Some More Updates

So what’s been going on around here? Well – we’ve been doing some ship work, a few improvements and adding new material here and there. I haven’t really put much up here on the public blog as things are always in flux and being corrected. But here is a few of the things we have finished so far. And I do apologize that I haven’t done the ONE THING that bugs me about other web sites – NOTATE MY UPDATES!

Anyways – here is what has been “published” since my last update on August 5 of last year (2019)

Berena Class II Free Trader
Charles Class II Commercial Transport
Cosmos Royale Class X Liner
Jessup Class II Ore Freighter
Lotus Flower Class V Multi-Purpose Freighter
Marc Class VIII/IX Passenger Liner
New Lynn Class II Passenger Liner
Shasta Class IX Robot Freighter
Tavares Class II Commercial Freighter

New Romulan Vessels
T-113 (Tenacity) Class VI Destroyer
T-117 (Summoner) Class VII Destroyer
V-123 (Nightblade) Class VII Light Cruiser
V-201 (Widowmaker) Class IX Armored Cruiser
V-215 (Warhunter) Class VIII Troop Cruiser
V-54 (Darkwind) Class IX Light Cruiser

Romulan Vengeance Fleet
D-3a (Cruel Revenge) Class VII Light Cruiser
D-3b (Crushing Retribution) Class VII Light Cruiser
D-41 (Nogunda) Class VI Destroyer
K-33 (Transporter of Lies) Class VI Diplomatic Courier
L-26c (Corrupting Vengeance) Class IX Battleship
T-1e (Conveyor Of Retaliation) Class V Assault Ship

Federation Ships
Flammarion Class VIII/IX Large Research Vessel
Iskatel’ Class V Patrol Ship
Ushakov Kirov Class XI Medium Cruiser

Cardassian Ship
Hideko Class V Patrol Ship

And of course we’re trying to finish of a few new books, rules supplements etc.

I’ll try and see if I can be more diligent about posting new updates…but there are a lot of ships coming in the future. However – its also that time of the year were we need to fix and update current web pages.

Captain Kirk