IKV Decimation
“There are three destroyers in orbit around the inner planet. Once we leave orbit, they will take several minutes to get here. We should have enough time to attack the incoming convoy before they arrive. The remaining Federation ships are not within scanning distance. “ The science officer looked confident. Admiral Krelk decided to make him less confident.

“How long would it take for Federation re-enforcements to reach us if they were just at the edge of sensor range?” Krelk smiled at the sudden nervous look on the science officer face. The officer looked quickly at his controls, making rapid calculations. Yet it was the navigator who spoke first.

“My lord, the Federation convoy is nearly within full sensor range. The gas giant will not hide us much longer.” Krelk’s eyes narrowed as the science officers eyes grew large. It was a report that he should have come from him, not the navigator.

“Proceed with the attack,” the Admiral ordered, never once taking his eyes off the science officer. “Make sure I have plenty of warning about those Federation re-enforcements. I’d hate to have to kill you before your first battle is over.”

The science officer swallowed hard and tried to watch several sensor screens at once. He knew the Admiral was as good as his word. He could hear several bridge officers chuckle as the ship surged toward the convoy.



Lay out three Star Trek Combat Simulator map-sheets in the configuration shown. This represents the area of space where the conflict takes place. Use the Graduate Starship Tactics Course rules in this scenario.

The Defending force consists of:

1 R-1 Type 1 Invictus Defense Outpost (Defense Outpost 89)
1 Brownwood Mk I Assault Transport Tug (Landek)
1 Aakeen Mk IV Freighter (Weinerman)
1 MoKal Mk II Transport (André)
1 Overfield Mk I Freighter (Upstart)
2 Griffon Mk I Escorts (Deede, Zeffiro)

On Phase 1 or Turn 3 the defender recieves the following reenforcements:

3 Bearclaw Mk I Cutters (Arctodus, Euryspilus, Ussuricus)
1 Frankford Mk I Destroyer (Karlshalen)
1 Jenghiz Mk I Destroyer (Ahriman)
1 Wilkerson Mk II Destroyer(Hollister)

On Phase 1 or Turn 5 the defender recieves the following reenforcements:

1 Ascension Mk I Dreadnought (Sussex)

On Phase 1 or Turn 10 the defender recieves the following reenforcements:

3 Endeavour Mk II Heavy Cruisers (Lafayette, Tori, Wasp)

The Defending force deploys in the center of Map 1. Reinforcements on Turn 3 and Turn 5 enter from the bottom of map 2. Reinforcements on Turn 10 enter from the top of Map 3.

The Attacking force consists of:

1 D-12A Class IX Cruiser (IKV )
2 D-7S Class IX Cruiser (IKV , IKV )
1 D-31B Class IX Cruiser (IKV )
1 D-19C Class VIII Cruiser (IKV )
2 D-5K Class VII Cruiser (IKV , IKV )
1 D-13A Class VI Destroyer (IKV )
1 D-2B Class VI Destroyer (IKV )

The attacking force enter from the left edge if the map. The attacking for may enter cloaked.

Victory Conditions:
The attacking force wins a major victory if they destroy 2 or more freighters or 4 cargo containers. They win a minor victory if they force the freighters to warp from the field of battle. The defending force wins a major victory by destroying 3 or more enemy ships.


Cargo Pods & Freighters:
The Landek is loaded with 6 Dry Bulk containers. Destruction of the Landek transport does not count as the the loss of a cargo pod for victory conditions.

If the attacking force can meet its objectives, they may attempt to warp out of the combat area. Campaign warp escape rules apply.

The scenario ends when one side or the other withdraws from the field of battle.