R-1 Harmony R&R Station

from FASA’s Star Trek© The Role Playing Game Supplement – Regula 1 Orbital Station Deckplans

The R-1 Harmony Type recreational facility provides a wide spectrum of entertainment opportunities for tourists from all over the Federation. The station’s living accommodations make the Harmony a popular vacation spot and cultural exchange point. Though based on the standard R-1 design, the station has the following modifications.

Observation Deck (Level A)
This entire area has been remodeled as dining facilities with a 360-degree view of space.

Casino Level (Level 1)
The casino level offers every game of chance found in the Federation and the Orion Colonies. All gambling is subject to house rules.

Thematic Fantasy Level (Level 2)
These computer-controlled facilities can recreate the precise look and feel of different historical, modern, and fantasy periods from over three dozen Federation worlds.

Cabaret (Level 3)
Each of the cabaret’s dozen large and small night clubs duplicate famous entertainment spots from somewhere in the galaxy.

Bazaar (Level 4)
This entire level is devoted to the sale of rare and expensive luxury items from Federation and Orion Colony worlds. The station management imposes a small duties fee on all sales conducted here.

Food Preparation Center (Level 7)
Besides storing shuttlecraft and travel pods, this level supports a large kitchen staffed by noted culinary experts, who cook all the food on the station. There are also a few cafes and dining areas on this level.

Dining Level (Level 9)
This is the main dining area for station guests, containing both private and banquet facilities.

Wine Cellar (Level 10)
The wine cellar contains a wide variety of vintage wines, brandies, and liqueurs from Federation and non-Federation markets.

Zoological Park Level (Level 13)
Numerous land and aquatic life forms reside here in computer-replicated natural habitats.

Security and Finance Area (Level 14)
A branch of the Bank of Andor operates here, facilitating guests’ financial transactions through subspace transfer of funds.

Docking and Reception Area (Level 15)
In addition to the standard docking and reception facilities found on all R-1 Type stations, this area contains zero-gravity recreation centers and bathing facilities simulating famous beach and water sport centers.

Construction Data:
Model – Mk I Mk II
Ship Class – XX XX
Date Entering Service – 2279 2290
Number Constructed – 2 6
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points – 40 40
Damage Chart – Station Station
Length – 200 m 200 m
Width – 200 m 200 m
Height – 215 m 215 m
Weight – 775,300 mt 779,370 mt
Total SCU – 200 SCU 300 SCU
Cargo Capacity – 10,000 mt 15,000 mt
Landing Capacity – None None
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type – L-14 M-2
Standard 6-person – 6 6
Emergency 22-person – 4 4
Cargo – 2 2
Other Data:
Crew – 75 95
Passengers – 120 120
Shuttlecraft – 14 14
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available – 114 114
Movement Point Ratio – 10/1 10/1
Warp Engine Type – FMAPG-1 FMAPG-1
Number – 1 1
Power Units Available – 98 98
Impulse Engine Type – FIPG-1a FIPG-1a
Power Units Available – 16 16
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type – Nav Only FSSA
Shield Point Ratio – 1/1 1/2
Maximum Shield Power – 1 16
Combat Efficiency:
D – 74.7 112.2
WDF – 0 0