Andromeda II Class XVII Battleship

design by Ben Potter

The Andromeda class of heavy combat vessel was a quick-reaction design meant to bolster the forward Operating units along the Cardassian boarder. As the continued occupation of Bajor and other systems grew more brutal, many Federation planners realized that an armed conflict within five years was likely if not inevitable.

At the time, Procurment called for the quick construction or upgrade to an existing design with eventual fielding of 10 combat platforms. Designers at M’Yengh Yards put forward a proposal to streamline the Ambassador class USS Andromeda which had just put-in for refit. Although several other designs were also considered, M’Yengh’s design was eventually adopted and by 2344, the Andromeda was launched and quickly posted on-station.

The initial upgrade was hoped to be a single large I-9 isolinear computer system – which would be adopted later for the upgraded Ambassador class. However, to ensure that the vessel could continue operating even after taking heavy damage, a twin I-8 system was adopted. Several subprocessors were required to ensure smooth transition from one computer to the next. However, the massive increase in firepower was felt a fair trade off.

A large primary hull superstructure was fitted to the vessels, allowing for additional system and support crew for the mission parameters. Additional torpedo launchers as well as powerful mega-phaser emplacements were mounted, giving the Andromeda significant firepower when needed.

The primary warp drive proved to be the greatest challenge. Original plans called for a standard overhaul of the original FWN warp nacelles. However, replacing the FWN with the newer and more fuel efficient FWU system allowed to cruiser to patrol for longer periods with less wear and tear on the primary warp coild. The FWU system reuired a slower crusing speed, but gave the vessel excellent power for weapons and defensive systems.

The Andromeda class would see extensive action again the Cardassians after 2348. Over the next ten years, the Andromeda and her sisters would engage in over two dozen ship-to-ship combats and would come away victorious in nearly every engagement. When used in concert with other craft, the Andromeda class was the center-point (and main target) for larger naval battles. However, the extensive combat did point out a flaw in the Andromeda class. The extensive use of the powerful FMH-15’s did set up a resonance frequency in the main shield generators that required several key component replacements. Although several refits to the main shield system have been proposed – to date, no redesign has been enacted.

While 10 Andromeda class vessels were planned, other designs relegated the total number of hulls refit to only four. All four remain in active service. All four Andromeda class vessels were refit at the Salazaar V shipyards by Vickers Shipbuilding.

Construction Data:
Model – Mk I
Ship Class – XVII
Date Entering Service – 2344
Number Constructed – 4
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points – 150
Damage Chart – C
Length – 526 m
Width – 310 m
Height – 129 m
Weight – 421,836 mt
Total SCU – 720 SCU
Cargo Capacity – 36,000 mt
Landing Capacity – None
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type – I-8 (x2)
Standard 6-person – 6
Emergency 22-person – 4
Cargo – 6
Other Data:
Crew – 794
Passengers – 50
Shuttlecraft – 18
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available – 144
Movement Point Ratio – 10/1
Warp Engine Type – FWU-1
Number – 2
Power Units Available – 50 ea.
Stress Chart – D/F
Max Safe Cruising Speed – Warp 7
Emergency Speed – Warp 8
Impulse Engine Type – FIH-3
Power Units Available – 44
Weapons And Firing Data:
Beam Weapon Type – FNH-26
Number – 7
Firing Arcs – 2 p/f/s, 2 f/p/a, 2 f/s/a, 1 p/f/s/a
Firing Chart – X
Maximum Power – 20
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (-)
+2 (1-12)
+1 (13-22)
Beam Weapon Type – FMH-15
Number – 4
Firing Arcs – 4 f/a
Firing Chart – Y
Maximum Power – 42
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (1-8)
+2 (9-14)
+1 (15-24)
Torpedo Weapon Type – FP-15
Number – 4
Firing Arcs – 2 f, 2 a
Firing Chart – T
Power to Arm – 1
Damage – 25
Torpedo Weapon Type – FP-11
Number – 2
Firing Arcs – 1 f, 1 a
Firing Chart – S
Power to Arm – 1
Damage – 30
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type – FST
Shield Point Ratio – 1/4
Maximum Shield Power – 44
Combat Efficiency:
D – 358.5
WDF – 379.5


The following list of Andromeda II class battleships shows their hull numbers, name, model designation, date entering service and current disposition. The disposition as of 2400 is represented by the letter codes given here and is followed by the date of occurrence, if known.
B – Built
Regsitry  Vessel Model Status
NCC-68800 Andromeda Mk I B – 2344
NCC-68814 Prokofiev Mk I B – 2345
NCC-68924 Kalvos Mk I B – 2345
NCC-70956 Dake Mk I B – 2349