T-167 (Legator) Class V Light Destroyer

Known Sphere Of Operation:  Klingon Border
Data Reliability:  C
Major Data Source:  Romulan Sector Intelligence

Exact details concerning the T-167 are somewhat vague. It is believed that 100 to 120 of these ships were fielded, By 2290, the majority of these ships were used against the Klingons, and again used in large numbers against the Jem’Hadar. Current reports indicate that 3 Type 1s, 2 Type 2s, 1 Type 3 and as many as 16 Type 4s have been destroyed. 3 Type 4s have apparently been captured. 1 Type 1 and 5 Type 4s have been reported missing. 9 Type 1s, 5 Type 2s, 1 Type 3 and as many as 27 Type 4s have been scrapped. 5 Type 2s and 30 to 40 Type 4s have been sold.

Construction Data:
Model Number — Type-1 Type-2 Type-3 Type-4
Ship Class — V V V V
Date Entering Service — 2268 2268 2290 2355
Number Constructed — 63 56 Refit Refit
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points — 14 14 18 20
Damage Chart — C C C C
Length — 150.5 m 150.5 m 150.5 m 150.5 m
Width — 85.5 m 85.5 m 85.5 m 85.5 m
Height — 40.6 m 40.6 m 40.6 m 40.6 m
Weight — 48,130 mt 47,965 mt 54,998 mt 57,424 mt
Cargo Units — 40 SCU 40 SCU 40 SCU 40 SCU
Cargo Capacity — 2,000 mt 2,000 mt 2,000 mt 2,000 mt
Landing Capacity — None None None None
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type — R4M R4M R4M R4M
Standard 9-person — 2 2 2 2
Cargo — 2 2 2 2
Cloaking Device Type — RCB RCB RCB RCB
Power Requirements — 10 10 10 10
Other Data:
Crew — 120 126 133 144
Passengers — 10 10 10 10
Shuttlecraft — 1 1 1 1
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available — 32 32 36 36
Movement Point Ratio — 3/1 3/1 3/1 3/1
Warp Engine Type — KWB-3 KWB-3 KWB-3 KWB-3
Number — 2 2 2 2
Power Units Available — 13 ea. 13 ea. 13 ea. 13 ea.
Stress Charts — Q/Q Q/Q Q/Q Q/Q
Max Safe Cruising Speed — Warp 7 Warp 7 Warp 7 Warp 7
Emergency Speed — Warp 8 Warp 8 Warp 8 Warp 8
Impulse Engine Type — KID-1 KID-1 RIE-1 RIE-1
Power Units Available — 6 6 10 10
Weapons And Firing Data:
Beam Weapon Type — RB-7a RB-8 RB-11 RB-12
Number — 4 4 4 4
Firing Arcs — 1 f/p, 2 f 1 f/s 1 f/p, 2 f 1 f/s 1 f/p, 2 f 1 f/s 1 f/p, 2 f 1 f/s
Firing Chart — M N V W
Maximum Power — 4 6 9 9
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (1-3) (1-4) (1-10) (1-10)
+2 (4-9) (5-9) (11-16) (11-15)
+1 (10-14) (10-13) (17-21) (16-20)
Torpedo Weapon Type — RP-3 RP-2 RP-6 RP-4
Number — 1 2 1 2
Firing Arcs — 1 f 1 f, 1 a 1 f 1 f, 1 a
Firing Chart — Q H M P
Power to Arm — 1 1 1 1
Damage — 10 8 18 12
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type — RSH RSH RSF RNSE
Shield Point Ratio — 1/2 1/2 1/3 1/3
Maximum Shield Power — 11 11 8 20
Combat Efficiency:
D — 67.0 67.0 90.2 108.1
WDF — 16.7 20.8 40.1 48.2