V-43 (Skylord) Class VIII Cruiser


design by Morgan Donovan

Known Sphere Of Operation:  Empire-wide use
Data Reliability:  C
Major Data Source:  Romulan Sector Intelligence

The V-43 appears to fill a variety of roles within the Romulan Star Navy – general patrol, diplomatic, and exploration duties. It’s relatively large non-crew passenger capacity makes it ideal as a “utility” cruiser, with on-board facilities able to serve the needs of either ambassadorial staff or science and exploration teams. The V-43 is capable of transporting up to five Cohorts of Romulan ground troops if needed, though its fixed cargo capacity and lack of combat transporters make it ill-suited for that role.

The combat performance of the V-43 is roughly in line with that of other Romulan cruisers. It has good maneuverability despite its apparent bulk (mostly a result of the class’ enormous “wings”). Disruptor mounts are arranged to provide maximum fields of fire. However, the torpedo systems are considered modest at best, especially the plasma torpedo mounted on the Type 1.

The Type 2, launched in 2269, increased many of the primary system, including the main computer, shields and weapon systems. The plasma torpedo was replaced with the newer conventional photon torpedo system. An enlarged impulse drive reduced some internal volume with one or more labs removed to make room for the system.

The Type 3, introduced shortly after the Genesis Incident, is considered the superior version of the class. Weapon systems were again upgraded as were the shield system.

The V-43 was being built at Mandukaham at a rate of 5 vessels per year.

The V-43 is named for a massive condor like bird with a wingspan of over 20 feet. These birds spend weeks gliding on thermals near various mountain ranges and are so dangerous that they seem to have no other known predators.

Construction Data:
Model Number — Type 1 Type 2 Type 3
Ship Class — VIII VIII IX
Date Entering Service — 2249 2269 2284
Number Constructed — 23 45 24
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points — 20 20 22
Damage Chart — C C C
Length — 183.4 m 183.4 m 183.4 m
Width — 338.1 m 338.1 m 338.1 m
Height — 60.4 m 60.4 m 60.4 m
Weight — 117,115 mt 119,940 mt 123,265 mt
Cargo Units — 120 SCU 120 SCU 120 SCU
Cargo Capacity — 6,000 mt 6,000 mt 6,000 mt
Landing Capacity — None None None
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type — R4M R5M R5M
Standard 9-person — 4 4 4
Emergency 20-person — 2 2 2
Cargo — 2 2 2
Cloaking Device Type — RCC RCC
Power Requirements — 15 15
Other Data:
Crew — 266 273 274
Passengers — 40 40 40
Shuttlecraft – 4 4 4
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available — 31 38 46
Movement Point Ratio — 3/1 3/1 3/1
Warp Engine Type — RWE-1 RWE-1 RWE-2
Number — 2 2 2
Power Units Available — 13 ea. 13 ea. 17 ea.
Stress Charts — I/L I/L I/L
Max Safe Cruising Speed — Warp 7 Warp 7 Warp 7
Emergency Speed — Warp 8 Warp 8 Warp 9
Impulse Engine Type — RIC-3 RID-3 RID-3
Power Units Available — 5 12 12
Weapons And Firing Data:
Beam Weapon Type — RB-3a RB-5 RB-9
Number — 4 4 4
Firing Arcs — 1 f/p, 1 f/s, 1 p/a, 1 s/a 1 f/p, 1 f/s, 1 p/a, 1 s/a 1 f/p, 1 f/s, 1 p/a, 1 s/a
Firing Chart — L V W
Maximum Power — 6 5 6
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (1-3) (1-10) (1-8)
+2 (4-8) (11-16) (9-16)
+1 (9-12) (17-21) (17-20)
Torpedo Weapon Type — RPL-1 RP-1 RP-3
Number — 1 4 4
Firing Arcs — 1 f 2 f, 2 a 2 f, 2 a
Firing Chart — E F Q
Power to Arm — 10 1 1
Damage — RL-1 6 10
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type — RSH RSI RSO
Shield Point Ratio — 1/2 1/3 1/3
Maximum Shield Power — 8 11 15
Combat Efficiency:
D — 69.6 97.6 117.0
WDF — 18.3 26.4 47.6