G-1 (Freightmaster) Class IV Light Transport

Klingon - G1

design by Doug Drexler

Known Sphere Of Operation: Empire-wide use
Data Reliability: A for all models
Major Data Source: Klingon Sector Intelligence
In service longer than any other Klingon freighter, the G-1 was once the most common Klingon ship encountered in space. The G-1 owes its long service life to its ease of repair. The E variant was the last model to be produced within the Empire. 762 were produced, with 40 remaining in reserve fleets. 151 have been destroyed, 46 have been captured, 64 are listed as missing, 33 have been scrapped, 117 have been traded to various individuals and governments with a further 235 sold over the years. 66 remain in service to ranking imperial families.

Construction Data:
Model – E
Ship Class – IV
Date Entering Service – 2239
Number Constructed – 762
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points – 10
Damage Chart – C
Length – 55 m
Width – 13.6 m
Height – 27.1 m
Weight – 29,685 mt
Total SCU – 50 SCU
Cargo Capacity – 2,500 mt
Landing Capacity – Yes
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type – ZD-3
Standard 6-person – 1
Emergency 18-person – 1
Cargo – 1
Other Data:
Crew – 12
Passengers – 30
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available – 21
Movement Point Ratio – 3/1
Warp Engine Type – KWB-1
Number – 2
Power Units Available – 9 ea.
Stress Chart – O/Q
Max Safe Cruising Speed – Warp 5
Emergency Speed – Warp 6
Impulse Engine Type – KIB-1
Power Units Available – 3
Weapons And Firing Data:
Beam Weapon Type – KD-1
Number – 2
Firing Arcs – 1 f/p, 1 f/s
Firing Chart – B
Maximum Power – 4
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (-)
+2 (-)
+1 (-)
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type – KSB
Shield Point Ratio – 1/1
Maximum Shield Power – 8
Combat Efficiency:
D – 35.8
WDF – 1.4