Zhelesta Class VIII Cruiser

design by Morgan Donovan

Known Sphere Of Operation:  Orion controlled space
Data Reliability:  D
Major Data Source:  Orion Sector Intelligence
The Zhelesta class was a vessel than never quite figured out what it wanted to be. The design was powerful, capable and well armed, yet seemed to counter what most Orion families designed in their designs. The Zhelesta was expensive compared to other designs, but had a large cargo capacity than most Blockade Runner that were popular at the time. The Zhelesta class a larger crew to maintain and service the vessel but could easily make a profit when operated as a freighter.

Construction Data:
Model Number — A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4
Date Entering Service — 2280 2291 2303 2309
Number Constructed — 2 4 3 2
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points — 30 32 30 30
Damage Chart — C C C C
Length — 300.7 m 300.7 m 300.7 m 300.7 m
Width — 185 m 185 m 185 m 185 m
Height — 44.2 m 44.2 m 44.2 m 44.2 m
Weight — 115,535 mt 117,995 mt 114,905 mt 119,655 mt
Cargo Units — 243 SCU 243 SCU 243 SCU 243 SCU
Cargo Capacity — 12,150 mt 12,150 mt 12,150 mt 12,150 mt
Landing Capacity — None None None None
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type — Mark VI Mark VI Mark VI Mark VI
Standard 5-person — 2 2 2 2
Emergency 14-person — 2 2 2 2
Cargo — 2 2 2 2
Other Data:
Crew — 221 224 226 226
Passengers — 15 15 15 15
Shuttlecraft — 3 3 3 3
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available — 53 53 56 56
Movement Point Ratio — 4/1 4/1 4/1 4/1
Warp Engine Type — OWF-2 OWF-2 OWF-2 OWF-2
Number — 2 2 2 2
Power Units Available — 19 ea. 19 ea. 19 ea. 19 ea.
Stress Charts — L/M L/M L/M L/M
Max Safe Cruising Speed — Warp 7 Warp 7 Warp 7 Warp 7
Emergency Speed — Warp 9 Warp 9 Warp 9 Warp 9
Impulse Engine Type — OII-2 OII-2 OIH-4 OIH-4
Power Units Available — 15 15 18 18
Weapons And Firing Data:
Beam Weapon Type — OD-11 OD-11 OD-11 OD-12
Number — 8 8 8 8
Firing Arcs — 2 f, 2 p, 2 s, 2 a 2 f, 2 p, 2 s, 2 a 2 f, 2 p, 2 s, 2 a 2 f, 2 p, 2 s, 2 a
Firing Chart — U U U W
Maximum Power — 8 8 8 5
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (-) (-) (-) (1-7)
+2 (1-20) (1-20) (1-20) (8-15)
+1 (-) (-) (-) (16-20)
Torpedo Weapon Type — OP-8 OPL-1 OP-5 OP-8
Number — 2 2 4 3
Firing Arcs — 2 f 2 f 2 f, 2 a 2 f, 1 a
Firing Chart — K E Q K
Power to Arm — 2 10 1 2
Damage — 16 RL-1 10 16
Torpedo Weapon Type — OP-7
Number — 2
Firing Arcs — 1 f, 1 a
Firing Chart — H
Power to Arm — 1
Damage — 10
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type — OSNH OSNH OSNH OSNH
Shield Point Ratio — 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3
Maximum Shield Power — 13 13 13 13
Combat Efficiency:
D — 116.4 119.3 120.9 120.9
WDF — 66.2 67.0 74.8 64.1