Nealson Class VI Freighter


design by Festus

The Nealson class freighters have been in the service of Star Fleet since early 2242. The Nealson was a popular vessel with most Material Transportation command personnel for their comfortable interiors, crew amenities and high speed allowing quick pick up and drop off of various cargoes.

As with it’s Liberty cousin, these freighters were used extensively during the Four Years War to carry supplies into forward areas. During the early parts of the war, the unarmed nature of the Nealson class was considered a detriment. However, most could easily outrun the majority of attacking Klingon raiders.

None the less, in early 2254, an armed version of the Nealson was proposed and approved. Although the armaments were light, the Mk II did proved moderately effective in reducing the loss of Nealson freighters.

Production of the Mk I was halted in early 2255. The Mk II production ended in 2259 in favor of other mainline designs. Of the 235 Mk Is produced, 6 were captured, 58 were destroyed, 2 are listed as missing, 16 have been scrapped and 13 were converted to Mk II specifications. 100 were sold to various corporations and individuals both inside and outside the Federation. 40 were traded to various entities. Of the 70 Mk IIs fielded, 9 were destroyed, 3 were scrapped, 38 were sold and 20 remain in reserve fleets.

Construction Data:
Model Number — Mk I Mk II
Ship Class — VI VI
Date Entering Service — 2242 2254
Number Constructed — 235 70
Cost — 305.4 MCr 343.4 MCr
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points — 9 9
Damage Chart — C C
Length — 272.9 m 272.9 m
Width — 127.1 m 127.1 m
Height — 102.7 m 102.7 m
Weight — 76,760 mt 78,830 mt
Cargo Units — 1,210 SCU 1,210 SCU
Cargo Capacity — 60,500 mt 60,500 mt
Landing Capacity — None None
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type — M-1 M-1
Standard 6-person — 4 4
Emergency 22-person — 2 2
Cargo — 8 8
Other Data:
Crew — 113 117
Passengers — 50 50
Shuttlecraft — 6 6
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available — 16 18
Movement Point Ratio:
unloaded — 3/1 3/1
loaded — 4/1 4/1
Warp Engine Type — FWC-1 FWC-1
Number — 1 1
Power Units Available — 14 14
Stress Charts — N/L N/L
Max Safe Cruising Speed:
unloaded — Warp 8 Warp 8
loaded — Warp 7 Warp 7
Emergency Speed:
unloaded — Warp 10 Warp 10
loaded — Warp 8 Warp 8
Impulse Engine Type — FIB-1 FIB-2
Power Units Available — 2 4
Weapons And Firing Data:
Beam Weapon Type — FL-1
Number — 4
Firing Arcs — 2 f, 2 a
Firing Chart — D
Maximum Power — 2
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (-)
+2 (-)
+1 (-)
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type — FSC FSE
Shield Point Ratio — 1/1 1/1
Maximum Shield Power — 9 10
Combat Efficiency:
D —
unloaded — 33.4 35.4
loaded — 31.4 33.4
WDF — 0.0 1.6