Cochrane Class VI Colonial Transport

from FASA Star Trek© Starship Tactical Combat Simulator – Federation Ship Recognition Manual (2nd Edition), redraw by Brad R. Torgersen

The Cochrane class ships are used by Star Fleet Colonial Operations Command to transport Federation colonists to new unexplored worlds. Each vessel has the capacity to carry up to 2,400 passengers and their necessities. These ships travel in large groups and are always escorted by the ships of Military Command.

When a new, undeveloped world has been charted and readied for colonization, Cochranes are prepared and colonists recruited. The number of ships used depends on the size of the world to be settled and the rate of development required by the UFP Council. The largest colonial convoy to date has been the Star’s End settlement of Stardate 2/0310, in which 42 Cochranes were used. They carried over 100,000 colonists and were accompanied by freighters and transports carrying over 10,000,000 tons of supplies and building materials.

Cochranes are armed only as a protective measure. The weapons have never been used on any of these ships, largely because they are always accompanied by armed escorts.

On Stardate 2/0904, six Cochranes and their escorts disappeared while en route to New Deimos. These vessels have never been found and are listed as missing. The colonial expedition consisted of 13,200 colonists and 1,250 Star Fleet officers and men. Many people have speculated that the Gorn were responsible, but no evidence has surfaced to bear this out.

Of the 308 Cochranes built, 120 Mk Ils remain in active service, with 58 Mk Is and 12 Mk Ils in reserve fleets ready to be recalled when the need arises. Of the remainder, 6 Mk Is and 2 Mk Ils have been destroyed; 6 Mk Is are listed as missing; 12 Mk Is and 2 Mk Ils have been scrapped; and 64 Mk Is and 26 Mk Ils have been sold to civilian commercial concerns. The Cochrane, once actively produced at the Sol V facility, is no longer in production

Construction Data:
Model – Mk I Mk II
Ship Class – VI VI
Date Entering Service – 2247 2261
Number Constructed – 206 162
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points – 13 13
Damage Chart – C C
Length – 370 m 370 m
Width – 210 m 210 m
Height – 110 m 110 m
Weight – 61,415 mt 63,335 mt
Total SCU – 4800 SCU 4800 SCU
Cargo Capacity – 240,000 mt 240,000 mt
Landing Capacity – None None
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type – L-13 M-1
Standard 6-person – 10 10
Emergency 22-person – 8 8
Cargo – 12 12
Other Data:
Crew – 36 38
Passengers – 2400 2400
Shuttlecraft – 22 22
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available – 10 10
Movement Point Ratio –
unloaded – 2/1 2/1
loaded – 5/1 5/1
Warp Engine Type – FWE-1 FWE-1
Number – 1 1
Power Units Available – 8 8
Stress Chart – F/I F/I
Max Safe Cruising Speed –
unloaded – Warp 7 Warp 7
loaded- Warp 5 Warp 5
Emergency Speed –
unloaded – Warp 9 Warp 9
loaded – Warp 6 Warp 6
Impulse Engine Type – FIB-1 FIB-1
Power Units Available – 2 2
Weapons And Firing Data:
Beam Weapon Type – FL-1 FH-1
Number – 2 2
Firing Arcs – 2 p/f/s 2 p/f/s
Firing Chart – D F
Maximum Power – 2 2
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (-) (-)
+2 (-) (-)
+1 (-) (-)
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type – FSG FSF
Shield Point Ratio – 1/1 1/2
Maximum Shield Power – 11 10
Combat Efficiency:
D –
unloaded – 42.1 47.6
loaded – 39.6 42.6
WDF – 0.8 1