Class “B” Waystation

A total of 63 Mk I’s have been constructed over the years. One Mk I was destroyed during the Four-Years War. 62 were eventually converted to Mk II’s. 1 Mk II was sold and one was abandoned after being severely damaged by a warp core breach from a damaged vessel docked at the station. 60 Mk III’s were commissioned. 1 Mk III was destroyed, 27 MK III’s have been decommissioned and scrapped, 25 Mk III’s were disarmed and sold, and a further 7 were traded to Federation member worlds. The “B” class was eventually replaced by the B-II and R-3 classes. The last “B” class was retired in 2313.

Construction Data:
Model – Mk I Mk II Mk III
Ship Class – Station Station Station
Date Entering Service – 2252 2261 2271
Number Constructed – 63 0 0
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points – 85 86 85
Damage Chart – Station Station Station
Length – 107 m 107 m 107 m
Width – 107 m 107 m 107 m
Height – 196 m 196 m 196 m
Weight – 853,530 mt 1,157,000 mt 1,658,250 mt
Total SCU – 800 SCU 800 SCU 800 SCU
Cargo Capacity – 40,000 mt 40,000 mt 40,000 mt
Landing Capacity – None None None
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type – M-1 M-4 M-6
Standard 6-person – 4 4 4
Emergency 22-person – 6 6 6
Cargo – 5 5 5
Other Data:
Crew – 600 600 600
Passengers – 200 200 200
Shuttlecraft – 15 15 15
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available – 114 179 212
Movement Point Ratio – 15/1 15/1 15/1
Matter/Anit-Matter Power Generator Type — FMAPG-1 FMAPG-2 FMAPG-3
Number – 1 1 1
Power Units Available – 98 155 180
Impulse Power Generator Type — FIPG-1a FIPG-2a FIPG-3
Power Units Available – 16 24 32
Weapons And Firing Data:
Beam Weapon Type – FL-3 FH-8 FH-10
Number – 9 9 9
Firing Arcs – 4 per arc 4 per arc 4 per arc
Firing Chart – G T W
Maximum Power – 2 5 7
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (-) (-) (1-10)
+2 (-) (1-10) (11-17)
+1 (1-4) (11-18) (18-20)
Torpedo Weapon Type – FAC-1 FP-1 FP-6
Number – 3 3 3
Firing Arcs – 1 per arc 1 per arc 1 per arc
Firing Chart – F L O
Power to Arm – 3 1 1
Damage – 8 10 12
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type – FSSA FSSA-2 FSSF
Shield Point Ratio – 1/2 1/2 1/2
Maximum Shield Power – 16 16 23
Combat Efficiency:
D – 166.6 180 193.6
WDF – 12.3 51.9 85.8