vessels to be refit. Nearly all of internal bracing is refit and replaced with newer components. Other internal changes include a complete refit of the main Computer system as well as new a new, more effective phaser design. For the first time in 60 years, the class has noticable external changes. 11 new hulls are completed, down form the original 25 ordered. With the intriduction of several larger and more modern STSTCSSTSTCS
2/7411.0510/22/2336The Nexus passes through Federation spaceStar Trek - The Next GenerationGenerations
2/7502.0101/14/2337The "Decker" (NCC-6000) class destroyer enters service in Star Fleet. These 200-man warships are named after officers who have shown special gallantry or sacrifice. The USS "William Decker" (NCC-6001) "Decker" class destroyer sister ship is built.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
2/7512.2011/19/2337Battle of EytukSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Eytuk
2/7601.0112/01/2337The Mark I "Decker" class destroyer USS Kelvar Garth is destroyedFASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
2/7701.0111/15/2338The USS "Royal Sovereign" (NCC-3000) class battlecruiser enters service in Star Fleet. Besides functioning as warships, the "Royal Sovereign" class will ships will distinguish themselves as exploration craft, most notably the "Valiant III's" (NCC-3010) initial contact with the humanoid species on Haven.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
2/7707.2706/01/2339Conflict at Valtor IIISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConflict at Valtor III
2/7801.1711/15/2339Battle for K'ythlothSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle for K'ythloth
2/7901.1610/28/2340The Omicron Theta science colony is destroyed by the Crystalline Entity.Star Trek - The Next GenerationDatalore
2/7905.3003/06/2341Battle at RalteyoSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Ralteyo
2/8003.0111/25/2341The USS "M'Benga" (NCC-10000) class rescue/hospital ship enters service in Star Fleet. This long-range rescue craft provides emergency medical support to distant colonies and to vessels in deep space. The "M'Benga" can carry a host of specialized laboratories and specialists in such areas as microbiology, immunology, xenobiology, and pathology. An "M'Benga" also has numerous surgical, quarantine, low-gravity surgical, and intensive care units as well as enough medical and pharmacological stores for a medium-sized colony of humanoid species. The USS "Anton Thiel" (NCC6013) "Decker" class destroyer and the USS "Royal Andor" (NCC-3002) "Royal Sovereign" class battlecruiser are also built.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
2/8010.0406/20/2342Assault at Vaadward VSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault at Vaadward V
2/8107.0703/11/2343The D-10K "Riskahd" becomes operational in the Klingon Empire. Utalizing a number of Federation pioneered procdures, the venerable but aged D-10 is given a new lease on life as components are replaced and hull material is renewed. No new vessels are built, but over 200 older vessels are upgraded, with nearly 50 being brought out of retirement and recomissioned. The K model servers for another 30 years before the vessels are finally reitred for good.STSTCSSTSTCS
2/8202.0109/27/2343Captain Amanda Kincaid of the U.S.S. "Fearless" is awarded the Shuvalis Diamond of Recognition for her efforts in favor of the planet Haven joining the Federation. She worked tirelessly for the cause despite the hostility that many planetary officials felt toward the idea.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
2/8202.0710/03/23432nd Battle of Tryes AvastamSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon Conflict2nd Battle of Tryes Avastam
2/8203.1511/07/2343Battle of NiluuhguaSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Niluuhgua
2/8205.1901/08/2344Engagement at Scheddi IVSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement at Scheddi IV
2/8206.0201/21/2344The Cardassian Empire formally annexes Bajor.Star Trek - Deep Space NineCardassians
2/8207.2303/10/23442nd Battle of S-A Rom 1-gSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon Conflict2nd Battle of S-A Rom 1-g
2/8210.2506/08/2344Attack at S-A Rom 2-mSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAttack at S-A Rom 2-m
2/8211.0906/22/2344Battle of AnteshSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Antesh
2/8301.1108/22/23442nd Assault on Defense Station KangolSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon Conflict2nd Assault on Defense Station Kangol
2/8302.2210/01/2344In an attempt to destabilize the region, the Klingon outpost on Narendra III is attacked by four Romulan Warbirds. USS Enterprise-C, responds to the distress call and engages the Romulan vessels. The Enterprise is reported destroyed, although a number of crew are captured before the ship is lost.ParamountStar Trek Chronology The History of the FutureRomulan - Klingon ConflictDesrtuction of Narendra III
2/8303.2310/30/2344Battle at S-A Rom 3-eSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at S-A Rom 3-e
2/8306.2501/28/2345Yigoth BattleSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictYigoth Battle
2/8307.3103/03/2345Engagement at Hassaleh IVSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement at Hassaleh IV
2/8310.1105/11/2345Battle of IllisSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Illis
2/8310.2805/27/2345Skirmish at Listening Station 1503STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictSkirmish at Listening Station 1503
2/8311.1906/17/2345The USS "Cheyenne" (NCC-50000) class exploration cruiser is officially commissioned. This warp 9.992 capacity, 500 capacity starship is based upon the "Constellation II" design and is to replace the "Constellation II" class. The ship has 4 warp nacelles and is armed with 8 Type X phaser strips and 4 photon torpedo launchers. As the Border Wars (between the U.F.P. and Cardassian Union) heat up, the purchase order of 29 ships will be further modified to an additional 12 ships, named after famous Indian tribe leaders up to the modern era. Their NCCs will be mixed in with the original batch numbers and since construction of this class is contracted out to several shipyards there will be no sequential hull numbers. Circa 2372, the USS "Cheyenne" will be on patrol along the U.F.P.-Romulan Neutral Zone.ParamountST reference: Star Trek Encyclopedia
2/8312.2107/18/2345Strike at Romulan Starbase 2STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictStrike at Romulan Starbase 2
2/8403.2510/16/2345Battle at Ras Alhague VIISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Ras Alhague VII
2/8406.1012/29/2345Na'Feel StrikeSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictNa'Feel Strike
2/8406.3001/17/2346The aged fleet of "Alberto Sabella's" is refit to deal with the increased need for fronline recovery vessels. Weapons and defenses are once again enhanced. A total of 268 are upgraded and pulled from mothballs.STSTCSSTSTCS
2/8407.0801/24/2346Battle at Yoth-KuboSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Yoth-Kubo
2/8410.0504/20/2346Strike at Ras AralSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictStrike at Ras Aral
2/8410.2305/07/2346Battle at KturethaSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Kturetha
2/8411.1105/25/2346Battle at Selva AralSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Selva Aral
2/8501.2508/05/2346Engagement at KantosSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement at Kantos
2/8503.2910/04/2346Battle of Uron VISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Uron VI
2/8506.1812/21/2346Battle of S-A Rom 3-kSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of S-A Rom 3-k
2/8506.3001/01/2347Relations with the Tholian Assembly finally erupt into conflict. Although there are only limited engagements, most are extremely deadly and both sides suffer losses. The Tholians attempt to annex several regions of space where Federation colonies are planned.Star Trek - The Next GenerationThe Icarus Factor2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/8508.1102/10/23472nd Battle of Nihal VSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon Conflict2nd Battle of Nihal V
2/8508.2002/19/2347Action 12-37740STSTCSCardassian - Federation War
2/8508.2202/21/2347Action 12-37762STSTCSCardassian - Federation WarAction 12-37762
2/8511.0104/30/2347The Mark I "M'Benga" class hospital ship USS Crenshaw is lostFASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
2/8511.0805/06/2347Engagement at CuellarSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarEngagement at Cuellar
2/8511.1205/10/2347Assault of G-Sur Rom 2-bSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault of G-Sur Rom 2-b
2/8512.1106/07/2347Skirmish at KrenkSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictSkirmish at Krenk
2/8512.2806/23/2347Skirmish at R'o IISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictSkirmish at R'o II
2/8602.1608/10/2347Battle of IadoraSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarBattle of Iadora
2/8603.0708/28/2347Assault at Quarellet IISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault at Quarellet II
2/8605.0110/20/2347Rakal RaidSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarRakal Raid
2/8606.1812/05/2347Defense of Listening Station 1212STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of Listening Station 1212
2/8607.0412/20/2347Battle for Tau Ursae MajorisSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarBattle for Tau Ursae Majoris
2/8607.0912/25/2347Battle of the Avastam ApproachSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of the Avastam Approach
2/8608.0901/24/23482nd Battle of DK10STSTCSRomulan - Klingon Conflict2nd Battle of DK10
2/8610.1703/30/2348Atbar SkirmishSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarAtbar Skirmish
2/8611.0704/19/2348Assault at DK12STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault at DK12
2/8612.1405/24/2348Attack at Training Outpost 161STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAttack at Training Outpost 161
2/8701.1206/21/2348Battle of Alpha 441STSTCSCardassian - Federation WarBattle of Alpha 441
2/8702.2908/06/2348Battle at Defense Station KygolSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle at Defense Station Kygol
2/8703.2508/30/2348Action 12-37765STSTCSCardassian - Federation WarAction 12-37765
2/8705.0710/10/23483rd Battle of DK10STSTCSRomulan - Klingon Conflict3rd Battle of DK10
2/8708.1201/11/2349Engagement at EternitySTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictEngagement at Eternity
2/8708.1701/16/2349Defense of Gamma CetiSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarDefense of Gamma Ceti
2/8710.0803/06/2349Kha'Dri EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictKha'Dri Engagement
2/8712.1705/12/2349Ensign Nathaniel Zar III, a Star Fleet Merchant Marine of the USS Thor is awarded the Denebian Swan of Merit for preventing the seizure of mercantile goods by a Ferengi boarding party after his superiors were killed in an unprovoked attack.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
2/8712.2305/18/2349Attack at MerakSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarAttack at Merak
2/8712.3105/26/2349Strike at G-Sur Rom 2-eSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictStrike at G-Sur Rom 2-e
2/8801.3106/25/2349The Mark I "Wellington" Class XI light cruiser enters service with a crew of 175 and 5 torpedo bays.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
2/8804.0708/27/2349Battle of G-Sur Rom 1-jSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of G-Sur Rom 1-j
2/8804.1108/31/2349Encounter at ChevaSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarEncounter at Cheva
2/8805.2510/12/2349Battle for Verianne IIISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle for Verianne III
2/8807.0511/20/2349Engagement at PentharaSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarEngagement at Penthara
2/8808.0912/23/2349Sh'Stok EngagementSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictSh'Stok Engagement
2/8809.1401/27/2350The Albino, hiding from the pursuit of Kor, Koloth and Kang, establishes a sanctuary compound on Secarus IV.Paramount
2/8811.0303/16/2350Battle of NiburonSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarBattle of Niburon
2/8811.2904/10/2350Revenge at DK2STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictRevenge at DK2
2/8903.0507/10/2350Assault at S-A Rom 4-kSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictAssault at S-A Rom 4-k
2/8904.0108/05/2350Battle of SalvaSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarBattle of Salva
2/8905.0909/11/23502nd Battle at K-V 47/vSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon Conflict2nd Battle at K-V 47/v
2/8906.2110/22/2350Battle of Kiirg Durl IVSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictBattle of Kiirg Durl IV
2/8907.1911/18/2350Theta Cygni StrikeSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarTheta Cygni Strike
2/8910.0802/03/2351Battle of HD-73115STSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/8911.1803/14/2351The Romulans attack the Klingon outpost on Khitomer, killing approximately 4000 Klingons and leaving few survivors.ParamountRomulan - Klingon ConflictKhitomer Massacre
2/8911.2203/18/2351Conflict at Tu'DanSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConflict at Tu'Dan
2/8911.2603/22/2351Engagement of the Amerind ApproachSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/8912.0604/01/2351Battle of Minos KorvaSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarBattle of Minos Korva
2/8912.1004/04/2351USS Intrepid arrives at Khitomer.ParamountRomulan - Klingon Conflict
2/9001.2605/19/2351Battle at PilliumSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9002.1806/10/2351Engagement at AlreshaSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarEngagement at Alresha
2/9002.2606/18/2351Clash at Ag Station 373STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictClash at Ag Station 373
2/9003.2007/09/2351Conflict at BlithiniaSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9005.2409/09/2351Battle of DraygoSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarBattle of Draygo
2/9006.0309/19/2351Defense of Processing Station 288STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of Processing Station 288
2/9006.1910/04/2351Attack at CywiheeneSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9008.0811/21/2351First battle of FillandiaSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9009.2401/05/2352Engagement at JallamoraSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarEngagement at Jallamora
2/9010.1401/24/2352Engagement at YiqygeneSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9011.0202/11/2352Defense of Ag Station 372STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of Ag Station 372
2/9101.0104/09/2352Battle of FinlaxSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9101.0704/15/2352Conflict at C52STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConflict at C52
2/9101.2905/06/2352Battle of MathenSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarBattle of Mathen
2/9102.0105/09/2352Pathos EngagementSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9102.1605/23/2352Defense of Repair Center 9STSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictDefense of Repair Center 9
2/9103.1906/23/2352Seccond Battle of FillandiaSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9104.2207/25/2352Battle of AlgolSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarBattle of Algol
2/9106.0309/03/2352Battle of Outpost 60STSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9107.0710/06/2352Battle of Outpost 77STSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9107.2910/27/23522nd Battle of T'Vant VISTSTCSRomulan - Klingon Conflict2nd Battle of T'Vant VI
2/9108.1711/14/2352Battle of DyhuzyeneSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9109.0512/02/2352Skirmish at S-A Rom 3-hSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictSkirmish at S-A Rom 3-h
2/9109.1112/08/2352Engagement at RakonSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarEngagement at Rakon
2/9111.0702/01/2353Battle of NaxisSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9112.1703/11/2353Attack at EoketeneSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9202.0104/24/2353Argolis Cluster OperationSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarArgolis Cluster Operation
2/9202.1705/09/23532nd Engagement at G-Sur Rom 2-aSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon Conflict2nd Engagement at G-Sur Rom 2-a
2/9203.2006/08/2353Battle of HF 88112STSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9203.2506/13/2353Strike at CordensiaSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictStrike at Cordensia
2/9204.1807/06/2353Omekla RaidSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarOmekla Raid
2/9205.0707/24/2353Assault at LaxarenSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9206.1008/25/23532nd Battle of Outpost 60STSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9207.1709/30/2353Attack on Starbase 19STSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9209.1911/30/2353Action 12-37772STSTCSCardassian - Federation WarAction 12-37772
2/9210.0712/17/2353Battle of EternitySTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9211.1301/22/2354Conflict at KargathSTSTCSRomulan - Klingon ConflictConflict at Kargath
2/9211.2201/30/2354Lamemda SkirmishSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarLamemda Skirmish
2/9301.0903/17/2354Defense of CremindasSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9304.0706/09/2354Engagement at MaxtorSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9304.2506/27/2354Action 12-37779STSTCSCardassian - Federation WarAction 12-37779
2/9306.2508/24/2354Defense of LustralvaSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9309.0711/03/2354Battle of XepoliteSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarBattle of Xepolite
2/9309.1011/06/2354Battle of FywixoeneSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9311.0312/27/2354Battle of San SorellaSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9312.1002/01/2355Battle of Alpha TriaguliSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarBattle of Alpha Triaguli
2/9401.3003/22/2355Assault at MajoritySTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9402.2404/15/2355Engagement at LyshanSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarEngagement at Lyshan
2/9404.1806/04/2355Battle of Outpost 68STSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9405.0506/21/2355Battle of LyaSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarBattle of Lya
2/9406.2608/09/2355Attack at NyjygyeneSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9408.2210/03/2355Action 12-37780STSTCSCardassian - Federation WarAction 12-37780
2/9408.2810/09/2355Engagement at HF 22121STSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9411.0612/15/2355Battle at HF 12017STSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9412.2902/03/2356Battle of Outpost 112STSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9501.0702/12/2356Battle of UmothSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarBattle of Umoth
2/9501.3103/06/2356Battle of Outpost 140STSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9504.0105/03/2356Battle of TorgaSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarBattle of Torga
2/9504.2205/23/2356Battle of Outpost 131STSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9506.0107/01/2356Engagement at AlmathaSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarEngagement at Almatha
2/9506.2307/22/2356First Battle of RGC 9211STSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9508.2309/18/2356Assault on Tholian Starbase 11STSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9510.2611/18/2356Battle of Tholian Starbase 10STSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9511.2712/19/2356Massacre at Setlik IIISTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarMassacre at Setlik III
2/9601.1202/01/2357Second Assault on Tholian Starbase 11STSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9603.3004/16/2357Second Battle of RGC 9211STSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9604.1104/27/2357Kressari AssaultSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarKressari Assault
2/9605.0205/17/2357Second Defense of LustralvaSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9607.2108/02/2357Defense of ApolloniaSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9609.3010/09/2357Battle at EntroloparSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9610.3111/08/2357Engagement at Lone NodeSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9612.1112/17/2357Battle of Darius IIISTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarBattle of Darius III
2/9701.0901/14/2358Battle of VSG 213354STSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9703.0103/03/2358Engagement at TrelkaSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarEngagement at Trelka
2/9703.2403/25/2358Battle of O'Ryan's PlanetSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarBattle of O'Ryan's Planet
2/9704.0104/02/2358Lieutenant Commander Marsha Mintaine, USS Valkyrie, is awarded the Star Fleet Medal of Valor for her appeasement of hill tribes on Loris VIII at the cost of considerable physical and emothional injury. Her action prevented the deaths of numerous fellow officers.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
2/9704.0404/05/2358Battle of MallaSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9706.2806/25/2358Defense of LecroutexSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9708.3008/25/2358Battle of Aesa IXSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9710.0609/29/2358Second Assault on Starbase 19STSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9710.1710/10/2358Fleet Engagement at the Mu Ceti ApproachesSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarFleet Engagement at the Mu Ceti Approaches
2/9711.2711/18/2358The Talarians attack the Federation colony on Galen IV, which the Talarians claimed as their territory. Although official Starfleet records list no survivors, Jeremiah Rossa, listed as missing and presumed dead, is taken and later adopted by Talarian captain Endar.ParamountStar Trek EncyclopediaGalen Boarder ConflictDesrtuction of Galen IV
2/9801.0112/21/2358The Centauri EngagementSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarThe Centauri Engagement
2/9801.0512/25/2358Defense of VirtueSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9803.0302/18/2359The USS Andromeda is attacked by multiple Talarian vessels. Badly outnumbered, the Andromeda is eventually destroyed before Federation reinforcements arrive. STSTCSGalen Boarder ConflictThe Andromeda Engagement
2/9803.3103/16/2359Battle at BlackartSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9805.2905/12/2359Seond Battle of Tholain Starbase 10STSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9806.0105/15/2359The Mark I "Decker" class destroyer USS Pavel Chekov is declaired missingFASAFASA TNG Officers ManualGalen Boarder Conflict
2/9806.0405/18/2359Confrontation at AlrakisSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarConfrontation at Alrakis
2/9808.3108/10/2359Battle at Chi'croxSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9810.2810/04/2359Battle of YzinklizSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9812.2311/27/2359Assault at RevennaSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9902.0101/04/2360Action 12-37782STSTCSCardassian - Federation WarAction 12-37782
2/9902.1001/13/2360Battle of OthelloSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9904.1603/16/2360Battle of New BrisbaneSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9905.1204/10/2360Captain Delrin Toval of the USS Hindenberg is awarded the Star Fleet Medal of Honor for his heroism in evacuating his crew after an unprovoked attack from IKS warships without a single loss of life.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
2/9906.2705/24/2360Second Battle of YzinklizSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9907.3106/26/2360The "Wellington" class light cruiser USS Cordoba is destroyed.FASAFASA TNG Officers ManualGalen Boarder Conflict
2/9908.1407/09/2360Action 12-37786STSTCSCardassian - Federation WarAction 12-37786
2/9909.1908/12/2360Destrouction of Starbase 227STSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
2/9910.2609/17/2360Battle of the Tholian ApproachSTSTCS2nd Federation - Tholian Conflict
3/0002.0712/25/2360USS Stargazer is attacked and disabled by a Ferengi vessel in the Maxia Zeta star system. The Ferengi vessel, not identified as such at the time and commanded by the son of DaiMon Bok, attacks Stargazer without provocation. Using a tactic later designated as the Picard Maneuver, Stargazer captain Picard is able to destroy the Ferengi vessel, but not before Stargazer suffers extensive damage that requires her to be abandoned, her crew escaping in shuttlecraft.ParamountStar Trek Chronology The History of the FutureFerengi Conflict
3/0002.1012/28/2360Defense of Starbase 129STSTCSCardassian - Federation WarDefense of Starbase 129
3/0009.2908/06/2361Battle of TopinSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarBattle of Topin
3/0012.0110/06/2361Fight for Upsilon UrseaSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarFight for Upsilon Ursea
3/0101.1611/19/2361Battle of BardeeziSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarBattle of Bardeezi
3/0103.1701/15/2362Lieutenant Asham Razi of the USS Hood (NCC-42296) is awarded the Karagite Order of Heroism for his capture of a previously unknown pirate base on the planet Gibraltar.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
3/0105.0303/01/2362Action 12-37788STSTCSCardassian - Federation WarAction 12-37788
3/0107.1705/12/2362Action 12-37790STSTCSCardassian - Federation WarAction 12-37790
3/0108.2106/14/2362Relations with the Tzenkethi Coalition finally break down and open conflict begins. Paramount3rd Tzenkethi War
3/0108.2806/21/2362Action 12-37792STSTCSCardassian - Federation WarAction 12-37792
3/0111.2009/09/2362Attack at KaritareSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarAttack at Karitare
3/0112.2110/09/2362Assault at EskaSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarAssault at Eska
3/0202.0311/20/2362The USS Okinawa and the USS Assurance engaged two Tzenkethi marauders to stop the Tzenkethi taking control of bilitrium resources in the Entelior star system.Paramount3rd Tzenkethi War
3/0202.1612/03/2362Battle of ArgayaSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarBattle of Argaya
3/0204.0101/14/2363The USS Royal Andor (Royal Sovereign class) battlecruiser is listed as missingFASAFASA TNG Officers Manual3rd Tzenkethi War
3/0204.0101/14/2363Raid on Kora BarathSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarRaid on Kora Barath
3/0207.0104/11/2363The Mark I "Decker" class destroyer USS Connor Jacoby is scrapped after being damaged beyond repair.FASAFASA TNG Officers ManualGalen Boarder Conflict
3/0207.1204/21/2363Lieutenant Commander Tholev Shavahar of the U.S.S. "Locknar II" is awarded the Prantares Ribbon for his rescue of 17 mining engineers on Bactria III.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
3/0301.0410/08/2363With no activity along the Romulan Neutral Zone and a new threat from an unknown enemy along the corward expansion, Star Fleet begins replacing active patroling starship with sensor drones along the Romulan boarder, transfering both Exploratory and Military units to Federation holdings near where the Stargazer was attacked.InternetSTSTCS
3/0303.0712/14/2363Battle of KotakiSTSTCSCardassian - Federation WarBattle of Kotaki
3/0305.1402/26/2364Captain Jean-Luc Picard leads the crew of the USS Enterprise-D on its maiden voyage, to examine a new planetary station for trade with the Federation. On the way, they encounter Q, an omnipotent extra-dimensional being, who challenges humanity as a barbaric, inferior species. Picard and his new crew must hold off Q's challenge and solve the puzzle of Farpoint station on Deneb IV, a base that is far more than it seems to be. Star Trek - The Next GenerationEncounter at Farpoint
3/0305.2503/09/2364Despite several bitter battles, the Talarians and Federation end fighting after only a few years. Both governments keep contact to a minimum.ParamountParamountGalen Boarder Conflict
3/0306.0303/18/2364The crew of the Enterprise is subjected to an exotic illness that drives them to unusual manic behavior.Star Trek - The Next GenerationThe Naked Now
3/0306.1103/27/2364A mission of mercy is jeopardized when a planetary ruler decides he wants an Enterprise officer as his wife.Star Trek - The Next GenerationCode of Honor
3/0306.1403/30/2364The Enterprise explores Data's home planet, Omicron Theta. They find his brother, and the dark secret he carries.Star Trek - The Next GenerationDatalore
3/0306.1604/01/2364While transporting delegates, an alien life form wreaks havoc on the Enterprise computer - and begins to take over the minds of her crew.Star Trek - The Next GenerationLonely Among Us
3/0306.1804/04/2364JusticeStar Trek - The Next GenerationJustice
3/0306.2004/06/2364Action 12-37799STSTCSCardassian - Federation WarAction 12-37799
3/0306.2004/06/2364Where No One Has Gone BeforeStar Trek - The Next GenerationWhere No One Has Gone Before
3/0307.0104/18/2364HavenStar Trek - The Next GenerationHaven
3/0307.0604/23/2364Too Short a SeasonStar Trek - The Next GenerationToo Short a Season
3/0307.2505/14/236411001001Star Trek - The Next Generation11001001
3/0308.0105/21/2364The Last OutpostStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Last Outpost
3/0308.1106/01/2364Coming of AgeStar Trek - The Next GenerationComing of Age
3/0308.2806/19/2364Home SoilStar Trek - The Next GenerationHome Soil
3/0309.0506/28/2364Action 12-37940STSTCSCardassian - Federation WarAction 12-37940
3/0309.1007/03/2364Heart of GloryStar Trek - The Next GenerationHeart of Glory
3/0309.1207/05/2364When the Bough BreaksStar Trek - The Next GenerationWhen the Bough Breaks
3/0309.2707/22/2364The Mark I "Decker" class destroyer USS J. L. Lambert is scrapped after being damaged beyond repair.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
3/0309.2707/22/2364The Mark I "Decker" class destroyer USS Stephen Decatur is scrapped after being damaged beyond repair.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
3/0310.0908/04/2364Hide and QStar Trek - The Next GenerationHide and Q
3/0310.1308/08/2364Skin of EvilStar Trek - The Next GenerationSkin of Evil
3/0310.2508/21/2364Angel OneStar Trek - The Next GenerationAngel One
3/0311.1509/12/2364We'll Always Have ParisStar Trek - The Next GenerationWe'll Always Have Paris
3/0311.2009/18/2364Action 12-37942STSTCSCardassian - Federation WarAction 12-37942
3/0311.2409/22/2364The BattleStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Battle
3/0312.1110/11/2364ConspiracyStar Trek - The Next GenerationConspiracy
3/0312.1910/19/2364The Arsenal of FreedomStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Arsenal of Freedom
3/0401.0111/02/2364SymbiosisStar Trek - The Next GenerationSymbiosis
3/0401.2211/25/2364Action 12-37945STSTCSCardassian - Federation WarAction 12-37945
3/0402.1312/19/2364The Third Federation-Tzenkethi War is finally concluded with the signing of an armistice.Star Trek: TitanOrion's Hounds3rd Tzenkethi War
3/0402.2112/27/2364The Neutral ZoneStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Neutral Zone
3/0402.2512/31/2364The Big GoodbyeStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Big Goodbye
3/0403.0701/11/2365Action 12-37949STSTCSCardassian - Federation WarAction 12-37949
3/0403.2101/26/2365Lieutenant David Manchester of the U.S.S "Wellington" is awarded the Citation of Conspicuous Gallantry for offering himself as hostage to a group of renegade Klingons in exchange for the release of 25 Federation civilians on Valoria, enduring severe torture and mistreatment before being rescued.FASAFASA TNG Officers ManualIKS Conflict
3/0403.2301/28/2365The ChildStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Child
3/0405.0203/13/2365Where Silence Has LeaseStar Trek - The Next GenerationWhere Silence Has Lease
3/0406.0204/15/2365Elementary, Dear DataStar Trek - The Next GenerationElementary, Dear Data
3/0407.1205/28/2365The Outrageous OkonaStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Outrageous Okona
3/0407.2406/10/2365The Schizoid ManStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Schizoid Man
3/0408.0606/24/2365Loud as a WhisperStar Trek - The Next GenerationLoud as a Whisper
3/0408.1207/01/2365Unnatural SelectionStar Trek - The Next GenerationUnnatural Selection
3/0408.1607/05/2365A Matter of HonorStar Trek - The Next GenerationA Matter of Honor
3/0408.2207/11/2365The Measure of a ManStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Measure of a Man
3/0409.0607/28/2365The DauphinStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Dauphin
3/0409.1908/11/2365ContagionStar Trek - The Next GenerationContagion
3/0409.2508/17/2365The RoyaleStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Royale
3/0410.1109/03/2365Action 12-37953STSTCSCardassian - Federation WarAction 12-37953
3/0410.1309/06/2365Time SquaredStar Trek - The Next GenerationTime Squared
3/0410.1609/09/2365The Icarus FactorStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Icarus Factor
3/0410.1909/12/2365Pen PalsStar Trek - The Next GenerationPen Pals
3/0411.1010/06/2365Q WhoStar Trek - The Next GenerationQ Who
3/0411.1610/12/2365Samaritan SnareStar Trek - The Next GenerationSamaritan Snare
3/0412.0110/28/2365Up the Long LadderStar Trek - The Next GenerationUp the Long Ladder
3/0412.1411/11/2365ManhuntStar Trek - The Next GenerationManhunt
3/0412.2711/26/2365The EmissaryStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Emissary
3/0501.0412/04/2365Peak PerformanceStar Trek - The Next GenerationPeak Performance
3/0501.2112/23/2365Shades of GrayStar Trek - The Next GenerationShades of Gray
3/0502.2101/25/2366Action 12-37959STSTCSCardassian - Federation WarAction 12-37959
3/0503.1302/16/2366EvolutionStar Trek - The Next GenerationEvolution
3/0503.1602/19/2366The Ensigns of CommandStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Ensigns of Command
3/0503.2302/26/2366The SurvivorsStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Survivors
3/0503.2903/05/2366Who Watches the WatchersStar Trek - The Next GenerationWho Watches the Watchers
3/0504.0703/15/2366The BondingStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Bonding
3/0504.0903/17/2366Booby TrapStar Trek - The Next GenerationBooby Trap
3/0505.2805/08/2366The EnemyStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Enemy
3/0506.0905/22/2366The PriceStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Price
3/0506.2206/04/2366The Vengeance FactorStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Vengeance Factor
3/0507.0506/19/2366The DefectorStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Defector
3/0507.1506/29/2366The HuntedStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Hunted
3/0507.2107/06/2366The High GroundStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe High Ground
3/0507.3107/17/2366D?j? QStar Trek - The Next GenerationD?j? Q
3/0508.2508/12/2366A Matter of PerspectiveStar Trek - The Next GenerationA Matter of Perspective
3/0508.2908/17/2366Yesterday's EnterpriseStar Trek - The Next GenerationYesterday's Enterprise
3/0509.0908/29/2366The OffspringStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Offspring
3/0509.1909/08/2366Sins of the FatherStar Trek - The Next GenerationSins of the Father
3/0509.2909/19/2366AllegianceStar Trek - The Next GenerationAllegiance
3/0510.0909/30/2366Captain's HolidayStar Trek - The Next GenerationCaptain's Holiday
3/0510.2010/12/2366Tin ManStar Trek - The Next GenerationTin Man
3/0510.3010/23/2366Hollow PursuitsStar Trek - The Next GenerationHollow Pursuits
3/0511.2111/15/2366The Most ToysStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Most Toys
3/0512.0612/02/2366SarekStar Trek - The Next GenerationSarek
3/0512.1112/07/2366M?nage ? TroiStar Trek - The Next GenerationM?nage ? Troi
3/0512.1812/15/2366The last major raid on the Federation by renegade Klingon forces not supported by the Klingon Empire.InternetSTSTCSIKS Conflict
3/0512.1912/16/2366TransfigurationsStar Trek - The Next GenerationTransfigurations
3/0512.3012/28/2366The Best of Both WorldsStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Best of Both Worlds
3/0601.0401/02/2367The Best of Both Worlds: Part IIStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Best of Both Worlds: Part II
3/0601.0501/03/2367A fleet of 39 Federation and 1 Klingon vessels engages a Borg Cube in the Wolf 359 System. The Fleet is devistated with 39 of the 40 vessels destroyed. A total of 11,231 people are killed during the battle. Star Trek - The Next GenerationThe Best of Both Worlds: Part IIBorg Incursion of the Alpha QuadrantBattle of Wolf 359
3/0601.0701/05/2367FamilyStar Trek - The Next GenerationFamily
3/0602.0102/01/2367BrothersStar Trek - The Next GenerationBrothers
3/0602.2002/22/2367Suddenly HumanStar Trek - The Next GenerationSuddenly Human
3/0602.2703/01/2367Remember MeStar Trek - The Next GenerationRemember Me
3/0603.1703/21/2367LegacyStar Trek - The Next GenerationLegacy
3/0603.2804/01/2367ReunionStar Trek - The Next GenerationReunion
3/0604.1004/16/2367Future ImperfectStar Trek - The Next GenerationFuture Imperfect
3/0604.1704/23/2367Final MissionStar Trek - The Next GenerationFinal Mission
3/0605.0405/11/2367The LossStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Loss
3/0605.1505/23/2367Data's DayStar Trek - The Next GenerationData's Day
3/0605.2906/07/2367The WoundedStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Wounded
3/0606.1206/23/2367Devil's DueStar Trek - The Next GenerationDevil's Due
3/0606.2207/03/2367CluesStar Trek - The Next GenerationClues
3/0607.1707/30/2367First ContactStar Trek - The Next GenerationFirst Contact
3/0607.3008/13/2367Galaxy's ChildStar Trek - The Next GenerationGalaxy's Child
3/0608.0408/19/2367Night TerrorsStar Trek - The Next GenerationNight Terrors
3/0608.1609/01/2367Identity CrisisStar Trek - The Next GenerationIdentity Crisis
3/0608.2909/15/2367The Nth DegreeStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Nth Degree
3/0609.1109/29/2367QpidStar Trek - The Next GenerationQpid
3/0609.2110/09/2367The DrumheadStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Drumhead
3/0610.0310/22/2367Half a LifeStar Trek - The Next GenerationHalf a Life
3/0610.0810/28/2367The HostStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Host
3/0610.3011/20/2367The Mind's EyeStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Mind's Eye
3/0611.1412/07/2367In TheoryStar Trek - The Next GenerationIn Theory
3/0612.0612/30/2367Redemption IStar Trek - The Next GenerationRedemption I
3/0612.0612/30/2367Attack on the BortasStar Trek - The Next GenerationRedemption IKlingon Civil WarAttack on the Bortas
3/0612.0712/31/2367Battle of Qu'VatSTSTCSKlingon Civil WarBattle of Qu'Vat
3/0612.0712/31/2367Assault at GorathSTSTCSKlingon Civil WarAssault at Gorath
3/0612.0701/01/2368Battle of Beta ThoridarSTSTCSKlingon Civil WarBattle of Beta Thoridar
3/0612.0701/01/2368First Battle of MemphaSTSTCSKlingon Civil WarFirst Battle of Mempha
3/0612.0801/02/2368Battle of Beta LankalSTSTCSKlingon Civil WarBattle of Beta Lankal
3/0612.0801/02/2368Second Battle of MemphaSTSTCSKlingon Civil WarSecond Battle of Mempha
3/0612.0901/03/2368First Battle of PhebenSTSTCSKlingon Civil WarFirst Battle of Pheben
3/0612.1001/04/2368Third Battle of MemphaSTSTCSKlingon Civil WarThird Battle of Mempha
3/0612.1101/05/2368Final Battle of MemphaSTSTCSKlingon Civil WarFinal Battle of Mempha
3/0612.1101/05/2368Second Battle of PhebenSTSTCSKlingon Civil WarSecond Battle of Pheben
3/0612.1201/06/2368First Battle of H'atoriaSTSTCSKlingon Civil WarFirst Battle of H'atoria
3/0612.1301/07/2368Second Battle of H'atoriaSTSTCSKlingon Civil WarSecond Battle of H'atoria
3/0612.1401/08/2368Battle of the Mempha Front - Operation ExposureSTSTCSKlingon Civil WarBattle of the Mempha Front - Operation Exposure
3/0612.1401/08/2368Battle of the Goroth Front - Operation ExposureSTSTCSKlingon Civil WarBattle of the Goroth Front - Operation Exposure
3/0612.1401/08/2368Battle of the Pheban Front - Operation ExposureSTSTCSKlingon Civil WarBattle of the Pheban Front - Operation Exposure
3/0612.1401/08/2368Assault of Beta LankalSTSTCSKlingon Civil WarAssault of Beta Lankal
3/0612.1501/09/2368Redemption IIStar Trek - The Next GenerationRedemption II
3/0612.1501/09/2368Battle of Qo'nosStar Trek - The Next GenerationRedemption IIKlingon Civil WarBattle of Qo'nos
3/0612.2301/18/2368DarmokStar Trek - The Next GenerationDarmok
3/0701.0201/29/2368Ensign RoStar Trek - The Next GenerationEnsign Ro
3/0701.1802/15/2368Silicon AvatarStar Trek - The Next GenerationSilicon Avatar
3/0701.2902/27/2368DisasterStar Trek - The Next GenerationDisaster
3/0702.1603/17/2368The GameStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Game
3/0702.2403/26/2368Unification IStar Trek - The Next GenerationUnification I
3/0702.2903/31/2368Unification IIStar Trek - The Next GenerationUnification II
3/0704.0405/08/2368A Matter of TimeStar Trek - The Next GenerationA Matter of Time
3/0704.1305/18/2368New GroundStar Trek - The Next GenerationNew Ground
3/0704.2005/25/2368Hero WorshipStar Trek - The Next GenerationHero Worship
3/0705.0106/06/2368ViolationsStar Trek - The Next GenerationViolations
3/0705.1506/21/2368The Masterpiece SocietyStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Masterpiece Society
3/0705.2306/30/2368ConundrumStar Trek - The Next GenerationConundrum
3/0706.1807/28/2368Power PlayStar Trek - The Next GenerationPower Play
3/0706.2408/03/2368EthicsStar Trek - The Next GenerationEthics
3/0707.0308/13/2368The OutcastStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Outcast
3/0707.1608/27/2368Cause and EffectStar Trek - The Next GenerationCause and Effect
3/0708.0309/15/2368The First DutyStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe First Duty
3/0708.1209/25/2368Cost of LivingStar Trek - The Next GenerationCost of Living
3/0708.2210/06/2368The Perfect MateStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Perfect Mate
3/0709.2211/08/2368Imaginary FriendStar Trek - The Next GenerationImaginary Friend
3/0709.2311/09/2368I, BorgStar Trek - The Next GenerationI, Borg
3/0710.0611/23/2368The Next PhaseStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Next Phase
3/0710.2312/12/2368The Inner LightStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Inner Light
3/0710.2812/17/2368Time's ArrowStar Trek - The Next GenerationTime's Arrow
3/0711.1101/01/2369Time's Arrow, Part IIStar Trek - The Next GenerationTime's Arrow, Part II
3/0711.2501/16/2369Realm of FearStar Trek - The Next GenerationRealm of Fear
3/0712.0501/27/2369Man of the PeopleStar Trek - The Next GenerationMan of the People
3/0712.2302/16/2369RelicsStar Trek - The Next GenerationRelics
3/0801.0202/26/2369SchismsStar Trek - The Next GenerationSchisms
3/0801.1503/12/2369True QStar Trek - The Next GenerationTrue Q
3/0801.2903/28/2369RascalsStar Trek - The Next GenerationRascals
3/0802.1004/10/2369A Fistful of DatasStar Trek - The Next GenerationA Fistful of Datas
3/0802.2204/23/2369The Quality of LifeStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Quality of Life
3/0803.1105/11/2369Chain of Command, Part IStar Trek - The Next GenerationChain of Command, Part I
3/0803.1305/13/2369Chain of Command, Part IIStar Trek - The Next GenerationChain of Command, Part II
3/0803.1905/19/2369A new crew is assigned to a former?Cardassian?space station:?Deep Space Nine. It is a joint?Federation/Bajoran?force, with?Commander Sisko?in charge, but his life is dramatically changed when he is declared the Emissary to the Prophets by a Bajoran priest.Star Trek: Deep Space NineEmissary
3/0803.2505/26/2369A?Bajoran?terrorist with ties to?Kira?arrives on?Deep Space Nine, however he is pursued by the?Cardassians. Garak is introduced.Star Trek: Deep Space NinePast Prologue
3/0804.0206/04/2369Odo?is accused of the murder of a?Bajoran?murderer.Star Trek: Deep Space NineA Man Alone
3/0804.0306/05/2369A mysterious virus plagues the station, causing speech distortions and eventually death.Star Trek: Deep Space NineBabel
3/0804.0306/05/2369Ship in a BottleStar Trek - The Next GenerationShip in a Bottle
3/0804.1506/18/2369AquielStar Trek - The Next GenerationAquiel
3/0804.2106/24/2369The Founders dispatch the Hunters to the other side of the wormhole, ostensibly for their Hunt of Tosk. They return with rudimentary knowledge of Deep Space Nine. In addition, they inform the Great Link that there is a changeling aboard the station.Star Trek - Deep Space NineCaptive PursuitDominion War
3/0804.2106/24/2369O'Brien?befriends an alien from the?Gamma Quadrant?who is being hunted.Star Trek: Deep Space NineCaptive Pursuit
3/0805.0507/09/2369Face of the EnemyStar Trek - The Next GenerationFace of the Enemy
3/0805.1007/14/2369Q?and?Vash?arrive on?Deep Space Nine. However Vash has realized the annoyance of Q and wants him to leave her alone.Star Trek: Deep Space NineQ-Less
3/0805.1907/24/2369A sinister criminal is hiding in the mind of someone on?Deep Space Nine, but?Bashir?struggles to understand how it works.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Passenger
3/0805.2007/25/2369TapestryStar Trek - The Next GenerationTapestry
3/0805.2507/31/2369Birthright, Part IStar Trek - The Next GenerationBirthright, Part I
3/0805.2507/31/2369Birthright, Part IIStar Trek - The Next GenerationBirthright, Part II
3/0806.0608/13/2369Quark?is forced to play a game by the Wadi, a newly encountered species, and the lives of the crew depend on the outcome.Star Trek: Deep Space NineMove Along Home
3/0806.2108/29/2369Quark?is named as the head of the?Ferengi?Alliance by?Grand Nagus Zek, but he is now surrounded by enemies.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Nagus
3/0806.2909/07/2369Starship MineStar Trek - The Next GenerationStarship Mine
3/0807.0209/10/2369Odo?discovers he may not be the only one of his kind when a visitor from the?Gamma Quadrant?claims he can contact Odo's people.Star Trek: Deep Space NineVortex
3/0807.0309/11/2369LessonsStar Trek - The Next GenerationLessons
3/0807.1109/19/2369The spiritual leader of?Bajor,?Kai Opaka, travels with Sisko on a trip to the?Gamma Quadrant?but is stranded with him on a world where the dead are resurrected.Star Trek: Deep Space NineBattle Lines
3/0807.1509/24/2369O'Brien?is recruited to save a?Bajoran?village from destruction by a mysterious cloud creature.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Storyteller
3/0807.1609/25/2369The ChaseStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Chase
3/0808.0110/12/2369Frame of MindStar Trek - The Next GenerationFrame of Mind
3/0808.1910/31/2369SuspicionsStar Trek - The Next GenerationSuspicions
3/0808.2311/05/2369Kira?has to deal with a stubborn farmer (Brian Keith) who refuses to leave his home even though it is slated for destruction.Star Trek: Deep Space NineProgress
3/0808.2611/08/2369Rightful HeirStar Trek - The Next GenerationRightful Heir
3/0808.2611/08/2369Deep Space Nine?is put in jeopardy when the crew's thoughts manifest themselves, and such figures as?Rumpelstiltskin?appear.Star Trek: Deep Space NineIf Wishes Were Horses
3/0809.1411/29/2369Jadzia Dax?is accused of a murder committed by her?symbiont?in another lifetime.Star Trek: Deep Space NineDax
3/0809.1612/01/2369Second ChancesStar Trek - The Next GenerationSecond Chances
3/0809.1912/04/2369A?Klingon?ship comes through the wormhole and explodes. A mutiny is considered.Star Trek: Deep Space NineDramatis Personae
3/0809.2012/05/2369The Federation ambassador from?Betazed,?Lwaxana Troi, visits the station, but develops an affection for?Odo.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Forsaken
3/0809.2312/08/2369A visiting?Cardassian, Marritza may in fact be a notorious war criminal Gul Darhe'el, butcher of Gallitep Labor camp, and?Kira?is determined to bring him down.Star Trek: Deep Space NineDuet
3/0809.2612/12/2369TimescapeStar Trek - The Next GenerationTimescape
3/0809.2812/14/2369Friction escalates when?Vedek Winn?arrives on?Deep Space Nine?and discovers schoolteacher?Keiko O'Brien?is teaching about aliens in the?Bajoran wormhole.Star Trek: Deep Space NineIn the Hands of the Prophets
3/0810.0912/25/2369Descent, Part 1Star Trek - The Next GenerationDescent, Part 1
3/0810.2301/10/2370Descent, Part IIStar Trek - The Next GenerationDescent, Part II
3/0811.1101/30/2370LiaisonsStar Trek - The Next GenerationLiaisons
3/0811.1802/07/2370Quark gives Kira a Bajoran earring he claims was sent as a message from a Cardassian mining planet.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Homecoming?(Part 1)
3/0811.2702/16/2370The Circle attempts to topple the?Bajoran?government, but there is more to the situation than meets the eye.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Circle?(Part 2)
3/0811.2902/19/2370Gambit, Part IStar Trek - The Next GenerationGambit, Part I
3/0812.0302/23/2370Sisko?and Li Nalas help stop?Deep Space Nine?from being commandeered by the?Bajorans, while?Kira?and?Dax?try to put an end to the Circle by presenting evidence that Minister Jaro is being backed by the Cardassians.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Siege?(Part 3)
3/0812.0802/28/2370Gambit, Part IIStar Trek - The Next GenerationGambit, Part II
3/0812.1403/07/2370Garak?investigates the identity of a?Cardassian?boy, Rugal, abandoned on?Bajor, who has been raised by?Bajoran.Star Trek: Deep Space NineCardassians
3/0812.1503/08/2370A plasma storm leads to the evacuation of most of the station, but a Trill refugee has his own plans.Star Trek: Deep Space NineInvasive Procedures
3/0812.2703/21/2370InterfaceStar Trek - The Next GenerationInterface
3/0812.3003/24/2370PhantasmsStar Trek - The Next GenerationPhantasms
3/0901.0103/26/2370Bashir?tries to help Ensign?Melora Pazlar, the first Elaysian to join Starfleet, adjust to "normal" gravity.Star Trek: Deep Space NineMelora
3/0901.0904/04/2370Dark PageStar Trek - The Next GenerationDark Page
3/0901.1204/07/2370Quark?represents?Grand Nagus Zek?in a plot to establish a?Ferengi?business presence in the?Gamma Quadrant. Pel, a young Ferengi, teams up with Quark and they learn that to do business in the Gamma Quadrant they must contact the Keremma, a member race of the Dominion.Star Trek: Deep Space NineRules of Acquisition
3/0901.1804/14/2370When?Quark?is shot,?Odo?re-opens a five-year-old murder case of Mr. Vaatrik who was a Cardassian collaborator.Star Trek: Deep Space NineNecessary Evil
3/0901.2604/22/2370AttachedStar Trek - The Next GenerationAttached
3/0901.2804/24/2370Force of NatureStar Trek - The Next GenerationForce of Nature
3/0902.0305/01/2370A mysterious woman, Fenna, catches?Sisko's eye during their fleeting meetings.Star Trek: Deep Space NineSecond Sight
3/0902.1005/08/2370Quark?feels threatened when a charming swindler, Martus Mazur, opens a competing bar (Club Martus).Star Trek: Deep Space NineRivals
3/0902.1205/10/2370A scientist, Dr. Mora Pol of the Bajoran Science Institute, finds a life-form in the?Gamma Quadrant?that may be related to?Odo.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Alternate
3/0902.2505/24/2370ParallelsStar Trek - The Next GenerationParallels
3/0902.2505/24/2370The Skrreea, displaced humanoid farmers from the?Gamma Quadrant, claim?Bajor?as?Kentanna, their legendary homeland.Star Trek: Deep Space NineSanctuary
3/0902.2705/27/2370Upon learning of this, Starfleet begins imposing limitations on travel through the Gamma Quadrant to only necessary travel.STSTCSDominion War
3/0903.0305/31/2370InheritanceStar Trek - The Next GenerationInheritance
3/0903.0806/05/2370HomewardStar Trek - The Next GenerationHomeward
3/0903.1406/12/2370O'Brien?and?Bashir?help two warring races, the Kellerans and T'lani, erase all knowledge of a deadly?biological weapon, but are not trusted to keep what they have learned a secret.Star Trek: Deep Space NineArmageddon Game
3/0903.1406/12/2370Lieutenant Commander Sheva Hev'lek, Chief of Security of the USS Sheffield, is awarded the Andorian Battle Star for protecting the lives of Federation citizens against a superior force of Ferengi merchant enforcers on Borgia V.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
3/0903.1906/17/2370The PegasusStar Trek - The Next GenerationThe Pegasus
3/0903.2106/19/2370Sub RosaStar Trek - The Next GenerationSub Rosa
3/0904.2507/27/2370Lower DecksStar Trek - The Next GenerationLower Decks
3/0904.2707/29/2370Commander Sisko?and?Chief O'Brien?are stranded on a planet, Aurelius, where their leader, Alixus, rejects?technology, even when it means the death of others.Star Trek: Deep Space NineParadise
3/0904.3008/01/2370While preparing the station for upcoming peace talks,?O'Brien?discovers that the crew have been hiding information from him and giving orders behind his back. O'Brien begins to suspect everyone on the station is gradually being altered or replaced by an unknown force.Star Trek: Deep Space NineWhispers
3/0905.0708/09/2370Odo?and?Dax?investigate why a city's residents are disappearing.Star Trek: Deep Space NineShadowplay
3/0905.1008/12/2370Thine Own SelfStar Trek - The Next GenerationThine Own Self
3/0905.1208/14/2370MasksStar Trek - The Next GenerationMasks
3/0905.1308/16/2370Eye of the BeholderStar Trek - The Next GenerationEye of the Beholder
3/0905.2408/27/2370GenesisStar Trek - The Next GenerationGenesis
3/0906.0209/06/2370A proto-universe threatens to destroy the station and Bajor. Dax has a field docent (a trill candidate initiate), named Arjin, whom she helps find his voice — to discover what he wants from life and from joining.Star Trek: Deep Space NinePlaying God
3/0906.0909/14/2370Quark?is reunited with his former Cardassian lover, Natima Lang, but she is engaged in dangerous political intrigue with her students Rekela and Hogue: they want to reduce the political power of the Cardassian military.Star Trek: Deep Space NineProfit and Loss
3/0906.2610/02/2370Journey's EndStar Trek - The Next GenerationJourney's End
3/0907.0510/12/2370FirstbornStar Trek - The Next GenerationFirstborn
3/0907.0710/14/2370The USS Montgomery, out on a mapping expedition of the Gamma Quadrant, fails to return to Deep Space Nine at its scheduled time. Debris is located and it is determined thave been a sudden loss of antimatter containment. Later closer examination reveals phased polaron particles in the debris, indicating it was the first Starfleet vessel destroyed by the Jem’Hadar.STSTCSDominion War
3/0907.0910/16/2370Jadzia Dax?honors an oath made by?Curzon Dax?to three Klingons (Kor, Koloth, and Kang), and goes with them on a crusade against their sworn enemy "the Albino" who murdered their firstborn children as revenge for stopping his raid on a Klingon colony.Star Trek: Deep Space NineBlood Oath
3/0907.1410/21/2370Federation?colonists reject a treaty with?Cardassia?and take matters into their own hands, forming a terrorist group called 'The Maquis'.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Maquis, Part I
3/0907.1510/22/2370Federation?colonists reject a treaty with?Cardassia?and take matters into their own hands by planning to destroy a weapons depot at the Cardassian Bryma colony.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Maquis, Part II
3/0907.2310/31/2370BloodlinesStar Trek - The Next GenerationBloodlines
3/0907.2711/04/2370The Dominion deploys two columns of Jem’Hadar troops on New Bajor colony and massacre the entire settlement. Because a way of communications through the wormhole has not been established, the Bajoran Provisional Government is initially unaware of the attack. However, they grow a bit suspicious when a transport from New Bajor fails tarrive at Deep Space Nine, but the suspicion is not enough twarrant sending a ship tcheck on the colony.STSTCSDominion War
3/0907.2911/07/2370In order to save?Garak's life,?Bashir?must unravel some of the secrets in the?Cardassian's past.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Wire
3/0908.0311/12/2370Cadet Kimberly Calabrese is awarded the Grankite Order of Honor for her rescue of four comrades in a micro-warp shuttle training accident near Memory Alpha.FASAFASA TNG Officers Manual
3/0908.0511/14/2370EmergenceStar Trek - The Next GenerationEmergence
3/0908.0911/18/2370Kira?and?Bashir?accidentally cross to the?Mirror Universe, where a Klingon-Cardassian alliance rules. A century before, James T. Kirk had made a similar crossover, affecting human and galactic history. Terrans are slaves on the station.Star Trek: Deep Space NineCrossover
3/0908.2212/03/2370A?Bajoran?secretary named Kubus, who aided the?Cardassian?occupation forces wants to return home from exile. Vedek Winn engages in a power play to become Kai against Vedek Bareil.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Collaborator
3/0908.3012/11/2370Preemptive StrikeStar Trek - The Next GenerationPreemptive Strike
3/0908.3112/12/2370O'Brien?is declared guilty of an unspecified crime and later "tried" at a tribunal held on?Cardassia Prime.Star Trek: Deep Space NineTribunal
3/0909.1412/27/2370Sisko,?Jake,?Nog, and?Quark?go camping on a?Gamma Quadrant?world, but are captured by mysterious soldiers called the?Jem'Hadar?and meet a force, the Dominion, to rival the?Federation.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Jem'Hadar
3/0909.1512/28/2370Attack Fighter 31-Gamma-F-78054991 has the distinction of being the first Dominion ship in the Alpha Quadrant. Third Talok’Talon announces that the Dominion will tolerate no more Federation ships and colonies in the Gamma Quadrant. He informs Major Kira Nerys of the destruction of New Bajor.STSTCSDominion War
3/0909.1512/28/2370All Good Things...Star Trek - The Next GenerationAll Good Things...
3/0909.1612/29/2370The USS Odyssey and two DS9 runabouts head into the Gamma Quadrant trescue Commander Sisko. They succeed, but learn that Starfleet shields offer no protection against the Jem’Hadar’s phased polaron weapons. The Odyssey is destroyed with three hundred personnel on board.STSTCSDominion War
3/0909.2901/13/2371The USS West Virginia arrives at New Bajor, bringing families of the colonists, government officials, and Bajoran troops. Horrified at seeing the dead bodies rotting in the sun, the Bajorans hold a memorial service and beam up the bodies to be buried on Bajor.STSTCSDominion War
3/0911.3003/20/2371Sisko?takes the new?USS Defiant?into the?Gamma Quadrant?to find the mysterious leaders of the?Dominion?and avert a war, while?Odo?is drawn by instinct towards his home planet in the Omarion Nebula.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Search, Part I
3/0911.3003/20/2371Odo?begins to connect with his fellow?Changelings?as?Sisko?attempts to negotiate peace with the?Dominion.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Search, Part II
3/0912.0303/24/2371Quark?lies about killing a?Klingon, Kozak, and is then forced to marry the widow, Grilka, founding his own 'House of Quark'.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe House of Quark
3/0912.0603/27/2371A secret from?Dax's past could mean the end of the current host's life.Star Trek: Deep Space NineEquilibrium
3/0912.1003/31/2371Kira?is kidnapped by?Cardassians, surgically altered to look Cardassian and told she is actually an undercover Cardassian agent.Star Trek: Deep Space NineSecond Skin
3/0912.1404/05/2371The Federation Council holds its first Counter-Dominion Conference. Klingon, Romulan, and Cardassian delegations also attend.STSTCSDominion War
3/0912.2404/15/2371Starfleet Intelligence establishes its Dominion Analysis Task Force. In a highly dangerous maneuver, ten agents are implanted on multiple Dominion worlds.STSTCSDominion War
3/0912.2904/21/2371Quark purchases a salvaged ship from the Gamma Quadrant and discovers an infant on board.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Abandoned
3/1001.0304/26/2371While searching for a missing?Maquis?ship with a?Starfleet?officer aboard,?USS Voyager?is swept away to the?Delta Quadrant, more than 70,000 light-years from home, by an incredibly powerful being known as the "Caretaker."Star Trek - VoyagerCaretaker
3/1001.2805/23/2371Deep Space Nine?is progressively locked down after?O'Brien,?Jake?and?Sisko?accidentally activate an automated?Cardassian?security program. The program's counter-insurgency measures keep escalating until it initiates an auto-destruct. Gul Dukat beams on-board but is unable to stop the self-destruct sequence.Star Trek: Deep Space NineCivil Defense
3/1002.0806/04/2371Dax?falls in love with Deral who will soon disappear because he is a member of Meridian, a planet that phases between dimensions every 60 years.Star Trek: Deep Space NineMeridian
3/1002.1406/10/2371Voyager?is trapped in a?quantum singularity's?event horizon, and Captain Janeway must decide between Lt. Carey and former?Maquis?B'Elanna Torres?to be the new chief engineer.Star Trek - VoyagerParallax?
3/1002.1506/11/2371Lwaxana Troi?pursues?Odo?during the?Bajoran?Gratitude Festival as members of the crew suddenly become infatuated with one another.Star Trek: Deep Space NineFascination
3/1002.2406/21/2371Commander William Riker shows up unannounced and?Kira?shows him the Defiant, where he reveals his true motives for coming to Deep Space Nine.Star Trek: Deep Space NineDefiant
3/1002.2806/26/2371A transporter accident sends?Sisko,?Bashir, and?Dax?three centuries into Earth's dark past to a time just before the Bell riots, a violent civil disturbance in opposition to Sanctuaries which are controlled ghettos for the dispossessed.Star Trek: Deep Space NinePast Tense, Part I
3/1002.2806/26/2371Sisko?assumes the role of a pivotal historical figure, Gabriel Bell, in order to restore the timeline.Star Trek: Deep Space NinePast Tense, Part II
3/1003.0106/27/2371Investigating a planet just devastated by a polaric explosion,?Janeway?and?Paris?are engulfed by a subspace fracture and transported in time to before the accident.Star Trek - VoyagerTime and Again
3/1003.0607/02/2371Bashir's ethics are put to the test as he keeps?Vedek Bareil?alive long enough to help?Kai Winn?complete negotiations for a peace treaty with?Cardassia.Star Trek: Deep Space NineLife Support
3/1003.1307/10/2371When?Kira's life is put in jeopardy?Odo?expresses the depth of his feelings for her. Meanwhile, back on the station,?Nog?requests a letter of recommendation to Starfleet.Star Trek: Deep Space NineHeart of Stone
3/1003.1707/14/2371An organ-harvesting species known as the?Vidiians?steal?Neelix's lungs, leaving him to die.Star Trek - VoyagerPhage
3/1003.2107/18/2371Despite Trakor's?Bajoran?prophecy of destruction,?Sisko?assists in a joint scientific venture with the?Cardassians?to open communications through the?Bajoran wormhole.Star Trek: Deep Space NineDestiny
3/1003.2207/19/2371The crew enter a?nebula?to collect samples before realizing it is a living organism, and not before doing it an injury.Star Trek - VoyagerThe Cloud?
3/1003.2507/23/2371Quark?discovers that?Grand Nagus Zek?has written a new virtuous and benevolent set of the?Rules of Acquisition, which would put an end to the traditional?Ferengi?ways.Star Trek: Deep Space NineProphet Motive
3/1004.0107/30/2371Exposure to radiation causes?O'Brien?to jump five hours into the future for brief periods, as?Deep Space Nine?hosts?Romulan?and?Klingon?delegations.Star Trek: Deep Space NineVisionary
3/1004.0207/31/2371A micro-wormhole?is discovered that leads to the?Alpha Quadrant, and the crew make contact with a?Romulan?ship on the other side.Star Trek - VoyagerEye of the Needle?
3/1004.0708/05/2371Julian Bashir?is subjected to a telepathic attack by an alien seeking a restricted substance.Star Trek: Deep Space NineDistant Voices
3/1004.0908/08/2371Sisko?is convinced by "Smiley"?O'Brien?from a?parallel universe?to assume the role of the dead Captain Sisko.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThrough the Looking Glass
3/1004.1008/09/2371Tom Paris?is convicted of murder on an alien world, and his punishment is to witness the murder from the victim's perspective every 14 hours.Star Trek - VoyagerEx Post Facto?
3/1004.1608/15/2371Garak's tailor shop is bombed, forcing Odo to investigate who is trying to kill the Cardassian exile – and why.Star Trek: Deep Space NineImprobable Cause?(Part 1)
3/1004.1708/16/2371Garak?reluctantly tortures?Odo?for information to prove his loyalty to his former mentor, Enabran Tain, as a joint?Tal Shiar/Obsidian Order?attack on the?Founders?in the Omarian Nebula is underway, without Starfleet's involvement.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Die is Cast?(Part 2)Dominion War
3/1004.1808/17/2371Harry Kim?is transported to an alien world at the same time a dead woman's body arrives on?Voyager.Star Trek - VoyagerEmanations
3/1004.2008/20/2371GenerationsStar Trek - The Next GenerationGenerations
3/1004.2408/24/2371A race that could shorten?Voyager's journey with a transportation device will not share its technology.Star Trek - VoyagerPrime Factors?
3/1004.2908/29/2371Janeway and the other senior officers attempt to flush out a spy who is sending information to the?Kazon.Star Trek - VoyagerState of Flux
3/1005.1109/11/2371The?holographic doctor?must rescue crew members who were turned to light energy in a?Holodeck?simulation of?Beowulf.Star Trek - VoyagerHeroes and Demons?
3/1005.1309/13/2371Sisko?builds a replica of an ancient?Bajoran?space vessel and with?Jake?attempts to prove that the Bajorans developed interstellar travel before?Cardassians.Star Trek: Deep Space NineExplorers
3/1005.2409/25/2371Quark?returns to his home planet to confront his mother after hearing from the?Ferengi?Commerce Authority that she broke the law by earning profit.Star Trek: Deep Space NineFamily Business
3/1005.2509/26/2371A shuttlecraft with?Chakotay?and?Tuvok?aboard is attacked; Chakotay is left brain-dead, while Tuvok begins acting strangely. An unknown force begins controlling crewmembers.Star Trek - VoyagerCathexis
3/1005.3010/02/2371Failure of the Obsidian Order has ripple effects throughout the Cardassian Union. The Underground Movement rises up and overthrows the Central Command. For the first time in 200 years, Cardassia is free from military rule.STSTCSDominion War
3/1006.0410/07/2371Kai Winn?needs?Kira?to convince her former resistance leader, Shakaar, now a farmer on?Bajor, to return soil reclamators needed elsewhere in Rakantha, which used to be Bajor's most productive agricultural region.Star Trek: Deep Space NineShakaar
3/1006.1010/14/2371B'Elanna Torres?is split into her human and?Klingon?halves by the?Vidiians.Star Trek - VoyagerFaces
3/1006.1210/16/2371Starfleet Intelligence recalls its agents from Dominion Space. Only tware successfully extracted. Five are confirmed dead and the other three are listed as missing.STSTCSDominion War
3/1006.2711/01/2371A member of the?Haakonians, a race warring with the?Talaxians, arrives on?Voyager, much to the dismay of Neelix, whose family were killed by a?weapon of mass destructionthis particular individual devised.Star Trek - VoyagerJetrel?
3/1007.0211/06/2371Tuvok?trains several?Maquis?members who have not fully integrated into the?Voyager?crew.Star Trek - VoyagerLearning Curve
3/1007.1711/23/2371The Doctor?becomes delusional after an accident, causing him to believe that he is a flesh-and-blood person and his time on?USS Voyager?is a?holodeck?program.Star Trek - VoyagerProjections?
3/1007.2712/03/2371Space-dwelling life-forms cause?Kes?to enter the?Ocampan?fertile phase called?Elogium, putting pressure on her relationship with?Neelix?when she wants to have his child.Star Trek - VoyagerElogium?
3/1008.0412/12/2371A region of space distorts the interior of?Voyager.Star Trek - VoyagerTwisted?
3/1008.0912/17/2371Jadzia Dax?deals with feelings of inferiority as she encounters past hosts in a?Trill?Zhian'tara ceremony which is able to transfer the memories of former hosts into another recipient.Star Trek: Deep Space NineFacets
3/1008.1012/18/2371Ambassador Krajensky informs newly promoted Captain Sisko that there has been a coup on Tzenketh.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Adversary
3/1008.1112/19/2371Starfleet begins running drills at all installations thunt for changeling infiltrators.STSTCSDominion War
3/1008.1412/23/2371A group of humans from the 1930s are found in?stasis?on a seemingly abandoned planet, including the lost?Amelia Earhart.Star Trek - VoyagerThe 37's?
3/1008.2112/30/2371The Klingon High Council approves an invasion of Cardassia, believing the Founders thave orchestrated the overthrow. However, General Martok (leader of the Klingon military) has already been captured and replaced by a changeling.STSTCSDominion War
3/1008.2401/03/2372Chakotay?encounters a?Kazon?youth who is on an initiation rite; to earn his name by killing an enemy or to be killed in the attempt.Star Trek - VoyagerInitiations?
3/1008.2601/05/2372Harry Kim?wakes up in 24th century?San Francisco?with no record of him on?Voyager.Star Trek - VoyagerNon Sequitur?
3/1008.2601/05/2372A?Klingon?fleet arrives on its way to expand the Klingon Empire at the expense of the Cardassians in the face of the Dominion threat, and?Worf?is brought to DS9 to negotiate.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Way of the WarriorDominion War
3/1009.0501/15/2372The crew experience hallucinations brought on by an alien that put them into a trance-like state.Star Trek - VoyagerPersistence of Vision
3/1009.0501/15/2372An elderly?Jake Sisko?relates the story of how he lost his father to a temporal displacement accident.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Visitor
3/1009.1401/25/2372Bashir?assists a rogue group of?Jem'Hadar?led by Goran'Agar attempting to overcome their genetic addiction to Ketracel White. Goran'Agar is able to survive without the White and enlists the aid of Bashir to try to understand why.Star Trek: Deep Space NineHippocratic Oath
3/1009.1501/26/2372Partutition?Star Trek - VoyagerPartutition?
3/1010.0302/15/2372Forced to bring along?Dukat?on a personal mission to investigate the fate of the Ravinok,?Kira?discovers the real reason her old enemy wants to accompany her.Star Trek: Deep Space NineIndiscretion
3/1010.1703/01/2372An?Ocampan?helps?Kes?with her mental abilities as the crew encounter a being who appears to be the Caretaker's female counterpart.Star Trek - VoyagerCold Fire?
3/1010.2103/05/2372Assault at PullockSTSTCS2nd Klingon-Cardassian WarAssault at Pullock
3/1010.2803/13/2372Dax?is reunited with Lenara Kahn, the widow of one of her former hosts, Torias Dax, and the two struggle with their feelings for one another.Star Trek: Deep Space NineRejoined
3/1010.3003/15/2372Quark,?Rom,?Nog, and Odo are accidentally thrust back in time to?Roswell, New Mexico,?Earth, in 1947.Star Trek: Deep Space NineLittle Green Men
3/1011.0103/17/2372Kazon?Nistrim board?Voyager?and steal a?transporter?module in an attempt to unite the?Kazon?sects.Star Trek - VoyagerManeuvers?
3/1011.0203/18/2372Chakotay?encounters non-humans that have the same tattoo on their foreheads that he has.Star Trek - VoyagerTattoo?
3/1011.0303/19/2372Battle of GoralisSTSTCS2nd Klingon-Cardassian WarBattle of Goralis
3/1011.1203/29/2372A mission to acquire Telerium goes wrong causing?Tuvok?and?B'Elanna?to be captured and believed to be with the resistance.Star Trek - VoyagerResistance?
3/1011.1704/03/2372The Founders bomb a conference on Earth, with help of the Orion Syndicate and possibly the Suliban Cabal.STSTCSDominion War
3/1011.2004/06/2372The?USS?Defiant?becomes trapped in a planet's volatile atmosphere after battling with the?Jem'Hadar.Star Trek: Deep Space NineStarship DownDominion War
3/1011.2004/06/2372Worf,?Dax?and a revered?Klingon?Dahar master, Kor, search for the Sword of?Kahless?to unite the Klingon Empire.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Sword of Kahless
3/1011.2304/10/2372The crew find and reactivate a robot's body which was adrift in space only to find themselves in the middle of a war when?B'Elanna?is abducted.Star Trek - VoyagerPrototype?
3/1011.3004/17/2372Battle of RegulakSTSTCS2nd Klingon-Cardassian WarBattle of Regulak
3/1012.0304/20/2372Bashir?plays a 1960s secret agent in a holosuite, when Garak arrives unexpectedly.Star Trek: Deep Space NineOur Man Bashir
3/1012.0304/20/2372The crew encounter a member of the?Q Continuum?seeking to end his immortal life.Star Trek - VoyagerDeath Wish?c
3/1012.1104/29/2372Amleth StrikeSTSTCS2nd Klingon-Cardassian WarAmleth Strike
3/1012.1505/03/2372Janeway?attempts to form an alliance with the?Kazon?to improve?Voyager's standing in the?Delta Quadrant.Star Trek - VoyagerAlliances?
3/1012.2605/15/2372Sisko?and?Odo?are brought to Earth when it's suspected?Changelings?are infiltrating?Starfleet.Star Trek: Deep Space NineHomefront?(Part 1)Dominion War
3/1012.2805/17/2372Tom Paris?breaks the?transwarp?threshold in the Shuttlecraft?Cochrane, designed to reach warp 10, but there are some peculiar side effects.Star Trek - VoyagerThreshold?
3/1101.0905/30/2372Crewman?Lon Suder?murders an Engineering crewman for no apparent reason.?Tuvok?mind melds?with him to ascertain his motive.Star Trek - VoyagerMeld?
3/1101.0905/30/2372Strike at TevakSTSTCS2nd Klingon-Cardassian WarStrike at Tevak
3/1101.2206/13/2372A highly advanced?Cardassian?AI?missile that had been reprogrammed by?B'Elanna Torres?is found in the?Delta Quadrant.Star Trek - VoyagerDreadnought
3/1101.2306/14/2372Battke of VeloaSTSTCS2nd Klingon-Cardassian WarBattke of Veloa
3/1101.2506/17/2372Engagement at AlgiraSTSTCS2nd Klingon-Cardassian WarEngagement at Algira
3/1101.2806/20/2372Soukara StrikeSTSTCS2nd Klingon-Cardassian WarSoukara Strike
3/1102.0306/26/2372As?Sisko?and?Odo?prepare for a?Dominion?invasion they discover a plot to place the?Federation?under military control.Star Trek: Deep Space NineParadise Lost?(Part 2)Dominion War
3/1102.0406/27/2372Neelix tries to flush out the traitor on board who has been colluding with the?Kazon?Nistrim.Star Trek - VoyagerInvestigations?
3/1102.0707/01/2372Assault at OriasSTSTCS2nd Klingon-Cardassian WarAssault at Orias
3/1102.1007/04/2372The Doctor?helps a?Phage-ridden?Vidiian?woman.Star Trek - VoyagerLifesigns?
3/1102.1407/08/2372Odo's hidden feelings for?Kira?surface when the visiting?Bajoran?First Minister, Edon Shakaar, begins to court her.Star Trek: Deep Space NineCrossfire
3/1102.1807/12/2372Battle of LovalSTSTCS2nd Klingon-Cardassian WarBattle of Loval
3/1102.2007/15/2372Dukat?seeks?Kira's help in regaining his rank in the?Cardassian?Empire.Star Trek: Deep Space NineReturn to Grace
3/1102.2507/20/2372Attempting to evade the?Vidiians, a duplicate?Voyager?is created after it passes through a spatial?scission.Star Trek - VoyagerDeadlock
3/1102.2807/23/2372Cast out of?Klingon?society because of?Worf's dishonor, his outcast brother, Kurn, asks Worf to kill him.Star Trek: Deep Space NineSons of Mogh
3/1103.0207/26/2372Rom?creates a union for?Quark's employees and goes on strike.Star Trek: Deep Space NineBar Association
3/1103.0607/31/2372Tuvok?crash-lands on a moon and finds children who have been abandoned.Star Trek - VoyagerInnocence?
3/1103.1408/08/2372A famous?Bajoran?poet, Akorem Laan, who disappeared over 200 years ago appears from the wormhole and convinces?Sisko?that he is the true Emissary.Star Trek: Deep Space NineAccession
3/1103.1908/14/2372The crew find aliens mentally connected to a computer that has created a being that feeds on their fear.Star Trek - VoyagerThe Thaw?
3/1103.2608/21/2372Assault at BrymaSTSTCS2nd Klingon-Cardassian WarAssault at Bryma
3/1103.2708/22/2372First Battle of TorrosSTSTCS2nd Klingon-Cardassian WarFirst Battle of Torros
3/1103.2808/24/2372Clash at SimperiaSTSTCS2nd Klingon-Cardassian WarClash at Simperia
3/1104.0108/28/2372A transporter accident merges?Tuvok?and?Neelix?into a new person.Star Trek - VoyagerTuvix?
3/1104.0408/31/2372Worf?accidentally destroys a civilian ship during battle and faces a hearing to determine whether he should be extradited to the?Klingon?Empire.Star Trek: Deep Space NineRules of EngagementDominion War
3/1104.0909/06/2372O'Brien's?mind has been altered to create memories of being incarcerated for 20 years on an alien world on charges of espionage and sedition.Star Trek: Deep Space NineHard Time
3/1104.1309/10/2372Janeway?and?Chakotay?must adapt to life quarantined on a planet after they contract an incurable disease.Star Trek - VoyagerResolutions?
3/1104.1409/11/2372Destrouction of DopaSTSTCS2nd Klingon-Cardassian WarDestrouction of Dopa
3/1104.1609/13/2372Sisko?attempts to rescue?Jake?after he is lured into a war-torn mirror universe by his?mother's living counterpart.Star Trek: Deep Space NineShattered Mirror
3/1104.1709/14/2372While?Odo?assists a pregnant?Lwaxana Troi,?Jake?falls under the spell of a mysterious woman, Onaya.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Muse
3/1104.2609/24/2372Sisko?learns that his girlfriend?Kasidy?may be a?Maquis?smuggler.Star Trek: Deep Space NineFor the Cause
3/1104.2809/26/2372Second Battle of TorrosSTSTCS2nd Klingon-Cardassian WarSecond Battle of Torros
3/1105.0410/02/2372Assault at LazonSTSTCS2nd Klingon-Cardassian WarAssault at Lazon
3/1106.0811/09/2372Garrisoning of AtbarSTSTCS2nd Klingon-Cardassian WarGarrisoning of Atbar
3/1106.1911/21/2372Attack on CardassiaSTSTCS2nd Klingon-Cardassian WarAttack on Cardassia
3/1106.2411/27/2372Sisko?and the?Defiant?crew join forces with the?Jem'Hadar?to stop a group of Jem'Hadar renegades from gaining power.Star Trek: Deep Space NineTo the DeathDominion War
3/1106.2611/29/2372Bashir?tries to free the population of a?Gamma Quadrant?world in the Teplan system of an engineered disease left by the?Dominion?200 years ago.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe QuickeningDominion War
3/1107.0312/06/2372Quark?is diagnosed with a terminal disease, Dorek's Syndrome, and given a week to live.Star Trek: Deep Space NineBody Parts
3/1107.1312/17/2372First Battle of DS9STSTCSKlingon - Federation Arcanis WarFirst Battle of DS9
3/1107.1412/18/2372Conflict at CapellaSTSTCSKlingon - Federation Arcanis WarConflict at Capella
3/1107.1412/18/2372Battle at Minos KorvaSTSTCSKlingon - Federation Arcanis WarBattle at Minos Korva
3/1107.1412/18/2372Odo?collapses and is taken to the Infirmary. The doctor discovers Odo is losing his ability to maintain solid form.Star Trek: Deep Space NineBroken LinkDominion War
3/1107.1512/19/2372Jutland IncidentSTSTCSKlingon - Federation Arcanis WarJutland Incident
3/1107.1512/19/2372Battle of TorgaSTSTCS2nd Klingon-Cardassian WarBattle of Torga
3/1107.1612/20/2372Engagement at CygnetSTSTCSKlingon - Federation Arcanis WarEngagement at Cygnet
3/1107.1612/20/2372Engagement at K'NomiaSTSTCSKlingon - Federation Arcanis WarEngagement at K'Nomia
3/1107.1712/21/2372Battle of DubheSTSTCSKlingon - Federation Arcanis WarBattle of Dubhe
3/1107.1812/22/2372Dakala StrikeSTSTCSKlingon - Federation Arcanis WarDakala Strike
3/1107.1812/22/2372Rakon StikeSTSTCSKlingon - Federation Arcanis WarRakon Stike
3/1107.1812/22/2372Assault at XepoliteSTSTCSKlingon - Federation Arcanis WarAssault at Xepolite
3/1107.1912/23/2372Battle of RegulonSTSTCSKlingon - Federation Arcanis WarBattle of Regulon
3/1107.1912/24/2372Oddsey IncecdentSTSTCSKlingon - Federation Arcanis WarOddsey Incecdent
3/1107.1912/24/2372Strike at KoralisSTSTCSKlingon - Federation Arcanis WarStrike at Koralis
3/1107.2012/25/2372Battle of TammeronSTSTCSKlingon - Federation Arcanis WarBattle of Tammeron
3/1107.2112/26/2372Engagement at BeneciaSTSTCSKlingon - Federation Arcanis WarEngagement at Benecia
3/1107.2112/26/2372Camus SkirmishSTSTCSKlingon - Federation Arcanis WarCamus Skirmish
3/1107.2212/27/2372Chimera EngagementSTSTCSKlingon - Federation Arcanis WarChimera Engagement
3/1107.2412/29/2372Dark Blade EngagementSTSTCSKlingon - Federation Arcanis WarDark Blade Engagement
3/1107.2512/30/2372Belgium EngagementSTSTCSKlingon - Federation Arcanis WarBelgium Engagement
3/1107.2612/31/2372Battle of CaldikSTSTCSKlingon - Federation Arcanis WarBattle of Caldik
3/1107.2701/01/2373Battle of Ajilon PrimeSTSTCSKlingon - Federation Arcanis WarBattle of Ajilon Prime
3/1107.2701/01/2373Admiral Borren D'gret leads a counterattack against the Klingons. The 90th Tactical Wing, under the leadership of Rear Admiral Richard Monroe, attacks the Klingon supply base in the Ganalda system. Afterwards, Admiral D'gret's Seventh Fleet encircles a large Klingon force just outside the system. Gowron orders his forces twithdraw inta tighter perimeter.STSTCSKlingon - Federation Arcanis WarBattle of Ganalda
3/1107.3001/04/2373Starfleet?assigns?Sisko?to expose the?Changeling?infiltrator in the Klingon Empire.Star Trek: Deep Space NineApocalypse RisingDominion War
3/1108.0301/09/2373Seska?and the?Kazon-Nistrim?take control of?Voyager?and maroon its crew on a primitive planet.Star Trek - VoyagerThe Basics, Part I?
3/1108.0401/10/2373The crew must learn to survive on the inhospitable planet as the?Doctor, Crewman?Suder?and?Paris?attempt to regain control of the ship.Star Trek - VoyagerThe Basics, Part II?
3/1108.1301/19/2373While exploring in the Gamma Quadrant, Sisko, Dax, Worf, and O'Brien see a Jem'Hadar warship crash on the planet's surface.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe ShipDominion War
3/1108.1501/22/2373Assault at PandoraSTSTCS2nd Klingon-Cardassian WarAssault at Pandora
3/1108.1701/24/2373Kes?is left?comatose?after contacting an energy field around a rock.Star Trek - VoyagerSacred Ground?
3/1108.2101/28/2373The crew encounter the Delta Quadrant terminus of the Barzan wormhole...and the two?Ferengi?from?"The Price"?now posing as gods on a nearby planet.Star Trek - VoyagerFalse Profits?
3/1108.2502/01/2373Worf finds himself attracted to Grilka, Quark's ex wife, when she visits the station.Star Trek: Deep Space NineLooking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places
3/1109.0802/16/2373Dr. Bashir has been away at a conference and Jake Sisko has accompanied him to research a profile he is writing about the doctor. Returning in a runabout, they get a distress call from a federation colony under Klingon attack.Star Trek: Deep Space Nine...Nor the Battle to the Strong
3/1109.0802/16/2373Tuvok?experiences brain-damaging flashbacks to his service on the?Excelsior. He and the captain attempt to find the reason for the flashbacks, believed to be a suppressed memory, through a joint mindmeld.Star Trek - VoyagerFlashback
3/1109.1802/27/2373Tom Paris?and?Harry Kim?are trapped in a prison. Tom gets stabbed trying to protect Kim, leaving him to try and find an escape plan alone. Simultaneously, Voyager is trying to find a way to prove their innocence.Star Trek - VoyagerThe Chute?
3/1109.1802/27/2373Dibacle at Chin'TokaSTSTCS2nd Klingon-Cardassian WarDibacle at Chin'Toka
3/1109.2303/05/2373Keiko returns from a journey and informs O'Brien that she is really an entity that has taken possession of his wife's body.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Assignment
3/1110.0303/16/2373B'Elanna?experiences vivid dreams.Star Trek - VoyagerRemember?
3/1110.0803/21/2373Worf and Dax vacation on the pleasure planet, Risa, and encounter unexpected dangers.Star Trek: Deep Space NineLet He Who Is Without Sin...
3/1110.2004/03/2373Sisko,?Odo,?Dax?and?Garak?are found unconscious. While Bashir attempts to revive their bodies, the four wake up during the Cardassian occupation of Bajor several years earlier.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThings Past
3/1110.2004/03/2373Voyager?encounters a swarm of ships while trying to take a shortcut through a space belonging to a hostile species, while the?Doctor?begins to experience memory loss.Star Trek - VoyagerThe Swarm?
3/1110.3004/14/2373A 29th century timeship causes a time paradox when it accidentally sends itself and?Voyager?to two different periods in 20th century Earth.Star Trek - VoyagerFuture's End, Part I?
3/1111.0104/16/2373Assault at QuatalSTSTCS2nd Klingon-Cardassian WarAssault at Quatal
3/1111.0204/17/2373Forced to crash land on a desolate planet, Odo and Quark learn they lost their communications system, replicator, and most rations in an explosion.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Ascent
3/1111.1004/25/2373Janeway?must prevent the destruction of the solar system by a 20th century entrepreneur who has acquired the timeship.Star Trek - VoyagerFuture's End, Part II?
3/1111.1404/30/2373An accident causes?Sisko?to have?prophetic?visions.Star Trek: Deep Space NineRapture
3/1111.2205/08/2373Kes?is controlled by an alien warlord named Tieran.Star Trek - VoyagerWarlord
3/1112.0405/21/2373Q?visits?Voyager?with a proposal for?Janeway?as civil war breaks out in the?Q Continuum.Star Trek - VoyagerThe Q and the Grey?
3/1112.0505/23/2373Engagement at TrelkaSTSTCS2nd Klingon-Cardassian WarEngagement at Trelka
3/1112.1506/02/2373Someone is killing?Kira's friends off and she might be next.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Darkness and the Light
3/1112.1806/05/2373Voyager?answers help from a mining colony about a?viral?outbreak that manages to sneak onto?Voyager?through the?transporter, leaving only?Janeway?and?the doctor?to stop it.Star Trek - VoyagerMacrocosm?
3/1112.2406/12/2373Voyager?approaches the edge of?Neelix's knowledge and a trading station.Star Trek - VoyagerFair Trade?
3/1112.2706/15/2373When?Quark?discovers an infant?Changeling, it has a profound effect on?Odo. Meanwhile, Kira goes into labor.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Begotten
3/1112.3006/18/2373The crew enjoys a?luau?on the?holodeck?and?Tuvok?discovers an unusual hologram.Star Trek - VoyagerAlter Ego?
3/1201.0706/27/2373Michael Eddington?returns and?Sisko?becomes obsessed with catching him.Star Trek: Deep Space NineFor the Uniform
3/1201.1807/09/2373Janeway?appears to be trapped in a time-loop with different events, but all ending in her death.Star Trek - VoyagerCoda?
3/1201.2007/11/2373Worf?and?Garak?journey to the?Gamma Quadrant?to investigate a coded?Cardassian?message.Star Trek: Deep Space NineIn Purgatory's Shadow?(Part 1)Dominion War
3/1201.2507/16/2373Vorik?passes on the?Pon farr?to?B'Elanna.Star Trek - VoyagerBlood Fever?
3/1202.0307/26/2373Gul Dukat?aligns the?Cardassians?with the?Dominion. The?station?must deal with a?Changeling?infiltrator.Star Trek: Deep Space NineBy Inferno's Light?(Part 2)Dominion War
3/1202.0507/28/2373A Klingon presence is established on Deep Space Nine, with General Martok commanding.STSTCSDominion War
3/1202.1608/09/2373Julian Bashir?is selected to become the model for a?Long-term Medical Hologram, until a family secret is revealed.Star Trek: Deep Space NineDoctor Bashir, I Presume?
3/1202.2008/13/2373Chakotay?answers a call for help on a planet and finds himself in the middle of a shoot-out between two groups of people while the?Voyager?crew discover an abandoned?Borgship.Star Trek - VoyagerUnity?
3/1202.2008/14/2373A massive offensive is launched against the Maquis. Nine planets become uninhabitable and an estimated three million Maquis are slaughtered.STSTCSDominion War
3/1202.2808/22/2373Odo?falls in love with a woman, Arissa, involved in the?Orion Syndicate.Star Trek: Deep Space NineA Simple Investigation
3/1203.1309/05/2373Quark?becomes involved with a group of arms dealers, led by his cousin Gaila.Star Trek: Deep Space NineBusiness as Usual
3/1203.1809/11/2373The Doctor?tries to graft other personalities into his program, but the resulting 'upgrade' causes him to develop an evil alternate personality.Star Trek - VoyagerDarkling?
3/1203.2509/18/2373Tekeny Ghemor?arrives on?Deep Space Nine?and reveals that he is dying.Star Trek: Deep Space NineTies of Blood and Water
3/1203.2509/18/2373Voyager?helps a planet with asteroid problems.?Tuvok?and?Neelix?crash-land on the planet and attempt to fix a?maglev?space elevator.Star Trek - VoyagerRise?
3/1203.3109/25/2373Harry Kim?is contacted by a planet full of women.Star Trek - VoyagerFavorite Son?
3/1204.0810/03/2373At the end of his rope,?Quark?returns home and discovers?Moogie?has a secret lover.Star Trek: Deep Space NineFerengi Love Songs
3/1204.2010/16/2373Shortly before her death in the future,?Kes?begins to travel backwards in time, with a portion of events occurring in the?Year of Hell.Star Trek - VoyagerBefore and After?
3/1204.2210/18/2373Martok,?Worf, and?Dax?go on a mission aboard a?Klingon?ship to search for the B'moth.Star Trek: Deep Space NineSoldiers of the EmpireDominion War
3/1204.2810/25/2373An accident causes the crew to meet their own?descendants?- and presents them with an?ethical?dilemma.Star Trek: Deep Space NineChildren of Time
3/1205.0611/02/2373The Doctor?creates a family on the?holodeck.Star Trek - VoyagerReal Life?
3/1205.1411/11/2373An act of desperation by the?Maquis?could plunge the?Federation?into war. The Maquis have 30 cloaked missiles headed to Cardassia which will cause an outbreak of war in the alpha quadrant.Star Trek: Deep Space NineBlaze of GloryDominion War
3/1205.1911/16/2373The Dominion begins sending weekly convoys of ships to Cardassia.STSTCSDominion War
3/1205.1911/16/2373A reptilian scientist trying to prove his heretical theories kidnaps?Chakotay?and draws the entire crew in conflict between his race's doctrine and the startling truth about its origin.Star Trek - VoyagerDistant Origin?
3/1205.1911/17/2373Starfleet halts all civilian traffic along the Cardassian border. The 2nd and 5th Fleets are placed near Minos Korva.STSTCSDominion War
3/1205.2511/23/2373First ContactStar Trek - The Next GenerationFirst Contact
3/1205.2911/27/2373O'Brien, Garak, Nog and an engineering team go to?Deep Space Nine's abandoned sister space station, Empok Nor, to salvage components. The away team soon discover that all is not as it seems.Star Trek: Deep Space NineEmpok Nor
3/1206.0111/30/2373Crew members are replaced one-by-one with aliens from an unknown race.Star Trek - VoyagerDisplaced?
3/1206.0612/06/2373Jake?wants to give his?father?a present to cheer him up, a 1951 Willie Mays baseball card, but runs into complications with a mysterious geneticist, Dr. Giger, and a Dominion ambassador group.Star Trek: Deep Space NineIn the Cards
3/1206.1012/10/2373Under the advisement of Captain Sisko, Bajor signs a non-aggression pact with the Dominion. The Tholians, the Gorn, and the Miradorn also sign non-aggression pacts, as well as the Romulans in a stunning move.STSTCSDominion War
3/1206.1412/15/2373B'Elanna Torres?discovers a holodeck program where?Chakotay?and the?Maquis?rebel against?Janeway.Star Trek - VoyagerWorst Case Scenario?
3/1206.2212/23/2373Faced with the realization that the?Dominion?are taking over the?Alpha Quadrant, Sisko decides to?mine?the entrance to the wormhole with self-replicating cloaked mines, thus beginning the?Dominion War.Star Trek: Deep Space NineCall to ArmsDominion War
3/1206.2212/23/2373Federation Council ratifies Emergency Powers Amendment, the first step at placing Starfleet, the economy and government on a war footing. Production of consumer items is diminished with priority given tmilitary production. Transporter and replicator usage is rationed. Defense systems at all member worlds are brought tstand-by status.STSTCSDominion War
3/1206.2212/23/2373Klingon High Council takes up residence at Ty’Gokor. Gowron calls all able-bodied warriors toin the KDF.STSTCSDominion War
3/1206.2412/25/2373The Dominion launch a large scale attack against DS9. Over 300 Dominion vessels attack the station, USS Defiant and IKS Rotarran. The Defiant successfully completes the mining of the wormhole and escapes with the Rotarran. The Dominion and Cardassians retake the station.STSTCSDominion War
3/1206.2412/25/2373Upon detection of the Dominion fleet’s movement toward Bajor, Federation-Klingon Task Force Alpha strikes and destroys the Cardassian shipyards at Torros III. Dominion ship production is set back for months.STSTCSDominion WarBattle of Torros III
3/1206.2512/26/2373Voyager?must pass through?Borg?space, only to discover a new alien race that are even deadlier than the Borg.Star Trek - VoyagerScorpion, Part I?
3/1206.2712/29/2373News of the Second Battle of Deep Space Nine reaches Earth. A unanimous vote by the Federation Council declares war on the Dominion and its allies. Chancellor Gowron is present in San Franciscand signs the declaration as well. Starfleet initiates its draft protocols and war education. The Federation Network restructures tprovide news from the front lines. Production at shipyards such as Utopia Planitia is accelerated by 200%. President Rosarev announces the declaration at 14:00 CET. He assumes his role as Commander-in-Chief of Starfleet by ordering the Seventh, Ninth and Tenth Fleets tthe Spinward Theater of Operations.STSTCSDominion War
3/1206.2912/31/2373The Cardassian Union declares war against the Federation and Klingon Empire. Gul Dukat advances loyal officers tLegate and establishes Dominion Headquarters on Terok Nor. Glinn Corat Damar is appointed Strategic Operations Officer on Terok Nor.STSTCSDominion War
3/1207.0101/02/2374Janeway?and?Tuvok?work with the?Borg?and meet?Seven of Nine?as they work on developing a weapon against?Species 8472?in exchange for safe passage through?Borg?space.Star Trek - VoyagerScorpion, Part II?
3/1207.0301/04/2374Kes' mental abilities develop to a point where they endanger?Voyager.Star Trek - VoyagerThe Gift
3/1207.0301/04/2374In two weeks, three million personnel enlist in Starfleet. Training is cut down tfour-six months.STSTCSDominion War
3/1207.0401/05/2374Three months into the war, DS9 is still under Dominion control.?Sisko?and his crew are given a mission to destroy a vital Ketracel White facility deep in?Dominion?space by infiltrating Dominion space with a captured Jem'Hadar ship. Jake is working for the Federation News Service. Odo is head of Terok Nor's security supported by the Vorta Weyoun.Star Trek: Deep Space NineA Time to StandDominion War
3/1207.0501/06/2374The Dominion-Cardassian forces consolidate their gains. Repair crews work trestore Terok Nor’s wrecked systems.STSTCSDominion War
3/1207.0601/07/2374Admiral William Ross is appointed commander of the 9th Fleet and Supreme Commander of Strategic Forces in the Bajoran Sector.STSTCSDominion War
3/1207.1001/12/2374A Dominion delegation meets with Grand Nagus Zek in an attempt topen an alliance. Despite the promise of “vast stretches of Federation space and mineral rich worlds”, Zek decides that the Dominion would have greater restrictions in a post-war quadrant than the Federation would. He bluntly refuses. However, the Dominion begins planning a move at revenge.STSTCSDominion War
3/1207.1501/17/2374With Terok Nor’s systems at optimal operating capacity, Gul Dukat launches his first major offensive into Federation territory. First planet tbe attacked is Verrilear. Within hours, the 14th and 19th Fleets find themselves surrounded and flee before they can be attacked. The 21st Fleet is not slucky. It is attacked in the Tibor Nebula by Gul Medol Pettar. Out of 100 ships, 60 are able tescape.STSTCSDominion WarOperation Urrent Gar
3/1207.1501/17/2374B'Elanna?tries to observe the?Klingon?Day of Honor after the warp core is lost.Star Trek - VoyagerDay of Honor?
3/1207.1801/20/2374Starfleet 4th Fleet pushed back from Cardassian-Federation border. 54 ships and 13,200 personnel lost.Last Unicorn GamesThe Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of ArmageddonDominion WarBattle of Rumarda
3/1207.2101/23/2374Strike Fleet 29-Gamma-R attempts tplow its way through the minefield. Out of 300 ships, only five reach the Alpha Quadrant. Weyoun orders that nDominion fleet may transit the wormhole until the minefield can be disabled. Glinn Damar is assigned tthe team that is bringing down the minefield.STSTCSDominion War
3/1207.2201/25/2374The Cardassian 16th Order attacks the Andorian agricultural colony Hesperus. Despite valiant fighting, the Andorians fall back against Cardassian tanks and artillery. Gul Tarska Hesar, a young officer commanding the 501st Kheshar(regiment), attacks a heavily fortified Imperial Guard position despite being outnumbered 2:1. After twelve hours of heavy artillery fire, the Andorians surrender believing themselves tbe outnumbered. Gul Dukat awards Hesar the Legate’s Crest of Valor and a promotion to Arjagul.STSTCSDominion WarInvasion of Hesperus
3/1207.2801/31/2374With three order groups advancing deep into Federation space, Dukat gives Order Group Core priority in order to protect Order Group Centre's flank. The result leads to two large salients around Inasand Tyra. Starfleet plans a counterattack in both systems, hoping tturn the Dominion's flank.STSTCSDominion War
3/1207.2801/31/2374Chakotay?helps fight in an alien war.Star Trek - VoyagerNemesis?
3/1207.3102/03/2374A Federation-Klingon Fleet led by Captain Sisko is ambushed by Jem’Hadar. Out of sixty ships, twenty are able tescape.STSTCSDominion WarBattle of InasI II
3/1208.0302/07/2374Having carefully analyzed his assault against the 21st Fleet, Gul Pettar attacks the Seventh Fleet at Tyra. The fleet is utterly annihilated. Only 14 ships out of 112 survive. Admiral Borren D’gret is killed. Ships of the 61st and 90th Tactical Wings survive. They are reformed as the 96th Tactical Wing and assigned to Second Fleet.Last Unicorn GamesThe Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of ArmageddonDominion WarBattle of Tyra
3/1208.0502/09/2374Sisko?and his tired crew crash on a planet where they encounter a band of?Jem'Hadar.Star Trek: Deep Space NineRocks and ShoalsDominion War
3/1208.0702/11/2374Using a captured Jem’Hadar attack fighter, Captain Siskand his crew infiltrate the Dominion’s primary Ketracel-White storage facility and destroy it.STSTCSDominion War
3/1208.1002/14/2374The 15th and 17th Orders launch assault near the Bolian system. The Federation launches a counterstrike while a Klingon fleet destroys a supply convoy. The Cardassian-Dominion forces withdraw.STSTCSDominion WarOperation Blue Room
3/1208.1402/18/2374Cardassian patrol ships begin moving through the Badlands, hunting vulnerable Klingon convoys. This becomes the longest running battle of the entire war.STSTCSDominion WarBattle of the Badlands
3/1208.1902/24/2374While on?General Martok's ship?Worf?is reunited with his estranged son,?Alexander.Star Trek: Deep Space NineSons and DaughtersDominion War
3/1208.1902/24/2374Fifth Fleet engages the 19th and 24th Orders on outskirts of the Vulcan system. Despite being outnumber, the Fifth Fleet is able thold off the Dominion long enough for reinforcements tarrive. After an eight-week long siege of the system, the Dominion pulls back. This marks the first failure in Dukat's war effort.Last Unicorn GamesThe Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of ArmageddonDominion WarFirst Battle of Vulcanis
3/1208.2002/25/2374Sisko?creates a risky plan to disable a critical?Dominion?sensor array able to see 5 sectors out, while on?Terok Nor,?Kira,?Jake,?Rom?and?Odo?seek to undermine the?Cardassian/Dominion?Alliance.Star Trek: Deep Space NineBehind the LinesDominion War
3/1208.2002/25/2374The Defiant successfully destroys a Dominion sensor array in the Argolis Cluster.STSTCSDominion War
3/1208.2302/28/2374Arjagul Hesar launches an invasion of Tertius. The 16th Order distinguishes itself in the attack.STSTCSDominion WarInvasion of Tertius
3/1208.2903/07/2374The 96th Tactical Wing, better known as the "Laughing Sawfish", ambushes three Jem'Hadar Battle Cruisers carrying Ketracel-White to Terok Nor.STSTCSDominion WarSawfish Engagement
3/1208.3103/09/2374With morale at an all-time low, Captain Siskprepares a plan tretake Deep Space Nine. Operation Return calls for a four-pronged assault on the station, cutting off the Dominion ships from escape and allowing fortification before Dominion reinforcements can arrive. The Second Fleet falls back from the Kotanka system while the Fifth Fleet is pulled off the Vulcan border. Both rendezvous at Starbase 375. The Ninth Fleet heads for the build-up from the Kalandra Sector. General Martok and Worf head off tsee Chancellor Gowron for a contingent of Klingon ships.STSTCSDominion War
3/1209.0103/10/2374A?hologram?contacts?Voyager?and the?Doctor?is excited to meet another hologram.Star Trek - VoyagerRevulsion?
3/1209.1003/19/2374Damar’s staff succeeds in finding a way to deactivate the mines. Using an anti-graviton beam, they can disable the replicator units. He boasts about this to Quark, who informs Major Kira. They are able tget a message tStarfleet through the courier Morn. Admiral Ross and Siskreceive the message. With the 9th Fleet a day behind and nword of Klingon ships, Siskis forced tlaunch the attack with only half of his planned forces.STSTCSDominion War
3/1209.1103/21/2374Seven of Nine?experiences?Borg?flashbacks as she attempts to become more human.Star Trek - VoyagerThe Raven
3/1209.1203/22/2374Sisko?commands the?Defiant?and 600 Federation ships against a?Dominion/Cardassian?armada to retake?Deep Space Nine.?Damar?has?Kira,?Jake, and?Leeta?arrested.Star Trek: Deep Space NineSacrifice of Angels?(Part 2)Dominion WarOperation Return
3/1209.2103/31/2374The crew have unexplained illnesses as they are closely observed by unseen intruders.Star Trek - VoyagerScientific Method?
3/1209.2204/01/2374Worf's plans for a traditional?Klingon?wedding hinge on?Martok's demanding wife, Sirella, accepting?Dax?into their family.Star Trek: Deep Space NineYou are Cordially Invited...
3/1209.2904/09/2374Voyager?creates a new?Astrometrics?Lab, which maps a new course that brings them into contact with a Krenim temporal ship that can erase things from history.Star Trek - VoyagerYear of Hell, Part I?
3/1210.0404/14/2374523rd Tactical Wing captures Taivok Nor at Svandroth.STSTCSDominion WarCapture of Taivok Nor
3/1210.0604/17/2374The mirror universe counterpart of?Kira's dead love,?Vedek Bareil, takes her hostage on?Deep Space Nine?as he is running from the evil Alliance of his universe.Star Trek: Deep Space NineResurrection
3/1210.1804/29/2374Damar becomes Legate of the Cardassian Union. He attempts topen peace talks with the Federation, but it is realized that the proposal is a secret move tpeacefully secure a planet containing the ingredients of Ketracel-White.STSTCSDominion War
3/1210.2105/03/2374Bashir?attempts to reintegrate genetically-engineered misfits into society, but they are asked by?Starfleet?to become a think tank when they provide insightful analysis of upcoming?Dominion?peace talks.Star Trek: Deep Space NineStatistical Probabilities
3/1211.0105/15/2374Torres?is arrested while visiting a world of telepaths where violent thoughts are a crime.Star Trek - VoyagerRandom Thoughts?
3/1211.0205/16/2374Quark?mounts a rescue mission when his mother, Ishka, is captured by the?Dominion?and?Grand Nagus Zek?offers a reward for her return.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Magnificent Ferengi
3/1211.0805/22/2374Aliens steal several key components of?Voyager, which are retrieved with assistance from a holographic?Leonardo da Vinci.Star Trek - VoyagerConcerning Flight?
3/1211.1305/27/2374Cordian is attacked, setting back Federation dilithium production. 1500 miners are killed when orbital assaults collapse the dilithium mines.STSTCSDominion WarRaid on Coridan
3/1211.1706/01/2374Sisko?meets with the former?Cardassian?leader?Gul Dukat, now a prisoner, as he awaits a war crimes investigation.Star Trek: Deep Space NineWaltzDominion War
3/1211.2106/05/2374A badly damaged?Voyager?hides in a nebula as a skeleton crew attempts repairs; meanwhile the Krenim commander proposes a compromise to?Chakotay?and?Paris.Star Trek - VoyagerYear of Hell, Part II?
3/1211.2906/14/2374Neelix?dies in an attempt to sample proto-matter from a nebula.?Seven of Nine?helps resuscitate him using?Borg?nanoprobes, but?Neelix, having no memory of an afterlife of any kind, experiences a spiritual crisis.Star Trek - VoyagerMortal Coil?
3/1211.2906/14/2374Morn?is killed in an ion storm and?Sisko?informs?Quark?that Morn left his entire estate to him. But Quark has a little competition.Star Trek: Deep Space NineWho Mourns for Morn?
3/1212.0306/18/2374After Captain Swofford's ship, the Cortez, is destroyed,?Sisko?considers leaving?Starfleet.Star Trek: Deep Space NineFar Beyond the StarsDominion War
3/1212.0406/19/2374The?Doctor's program is sent to an advanced?Starfleet?vessel via a vast ancient communications network, but he soon discovers that only he and the ship's own?EMH?remain to fight against?Romulans?who have taken over the ship and are attempting to return to Romulan space with it.Star Trek - VoyagerMessage in a Bottle?
3/1212.0706/22/2374The crew become trapped in a shared nightmare generated by alien technology. Only?Chakotay, through his?Native American?spiritual capabilities, can save them.Star Trek - VoyagerWaking Moments
3/1212.0806/23/2374Dax,?O'Brien, and?Bashir?board a?Runabout, which is shrunken to four inches long as they investigate a rare subspace compression phenomenon.Star Trek: Deep Space NineOne Little Ship
3/1212.1707/03/2374A transmission from?Starfleet Command?gets held at a?Hirogen?relay station and?Janeway?sets course to retrieve it.Star Trek - VoyagerHunters
3/1212.2107/08/2374Starfleet Intelligence?recruits Chief?O'Brien?to infiltrate the?Orion Syndicate?to find a?Starfleet?informant.Star Trek: Deep Space NineHonor Among Thieves
3/1212.2507/12/2374Starfleet's 352nd Tactical Wing engages Dominion forces near Betazed, ultimately destroying the crucial command carrier Alpha-26. The battle is costly for both sidesSTSTCSDominion WarAttack on Carrier Alpha-26
3/1212.2507/12/2374Dominion launches an assault on several systems. Sadok’Toran Liska’s 11th Jem’Hadar Division captures Zhamur and Moreska in rapid succession. The 16th Order moves in on New Xindus. The Xindi Council orders an evacuation of the planet. Because of a lack of suitable ships, two million civilians are chosen by lottery to flee. Command staff of the 29th Fleet leaves for the heavily fortified Azati Prime system. Xindi Defense Forces form a perimeter within the home system.STSTCSDominion WarKalandra Campaign - Attack on Zhamur
3/1212.2507/12/2374Following the capture of Zhamur, Moreska is capturedSTSTCSDominion WarKalandra Campaign - Attack on Moreska
3/1301.0807/27/2374Arjagul Hesar’s 16th Order attacks the Xindus system. The Xindi Defense Forces hold off the assault for six hours, allowing the two million civilians to flee the system. Once the last civilian ships flee, Commander Guruk warps his fleet back to Xindus; their crews beam to remote locations. Xindus is captured and is established as headquarters for all Dominion forces in the Kalandra Sector. Councilor Bariq Adoma flees tthe Kethori Mountains and begins forming a resistance movement, one of the longest running resistance campaigns in the entire war.STSTCSDominion WarFirst Battle of New Xindus
3/1301.1808/07/2374A changeling infiltrator wrecks the computers at Utopia Planitia, severely limiting Starfleet production capabilities.STSTCSDominion War
3/1301.1808/07/2374When?Jadzia Dax?is critically injured on an away mission,?Worf?must choose between saving his wife and completing their assignment.Star Trek: Deep Space NineChange of HeartDominion War
3/1301.2408/13/2374Rapid Response Team 23 infiltrate the strategically important Cardassian Station Vuldok Nor. The team, lead by Lieutenant Nosar Drin, succeeds in destroying the station along with 15,000 Cardassians.Last Unicorn GamesThe Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of ArmageddonDominion WarSabotage of Vuldok Nor
3/1302.0208/23/2374When?Dukat?reveals to?Kira?her mother, Kira Meru, did not die when she was three, but was actually his lover, Kira goes into the past using the?Bajoran?Orb of Time to find the truth.Star Trek: Deep Space NineWrongs Darker Than Death or Night
3/1302.0608/27/2374Voyager?rescues a?Hirogen?survivor who tells them a new kind of prey is on the loose.Star Trek - VoyagerPrey?
3/1302.0808/29/2374After experiencing unsettling hallucinations,?Seven of Nine?is hypnotized by the?Doctor?whose analysis reveals a trader may have extracted?Borg?technology from?Seven?without her consent.Star Trek - VoyagerRetrospect
3/1302.1409/05/2374Bashir?is accused of unknowingly spying for the?Dominion.Star Trek: Deep Space NineInquisitionDominion War
3/1302.1809/09/2374The?Hirogen?implant devices into the crew making them believe they are characters within the holodecks being used for hunts, all set in World War II Europe.Star Trek - VoyagerThe Killing Game (Part I)?
3/1302.2709/19/2374The crew struggle to turn the tables on the?Hirogen, whose transformation of?Voyager?into a gigantic WW II-scenario holodeck has ravaged the ship.Star Trek - VoyagerThe Killing Game (Part II)?
3/1303.0109/21/2374With a fleet built up near the Kalandra Sector, the Dominion launches a surprise attack on Betazed. The 10th Fleet is caught out of position on a training exercise and is annihilated. Within ten hours, Betazed becomes a conquered planet. The Jem'Hadar kill over five million government officials and Starfleet personnel.Last Unicorn GamesThe Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of ArmageddonDominion WarBattle of Betazed
3/1303.0109/21/2374Sisko?asks?Garak?to help him get the?Romulans?to join the war against the?Dominion.Star Trek: Deep Space NineIn the Pale MoonlightDominion War
3/1303.0509/25/2374A holoconference with Weyoun ends with the Romulans declaring war on the Dominion and Cardassia. Within hours of the declaration, fifteen Dominion bases along the Cardassian-Federation border are destroyed. One week later, a group of Ambassadors formalize the Federation-Klingon-Romulan Alliance.STSTCSDominion War
3/1303.0709/27/2374The Betazoid Liberation Movement is formed, based out of the Loneel Mountains.STSTCSDominion War
3/1303.0709/28/2374Dominion ships launch assault on Vulcan, but are driven back by Starfleet and Klingon forces. They penetrate as far as Kal-Ap-Ton. The Federation Coalition looses nearly 250 ships.Last Unicorn GamesThe Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of ArmageddonDominion WarSecond Battle of Vulcanis
3/1303.1110/02/2374Councilor Adoma makes a broadcast tthe frightened two billion Xindi still on their new homeworld. He says that a resistance movement has begun. The Dominion brings in Liska to command the Dominion presence on Xindus.STSTCSDominion War
3/1303.1510/06/2374The 11th Fleet is destroyed when the Dominion attacks Benzar. The 14th Fleet attempts to counterstrike but is driven back.Last Unicorn GamesThe Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of ArmageddonDominion WarFall of Benzar
3/1303.1510/06/2374Bashir?shows off a new?Holosuite?program of a?martini?lounge with the 1960s?Vegas?singer named?Vic Fontaine?who is very perceptive; and gives advice to?Odo?when?Kira?visits her ex-lover Shakaar.Star Trek: Deep Space NineHis Way
3/1303.1510/06/2374An alien shuttle with a prototype propulsion system suddenly appears and requires assistance.?Paris?is restless and volunteers to help the pilot, Steth, repair the shuttle.Star Trek - VoyagerVis a Vis?
3/1303.1610/07/2374Arjagul Hesar establishes his headquarters on New Xindus, concentrating Cardassian troops within the Kalandra Sector.STSTCSDominion War
3/1303.2010/11/2374Members of the 17th Xindi Strike Group bomb a Cardassian base. This is the first major attack by the Xindi Resistance Forces.STSTCSDominion WarAttack on Archeris Province
3/1303.2110/13/2374Janeway?undertakes the Omega Directive, an order to destroy Omega molecules, even if it means violating the Prime Directive.Star Trek - VoyagerThe Omega Directive?
3/1303.2210/14/2374A Jem’Hadar barracks on Betazed is bombed by resistance fighters. Upon learning the fighters were from Rixx, First Taimak’Toral orders a million Betazoids civilians tbe executed. Afterwards, he orders two million more to be killed.STSTCSDominion WarRixx Massacre
3/1303.2810/20/2374Starfleet and the Romulans launch an attempt to liberate Betazed. It fails.STSTCSDominion WarFirst Strike at Betazed
3/1303.3010/22/2374Sisko?is called to?Bajor?when an ancient tablet addressing the Emissary is discovered at B'hala.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Reckoning
3/1304.0110/24/2374Starfleet 7th Fleet launched an offensive against the Dominion forces in the Sybaron system, but are beaten back, unaware of the true scale of the enemy numbers.Last Unicorn GamesThe Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of ArmageddonDominion WarBattle of Sybaron
3/1304.0110/25/2374An alien female from a cloaked ship asks for?Chakotay?by name and requests asylum on?Voyager?from her people.Star Trek - VoyagerUnforgettable?
3/1304.0510/29/2374Jake?and?Nog?come under attack by the?Jem'Hadar?and are rescued by a rogue?Defiant class starship, the Valiant, under the command of?Starfleet?Red Squadron cadets.Star Trek: Deep Space NineValiantDominion War
3/1304.0610/30/2374Betazoid rebels capture the port city of Iskander. Jem’Hadar forces lay siege tthe city, being ordered not to annihilate it by Kilana (the Vorta Administrator of Betazed). However, the rebels are able thold the city for over a month. After intense urban warfare, the rebels are finally killed by the Jem’Hadar after 70% of the city is laid flat.STSTCSDominion WarSiege of Iskander
3/1304.0811/01/2374The 9th Imperial Fleet liberates Benzar. Soldiers of the 119th Legion spend two weeks fighting ground forces.STSTCSDominion WarLiberation of Benzar
3/1304.1211/05/2374A Kyrian museum curator 700 years in the future hopes a?Voyager?relic containing a copy of the?Doctor?can confirm their version of history.Star Trek - VoyagerLiving Witness?
3/1304.1711/11/2374Quark?helps out when?Zek's status as the?Ferengi?Grand Nagus is put in jeopardy by proposing equal rights for Ferengi females.Star Trek: Deep Space NineProfit and Lace
3/1304.2511/19/2374Tom Paris?and?Harry Kim?take a shuttle down to an extremely inhospitable planet to obtain fuel.Star Trek - VoyagerDemon?
3/1304.2711/22/2374Captain Sisko takes a leave of absence on Earth. Major Kira is promoted to Colonel.STSTCSDominion War
3/1304.3011/25/2374Molly O'Brien?disappears in a vortex and reappears as an 18-year-old woman, but she is now?feral, bringing great difficulty for her parents.Star Trek: Deep Space NineTime's Orphan
3/1305.0712/02/2374A Dominion counterstrike at Chin’Toka fails.STSTCSDominion WarCounter Strike at Chin'Toka
3/1305.1012/06/2374Seven of Nine?is left alone on?Voyager?when a?nebula's deadly radiation forces the rest of the crew to stay in?stasis?and the?Doctor's hologram projectors are disrupted.Star Trek - VoyagerOne?
3/1305.1412/10/2374Councilor Adoma broadcasts tthe Xindi people prior tthe Renewal Festival. He assures them that Xindus will be free and warns of further action. The Dominion attempts ttrack his signal, but fails. Although Arjagul Hesar and Liska suspect an offensive is coming, they have nway of preparing for it.STSTCSDominion War
3/1305.1712/13/2374The?Defiant?picks up a distress call from Captain Lisa Cusak, whose escape pod has crashed on a remote planet following the destruction of her ship, the Olympia.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Sound of Her VoiceDominion War
3/1305.2112/17/237448 ships of the badly depleated Seventh Fleet engage three times their number of Dominion ships at the Tibor Nebula. Despite inflicting significant casualties on the Dominion forces - destroying two enemy vessels to every one lost - the Seventh Fleet is decimated, with only 4 ships surviving the battle.Last Unicorn GamesThe Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of ArmageddonDominion WarBattle of the Tibor Nebula
3/1305.2112/17/2374In an attempt to draw off possible reinformcements from the Tibor Nebula operation, a small Federation heavy-squadron conducts a hit-and-run raid on supply and communication assets in the Tovun system. After only a few minutes of combat, the squadron learns of the massive casualties at Tibor and withdrawls. STSTCSDominion WarRaid on Tohvun
3/1305.2212/19/2374On the eve of the Xindi Festival, Adoma’s guerillas strike 20 Cardassian bases in Xindi cities across the planet. Liska does not order reprisals against the Xindi, as it would cause the resistance to gain support. As Adoma expected, nearly all the bases are quickly retaken by Cardassian troops. However, the guerillas that attack Dekoot Base are able to hold out for three weeks before they are all killed. The offensive costs the lives of 16000 Xindi resistance fighters, but it helps establish their capacity for attack. Liska requests a contingent of Jem’Hadar troops from Betazed, but is denied.STSTCSDominion WarRenewal Offensive
3/1305.2312/20/2374The Dominion launches its final attempt to conquer Vulcan, but is driven back.Last Unicorn GamesThe Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of ArmageddonDominion WarThird Battle of Vulcanis
3/1305.2712/24/2374Paris?and?Neelix?return from a mission with a passenger named?Arturis?who knows more than 4,000 languages. He manages to decode a message from?Starfleet?that could lead to a way home.Star Trek - VoyagerHope and Fear?
3/1305.3012/27/2374Starfleet Command?begins an offensive against the?Dominion, and?Sisko?is chosen to lead the invasion of?Cardassia, but the?Cardassian/Dominion?Alliance has secretly reinforced their borders with unmanned orbital weapons platforms.Star Trek: Deep Space NineTears of the ProphetsDominion WarFirst Battle of Chin'toka
3/1306.0112/29/2374 For the following eight months, the Dominion launches a continuous assault on Azati Prime, where the remainder of the Xindi Defense Forces and the 29th Fleet are located. Despite being completely surrounded by the Dominion, Starfleet is able to maintain a supply route that keeps the garrison fed and equipped.STSTCSDominion WarSiege of Azati Prime
3/1306.0801/06/2375The House of Kor Battlegroup attempts thold the Noq'Ta star system against a determined Jem'Hadar counterattack. The assault is brutal: out of 115 ships, only five escape. Political fallout is just as swift. Kor is all but stripped of his titles, lands, and holdings.STSTCSDominion WarBattle of Noq'Ta
3/1306.1001/08/2375Klingon dominionSTSTCSDominion WarBattle of Laktar
3/1306.1201/10/2375With the?Bajoran wormhole?collapsed,?Sisko?struggles for a way to contact the Bajoran Prophets.?Kira?opens a?Romulan?military hospital, and a new?Dax?appears on the scene.Star Trek: Deep Space NineImage in the SandDominion War
3/1306.1601/14/2375The Federation Alliance finally completes its pacification of Chin'toka, two weeks after it was supposed to occur. The Starfleet Corps of Engineers begins hurriedly constructing fortifications, base camps, artillery emplacements, and communications relays on Chin'toka II.STSTCSDominion War
3/1306.2201/21/2375General Shinzon and the 1st Reman Shock Regiment attack a heavily fortified Jem’Hadar supply station. It is the first of twelve successful engagements Shinzon fights during the war.STSTCSDominion WarDestruction of Supply Station 2781
3/1306.2901/28/2375Arjagul Hesar is appointed by Legate Damar to the position of Idrig Arjagul, giving him command over the entire Cardassian Army.STSTCSDominion War
3/1307.0101/31/2375Voyager?loses power traversing a dark region of space containing theta radiation.Star Trek - VoyagerNight?
3/1307.0502/04/2375In a risky move, Adoma meets with Liska while she is asleep in her quarters. He asks her twithdraw her forces from Xindus. She refuses. They talk for nearly an hour before Adoma decides tshow himself out. He warns her that by the end of the year, she will be a prisoner and Xindus will be free. Liska contacts security, but, seeing that Adoma’s death will make him a martyr, backs down and allows him tleave the Xindi Council building.STSTCSDominion War
3/1307.0702/06/2375The?Doctor's mobile emitter is damaged while beaming back from an away mission, merging with?Seven of Nine's?Borg?nanoprobes and the DNA of a male Ensign to create a 29th century?Borg.Star Trek - VoyagerDrone?
3/1307.1502/15/2375B'Elanna?purposely puts herself into increasingly more dangerous situations. Meanwhile the crew decides to build a new shuttlecraft, the?Delta Flyer.Star Trek - VoyagerExtreme Risk?
3/1307.2002/20/2375The ship encounters a training facility for an alien invasion of Earth.Star Trek - VoyagerIn the Flesh?
3/1307.2102/21/2375Neelix?looks after?Naomi Wildman?when her mother is injured on an?away mission.Star Trek - VoyagerOnce Upon a Time?
3/1307.2202/22/2375A wounded alien is brought on board from a stranded vessel and attaches itself to?B'Elanna Torres.Star Trek - VoyagerNothing Human?
3/1307.2202/22/2375Fifteen years in the future,?Chakotay?and?Harry Kim?attempt to prevent the?Voyager?from crash-landing on an ice planet.Star Trek - VoyagerTimeless?
3/1307.2502/26/2375Sisko's quest leads him to the truth about his existence as?Kira?sets up a?blockade?of the Bajoran Moon, Derna, against the?Romulans.Star Trek: Deep Space NineShadows and SymbolsDominion War
3/1307.3003/03/2375General Martok obliterates the Monac IV shipyards with a massive solar flare. This practically ends the Dominion’s capacity at starship construction.STSTCSDominion WarDestruction of Monac Shipyards
3/1308.0303/07/2375Tom Paris?disregards orders by helping an aquatic world and is demoted to?Ensign.Star Trek - VoyagerThirty Days?
3/1308.0503/09/2375Captain Sisko finds the Orb of the Emissary and reopens the Wormhole, raising morale.STSTCSDominion War
3/1308.0903/14/2375Siege of AR-558: Starfleet captures a Dominion communications array in the Chin'Toka System. For several consecutive weeks, the Jem'Hadar attack the 117th Infantry to regain the array.STSTCSDominion WarSiege of AR-558
3/1308.1603/21/2375The Dominion attacks Bolian space once again, but is repulsed and driven back by Starfleet and the House of Kollor.STSTCSDominion WarBolian Sector Assault
3/1308.2103/27/2375Starfleet’s new Light Attack Fighters (inspired by the Bajoran interceptors) are first tested in combat. Their weak weaponry is compensated by large attack groups and high maneuverability. Within minutes, the station is rendered defenseless and the Cardassian personnel surrender.STSTCSDominion WarAssault on Cerrik Nor
3/1308.2203/28/2375Nog?struggles with PTSD and begins living with?Vic Fontaine.Star Trek: Deep Space NineIt's Only a Paper MoonDominion War
3/1308.2704/02/2375Starfleet launches another attempt tliberate Betazed. It is nearly successful, but Jem’Hadar reinforcements arrive just in time and force Starfleet twithdraw.Last Unicorn GamesThe Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of ArmageddonDominion WarSecond Strike at Betazed
3/1309.0104/08/2375Captain Picard meets with Gorn leadership ttry and convince them tbreak their non-aggression pact. The meeting ends without a decision. As the Enterprise-E leaves Gorn space, they are ambushed by twelve Jem’Hadar fighters. Just as shields fail, fifteen Gorn warships arrive and destroy the Jem’Hadar. They formally declare war against the Dominion the following day.STSTCSDominion War
3/1309.0804/15/2375The Dominion meets with the Suliban torchestrate careful strikes within the Federation.STSTCSDominion War
3/1309.1304/20/2375ly revealed to be “defective” as he questions the war.STSTCSDominion War
3/1309.1804/26/2375A Dominion strike fleet heads for the Tellar system. With help from the Andorian Imperial Guard and the Gorn War Fleet, the Tellarites launch Operation Shallash and drive the Dominion from their system.STSTCSDominion WarBattle of Tellar
3/1309.2004/28/2375Starfleet assembled the Fifteenth Fleet, Twenty-Second Fleet along with multiple supporting wings of Klingon Defense Force and Romulan Star Navy starships to engage the Dominion at Ricktor Prime.Last Unicorn GamesThe Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of ArmageddonDominion WarBattle of Ricktor Prime
3/1309.2104/29/2375The Suliban Cabal attempts to assassinate President Rosarev during a speech on Earth. Furious at the failure, the Female Changeling orders all Suliban bases to be destroyed. Within a day, the Cabal is effectively wiped out.STSTCSDominion War
3/1309.2405/02/2375General Martok leads a “cavalry raid” in Dominion space. Among his crewmembers is the aging Dahar Master Kor. As they race back to Federation territory, Kor takes command of a Bird-of-Prey and holds off a Jem’Hadar wing, allowing the rest of Martok’s forces tescape.STSTCSDominion War
3/1309.2905/08/2375Gul Merik Kellem and Rona'atorn Eris establish the Penor Line, a circular defense perimeter 18 lightyears in diameter surrounding the Kalandra sector. Dominion Headquarters begins reducing its deployments of ships to Kalandra, a sign of growing supply problems and personnel shortages.STSTCSDominion War
3/1310.0205/11/2375When Voyager brings aboard an advanced piece of Borg technology from a salvaged Borg cube,?Seven of Nine?begins to take on the personalities of the people assimilated by the cube.Star Trek - VoyagerInfinite Regress?
3/1310.0605/15/2375Betazoid rebels liberate political prisoners from a heavily guarded Jem’Hadar base. They are then retrieved by a Klingon task force.STSTCSDominion WarRaid on Terrillis Base
3/1310.0905/18/2375While passing through Devore space,?Voyager?is routinely searched for telepaths.Star Trek - VoyagerCounterpoint?
3/1310.1005/20/2375First Battle of El Salaam: Arjagul Hesar launches his attack force in twgroups, one from Futun and the second from Ma'a. Strike Fleets 38-11-C and 39-11-C, inbound from Ma'a, are intercepted and engage a fleet of the High Guard. Regardless, Hesar continues the assault with elements of the Sixteenth and Nineteenth Orders. The Federation Second Fleet holds off the Cardassians just outside the system. Just as the Jem'Hadar are about tpunch through the High Guard formation, a fleet of Romulan warbirds arrives and continues holding the position. Upon detecting additional Starfleet reinforcements approaching, Hesar is forced twithdraw his forces. He suffers few losses, but fails tcapture El Salaam.STSTCSDominion WarFirst Battle of El Salaam
3/1310.1605/26/2375The Doctor?finds out that some of his memories have been blocked.Star Trek - VoyagerLatent Image?
3/1310.1705/27/2375Once news of the failure tcapture El Salaam reaches Cardassia Prime, the Female Changeling calls Weyoun Seven and other members of the Dominion Command Staff tan emergency strategy meeting. All Vorta except Weyoun are eliminated and the meeting concludes with multiple contingency plans formulated. Weyoun's senior aide, Delliv, is tasked with establishing the Cardassia-Getha Defense Line and the Cardassian System Defense Perimeter, along with allocating units intthe formation of Division-1-Alpha (set tbe the core of a final defense should the Allies reach Cardassia itself).STSTCSDominion War
3/1310.2005/30/2375Ezri?goes to New Sydney to find?O'Brien?and uncovers some disturbing family secrets. Miles goes in search of the widow of Liam Bilby, Morica Bilby, whom he befriended in an undercover operation.Star Trek: Deep Space NineProdigal Daughter
3/1310.2306/03/2375In response tthe growing success of resistance fighters, Jem’Hadar troops unleash horrific bioweapons on civilians in Terrillis. Ten million Betazoids are killed.STSTCSDominion WarTerrillis Massacre
3/1310.2306/03/2375Paris' latest holodeck adventure?The Adventures of Captain Proton?takes an unexpected turn.Star Trek - VoyagerBride of Chaotica?
3/1310.2806/08/2375Quark?and?Rom?cross into the alternate universe to rescue?Grand Nagus Zek.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Emperor's New Cloak
3/1310.2906/09/2375With popular opinion of the Dominion at less than 60%, Weyoun Seven makes his tenth speech tthe Cardassian people. He assures them that the Dominion is not on the verge of collapse and will survive long enough tachieve final victory over the Federation Alliance. He alsoutlines a new economic plan tcommence at once tresume fleet construction and heavy weapons manufacturing.STSTCSDominion War
3/1310.3006/10/2375Tuvok?and?Paris?crash on a planet stuck in a pocket of?subspace, where they meet a female named Noss.Star Trek - VoyagerGravity?
3/1311.0306/15/2375Arjagul Hesar is assigned as Commander of Dominion Forces in the Kalandra Sector. Liska remains as his Vorta subordinate. Following the costly battle at El Salaam, Hesar begins planning a new assault through the Federation lines.STSTCSDominion War
3/1311.0706/19/2375Ezri?summons a homicidal?Dax, Joran, incarnation to understand the mind of a killer in order to solve recent murders.Star Trek: Deep Space NineField of Fire
3/1311.0906/21/2375Arjagul Hesar and Sadok'toran Liska command Order Group B against a reinforced position around El Salaam. 6th Jem’Hadar Division, consisting of 1,250 ships and commanded by recently promoted Chelek’Toran Omaros, plows intthe heart of the system. However, the Romulans quickly encircle 6th Division and force Hesar and Liska tretreat. Hesar quickly organizes a relief force thelp Omaros escape, but he is brushed off by the Federation. The 6th Division is then annihilated under intense Romulan bombardment. The loss of 6th Division sends shockwaves throughout the Dominion military, causing even the Jem'Hadar to doubt they can win the war. This marks one of the last major decisive turning points in the war.STSTCSDominion WarSecond Battle of El Salaam
3/1311.1306/25/2375A?Changeling, Laas, asks?Odo?to leave the station and join his search for other shapeshifters. Laas was with the Varalans and has learned to assume a space-faring creatures form.Star Trek: Deep Space NineChimera
3/1311.1506/27/2375Through a secure channel, the Female Changeling contacts the Breen and proposes an alliance. After only a day of debate in the Hall of Heroes, the Breen Diet votes unanimously to declare war on the Federation, the Klingon and Romulan Empires. Breen fleets are sent to Cardassian space and the Kalandra Sector.STSTCSDominion War
3/1311.2107/04/2375The Klingons land fifteen divisions on Septimus III against the 11th Order. Legate Damar requests Dominion reinforcements, but Weyoun sends none and the 500,000 troops of the entire 11th Order are wiped out. Outraged, Damar begins planning a resistance movement.STSTCSDominion WarInvasion of Septimus III
3/1311.2207/05/2375The crew attempt to help?Vic Fontaine?when Vic's hotel is bought by mobsters Frankie Eyes and Carl Zeemo.Star Trek: Deep Space NineBadda-Bing Badda-Bang
3/1311.2707/10/2375300 Breen ships fight their way through the Third Fleet and the Mars Defense Perimeter in the Sol System and attack Earth. San Francisco, Paris, Beijing, and New York City are devastated with numerous Federation and Starfleet facilities destroyed. 22 million people are killed. Once the First Fleet arrives twipe out and frighten away the remaining Breen ships, President Rosarev and the Federation Council gather at the underground shelter in Berlin.STSTCSDominion WarAssault on Sector 001
3/1312.0307/17/2375At the same time, the Dominion begins sending ships into Klingon, Romulan, and Federation territory. Starbase 451 is destroyed by the Breen in the Jurrlel System. The three main Breen groups assume arrowhead formations as they set courses directly for Earth, Qo'noS, and Romulus. The Founder and Weyoun believe this to be the first step towards a final victory.STSTCSDominion WarDestruction fo Starbase 451
3/1312.0407/18/2375A large organism telepathically deceives the?Voyager?crew into flying into its digestive chamber.Star Trek - VoyagerBliss?
3/1312.0507/19/2375While attending a diplomatic conference on?Romulus,?Bashir?becomes an unwilling pawn of?Section 31.Star Trek: Deep Space NineInter Arma Enim Silent Leges
3/1312.1007/24/2375As the Dominion ships are moving out, Damar makes a broadcast that is seen across the Quadrant. He announces that he will nlonger tolerate the Dominion occupying Cardassia and declares that forces loyal thim have destroyed the Vorta cloning facility on Rondac III. Captain Sisksends Colonel Kira, Garak, and OdtDamar thelp him learn the requirements of fighting a guerilla war.STSTCSDominion War
3/1312.1107/26/2375Kim?finds love when the crew encounter a Varro generational ship that needs assistance repairing its warp drive.Star Trek - VoyagerThe Disease?
3/1312.1507/30/2375Breen ships are withdrawn from the Kalandra Sector. Starfleet launches an offensive with the 7th and 10th Fleets to liberate the sector.STSTCSDominion WarKalandra Campaign
3/1312.1507/30/2375Ezri?searches for a missing?Worf?and?Sisko?makes plans to marry?Kasidy Yates.Star Trek: Deep Space NinePenumbra
3/1312.1908/03/2375After?Torres?and?Paris?get married, subspace radiation causes the crew and their ship to disintegrate.Star Trek - VoyagerCourse: Oblivion?
3/1312.2108/05/2375Jealous and fearful of General Martok's growing popularity Chancellor Gowron wrestles control of the Klingon military from Martok. He proposes immediately taking the offensive against the Dominion, claiming the Dominion is not ready for an immediate strike.STSTCSDominion War
3/1312.2308/07/2375Thanks to information decoded by Elim Garak, the Seventh Fleet launches an attack on Chudala, a system one lightyear within the Kalandra Sector. The Fleet breaks through the defense perimeter and destroys over 80 Dominion ships while suffering few losses.Last Unicorn GamesThe Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of ArmageddonDominion WarBattle of Chudala
3/1312.2408/08/2375Allied forces launch a massive push against Dominion forces at Getha. Although outnumbers two-to-one, the Federation fleet and their allies push ahead with the attack. The attack does not go well, with Allied forces suffering significant losses. However, the heavy-handed tactics of the Dominion prove too much for the Cardassians, who switch sides in mid-battle. The Dominion and Breen forces are forces to quickly withdraw.STSTCSDominion WarBattle of Getha
3/1312.2508/10/2375Battle of Goloroth STSTCSDominion WarBattle of Goloroth
3/1312.2608/11/2375A Xindi resistance strike team infiltrates the Moreska Shipyards where a Jem’Hadar battle cruiser is being refitted with the Breen energy dampening weapon and a cloaking device. The team is able to initiate a warp core breach, destroying the prototype and its surrounding shipyard facility.STSTCSDominion War
3/1312.2908/14/2375Captured by the Breen, Ezri and Worf undergo mental torture.?Sisko?agonizes over his broken engagement.Star Trek: Deep Space NineTil Death Do Us Part
3/1312.3008/15/2375Janeway?plans to steal a transwarp coil from a disabled?Borg?ship to shorten their journey home.?Seven of Nine?experiences memories of her past just before she and her parents are assimilated and plans to re-join the Borg collective.Star Trek - VoyagerDark Frontier (Part I, II)?
3/1401.0208/18/2375Chakotay?lies in sickbay as he attempts to communicate with aliens through hallucinations.Star Trek - VoyagerThe Fight?
3/1401.0208/18/237550% of Kalandra Sector is liberated. Supply routes through the sector are intercepted by Defiant-class wings. Arjagul Hesar attempts to plot new routes, but within three days all safe routes are blocked by Starfleet squadrons. Hesar and Liska reallocate their remaining forces into three main groups. However, the majority of their veteran Gamma Jem’Hadar troops are dead and replaced with inexperienced Alphas.STSTCSDominion War
3/1401.0308/19/2375Voyager?is being chased by the?Hazari?when a?think tank?offers assistance.Star Trek - VoyagerThink Tank?
3/1401.0508/21/2375The crew respond to a distress call from?Malon?escape pods contaminated with radiation.Star Trek - VoyagerJuggernaut?
3/1401.0808/25/2375The Dominion begins refitting all Jem’Hadar vessels with the Breen energy dampening weapon, along with external torpedlaunchers. The Founder begins tview Damar as a serious threat. His cells destroy a weapons depot on Adarak Prime, multiple Jem’Hadar posts on Cardassia Prime, and several Dominion ships. The Founder also orders that no armed Cardassians be allowed aboard Dominion starships. However, Jaffe ignores this order in the Kalandra Sector.STSTCSDominion War
3/1401.0808/25/2375Seven of Nine?explores dating with some help from the?Doctor.Star Trek - VoyagerSomeone to Watch Over Me?
3/1401.2109/08/2375An alliance is born between the?Dominion?and the?Breen?which will prove devastating for the?Federation. Ezri and Worf are sentenced to death on Cardassia.Star Trek: Deep Space NineStrange Bedfellows
3/1401.2709/14/2375Federation forces battle Dominion units to the death across the Rashanar sector. TNG NovelsA Time to Be Born, A Time to DieDominion WarBattle of Rashanar
3/1402.1009/29/2375The war reaches a crucial turning point when the Dominion retakes the Chin'Toka system, the only Allied foothold in enemy space. Meanwhile, Winn learns that Dukat plans to release the Pah-Wraiths, and?Damar?leads a revolt against the Dominion.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Changing Face of EvilDominion WarSecond Battle of Chin'toka
3/1402.1210/02/2375First major engagement between Starfleet and the Breen since Chin’Toka. Three separate groups attack the Dominion at Chin’Toka, Daxura, and Zhamur. 20% of the enemy’s total fleet is destroyed. The Dominion realizes that Starfleet and Romulan ships are now immune to their energy dampening weapons. Following the battle, Dominion ships begin fleeing Kalandra, cutting the supply lines tboth Xindus and Betazed. Hesar and Liska bring in their elite units, the 16th Order and 11th Jem’Hadar Division, for a final defense of Xindus. However, their total fleet strength amounts to 980 ships. An additional 160 Breen ships, commanded by Uthot Mok, are brought in from Betazed.STSTCSDominion WarBattle of the Three Suns
3/1402.1310/03/2375Battle of Rigel STSTCSDominion WarBattle of Rigel
3/1402.1310/03/2375Janeway?reminisces about one of her ancestors, Shannon O'Donnell from?Indiana.Star Trek - Voyager11:59?
3/1402.2410/14/2375Sisko?orders?Kira?to train?Cardassians?in resistance tactics as Damar's rebellion gains ground; meanwhile,?Bashir?makes a shocking discovery about the disease that is ravaging the Founders.Star Trek: Deep Space NineWhen It Rains…
3/1402.2510/16/2375Klingon and Romulan forces attack Cardassian and Dominion forces near the Hobileth Nebula. It is considered a minor victory for the Allies.Last Unicorn GamesShip Recognition Manual, Volume 3: Ships of the Klingon EmpireDominion WarBattle of the Hobileth Nebula
3/1403.0110/20/2375As Allied ships engage the enemy fleet, Betazoid rebels vaporize the Dominion command center. By the time command has switched to a secondary headquarters, the Dominion fleet is in a losing battle against the Federation. Federation and Romulan troops spend three weeks finishing off remaining Jem’Hadar while Cardassian troops surrender at once.STSTCSDominion WarLiberation of Betazed
3/1403.0210/21/2375Fresh from the victory at Betazed, Starfleet’s 7th and 10th Fleets, along with the House of Toroth Battlegroup, launch an attack on New Xindus. The 11th Division holds off the Klingons in orbit of Berrasio, but the Federation forces hit their flank. The 16th Order launches a counterstrike, forcing the Klingons twithdraw but then fight a running battle back tXindus. During this battle, a massive Romulan fleet decloaks in orbit of New Xindus and begins deploying ground troops. However, Hesar engages a network of transport inhibitors, forcing the Romulans trely on ground vehicles and a lengthy global campaign. The ground campaign is the largest tfeature the Breen infantry. Starfleet Marines also arrive and begin deployments.STSTCSDominion WarSecond Battle of New Xindus
3/1403.1010/30/2375Kira?masterminds a plot to steal the Breen energy dampening weapon and?Worf?instigates a power shift in the?Klingon Empire.Star Trek: Deep Space NineTacking Into the Wind
3/1403.1010/30/2375Thot Gor leads the 47-Carrier Wing (consisting of seven carriers, three battleships, twelve battle cruisers and hundreds of fast attack ships aboard the carriers) tattack the Romulans in the Rekellor system. He maintains radisilence. While nearing Rekellor, Gor’s fleet is ambushed by three wings of Romulan warbirds. Four carriers are destroyed before their attack fighters can be deployed. Gor’s battleship, 45-Alpha-G, ends up being the only surviving Dominion ship and the Romulans eventually withdraw. Although he technically wins the battle, the Dominion’s entire carrier strength has been destroyed. With his ship severely damaged, Gor orders the ship thead back for Cardassia through the Kalandra Sector.STSTCSDominion WarBattle of Rekellor
3/1403.1010/30/2375Son’a Ketracel-White facility on Davos II is destroyed. The Son’a command staff declares a cease-fire with the Federation. This marks the end of Ketracel-White production in the Alpha Quadrant. Dominion Headquarters estimates that they have enough white tsustain the Jem'Hadar for six weeks.STSTCSDominion WarAttack on Davos II
3/1403.1911/08/2375While warping though the Kalandra Sector, Thot Gor’s battleship engages the Enterprise-E in the Violet Nebula. After ten hours of cat-and-mouse, Captain Picard lures the Dominion ship into a gravitational eddy, destroying it. Gor is killed in the destruction of his ship. He is succeeded by Thot Pran, who is more skeptical of the Dominion.STSTCSDominion WarThe Enterprise-E Engagement
3/1403.2211/11/2375Captain Braxton?recruits?Seven of Nine?to stop?Voyager?being sabotaged.Star Trek - VoyagerRelativity?
3/1403.2211/11/2375Sisko takes command of a new ship; Kira and Garak face a Dominion ambush on Cardassia.Star Trek: Deep Space NineThe Dogs of War
3/1403.2711/17/2375Despite his limited resources, Arjagul Hesar is able tcontain the Romulan and Federation troops within 50 km radii of their respective drop zones, preventing the twforces from linking up. The Gorn War Fleet arrives and launches troops tthe surface, throwing the Cardassians off-balance. Within twdays, the Romulans and Starfleet Marines link up and begin spreading throughout the planet.STSTCSDominion War
3/1404.0111/22/2375Federation, Klingon, and Romulan leaders hold a conference on Vulcan. Grand Nagus Rom also attends, agreeing to provide financial backing treconstruction. They discuss the post-war reorganization of the Alpha Quadrant. They decide that Cardassia will be occupied by joint Federation, Klingon, and Romulan troops. Cardassia will undergdemilitarization. Dedominionization is considered but the leaders recognize that the Cardassian people are now united against the Dominion. The Dominion will be required tpay reparations. Increased intelligence mission will be made of Breen territory. The former Federation-Cardassian Demilitarized Zone is suggested tbe created as an independent nation.STSTCSDominion War
3/1404.0411/26/2375The crew rescue a device with?artificial intelligence?embedded in rock, but it then proceeds to take control of?The Doctor?and reveals itself to be a?weapon of mass destruction.Star Trek - VoyagerWarhead?
3/1404.0511/27/2375Starfleet Command approves Operation Final Assault, a full-fledged attack on Cardassia. Fleet Operations and Starfleet Tactical had spent an entire month massing ships and mapping out the entire operation. Over 8000 Federation, Klingon and Romulan ships meet at Deep Space 9. Gorn, Xindi, and Andorian ships alsjoin the armada. At 0630 hours local time on January 14, the Federation Alliance Invasion Fleet departs Deep Space 9, setting course for Cardassia.STSTCSDominion War
3/1404.0511/27/2375Final Assault on Xindus City: News of the defeat on Cardassia reaches Dominion Headquarters on New Xindus. For nearly a month, the 16th Order has held off Romulan troops, but fighting has now entered Xindus City. When reports indicate the Romulans are within 200 meters of their HQ, Jaffe orders Dominion commanders Arjagul Hesar and Liska tsurrender and then kills himself. Hesar broadcasts tremaining Cardassian troops that the war is over. Hesar and Liska are taken intcustody, along with Liska’s lover Eris and other Cardassian officers.STSTCSDominion War
3/1404.0511/27/2375Sisko?leads the?Federation/Klingon/Romulan?alliance in the offensive on the?Cardassian?homeworld. Dukat and Winn journey to the fire caves to release the Pah'Wraiths, and Damar leads his people in a revolution in an attempt to overthrow their Dominion oppressors.Star Trek: Deep Space NineWhat You Leave BehindDominion WarBattle of Cardassia
3/1404.0611/28/2375Captain Sisko confronts Dukat as he attempts trelease the Pah-wraits from the Bajoran fire caves. Dukat is killed and their prison is sealed. Sisko is rescued by the Prophets.STSTCSDominion War
3/1404.0611/28/2375Odo returns to the Great Link.STSTCSDominion War
3/1404.2112/14/2375Voyager?finds another?Federation?ship, the?USS Equinox, under attack from flying nucleogenic lifeforms.Star Trek - VoyagerEquinox, Part I?
3/1405.0612/30/2375The crew of the?USS Equinox?attempt to elude the?USS Voyager?in order to exploit the nucleogenic lifeforms in a bid to return home.Star Trek - VoyagerEquinox, Part II?
3/1405.2501/19/2376Three?Borg?from?Seven's?past appear, and ask to be completely separated from the Collective.Star Trek - VoyagerSurvival Instinct?
3/1406.0501/31/2376B'Elanna's?shuttle is hit by an ion storm and she awakens to find herself among?Klingons?in the?Barge of the Dead, on the way to Klingon Hell.Star Trek - VoyagerBarge of the Dead?
3/1406.1802/14/2376The?Doctor?adds daydreaming to his program, imagining himself as the Emergency Command Hologram (ECH) aboard?Voyager; but aliens, tapping into his perceptions to observe the crew, prepare an attack when they believe that what they are seeing in the daydreams is real.Star Trek - VoyagerTinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy?
3/1407.0303/02/2376Voyager?discovers a network of subspace passageways, but is forced to land on a planet after being attacked.Star Trek - VoyagerDragon's Teeth?
3/1407.2003/20/2376Tom Paris?becomes obsessed with a salvaged alien?shuttlecraft, which appears to have a mind of its own.Star Trek - VoyagerAlice?
3/1408.0504/06/2376Returning from a diplomatic mission?Tuvok?is attacked by a cloaked intruder and suffers?neurological?damage.Star Trek - VoyagerRiddles?
3/1408.1504/17/2376Voyager is nearly hit by a mysterious subspace mass and the crew theorize that the debris of an ancient Earth–Mars ship is inside.Star Trek - VoyagerOne Small Step?
3/1408.2805/01/2376After assimilating?Voyager's data for the past six years, through an enhancement to her Borg implants,?Seven of Nine?suspects the ship did not arrive in the?Delta Quadrant?by accident.Star Trek - VoyagerThe Voyager Conspiracy?
3/1409.0705/12/2376Barclay?gets over-involved with holographic recreations of the?Voyager?crew in his attempts to contact them. This episode also features?Deanna Troi.Star Trek - VoyagerPathfinder?
3/1409.2105/27/2376The crew enjoy a respite inside a holodeck creation designed by?Tom Paris, while?Voyager?faces the threat of an oncoming storm in space.Star Trek - VoyagerFair Haven?
3/1410.0706/13/2376Seven of Nine?and?Tuvok?are kidnapped while on shore leave, and Seven is forced to fight in a gladiatorial contest to the death. (Guest stars?Dwayne Johnson.)Star Trek - VoyagerTsunkatse?
3/1410.2407/02/2376Voyager?is trapped in orbit about a planet with a space-time differential such that, while its inhabitants live through years,?Voyager?experiences mere minutes.Star Trek - VoyagerBlink of an Eye?
3/1411.1307/23/2376Visiting aliens who have never before encountered music become fascinated with the?Doctor's Opera singing, and ask him to leave?Voyager?and join their society.Star Trek - VoyagerVirtuoso?
3/1411.2007/31/2376Chakotay,?Kim,?Paris, and?Neelix?are taken hostage when the?Delta Flyer?is captured by?Borg?children in a derelict?Cube.Star Trek - VoyagerCollective
3/1412.0108/12/2376Chakotay,?Tom Paris,?Harry Kim, and?Neelix?begin to experience horrific flashbacks after an away mission.Star Trek - VoyagerMemorial?
3/1412.1208/23/2376Problems arise from running the holographic?Irish?village of?Fair Haven?non-stop, when a malfunction leads the holographic characters to become self-aware.Star Trek - VoyagerSpirit Folk?
3/1412.2509/06/2376A deceased crew member resurfaces, claiming to have been resurrected by an alien race who have since adopted her.Star Trek - VoyagerAshes to Ashes?
3/1501.0509/18/2376The family of?Icheb, one of the Borg children, is found, but he is reluctant to rejoin them. Seven, too, is reluctant for him to leave the ship; and his parents are concealing the real reason for desiring his return.Star Trek - VoyagerChild's Play?
3/1501.1910/03/2376Three crew members who are under-performing are taken on a mission by?Janeway.Star Trek - VoyagerGood Shepherd?
3/1502.0310/20/2376A much older and more powerful?Kes?returns to?Voyager, and attempts to travel back in time to change her history.Star Trek - VoyagerFury?
3/1502.2011/07/2376Con artists impersonate?Janeway?and?Tuvok.Star Trek - VoyagerLive Fast and Prosper?
3/1502.2811/15/2376The?Doctor's creator,?Lewis Zimmerman, is dying in the?Alpha Quadrant?from a disease similar to the Vidiian phage. The Doctor's compressed matrix is transferred to Zimmerman's lab on the Jupiter station, to assist?Mr. Barclay?and Counselor?Troi?in attempting to treat the illness.Star Trek - VoyagerLife Line?
3/1503.0711/24/2376Torres?is stranded on a bronze-age planet after a crash in the?Delta Flyer, where she helps a playwright adapt the story of Voyager to the stage. Also,?Kim?is missing in an escape pod.Star Trek - VoyagerMuse?
3/1503.1912/07/2376As?Voyager?travels through a nebula all ship's power is turned off, giving?Neelix?an opportunity to tell the?Borg?children a ghost story.Star Trek - VoyagerThe Haunting of Deck Twelve?
3/1504.0212/22/2376Janeway,?B'Elanna?and?Tuvok?infiltrate a?Borg?Cube?in an attempt to save?Borg?drones who are trying to develop individuality.Star Trek - VoyagerUnimatrix Zero, Part I?
3/1504.1601/06/2377Janeway,?B'Elanna?and?Tuvok?are assimilated by the?Borg?while attempting to save the group of drones who have developed individuality.Star Trek - VoyagerUnimatrix Zero, Part II
3/1505.0101/22/2377When her cortical implant malfunctions,?Seven of Nine?needs a life-saving transplant.Star Trek - VoyagerImperfection?
3/1505.1202/03/2377The crew of?Voyager?enter the?Delta Flyer?in a sub-warp race, crewed by Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres, and events conspire to encourage Tom to propose to her.Star Trek - VoyagerDrive?
3/1505.2502/17/2377Ex-Maquis?crew members are attacked after a data stream arrives from?Starfleet.Star Trek - VoyagerRepression?
3/1505.2602/19/2377The Doctor's program is stolen and he is forced to work in an alien hospital, where he skillfully manipulates the system to provide ethical medical care.Star Trek - VoyagerCritical Care?
3/1506.2103/18/2377A hologram of?Reginald Barclay?is sent to?Voyager, supposedly to implement a dangerous plan to bring them home; but the hologram has been tampered with by someFerengi, who are trying to steal valuable?Borg?nanoprobes from Seven of Nine.Star Trek - VoyagerInside Man?
3/1507.0103/29/2377During an emergency on a mission,?The Doctor?is forced to upload his program into?Seven of Nine's?Borg?implants, allowing him to experience real sensations for the first time.Star Trek - VoyagerBody and Soul?
3/1507.1304/11/2377Harry Kim?takes command of an alien ship that has lost its officers in an attack.Star Trek - VoyagerNightingale?
3/1508.0305/04/2377Voyager's?hologram technology, which Janeway had previously donated to the?Hirogen, has been modified to make the holographic "prey" more cunning, enabling the hologram characters to rebel against their new masters.Star Trek - VoyagerFlesh and Blood (Part I, II)?
3/1508.2305/25/2377Voyager?is fractured into several time periods by an accident, and only?Chakotay?is able to move between them, in the process meeting old friends and old foes from the previous six seasons.Star Trek - VoyagerShattered?
3/1509.1106/15/2377Now married to Tom Paris,?B'Elanna Torres?discovers she is pregnant. The Doctor tells her to expect a daughter; but B'Elanna's unresolved fear of the childhood traumas, which she suffered as a part-Klingon girl growing up among humans, makes her determined to remove her child's Klingon?DNA.Star Trek - VoyagerLineage?
3/1509.2206/27/2377Prisoners are brought onto Voyager from a damaged alien vessel, and the crew must deliver them to their destination – for execution.Star Trek - VoyagerRepentance?
3/1510.0307/09/2377Voyager?encounters an ancient Klingon battlecruiser. The Klingons aboard it had set out long ago to find their savior, and they believe it to be?Tom?and?B'Elanna's unborn child.Star Trek - VoyagerProphesy?
3/1510.1507/22/2377Voyager?is pulled into a void, where the ships that have become trapped attack each other for food and resources.Star Trek - VoyagerThe Void?
3/1510.2608/02/2377The?Voyager?crew are?brainwashed?into taking new jobs on an industrialized planet that has a severe labor shortage, leaving only?Chakotay,?Kim?and?Neelix?(who were on an away mission) and the?Doctor?(who, in the absence of the crew, has become the Emergency Command Hologram) to save them.Star Trek - VoyagerWorkforce, Part I?
3/1511.0708/16/2377Chakotay and Neelix take jobs on the new planet, and try to rescue their amnesiac crewmates – who don't want to leave.Star Trek - VoyagerWorkforce, Part II?
3/1511.2108/31/2377Seven?practices her social skills, on the?holodeck.Star Trek - VoyagerHuman Error?
3/1512.0509/15/2377Q?leaves his son (Q2) on?Voyager, to learn from the crew.Star Trek - VoyagerQ2?
3/1512.1509/25/2377The Doctor writes a holo-novel to be published in the Alpha Quadrant, featuring characters who closely resemble – but do not flatter – the crew.Star Trek - VoyagerAuthor, Author?
3/1512.2910/11/2377The crew is sent on its first mission by?Starfleet?in nearly seven years: to find a lost probe sent by Earth in the 21st century that has ended up in the Delta Quadrant.Star Trek - VoyagerFriendship One?
3/1601.1610/30/2377Seven?and?Chakotay?are stranded on a planet with primitive humanoids.Star Trek - VoyagerNatural Law?
3/1601.3011/14/2377Voyager?encounters a?Talaxian?settlement leaving?Neelix?with the difficult decision of whether to leave the crew.Star Trek - VoyagerHomestead?
3/1602.0611/22/2377The Doctor?is forced to help aliens steal?Voyager's warp core.Star Trek - VoyagerRenaissance Man?
3/1603.0612/22/2377In an alternate future where it took?Voyager?23 years to get home, Admiral?Janeway?devises a plan to alter history. As the crew enter a final showdown with the?Borg, the twoJaneways?implement a risky plan to take out one of the six Borg Transwarp Hubs in the galaxy and simultaneously cross the transwarp threshold to get home.Star Trek - VoyagerEndgame?
3/1611.2810/06/2378The last "Alberto Sabella" spaceframe is retired from general service. 45 are placed in reserve fleets with plans to be scrapped over the next ten years. 200 are disarmed and sold over the next 5 years.STSTCSSTSTCS
3/1711.2911/05/2379NemesisStar Trek - The Next GenerationNemesisNemesis