Class “S-1” Station

design by David Carson and Nilo Rodis

A total of 12 of these massive space stations have been built over the years, all in orbit of a major Federation planet.

Construction Data:
Model – Mk I Mk II Mk III
Ship Class – Station Station Station
Date Entering Service – 2280 2317 2367
Number Constructed – 12 12 Refit 12 Refit
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points – 1999 2000 2000
Damage Chart – Station Station Station
Length – 4600 m 4600 m 4600 m
Width – 460 m 460 m 460 m
Height – 6900 m 6900 m 6900 m
Weight – 4,723,325 mt 4,893,675 mt 5,210,521 mt
Total SCU – 119,582 SCU 119,582 SCU 119,582 SCU
Cargo Capacity – 5,979,100 mt 5,979,100 mt 5,979,100 mt
Landing Capacity – None None None
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type – M-6A (x8) M-8A (x6) M-13 (x6)
Standard 6-person – 300 300 300
Emergency 22-person – 200 200 200
Cargo – 120 120 120
Other Data:
Crew – 76,535 83,642 88,407
Troops – 900 900 900
Passengers – 25,000 25,000 25,000
Shuttlecraft – 2,763 2,763 2,763
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available – 550 600 650
Movement Point Ratio – 15/1 15/1 15/1
Matter/Anit-Matter Power Generator Type — FMAPG-X1 FMAPG-X1 FMAPG-X1
Number – 2 2 2
Power Units Available – 250 ea. 250 ea. 250 ea.
Impulse Power Generator Type — FIPG-X1 FIPG-X1 (x2) FIPG-X1 (x3)
Power Units Available – 50 50 ea. 50 ea.
Weapons And Firing Data:
Beam Weapon Type – FH-11 FH-18 FNH-39
Number – 42 42 42
Firing Arcs – 14 per arc 14 per arc 14 per arc
Firing Chart – Y Y Y
Maximum Power – 10 12 35
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (1-10) (1-10) (1-10)
+2 (11-17) (11-17) (11-17)
+1 (18-24) (18-24) (18-24)
Torpedo Weapon Type – FP-4 FP-9 FP-23
Number – 30 36 36
Firing Arcs – 10 per arc 12 per arc 12 per arc
Firing Chart – S R S
Power to Arm – 1 1 1
Damage – 20 28 36
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type – FDSG-1 FDSG-1 FSSR
Shield Point Ratio – 1/2 1/2 1/3
Maximum Shield Power – 35 35 60
Combat Efficiency:
D – 3014.6 3025 3131.5
WDF – 824.4 1134.6 2145.6