Lay out two Star Trek Combat Simulator map-sheets in the configuration shown. Place a planet counter in the center of the map. This represents the area of space where the conflict takes place. Use the Graduate Starship Tactics Course rules in this scenario.
The Defending force consists of:
1 Anton Mk I Class X Research Cruiser (USS Voltaire)
1 Balson Mk I Class XII Heavy Cruiser (USS Doria)
1 Baton Rouge Mk II Class VII Cruiser (USS Saint Louis)
3 Baton Rouge Mk III Class X Cruiser (USS Arcadia, USS Democracy, USS Denpasar)
1 Constitution Mk I Class XI Heavy Cruiser (USS Lexington)
1 Coventry Mk I Class X Frigate (USS Resurgent)
1 Cygnus Mk I Class VII Command Cruiser (USS Cygnus)
2 Larson Mk I Class VII Destroyer (USS Cannae, USS Constantine)
1 Loknar Mk I Class VIII Fast Frigate (USS Argus City)
1 Nelson Mk I Class VII Scout (USS Brownson)
1 Portsmith Mk I Class IV Destroyer (USS Cotton)
The Defending force deploys within 3 hexes of the planet.
The Attacking force consists of:
6 D-4 E Class VII Cruisers (IKS Backstabber, IKS Furysting, IKS Infamous Decimation, IKS Overlord, IKS Spinecrusher, IKS Warblade)
3 D-7 A Class VIII Battlecruisers (IKS Asphyxia, IKS Dispeller,IKS Warfinder)
5 T-1 A Class V Assault Ships (IKS Exiled Conflicter, IKS Ferocious Reversioner, IKS Obliterating Transporter, IKS Steelfury Maimer, IKS Unyielding Prevailer)
5 T-3 A Class VI Assault Ships (IKS Decimating Warcry, IKS Inexorable Profaner, IKS Liberating Immobilizer, IKS Undestroyable Ravager, IKS Unending Ravager)
3 T-8 A Class V Assault Ships (IKS Bravestar, IKS Invincible Sterilizer, IKS Silence Vanquisher)
The attacking force enter from the right edge of the map.
Victory Conditions:
Victory is determined by the total number of victory points at the conclusion of The Four Years War campaign. View the Victory Point Table to determine the total points awarded. Additional points are awarded to the Klingon player for every 100 troops successfully landed on the planet.

Beaming Down:
For every 100 Klingon troops beamed to the planet, the Klingon player(s) gain and additional victory point. To beam troops down, the appropriate ship must be within 2 hexes of the planet and must have their shield down for 1 full turn. Any damage accumulated to a ship in the process of beaming troops cuts the total number of troops beaming down in that turn by half. If the ship is destroyed during the beam down process, all troops in transit are considered lost.
The scenario ends on turn 12 due to the arrival of Federation reinforcements.