Lay out two Star Trek Combat Simulator map-sheets in the configuration shown. This represents the area of space where the conflict takes place. Use the Graduate Starship Tactics Course rules in this scenario.
The Defending force consists of:
2 Liberty Mk I Class VII Freighter (USS Benjamin Goodhue, USS Daghestan)
1 Tyrannis Mk I Class IX Cruiser (USS Natal)
1 Benmohr Mk II Class VIII Transport Tug (SS Coval)
1 Monarch MK II Class IV Freighter (SS Schoettmer)
3 Monarch Mk IV Class IV Freighter (SS Enis, SS Sahni, SS Tomshack)
1 Oskol Mk I Class VII Transport Tug (SS Cissell)
3 Ombrey A-1 Class III Light Freighter (OSS Fearful Grail, OSS Loyal Star, OSS Swashbuckler)
3 Ombrey A-2 Class III Light Freighter (OSS Last Run, OSS Orions Honor, OSS The Adventurer)
The Defending force deploys along the right edge of the map.
The Attacking force consists of:
3 D-16 A Class VI Destroyer (IKS Dreamseeker, IKS Enblazoner, IKS Mayhem<)
The attacking force enter from the left edge of the map.
Victory Conditions:
Victory is determined by the total number of victory points at the conclusion of The Four Years War campaign. View the Victory Point Table to determine the total points awarded.

Orion Resolve:
During any phase of turn 5 or later, the defending player may choose one Orion vessel, ramming the nearest Klingon destroyer and deliberately self-destruct the vessel. Ramming will cause damage to the shields (or superstructure if the shields are down) equal to 1/2 the chosen Orion’s remaining superstructure.
Any defending vessel that moves off the left edge has escaped and can not return to the battle. Vessels that escape are worth no points. The Klingon player may warp from the field of battle after the Orion ship self-destructs.
The scenario ends on turn 12 due to the arrival of Federation reinforcements.