Ashanti Class XIII Heavy Cruiser

design by Steve Bacion

The Ashanti class was the eventual byproduct political ambition and technical innovation. The original decision to decommission the Enterprise class ships in 2285 meant that a successor was required. Even as the Excelsior class was put forwards as the flagship of the Federation, several other designers petitioned Star Fleet Procurement and even the chief of Star Fleet Operations himself, arguing that it was logical for new designs to draw on the success of the old. With dozens of potential successors to the Enterprise class already in the works, Procurement dictated that the new FWG-3 warp drive, which had just come onto the inventory, was to be used as the warp drive for the new class. Proponents quickly agreed to this requirement and set about designing the new cruiser.

This choice of the FWG-3 forced a change in the warp drive mountings, as it was soon discovered that the more traditional support struts would be insufficient to absorb the stress from the greater mass of the engine nacelles. The choice made was to attach a newly designed support structure to the top of the primary hull. This structure was sturdier and served to house main engineering, releasing a large amount of space in the secondary hull for enhanced shuttle bays and crew facilities. Additional science labs were also added to the secondary hull.

Shortly after production was started, the decision was made to not only continue supporting the Enterprise and her sister classes, but also expand the ‘Service Life Extension’ program through the fleet. This resulted in reduction of approved Ashanti class vessels from 40 to 35 ships. Despite their reduced numbers, a number of Ashanti class vessels went on to become significant contributors to expansion and defense of the Federation.

In early 2314, the Ashanti was nearly cancelled due to budget constraints of the time. While the class was effective, its reduced maneuverability and significant mass had produced vulnerabilities that Star Fleet felt were quickly becoming untenable. Increased tensions with the Romulans and other major galactic powers required a fresh look at the Ashanti and other front line ships in service. Mk II adopted the far lighter FWF-2 engine, with a resulting loss of power and overall speed; however, maneuverability was radically improved.

In 2338, the Ashanti class was again refit, with the introduction of a large computer system and increase in the impulse drive. Increases in the weapons and defensive systems allowed the Mk III to remain in service for another 40 years service and into reserve and training duties in the 2360’s. One Mk III was diverted from a training cruise to participate in the Battle of Wolf 359.

In 2370, with the threat posed by the newly discovered Dominion, a number of design upgrades were called for among a wide number of reserve and mothballed ships. After the critical shortage of needed ship during the Klingon Civil War, Star Fleet was well aware than a major fleet might be needed to counter the emerging Dominion threat. Engineers at Jupiter Station completed an upgrade timetable that would allow the Ashanti to be recommissioned in less than 3 months. In mid-2372, four Ashanti’s were reactivated and began the upgrade process, becoming the Mk IV. Although weapon upgrades did take longer than initially planned, all four were launched at the end of 2372. Eight more would be activated and called into service during the Dominion War. The vessels that survived the conflict were eventually retired in 2380.

Construction Data:
Model – Mk I Mk II Mk III Mk IV
Date Entering Service – 2288 2316 2338 2372
Number Constructed – 18 17 Refit Refit
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points – 44 44 56 56
Damage Chart – C C C C
Length – 246 m 246 m 246 m 246 m
Width – 141 m 141 m 141 m 141 m
Height – 86 m 86 m 86 m 86 m
Weight – 221,718 mt 212,355 mt 236,470 mt 231,316 mt
Total SCU – 300 SCU 300 SCU 300 SCU 300 SCU
Cargo Capacity – 15,000 mt 15,000 mt 15,000 mt 15,000 mt
Landing Capacity – None None None None
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type – M-7A M-7A M-8B I-7a
Standard 6-person – 4 4 4 4
Emergency 22-person – 4 4 4 4
Cargo – 4 4 4 4
Other Data:
Crew – 550 495 495 495
Passengers – 60 80 80 80
Shuttlecraft – 10 10 10 10
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available – 96 92 100 104
Movement Point Ratio – 6/1 5/1 5/1 5/1
Warp Engine Type – FWG-3 FWF-2 FWF-2 FWF-2
Number – 2 2 2 2
Power Units Available – 38 ea. 34 ea. 34 ea. 34 ea.
Stress Chart – F/I H/M H/M H/M
Max Safe Cruising Speed –  Warp 8  Warp 7 Warp 7  Warp 7
Emergency Speed –  Warp 9  Warp 8  Warp 8  Warp 8
Impulse Engine Type – FIF-3 FIG-1 FIG-2 FIH-2
Power Units Available – 20 24 32 36
Weapons And Firing Data:
Beam Weapon Type – FH-11 FH-18 FH-20 FNH-17
Number – 6 6 6 6
Firing Arcs – 2 f/p, 2 f, 2 f/s 2 f/p, 2 f, 2 f/s 2 f/p, 2 f, 2 f/s 2 f/p, 2 f, 2 f/s
Firing Chart – Y Y Y Y
Maximum Power – 10 12 14 16
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (1-10) (1-10) (1-14) (1-8)
+2 (11-17) (11-17) (15-19) (9-16)
+1 (18-24) (18-24) (20-24) (17-24)
Beam Weapon Type – FH-9 FH-9 FH-14 FNH-6
Number – 6 6 6 6
Firing Arcs – 2 f/p/a, 2 f/s/a, 2 p/a/s 2 f/p/a, 2 f/s/a, 2 p/a/s 2 f/p/a, 2 f/s/a, 2 p/a/s 2 f/p/a, 2 f/s/a, 2 p/a/s
Firing Chart – X X T U
Maximum Power – 6 6 12 14
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (-) (-) (-) (1-7)
+2 (1-12) (1-12) (1-10) (8-14)
+1 (13-22) (13-22) (11-18) (15-20)
Torpedo Weapon Type – FP-4 FP-9 FP-9 FP-20
Number – 4 4 4 4
Firing Arcs – 2 f, 2 a 2 f, 2 a 2 f, 2 a 2 f, 2 a
Firing Chart – S R R T
Power to Arm – 1 1 1 1
Damage – 20 28 28 30
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type – FSS FSQ FST FSV
Shield Point Ratio – 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4
Maximum Shield Power – 20 30 45 56
Combat Efficiency:
D – 182.9 212.9 258.1 278.1
WDF – 150.2 179 207.2 231.8