Defense Platform

Known Sphere Of Operation:  Chin’toka System
Data Reliability:  A
Major Data Source:  Cardassian Sector Intelligence


Construction Data:
Model Number — Type-1 Type-1
Ship Class — Station Station
Date Entering Service — 2374 2374
Number Constructed — 400 50
Hull Data:
Superstructure Points — 60 450
Damage Chart — Station Station
Length — 42 m 186.3 m
Width — 42 m 71.9 m
Height — 40 m 38.4 m
Weight — 112,194 mt 3,842,370 mt
Landing Capacity — None None
Equipment Date:
Control Computer Type — CO-8 CO-12
Other Data:
Engines And Power Data:
Total Power Units Available — 90* 870
Movement Point Ratio —
Power Generator Type — CSMA-9
Number — 4
Power Units Available — 90* 195 ea.
Stress Charts — -/- -/-
Impulse Generator Type — CIFG-9
Power Units Available — 90
Weapons And Firing Data:
Beam Weapon Type — CD-22
Number — 3
Firing Arcs — 1 per arc
Firing Chart — V
Maximum Power — 30
Damage Modifiers:
+3 (1-17)
+2 (18-19)
+1 (20-21)
Torpedo Weapon Type — CP-13
Number — 3
Firing Arcs — 1 per arc
Firing Chart — S
Power to Arm — 1
Damage — 30
Shield Data:
Deflector Shield Type — CSY CSY
Shield Point Ratio — 1/4 1/4
Maximum Shield Power — 60* 60*
Combat Efficiency:
D — 351.8 845.6
WDF — 125.7 0.0

* – Each defense platform can absorb up to 90 points of power from the sub-space power generating station. Because there is no on-board matter/anti-matter generator, treat any “power generator” damage as superstructure damage.

** – Each platform has three separate shield generator systems which have been designed to be layered during combat. This gives each platform up to 180 shield points. Each set of shield generators is treated separately. All damage to a shield generator applies to the first set of shields until they are destroyed. The next shield generator activates at the beginning of the next phase either in the current turn or in the next turn. Damaged shield generators can not be repaired during combat.