Lay out two Star Trek Combat Simulator map-sheets in the configuration shown. This represents the area of space where the conflict takes place. Use the Graduate Starship Tactics Course rules in this scenario.
The Defending force consists of:
1 Federation Mk IV Class XIV Dreadnought (USS Star League)
1 Pegasui Mk III Class X Carrier (USS Gaia)
1 Pompeii Mk III Class VI Destroyer (USS Genoa)
1 Sentinel Mk I Class IX Cruiser (USS Sentinel)
1 Siva MK III Class VII Destroyer (USS Hathor)
The Defending force deploys along the right edge of the map.
The Attacking force consists of:
1 D-10C Class X Cruiser (IKV Dreadstrike)
1 D-19A Class VIII Cruiser (IKV Vehement Revenge)
3 D-20A Class VII Cruiser (IKV Intimidator, IKV Avenger’s Glory, IKV Menacing)
3 D-7A Class VIII Cruiser (IKV IKV Stormreaper, IKV Sentinel Warrior, IKV Gravestone)
1 L-6G Class VIII Frigate (IKV Immobilizer)
The attacking force enter from the top left edge of the map.
Victory Conditions:
Victory is determined by the point value of any vessel destroyed during the battle. Any vessel that leave the map before turn 12 is worth 1/2 it’s victory points.
Ship Type |
Point Value |
Federation Dreadnought |
52 |
Pegasui Cruiser |
7 |
Pompeii Destroyer |
9 |
Sentinel Cruiser |
19 |
Siva Destroyer |
13 |
D-10C Heavy Cruiser |
17 |
D-19A Cruiser |
13 |
D-20A Cruiser |
7 |
D-7A Battlecruiser |
9 |
D-7C Battlecruiser |
13 |
L-6G Frigate |
18 |

Any vessel can warp out of the combat area. Warp escape rules apply.
The scenario ends on turn 12 due to the arrival of Federation reinforcements. ANy Klingon vessel that can not warp from the field of battle at the end of turn 12 is considered destroyed.