Some More Updates
So what’s been going on around here? Well – we’ve been doing some ship work, a few improvements and adding new material here and there. I haven’t really put much up here on the public blog as things are always… Continue Reading
So what’s been going on around here? Well – we’ve been doing some ship work, a few improvements and adding new material here and there. I haven’t really put much up here on the public blog as things are always… Continue Reading
SO for those not interested in a long text read – we’ve updated (what I HOPE will be) the final adjustments to the Akyazi set of Perimeter Action Ships – the Akyazi, Arbiter and Akula. Jump on over, take a… Continue Reading
I just realized that my last real “list” of updates was in JUNE of last year! So ya know what! It’s about time for a list….YEA!!! There are two new(ish) books out…a reproduction (with corrections) of the 2nd edition of… Continue Reading
As we continue to work on new publications, ship and the like – we come to perhaps the single most FRUSTRATING aspect of the shows…ship size paradox. And no other ship represents this better than the vaunted Klingon Bird of… Continue Reading
Well – we haven’t notated any updates since last September – when in FACT we’ve been VERY busy recently. I won’t go into too much detail – as most folks are just interested in what we’ve got that new. Below… Continue Reading
Ok – so I’m cross franchising; at least I got your attention! And why would I want your attention?? Because we do indeed have a new “enemy” – the gruff, grumpy and pretty obscure Tzenkethi! So before I get to… Continue Reading
As mentioned before – the myth – the man – the LEGEND – Aridas Sofia had been hard at work updating and expanding the fleet in Franz Joseph’s Star Fleet Technical Manual style – and we have some AMAZING new… Continue Reading
We’re proud to publish our first draft of our RPG supplement – The Outback. This fun expansion is intended to provide background material for those who wish to explore and adventure in the region between Roumlan and Gorn space. Geared… Continue Reading
I just realized that I haven’t been posting the new ships we’ve been putting up, or the updates – or ANYTHING for that matter. So it’s probably about time to put up a front page post about it… It’s almost… Continue Reading
I was asked recently by one of our female fans what it take to do up a single SDS. She was very nice about it – saying that she really liked the write ups and the designs, that her and… Continue Reading