Icarus II Class XII Missile Strike Cruiser

Original Graphic

design by Chris McDonough

The Icarus (II)-class missile cruisers were developed as a torpedo version of the successful Belknap-class strike cruisers. With the early successes of the Belknap-class, Starfleet requested the Bureau of Spacecraft continue developing new designs based on the Belknap-class that would provide additional mission-specific resources to support Enterprise-class cruisers and Avenger-class frigates operating near hostile areas. The decision to use eight torpedo tubes was considered controversial at the time evaluation of the Icarus II began. However, the Military Staff Committee had determined that a large number of lower powered photon torpedoes would be more effective against cloaked vessels.
The Mk I was eventually launched in 2286 and immediately deployed to the Triangle/Romulan border. These ships were soon involved in multiple encounters with Klingon/IKS vessel that continued to attack and harass both Federation and allied planets in the region. The unique warp engine design allowed the Icarus-class vessels to maintain high warp speed for extensive periods of time, often outpacing other responding vessels. By 2290, eight of these vessels had been deployed and had proven their effectiveness. With continued threats from the Klingon Empire, the decision to increase funding for these vessels was approved and 40 of these vessels were authorized

As with most of Starfleet, the political implications of the Praxis incident quickly influenced the Icarus class. In 2293, the decision was made to reduce the total number of Icarus hulls to 20, then later that year it was reduced again to 15. Production of the Icarus class was eventually halted the following year with a total of 11 hulls fielded. However, the Icarus class remained an effective combat platform as well as a capable cruiser design. The large number of torpedo launchers were often utilized for probe launches, making the Icarus class and excellent support cruiser. Several were transferred to the Tholian border with the remainder being deployed along the Romulan border. The Icarus saw significant action as relations with the Romulans quickly deteriorated.

With continued success of the Belknap and other Decatur based hull designs, the Icarus was upgraded in 2318. An improved Daystom Multitronic M-7 was installed, as well as an improved primary shield system. The main impulse drive was also enlarged, providing additional power to the improved weapon system. Skar-Rar Weapon Systems improved Mark 13 Direct torpedo systems were also installed. The Mark 13 Direct improved loading times, as well as warp-handoff when the firing at high warp. The Mark 13 also required fewer crew members during manual operations. This allowed for additional torpedo casings in an already cramped space, a shortfall indicative of the Icarus class.

By 2340, the Icarus class was showing it’s age. Even after two rounds of Service Life Extensions, several primary hull components were scheduled for replacement. Several Icarus saw action in the 2350’s during the 2nd Tholian Conflict, and again proved their worth. With many in drydock for repairs in the early 2360s, the decision to preplaced the worn hull components was made and the Mk III was launched.

The Mk III saw the installation of the newer Isolinear computer system which allowed for the inclusion of the powerful FST shield system as well as the inclusion of a highly automated version of the FP-26. THe Mk III would go on to see service against the Klingon during the Arcanis War as well as against Cardassian and Dominion opponents during the Dominion War. However, these conflicts would take their toll on the Icarus class. By wars end, only 3 hulls remained in service and by 2381, all three were relegated to reserve fleets.

Construction Data:
Model Number — Mk I Mk II Mk III
Ship Class — X X X
Date Entering Service — 2286 2318 2364
Number Constructed — 11 Refit Refit
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points — 43 43 47
Damage Chart — C C C
Length — 273.9 m 273.9 m 273.9 m
Width — 149.9 m 149.9 m 149.9 m
Height — 59.9 m 59.9 m 59.9 m
Weight — 151,585 mt 159,095 mt 159,906 mt
Cargo Units — 429 SCU 429 SCU 429 SCU
Cargo Capacity — 21,450 mt 21,450 mt 21,450 mt
Landing Capacity — None None None
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type — M-6A M-7A I-6
Standard 6-person — 3 3 3
Emergency 22-person — 3 3 3
Cargo — 3 3 3
Other Data:
Crew — 417 417 417
Passengers — 40 40 40
Shuttlecraft — 16 16 16
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available — 88 92 96
Movement Point Ratio — 5/1 5/1 5/1
Warp Engine Type — FWB-2 FWB-2 FWB-2
Number — 4 4 4
Power Units Available — 16 ea. 16 ea. 16 ea.
Stress Charts — O/Q O/Q O/Q
Max Safe Cruising Speed — Warp 7 Warp 7 Warp 7
Emergency Speed — Warp 9 Warp 9 Warp 9
Impulse Engine Type — FIG-1 FIH-1 FIJ-4
Power Units Available — 24 28 32
Weapons And Firing Data:
Beam Weapon Type — FH-11 FH-18 FH-20
Number — 6 6 6
Firing Arcs — 2 f/p, 2 f, 2 f/s 2 f/p, 2 f, 2 f/s 2 f/p, 2 f, 2 f/s
Firing Chart — Y Y Y
Maximum Power — 10 12 14
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (1-10) (1-10) (1-14)
+2 (11-17) (11-17) (15-19)
+1 (18-24) (18-24) (20-24)
Beam Weapon Type — FH-12 FH-10 FH-10
Number — 5 5 5
Firing Arcs — 2 f. 1 f/p, 1 f/a, 1 p/a/s 2 f. 1 f/p, 1 f/a, 1 p/a/s 2 f. 1 f/p, 1 f/a, 1 p/a/s
Firing Chart — R W W
Maximum Power — 6 7 7
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (-) (1-10) (1-10)
+2 (1-9) (11-17) (11-17)
+1 (10-16) (18-20) (18-20)
Torpedo Weapon Type — FP-7 FP-8 FP-26
Number — 8 8 8
Firing Arcs — 4 f, 4 a 4 f, 4 a 4 f, 4 a
Firing Chart — R S O
Power to Arm — 1 1 1
Damage — 8 10 18
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type — FSP FSQ FST
Shield Point Ratio — 1/4 1/4 1/4
Maximum Shield Power — 16 30 45
Combat Efficiency:
D — 183.5 209.5 239.2
WDF — 125.1 161.1 197.9

Design Notes: This is a pretty cool looking design from Chris McDonough. As be I can tell, it was put together from parts out of the Ships of the Star Fleet and Starfleet Prototype books, and the final product is a rather nifty looking variant on the Belknap. I haven’t been able to do the front yet, but the warp drive is a double nacelle/torpedo bit from the Scimitar. The primary hull also seems to be from the Scimitar, but the secondary hull is a Belknap. I have no idea where I found the graphic, but it was such a cool look I decided to take some time and redraw as best I could. I know there is at least ONE Icarus out there…probably more – so just went with the Icarus II class. Hopefully you all enjoy!