Interceptor Class III-IV Patrol Ship

Known sphere Of Operation:  BCP & Triangle Regions
Data Reliability:  A for A-2 model, C for A-1 & B-1 models
Major Data Source:  Klingon, Orion & Triangle Sector Intelligence

While long time rivals Orinco Shipbuilders and Rigellian Starworks continued to try and create the ultimate in light, powerful patrol vessels, little known Emerald Fleet Design completed design work on the sleek and sexy Interceptor class. By the end of 2261, the Interceptor was officially adopted by the BPC as a general use craft.

The model A-1 was specifically sold to the Orion government with express capability to engage the ever expanding pirate fleets and was touted as being able to engage Klingon and Federation vessels twice it’s size. And indeed, the A-1 was a dangerous opponent even in small groups. The standard OWA-1, which was rapidly becoming the most marketable warp drive produced by the Orions, gave the Interceptor excellent power far beyond it’s size. The large impulse drive also gave the A-1 its legendary speed and maneuverability. The small ships main weapons consisted of three disruptors that could easily be focused against shielded targets. A light torpedo, believed to be a redesign of a Klingon torpedo systems, gave the A-1 firepower that proved deterrent to most pirates. The A-1 would remain in general production until 2275.

But by 2268, the Federation and Klingons were both fielding more powerful vessels. The Interceptor no longer had the firepower advantage it had enjoyed for years, and several planetary governments had already sold their early models. The A-2 was proposed in 2269 and the first models purchased by the BPC and the OFMA in 2272. The second model proved as sleek as the original, and included an additional forward disruptor. But the additional cost proved somewhat prohibitive. Emerald Fleet also discovered that the internal arrangement could not easily be rearranged to handle the larger computer and extra weapon system. But the heavier torpedo system did keep the A-2 under construction until 2276.

The final variant was commissioned by the government on Thirat who felt that a replacement for their armed gunboats was in order. While the BPC was somewhat uncomfortable with selling a vessel this powerful to the independent Thirats, few in the government thought that Emerald Fleet would not produce the vessels when Thirat offered the money. To counter, the BPC also funded several vessels and by 2281, Emerald had contracts for over 25 vessels.

The B-1 is by far the most powerful of the Interceptor designs. The OWA-2 was use to provide more power for the weapons and defense systems with the immediate advantage of the OD-4 replacing the lighter OD-2. The new disruptors had twice the firepower and nearly twice the range, putting the B-1 on par with most Klingon destroyers of the era. The B-1 also incorporated a larger computer. Despite it’s significant cost, the B-1 is still the most popular among the legitimate governments of the neutral zones and triangle.

Emerald Fleet Design reports that over 200 Interceptor have been built since 2260, officially including 116 A-1s, 68 A-2s and 22 B-1s. To date, 6 A-1s and 2 A-2s have been destroyed. 9 A-1s have been scrapped. While exact disposition of the remainder vessels is not known, it is know that 20 A-1s and 4 A-2s were sold to the IKS for trading rights. 35 A-1s, 10 A-2s and 2 B-1s are in use by the OFMA. 16 A-1s and 39 A-2s are used by various planetary governments in the Orion Colonies. An estimated 30 A-1s and 10 or more A-2s are in use within the Triangle. Thisit and the BPC both field 10 B-1s each. Surprisingly, the sleek look and heavy firepower of the Interceptor does not lend itself to efficient raiding. The cargo hold is almost exclusively designed for supply storage. Never the less, a number of these vessels may be undocumented and operating as pirate ships along contested boarders.

While production of the Interceptor has long since ended, the designs are still available at several private shipbuilding companies.

Construction Data:
     Model – A-1 A-2 B-1
     Ship Class – III III IV
     Date Entering Service – 2260 2272 2280
     Number Constructed – 116 68 22
Hull Data:
     Superstructure Points – 6 7 11
     Damage Chart – C C C
           Length – 80 m 80 m 80 m
          Width – 34 m 34 m 34 m
          Height – 21 m 21 m 21 m
          Weight – 22,068 mt 24,408 mt 32,698 mt
          Total SCU – 20 SCU 20 SCU 20 SCU
          Cargo Capacity – 1,000 mt 1,000 mt 1,000 mt
     Landing Capacity – None None None
Equipment Date:
     Control Computer Type – Mark II Mark III Mark IV
          Standard 5-person – 1 1 1
          Cargo – 1 1 1
Other Data:
     Crew – 8 8 8
     Passengers – 2 2 2
     Shuttlecraft – None None None
Engines And Power Data:
     Total Power Units Available – 34 34 38
     Movement Point Ratio – 2/1 2/1 2/1
     Warp Engine Type – OWA-1 OWA-1 OWA-2
          Number – 2 2 2
          Power Units Available – 15 ea. 15 ea. 17 ea.
          Stress Chart – G/F G/F G/F
          Max Safe Cruising Speed – Warp 8 Warp 8 Warp 7
          Emergency Speed – Warp 10 Warp 10 Warp 9
     Impulse Engine Type – OIA-4 OIA-4 OIA-4
          Power Units Available – 4 4 4
Weapons And Firing Data:
     Beam Weapon Type – OD-2 OD-2 OD-4
          Number – 3 4 4
          Firing Arcs – 1 f, 1 f/p, 1 f/s 2 f, 1 f/p, 1 f/s 2 f, 1 f/p, 1 f/s
          Firing Chart – J J T
          Maximum Power – 3 3 6
          Damage Modifiers:
               +3 (-) (-) (-)
               +2 (1-5) (1-5) 1-18
               +1 6-10 6-10 (-)
     Torpedo Weapon Type – OP-4 OP-5 OP-5
          Number – 1 1 1
          Firing Arcs – 1 f 1 f 1 f
           Firing Chart – H Q Q
          Power to Arm – 1 1 1
          Damage – 6 10 10
Shield Data:
     Deflector Shield Type – OSI OSJ OSJ
     Shield Point Ratio – 1/3 1/4 1/4
     Maximum Shield Power – 9 10 8
Combat Efficiency:
     D – 94.1 122.1 135.8
     WDF – 7.7 13.1 26.3