D-3 (HoH’SuS) Class VII Light Cruiser

Klingon D-3 (HoH'SuS) Class VII Light Cruiser

design by Adaria Sofari

Known Sphere Of Operation: Empire-wide use
Data Reliability: A for all models
Major Data Source: All models in Star Fleet Posession

The D-3 HoH’SuS class of light cruiser was the third generation of medium range combat cruiser to be assigned the designation of D-3. The previous D-3, which was officially struck from the fleet in 2215, bears little resemblance the the most recent D-3 – with good reason. The HoH’SuS was launched in late 2241 with the intention of becoming the Empires premier combat platform. Unlike a number of other vessels of the period, the D-3 became a somewhat popular design and was put into mass production thanks to the influence of Drell and Korath, two of the major shipbuilding houses of the empire.

The D-3 HoH’SuS followed in it’s predecessor’s footsteps as a lightly crewed attack platform. Armed with four main disruptors, the D-3 also retained the first generation of the KP-1 torpedo. While not the most powerful of the Klingon Torpedoes, the KP-1 was a significant improvement in targeting and flight control over older models, many of which were severely limited in range. The KP-1 gave the D-3 a powerful short range first strike capability that proved vital in the empires struggles with the Kinshaya. The D-3 saw extensive action in the waning years of the open warfare along that boarder, where its’ firepower helped turn the tide in the conflict.

The D-3A was produced in large numbers, but was soon overshadowed by a number of other designs, including the D-4 and D-6 cruisers. In 2247, the decision was made to produce an upgraded version of the D-3, with the D-3b launched the following year. The D-3b saw the improvement of the main disruptors as well as the replacement of the primary torpedo with the improved KP-2. With it’s enlarged impulse drive, the D-3B was considered a well rounded design. Despite the improvements, the significant increase in costs to construct the D-3B soon brought the design in contention with a wide range of other designs of the period. The design suffered a further blow when it was determined that updating the D-3A would prove too difficult to be completed in a timely manner. Production of the D-3B was begun in earnest as many realized that the next major conflict for the empire – what would be known as the Four-Years War – was just on the horizon. Both the D-3A and D-3B were utilized during the early part of the war, even as conversions of the A model was underway.

During the early part of the conflict, the D-3B, along with a vast number of it’s counterparts, proved vital in the early conquests of the Empire. The D-3B was still under-gunned when compared to it’s Federation contemporaries, but was effective in small squadrons and as a support vessel in use with D-6 and D-7s of the period.

As the war dragged on and the Federation began to take back territory lost to the Empire, many became increasingly frustrated with the abilities of the D-3 and a wide range of other front line vessels. In late 2254, House Korath proposed an update to the D-3. Desperate for new and more effective combat vessels, the High Council approved the D-3C and rushed the small ship into production. Unlink the D-3A, the D-3B was able to be updated easily to the “C” model. Despite having higher firepower than the larger D-7A, the D-3C, like it’s previous models, suffered from the heavy automation and light crew. Vessels damaged in battle did not have the massive crew or repair capability of the larger D-7. Most D-3s damaged in battle were forced to retire from combat – often permanently. By the end of 2256, the D-3 was considered less effective than the new D-7C. By 2262, the D-3 was scheduled for removal from production with the last main hull launched in 2263. The D-3C remained in service until 2280, serving against the Romulans and again against the Federation during the Orgainian conflict.

Of the 524 D-3s built, 201 As, 78 Bs and 10 Cs were destroyed. 7 As, 6 Bs and 2 Cs are listed as missing with indications that most defected to the IKS. 19 As 9 Bs and 2 Cs were scrapped, all after combat. 12 have been captured (5 As 1 B and 3 Cs by Star Fleet, 1 A and 1 B by Romulans and 1 C by interests in the Triangle). 85 have been sold to a wide range of interests, including the Nausiccans, Bolians, Orions, Ferengi and several governments in the Triangle. 50 As were disarmed and traded to the Romulans. 10 D-3Cs are in reserve fleets. 12 As, 10 Bs and 11 Cs are in service to Ranking Families in the Empire.

Construction Data:
Model – A B C
Ship Class – VII VII VII
Date Entering Service – 2241 2248 2255
Number Constructed – 410 95 19
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points – 16 18 18
Damage Chart – C C C
Length – 128.8 m 128.8 m 128.8 m
Width – 134 m 134 m 134 m
Height – 28 m 28 m 28 m
Weight – 82,365 mt 87,180 mt 90,480 mt
Total SCU – 70 SCU 70 SCU 70 SCU
Cargo Capacity – 3,500 mt 3,500 mt 3,500 mt
Landing Capacity – None None None
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type – ZD-5 ZD-5 ZD-6
Standard 6-person – 2 2 2
Combat-22 person – 4 4 4
Emergency 18-person – 2 2 2
Cargo – 1 1 1
Other Data:
Crew – 65 65 65
Troops – 135 135 135
Shuttlecraft – 2 2 2
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available – 30 34 42
Movement Point Ratio – 4/1 4/1 4/1
Warp Engine Type – KWC-1 KWC-1 KWC-2
Number – 2 2 2
Power Units Available – 14 ea. 14 ea. 18 ea.
Stress Chart – L/O L/O L/O
Max Safe Cruising Speed – Warp 7 Warp 7 Warp 7
Emergency Speed – Warp 8 Warp 8 Warp 8
Impulse Engine Type – KIB-2 KID-1 KID-1
Power Units Available – 2 6 6
Weapons And Firing Data:
Beam Weapon Type – KD-1 KD-4 KD-6
Number – 4 4 4
Firing Arcs – 1 f/p, 2 f, 1 f/s 1 f/p, 2 f, 1 f/s 1 f/p, 2 f, 1 f/s
Firing Chart – B J T
Maximum Power – 4 4 6
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (-) (-) (-)
+2 (-) (-) (1-18)
+1 (-) (1-10) (-)
Torpedo Weapon Type – KP-1 KP-2 KP-2
Number – 1 1 1
Firing Arcs – 1 f 1 f 1 f
Firing Chart – F H H
Power to Arm – 1 1 1
Damage – 6 10 10
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type – KSA KSC KSC
Shield Point Ratio – 1/1 1/1 1/1
Maximum Shield Power – 4 9 9
Combat Efficiency:
D – 39.4 50.7 53.7
WDF – 4.3 11.3 23.7