D-29 (Devil) Class X Heavy Battlecruiser

based on original by Terry D. Shannon

Known Sphere Of Operation: Empire-wide use
Data Reliability: C for D-29A; D for model D-29B
Major Data Source: Klingon Sector Intelligence

The D-29 heavy battlecruiser is essentially a D-7 cruiser with a much expanded modular main hull. The concept behind the D-29 was to produce a heavy battlecruiser type capable of multi-role applications. The large, flat main hull allows for easy modification of interior elements. The modular design makes it easier to install additional weapons and accommodations for troops and shuttlecraft. The expansive interior is also easily modified for the installation of equipment to serve in an exploratory and scientific role. Given that the Klingons prefer to field mission-specific warships, debate over the need for such a large, multi-role capable vessel was intense and often heated.

The D-29A ‘Devil’ heavy battlecruiser was originally commissioned late in 2269, though actual construction of 2 ships per year began in 2265. Debate over the most effective interior layout related to the standard mission profile for the class caused delays in the actual commissioning. Another cause for the delay in the commissioning of the D-29 occurred when the KCD cloaking device became available in 2268. High Command decided that it was imperative that cloaking devices be installed in the new class. However, the ship’s heavy weapon load created problems in utilizing the full capabilities of the KSD cloak in the A model. While many attempts were made to overcome the problems associated with the installation of the KCD cloak, in the end, the device was modified to cloak the vessel from enemy sensors but could not provide invisibility from normal sight. Despite this deficiency, KCD cloaks were installed in all A models. All 10 D-29s under construction between 2265 and 2269 entered service at approximately the same time at the close of 2269.

The D-29 is intended to be a pure power-projection warship. The D-29’s impressive firepower made it one of the most powerful vessels operating in known space at the time of its commissioning. It’s 6 KD-8 heavy disruptor mounts along with two forward and two aft firing KP-4 torpedoes gave the D-29A excellent offensive capability in starship combat and withering firepower in planetary bombardment, meeting and exceeding the combat capacity of the legendary Federation Constitution Class Heavy Cruisers of the time. The A model carries 1,200 functional troops along with a number of diverse shuttlecraft types to facilitate any assault mission or boarding action that the ship might be required to handle. An additional 3,800 troops can be accommodated in hypothermia capsules, though such large contingents of troops in hypothermic sleep are not always carried. The cargo bays are designed for quick conversion to serve as hypothermia capsule bays should missions requiring such a large troop contingent be necessary. The D-29A does carry a standard number of hypothermic capsules to accommodate its normal contingent of 1,200 troops should it be necessary to embark on an extended mission that requires conservation of ship resources to reach the objective.

The D-29 also utilizes the 50-man assault transporter. Once an experimental transporter system only seen in use on the T-8 Frontier troop transport, this large grid transporter can transport 1,200 troops to the surface in less than 9 minutes. It has been speculated that the occasional timing errors in this transporter system’s relay circuits that caused disincorporation problems in the past have been solved or marginalized as numerous mass beam downs conducted by D-29s have been observed with no obvious loss of personnel. The well-proven 22-person combat transporters are also installed in the D-29, giving combat commanders an even more expanded troop deployment capability. The D-29 also has a number of cargo transporters, which allows for quick transport of vital combat equipment during the course of assault operations.

In situations where beaming of troops is impractical or impossible, the D-29 carries a large number of shuttlecraft including PAV series planetary assault shuttles to land troops and a full compliment of J-series shuttles to conduct support operations for the PAVs. Two large hanger bays at the rear of the vessel allows for simultaneous shuttle launch and recovery operations.

The B model, introduced in 2285, improved on the capabilities of the D-29 with the installation of the ZD-9 control computer. Control improvements associated with the ZD-9 allowed engineers to reconfigure the KWE-3 warp engines retained from the A model for better maneuverability and higher warp capability. Coupled with the installation of the KIF-2 impulse engine, which nearly doubled impulse power output, the D-29B maintained its status as one of the most formidable cruisers in the Klingon fleet. Improvements in the weapons systems also increased the lethality of the class. The installation of the more powerful KP-6 torpedo and an additional KD-8 disruptor capable of firing in the aft/port/starboard arcs were installed. The 2 forward-only firing KD-8s of the A model were reconfigured to fire forward/port and forward/starboard respectively to improve firepower in the port and starboard arcs. The installation of the ZD-9 also allowed the KCD cloaking device to work at full capability, providing sensor and visual invisibility. Defensive capability was also improved with an increase in the superstructure strength in the B model and the installation of the KSP shielding system.

The most obvious difference between the D-29A and B models is the addition of a through-deck hanger installed on the ventral surface of the main hull. This allows for even more efficient shuttle launch and recovery operations and also gives the B model the capacity to carry twice the number of shuttlecraft carried by the A model. The addition of the through-deck hanger also allowed the number of functional troops to be doubled to 2,400 in the B model as the old hanger space in the main hull was converted into additional troop accommodation and training areas. The number of transporters was also increased to help accommodate the deployment of the additional troops.

The number of D-29s constructed has remained relatively small throughout its production run. Of 69 D-29s built, 52 remain in active service. 6 A models and 3 B models have been confirmed destroyed. 2 As are listed as missing and 1 B has been scrapped. 5 As have been refit to B model specifications. The D-29A was produced at a rate of 2 per year until the introduction of the B model in 2285 at which point production of the A model was cut back to 1 per year. Further construction of the A model was ceased after the Praxis disaster in 2293. The B model was produced at a rate of 2 per year until 2293. Budget constraints due to the Praxis disaster forced production of the B model down to only 1 per year after 2293. By 2298, the sheer expense of maintaining such a large troop contingent became to great to justify in military circles and the D-29 was pulled from production lines completely. The class was officially retired in 2328. Six D-29s were returned to active duty during the Dominion War. All six were used to ferry troops from distant regions of the empire to closer staging areas. None saw combat and no systems were upgraded. Rumor abound that the D-29 may soon be put up for sale. However, sources in the empire suggest that this is unlikely. Both models of the D-29 were produced at Mustaka.

The class name is from the Klingon Fek’lhr. Fek’lhr is a figure from Klingon mythology, a humanoid beast resembling a feral, monstrous Klingon that guards the gates of Gre’thor, the Klingon version of hell. While not a direct analog of the human ‘Devil’, most translations from Klingonese to Terran refer to Fek’lhr as a devil. Given the fearsome reputation of the D-29, few argue the appropriateness of the class name.

Construction Data:
Model – A B
Ship Class – X X
Date Entering Service – 2269 2285
Number Constructed – 49 20
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points – 27 30
Damage Chart – C C
Length – 275 m 275 m
Width – 220 m 220 m
Height – 35 m 35 m
Weight – 150,850 mt 157,020 mt
Total SCU – 2000 SCU 2000 SCU
Cargo Capacity – 100,000 mt 100,000 mt
Landing Capacity – None None
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type – ZD-7 ZD-9
Standard 6-person – 8 8
Combat-22 person – 10 15
Emergency 18-person – 4 6
Cargo – 12 15
Cloaking Device Type: KCD KCD
Power Requirements: 48 48
Other Data:
Crew – 550 700
Troops – 1200 2400
Passengers – 5 5
Shuttlecraft – 42 84
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available – 52 63
Movement Point Ratio – 4/1 3/1
Warp Engine Type – KWE-3 KWE-3
Number – 2 2
Power Units Available – 20 ea. 20 ea.
Stress Chart – J/M J/M
Max Safe Cruising Speed – Warp 7 Warp 8
Emergency Speed – Warp 8 Warp 9
Impulse Engine Type – KIE-2 KIF-2
Power Units Available – 12 23
Weapons And Firing Data:
Beam Weapon Type – KD-8 KD-8
Number – 6 7
Firing Arcs – 2 f/p, 2 f, 2 f/s 3 f/p, 3 f/p, 1 p/a/s
Firing Chart – U U
Maximum Power – 7 7
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (1-7) (1-7)
+2 (8-15) (8-15)
+1 (16-20) (16-20)
Torpedo Weapon Type – KP-4 KP-6
Number – 4 4
Firing Arcs – 2 f, 2 a 2 f, 2 a
Firing Chart – Q R
Power to Arm – 2 2
Damage – 18 20
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type – KSL KSP
Shield Point Ratio – 1/3 1/3
Maximum Shield Power – 14 15
Combat Efficiency:
D – 112.1 153.9
WDF – 75.8 89.9

Data Sheets:
D-29 Data Sheet
DR-9 Data Sheet
DR-9 A-B Terry Shannon