L-54 (Demonslayer) Class XIII Torpedo Battleship


design by James H. Smith

Known Sphere Of Operation: Kinshaya border
Data Reliability: B for B model, C for D model
Major Data Source: Klingon Sector Intelligence

It was believed by most Starfleet Captains that the largest vessel in the Klingon inventory was the L-24 Battleship. However, a recently declassified report shows evidence of an even greater threat. For reasons of galactic security, Star Fleet Intelligence did not want to confirm this information until now. With their capabilities, it was inevitable that the Empire would develop a more powerful capital ship class. They have done this in the L-54.

On stardate 3/3805 the data confirming this new class was obtained from the ship’s logs of a D-7S battle cruiser, found adrift in orbit around an unexplored planet in the Klingon neutral zone. An advance warning alert ship (AWAS) picked up a long range sensor target that showed no activity. Ordered to hold station and continue monitoring the target, the AWAS reported no energy or communication readings for more than three days. The information was sent up-line and SFI decided to send a mission into the neutral zone to investigate. What they found was an intact Klingon D-7S which seemed to have been the victim of a stellar mishap. There were two large holes in the hull that appeared to be caused by meteorite penetration. The impact must have been extremely swift and unforeseen. It’s speculated that the life support systems were instantly destroyed, causing the ships crew to perish almost immediately. The power systems eventually shut down and the battle cruiser went dark. What ever the actual circumstances were, the crew was unable to repair, self destruct or even erase their data banks. The ship then drifted until it was pulled into the light gravitational pull of the small planet where it was found. The recovered data was considered so extremely critical, because of it’s obvious validity, that the entire matter was classified and restricted to high level command staff only. The information contained in the undamaged database has provided a wealth of previously unknown information about the Klingon Empire and it’s capabilities. It has also confirmed the suspected conflict between the Empire and an adversary previously only speculated about by Federation intelligence. Their name, translated from Klingon, is “Kinshaya.”

The discovery of this ship and it’s database is referred to by Federation intelligence authorities as the “Horizon Incident” due to the battle cruiser’s name, “Brave Horizon.” According to the logs the Horizon was a veteran of the Kinshaya conflict and had earned it’s name after successfully destroying an enemy ship of similar class on stardate 3/2204. The captain, Commodore Nagol Tuh’n, was the former first officer aboard the class leader for the L-54 program. Part of the insight gained about the L-54 was from his personal logs.

The Kinshaya, are apparently an aggressive, expansive race bordering the Klingon Empire on the far side. The conflict has been ongoing for several years with both sides gaining and then losing territory to the other. In retrospect, this continuing struggle, with an almost unrelenting enemy, is now seen as probably the real reason why the Empire has not attempted another major offensive toward Federation space. With the disappearance of the Organians, we have fully expected such an attack. It would now seem that the Klingons have a more important use for their resources.

The Kinshaya operate what the Klingons referred to as “ball” or “globe” shaped ships with substantial combat capabilities. The initial contact between the two powers quickly revealed that the Empire was unprepared to fight this new enemy with the ships they had available. This need resulted in a development program that spawned many of the new systems we are encountering aboard Imperial vessels. One of the priorities put forth, as part of this program, was the development of a capital class ship that used missiles as it’s primary ordinance. That design project became the L-54 Battleship.

The L-54 was designed by the Kmith Design Bureau, headquartered in the Ycar system near Kinshaya space. The Ycar facility is one of several that are producing warships for the Kinshayan front. Head designer, Grand Admiral Semaj K’mith wanted to develop a combat platform that could take advantage of the newest technologies available and deliver a one shot knockout blow to enemy ships. The vessel had to be capable of getting close enough to guarantee a kill, while being large enough to take the damage a Kinshayan “Greater Globe” ship could deliver.
These parameters are more than accomplished in the L-54 design. The ship mounts nine, heavy long range, torpedo systems facing forward, and one facing rear for defense. It also incorporates 8 long range disrupters, positioned to give an excellent all around firing capability. For defense it adopted the newest shield technology available at the time, providing superior protection and improving survivability. To this end it also has one of the most durable superstructures ever built into a warship. To provide additional protection and give the vessel a stealth capability, a cloaking device was also installed. This was combined with the latest, and most powerful warp engines coming into service, tied to the highest rated impulse engine available for the class. In fact, the original construction of the first three ships was delayed by more than five months so that these systems could be employed.

After successful trials, the first three units were incorporated into a strike force and sent to the Fadarisk system to test their abilities against a real enemy. Although Admiral Kmith wanted to command this first action, he was ordered to give command to an experienced, but less valuable officer in order to get a real understanding of the new ships abilities in a “normal” combat environment. That honor went to Captain Nitsu’a Kmith. On stardate 3/3406 all three L-54s and their escort group arrived in the Fadarisk system. As anticipated, a Kinshayan battle group consisting of four Greater Globes and twelve Lesser Globes of various sizes were in orbit near the supply base located there. The Klingon task force decloaked as they assumed a trident attack formation. Immediately, the Kinshayan ships came to life and advanced toward the center attack group.

Using his two escort cruisers as distractions, Captain Kmith powered the forward shields and fired all forward disrupters. He then armed all nine torpedoes and moved at top speed toward the Kinshayan ship. Just as he fired all missiles in a single volley, a second Greater Globe appeared from behind the sensor shadow of the lead ship. Milliseconds gave way to a short panic as Captain Kmith realized the implications. All weapons fired and no way to respond to this new threat. Suddenly the lead Globe vaporized. All but one missile had found their mark. The ship had proven it’s lethality, but would they survive to attend a naming ceremony? The L-54 shook from several damaging hits as the forward shields failed. An explosion rocked the crew as seconds seemed like hours while they waited for the weapons to recharge. Turning to port to put a new shield toward his antagonist, Captain Kmith saw the panels all turning red and he bellowed at the weapons officer. “Power all torpedoes! Steer hard starboard, fire!”

The huge ship turned as the streak of seven photon torpedoes hurtled toward an already doomed opponent. The flash was blinding. The resulting explosion was too close. The Kinshayan ship exploded into a trillion sparkling pieces. The L-54 was blown aback by the force and damage reports were coming in from all over the ship. There were bodies of mortally wounded crew laying all over the bridge floor. Alarms filled the air with a shriek that no one heard. Slumped in his command chair, Captain Kmith lay dead. His life given for the Empire.

In the auxiliary bridge, Commodore Tuh’n knew to take command. The ship had survived. The other two L-54’s reported total success. The action was over. Captain Kmith’s L-54 was named “Demon Slayer” for it’s success, thus the class name. Admiral Kmith made it his flagship to honor his nephew.

It is known that at least nine L-54B have been built and reports indicate that up to 4 L-54Ds are in service. It can be assumed that other improvements and upgrades have been added as well. None of these ships have appeared along Federation borders yet. The Demon Slayer class poses a real threat, and studies are currently underway to develop a counter to their abilities. Meanwhile, the intelligence gained from the Horizon is proving invaluable.

Construction Data:
Model – B D
Ship Class – XIII XIII
Date Entering Service – 2328 2350
Number Constructed – 9 4
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points – 52 60
Damage Chart – C C
Length – 224 m 224 m
Width – 194 m 194 m
Height – 92 m 92 m
Weight – 239,800 mt 238,720 mt
Total SCU – 1,080 SCU 1,080 SCU
Cargo Capacity – 54,000 mt 54,000 mt
Landing Capacity – None None
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type – ZD-12 ZI-6
Standard 6-person – 5 5
Combat-22 person – 15 15
Emergency 18-person – 8 8
Cargo – 9 9
Other Data:
Crew – 1,200 1,200
Troops – 600 600
Shuttlecraft – 16 16
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available – 114 124
Movement Point Ratio – 6/1 6/1
Warp Engine Type – KWG-3 KWI-2
Number – 2 2
Power Units Available – 40 ea. 42 ea.
Stress Chart – I/M L/M
Max Safe Cruising Speed – Warp 7 Warp 6
Emergency Speed – Warp 9 Warp 8
Impulse Engine Type – KIG-2 KIJ-1
Power Units Available – 34 40
Weapons And Firing Data:
Beam Weapon Type – KD-17 KD-17
Number – 8 8
Firing Arcs – 3 f/p, 3 f/s, 1 p/a, 1 s/a 3 f/p, 3 f/s, 1 p/a, 1 s/a
Firing Chart – X X
Maximum Power – 9 9
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (1-12) (1-12)
+2 (13-17) (13-17)
+1 (18-22) (18-22)
Torpedo Weapon Type – KP-11 KP-16
Number – 10 10
Firing Arcs – 9 f, 1 a 9 f, 1 a
Firing Chart – R Q
Power to Arm – 1 2
Damage – 26 36
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type – KST KSZ
Shield Point Ratio – 1/3 1/3
Maximum Shield Power – 32 50
Combat Efficiency:
D – 200.4 246.3
WDF – 227.8 269.8